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Abstract: The affinity of a series of catecholestrogens for 7S cytoplasmic receptor proteins from hypothalamus and pituitary gland of ovariectomised rats was assessed in vitro by a competitive charcoal binding assay at 4°C. The equilibrium dissociation constants ( K i) of catecholestrogens 4-hydroxyestradiol, 4-hydroxyethynylestradiol, 2-hydroxyestradiol, 2-hydroxyethynylestradiol, and 4-hydroxyestrone were of the same order ( K i 0.3–0.6 n m ) as those of estradiol and ethynylestradiol ( K i: 0.1 n m ). Methylation of 2-hydroxyestradiol led to a substantial loss of binding affinity. Tritium-labelled receptor complexes were demonstrated in KCl extracts of purified nuclei from pituitary and hypothalamic tissue 1 h after intravenous injection of 0.1 mCi tritiated 2- or 4-hydroxyestradiol. These macromolecular complexes sedimented in the 5-6S region of 5–20% (w/v) sucrose gradients containing 0.4 m -KCl. Further evidence for the translocation of estrogen receptors by catecholestrogens into the nuclei of rat pituitary and hypothalamus was the increase in nuclear receptor concentrations, measured by exchange assay, 1 h after the intraperitoneal injection of 0.1 mg unlabelled catecholestrogen. Administration of 4-hydroxyestradiol and 4-hydroxyethynylestradiol increased nuclear receptor concentrations to the same maximal levels as those following application of the same dose of estradiol or ethynylestradiol, whereas the respective 2-hydroxylated compounds exhibited only 60–70% of the maximal translocating capacity. The in vivo translocating capacities of the various catecholestrogens tested at this dose correlated well with their binding affinities for cytosol receptors determined in vitro.  相似文献   

2月龄的Wistar大鼠,经颈静脉注射~3H—Ru486(~3H—R)或~3H—孕酮(~3H—P)后,可见自显影银粒在子宫肌层细胞核内有明显的聚集,而腔上皮和腺上皮内银粒分布相对较少。在阴道、输卵管肌层细胞核内也有聚集。垂体前叶细胞的核、浆以及下丘脑、视上核、室旁核、弓状核等核团内神经元的胞核内都有相似的银粒聚集。所有动物的隔肌内均未见自显影银粒定位。用非标记Ru486,孕酮或地塞米松竞争的结果表明,Ru486在下匠脑、垂体、子宫等水平均和孕酮竞争特异性结合部位,很可能是孕酮受体结合部位。这提示Ru486在体情况下对上述各个水平的生理机能均可能产生影响,其抗早孕和诱导月经可能是通过多个环节而起作用的。  相似文献   

We have reported that the posterior pituitary hormone, oxytocin (OT), known for its effects in inducing parturition, lactation and social bonding, is also a skeletal hormone. Here, we demonstrate that OT plays a key role in enabling maternal skeletal mobilization during pregnancy by enhancing the formation of bone resorbing osteoclasts. Osteoclast formation ex vivo is thus diminished in pregnant mothers with genetic OT-deficiency. OT−/− pups at day E20 also show a defect in trabecular bone. μCT measurements reveal normal bone volume, but increased trabecular numbers, suggesting that trabeculae in OT−/− pups are hypomineralized. We suggest that OT facilitates intergenerational transfer of calcium ions from a pregnant mother to the pups.  相似文献   

Growth hormone (GH)-releasing peptides (GHRPs) are synthetic peptides which induce strong GH release in both animals and humans. Among them, GHRP-2 is known to stimulate GH release by acting at both hypothalamic and pituitary sites, but also induces adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) release in healthy subjects. GHRP-2 may stimulate ACTH release directly via GHRP receptor type 1a in ACTH-producing tumors. GHRP-2 increases ACTH secretion in rat in vivo, but not ACTH release from rat primary pituitary cells. In the present study, in order to elucidate the mechanism underlying ACTH secretion by GHRPs, mouse pituitary cells were stimulated by GHRP-2. GHRP receptor mRNA was expressed in the mouse pituitary, and GHRP-2 directly stimulated secretion and synthesis of ACTH in the mouse anterior pituitary cells. GHRP-2 increased intracellular cyclic AMP production. H89, a potent protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor, and bisindolylmaleimide I, a selective protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor, inhibited the GHRP-2-induced ACTH release, and that H89, but not bisindolylmaleimide I, inhibited the GHRP-2-induced proopiomelanocortin mRNA levels. Together, the GHRP-2-induced ACTH release was regulated via both PKA and PKC pathways in the mouse pituitary cells, while ACTH was synthesized by GHRP-2 only via the PKA pathway.  相似文献   

