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Declines in survival and performance with advancing age (senescence) have been widely documented in natural populations, but whether patterns of senescence across traits reflect a common underlying process of biological ageing remains unclear. Senescence is typically characterized via assessments of the rate of change in mortality with age (actuarial senescence) or the rate of change in phenotypic performance with age (phenotypic senescence). Although both phenomena are considered indicative of underlying declines in somatic integrity, whether actuarial and phenotypic senescence rates are actually correlated has yet to be established. Here we present evidence of both actuarial and phenotypic senescence from a decade‐long longitudinal field study of wild insects. By tagging every individual and using continuous video monitoring with a network of up to 140 video cameras, we were able to record survival and behavioral data on an entire adult population of field crickets. This reveals that both actuarial and phenotypic senescence vary substantially across 10 annual generations. This variation allows us to identify a strong correlation between actuarial and phenotypic measures of senescence. Our study demonstrates age‐related phenotypic declines reflected in population level mortality rates and reveals that observations of senescence in a single year may not be representative of a general pattern.  相似文献   

We manipulated experimental populations of the housefly (Musca domestica L.) under three inbreeding schemes (fast, slow, and punctuated) to partition out the influences of different means and variances in the rate of inbreeding, per generation, while controlling for the final level of inbreeding as a constant. One treatment used constant fast inbreeding (11% per generation; Ne = 4 for 4 generations), for a comparison to one that was consistently slow (3% per generation; Ne = 16 for 14 generations). The third followed a model for serial founder-flush events. Each founder-flush episode involved a one-generation pulse of fast inbreeding (Ne = 4) followed by two generations of very low (or no) inbreeding, yielding high intergenerational variation (i.e., for an average inbreeding rate of 4% per generation). Allozyme assays showed that we achieved the intended final inbreeding coefficient of about 37%. All inbreeding schemes decreased fitness levels in terms of egg-to-adult viability, development time, and male mating success relative to the outbred control. The consistently fast inbreeding protocol had more pronounced reductions in fitness, relative to the other two inbreeding schemes. In comparison to the fast and punctuated regimes, the consistently slow protocol preserved evolutionary potential (as assayed by the genetic divergence of subpopulations exposed to different environments) in egg-to-adult viability, and (albeit anecdotally) reduced the extinction probabilities, especially in a novel environment. The punctuated treatment did not optimize the potential for purge as predicted, but instead reduced fitness, evolutionary potential, and environmental responsiveness (as measured by genotype-by-environment interactions). This founder-flush treatment also had the highest extinction probabilities. Longer periods of population flush might be necessary to purge effectively in a punctuated scheme. We conclude that the rate of inbreeding, independent from the final level, can have important effects on population fitness, environmental responsiveness, and evolutionary potential.  相似文献   

Summary The increased mortality caused by ageing represents a fitness cost to organisms. This paper develops techniques for determining the proportions of that cost that accrue at each age. A variety of analyses using several different sources of data on human ageing—palaeodemographic life tables and life tables from more recent societies with high mortality rates—all suggest that the fitness cost of ageing was high during most of our evolutionary history, and was largely due to physiological changes occurring early in adult life. These results imply that predictions about the nature of senescence based on evolutionary theory should be tested using data from middle-aged individuals. They also have implications about the relative importances for human evolution of the pleiotropy and mutation-accumulation theories of the evolution of senescence, and for the validity of Gompertz Law' for the shape of the relationship between mortality and age. An analysis of a life table of the African buffalo suggests that the costs of ageing early in adult life are relatively high in at least one non-human species in its natural environment.  相似文献   

