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Enderson , J. H. 1965. A breeding and migration survey of the Peregrine Falcon. Hudson , R. 1966. Adult survival estimates for two Antarctic petrels. Kobriger , G. D. 1965. Status, movements, habitats, and foods of Prairie Grouse on a sandhills refuge. Lindhe , U. 1966, (The choice of prey of Tengmalm's Owl (Aegolius funereus) in Lysksele Parker , S. A. 1963. A note on the habits of Mayrornis schistaceus Mayr (Muscicapide) of the Southwest Pacific. Parker , S. A. 1963. Nidification of the genus Melanocharis Sclater (Dicaeidae). Pitman , C. R. S. 1962. Notes on the African Finfoot Podica senegalensis (Vieillot) with particular reference to Uganda. Percy , (the late) Lord William 1963. Further notes on the African Finfoot, Podica senegalensis (Vieillot). Pitman , C. R. S. 1963. The breeding of the Great Spotted Cuckoo Clamator glandarius L. in Iraq and a note on the Iraq eggs of the Kashmir Magpie Pica pica bactriana Bp. Pitman , C. R. S. 1963. The nesting of the Black-bellied Seed-cracker, Pirenestes ostrinus in Uganda, and notes on its habitat and classification. Reid , B. 1965. The Adelie Penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) egg. Skutch , A. F. 1966. Life history notes on three tropical American cuckoos. Stonehouse , B. 1966. Emperor Penguin colony at Beaufort Island, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Sulkava , P. 1964. (On the behaviour and food habits of the Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) during the nesting season). Sulkava , S. 1964. (The Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) and its feeding habits in south and central Finland.) Taylor , R. H. 1964. Adelie Penguin rookeries in the Ross Dependency. Walkinshaw , L. H. 1966. Summer biology of Traill's Flycatcher. Westerkov , K. 1965. Utilization of grit by Pheasants in New Zealand.  相似文献   

拟盘多毛孢属真菌的新种*   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
报导拟盘多毛孢属真菌的8个新种。这8个新种是:近似状拟盘多毛孢Pestalotiopsis affinis、山姜拟盘多毛孢P. alpiniae、见血封喉拟盘多毛孢P. antiaris、五桠果拟盘多毛孢P. dilleniae、广西拟盘多毛孢P. kuwangsiensis、莲拟盘多毛孢P. nelumbinis、木荷拟盘多毛孢P. schimae、和神秘果拟盘多毛孢P. synsepali。新种的模式标本保存在广西大学植保系标本室。  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1902,1(8):187-187

嗜盐小盒菌属新种的鉴定   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
从新疆盐湖分离纯化到3株多形态嗜盐菌(编号为A_5,B_ 2和B-B_2).以《伯杰氏系统细菌学鉴定手册》第3卷(1989年)为主要依据,根据极性脂分析,这3株菌可归入嗜盐小盒菌属(Haloarcula).又根据细胞形态特征和生理生化特性,这3株菌不同于该属中现在正式承认的两个种而成为一独立的类群,建议为嗜盐小盒菌属中的一个新种,命名为艾丁嗜盐小盒菌(Haloarcula aidinensis sp.nov.).以A_5菌株作为模式株.  相似文献   

嗜盐嗜碱杆菌属的一个新种   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从内蒙古自治区哈马台碱湖分离到一株多形态嗜盐嗜碱菌(编号HAM—2),其生长的NaCI浓度范围为12%~30%,最适17.5%;生长的pH范围为7.8~10.4,最适pH9.0~9.5。革兰氏染色阴性。细胞为不规则杆状、椭圆形、三角形等多形态,细胞大小为1.0~2.0×2.0~5.Oμm。该菌株主要极性脂是磷脂酰甘油磷酯(PGP)和磷脂酰甘油(PG),还含有一种未知的次要磷脂成分(PL4)。DNA中G+C含量为59.5mol%。根据这些特征,菌株可归入嗜盐嗜碱杆菌属,又根据细胞形态和极性脂组份不同于该属正式承认的三个种,因此,鉴定此菌株为嗜盐嗜碱杆菌属(Natronobacterium)的—个新种,定名为内蒙古嗜盐嗜碱菌(Natronobacterium innermongoliae Sp.nov.)。  相似文献   