We report on the interactions of Li+, a congener of K+ with the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase from E Electricus as measured by their effects on the rate of [3H]-ouabain binding to this enzyme. Like K+, Li+ slows ouabain binding under both Type I (Na+ + ATP) and Type II (P1) conditions, but with lower affinity. In contrast to K+, the Li+ inhibition curve is hyperbolic, suggesting interaction at an uncoupled site. Also differing from the complete inhibition by high K+, a residual ouabain-binding rate persists at high Li+. The interactions of Li+ and K+ are synergistic: the apparent K+ affinity increases 3 to 4-fold in presence of Li+. These results are consistent with the conclusion that Li+ interacts with only one of the two K+ sites and may be of interest in interpreting lithium pharmacology.  相似文献   

Abstract: Secretoneurin is a 33-amino-acid peptide produced in vivo from secretogranin II. An antiserum raised against this peptide recognizes both the free peptide and its precursors. By HPLC and radioimmunoassay we characterized the immunoreactive molecules and determined the levels of immunoreactivity in various rat organs. In adrenal medulla and to a lesser degree in the anterior pituitary processing of secretogranin II to secretoneurin was very limited, whereas in all other organs studied (brain, intestine, endocrine pancreas, thyroid gland, and posterior pituitary) a high degree of processing was apparent. Thus, practically all of the immunoreactivity was present as free secretoneurin. This was also true for serum. When the total amount of secretoneurin immunoreactivity was calculated for the various organs, the largest pools in descending order were in the intestine, CNS, anterior pituitary, pancreas, and adrenal gland. This makes it likely that secretoneurin in serum is mainly derived from the intestine. The high degree of processing of secretogranin II in most organs is consistent with the concept that this protein acts as a precursor of a functional peptide, i.e., secretoneurin.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of monoamines in the diencephalon and pituitary of the dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicula, has been investigated using the histochemical fluorescence technique of Falck and Hillarp (Falck and Owman, 1965). Terminals of monoamine-containing axons were found in the neurointermediate lobe of the pituitary and the axons were traced, by means of nialamide and L-dopa treatment and lesions, to the nucleus medius hypothalamicus. A separate hypothalamic system converging on the anterior median eminence and the occurrence of aminergic cells in the nuclei lobi inferiores and nucleus medius hypothalamicus were similarly demonstrated. Normal fish show a bilateral uncrossed tegmental tract and two areas of catecholamine-containing neurones in modified ependymal organs. The organum vasculosum hypothalami includes both primary catecholamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine-containing cell types whilst the organum vasculosum praeopticum has only the former type. Both organs contain cells which send club-like processes into the third ventricle. The subcommissural organ does not contain monoamines.The role of hypothalamic catecholamine systems in the regulation of pituitary function is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure of each type of anterior pituitary cell in the male goat was studied through the application of a superimposition technique in which adjacent thick sections were used to identify individual cells beforehand by light-microscopic immunohistochemistry. A cone of the pars intermedia protrudes into the pars anterior, being surrounded by the narrow pituitary cleft; the immunohistochemical appearances of the cells forming the cone resemble those of the pars anterior. Several follicles appear in the pars anterior. Ultrastructurally GH cells resemble prolactin cells. The secretory granules of both types are spherical; the diameter of the former is about 340 nm, whereas that of the latter is about 440 nm. ACTH cells are polygonal in shape with secretory granules, about 180 nm in diameter, scattered throughout the cytoplasm. TSH cells, which are spherical in shape, contain the smallest secretory granules, 150 nm in diameter. The highly electron-dense LH cells contain numerous secretory granules about 210 nm in diameter. Their nuclei are irregular with incisures. Thus, the anterior pituitary cells of the goat are ultrastructurally characteristic and species-specific.  相似文献   