We estimated heritabilities, and genetic and phenotypic correlations between beak and body traits in the song sparrow ( Melospiza melodia ). We compared these estimates to values for the same traits in the Galápagos finches, Geospiza (Boag, 1983; Grant, 1983). Morphological variance is low in the song sparrow, and our results show that genetic and phenotypic correlations are considerably lower than correlations in the morphologically more variable Geospiza. Comparison using a larger sample of Galapagos populations confirms the existence of an association between variance and correlation for phenotypic values. We suggest two possible explanations for this association. First, most traits studied are functionally related, and the joint evolution of variance and correlation may have resulted from stabilizing selection about a line of optimal allometry between traits. Alternatively, introgression between populations and species could have caused correlation and variance to evolve jointly. Both selection and introgression were probably influential in producing the observed pattern, but it is not possible to estimate their relative importance with current data. Genetic and phenotypic correlations were correlated in the song sparrow, but heritabilities of traits varied greatly. As a result, the genetic variance-covariance matrix for traits is not simply a constant multiple of the phenotypic matrix. Evolutionary response to natural selection cannot, therefore, be predicted from the measurement of phenotypic characteristics alone.  相似文献   

  1. Aphids are abundant in natural and managed vegetation, supporting a diverse community of organisms and causing damage to agricultural crops. Due to a changing climate, periods of drought are anticipated to increase, and the potential consequences of this for aphid–plant interactions are unclear.
  2. Using a meta‐analysis and synthesis approach, we aimed to advance understanding of how increased drought incidence will affect this ecologically and economically important insect group and to characterize any potential underlying mechanisms. We used qualitative and quantitative synthesis techniques to determine whether drought stress has a negative, positive, or null effect on aphid fitness and examined these effects in relation to (a) aphid biology, (b) geographical region, and (c) host plant biology.
  3. Across all studies, aphid fitness is typically reduced under drought. Subgroup analysis detected no difference in relation to aphid biology, geographical region, or the aphid–plant combination, indicating the negative effect of drought on aphids is potentially universal. Furthermore, drought stress had a negative impact on plant vigor and increased plant concentrations of defensive chemicals, suggesting the observed response of aphids is associated with reduced plant vigor and increased chemical defense in drought‐stressed plants.
  4. We propose a conceptual model to predict drought effects on aphid fitness in relation to plant vigor and defense to stimulate further research.

Severe food shortage is associated with increased mortality and reduced reproductive success in contemporary and historical human populations. Studies of wild animal populations have shown that subtle variation in environmental conditions can influence patterns of mortality, fecundity and natural selection, but the fitness implications of such subtle variation on human populations are unclear. Here, we use longitudinal data on local grain production, births, marriages and mortality so as to assess the impact of crop yield variation on individual age-specific mortality and fecundity in two pre-industrial Finnish populations. Although crop yields and fitness traits showed profound year-to-year variation across the 70-year study period, associations between crop yields and mortality or fecundity were generally weak. However, post-reproductive individuals of both sexes, and individuals of lower socio-economic status experienced higher mortality when crop yields were low. This is the first longitudinal, individual-based study of the associations between environmental variation and fitness traits in pre-industrial humans, which emphasizes the importance of a portfolio of mechanisms for coping with low food availability in such populations. The results are consistent with evolutionary ecological predictions that natural selection for resilience to food shortage is likely to weaken with age and be most severe on those with the fewest resources.  相似文献   

This study investigated variation in the rates of growth and mortality, and age and fork‐length (LF) compositions of two exploited species of Mugilidae, Liza argentea and Myxus elongatus, in two south‐east Australian estuaries (Lake Macquarie and St Georges Basin). An ageing protocol was developed by counting opaque growth zones on sectioned otoliths which was validated by periodically examining the otoliths of captive‐reared young‐of‐the‐year fishes, and marginal increment analysis of wild fishes. The maximum recorded age was 17 years for L. argentea and 12 years for M. elongatus, which is greater than generally observed in other species of mugilids. Growth models of each species significantly differed between sexes and, except for male L. argentea, between estuaries. Fishes from Lake Macquarie generally had a greater mean LF at age than those from St Georges Basin and females of both species generally attained a greater maximum LF and age than males. Gillnet catches of L. argentea were of similar LF and age compositions in both estuaries, whereas the age composition of catches of M. elongatus in Lake Macquarie contained a greater proportion of younger fish. Estimates of total, natural and fishing mortality were greater for M. elongatus than L. argentea across both estuaries, and estimates of total mortality were greatest for both species in Lake Macquarie. The data indicate that neither species has been overfished in these estuaries.  相似文献   

