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Aiming to further our understanding of T cell-mediated suppression, we investigate the plausibility of the hypothesis that regulatory T cells suppress other T cells (target cells), while both cells are conjugated with one APC. We use a mathematical model to analyze the proliferation inhibition scored during in vitro suppression assays. This model is a radical simplification of cell culture reality, assuming that thymidine incorporation is proportional to the number of target cells that would instantaneously form conjugates with APCs that are free of regulatory cells. According to this model the inhibition index should be mainly determined by the number of regulatory cells per APC and should be insensitive to the number of target cells. We reanalyzed several published data sets, confirming this expectation. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the instantaneous inhibition index has an absolute limit as a function of the number of regulatory cells per APC. By calculating this limit we find that the model can explain the data under two non-mutually exclusive conditions. First, only approximately 15% of APCs used in the suppression assays form conjugates with T cells. Second, the growth of the regulatory cell population depends on the target cells, such that the number of regulatory cells per APC increases when they are cocultured with target cells and overcomes its limit. However, if neither of these testable conditions is fulfilled, then one could conclude that suppression in vitro does not require the formation of multicellular conjugates.  相似文献   

K.M. Pirke 《Steroids》1977,30(1):53-60
A reliable radioimmunoassay for the determination of 5-androstene-3β, 17β-diol in plasma is described. Antisera were obtained by immunization of rabbits with 3β,17β-dihydroxy-5-androsten-16-one coupled to bovine serum albumin in position 16. The antiserum was characterized by titer, affinity, and specificity. Only dehydroepi-androsterone (24.3 %) and pregnenolone (2.7 %) showed a small crossreactivity. The assay method consisted of extraction with ether, thin-layer chromatography and endpoint determination.The reliability of the method was studied. The interassay variability was 7.5 % at a concentration of 1.22 μg/l. The limit of detection was 0.068 μg/l. Specificity was achieved by Chromatographic separation of the crossreacting steroids. Mass recovery experiments with 250 and 500 pg were performed, in which 99.0 ± 4.6 % of the smaller and 97.6 ± 11.3 % of the greater mass were recovered. In 45 healthy adult males plasma concentrations between 0.44 and 1.80 μg/l were found. The median was 1.06 μg/l. Stimulation of the Leydig cells with human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) increased plasma concentrations by 93 % (average in 12 males). Therapeutic castration in 8 men caused an average decrease of 55.4 % in plasma values.  相似文献   

A liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS–MS) method for the simultaneous determination of a new potent motilin receptor agonist as erythromycin derivative, EM574 (erythromycin derivative), and its three metabolites, M-IV, M-V and M-VI, in human plasma was developed. The internal standards (I.S.s) used were deuterated EM574, M-IV and M-V. For the quantitation of M-VI, deuterated M-V was used. The analytes and I.S. were extracted from plasma samples with diethyl ether at neutral pH. A turbo ion spray interface was used as the ion source of LC–MS–MS, and the analysis was performed in the selected reaction monitoring mode. The lower quantitation limits for all the analytes were 0.05 ng/ml when 0.2 ml of plasma was used, and the standard curves were linear in the range 0.05 to 20 ng/ml. The method was precise; the intra- and inter-day precisions of the method were not more than 19.8% for all the analytes. The accuracy of the method was good with the deviations between added and calculated concentrations of each analyte being typically within ±11.2%.  相似文献   



Acetogenic bacteria are able to use CO2 as terminal electron acceptor of an anaerobic respiration, thereby producing acetate with electrons coming from H2. Due to this feature, acetogens came into focus as platforms to produce biocommodities from waste gases such as H2 + CO2 and/or CO. A prerequisite for metabolic engineering is a detailed understanding of the mechanisms of ATP synthesis and electron-transfer reactions to ensure redox homeostasis. Acetogenesis involves the reduction of CO2 to acetate via soluble enzymes and is coupled to energy conservation by a chemiosmotic mechanism. The membrane-bound module, acting as an ion pump, was of special interest for decades and recently, an Rnf complex was shown to couple electron flow from reduced ferredoxin to NAD+ with the export of Na+ in Acetobacterium woodii. However, not all acetogens have rnf genes in their genome. In order to gain further insights into energy conservation of non-Rnf-containing, thermophilic acetogens, we sequenced the genome of Thermoanaerobacter kivui.


The genome of Thermoanaerobacter kivui comprises 2.9 Mbp with a G + C content of 35% and 2,378 protein encoding orfs. Neither autotrophic growth nor acetate formation from H2 + CO2 was dependent on Na+ and acetate formation was inhibited by a protonophore, indicating that H+ is used as coupling ion for primary bioenergetics. This is consistent with the finding that the c subunit of the F1FO ATP synthase does not have the conserved Na+ binding motif. A search for potential H+-translocating, membrane-bound protein complexes revealed genes potentially encoding two different proton-reducing, energy-conserving hydrogenases (Ech).


