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Bilateral brainstem connections of the rat supratrigeminal region   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Efferent and afferent connections of the supratrigeminal region were studied in the rat using iontophoretically delivered horseradish peroxidase and Phaseolus vulgaris leuco-agglutinin. Projections of supratrigeminal efferents were found to the contralateral supratrigeminal region, to the ipsi- and contralateral trigeminal motor nuclei and the medullary reticular formation, and to the ipsilateral facial and hypoglossal motor nuclei. Neurons projecting to the supratrigeminal region were located in the contralateral supratrigeminal nucleus, in the ipsilateral mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus and bilaterally in the medullary reticular formation. This organization is discussed with respect to bilateral oral motor control mechanisms.  相似文献   

Prior intracellular recording and labeling experiments have documented local-circuit and projection neurons in the spinal trigeminal (V) nucleus with axons that arborize in more rostral and caudal spinal trigeminal subnuclei and nucleus principalis. Anterograde tracing studies were therefore carried out to assess the origin, extent, distribution, and morphology of such intersubnuclear axons in the rat trigeminal brainstem nuclear complex (TBNC). Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) was used as the anterograde marker because of its high sensitivity and the morphological detail provided. Injections restricted to TBNC subnucleus caudalis resulted in dense terminal labeling in each of the more rostral ipsilateral subnuclei. Subnucleus interpolaris projected ipsilaterally and heavily to magnocellular portions of subnucleus caudalis, as well as subnucleus oralis and nucleus principalis. Nucleus principalis, on the other hand, had only a sparse projection to each of the caudal ipsilateral subnuclei. Intersubnuclear axons most frequently traveled in the deep bundles within the TBNC, the V spinal tract, and the reticular formation. They gave rise to a number of circumscribed, highly branched arbors with many boutons of the terminal and en passant types.

Retrograde single- or multiple-labeling experiments assessed the cells giving rise to TBNC intersubnuclear collaterals. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and/or fluorescent tracer injections into the thalamus, colliculus, cerebellum, nucleus principalis, and/or subnucleus caudalis revealed large numbers of neurons in subnuclei caudalis, interpolaris, and oralis projecting to the region of nucleus principalis. Cells projecting to more caudal spinal trigeminal regions were most numerous in subnuclei interpolaris and oralis. Some cells in lamina V of subnucleus caudalis and in subnuclei interpolaris and oralis projected to thalamus and/or colliculus, as well as other TBNC subnuclei. Such collateral projections were rare in nucleus principalis and more superficial laminae of subnucleus caudalis. TBNC cells labeled by cerebellar injections were not double-labeled by tracer injections into the thalamus, colliculus, or TBNC.

These findings lend generality to currently available data obtained with intracellular recording and HRP labeling methods, and suggest that most intersubnuclear axons originate in TBNC local-circuit neurons, though some originate in cells that project to midbrain and/or diencephalon.  相似文献   

Arrangement and connections of mesencephalic trigeminal neurons in the rat   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The morphology of the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus was examined microscopically in serial frozen sections. The nucleus extends over a length of about 4.5 mm, and its cell number was calculated to range from 1,000 to 1,600. 60% of the cells were located in the caudal third of the nucleus. Clustering of large unipolar cells was seen throughout the nucleus. Small spindle-shaped multipolar cells were found in the pontine part of the nucleus. The efferent connections of the mesencephalic trigeminal neurons were investigated by means of iontophoretically delivered Phaseolus vulgaris leuco-agglutinin or horseradish peroxidase after electrophysiological identification of mesencephalic trigeminal neurons. All projections were found ipsilateral to the injection site; they were confined to the trigeminal motor nucleus, especially to its lateral part, and to the dorsolateral reticular formation. The latter projection area included the supratrigeminal nucleus, the nucleus of Probst, and the parvocellular reticular zone. There were no direct projections to the facial or hypoglossal motor nuclei. It is concluded that proprioceptive input from one side is mediated polysynaptically to the bilateral oral final common-path neurons, with the exception of the ipsilateral trigeminal motoneurons.  相似文献   

