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New species of Alternaria from Marathwada (India)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The paper deals with two new species ofAlternaria, Alternaria nyctanthi onNyctanthes arbortristis Linn. andAlternaria tropaeoli onTropaeolum majus L.  相似文献   

Summary The present paper includes ten parasitic fungi occurring at Jabalpur. These include three new species viz.Hendersonia syzygii Hasija onSyzygium cumini, Phoma ixorae Hasija onIxora sp. andPhyllosticta agarwalii Hasija onDalbergia paniculata. Colletotrichum truncatum (Schw.)Andrus &Moore onAlysicarpus bupleurifolius andPiricularia zingiberi onHedychium sp. are new fungus records for the country.Grewia hirsuta forPhyllosticta sedgwickii DaCosta &Mundkur,Lagerstroemia speciosa forPestalotiopsis versicolor (Speg.)Stey.,Zingiber officinale forCurvularia lunata (Wakker)Boedijn,Musa paradisiaca forDeightoniella torulosa (Syd.)Ellis andFlacourtia ramontchi forAlternaria tenuis Nees exPers. are new hosts record from Jabalpur, India.  相似文献   

Summary The present paper describes eight Foliicolous Fungi imperfecti from Jabalpur (India). These include four new species viz.Ramularia alangii Hasija onAlangium lamarckii, Colletotrichum holopteleae Hasija onHoloptelea integrifolia, Gloeosporium wendlandiae Hasija onWendlandia exserta andPhyllosticta macropycnidiai Hasija onSolanum melongena. Discosia artocreas Tode exFr. onTerminalia sp. is a new fungus record for the country raising the total number ofDiscosia from India to five.Heteropogon contortus forCurvularia lunata (Wakker)Boed. andBarleria priniotes forCercospora barlericola Payak &Thirum. are new hosts record from India, andCercospora tridacis-procumbentis Govindu &Thirum. onTridax procumbens is a new record for the state.  相似文献   

T. Raghunath 《Mycopathologia》1966,30(3-4):209-215
Summary 1. A new species ofAlternaria isolated from the diseased plants ofCarum copticum L.Peucedanum graveolens Benth. &Hook f. andFoeniculum vulgare Mill. is described and compared with other species affecting Umbelliferae.2. TheCoriandrum isolate described by the writer asAlternaria poonensis Raghunath is a shy sporulator in artificial culture with long beaked muriform spores formed singly at the end of comparatively short conidiophores.3. The isolate from the other three host plantsCarum copticum L.,Peucedanum graveolens Benth. &Hook f. andFoeniculum vulgare Mill. is named asAlternaria umbellifericola sp. nov. and is a profusely sporulating species, forming long chains of spores with rudimentary beak.4. TheCoriandrum isolate (Alternaria poonensis) has a narrower temperature range (25–30° C) than theCarum isolate (20–35° C) for optimum sporulation.5. TheCoriandrum isolate is pathogenic toCarum but not toDaucus carota L.6. TheCarum isolate is pathogenic toDaucus carota but does not infectCoriandrum sativum L.7. TheCoriandrum isolate has a wider host range among the Umbelliferae than theCarum isolate.Part of the M.Sc. thesis submitted to the Poona University, 1964.  相似文献   

Summary The paper deals with Ascomycetes fungi onCelastrus paniculata Willd,Hysterium celastrina Tilak andBagnisiella celastrina Tilak are new species described whileEutypella stellulata (Fr)Sacc. forms a new host record.  相似文献   

Summary A new leaf spot of Rose incited by anAlternaria species has been described from India. The pathogen has been determined as a variety ofAlternaria tenuis Auct. on the basis of morphology and host-specificity and is designated asA. tenuis var.rosicola. The disease is of great economic importance, found to infect a large number of superior and cultivated varieties of Rose in nature.Part of the author's Ph. D. (Agri.) thesis, Poona varsity, India, 1964.  相似文献   

