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There has been substantial debate in recent years surrounding the impact of introduced honeybees on native biota. This study reports on an investigation of Pedicularis densispica, a subalpine annual herb endemic to Southwest China, in an attempt to determine the impact of introduced domestic honeybees on pollen dispersal and thus on their reproductive success and mating system. Honeybees were introduced into the study site in 2004, and a sudden seasonal pollinator shift from bumblebees to honeybees was observed. Intra- and inter-plant visits by different pollinators were recorded in the field in 2003 and 2004. Fruit and seed sets prior to and after the pollinator shift were measured. Experimental pollinations were performed to characterize the breeding system. Outcrossing rates at the seed stage were estimated for both years using RAPD markers. Our results indicated that honeybees foraged between plants more frequently than bumblebees did. Our results also revealed that the introduction of honeybees significantly enhanced reproductive success. However, no significant difference was detected between the outcrossing rates due to bumblebee and honeybee pollination. P. densispica was almost completely outcrossing ( T(m) = 0.956 and 0.967, respectively in 2003 and 2004) but partially self-compatible. This study presents the first report of the outcrossing rate in the genus pedicularis and reveals a limited influence of pollination on the mating system in P. densispica. The pollinator shift did not reduce reproductive success of the plants and honeybees may be used to augment pollinator services for nectariferous P. densispica.  相似文献   

Pyrrolizidine alkaloids and their N-oxides can be extracted from the dried methanolic extracts of plant material using dilute aqueous acid. The subsequent integration of solid-phase extraction (with a strong cation exchanger) of the alkaloids and N-oxides from the aqueous acid solution, together with analysis using HPLC-ESI/MS, provides a method for the simultaneous profiling of the pyrrolizidine alkaloids and their N-oxides in plant samples and the collection of useful structural data as an aid in their identification. The N-oxide character of the analytes may be confirmed by treating analytical samples with a redox resin and observing the formation of the corresponding parent pyrrolizidine alkaloids. The present case study of Echium plantagineum highlighted a higher ratio of N-oxides to the parent tertiary bases than has been previously reported. Furthermore, a higher proportion of acetylated pyrrolizidine-N-oxides was observed in the flower heads relative to the leaves. Six pyrrolizidine alkaloids or pyrrolizidine-N-oxides, not previously reported from E. plantagineum, were tentatively identified on the basis of MS and biogenetic considerations. Three of these, 3'-O-acetylintermedine/lycopsamine, leptanthine-N-oxide and 9-O-angelylretronecine-N-oxide, have been reported elsewhere, whilst three others, 3'-O-acetylechiumine-N-oxide, echimiplatine-N-oxide and echiuplatine-N-oxide, appear unreported from any other source.  相似文献   

Outcrossing rates were estimated in both natural and experimental populations of Scabiosa columbaria, a self-compatible, entomophilous, gynodioecious, protandrous perennial. In natural populations, estimates of the outcrossing rate in hermaphrodites were near to one and ranged from 0.84 ± 0.07 to 1.12 ± 0.11. The effect of plant density on outcrossing rates was studied in two experimental populations of 27 individuals. Contrary to expectation the estimates of the outcrossing rate in hermaphrodites were about 100% for both densities. However, in the sparse population, the fraction of developed seeds of plants used to estimate outcrossing rates was significantly lower than of plants in the dense population (0.41 ± 0.06 and 0.68 ± 0.08, respectively). Artificial pollinations of these plants in the greenhouse showed that the fraction of developed seeds was 0.60 ± 0.01 and 0.83 ± 0.05 after self- and cross-pollination, respectively. The combined results suggested that the differential success of self- and cross-pollination might have caused equalization of the outcrossing rates in the experimental populations, despite different plant densities. The implications of the results for conservation biology are discussed.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that diploid Potentilla argentea, hoary cinquefoil, is a facultative apomict. We have investigated the way such plants produce seeds under natural conditions in two populations from southern Sweden. About one hundred plants were studied cytometrically to ascertain their ploidy level. A standard population investigation based on two informative isozyme loci was then performed on the diploid plants. Finally, seeds were taken from heterozygous plants to determine the genetic constitution of their offspring. From the offspring analysis it followed that apomixis did not occur, at least not to any noticeable degree. From the population investigation it could be deduced that most seeds were produced by selfing.  相似文献   

