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In photosynthesis, the electrons released from PSII are considered to be shared mainly by carbon metabolism and the water-water cycle. We demonstrated previously that some electrons are utilized in a CO2- and O2-independent manner in leaves of wild watermelon [Miyake and Yokota (2000) Plant Cell Physiol: 41: 335]. In the present study, we examined the mechanism of this alternative flow of electrons in thylakoid membranes, isolated from fresh spinach leaves, by simultaneously measuring the quantum yield of PSII and the flux of the linear flow of electrons. In the presence of the protonophore nigericin, which eliminates the pH gradient across thylakoid membranes, the quantum yield and the flux of the linear flow of electrons were directly proportional to one another. The quantum yield at a given linear flux of electrons was much higher in the absence of nigericin than in its presence, indicating that an additional or alternative flow of electrons can occur independently of the linear flow in the absence of nigericin. In the presence of nigericin, the alternative flux of electrons increased with decreasing pH and with increasing reduction of the plastoquinone pool. Cyclic flow of electrons in PSII appears to be the most plausible candidate for the alternative flow of electrons. The flux reached 280 micromol x e(-) (mg Chl)(-1) x h(-1) and was similar to that of the CO2- and O2-independent alternative flow of electrons that we found in leaves of wild watermelon. The cyclic, alternative flow of electrons in PSII provides a possible explanation for the alternative flow of electrons observed in vivo.  相似文献   

The presence of L-proline in the reaction mixture enhances the photosystem II (H2O----DCPIP) and whole chain (H2O----MV) catalysed electron transport activities of thylakoids isolated from the cotyledonary leaves of Brassica juncea seedlings raised in the absence and the presence of NaCl. The extent of stimulation in activities was higher in the thylakoids of NaCl raised plants than the controls. The extent of proline mediated stimulation was seen even in the presence of uncoupler NH4Cl suggesting that this stimulation is not due to uncoupling. However, photosystem I (DCPIPH2----MV) catalysed photoreaction remained almost insensitive to proline. The presence of proline in the incubation medium brought about a significant reduction in the time dependent loss in photochemical activity of thylakoids exposed to strong light suggesting that proline prevents photoinhibitory loss in chloroplast activity. Also, proline brought about a considerable reduction in the production of lipid peroxidation linked maiondialdehyde during strong illumination. We suggest that proline protects the components involved in water oxidation capacity by reducing the production of free radicals and/or scavenging the free radicals and thereby reducing thylakoid lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

Cyclic electron flow within PSII (CEF-PSII) was proven to alleviate the photoinhibition of PSII. We set the conditions where CEF-PSII functioned or did not, by adding nigericin to the reaction mixture for the dissipation of DeltapH across thylakoid membranes, and then the thylakoids were illuminated. When CEF-PSII did not function and the activity of linear electron flow (LEF) was low, light-treated thylakoid membranes largely lost the activity of LEF. The inactivation of LEF was due to the loss of the activity of PSII, but not that of PSI. The inactivation of PSII was suppressed, when CEF-PSII functioned or LEF was enhanced. These results imply that CEF-PSII contributes to the protection of PSII from its photoinhibition with LEF, as an electron sink.  相似文献   

