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The genus Clusia L. is highly variable in many floral features. Several Clusia species have floral organs of mixed or uncertain identity, such as organs that are transitional between bracteoles and sepals, petaloid sepals, and partly petaloid stamen rings. Unique in Clusia is the "corona" of Clusia gundlachii Stahl, a thick, urn-shaped structure that is initiated as a ring primordium. In male flowers it surrounds a synandrium, and in female flowers it surrounds the ovary and a row of staminodes. The corona combines features typical of both petals and stamens of other Clusia species. It is hypothesized that this corona may be the result of the altered expression patterns of the genes that determine floral organ identity. Clusia gundlachii has many floral features in common with two small genera that are sometimes included in Clusia: Havetiopsis and Oedematopus. These genera have four thick connivent petals. Their apparent close relationship makes it seem likely that the corona of C. gundlachii evolved via congenital fusion of such petals. The corona is also somewhat similar to the staminodial rings present in many Clusia species, but taxa in which such organs occur show little similarity to C. gundlachii in terms of other floral characters.  相似文献   

The poorly known Haloragaceae R. Br. (Saxifragales) are highly diverse in habit (small trees to submerged aquatics) and labile in floral merosity (2-4), both uncommon among the core eudicots. This family has a cosmopolitan distribution, but taxonomic diversity is concentrated in Australia. An explicit phylogenetic approach has not previously been utilized to examine relationships or character evolution in this family. We used molecular evidence from nrDNA ITS and cpDNA trnK and matK regions under both Bayesian and parsimony analyses to address phylogenetic relationships. Combined molecular analyses defined a monophyletic Haloragaceae with the woody genera (Haloragodendron, Glischrocaryon) sister to the rest. Relationships among many genera were well resolved, with genera as currently delimited generally well supported, although there were notable exceptions; a new genus (Trihaloragis) is recognized, and the aquatic genus Meionectes is again distinct from Haloragis. Three new species combinations are also recognized. There are multiple (two or three) origins of the submerged aquatic habit in the family and potentially an intermediate reversal to the terrestrial habit, neither previously demonstrated in a core eudicot family using an explicit phylogenetic hypothesis. Ancestral character analyses suggest two origins of trimerous flowers and multiple reductions to dimerous flowers throughout Haloragaceae.  相似文献   

The subtribe Espeletiinae (Asteraceae, Heliantheae) comprises morphologically and ecologically diverse plants endemic to the tropical montane paramos of the Andes of Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador. Though the ecophysiology and ecology of this adaptive radiation have been well studied, relationships among taxa in the subtribe and between the subtribe and other taxa in the Heliantheae are poorly known. In this study, sequences from the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA are used to test previous hypotheses about the phylogenetic position of the Espeletiinae within the Heliantheae and to determine which taxa are the subtribe's closest relatives. Gene phylogenies based on maximum parsimony analyses reveal that the Espeletiinae clade is nested well within the subtribe Melampodiinae and thus should be considered a monophyletic complex of species, not a separate subtribe. The most parsimonious gene trees suggest that the genus Ichthyothere may be the sister taxon to the Espeletia complex and that the genus Smallanthus and a species of Rumfordia are likely among the complex's other closest living relatives. These data offer preliminary insights into the origins of this adaptive radiation and the broader phylogenetic context in which it occurred.  相似文献   

Clusia fluminensis and C. lanceolata are dioecious shrubs having resiniferous flowers with strongly distinct androecia. The aim of this study was to investigate the development and anatomy of their androecia and the ultrastructure, histochemistry and secretory process of their androecium resin glands, examining whether the cellular aspects of resin secretion differed between these two morphologically distinct androecia. Stamens differ, being free in C. fluminensis and clustered in a synandrium in C. lanceolata. Staminode sterility is due to the undifferentiated nature of the anthers in C. lanceolata and degeneration of meiocytes and anther indehiscence in C. fluminensis. Resin is produced in subepidermal cavities and canals with wide lumens. In the secretory stage, epithelial cells present sinuous walls, voluminous nuclei, polymorphic plastids associated with periplastidial reticulum, mitochondria, oil bodies, multivesicular bodies, endoplasmic reticulum and dictyosomes. The resin is released through rupture points on the distal surface of stamens and staminodes, associated with disrupted cavities and canals. Our results show morphological diversity associated with functional similarity. Also, a secretion pattern shared by the two species includes initiation of the secretory process in young floral buds, compartmentalisation of the secretion in pre‐anthesis buds and release of secretions at anthesis. Cellular aspects of resin secretion in these species are quite similar, as are the chemical identities of the main components of the floral resins of the genus.  相似文献   