An individual's or a population's fitness is the result of a large number of interacting life history traits and the environment. Little information is available on the phenotypic correlations among fitness components and fitness itself, especially outside of Drosophila melanogaster. We also lack detailed information on trade-offs among life history traits. Here we present the relationship between adult progeny production and eight components of fitness, as well as some observed trade-offs between life history traits in the housefly (Musca domestica). We briefly discuss some of the ramifications of these relationships.  相似文献   

Ageing, long thought to be too infrequent to study effectively in natural populations, has recently been shown to be ubiquitous, even in the wild. A major challenge now is to explain variation in the rates of ageing within populations. Here, using 49 years of data from a population of great tits (Parus major), we show that offspring life‐history trajectories vary with maternal age. Offspring hatched from older mothers perform better early in life, but suffer from an earlier onset, and stronger rate, of reproductive senescence later in life. Offspring reproductive lifespan is, however, unaffected by maternal age, and the different life‐history trajectories result in a similar fitness payoff, measured as lifetime reproductive success. This study therefore identifies maternal age as a new factor underlying variation in rates of ageing, and, given the delayed trans‐generational nature of this effect, poses the question as to proximate mechanisms linking age‐effects across generations.  相似文献   

Classic theories on the evolution of senescence make the simplifying assumption that all offspring are of equal quality, so that demographic senescence only manifests through declining rates of survival or fecundity. However, there is now evidence that, in addition to declining rates of survival and fecundity, many organisms are subject to age‐related declines in the quality of offspring produced (i.e. parental age effects). Recent modelling approaches allow for the incorporation of parental age effects into classic demographic analyses, assuming that such effects are limited to a single generation. Does this ‘single‐generation’ assumption hold? To find out, we conducted a laboratory study with the aquatic plant Lemna minor, a species for which parental age effects have been demonstrated previously. We compared the size and fitness of 423 laboratory‐cultured plants (asexually derived ramets) representing various birth orders, and ancestral ‘birth‐order genealogies’. We found that offspring size and fitness both declined with increasing ‘immediate’ birth order (i.e. birth order with respect to the immediate parent), but only offspring size was affected by ancestral birth order. Thus, the assumption that parental age effects on offspring fitness are limited to a single generation does in fact hold for L. minor. This result will guide theorists aiming to refine and generalize modelling approaches that incorporate parental age effects into evolutionary theory on senescence.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes determine immune repertoires and social preferences of vertebrates. Immunological regulation of microbial assemblages associated with individuals influences their sociality, and should also affect their life-history traits. We exposed Xenopus laevis tadpoles to water conditioned by adult conspecifics. Then, we analysed tadpole growth, development and survivorship as a function of MHC class I and class II peptide-binding region amino acid sequence similarities between tadpoles and frogs that conditioned the water to which they were exposed. Tadpoles approached metamorphosis earlier and suffered greater mortality when exposed to immunogenetically dissimilar frogs. The results suggest that developmental regulatory cues, microbial assemblages or both are specific to MHC genotypes. Tadpoles may associate with conspecifics with which they share microbiota to which their genotypes are well adapted.  相似文献   

The effects of age at mating on female life-history traits in a seed beetle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Age at first reproduction is an important component of lifehistory across taxa and can ultimately affect fitness. Becausegenetic interests of males and females over reproductive decisionscommonly differ, theory predicts that conflict may arise overthe temporal distribution of matings. To determine the potentialfor such sexual conflict, we studied the direct costs and benefitsassociated with mating at different times for females, usingseed beetles (Acanthoscelides obtectus) as a model system. Virginfemales were resistant to male mating attempts at a very earlyage but subsequently reduced their resistance. Although we foundno difference in life span or mortality rates between femalesmated early in life and those mated later, females that matedearly in life suffered a 12% reduction in lifetime fecundity.Thus, there are direct costs associated with mating early inlife for females. Yet, males mate even with newly hatched females.We suggest that these data indicate a potential for sexual conflictover the timing of first mating and that female resistance tomating, at least in part, may represent a female strategy aimedat delaying mating to a later time in life.  相似文献   