Retrograde transport of fluorescent tracers (diamidino yellow and true blue) was used to study the arrangement of brainstem neurons innervating the lateral pterygoid muscle in the rat. The lateral pterygoid motoneurons were located in the dorsolateral (jaw-closing) part of the trigeminal motor nucleus with clear somatotopy in the caudal part of the nucleus. No muscle-related neurons were present in the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus. Histological examination of serial sections of lateral pterygoid muscles confirms the notion that, at least in the rat, this muscle is devoid of muscle spindles.  相似文献   

In order to classify the presynaptic terminals contacting trigeminocerebellar projection neurons (TCPNs) in rat trigeminal nucleus oralis (Vo), electron-microscopic examination of sequential thin sections made from TCPNs located in the border zone (BZ) of Vo, labeled by the retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase, was undertaken. The use of BZ TCPNs, labeled in Golgi-like fashion so that many of their dendrites and axons were visible, allowed for the determination of the distribution of each bouton type along the soma and dendrites, as well as for the characterization of the morphology and synaptic relations of the labeled axon and its terminals. Three types of axon terminals contacting labeled BZ TCPNs have been recognized, depending upon whether they contain primarily spherical-shaped, agranular synaptic vesicles (S endings); predominantly flattened, agranular synaptic vesicles (F endings); or a population of pleomorphic-shaped, agranular synaptic vesicles (P endings). The S endings represent the majority of axon terminals contacting labeled BZ TCPNs and establish asymmetrical axosomatic and axodendritic synaptic contacts. Many S endings are situated in one of two types of synaptic glomeruli. One type of glomerulus has a large S ending at its core, whereas the other contains a small S ending. Large-S-ending glomeruli include only labeled distal dendrites of BZ TCPNs; small-S-ending glomeruli contain either a labeled soma, proximal dendrite, or distal dendritic shaft. The remaining S endings are extraglomerular, synapsing on distal dendrites. P endings are less frequently encountered and establish intermediate axosomatic and axodendritic synapses. These endings exhibit a generalized distribution along the entire somatodendritic tree. F endings make symmetrical axodendritic synapses with distal dendrites, are only found in glomeruli containing small S endings, and are the least frequently observed ending contacting labeled BZ TCPNs. The majority of axonal endings synapsing on labeled BZ TCPNs are located along distal dendrites, with only a relatively few synapsing terminals situated on proximal dendrites and somata. The axons of labeled BZ TCPNs arise from the cell body and generally give rise to a single short collateral near their points of origin. This collateral remains unbranched and generates several boutons within BZ, while the parent axon acquires a myelin sheath and, without branching further, travels dorsolaterally toward the inferior cerebellar peduncle. The collateral boutons resemble extraglomerular S endings. They contain agranular, spherical-shaped synaptic vesicles and make asymmetrical axodendritic synapses with small-diameter unlabeled dendritic shafts in the BZ neuropil.  相似文献   

Previous experiments from this laboratory have indicated that transection of the infraorbital nerve (ION, the trigeminal \[V] branch that supplies the mystacial vibrissae follicles) at birth and in adulthood has markedly different effects on galanin immunoreactivity in the V brainstem complex. Adult nerve transection increases galanin immunoreactivity in the superficial layers of V subnucleus caudalis (SpC) only, while neonatal nerve transection results in increased galanin expression in vibrissae-related primary afferents throughout the V brainstem complex. The present study describes the distribution of binding sites for this peptide in the mature and developing V ganglion and brainstem complex and determines the effects of neonatal and adult ION damage and the associated changes in galanin levels upon their distribution and density. Galanin binding sites are densely distributed in all V brainstem subnuclei and are particularly dense in V subnucleus interpolaris and the superficial layers of SpC. They are present at birth (P-0) and their distribution is similar to that in adult animals. Transection of the ION in adulthood and examination of brainstem 7 days later indicated marked reductions in the density of galanin binding sites in the V brainstem complex. With the exception of the superficial laminae of SpC, the same reduction in density remained apparent in rats that survived 45 days after nerve cuts. Transection of the ION on P-0 resulted in no change in the density of galanin binding sites in the brainstem after either 7 or 60 days survival. These results indicate that densely distributed galanin binding sites are present in the V brainstem complex of both neonatal and adult rats, that they are located in regions not innervated by galanin-positive axons, and that their density is not significantly influenced by large lesion-induced changes in the primary afferent content of their natural ligand.  相似文献   