Abstract: Members of the Clusiaceae genus Clusia (tropical trees and shrubs) belong to the small group of dicotyledonous trees which are able to perform crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). Most of the species are able to switch between C3 and CAM modes of photosynthesis and only a few are restricted to either C3 or CAM. In order to discover possible phylogenetic relationships with regard to the mode of photosynthesis, we investigated 17 species of the genus Clusia, and one species each of the Clusiaceae genera Oedematopus and Hypericum on the basis of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences between the 18S and 26S coding regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Little length variation was detected in the ITS region of Clusia species. ITS1 sequences ranged from 255 to 260 bp and ITS2 sequences from 208 to 210 bp. Neighbour-joining and parsimony analyses of these sequences resulted in considerable differences in cluster formation when compared to a classification based on morphological characteristics. The molecular data also give no indication of a group-specific evolution of modes of photosynthesis, i.e., C3 and CAM. We thus conclude that CAM has evolved independently several times within the genus Clusia.  相似文献   

A new genus of Leguminosae in tribe Brongniartieae is proposed based on a new species endemic to the Caatinga of Bahia state. The new genus is named as Tabaroa L. P. Queiroz, G. P. Lewis & M. F. Wojc. and the new species as Tabaroa caatingicola L. P. Queiroz, G. P. Lewis & M. F. Wojc. A phylogenetic study of the Brongniartieae based on nuclear rDNA ITS and plastid matK sequences supports a closer relationship between Tabaroa and Harpalyce Moc. & Sessé than to the two South American genera Poecilanthe Benth. and Cyclolobium Benth., which are more similar morphologically. Optimisation of selected morphological characters on one of the most parsimonious trees indicates that the sessile ovary and the explosive pollen presentation are putative synapomorphies of the Tabaroa-Harpalyce clade. The genus Tabaroa may be diagnosed by the absence of peltate glandular trichomes; leaves imparipinnate, exstipellate and with opposite leaflets; flowers sessile, not resupinate, grouped in panicles; anthers apiculate; and fruit indehiscent. The only known species inhabits areas of arboreal caatinga on sandy soil in southwestern Bahia, near the boundaries of Dom Basílio and Livramento de Nossa Senhora municipalities.  相似文献   

Nectar, the most common floral reward, is generally used to determine whether an orchid species involves deceptive pollination. Estimates of the deceptive pollination systems with nectarless flowers have ranged from one quarter to one third of the nearly 30 000 species of orchids. These estimates, however, are biased towards temperate-zone, usually terrestrial, orchids. Here we investigated nectar production and property in 34 epiphytic orchid species of the Southeast Asian genus Dendrobium. Twenty-one species were observed producing nectar. The amount and sugar concentration (in bagged flowers) of 12 species varied from 0.45 to 2.78 μL and from 8.1% to 31.1%. The nectar was sucrose-dominant, typical of bee-pollinated flowers. Reconstruction of phylogenetic relationship indicated that transition of nectar secretion occurred in the genus. Spur length was positively correlated with flower size but species with relatively long spurs tended to produce small volume of nectar. Nectar production was strikingly variable among and within individuals in some species, suggesting that a vital measurement of bagged and fresh flowers is needed. Given that the quantitative measurement of nectar or floral reward in orchid species remains scarce, an estimate of deceptive pollination systems awaits further survey in diverse genera.  相似文献   

A cladistic analysis of Asarum was conducted to examine relationships among species within the genus and to test the monophyly of several groups of taxa that have often been treated as segregate genera. Thirty-two species were drawn from throughout the range of the genus, representing a broad sample of sections and all segregate genera. The data matrix included 37 characters derived from various aspects of vegetative and floral morphology. A strict consensus of all most parsimonious trees suggests that Asarum s.l. is monophyletic and consists of two main clades: an Asarum clade, which is characterized by connate styles and inferior ovaries, and an Asiasarum-Hexastylis-Heterotropa clade, which is characterized by ridges on the inner perianth surface, dorsal stigmas, and bifid style extensions. The latter is a large and morphologically diverse clade that includes the North American segregate Hexastylis and two Asiatic segregates. Examination of pollination mechanisms in the context of this phylogeny supports the conclusion that herkogamy, and thus obligate insect pollination, is derived from a plesiomorphic condition of autonomous self-pollination. Associated with herkogamy are characters such as glandular trichomes and other ornamentation of the surface of the calyx that probably represent increased specialization to attract insect pollinators. This study also indicates that chromosomal evolution has occurred via aneuploid decrease from an ancestral chromosome number of 2n = 26 to 2n = 24 in Heterotropa. The recognition of two subgenera, subgenus Asarum and subgenus Heterotropa, corresponding to the two clades in the cladistic analysis, is recommended.  相似文献   