The evolutionary trajectories of reproductive systems, including both male and female multiple mating and hence polygyny and polyandry, are expected to depend on the additive genetic variances and covariances in and among components of male reproductive success achieved through different reproductive tactics. However, genetic covariances among key components of male reproductive success have not been estimated in wild populations. We used comprehensive paternity data from socially monogamous but genetically polygynandrous song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) to estimate additive genetic variance and covariance in the total number of offspring a male sired per year outside his social pairings (i.e. his total extra‐pair reproductive success achieved through multiple mating) and his liability to sire offspring produced by his socially paired female (i.e. his success in defending within‐pair paternity). Both components of male fitness showed nonzero additive genetic variance, and the estimated genetic covariance was positive, implying that males with high additive genetic value for extra‐pair reproduction also have high additive genetic propensity to sire their socially paired female's offspring. There was consequently no evidence of a genetic or phenotypic trade‐off between male within‐pair paternity success and extra‐pair reproductive success. Such positive genetic covariance might be expected to facilitate ongoing evolution of polygyny and could also shape the ongoing evolution of polyandry through indirect selection.  相似文献   

The effects of a rust infection (Sphenosphora saphena, Basidiomycetes) on several fitness components of the orchid Tolumnia (Oncidium) variegata were quantified in a subtropical moist forest of Puerto Rico. Infected and uninfected plants of two size categories were observed and manipulated by increasing natural levels of fruit production to determine the effects of infection on short and long-term sexual reproduction, subsequent vegetative and reproductive growth, and mortality. Under artificially high levels of fruit production, infection had no effect on short or long-term reproduction through male or female function except for a modest decline in seed viability in small plants. Under natural levels of fruit production, infection was only related to a reduction in the number of leaves per shoot. At artificially high levels of fruit production, infection reduced leaf length, leaf width, and the number of live shoots. Survival was not associated with rust occurrence. The rust appears to have minor ecological impact on this orchid population.  相似文献   

Telomeres are protective caps at the end of chromosomes, and their length is positively correlated with individual health and lifespan across taxa. Longitudinal studies have provided mixed results regarding the within‐individual repeatability of telomere length. While some studies suggest telomere length to be highly dynamic and sensitive to resource‐demanding or stressful conditions, others suggest that between‐individual differences are mostly present from birth and relatively little affected by the later environment. This dichotomy could arise from differences between species, but also from methodological issues. In our study, we used the highly reliable Terminal Restriction Fragment analysis method to measure telomeres over a 10‐year period in adults of a long‐lived seabird, the common tern (Sterna hirundo). Telomeres shortened with age within individuals. The individual repeatability of age‐dependent telomere length was high (>0.53), and independent of the measurement interval (i.e., one vs. six years). A small (R2 = .01), but significant part of the between‐individual variation in telomere length was, however, explained by the number of fledglings produced in the previous year, while reproduction in years prior to the previous year had no effect. We confirmed that age‐dependent telomere length predicted an individual's remaining lifespan. Overall, our study suggests that the majority of between‐individual variation in adult telomere length is consistent across adult life, and that a smaller part of the variation can be explained by dynamic factors, such as reproduction.  相似文献   

1. Theory predicts that mothers should adaptively adjust reproductive investment depending on current reserves and future reproductive opportunities. Females in better intrinsic state, or with more resources, should invest more in current reproduction than those with fewer resources. Across the lifespan, investment may increase as future reproductive opportunities decline, yet may also decline with reductions in intrinsic state. 2. Across many species, larger mothers produce larger offspring, but there is no theoretical consensus on why this is so. This pattern may be driven by variation in maternal state such as nutrition, yet few studies measure both size and nutritional state or attempt to tease apart confounding effects of size and age. 3. Viviparous tsetse flies (Glossina species) offer an excellent system to explore patterns of reproductive investment: females produce large, single offspring sequentially over the course of their relatively long life. Thus, per‐brood reproductive effort can be quantified by offspring size. 4. While most tsetse reproduction research has been conducted on laboratory colonies, maternal investment was investigated in this study using a unique field method where mothers were collected as they deposited larvae, allowing simultaneous mother‐offspring measurements under natural conditions. 5. It was found that larger mothers and those with a higher fat content produced larger offspring, and there was a trend for older mothers to produce slightly larger offspring. 6. The present results highlight the importance of measuring maternal nutritional state, rather than size alone, when considering maternal investment in offspring. Implications for understanding vector population dynamics are also discussed.  相似文献   