Balfour , E., Anderson , A. & Dunnet , G. M. 1967. Orkney Cormorants—their breeding distribution and dispersal. Bernis , F. 1966. El Buitre Negro Aegypius monachus en Iberia. Boase , H. 1965. Movements of the Mute Swan in East Scotland. Boylan , P. J. 1967. Western Atlantic Fulmars on the East Yorkshire coast. Bray , R. P. 1966. Progress report on the Pheasant Study, 1965. Brown , L. H. 1965. Redwinged starlings of Kenya. Brown , L. H. 1965. Observations on Verreaux's Eagle Owl Bubo lacteus (Temminck) in Kenya. Caldwell , L. D. 1964. Dove production and nest-site selection in southern Michigan. Campbell , B. 1965. The Crested Tit. Forestry Commission leaflet No. 41. Dowsett , R. J. 1967. Breeding biology of Lamprotornis mevesii (Wahlberg). Evans , P. R. 1966. Some results from the ringing of Rock Pipits on Skokholm, 1952–65. Harris , S. W., Morse , M. A. & Longley , W. H. 1963. Nesting and production of the Mourning Dove Zenaidura macroura in Minnesota. Hewson , R. 1967. The Rock Dove in Scotland in 1965. Hilden , O. 1965. Zur Brutbiologie des Temminckstrandlaüfers Calidris temininckii (Leisl.). Lind , E. A. 1964. Nistzeitliche Geselligkeit der Mehlschwalbe Delichon u. urbica Macdonald , D. 1965. Notes on the Corn Bunting in Sutherland. Macmillan , A. T. 1965. The Collared Dove in Scotland. Nelson , J. B. 1964. Some aspects of breeding biology and behaviour of the North Atlantic Gannet on the Bass Rock. Newton , I. 1964. The breeding biology of the Chaffinch. Nickell , W. P. 1965. Habitats, nesting, and territory of the Catbird. Nyholm , E. S. 1965. Ecological observations on the geese of Spitzbergen. Pinder , R. 1966. The Cape Pigeon Duption capensis Linnaeus at Signy Island, South Orkney Iskands. Richdale , L. E. 1965. Biology of the birds of Whero Island, New Zealand, with special reference to the Diving Petrel and the White-faced Storm Petrel. Rogers , J. P. & Korschgen , L. J. 1966. Foods of Lesser Scaups on breeding, migration and wintering areas. RYDER, J. P. 1967. The breeding biology of Ross' Goose in the Perry River region, Northwest Territories. Sandeman , G. L. 1963. Roseate and Sandwich Tern colonies in the Forth and neighbouring areas. Siegfried , W. R. 1967. The distribution and status of the Black Stork in southern Africa. Soikkeli , M. 1964. The distribution of the Southern Dunlin Calidris alpina schinzii in Finland. Speidel , G. 1966. Adelie Penguins in the Milwaukee County Zoo. Suetens , W. & Groenendael , P. Van . 1966. Ecología y conducta reproductora del Buitre Negro Aegypius monachus. Taylor , W. K. 1966. Additional records of Black-tailed Gnatcatchers Polioptila melanura parasitized by the dwarf-headed cowbird Molothrus ater Valverde , J. A. 1966. Sobre Buitres Negros en Andalucia. Waters , W. E. 1963. Observations on the Fulmar at St. Kilda. Waters . W. E. 1964. Observations on small petrels at St. Kilda. 1961–62. Scott.  相似文献   

三种食肉目动物的核型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了产于我国华北地区的艾鼬、貉和果子狸的核型。其中艾鼬2n=36。组型由20条双臂染色体、14条单臂染色体和一对性染色体组成。貉2n=65,它与wuster等报道过的貉的2n=42的核型表现出同种动物核型间的多态现象。果子狸2n=44,其c带带型中具有一对带有较大异染色质的中部着丝点染色体。  相似文献   

Specimens of Alethopteris sullivanti (Lesquereux) Schimper and Alethopteris lesqueieuxi Wagner were found in Middle Pennsylvanian coal balls from the Lovilia, Iowa and West Mineral, Kansas localities. Light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to study macerated cuticles of these two foliage types of the pteridosperm, Medullosa. The lower epidermises of both species of Alethopteris possess sunken stomata, papillae, and evidence of multicellular hairs. The upper epidermises are devoid of these features. Critical point drying and subsequent observation with SEM were used to document the structure of the multicellular hairs of A. lesquereuxi. Replicas of the lower epidermal features of an impression-compression specimen of A. sullivanti were observed with SEM and compared with the petrified specimens.  相似文献   