Previous anatomical studies demonstrated vagal innervation to the ovary and distal colon and suggested the vagus nerve has uterine inputs. Recent behavioral and physiological evidence indicated that the vagus nerves conduct sensory information from the uterus to the brainstem. The present study was undertaken to identify vagal sensory connections to the uterus. Retrograde tracers, Fluorogold and pseudorabies virus were injected into the uterus and cervix. DiI, an anterograde tracer, was injected into the nodose ganglia. Neurectomies involving the pelvic, hypogastric, ovarian and abdominal vagus nerves were performed, and then uterine whole-mounts examined for sensory nerves containing calcitonin gene-related peptide. Nodose ganglia and caudal brainstem sections were examined for the presence of estrogen receptor-containing neurons in ”vagal locales." Labeling of uterine-related neurons in the nodose ganglia (Fluorogold and pseudorabies virus) and in the brainstem nuclei (pseudorabies virus) was obtained. DiI-labeled nerve fibers occurred near uterine horn and uterine cervical blood vessels, in the myometrium, and in paracervical ganglia. Rats with vagal, pelvic, hypogastric and ovarian neurectomies exhibited a marked decrease in calcitonin gene-related peptide-immunoreactive nerves in the uterus relative to rats with pelvic, hypogastric, and ovarian neurectomies with intact vagus nerves. Neurons in the nodose ganglia and nucleus tractus solitarius were immunoreactive for estrogen receptors. These results demonstrated: (1) the vagus nerves serve as connections between the uterus and CNS, (2) the nodose ganglia contain uterine-related vagal afferent neuron cell bodies, and (3) neurons in vagal locales contain estrogen receptors.  相似文献   

Cellular organelles need to communicate in order to co-ordinate homoeostasis of the compartmentalized eukaryotic cell. Such communication involves the formation of membrane contact sites between adjacent organelles, allowing privileged exchange of metabolites and information. Using a synthetic protein designed to artificially tether the ER (endoplasmic reticulum) to mitochondria, we have discovered a yeast protein complex naturally involved in establishing and maintaining contact sites between these two organelles. This protein complex is physiologically involved in a plethora of mitochondrial processes, suggesting that ER-mitochondria connections play a central co-ordinating role in the regulation of mitochondrial biology. Recent biochemical characterization of this protein complex led to the discovery that GTPases of the Miro family are part of ER-mitochondria connections. The yeast Miro GTPase Gem1 localizes to ER-mitochondria interface and influences the size and distribution of mitochondria. Thus Miro GTPases may serve as regulators of the ER-mitochondria connection.  相似文献   

The dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMV) is pivotal in the regulation of upper gastrointestinal functions, including motility and both gastric and pancreatic secretion. DMV neurons receive robust GABA- and glutamatergic inputs. Microinjection of the GABA(A) antagonist bicuculline (BIC) into the DMV increases pancreatic secretion and gastric motility, whereas the glutamatergic antagonist kynurenic acid (KYN) is ineffective unless preceded by microinjection of BIC. We used whole cell patch-clamp recordings with the aim of unveiling the brain stem neurocircuitry that uses tonic GABA- and glutamatergic synapses to control the activity of DMV neurons in a brain stem slice preparation. Perfusion with BIC altered the firing frequency of 71% of DMV neurons, increasing firing frequency in 80% of the responsive neurons and decreasing firing frequency in 20%. Addition of KYN to the perfusate either decreased (52%) or increased (25%) the firing frequency of BIC-sensitive neurons. When KYN was applied first, the firing rate was decreased in 43% and increased in 21% of the neurons; further perfusion with BIC had no additional effect in the majority of neurons. Our results indicate that there are several permutations in the arrangements of GABA- and glutamatergic inputs controlling the activity of DMV neurons. Our data support the concept of brain stem neuronal circuitry that may be wired in a finely tuned organ- or function-specific manner that permits precise and discrete modulation of the vagal motor output to the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