Evidence that the social environment at critical stages of life-history shapes individual trajectories is accumulating. Previous studies have identified either current or delayed effects of social environments on fitness components, but no study has yet analysed fitness consequences of social environments at different life stages simultaneously. To fill the gap, we use an extensive dataset collected during a 24-year intensive monitoring of a population of Alpine marmots (Marmota marmota), a long-lived social rodent. We test whether the number of helpers in early life and over the dominance tenure length has an impact on litter size at weaning, juvenile survival, longevity and lifetime reproductive success (LRS) of dominant females. Dominant females, who were born into a group containing many helpers and experiencing a high number of accumulated helpers over dominance tenure length showed an increased LRS through an increased longevity. We provide evidence that in a wild vertebrate, both early and adult social environments influence individual fitness, acting additionally and independently. These findings demonstrate that helpers have both short- and long-term effects on dominant female Alpine marmots and that the social environment at the time of birth can play a key role in shaping individual fitness in social vertebrates.  相似文献   

1. Centenarian species, defined as those taxa with life spans that frequently exceed 100 years, have long been of interest to ecologists because they represent an extreme end point in a continuum of life history strategies. One frequently reported example of a freshwater centenarian is the obligate cave crayfish Orconectes australis, with a maximum longevity reported to exceed 176 years. As a consequence of its reported longevity, O. australis has been used as a textbook example of life history adaptation to the organic‐carbon limitation that characterises many cave‐stream food webs. 2. Despite being widely reported, uncertainties surround the original estimates of longevity for O. australis, which were based on a single study dating from the mid‐1970s. In the present study, we re‐evaluated the growth rate, time‐to‐maturity, female age‐at‐first‐reproduction and longevity of O. australis using a mark–recapture study of more than 5 years based upon more than 3800 free‐ranging individuals from three isolated cave streams in the south‐eastern United States. 3. The results of our study indicate that accurate estimates of the longevity of O. australis are ≤22 years, with only a small proportion of individuals (<5%) exceeding this age. Our estimates for female time‐to‐maturity (4–5 years) and age‐at‐first‐reproduction (5–6 years) are also substantially lower than earlier estimates. 4. These new data indicate that the age thresholds for life history events of O. australis are comparable to other estimates for a modest assemblage of cave and surface species of crayfish for which credible age estimate exists, suggesting that a cave environment per se is not required for the evolution of extreme longevity in crayfish.  相似文献   

Culex quinquefasciatus plays a major role in the transmission of important parasites and viruses throughout the world. Because temperature is an important limiting factor on growth and longevity of all mosquito species, estimating the reaction norms provides very important basic information for understanding both plasticity and individual variations of the population. In the present study, Cx. quinquefasciatus were maintained at five different constant temperatures (15°, 20°, 23°, 27°, and 30°C) for two subsequent generations. Reproductive population parameters in blood‐fed mated females and longevities of virgin and blood‐fed mated adults reared at different temperatures were compared for the two generations. Longevity increased as temperature decreased within a range of 15° to 30°C for the unmated adults, and 15° to 27°C for the mated and blood‐fed adults. Generation times were as long as 124.07 and 106.76 days for two subsequent generations reared at 15°C, and the highest intrinsic rate of increase (rm) values were estimated at 0.22 and 0.18, respectively, from the cohorts reared at 27°C. For survival rates, reproductive rates (R0), and rm values, 30°C was found to be a critical temperature for this species. These cohorts produced the smallest amount of eggs (R0= 5.06), rm values decreasing across generations (from 0.11 to 0.06), and the survival rates from egg to adult were found to be insufficient (16.1 and 10.8%). Additionally, the rate of exponential increase with age and age specific mortalities (b) were calculated for the virgin cohorts. Age specific mortality rates increased as temperature decreased. The increase in mortality rates started to accelerate at 27°C and was more pronounced at 30°C, for both females and males. We estimated the coefficients of variation for the b values in which females have smaller coefficients than those of the males at all temperatures.  相似文献   

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