The revision of species-rich genera underpins research and supports the sustainable use and monitoring of biological diversity. One fifth to one quarter of the diversity of all seed plant species occurs in such genera, but difficulties with the revision of species-rich genera has resulted in many of them being ignored since the late 1800s. Pilea, with 600-715 species is in need of revision. The only realistic approach is in manageable subunits, which requires confirmation of monophyly and identification of monophyletic subdivisions. Parsimony analyses of trnL-F, ITS, and morphology data were used to test the monophyly of, and explore intrageneric relationships within, Pilea. Analysis of trnL-F data confirms and recovers two morphologically diagnosable monophyletic clades that include all of the taxa within Pilea. Overlaying geographic distribution on a most parsimonious tree indicates a strong association between geography and phylogenetic relatedness. It is suggested that a strategic revision within the framework of morphologically and geographically diagnosable units might enable the revision of the group using an iterative approach. Analysis of the outgroup taxa supports the inclusion of Poikilospermum within the Urticaceae and suggests that the Urticaceae tribes could be placed into two clades that are supported by floral morphology.  相似文献   

Abstract The almost exclusively Neotropical butterfly family Riodinidae is poorly represented in both ecological and systematic studies of Lepidoptera. A comparative morphological study of all seventy-five species in subtribe Theopeina (tribe Nymphidiini) yielded 104 characters, predominantly from wing pattern, male and female genitalia, and abdominal structures. All morphological characters and adults representing the range of wing pattern variation are illustrated. Phylogenetic analysis of the data produced a large number of most parsimonious cladograms, but the strict consensus of these, both when using equal weights and after successive weighting, is well resolved and the majority of terminal clades have high character and branch support. Theopeina is found to consist of five monophyletic genera, Protonymphidia , Archaeonympha , Calicosama , Behemothia and Theope (=  Parnes and Dinoplotis ), with the largest genus Theope containing thirteen monophyletic species groups, which are delineated to facilitate a discussion of broad evolutionary patterns in this morphologically diverse subtribe.  相似文献   

Plants often combine multiple strategies to achieve pollen transfer. The dioecious Clusia nemorosa (Clusiaceae) produces floral resin, a specialized reward for resin-collecting bees. It also exhibits floral automimicry with female flowers mimicking male flowers in order to attract pollen-collecting insects. We observed the hourly visitation frequency and behaviour of bee visitors on two rock savanna sites in French Guiana. The major strategy in pollen transfer and the variation in visitation rates among visitor species were examined. We hypothesized that the visitation rate will vary between the floral sexes and degree of this variation will differ between the two-reward systems. We found no evidence for visits being exclusively related to resin collection, which we expected to be the principal strategy in pollen transfer. Deceit pollination appeared to have minor importance and seemed to be locally associated with the site, where demand for pollen was greater. Flower visits that probably facilitated most pollen transfer, combined resin and pollen. The pollinators involved in this system collected pollen from male flowers and resin from female flowers. The fruit set was not particularly low (44.19%) so offering different rewards by different flower genders has not constrained reproductive success in this system. Pronounced variation in visitation rates between sexes was not related to the pollination mechanisms but to the demand for the two rewards. Overall demand for pollen was greater than demand for resin. Female flowers were visited much less frequently than male flowers. Peak pollen collection occurred in the morning, i.e., as soon as the resource was available, while resin was collected throughout the day. There was a local variability in demand for the two resources because both the visitation rate and the behaviour of foraging bees varied between the two observation sites.  相似文献   

Flowers are an important niche for microbes, and microbes in turn influence plant fitness. As flower morphology and biology change rapidly over time, dynamic niches for microbes are formed and lost. Floral physiology at each life stage can therefore influence arrival, persistence and loss of microbial species; however, this remains little understood despite its potential consequences for host reproductive success. Through internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) community profiling, we characterized the effect of transitioning through five floral stages of mānuka (Leptospermum scoparium), from immature bud to spent flower, and subsequent allocation to seed, on the flower-inhabiting fungal community. We found nectar-consuming yeasts from Aureobasidium and Vishniacozyma genera and functionally diverse filamentous fungi from the Cladosporium genus dominated the anthosphere. The candidate core microbiota persisted across this dynamic niche despite high microbial turnover, as observed in shifts in community composition and diversity as flowers matured and senesced. The results demonstrated that floral stages are strong drivers of anthosphere fungal community assembly and dynamics. This study represents the first detailed exploration of fungi through floral development, building on fundamental knowledge in microbial ecology of healthy flowers.  相似文献   