Orexins A and B (hypocretins A and B) are regulatory peptides that control a variety of neuroendocrine and autonomic functions including feeding and sleep-wakefulness. Previously, we described a clear relationship between the hormonal milieu of the estrous cycle and the mRNA expression of the components of the orexinergic system, in the hypothalamus, pituitary and ovary. Here, we investigate whether steroid hormones are involved in the modulation of the hypocretin/orexin type-1 receptor expression at the protein level, and its time of the day dependence, in hypothalamus and pituitary of castrated male and female rats and castrated receiving hormone replacement.Orchidectomy decreased the hypocretin/orexin type-1 receptor expression in anterior hypothalamus, but not in mediobasal hypothalamus or cortex; in pituitary this treatment resulted in an increase. Testosterone and dihydrotestosterone were able to restore receptor expression and gonadotropins.In females, pituitary and ovarian hormones increased during proestrous afternoon. Hypocretin/orexin type-1 receptor expression was higher at 19:00 of proestrus in hypothalamus and pituitary. Ovariectomized treated with estradiol or oil and sacrificed at 11:00 h showed the receptor expression similar to 11:00 h of proestrus in hypothalamus and pituitary. At 19:00 h, low expression persisted in these areas in oil-treated ovariectomized rats; in contrast, estradiol replacement increased the expression to high levels of normal cycling rats at 19:00 h.Sexual steroids modulate the orexinergic system and the anatomical regions, hormones and times of the day all have to be considered when the roles of orexins, and probably other peptides, are under consideration.  相似文献   

The amounts of beta-endorphin- and Met-enkephalin-immunoreactive material are higher in the pituitary of aged rats. However, the aging process decreases the content of beta-endorphin-, but does not affect that of Met-enkephalin-immunoreactive material, in hypothalamus. Thus, it seems that the regulatory mechanisms in the two areas are differentially affected by increasing age. On the other hand, the pituitary increase of these peptides is in line with the assumption that in the elderly the hormonal response to stress is impaired.  相似文献   

Lasaga M  Debeljuk L 《Peptides》2011,32(9):1972-1978
Tachykinins play a critical role in neuroendocrine regulation of reproduction. The best known members of the family are substance P (SP), neurokinin A and neurokinin B. Tachykinins mediate their biological actions through three G protein-coupled receptors, named NK1, NK2, and NK3. SP was suggested to play an important role in the ovulatory process in mammals and humans. Recent findings suggest a role of tachykinins in the aging of the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis. A high presence of SP was found in the sheep pars tuberalis and evidence indicates that it may have some role in the control of prolactin secretion. The presence of SP was confirmed in Leydig cells of the rat testes of animals submitted to constant light or treated with estrogens. Tachykinins were found to increase the motility of human spermatozoa. Tachykinins were also found to be present in the mouse ovary and more specifically, in the granulose cells. It is possible that tachykinins may play an important role in the ovarian function. NKB has been implicated in the steroid feedback control of GnRH release. Human mutations in the gene encoding this peptide or its receptor (TACR3) lead to a defect in the control of GnRH. A specific subset of neurons in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus, colocalized three neuropeptides, kisspeptin, NKB and dynorphin. This subpopulation of neurons mediates the gonadal hormone feedback control of GnRH secretion. NKB/NK3 signaling plays a role in puberty onset and fertility in humans. This minireview summarizes the recent data about the action of tachykinins on the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis.  相似文献   

Résumé Ce travail est consacré à l'identification des cellules sécrétant respectivement LH et FSH chez le Porc. Les caractères morphologiques de ces deux lignées cellulaires ont été précisés grâce à deux techniques de coloration: l'APS-bleu de méthazol-orange G et l'APS-bleu alcian-orange G. Cette dernière technique est la seule à révéler que les grandes cellules de la zone médiane auxquelles avait été précédemment attribuée la sécrétion de FSH se scindent en deux classes distinctes: les unes ne réagissent qu'à l'APS, les autres réagissent simultanément à l'APS et au bleu alcian.Les modifications hypophysaires caractérisant les phases du cycle oestral, la castration, la cryptorchidie, l'administration d'un antiovulatoire concordent à démontrer que l'activité LH est exercée par une lignée spécifique de cellules glycoprotidiques caractérisées par la disposition de leurs granulations en amas distincts. Les mêmes conditions physiologiques ou expérimentales suggèrent que seules parmi les cellules basophiles de la zone médiane, celles qui réagissent simultanément à l'APS et au bleu alcian participent à l'activité gonadotrope de l'hypophyse et sécrètent vraisemblablement FSH.Le microscope électronique précise les caractères distinctifs des deux formes gonadotropes. Elles diffèrent l'une de l'autre par la structure de leurs granulations et l'aspect de leur ergastoplasme. Les cellules LH se repèrent aisément grâce à la disposition de leurs granulations en amas distincts et le microscope électronique confirme leur hypertrophie fonctionnelle à la suite de la castration. D'autre part, le microscope électronique confirme également la dualité des cellules basophiles occupant la région médiane de la glande et l'étude de ces cellules basophiles chez le castrat démontre bien que seule, l'une de ces formes cellulaires subit une vacuolisation massive de son ergastoplasme.L'attribution de l'activité LH aux cellules glycoprotidiques dont les granulations sont réparties en amas distincts est confirmée par une réaction d'immuno-fluorescence réalisée à partir d'un immun-sérum spécifique vis-à-vis de l'hormone LH.
The gonadotropic cells in the pigs hypophysis
Summary The present paper concerns the identification of LH -and FSH-secreting cells in the hypophysis of the pig. The morphological characteristics of the involved cell types can be accurately demonstrated by two staining techniques: PAS-methazol: blue-Orange G and PAS-Alcian blue-Orange G. Only the second of these methods reveals that the large cells of the median region, usually considered as FSH-secretory, can be separated into two cells types; some of them stain exclusively with PAS, the other ones stain simultaneously with PAS and Alcian blue.The cytological modifications of the hypophyseal structure observed in different functional conditions (f.i. during the different phases of the oestrous cycle, after castration, in cryptorchidism, after administration of antiovulatory drugs) point to an identical conclusion, namely that the secretion of LH must be ascribed to a specific glycoprotidic cell type, identified by a peculiar clusterlike disposition of the cytoplasmic granules. On the other hand, the cytological observations suggest that, among the basophil cells of the median region, only those which stain simultaneously with PAS and Alcian blue have a gonadotrope function and are most probably FSH-secreting.The electron microscope allows a precise distinction between the two gonadotrope cell types, based on the aspect of the ergastoplasm and the structure of the granules. The LH cells are easily identified by the characteristic disposition of the granules in clusters or clumps. Their hypertrophy after castration is confirmed by EM observations.On the other hand the EM confirmes the duality of the basophil cells of the median region; since, after castration, one of the two cell types only shows a massive vacuolisation of the ergastoplasm.Finally, the LH-secretory function of the glycoprotidic cells with clump like aspect of the granules is confirmed by their immuno-fluorescence reaction towards a specific anti-LH serum.