K. A. Santarius 《Planta》1986,168(2):281-286
Chloroplast thylakoid membranes isolated from spinach leaves (Spinacia oleracea L. cv. Monatol) were subjected to a freeze-thaw treatment in a buffered medium containing 70 mM KCl, 30 mM NaNO3 and 20 mM K2SO4 in different combinations. In the presence of the three predominant inorganic electrolytes, inactivation of photophosphorylation was mainly caused by a decrease in the capacity of the photosynthetic electron transport; release of proteins from the membranes was not manifest and light-induced H+ gradient and proton permeability were largely unaffected. Omission of nitrate from the medium had little effect. When either sulfate or chloride or both were omitted prior to freezing, inactivation of photophosphorylation was correlated with stimulation of the phosphorylating electron flow, marked increase in H+ permeability and loss of the ability of the thylakoids to accumulate protons in the light. In the absence of sulfate, uncoupling was mainly a consequence of the dissociation of chloroplast coupling factor (CF1). Partial restoration of proton impermeability and pH gradient occurred upon the addition of N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD). When sulfate was present but chloride omitted, CF1 remained attached to the membranes and the addition of DCCD had no effect, indicating that the increase in proton efflux was caused by a different mechanism. It is concluded that sulfate stabilizes the CF1 and prevents its release from the membranes, but KCl is also necessary for maintaining the low permeability of the membranes to protons. The importance of complex media for investigations on isolated biomembrane systems is stressed.Abbreviations CF1 chloroplast coupling factor - DCCD N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide - Hepes 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid I=Santarius 1986 b  相似文献   

In higher plants, the chloroplastic protein plastocyanin is synthesized as a transit peptide-containing precursor by cytosolic ribosomes and posttranslationally transported to the thylakoid lumen. En route to the lumen, a plastocyanin precursor is first imported into chloroplasts and then further directed across the thylakoid membrane by a second distinct transport event. A partially processed form of plastocyanin is observed in the stroma during import experiments using intact chloroplasts and has been proposed to be the translocation substrate for the second step (Smeekens, S., Bauerle, C., Hageman, J., Keegstra, K., and Weisbeek, P. (1986) Cell 46, 365-375). To further characterize this second step, we have reconstituted thylakoid transport in a system containing in vitro-synthesized precursor proteins and isolated thylakoid membranes. This system was specific for lumenal proteins since stromal proteins lacking the appropriate targeting information did not accumulate in the thylakoid lumen. Plastocyanin precursor was taken up by isolated thylakoids, proteolytically processed to mature size, and converted to holo form. Translocation was temperature-dependent and was stimulated by millimolar levels of ATP but did not strictly require the addition of stromal factors. We have examined the substrate requirements of thylakoid translocation by testing the ability of different processed forms of plastocyanin to transport in the in vitro system. Interestingly, only the full-length plastocyanin precursor, not the partially processed intermediate form, was competent for transport in this in vitro system.  相似文献   

Monocotyledonous leaves subjected to osmotica used for protoplast isolation accumulate a massive amount of putrescine (Put), lose chlorophyll and senesce rapidly. Treatment with spermidine (Spd) or spermine (Spm) prevents the loss of chlorophyll, indicating preservation of the thylakoid membranes at the site of the chlorophyll-protein complexes. Using several recently produced antibody probes, the effects on the stabilization of thylakoid membranes of applying either difluoromethylarginine (DFMA), a specific inhibitor of putrescine synthesis via arginine decarboxylase, or the polyamines Spd, Spm, or diaminopropane (Dap) to osmotically shocked oat leaves (Avena sativa L.) have been investigated. High protein levels were maintained in thylakoid membranes of leaf tissue incubated in the dark in the presence of 0.6 M sorbitol when pretreated with DFMA. After 48 h incubation, the level of the thylakoid protein D1, at the core of photosystem II, was higher in the DFMA-pretreated leaves as was the stromal protein ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (Rubisco; as indicated by the level of large subunits). Applications of Spd, Spm or Dap were effective in retarding the loss of D1, D2 and cytochrome f from the thylakoid membranes as well as Rubisco large subunits and chlorophyll from the leaf tissue. The effects of polyamine applications may be mediated through Dap since most of the added Spd or Spm was converted to Dap within 6 h. The possible mechanisms of action of polyamine applications and DFMA-pretreatment on stabilizing the composition of the thylakoid membrane are also discussed.Abbreviations Cyt cytochrome - Dap diaminopropane - DFMA DL--difluoromethylarginine - LSU large subunit (of Rubisco) - Put putrescine - Rubisco ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase - Spd spermidine - Spm spermine - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis This research was supported by the Agricultural and Food Research Council and by the British-Spanish joint research programme Acción Integrade HB-079 (R.T.B. and A.F.T.), British Council SPN/BAR/991 (R.T.B.) and Comision Interministerial de Cienica y Tecnologia 90-130 (A.F.T.). We thank Merrell Dow Research Center (Cincinnati, Ohio) for the gift of DFMA and Teresa Capell and Xavier Figueras (Univ. Barcelona) for help and suggestions.  相似文献   