Summary The present paper describes 6 foliicolous fungi from Jabalpur (India). These includeAsterina lawsoniae Syd. on leaves ofLawsonia alba, Diplocarpon rosae Wolf. onRosa sp.,Cercospora jujubae Chowdhury onZizyphus jujuba andCercospora subsessilis Henn. &Nym. onAzadirachta indica, new fungus records for Madhya Pradesh;Asterostomella strophanti Henn. on leaves ofFlacourtia ramontchii, a new fungus for the country andCorynespora cassiicola (Berk. &Curt.)Wei. onClerodendron inerme, a new host record.  相似文献   

Summary Fresh, single-spore isolates ofAlternaria nyctanthi spec. nov. andAlternaria tropaeoli Deshpande &N. R. Rajderkar from the infected leaves varied widely in response when cultured on Coon's, PDA, Richard's and Czapek's medium. Some isolates did not produce macroscopically visible colonies, although the spores germinated. A few isolates grew poorly without sporulating; most of the others grew well and sporulated abundantly on PDA and Czapek-Dox medium.Cultures that had been inhibited from sporulating by irradiation at 26° C sporulated when subsequently placed in a 22° C incubator, even though nitrogen availability was varied by adding solutions of NaNO3, with or without sucrose.  相似文献   

Summary P. symploci Pat. is a new record to India andP. dalbergiae Niessl. a new addition to the Fungi of Bombay. Association of spermogonia with the developing ascocarps has been noted in three out of the seven species described in this paper, confirming the earlier observations ofTilak (1959) of the occurrence of spermatization as a common process of sexuality in this genus.  相似文献   

V. P. Sahni 《Mycopathologia》1966,29(3-4):226-244
Summary In this paper eighteen fungi belonging to the form class Deuteromycetes are described from Jabalpur (M.P.) India. Of these one, viz.Sarcinella palawanensis (Syd.)V. P. Sahni (=Stigmella palawanensis Syd.) is described as a new combination. Among the new fungus records for India may be citedSeptoria cassiicola Kell. &Swingle onCassia fistula L.,Coniothyrium fuckelii Sacc. onAnogeissus latifolia Wall.,Phomopsis bakeri Syd. onFicus bengalensis L.,Cercospora woodfordiae Petch. onWoodfordia fruticosa (L.)Kurz.,Cercospora guanicencis Young onCaesalpinia sepiaria Roxb., andCercospora chevalieri P. Saccardo onAmorphophallus companulatus Blume.Phyllosticta buteae Syd. onButea monosperma (Lam.)Kuntze,Colletotrichum dracaenae-fragrentis (Mori)Petrak &Sydow onDracaena brachystachys Hook.,Pithomyces chartarum (Berk. &Curt.)M. B. Ellis onCassia fistula L. andCassia tora L.,Cladosporium herbarum (Pers.)Link. onButea monosperma (Lam.)Kuntze andCercospora bougainvilleae P. N. Rao onBougainvillea glabra Choisy are new state records.Discosia artocreas Tode exFr. onHolarrhena antidysentrica Wall.,Botryodiplodia theobromae Pat. onButea monosperma (Lam.)Kuntze,Colletotrichum capsici (Syd.)Butler &Bisby onButea monosperma (Lam.)Kuntze,Alternaria tenuis Nees exFr. onYucca alofolia L.,Alternaria tenuissima (Nees exFr.)Wiltshire onBougainvillea glabra Choisy, andCurvularia lunata (Wakker)Boed. onCassia tora L. are new host records.  相似文献   

V. P. Sahni 《Mycopathologia》1964,23(4):328-338
Summary The present paper describes nine ectoparasitic foliicolous fungi from Jabalpur (M.P.) India. These include four new species viz.Asterina woodfordiae Sahni onWoodfordia fruticosa (L.)Kurz.,Schiffnerula fici Sahni, onFicus infectoria Roxb.,Sarcihella fumosus Sahni onAegle marmelos Corr. andSarcinella odinae Sahni onOdina wodier Roxb.,Acremoniella sarcinellae Pat. &Har.,Fumago vagans Pers.,Stigmella palawanensis Syd. andSchiffnerula cassiae are new fungus records for this country.Mitteriella zizyphina Syd. has been recorded onZizyphus xylopyra Willd., for the first time from this state.Z. xylopyra is a new host record forM. zizyphina.  相似文献   