Gamma-aminobutyric acid-immunoreactive neurons in the rat trigeminal nuclei   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The distribution of GABAergic neurons in the rat trigeminal nuclei was studied using a highly specific monoclonal antibody (mAb3A12) to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Immunopositive cells were relatively abundant in the marginal and gelatinosa beds of the caudal part of the trigeminal spinal tract nucleus, and in the dorsomedial areas of the oral subnucleus and the principal nucleus. A high density of GABA-immunoreactive somata was also found in the rostral part of the oral subnucleus and in the adjacent parvicellular reticular formation as well as in the supratrigeminal and intertrigeminal regions. Thus, the distribution of the GABAergic cells showed a relatively high density in areas related to the convergence of sensory stimuli, and in zones that contain interneurons inhibiting masticatory motorneurons. The results suggest, therefore, that GABA might play an important role both in discriminative sensory processing and in reflex modulation of the orofacial region.Abbreviations RF reticular formation - FRp parvicellular reticular formation - Vc trigeminal nucleus of the spinal tract, subnucleus caudalis - Vmes mesencephalic nucleus - Vmo trigeminal motor nucleus - Vo trigeminal nucleus of the spinal tract, subnucleus oralis - Vp principal trigeminal nucleus - Vsp spinal trigeminal nucleus - Vsup supratrigeminal nucleus  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of the rat mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Using the retrograde axonic transport of horseradish peroxidase method the striatal neurons projections to substance nigra have been studied in rats. After peroxidase injection into substance nigra a considerable number of small and medium sized neurons (10-20 mkm) become labelled in the ipsilateral striatum. Large labelled striatal cells (20-25 mkm) have been found. Among labelled striatal neurons multipolar cells with triangular and oval body prevailed. The number of cells with elongated multipolar or spindle-shaped body was less. The data obtained disprove the conception that only large ("giant") neurons form the efferent striatal pathways to substance nigra.  相似文献   

The trigeminal nuclear complex and its spinal tract extend throughout the greater part of the brain-stem and at medullary levels form the target site for producing stereotactic lesions. This paper describes a method for three-dimensional drawings of this nuclear complex. A stereotactic atlas of the human brain-stem and cerebellar nuclei has formed the data base. The two-dimensional composite transverse sections, at 1-mm intervals have been digitized using an X-Y coordinate plotting microscope. Computer programs have been written to generate drawings of a single transverse hemisection as well as regeneration of the opposite hemibrain-stem section. Specific programs were used to reconstruct serial transverse section outlines and incorporate the trigeminal nuclear complex with and without hidden line removal techniques and colour graphic display facilities. Rotation about the x, y and z axes was possible and permits any view of the reconstructed specimen to be computer-generated. A further program for reconstructing structures as stereopairs is presented.  相似文献   