An in-vitro system has been established to study the integration of early light-inducible proteins (ELIP) into isolated thylakoid membranes. The in-vitro-expressed ELIP precursor proteins exist in two forms, a high-molecular-mass aggregate which is accessible to trypsin but no longer to the stromal processing protease and a soluble form which is readily cleaved to the mature form by the stromal protease. The mature form of ELIP is integrated into thylakoid membranes; its correct integration can be deduced from the observation that the posttranslationally transported products and the in-vitro integrated ELIP species are cleaved by trypsin to products of the same apparent molecular mass. Trypsin-resistant fragments of high-molecular-mass and low-molecular-mass ELIP appear to have the same size. The processed ELIP species, as well as an engineered mature form of ELIP, are integrated into isolated thylakoid membranes. Integration of the mature protein occurs in the absence of stroma, into sodium-chloride-washed, and trypsin-treated thylakoid membranes. The process of integration is almost temperature independent over 0-30 degrees C. Analysis of the time course of integration leads to the conclusion that, under in-vitro conditions, processing but not integration into membranes is the rate-limiting step. In the absence of stroma, the ELIP precursor is bound to the thylakoid membranes, however, it is no longer accessible to the stromal maturating protease when added after binding has occurred. In conclusion, integration of ELIP differs in many essential details from that of its relatives, the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein family.  相似文献   

The amounts of polyamines (PAs) bound to etioplast membranes varied during chloroplast development in cucumber cotyledons ( Cucumis sativus L. cv. Racibór). Putrescine (PU) and spermidine (SD) levels increased in the early greening stage (6 h of light exposure) but decreased in the late greening stage (24 h) in the thylakoid-enriched fraction. In the highly enriched PSIIα fraction, the trend of changes in the amount of bound PAs was different: levels of SD and spermine (SM) increased in the late stage. In both fractions, their levels were additionally increased by kinetin treatment. In the presence of exogenous protein transglutaminase (TGase) substrate ( N ', N '-dimethylcasein) and 5 m M Ca2+, kinetin initially caused a marked increase in thylakoid transglutaminase (ThylTGase) activity (6 h), followed by a decrease at the end of greening. The radiometric assay showed that PU and SM binding to thylakoid proteins was very low, while SD binding was seven to eight times higher. Kinetin increased SD conjugation in the early greening stage by about 36%. When chloroplast membranes were fully organized, ThylTGase activity decreased. In etioplast membranes and during the early greening stage, the 77-kDa and 30-kDa bands were mainly immunodetected with antibodies raised against the animal TGase, which were in general slightly stronger for kinetin-treated than the control samples. At the end of greening, the level of 77-kDa ThylTGase dramatically decreased. ThylTGase activity was found to be Ca2+ dependent. PAs conjugated via ThylTGase, in addition to the PAs bound by all possible types of linkage, could represent an important component of the mechanism of stimulation of etioplast-to-chloroplast transformation by kinetin.  相似文献   