Summary The present paper includes eight parasitic fungi occurring at Jabalpur.Gloeosporium pestis onDioscorea bulbifera andPseudocercospora vitis onVitis vinifera are two new fungus records for the country.Alternaria tenuis onCarica papaya, Alternaria tenuissima onPhaseolus vulgaris, Ricinus communis, andPancratium sp.,Colletotrichum capsici onPlumaria acutifolia, Glomerella cingulata onBauhinia variegata, Ficus retusa, andPestalotiopsis versicolor onTerminalia tomentosa are new hosts records for the fungi.Macrophomina phaseoli onAbelmoschus esculentis is a new fungus record for the state.  相似文献   

V. P. Sahni 《Mycopathologia》1965,27(3-4):342-356
Summary In the present paper twelve fungi belonging to the form class Deuteromycetes are described from Jabalpur (M.P.) India. Among these the new host records areMonochaetia carissae Munjal &Kapoor onCarissa spinarum L.,Pestalotia neglecta Thuem. onAtylosia scarabaeoides,Benth.,Pestalotia japonica Syd. onCelastrus paniculatus Willd.,Pestalotia theae Sawada var.minor Stey. onButea monosperma (Lam.)Kuntze,Pestalotia versicolor Speg. onBuchanania lanzan Spreng.,Colletotrichum dematium (Pers. exFr.)Grove onAmorphophallus sp.,Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (Sacc. &Mag.)Bri. &Cav. onCassia tora L.,Coniella diplodiella (Speg.)Petrak &Syd. on.Anogeissus latifolia Wall.,Hendersonula toruloidea Nattrass onPhilodendron bipinnatifidum Schott. andMyrothecium roridum Tode exFr. onCasearia tomentosa roxb. The above fungi include two species (Pestalotia neglecta Thuem. andPestalotia theae Sawada var.minor Stey.) which have been described for the first time from this country.Sphaeropsis tumefasciens Hedges onCitrus medica L. var.acida L. is a new record from this state; andExcipularia narsapurensis Subramanian, also a new record from the state, is reported for the first time on a named host.  相似文献   

Summary Seven species of Myxomycetes belonging to 6 genera,Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa (Mull.)Macbr.,Hemitrichia serpula (Scop.)Rost.,Diachea splendens Peck.,Stemonitis Smithii Macbr.,Stemonitis fusca Roth.,Comatricha typhoides (Bull.)Rost. andDiderma hemisphericum (Bull.)Hornem. have been figured and described, of whichStemonitis Smithii Macbr. is a new record in India.  相似文献   

Summary The present paper describes tenCercosporae causing leaf spots at Jabalpur. These include one new speciesCercospora sterculiae Agarwal &Hasija sp. nov. onSterculia urens and one new fungus record for the country,C. cauescens Ell. & Mart onPhaseolus vulgaris, C. sydowiana onWoodfordia fruticosa, C. mitteriana onDodonaea viscosa, C. grandissima onDahlia sp.,C. baliospermi onBaliospermum montanum, C. citrullina onBryonopsis laciniosa, C. punicae onPunica granatum, C. lythracearum onLagerstroemia indica andC. sisso onDelbergia sisso are new records for the state.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper eight foliicolous fungi have been described from Jabalpur (M.P.) India. Out of these, two viz.Phoma jasminicola Agarwal &Sahni onJasminum sambac Ait. andPhyllostictina anthocephali Agarwal &Sahni onAnthocephalus indicus Rich. are new species and three, viz.Pestalotia algeriensis (Sacc. &Berl.)Guba onBorassus flabellifer L.,Pestalotia sorbi Pat. onCarissa spinarum A.DC. andBartalinia robillardioides Tassi onJasminum sambac Ait. andCarissa carandas L. are new fungus records for this country.Colletotrichum dematium (Pers. exFr.)Grove onJasminum sambac Ait.,Glomerella cingulata (Stonem.)Spauld. &Schr. onFicus glomerata Roxb. andIchnocarpus frutescens Br. are new host records.Stigmina phaeocarpa (Mitter)Ellis onBauhinia variegata L. is a new fungus record for the state.  相似文献   

