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本文报道了黑蛋巢菌属Cyathus四个新种和二个新变种,它们分别是:内蒙黑蛋巢菌Cyathus neimonggolensis Liu et Y.M.Li,盘柄黑蛋巢菌C.discostipltatus Liu et Y.M.Li,太原黑蛋巢菌C.taiyuanensis Liu et Y.M.Li,毛被黑蛋巢菌C.hirtulus Liu et Y.M.Li,天山黑蛋巢毛被变种C.tianshanensis Liu et Cao var.tomentosus Liu, Cao et Y.M.Li,环状黑蛋巢武夷山变种 C. annulatus Brodie var. wuyishanensis Liu et Y.M.Li。全部模式标本均保存在山西大学真菌标本室。  相似文献   

原生质体紫外诱变选育灵芝新菌种的研究   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
对灵芝原生质体进行了紫外诱变处理 ,经过粗筛和精筛后 ,从中选出多糖含量和产量明显高于原始菌株的两株诱变株 430 2 0 #和 430 2 6#。经过 1 0代PDA斜面继代培养及其摇瓶试验和连续 3次 3t罐的中试试验 ,表明所得诱变株为比原始菌株更优秀的稳定高产、高多糖含量的灵芝生产菌株。本研究为选育适合发酵的灵芝生产菌种提供了一种快速、有效的方法  相似文献   

张韵冰 《植物研究》1983,3(2):157-158
与原变种主要区别为:花冠、雄蕊白色,非紫红色,总苞片全部淡绿色,非外层绿色,内层带紫红色。其余特征及生境完全与原变种相同。生于沙地的灌丛间,与原变种混生,有一定数量。  相似文献   

The present paper reports in detail 12 species and varieties of trombiculid mites. Of these eight are believed to be new to science. Besides, a new genus is also created to accommodate certain species which are incompatible with other species originally found in the same genus. The 12 species and varieties are distributed in three subfamilies, and their names are as follows:  相似文献   

Pray , Thomas r . (U. South. California, Los Angeles.) Ontogeny of the open dichotomous venation in the pinna of the fern Nephrolepis. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(5) : 319—328. Illus. 1960.–The venation of the pinna of Nephrolepis consists of a midvein and 2 lateral series of dichotomizing veins all of which terminate freely near the margins. The development of the pinna is analyzed with particular attention to the nature of the marginal meristem and the organization of the embryonic pinna as it appears in paradermal section. The arrangement of cells in pinna wings during the period of marginal growth displays a pattern which foreshadows the pattern of the mature venation. In contrast with the development of the leaves of angiosperms, marginal growth continues into a relatively late phase of pinna ontogeny and apparently is active throughout the phases of ontogeny concerned with blocking-out the pathways of procambial differentiation. Thus the pattern of venation appears to be correlated with the manner of activity of the marginal meristem and subsequent orientation of its derivatives. The theoretical aspects of the result of this investigation are discussed in relation to other studies of foliar venation ontogeny.  相似文献   

卓丽环 《植物研究》1989,9(4):131-134
本文发表丁香属二新栽培变种,即Syringa dilatata Nakai cv.LaceraS.vulgaris Linn.cv.Heterophylla.  相似文献   

谭沛祥 《植物研究》1982,2(1):89-104
本种与云锦杜鹃(Rh.tortunei Lindl.)近似,但叶较大和较长,长倒披针形或伸长的长圆形,顶端短尖,花萼裂片5枚,颇明显,花冠呈歪斜的钟状,一面臌起,紫色,裂片5,皱褶,花丝和花柱基部被微柔毛。  相似文献   

李法曾  倪陈凯 《植物研究》1995,15(4):433-436
本文发表隐子草属Cleistogenes两新变种, 即多枝隐子草C.caespitosa Keng var.ramosa F.Z.Li et C.K.Ni, var.nov.天目山隐子草C.ramiflora Keng et C.P.Wang var.tianmushanensis F.Z, LietC.K.Ni.var.nov.  相似文献   

编写中国植物志(禾本科)时,在画眉草亚科与黍亚科中,除有些学报已发表一些新种外,尚发现下列数新变种。  相似文献   

安徽产碎米荠属二新变种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张定成 《植物研究》1991,11(1):41-43
本文发表了安徽产碎米荠属二新变种,即黄山碎米荠Carda-mine chejiangensis T.Y.Chen et R.C.Fang var.huangshanensis D.C.Zhang var.nov.;圆齿白花碎米荠Cardamine leucantha(Tausch)O.E.Schulz var.crenata D.C.Zhang var.nov.。  相似文献   

Vertebrates lack an epidermal nerve plexus. This feature is common to many invertebrates from which vertebrates differ by an extensive set of shared-derived characters (synapomorphies) derived from the neural crest and epidermal neurogenic placodes. Hence, the hypothesis that the developmental precursor of the epidermal nerve plexus may be homologous to the neural crest and epidermal neurogenic placodes. This account attempts to generate a nested set of scenarios for the prevertebrate-vertebrate transition, associating a presumed sequence of behavioural and environmental changes with the observed phenotypic ones. Toward this end, it integrates morphological, developmental, functional (physiological/behavioural) and some ecological data, as many phenotypic shifts apparently involved associated transitions in several aspects of the animals. The scenarios deal with the origin of embryonic and adult tissues and such major organs as the notochord, the CNS, grills and kidneys and propose a sequence of associated changes. Alternative scenarios are stated as the evidence often remains insufficient for decision. The analysis points to gaps in comprehension of the biology of the animals and therefore suggests further research.  相似文献   

中国绿球藻目的新记录属、种、变种和变型(下)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国绿球藻目的新记录属、种、变种和变型(下)胡征宇,凌元洁,梁良弼,毕列爵(中国科学院水生生物研究所武汉430072)(山西大学太原030006)(福建师范大学福州350007)(湖北大学武汉430062)关键词中国,绿球藻目25.日内瓦顶棘藻(图2...  相似文献   

阴山荠属一新种兼论该属的演化和地理起源问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文描述了阴山荠屑一新种——鄂西阴山荠Yinshania exiensis Y.H.Zhang。新种隶阴山荠系,但形态特征介于阴山荠系的察隅阴山荠和密毛系的叉毛阴山荠之间,分布在鄂西一带。阴山荠属属下系统有2组2系,在研究了本属主要性状特征的演化方向后,本文认为阴山荠组是较原始的一群,小果组是较进化的一群。四川西部及其邻近地区是本属的近代分布区中心或分化中心,本属也可能是从该地区分化起源的。  相似文献   

Allopolyploid speciation is well documented in the ferns, but data from enzyme electrophoresis have only recently shown that certain sexual and agamosporous taxa are autopolyploids. Autopolyploidy may arise through fertilization involving gametophytes from unreduced spores, a mechanism previously proposed to account for the origin of allopolyploid Asplenium plenum. This report assesses the ability of unreduced spores to function in the origin of polyploid fern species by using enzyme electrophoresis to test their hypothesized role in the origin of A. plenum. Six isozymes of the enzymes PGI, PGM, TPI, 6PGD, and LAP are species-specific for the taxa proposed as parental under two competing hypotheses for the origin of this species. Electrophoretic data reject the more conventional hypothesis involving simple hybridization and agree perfectly with expectations under the more complex hypothesized origin via unreduced spores. The mechanism whereby unreduced spores have functioned in this case is no different from that by which they would function in the origin of autopolyploid taxa and may be more common in the origin of fern species than previously suspected.  相似文献   

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