The relative contributions of membrane rupture due to osmotic stress and of chemical membrane damage due to the accumulation of cryotoxic solutes to cryoinjury was investigated using thylakoid membranes as a model system. When thylakoid suspensions were subjected to a freeze-thaw cycle in the presence of different molar ratios of NaCl as the cryotoxic solute and sucrose as the cryoprotective solute, membrane survival first increased linearly with the osmolality of the solutions used to suspend the membranes, regardless of the molar ratio of salt to sucrose. It subsequently decreased when the ratio of sucrose to salt was not sufficiently high for complete cryopreservation by sucrose. There was an optimum of cryopreservation at intermediate osmolalities (approx. 0.1 osmol/kg). This optimum of cryopreservation at a given sucrose concentration could be shifted to lower solute concentration, if mixtures of NaCl and NaBr were used instead of NaCl alone. At suboptimal initial osmolalities, damage is attributed mainly to membrane rupture. Under these conditions, cryopreservation is not influenced by the chaotropicity of the suspending medium. At supraoptimal initial solute concentrations, solute (i.e., chemical) effects determine membrane survival. Under these conditions, increased ratios of sugar to salt increased cryoprotection. In mixtures of NaCl and NaBr at constant molar ratios of salt to sucrose, chemical membrane damage was quantitatively related to the lyotropic properties of the ions used. The degree of chemical damage becomes more pronounced with rising osmolalities of the suspending media. With NaF as the cryotoxic solute, damage was more severe than should be expected from its lyotropic properties. This may reflect a specific interaction of fluoride with the membranes. Protein release from the membranes during freezing in the presence of different anions was qualitatively comparable at identical ratios of sugar to salt. However, the total amount of protein released was correlated linearly with membrane inactivation, even when different anions acted on the membranes. Gel electrophoretic analysis of proteins released from thylakoid membranes during freezing revealed discrete bands indicative of mechanical and chemical damage, respectively.  相似文献   

The effect of alterations of lipid phase order of thylakoid membranes on the thermosensitivity of photosystem I (PS I) and photosystem II (PS II) was studied. Plant sterols stigmasterol and cholesterol were applied to decrease the fluidity in isolated membranes. After sterol treatment, a decrease of the temperature of 50 % inhibition of PSII activity was observed. Heat stress-induced stimulation of PSI-mediated electron transport rate was registered for control, but not for sterol-treated membranes. Effect of altered lipid order on oxygen evolving complex was evaluated by means of flash oxygen yields revealing changes in the stoichiometry of PSIIα and PSIIβ centers. The effect of sterol incorporation on the changes in the thermotropic behavior of the main pigment-protein complexes was studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). DSC traces of control thylakoids in the temperature range 20–98 °C exhibited several irreversible endothermic transitions. Incorporation of cholesterol and stigmasterol results in superimposition of the transitions and only two main bands could be resolved. While high temperature band peaks at the same temperature after treatment with both sterols, the band that combines low temperature transitions shows different melting temperature (Tm): 70 °C for stigmasterol- and 65 °C for cholesterol-treated membranes. The data presented here emphasise the crucial role of lipid order for the response of thylakoids to high temperatures, mediated not only by changes in the fluidity of bulk lipid phase as result of sterol incorporation but also by changes in the thermotropic properties of pigment-protein complexes.Key words: Cholesterol, Fluidity, Heat stress, Oxygen flash yields, Thylakoid membrane, Stigmasterol  相似文献   

Eun-Ha Kim  Peter Horton 《BBA》2005,1708(2):187-195
Chloroplasts in plants and some green algae contain a continuous thylakoid membrane system that is structurally differentiated into stacked granal membranes interconnected by unstacked thylakoids, the stromal lamellae. Experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that the thermodynamic tendency to increase entropy in chloroplasts contributes to thylakoid stacking to form grana. We show that the addition of bovine serum albumin or dextran, two very different water-soluble macromolecules, to a suspension of envelope-free chloroplasts with initially unstacked thylakoids induced thylakoid stacking. This novel restacking of thylakoids occurred spontaneously, accompanied by lateral segregation of PSII from PSI, thereby mimicking the natural situation. We suggest that such granal formation, induced by the macromolecules, is partly explained as a means of generating more volume for the diffusion of macromolecules in a crowded stromal environment, i.e., greater entropy overall. This mechanism may be relevant in vivo where the stroma has a very high concentration of enzymes of carbon metabolism, and where high metabolic fluxes are required.  相似文献   