Analyses of pollen, macrofossils and microscopic charcoal in the sediment of a small sub-alpine lake (Karakol, Kyrgyzstan) provide new data to reconstruct the vegetation history of the Kungey Alatau spruce forest during the late-Holocene, i.e. the past 4,000 years. The pollen data suggest that Picea schrenkiana F. and M. was the dominant tree in this region from the beginning of the record. The pollen record of pronounced die-backs of the forests, along with lithostratigraphical evidence, points to possible climatic cooling (and/or drying) around 3,800 cal year b.p. and between 3,350 and 2,520 cal year b.p., with a culmination at 2,800–2,600 cal b.p., although stable climatic conditions are reported for this region for the past 3,000–4,000 years in previous studies. From 2,500 to 190 cal year b.p. high pollen values of P. schrenkiana suggest rather closed and dense forests under the environmental conditions of that time. A marked decline in spruce forests occurred with the onset of modern human activities in the region from 190 cal year b.p. These results show that the present forests are anthropogenically reduced and represent only about half of their potential natural extent. As P. schrenkiana is a species endemic to the western Tien Shan, it is most likely that its refugium was confined to this region. However, our palaeoecological record is too recent to address this hypothesis thoroughly.  相似文献   

Eohomopterus simojovelensis n. sp., the first fossil record of the subfamily Paussinae (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from the Miocene amber of the Simojovel area, Chiapas, Mexico, is described. The morphology of the new species is compared withEohomopterus poinari Nagel, 1997 from Dominican amber as well as with extant representatives ofEohomopterus, and the biogeographical implications are discussed.   相似文献   

C. Chaturvedi 《Mycopathologia》1966,29(3-4):323-330
Summary The utilization of oligosaccharides (maltose, sucrose, lactose and raffinose) by three imperfect fungi viz.Alternaria tenuis Auct.,Colletotrichum capsici (Syd.)Butler &Bisby andColletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz. isolated from diseased leaves of tomato,Scindapsus pictus andPolyscias balfuriana respectively, was studied chromatographically. Except for lactose, all the sugars were utilizzed through a hydrolytic pathway and almost all proved to be a suitable source of carbon for the growth of fungi. Along with the utilization of sucrose, a simultaneous synthesis of an oligosaccharide was also observed in case of two species ofColletotrichum. C. gloeosporioides, however, also synthesized an oligosaccharide, maltotriose if it is grown in the medium containing maltose. During the utilization of raffinose, melibiose and fructose were detectted in the culture medium ofA. tenuis. Melibiose was further broken down into glucose and galactose by the two species ofColletotrichum.All the sugars were consumed from the media within 15 days except for lactose which persisted in the media even after 15 days.  相似文献   

A pollen diagram was derived from a 150 cm core taken from the shallow hypersaline Lake Maharlou in the south-eastern part of the Zagros Mountains, SW Iran. The pollen record shows that Quercus brantii woodland and Pistacia–Amygdalus scrub dominated the area during the late Holocene. The record starts at around 5700 cal b.p. with a dry period during which both Pistacia–Amygdalus scrub and Quercus brantii woodland were at their minimum extent. This period was followed by the expansion of Pistacia–Amygdalus scrub in the area and the spread of Quercus brantii woodlands at higher altitudes. An important occupation phase, characterized by the appearance of several cultivated tree species such as Juglans, Olea, Vitis and Platanus, started at ca. 4300 cal b.p., coinciding with the onset of the Bronze Age civilization of Jiroft in Central Iran. Human activities become very clear after 3700 cal b.p. Around 2700 cal b.p., extensive stands of Pistacia–Amygdalus scrub became profoundly degraded, presumably under strong human pressure coinciding with the beginning of the Persian Empires. The maximum expansion of the Quercus brantii woodland occurred about 2100 to 1700 cal b.p. This woodland remained relatively stable until the end of the diagram at 400 cal b.p.  相似文献   

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