Stereotaxic injections of 5% Fast Blue or 1% horseradish peroxidase-wheat germ agglutinin conjugate (HRP-WGA) were made into various cytoarchitectonic or functional regions of the cerebral cortex of anesthetized adult albino or hooded rats. Sections through the brainstems of these animals were then scrutinized for the presence of retrogradely labeled neurons. The data generated by this study indicate that at least 33 distinct nuclei or subnuclei within the brainstem reticular formation of the rat project directly to the cerebral cortex. More than half of these ascending reticulocortical systems are probably aminergic. The strongest reticulocortical projections emanate from presumed aminergic reticular-cell groups located at isthmic levels: specifically, the rostral serotonin-containing cell groups, as well as the noradrenergic locus coeruleus. However, relatively strong direct reticulocortical projections also originate from lower medullary cell groups which are probably catecholaminergic. Moderately strong reticulocortical projections emanate from cholinergic cell groups located at isthmic levels (the pars compacta of the pedunculopontine nucleus and the X area of Sakai). The most surprising finding in this study was that the classic isodendritic, nonaminergic central core of the brainstem gives rise to direct reticulocortical projections. The ventromedial areas of the medullary brainstem reticular formation give rise to the strongest nonaminergic ascending reticular projections, but all levels of the classic isodendritic reticular core give rise to direct reticulocortical projections. As a whole, cortically projecting reticular neurons are mostly small (10-25 microns in greatest diameter) or medium sized (26-35 microns in greatest diameter) neurons. Previous studies have shown that many of the cortically projecting reticular nuclei also project to the spinal cord, and within these nuclei, reticulocortical neurons often strongly resemble their reticulospinal counterparts with respect to details of neuronal morphology. This in turn suggests that some reticulocortical neurons may also project to spinal levels.  相似文献   

We have studied the autoradiographic uptake of 65Zn in the cerebellum and brainstem of the rat, contrasting these results with Timm's positivity in these structures. Both, autoradiographic uptake and histochemical positivity, have demonstrated Zinc in a location that could be accepted as in climbing fibres and glomeruli of the cerebellum cortex, and also in brainstem neurons that project their axons to the cerebellum cortex, suggesting a circuit where zinc may act as a neuromodulator.  相似文献   


Neuronal excitability in the trigeminal sensory nuclei (TSN) changes after nerve transection. We examined the effects of chronic transection of the trigeminal nerve on the c-Fos-immunoreactivity in the TSN induced 2?h after 10?min of electrical stimulation of the trigeminal ganglion (TG) at C-fiber activating condition (1.0?mA, 5?ms, 5?Hz) in urethane-anesthetized rats. In the non-transected control rats, stimulation of the TG induced c-Fos-immunoreactive cells (c-Fos-IR cells) mostly in superficial layers (VcI/II) of the nucleus caudalis (Vc) in its full extent along the dorsomedial–ventrolateral axis, but modestly in the rostral TSN above the obex, the principal, oral, and interpolar nuclei. Three days, 1, 2, or 3 weeks after transection of the inferior alveolar (IAN), infraorbital, or masseteric nerves, the stimulation of the TG induced c-Fos-IR cells in the central terminal fields of the transected nerve in the rostral TSN and magnocellular zone of the Vc. However, the number of c-Fos-IR cells in the VcI/II decreased inside the central terminal fields of the transected nerve and increased outside the fields. These results indicate that transection of the trigeminal nerve increases the excitability of TSN neurons that receive inputs from injured mechanoreceptors and uninjured nociceptors, but decreases it from injured nociceptors. The altered c-Fos responses may imply mechanisms of neuropathic pain seen after nerve injury.  相似文献   

D'Este L  Casini A  Wimalawansa SJ  Renda TG 《Peptides》2000,21(11):1743-1749
Immunohistochemical studies were conducted on rat brainstem using a specific polyclonal antiserum against the COOH-terminal (25-37) of human amylin. Amylin-immunoreactive cell bodies were observed in the vestibular, cochlear, trapezoid, and inner cerebellar nuclei and in the mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve. Positive cell bodies were also found in lateral, gigantocellular and magnocellular reticular nuclei. Numerous amylin-immunoreactive nerve fibers were shown in the trigeminal spinal tract, in the solitary area and in the area postrema. Amylin-immunoreactive cell bodies were often surrounded by a network of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive nerve fibers. These results provide morphologic evidence that amylin may play a role in some discrete sensory functions.  相似文献   

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