Chloroplasts in plants and some green algae contain a continuous thylakoid membrane system that is structurally differentiated into stacked granal membranes interconnected by unstacked thylakoids, the stromal lamellae. Experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that the thermodynamic tendency to increase entropy in chloroplasts contributes to thylakoid stacking to form grana. We show that the addition of bovine serum albumin or dextran, two very different water-soluble macromolecules, to a suspension of envelope-free chloroplasts with initially unstacked thylakoids induced thylakoid stacking. This novel restacking of thylakoids occurred spontaneously, accompanied by lateral segregation of PSII from PSI, thereby mimicking the natural situation. We suggest that such granal formation, induced by the macromolecules, is partly explained as a means of generating more volume for the diffusion of macromolecules in a crowded stromal environment, i.e., greater entropy overall. This mechanism may be relevant in vivo where the stroma has a very high concentration of enzymes of carbon metabolism, and where high metabolic fluxes are required.  相似文献   

K A Santarius 《Cryobiology》1990,27(5):547-561
Thylakoid membranes isolated from spinach leaves (Spinacia oleracea L. cv. Monatol) were used as a model biomembrane system for evaluating the significance of the hydrogen ion activity for cryoprotection. After freeze-thaw treatment in a buffered complex medium adjusted to various pH, light-induced photosynthetic membrane reactions were determined at optimum proton concentration. When thylakoids were suspended at hydrogen ion activities above and below the physiologically important pH range, irreversible inhibition of membrane functions was significantly less distinct after freezing at -15 degrees C than after storage for the same time at 0 degree C. It is suggested that thylakoid preservation at subfreezing temperatures could be due to temperature- and concentration-induced changes of the proton activity in the unfrozen part of the system and retardation of the temperature-dependent aging processes of the isolated membranes. In addition, the increase in the concentration of cryoprotective compounds during freezing could stabilize chloroplast membranes against the deleterious effect of unfavorable high and low proton concentrations. Thylakoid injury brought about by lowering the pH was primarily due to dissociation of the chloroplast coupling factor (CF1), which increased the proton permeability of the membranes and caused inhibition of photophosphorylation. In media adjusted to more alkaline pH, inactivation of the water oxidation system was an initial result of membrane damage. Then, noncyclic photophosphorylation was limited by photosystem II-mediated electron flow. Photosystem I-driven electron transport was substantially more stable over a wide pH range.  相似文献   

During freezing of isolated spinach thylakoids in sugar/salt solutions, the two solutes affected membrane survival in opposite ways: membrane damage due to increased electrolyte concentration can be prevented by sugar. Calculation of the final concentrations of NaCl or glucose reached in the residual unfrozen portion of the system revealed that the effects of the solutes on membrane activity can be explained in part by colligative action. In addition, the fraction of the residual liquid in the frozen system contributes to membrane injury. During severe freezing in the presence of very low initial solute concentrations, membrane damage drastically increased with a decrease in the volume of the unfrozen solution. Freezing injury under these conditions is likely to be due to mechanical damage by the ice crystals that occupy a very high fraction of the frozen system. At higher starting concentrations of sugar plus salt, membrane damage increased with an increase in the amount of the residual unfrozen liquid. Thylakoid inactivation at these higher initial solute concentrations can be largely attributed to dilution of the membrane fraction, as freezing damage at a given sugar/salt ratio decreased with increasing the thylakoid concentration in the sample. Moreover, membrane survival in the absence of freezing decreased with lowering the temperature, indicating that the temperature affected membrane damage not only via alterations related to the ice formation. From the data it was evident that damage of thylakoid membranes was determined by various individual factors, such as the amount of ice formed, the final concentrations of solutes and membranes in the residual unfrozen solution, the final volume of this fraction, the temperature and the freezing time. The relative contribution of these factors depended on the experimental conditions, mainly the sugar/salt ratio, the initial solute concentrations, and the freezing temperature.  相似文献   