Mable BK  Adam A 《Molecular ecology》2007,16(17):3565-3580
Arabidopsis lyrata is normally considered an obligately outcrossing species with a strong self-incompatibility system, but a shift in mating system towards inbreeding has been found in some North American populations (subspecies A. lyrata ssp. lyrata). This study provides a survey of the Great Lakes region of Canada to determine the extent of this mating system variation and how outcrossing rates are related to current population density, geographical distribution, and genetic diversity. Based on variation at microsatellite markers (progeny arrays to estimate multilocus outcrossing rates and population samples to estimate diversity measures) and controlled greenhouse pollinations, populations can be divided into two groups: (i) group A, consisting of individuals capable of setting selfed seed (including autogamous fruit set in the absence of pollinators), showing depressed outcrossing rates (T(m) = 0.2-0.6), heterozygosity (H(O) = 0.02-0.06) and genetic diversity (H(E) = 0.08-0.10); and (ii) group B, consisting of individuals that are predominantly self-incompatible (T(m) > 0.8), require pollinators for seeds set, and showing higher levels of heterozygosity (H(O) = 0.13-0.31) and diversity (H(E) = 0.19-0.410). Current population density is not related to the shift in mating system but does vary with latitude. Restricted gene flow among populations was evident among all but two populations (F(ST) = 0.11-0.8). Group A populations were more differentiated from one another (F(ST) = 0.78) than they were from group B populations (F(ST) = 0.59), with 41% of the variation partitioned within populations, 47% between populations, and 12% between groups. No significant relationship was found between genetic and geographical distance. Results are discussed in the context of possible postglacial expansion scenarios in relation to loss of self-incompatibility.  相似文献   

Echium vulgare is a tetraploid plant with a very low selfing rate in the field. We suspect that cryptic self incompatibility plays a role in this species. In order to show lower success of self pollen/selfed embryos, after pollination with a mixture of self and outcross pollen, a paternity analysis has to be done. For the purpose of such analysis we developed microsatellites in E. vulgare. In this study, we report on six microsatellite loci which are easy to score, polymorphic, with a number of alleles per locus ranging from two to eight and, therefore, suitable for paternity analysis.  相似文献   

Transitions from self‐incompatibility to self‐compatibility in angiosperms may be frequently driven by selection for reproductive assurance when mates or pollinators are rare, and are often succeeded by loss of inbreeding depression by purging. Here, we use experimental evolution to investigate the spread of self‐compatibility from one such population of the perennial plant Linaria cavanillesii into self‐incompatible (SI) populations that still have high inbreeding depression. We introduced self‐compatible (SC) individuals at different frequencies into replicate experimental populations of L. cavanillesii that varied in access to pollinators. Our experiment revealed a rapid shift to self‐compatibility in all replicates, driven by both greater seed set and greater outcross siring success of SC individuals. We discuss our results in the light of computer simulations that confirm the tendency of self‐compatibility to spread into SI populations under the observed conditions. Our study illustrates the ease with which self‐compatibility can spread among populations, a requisite for species‐wide transitions from self‐incompatibility to self‐compatibility.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression is common among plants and may distort mating system estimates. Mating system studies traditionally ignore this effect, nonetheless an assessment of inbreeding depression that may have occurred before progeny evaluation could be necessary. In the neotropical Pinus chiapensis inbreeding depression was evaluated using regression analysis relating progeny F-values with seed germinability, the mating system was analysed in three populations with contrasting size, using isozymes, obtained a corrected outcrossing rate. Selfing decreased seed viability by 19%, relative to an outcrossed plant. Multilocus outcrossing rates, t(m), varied widely among populations. In the two smallest populations t(m) congruent with 1. Therefore, inbreeding depression did not affect the estimates, but overestimated t(m) by 10% in the third population, which has a true mixed mating system (selfing was the major source of inbreeding), and an unusually low t(m) for pines (t(m) = 0.54, uncorrected, t(m) = 0.49, corrected). Inbreeding depression may be an uneven source of bias for outcrossing estimates even at the infraspecific level. Accuracy [corrected] but not precision [corrected] may be gained by including inbreeding depression in outcrossing estimates. Therefore, caution should be taken when comparing t(m) among species or even populations within the same species.  相似文献   

An account is given of the flower of Echium plantagineum in south-eastern Australia, including stages and timing of flowering, behaviour of raindrops in the flower and aspects of floral microclimate. The concentration of nectar solutes varied with time and site, with means varying from 2 to 62% (as g sucrose/100 g solution). There was a significant negative correlation between nectar solute concentration and ambient relative humidity: the drier the air, the more concentrated the nectar. Rates of nectar secretion per flower varied with the bagging method, with long-term bagging reducing net secretion rates, possibly because of re-absorption. Rates varied with time, day and site, with a temporal pattern of change suggesting a link between rates of photosynthesis and secretion. Maximum nectar secretion rates in short-term bagging experiments were ca. 300 μg sugar/flower/hr (equivalent to > 2 mglflower/24 hr). Secretion rate was correlated with flower density. As flower density increased, secretion rate per flower decreased; rate of sugar production per unit area increased relatively more slowly than flower density. E. plantagineum could produce > 500 mg sugar/m2/day. Honeybees foraged on E. plantagineum only at ambient air temperatures above ca. 17°C unless irradiance exceeded ca. 750 W m-2. Foragers collected nectar or pollen alone, or both, with the type of visit significantly correlated with nectar solute concentration. Below 35% (as g sucrose/100 g solution) most bees took pollen only; above 40%, most took nectar. Mean standing crop of nectar was generally < 100 μg/flower when most bees were taking nectar, but could exceed 1000 μg/flower when bees were absent or foraging mainly for pollen. Honeybees did not always remove all nectar from flowers they probed. Reabsorption of residual nectar may augment the following day's secretion.  相似文献   