Between March 1993 and May 1995 the floral biology and the phenology ofClusia nemorosa G. Mey. (Clusiaceae) were studied in two dioecious populations in Pernambuco State, and some observations were made in gynodioecious populations, that were encountered only in Bahia State. The species flowers from June to January/February. The flowers are bowl shaped, and last only one day. The floral reward is resin which is produced by staminodia in all types of flowers. The sex ratio was 1:1 for the studied populations. The pollen viability was approximately 98%. Apomixis was not observed. The rate of fruit set, in hermaphrodite individuals, under natural conditions and the sex ratio of the gynodioecious populations studied suggest that the hermaphrodite individuals may behave as males.Clusia nemorosa is melittophilous and was visited by 16 species of bees. The main pollinators wereEuplusia mussitans, E. iopyhrra, Eulaema cingulata, E. nigrita, Euglossa cordata andEuglossa sp.  相似文献   

Twenty strains of flattened amoebae including 17 isolated from fish were characterised morphologically both at light microscopical and ultrastructural levels and assigned to either the genus Vannella Bovee, 1965 or the genus Platyamoeba Page, 1969. Sequence-based phylogenetic analyses of SSU rRNA genes from a data set representing a total of 29 strains of flattened amoebae strongly indicated that morphological features discriminating between these genera do not reflect phylogenetic relationships of representative strains. Contrary to a previous study, strains of this expanded assemblage formed clusters that did not reflect their environmental origin. Monophyletic groups were of mixed origins and contained freshwater as well as marine strains of both genera isolated in geographically distant localities of various continents. These findings were supported by results of phylogenetic analyses of selected strains based on ITS sequences. However, topologies of acquired ITS trees were not congruent with results inferred from SSU rRNA analyses.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of spionid genera are estimated from parsimony analyses of morphological characters, with Trochochaetidae, Poecilochaetidae and Uncispionidae as outgroups. A first analysis of currendy recognised genera proved inconclusive and even exclusion of six of the most polymorphic genera resulted in 13 305 equally parsimonious trees and a fully collapsed consensus tree. A second analysis using only the type species of each genus, yielded four equally parsimonious trees; reduced to two after successive weighting. The topologies of these two trees indicated division of the family into four main groups: (1) Aonidella and Xandaros; (2) Prionospio (sensu fato)-complex, Laonice, Spiophanes and Aonides; (3) a large assemblage of genera, including Polydora-{senm late), Scolelepis, Malacoceros and Spio; (4) Atherospio, Pseudatherospio and Pygospiopsis. Earlier literature classifications of the group are evaluated and compared with die new results.  相似文献   

Three mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers were used to infer the phylogenetic relationships of the morphologically diverse, species rich, and poorly understood western North American aquatic gastropod genus Pyrgulopsis (Hydrobiidae: Nymphophilinae). Sequences were obtained from 62 of 124 currently recognized species of Pyrgulopsis and representatives of four related genera of North American nymphophilines. Separate and combined analyses of the mtDNA datasets recovered a well supported clade composed of Pyrgulopsis and two other North American nymphophiline genera (Floridobia, Nymphophilus) consistent with the results of a prior study based on a single gene and with anatomical evidence suggesting that these taxa form a monophyletic group. Phylogenetic relationships among lineages of Pyrgulopsis were little resolved in our analyses and provided no obvious basis for splitting this large genus into multiple genera. The little differentiated Mexican genus Nymphophilus was consistently placed within Pyrgulopsis in our trees and is formally synonymized with it herein. Pyrgulopsis was also depicted as paraphyletic with respect to Floridobia in some of our trees while in others the latter was sister to a Nymphophilus + Pyrgulopsis clade. Based on these equivocal results and the morphological and geographical divergence of eastern North American Floridobia relative to Pyrgulopsis, we recommend that the former be maintained as a separate genus. The short, weakly supported branches within Pyrgulopsis and the noncongruence between our molecular phylogenetic hypotheses and geographical groupings of species are attributed to an early rapid diversification of the genus, perhaps triggered by the complex changes in western topography which occurred during the late Tertiary. Our results also indicate that penial morphologies used to define species groups of Pyrgulopsis have been subject to striking convergence throughout the West, suggesting another compelling facet of the radiation of these snails.  相似文献   