Recent progress in elucidating the structure of higher plants photosynthetic membranes provides a wealth of information. It allows generation of architectural models that reveal well-organized and complex arrangements not only on whole membrane level, but also on the supramolecular level. These arrangements are not static but highly responsive to the environment. Knowledge about the interdependency between dynamic structural features of the photosynthetic machinery and the functionality of energy conversion is central to understanding the plasticity of photosynthesis in an ever-changing environment. This review summarizes the architectural switches that are realized in thylakoid membranes of green plants.  相似文献   

Sun XL  Yang S  Wang LY  Zhang QY  Zhao SJ  Meng QW 《Plant cell reports》2011,30(10):1939-1947
Over-expression of chloroplast glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase gene (LeGPAT) in tomato increased cis-unsaturated fatty acid content in phosphatidylglycerol (PG) of the thylakoid membrane. Under chilling stress, the oxygen evolving activity, the maximal photochemical efficiency of PSII (F v/F m), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activities decreased less in sense lines than in antisense lines compared to wild-type (WT) plants. Consistently, the relative electric conductivity, \textO2 . - {\text{O}}_{2} ^{{. - }} and H2O2 contents in sense lines were lower than those of WT and antisense lines. The antisense lines with low level of unsaturated fatty acids in PG were extremely susceptible to photoinhibition of PSII and had a significant reduction in the D1 protein content of PSII reaction center under chilling stress. However, in the presence of streptomycin (SM), the degradation of D1 protein was faster in sense lines than in WT and antisense plants. These results suggested that, under chilling stress conditions, increasing cis-unsaturated fatty acids in PG through over-expression of LeGPAT can alleviate PSII photoinhibition by accelerating the repair of D1 protein and improving the activities of antioxidant enzymes in chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Mechanism of copper-enhanced photoinhibition in thylakoid membranes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effect of copper on photoinhibition of photosystem II (PSII) in vitro was studied in bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Dufrix) and pumpkin ( Cucurbita pepo L.) thylakoids. The thylakoids were illuminated at 200–2 000 μmol photons m−2 s−1 in the presence of 70–1 830 added Cu2+ ions per PSII. Three lines of evidence show that the irreversible damage of PSII caused by illumination of thylakoids in the presence of Cu2+ was mainly due to donor-side photoinhibition resulting from inhibition of the PSII donor side by Cu2+. First, addition of an artificial electron donor partially restored PSII activity of thylakoids that had been illuminated in the presence of Cu2+. Second, already moderate light was enough to cause rapid inhibition of PSII, and the inhibition could be saturated by light. Third, the extrinsic polypeptides of the oxygen-evolving complex were found to become oxidized by the combined effect of Cu2+ and light. The presence of oxygen was not necessary for the copper-induced enhancement of photoinhibition of PSII. When the illumination was prolonged, copper caused a gradual collapse of the thylakoid structure by increasing degradation of thylakoid proteins.  相似文献   

Abstract. Aging of chloroplasts both in vivo and in vitro causes a considerable loss in the 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol (DCPIP)-Hill reaction with water as electron donor. The loss can be reduced by exogenous electron donors like diphenyl carbazide (DPC). suggestive of aging-induced damage of the oxygen evolving system. Aging also brings about a considerable loss in methylviologen (MV) reduction mediated by Photosystem I (PS I) of chloroplasts with an ascorbate-DCPIP couple as the electron donating system.
The loss in the electron transport ability of the plastids is faster during in vitro compared to in vivo aging of the chloroplasts.
Light protects the photo-electron transport ability of chloroplasts during aging of intact leaves in contrast to its action during aging of the isolated organelles.  相似文献   

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