Northern sweetvetch (Hedysarum boreale Nutt.) is an herbaceous perennial legume of the Rocky Mountains, USA, whose seed is desired for rehabilitating degraded plant communities. Through experimental pollinations, the necessity of pollinators was shown by the failure of autogamy, despite stigmas first becoming receptive in the bud in close proximity to the dehiscing anthers. Nonetheless, the species proved to be self‐fertile, initiating as many fruits through selfing as outcrossing. Incremental benefits of outcrossing only later manifested in superior fruit development, seed maturation and seed germination. Farming of H. boreale can yield abundant viable seed if adequately visited by pollinating bees.  相似文献   

研究了不同浓度盐(NaCl)处理对蓝蓟种子发芽势、发芽率及幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:(1)不同盐胁迫处理对蓝蓟种子的萌发具有显著影响。随着盐处理浓度的增加,发芽率呈下降趋势,蓝蓟在无盐环境(蒸馏水)和低盐环境中(0.05 mol/L)长势最好、发芽率最高、发芽速度最快。(2)将不同盐溶液处理5 d的未萌发种子转移到蒸馏水后,蓝蓟种子的萌发能力均可恢复,原来较高盐浓度(0.3 mol/L~0.5 mol/L)下的种子在恢复后,其萌发恢复率均在75%以上,发芽率基本上随着原浓度的升高呈上升的趋势。研究表明,NaCl处理对蓟种子没有造成伤害,其抑制萌发是通过渗透效应而不是离子毒害。  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. The freshwater bryozoan Cristatella mucedo , in common with other sessile, benthic freshwater taxa, has an unusual life history: sex occurs during a relatively brief period near the start of the growing season, and overwintering occurs in the form of asexually produced dormant propagules (statoblasts). Consistent observed heterozygosity (Ho) deficits in C. mucedo populations have previously suggested that inbreeding is common, although a possible contribution of a Wahlund effect to low Ho could not be discounted.
2. We have used microsatellite data in the first study based on codominant markers to genetically characterise maternal colonies and larval offspring of C. mucedo . The 'population' represented by the larvae was in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, which has previously been found in only one of 39 populations of C. mucedo . At least 64% of larvae were the products of outcrossing. We suggest that the unusual early timing of sex may be a strategy to maximise rates of outcrossing within populations of sessile freshwater invertebrates.  相似文献   

I. Africana off Cape Coast bred continuously throughout the year. The major breeding season was preceded by a period of high feeding activity, mainly on fish fry, penaeid shrimps and crustacean zooplankton.  相似文献   

Transitions from outcrossing to selfing have been a frequent evolutionary shift in plants and clearly play a role in species divergence. However, many questions remain about the initial mechanistic basis of reproductive isolation during the evolution of selfing. For instance, how important are pre-zygotic pre-pollination mechanisms (e.g. changes in phenology and pollinator visitation) in maintaining reproductive isolation between newly arisen selfing populations and their outcrossing ancestors? To test whether changes in phenology and pollinator visitation isolate selfing populations of Arabidopsis lyrata from outcrossing populations, we conducted a common garden experiment with plants from selfing and outcrossing populations as well as their between-population hybrids. Specifically, we asked whether there was isolation between outcrossing and selfing plants and their between-population hybrids through differences in (1) the timing or intensity of flowering; and/or (2) pollinator visitation. We found that phenology largely overlapped between plants from outcrossing and selfing populations. There were also no differences in pollinator preference related to mating system. Additionally, pollinators preferred to visit flowers on the same plant rather than exploring nearby plants, creating a large opportunity for self-fertilization. Overall, this suggests that pre-zygotic pre-pollination mechanisms do not strongly reproductively isolate plants from selfing and outcrossing populations of Arabidopsis lyrata.  相似文献   