The widespread pattern of parallel flower evolution as an adaptation for particular pollinator agents, known as "pollination syndromes", has long drawn attention from evolutionary biologists. Here, we report parallel evolution of saucer-shaped flowers and an associated unusual pollination system within the lineage Heucherina, a group of saxifragaceous genera. Field observations reveal that 18 of 28 plant species studied are pollinated almost exclusively by fungus gnats (Mycetophilidae). Among the 18 species with a fungus-gnat pollination system, 13 have characteristic saucer-shaped flowers and are pollinated mainly by several unspecialized mycetophilid genera with short mouthparts. We performed phylogenetic analyses using nucleotide sequences of external and internal transcribed spacers of nuclear ribosomal DNA and reconstructed ancestral floral morphologies with an establishment of the model of floral character evolution under a maximum-likelihood framework. Our analysis indicates that there is significant directionality in the evolutionary shifts of floral forms in the Heucherina. The inferred phylogeny further supports four origins of saucer-shaped flowers, which is shared among 14 species that are traditionally classified into the genus Mitella. In addition, our analysis indicates the extensive polyphyly of genus Mitella, as also suggested previously. The results suggest that the flower-visiting fungus gnats have caused convergent selection for the saucer-shaped flower repeatedly evolved within Heucherina.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse the reproductive biology of Echinopsis terscheckii, a species endemic to northwest Argentina that has nocturnal flowers. We expected that this species had a generalised pollination system, with moths and diurnal visitors as the primary pollinators. To test this, we studied the floral biology, breeding system and floral visitors of this species and the effectiveness of nocturnal and diurnal visitors. Floral biology was defined based on floral morphology, floral cycle and nectar production of the flowers. The breeding system and relative contributions of diurnal and nocturnal visitors to fruit and seed set were analysed through field experiments. E.?terscheckii flowers opened at sunset and closed the following day. The peak of nectar production occurred at midnight. Flowers were determined to be self-incompatible. Moths, bees and birds were identified as floral visitors. Moths were the most frequent visitors at night, whereas bees were the most frequent visitors during the day. Fruit production by diurnal pollinators was less than that by nocturnal pollinators; among all floral visitors, moths were the most effective pollinators. We have demonstrated for the first time that moths are the primary pollinators of columnar cacti of the genus Echinopsis. Our results suggest that moths might be important pollinators of columnar cactus species with nocturnal flowers in the extra-tropical deserts of South America.  相似文献   

'Floral' scent production by Puccinia rust fungi that mimic flowers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Crucifers (Brassicaceae) in 11 genera are often infected by rust fungi in the Puccinia monoica complex. Infection causes a 'pseudoflower' to form that is important for attracting insect visitors that sexually outcross the fungus. 'Pollinator' attraction is accomplished through visual floral mimicry, the presence of a nectar reward and floral fragrances. Here we used gas chromatography and mass spectrometry to identify and quantify fragrance production by these rust fungi on several Arabis hosts, and by co-occurring true flowers that share insect visitors. Fungal pseudoflowers produced distinctive floral fragrances composed primarily of aromatic alcohols, aldehydes and esters. Pseudoflower fragrances were chemically similar to noctuid-moth-pollinated flowers, such as Cestrum nocturnum and Abelia grandiflora , but were very different from host flowers, host vegetation and the flowers of coblooming, nonhost angiosperms. There was variation in the quantity and composition of fragrance profiles from different fungal species as well as within and among hosts. The evolution of scent chemistry is relatively conservative in these fungi and can be most parsimoniously explained in three steps by combining chemical data with a previously determined rDNA ITS sequence-based phylogeny. Pseudoflower scent does not appear to represent a simple modification of host floral or vegetative emissions, nor does it mimic the scent of coblooming flowers. Instead, we suspect that the unique fragrances, beyond their function as pollinator attractants, may be important in reducing gamete loss by reinforcing constancy among foraging insects.  相似文献   

Chromosomal banding data on three species of Tatera from Kenya significantly alter the previous hypothesis of relationships between and within the genera Tatera and Gerbillurus based on cladistic analyses and the rule of parsimony (Qumsiyeh, 1986b). Of the many possible hypothetical relationships, the most parsimonious tree showed three homoplasies and allowed the genus Gerbillurus to be paraphyletic. The alternative trees, depicting larger number of homoplasies but with homoplasies restricted to fusion or fission events, were compatible with the morphological data in supporting the monophyly of Gerbillurus. To choose between the hypothesis based on the most parsimonious chromosomal tree and those supported by both morphology and slightly less parsimonious chromosomal trees, we performed an electrophoretic study on this group of gerbils. The conclusions are that the genus Gerbillurus is monophyletic and represents a branch that is closely related to the T. robusta group of Taterillini. The study documents that fissions and fusions must have occurred frequently and that in some cases the same fusions were acquired in two independent lineages in numbers exceeding those that are predicted by strict parsimony. The results raise questions about the validity of systematic conclusions based solely on fusion/fission data and utilizing the parsimony criterion.  相似文献   

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