斑翅蝗科四种蝗虫卵子发生阶段及种间差异的统计分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
通过组织学观察与测量对斑翅蝗科(直翅目,蝗总科)中4种蝗虫卵子发生各阶段进行测量和分析比较,4种蝗虫分别为:大垫尖翅蝗Epacromius coerulipes(Ivan.)、黄胫小车蝗Oedaleus infernalis Sauss.、花胫绿纹蝗Aiolopus tamulus(Fabricius)和疣蝗Trilophidia annulata(Thunberg).结果显示,在蝗虫卵子发生过程中,卵母细胞体积和形态变化显著,呈现指数增长模式;细胞核体积增长在发育初期增长显著,后期变化不显著;滤泡细胞体积和形态及数量呈现周期性变化规律;进而比较种间差异,可见不同种蝗虫的卵子发生存在不同的发育进程.  相似文献   

崔现举 《植物研究》1987,7(3):123-130
长柄山蚂蝗属Podocarpium(Benth.)Yang et Huang属蝶形花科,间断分布于东亚和中北美洲,广布种分布到非洲和大洋洲。北美有4种,亚洲约有14种.我国约有该属植物11种,以西南和长江以南地区分布种类最多。国外已有人做过本属一半以上的种的染色体记数和核型。本文对本属的三个种.长柄山蚂蝗P.podocarpum(DC.)Yang et Huang,大苞长柄山蚂蝗P.williamsii(Pamp.)Yang et Huang和云南长柄山吗蝗P.du-clouxii(Pamp.)Yang et Huang进行了染色体的记数和核型描述,其中后两个种的工作属于首次。此外,本文还首次报道了山蚂蝗属两个种:Des-modium caudatum(Thunb.)DC.和D.yunnanense Franch.的染色体数目。  相似文献   

陈升振  陈忠毅   《广西植物》1988,(4):315-318
<正> 斑蝉姜 新种 图1 Zingiber monglaense Senjen et Z.Y.Chen sp.nov Species affinis Z.nudicarpo D.Fang a quo differt spica globosa velellipsoidea tantum dimidio minore longa,foliis illo 3-plo majoribus,nervislateralibus manifestis. Herba perennis 1.6-2 m alta.Folia 10-26;lamina elliptica vel longi-elliptica,30-70 cm longa,6-15 cm lata;petiolus 0-2 cm longus;ligula  相似文献   

陈秀香   《广西植物》1988,(3):233-234
<正> 灌木,高达2米;小枝褐色,圆柱形,近无毛。叶互生,革质,圆形至卵形或卵状椭圆形,长2—5厘米,宽1.5—2.5厘米,先端圆形或钝,基部圆形或阔楔形,两面无毛,边全缘,中肋上面消凹,下面突起;侧脉不明显,3—5对;叶柄增厚,长3—4毫米,无毛;托叶微小。花单性;雌雄同株,单生于叶腋。雄花:花柄长2—2.5厘米,无毛;萼片5枚,  相似文献   

两种蚤的幼虫形态   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
肖柏林 《昆虫学报》1990,33(2):250-253
关于蚤类幼虫形态的研究,进展比较缓慢,我国王敦清1956年首次描述7种蚤的幼虫形态以后,由柳支英,虞以新(1957),孙昌秀(1965),叶瑞玉(1982,1986),费荣中(1986)等学者先后共描述过约29种蚤的幼虫形态。到目前为止,我国已知蚤类幼虫形态约36种,隶属6科19属。本文描述未见报道的无棘鬃额蚤Frontopsylla aspiniformis Liu etWu(1960)和青海双蚤Amphipsylla qinghaiensis Ren et Ji(1979)两种蚤山幼虫形态。  相似文献   

Two acrasid cellular slime molds. Guttulinopsis vulgaris and G. nivea, are compared at the ultrastructural level. The amoebae of the two species are indistinguishable except for the presence of intranuclear fibers in G. vulgaris. Both species share some unusual features, including: plate-like cristae in the mitochondria, production of microbody-like organelles in the perinuclear space, spores with thin bilaminar walls, and stalks containing microfilaments bound in striated bundles. These and other observations are discussed with regard to the development of the sorocarps and the relationship of the genus to other members of the Acrasida.  相似文献   

蓟属两种植物的染色体研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鄢本厚  尹祖棠   《广西植物》1995,15(2):172-175
本文对蓟属(Cirsium)的两个形态相似的近缘种大刺儿菜和小刺儿菜进行了染色体研究,其中后者为首次报道。观察结果表明:两个种的染色体数目均为2n=2x=34:它们的核型是:大刺儿菜.2n=2x=34=20m+12sm+2st:小刺儿菜.2n=2x=34=22m+10km(2SAT)+2st。通过核型比较,认为它们是两个独立的种.而且后者比前者进化。  相似文献   

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