The thermophilic acetogen T. kivui does not use Na+ but H+ for chemiosmotic ATP synthesis. It does not contain cytochromes and the electrochemical proton gradient is most likely established by an energy-conserving hydrogenase (Ech). Its thermophilic nature and the efficient conversion of H2 + CO2 make T.kivui an interesting acetogen to be used for the production of biocommodities in industrial micobiology. Furthermore, our experimental data as well as the increasing number of sequenced genomes of acetogenic bacteria supported the new classification of acetogens into two groups: Rnf- and Ech-containing acetogens.  相似文献   


Product systems use the same unit process models to represent distinct but similar activities. This notably applies to activities in cyclic dependency relationships (or “feedback loops”) that are required an infinite number of times in a product system. The study aims to test the sensitivity of uncertainty results on the assumption made concerning these different instances of the same activities. The default assumption assumes homogeneous production, and the same parameter values are sampled for all instances (e.g., there is one truck). The alternative assumption is that every instance is distinct, and parameter values are independently sampled for different instances of unit processes (e.g., there are infinitely many trucks). Intuitively, sampling the same values for each instance of a unit process should result in more uncertain results.


The results of uncertainty analyses carried out under either assumption are compared. To simulate models where each instance of a unit process is independent, we convert network models to acyclic LCI models (tree models). This is done three times: (1) for a very simple product system, to explain the methodology; (2) for a sample product system from the ecoinvent database, for illustrative purposes; and (3) for thousands of product systems from ecoinvent databases.

Results and discussion

The uncertainty of network models is indeed greater than that of corresponding tree models. This is shown mathematically for the analytical approximation method to uncertainty propagation and is observed for Monte Carlo simulations with very large numbers of iterations. However, the magnitude of the difference in indicators of dispersion is, for the ecoinvent product systems, often less than a factor of 1.5. In few extreme cases, indicators of dispersion are different by a factor of 4. Monte Carlo simulations with smaller numbers of iterations sometimes give the opposite result.


Given the small magnitude of the difference, we believe that breaking away from the default approach is generally not warranted. Indeed, (1) the alternative approach is not more robust, (2) the current default approach is conservative, and (3) there are more pressing challenges for the LCA community to meet. This being said, the study focused on ecoinvent, which should normally be used as a background database. The difference in dispersion between the two approaches may be important in some contexts, and calculating the uncertainty of tree models as a sensitivity analysis could be useful.


Effects of climate warming on wild populations of organisms are expected to be greatest at higher latitudes, paralleling greater anticipated increases in temperature in these regions. Yet, these expectations assume that populations in different regions are equally susceptible to the effects of warming. This is unlikely to be the case. Here, we develop a series of predictive models for physiological thermal tolerances in ants based on current and future climates. We found that tropical ants have lower warming tolerances, a metric of susceptibility to climate warming, than temperate ants despite greater increases in temperature at higher latitudes. Using climatic, ecological and phylogenetic data, we refine our predictions of which ants (across all regions) were most susceptible to climate warming. We found that ants occupying warmer and more mesic forested habitats at lower elevations are the most physiologically susceptible to deleterious effects of climate warming. Phylogenetic history was also a strong indicator of physiological susceptibility. In short, we find that ants that live in the canopies of hot, tropical forest are the most at risk, globally, from climate warming. Unfortunately this is where many, perhaps most, ant and other species on Earth live.  相似文献   

There is considerable ambiguity around the importance of demographic and socio-economic characteristics that catalyze pro-environmental behaviours. These factors are typically deemed responsible for environmental skepticism, such as the degree of trust in social institutions, fundamental views of the individuals (e.g., religiosity and political ideology), and competing priorities. In this context, the present study analyzed a comprehensive dataset of survey responses to discern the most reliable predictors of environmental attitudes of Canadians related to activism, lifestyle, household practices on air quality, waste disposal, energy and water conservation. To achieve this objective, we capitalize upon the wealth of publicly available data from surveys conducted by Statistics Canada's Households and the Environment Survey. Our analysis suggests that individuals with university-level education and higher income or families with children generally display pro-environmental behaviours. Political conservatism, as expressed by the percentage vote for the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada in a given area, appears to covary with some facets of the documented reluctance to embrace environmentally aligned behaviours (i.e., climate change issues), although we did not find a major “conservative-versus-liberal” divide about the broader spectrum of environmental issues. Our assessment of environmental attitudes in different Canadian provinces suggests an aptitude for more sustainable living in Ontario and British Columbia. Our analysis also provides evidence that the intent to support efforts that reduce emissions from burning fossil fuels or promote clean energy and technology – which has been overwhelmingly communicated in recent national polls – is not necessarily actualized. This established trend of Canadians failing to “walk the talk” and materialize their stated commitment with tangible participation into environmentally supportive behaviours could stem from barriers imposed at the household and societal levels. Notwithstanding the uncertainty regarding the importance of different socio-demographic factors in shaping our predisposition and behaviour towards environmental issues, the findings of our study offer a working model that could allow addressing the roots of environmental skepticism, promote societal trust, and revisit the role of ecopolitics in the social agenda.  相似文献   