Summary A clonal strain of anterior pituitary cells was derived from Rathke's pouch of the rat. These cells were shown to secrete ACTH, growth hormone and prolactin but no glycoprotein hormones, when grown in vitro. Cells from the 2A8 clone were implanted for one month under kidney capsules or into hypothalami of hypophysectomized female rats. Under the kidney capsule, prominent prolactin cells and poorly developed cells of other types were differentiated as seen in usual pituitary grafts. In hypophysiotrophic areas of the hypothalamus, the grafts were cytodifferentiated into various types of anterior pituitary cells with rich vascularization. These cells had the ultrastructural features indicative of hormone secretion. Increases in body and ovarian weights reflected the secretion of somatotrophic and gonadotrophic hormones. The results obtained indicate that implants of 2A8 clonal cells may differentiate into all types of anterior pituitary cells under the influence of hypothalamic hormones or perhaps some unknown factors present in the general systemic circulation of the rat.Supported by USPHS Grant AM 12583The authors wish to thank Mrs. Martha Castilleja and Mrs. Pauline Polette for their skillful technical assistance  相似文献   

Severe structural changes leading to marked alterations in secretory activity are known to occur in the pituitary-thyroid axis 1 month after induction of postpuberal streptozocin (SZ)-diabetes. However, SZ-diabetic rats of different age groups have not been compared, nor has the maturity of the pituitary and thyroid glands at the onset of diabetes been correlated with the type and evolution of functional and structural changes. We thus induced diabetes in 1-month (prepuberal or 3-month (postpuberal) old male rats and compared diabetic with control groups 4 and 8 months after SZ or saline injection. We determined: 1) pituitary and thyroid weights, 2) the basal plasma TSH, T3, and T4 concentrations, and 3) several morphometrical measurements in the pituitary and thyroid glands. After 4 months, 1) the pituitary and thyroid weights were decreased, 2) plasma TSH and T3 were unchanged, plasma T4 was reduced, and 3) the number of thyrotropes, degenerative changes of follicle cells, and colloid area were increased, the follicle cell height as well as the number of fused cold follicles decreased, and the follicle area was unchanged in diabetic compared with control rats. The lesions were more conspicuous in prethan in postpuberal diabetic animals. After 8 months, plasma TSH, T3, and T4 were decreased in diabetic compared with control rats. Except for the increased colloid area, all other lesions were similar, though more severe in prepuberal diabetic rats after 8 than 4 months. Few changes were found in postpuberal diabetic rats. We concluded that: 1) the effects of diabetes on the mature hypothalamus, pituitary, and thyroid gland seem to be reversed by aging and 2) the diabetic hypothalamic disorder we previously described appears to play a major pathogenetical role in the development of pituitary and thyroidal lesions.  相似文献   