The ubiquity of outcrossing in plants and animals is difficult to explain given its costs relative to self‐fertilization. Despite these costs, exposure to changing environmental conditions can temporarily favor outcrossing over selfing. Therefore, recurring episodes of environmental change are predicted to favor the maintenance of outcrossing. Studies of host–parasite coevolution have provided strong support for this hypothesis. However, it is unclear whether multiple exposures to novel parasite genotypes in the absence of coevolution are sufficient to favor outcrossing. Using the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and the bacterial parasite Serratia marcescens, we studied host responses to parasite turnover. We passaged several replicates of a host population that was well‐adapted to the S. marcescens strain Sm2170 with either Sm2170 or one of three novel S. marcescens strains, each derived from Sm2170, for 18 generations. We found that hosts exposed to novel parasites maintained higher outcrossing rates than hosts exposed to Sm2170. Nonetheless, host outcrossing rates declined over time against all but the most virulent novel parasite strain. Hosts exposed to the most virulent novel strain exhibited increased outcrossing rates for approximately 12 generations, but did not maintain elevated levels of outcrossing throughout the experiment. Thus, parasite turnover can transiently increase host outcrossing. These results suggest that recurring episodes of parasite turnover have the potential to favor the maintenance of host outcrossing. However, such maintenance may require frequent exposure to novel virulent parasites, rapid rates of parasite turnover, and substantial host gene flow.  相似文献   

Schizogamous reproduction by stolon formation in a presumably hybrid population of Autolytus prolifer × A. brachycephalus from the Oosterschelde (The Netherlands) was investigated. Field observations proved that this population does not reproduce all year. During winter, about 50% of the worms were at early stages of stolonization, but no mature stolons at all were developed. Individuals with mature stolons, and also juveniles with less than 20 setigers, were collected in May. Nurses with long stolon chains and numerous reproductive stolons appeared during summer. Nurses collected in winter had higher numbers of stock setigers than those captured in summer; this reduction of the number of setigers mainly results from repeated incorporation of stock setigers into stolons. The influence on stolonization of nutrition, photoperiod and temperature was investigated in the laboratory. Ample food supply is an indispensable prerequisite for stolonization; starved individuals produced small regenerates, but never formed stolons. In well-fed specimens of both juvenile worms and nurses deprived of their stolons, simulated winter conditions (short-day photoperiod at 10°C) prevented stolonization, whereas approximation of summer conditions (long-day photoperiod at 15°C) induced or reinitiated stolon formation.

The results and observations on stolonization at other combinations of different photoperiods and temperatures show that the diurnal photoperiod is a dominant factor in the control of stolonization in these Autolytus spp.. This is the first experimental proof of photoperiodism within the polychaete family, Syllidae.  相似文献   

The mating system is a central parameter of plant biology because it shapes their ecological and evolutionary properties. Therefore, determining ecological variables that influence the mating system is important for a deeper understanding of the functioning of plant populations. Here, using old concepts and recent statistical developments, we propose a new statistical tool to make inferences about ecological determinants of outcrossing in natural plant populations. The method requires codominant genotypes of seeds collected from maternal plants within different locations. Using extensive computer simulations, we demonstrated that the method is robust to the issues expected for real‐world data, including the Wahlund effect, inbreeding and genotyping errors such as allele dropout and allele misclassification. Furthermore, we showed that the estimates of ecological effects and outcrossing rates can be severely biased if genotyping errors and genetic differentiation are not treated explicitly. Application of the new method to the case study of a dioecious tree (Taxus baccata) allowed revealing that female trees that grow in lower local densities have a greater tendency towards mating with relatives. Moreover, we also demonstrated that biparental inbreeding is higher in populations that are characterized by a longer mean distance between trees and a smaller mean trunk perimeter. We found these results to agree with both the theoretical predictions and the history of English yew.  相似文献   

 To evaluate how environmental and genetic factors influence mating-system evolution, accurate estimates of outcrossing rates of individual plants (families) are required. Using isozyme markers, we observed wide variation in family outcrossing rates in three natural populations of Asclepias incarnata using three statistical methods: (1) a multilocus maximum-likelihood procedure (t m); (2) a multilocus method-of-moments procedure (t a); and (3) a direct comparison of progeny phenotypes against maternal phenotypes (t d). Neighborhood floral-display size was positively correlated with t a in one population, but showed no relationship with any of the other estimates of outcrossing for any population. Monte-Carlo simulations revealed that statistical variation associated with these estimation procedures can be large enough to explain all of the observed variation in outcrossing. We also found that significant, spurious correlations with neighborhood floral display could arise, on average, 7% of the time by chance alone. Our observations suggest that it is difficult to obtain accurate estimates of outcrossing in naturally pollinated plants using the estimation procedures currently available. Moreover, we caution that attempts to interpret observed variation in family outcrossing estimates by observing variation in ecological parameters could be misleading. Received: 28 September 1998 / Accepted: 27 October 1998  相似文献   

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