The steroidal liver X receptor agonist, 3α,6α,24-trihydroxy-24,24-di(trifluoromethyl)-5β-cholane (ATI-829) is a potential therapeutic agent for the treatment of atherosclerosis. A sensitive and selective liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS–MS) method for the quantification of ATI-829 in mouse plasma was developed and validated. Proteins in a 25 μL aliquot of mouse plasma were precipitated, and ATI-829 was extracted from the precipitate by the addition of 125 μL methanol. The overall extraction efficiency was greater than 99%. LC–MS–MS with negative ion electrospray and selected reaction monitoring was used for the quantitative analysis of ATI-829. The lower limit of quantitation of ATI-829 corresponded to 5.0 ng/mL (9.7 nM) plasma. Interference from matrix was negligible. The calibration curve was linear over the range 5–2000 ng/mL. The intra-day precision and inter-day precision of the analyses were <4.5% and <6%, respectively, and the accuracy ranged from 92% to 103%. ATI-829 in plasma was stable for at least 6 h at room temperature, 1 week at 4 °C, and 3 weeks at −20 °C. The validated method was then utilized for pharmacokinetic studies of ATI-829 administered to mice.  相似文献   

1. We collated information from the literature on life history traits of the roach (a generalist freshwater fish), and analysed variation in absolute fecundity, von Bertalanffy parameters, and reproductive lifespan in relation to latitude, using both linear and non-linear regression models. We hypothesized that because most life history traits are dependent on growth rate, and growth rate is non-linearly related with temperature, it was likely that when analysed over the whole distribution range of roach, variation in key life history traits would show non-linear patterns with latitude.
2. As fecundity depends strongly on length, and the length structure of females varied among populations, latitudinal patterns in fecundity were examined based on residuals from the length–fecundity relationship. The reproductive lifespan of roach was estimated as the difference between age at maturity and maximum age of females in each population.
3. The three life history traits of roach analysed all varied among populations and were non-linearly related to latitude. Only the relationship between reproductive lifespan and latitude was a better fit to a linear that to a quadratic model, although Loess smoothing curves revealed that this relationship was actually closer to biphasic than linear in form. A latitude of 50°N formed a break point in all three life history traits.
4. The negative relationships we have described between (i) fecundity and reproductive lifespan and (ii) fecundity and egg mass suggest that lower fecundity is compensated for by longer lifespan, while lower fecundity is compensated for by an increased egg mass, when analysed independently of location.  相似文献   



A computerised, multifaceted quality improvement (QI) intervention for cardiovascular disease (CVD) management in Australian primary healthcare was evaluated in a cluster randomised controlled trial. The intervention was associated with improved CVD risk factor screening but there was no improvement in prescribing rates of guideline-recommended medicines. The aim of this study was to conduct a process evaluation to identify and explain the underlying mechanisms by which the intervention did and did not have an impact.


Normalisation process theory (NPT) was used to understand factors that supported or constrained normalisation of the intervention into routine practice. A case study design was used in which six of the 30 participating intervention sites were purposively sampled to obtain a mix of size, governance, structure and performance. Multiple data sources were drawn on including trial outcome data, surveys of job satisfaction and team climate (68 staff) and in-depth interviews (19 staff). Data were primarily analysed within cases and compared with quantitative findings in other trial intervention and usual care sites.


We found a complex interaction between implementation processes and several contextual factors affecting uptake of the intervention. There was no clear association between team climate, job satisfaction and intervention outcomes. There were four spheres of influence that appeared to enhance or detract from normalisation of the intervention: organisational mission and history (e.g. strategic investment to promote a QI culture enhanced cognitive participation), leadership (e.g. ability to energise or demotivate others influenced coherence), team environment (e.g. synergistic activities of team members with different skill sets influenced collective action) and technical integrity of the intervention (e.g. tools that slowed computer systems limited reflective action).


Use of NPT helped explain how certain contextual factors influence the work that is done by individuals and teams when implementing a novel intervention. Although these factors do not necessarily distil into a recipe for successful uptake, they may assist system planners, intervention developers, and health professionals to better understand the trajectory that primary health care services may take when developing and engaging with QI interventions.

Trial registration

ACTRN 12611000478910. Registered 08 May 2011.

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