The antisense strategy was used to unravel the functional contribution of the mRNAs encoding dopamine (DA) receptors to the multiple transduction mechanisms operated by DA in rat pituitary cells. An antisense oligonucleotide was designed to recognize seven nucleotides upstream and 11 nucleotides downstream from the initiation translation codon of the mRNA that encodes the DA D2 receptor. Addition of the antisense oligonucleotide for 7 days to primary culture of rat pituitary cells resulted in a decreased expression of DA D2 receptor as shown by (a) the virtual disappearance of [3H]spiroperidol binding sites and (b) the marked reduction in the levels of both the long and the short splice variant of the D2 receptor mRNAs. After this treatment, the DA D2 receptor agonist bromocriptine lost its capability both to inhibit adenylyl cyclase activity and to reduce prolactin mRNA levels. On the contrary, the inhibition of prolactin release induced by bromocriptine was affected minimally by the antisense oligonucleotide treatment. These data indicate that (a) translation of the mRNA encoding DA D2 receptors results in receptors that are negatively coupled with adenylyl cyclase and functionally linked to inhibition of prolactin synthesis; and (b) the release of prolactin might be regulated, at least in part, by a DA receptor that is encoded by mRNA species distinct from those encoding the D2 receptor.  相似文献   

Summary In order to study the distribution of neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity in the human hypothalamus, an immunocytochemical localization of this peptide was performed. Using antibodies developed against synthetic porcine neuropeptide Y (NPY), we have been able to localize immunoreactivity in neuronal cell bodies located exclusively in the infundibular nucleus. Immunostained fibers were found in several regions in the hypothalamus with a high concentration in the periventricular areas. Fibers were also found in the neurovascular zone of the median eminence, the pituitary stalk and the posterior pituitary. These results suggest that immunoreactive material related to porcine NPY is present in the human hypothalamus, with a distribution similar to that observed in the rat.  相似文献   

It has been described that throughout the estrous cycle of the rat, plasma prolactin (PRL) is basal except on proestrus afternoon when a preovulatory surge occurs. However, there have been controversies about PRL levels on the estrus day. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the existence of a secondary surge of PRL on estrus afternoon and correlate it with plasma estradiol levels. The jugular vein of cycling rats was cannulated at 14:00 h on proestrus and a blood sample was withdrawn at 17:00 h for plasma LH measurement and determination of the preovulatory LH surge occurrence. In order to exclude the regular cycling rats that do not present the gonadotropins preovulatory surge and do not ovulate, only rats showing the LH surge on proestrus were considered in this study. Blood samples were collected hourly during estrus from midnight to 9:00 h (group 1) and from 10:00 to 18:00 h (group 2). In group 1, PRL showed a descending profile from midnight to 9:00 h, whereas the estradiol concentrations were constant. In group 2, a secondary surge of PRL was observed in 20 of 25 (80%) rats and plasma estradiol remained constant, but was higher in animals with the PRL surge. Thus the present data suggest the occurrence of a secondary surge of PRL in the afternoon of estrus that seems to be related to plasma estradiol levels of estrus day, which might exert only a permissive role in this surge generation.  相似文献   

Summary Using an antiserum directed against the C-terminus of hGRH(1–44)NH2 and another recognizing the mid portion to C-terminal of hGRH(1–40)OH, we identify two immunocytochemically distinct GRH-immunoreactive systems in the brain of the codfish, Gadus morhua. The antiserum directed against GRF(1–44)NH2 stains cell bodies exclusively in the rostral pars distalis. The other antiserum immunoreactive with GRF(1–40)OH reacts with a population of parvocellular and magnocellular neuronal cell bodies in the hypothalamus and with two major axonal pathways which project toward the median eminence and terminate primarily in the pars nervosa. These results indicate the presence of at least two forms of hGRH-like peptides in the teleost which may have different roles in the regulation of pituitary function.  相似文献   

Summary Following injection of high doses of horseradish peroxidase (HRP), mesenchymal cells distributed in the perisinusoidal space of the pars tuberalis of the hypophysis in cats, rabbits and Japanese quails, sequester the exogenously administrated peroxidase intensively. These cells are designated by the authors as horseradish peroxidase-uptake cells (HRP-uptake cells or HUC). HRP-uptake cells constitute a system of macrophages in the pars tuberalis of mammals and birds, and are located around the hypophysial portal veins. HRP-uptake cells differ in morphological and functional characteristics from similar cells in other parts of hypophysis. They are thought to play a role in the hypothalamic control of adenohypophysial secretion.Supported by grants (No. 144022, 237002) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan  相似文献   

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