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《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):166-171

The course of Torver Beck, a typical mountain stream of the English Lake District, is described, and its moss flora referred to four zones with well-marked altitudinal limits. The autecology of the four most important species and the main factors affecting the distribution of moss species are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial mats along a small stream receiving thermal wastewater from an artificial hot spring in the mid-upper part of the Mankyeong River system, Korea, were studied during the winter of 1995-1996. In the cyanobacterium, Oscillatoria terebriformiscomprised >95% of total biomass. Ash-free dry-weight (AFDW) and chlorophyll a in the cyanobacterial mats decreased significantly (r2= 0.78 and 0.83, respectively) with distance downstream from the thermal water outlet, while primary productivity increased slightly. The concentrations of the majority of ions sharply decreased with distance downstream, although they were not markedly related with spatial changes in AFDW, Chl a and primary productivity. O. terebriformis appeared to have a tremendous potential in wastewater treatment because of its marked ability to glean ions.  相似文献   

1. Neutral streams with elevated concentrations of iron and manganese can develop blooms of ferromanganese-depositing bacteria within oxide deposition zones. Algal abundance declines within these blooms. An in situ experiment was conducted in a Vermont stream to assess the importance of increased concentrations of iron and manganese, without the confounding effects of ferromanganese-depositing bacteria, on limiting diatom colonization. 2. Diatom abundance in treatments receiving iron increased over time, but densities were lower by a factor of ten or more compared with either control or manganese treatments. These results indicate that the presence of ferromanganese-depositing bacteria is not necessary for lowering algal abundance. 3. We speculate that ferromanganese-depositing bacteria may thrive in iron oxide deposition zones, in part because iron oxides help displace periphytic algae which may be superior competitors for space and/or limiting nutrients.  相似文献   

We investigated a range of microbiological community assays performed on scrapes of biofilms formed on artificial diffusing substrates deployed in 8 streams in eastern Scotland, with a view to using them to characterize ecological response to stream water quality. The assays considered were: Multiplex Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism or M-TRFLP (a molecular method), Phospholipid Fatty Acid or PLFA analysis (a biochemical method) and MICRORESP (a physiological method) alongside TDI, diatom species, and chlorophyll a content. Four of the streams were classified as of excellent status (3-6 μg/L Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (SRP)) with respect to soluble P content under the EU Water Framework Directive and four were of borderline good/moderate or moderate status (43-577 μg/L SRP). At each site, 3 replicates of 3 solute diffusion treatments were deployed in a Latin square design. Solute diffusion treatments were: KCl (as a control solute), N and P (to investigate the effect of nutrient enrichment), or the herbicide isoproturon (as a “high impact” control, which aimed to affect biofilm growth in a way detectable by all assays). Biofilms were sampled after 4 weeks deployment in a low flow period of early summer 2006.The chlorophyll a content of biofilms after 4 weeks was 2.0 ± 0.29 mg/m2 (mean ± se). Dry matter content was 16.0 ± 13.1 g/m2. The M-TRFLP was successfully used for generating community profiles of cyanobacteria, algae and bacteria and was much faster than diatom identification. The PFLA and TDI were successful after an increase in the sample size, due to low counts. The MICRORESP assays were often below or near detection limit. We estimated the per-sample times for the successful assays as follows: M-TRFLP: 20 min, PLFA 40 min, TDI 90 min. Using MANOVA on the first 5 principal co-ordinates, all the assays except MICRORESP showed significant differences between sites, but none of the assays showed a significant effect of either initial stream trophic status (as classified by the EU Water Framework Directive using chemical standards for soluble P), or of the diffusing solute treatment. Multiple Procrustes analysis on the ordination results showed that the diatom and M-TRFLP data sets hold distinct, though as yet unexplored, information about the ecological factors affecting stream biofilms. The diatom data were subjected to principal components analysis, to identify which taxa were more strongly influenced by site variables, trophic status or treatment effects. These were Acnanthes lanceolata, A. minutissimma, Nitzchia spp., Coccineis spp. and Navicula spp. Further experimentation and data analysis on a larger number of sites, to identify specific M-TRFLP bands that could be used as indicators linked to specific taxa, are desirable. Results highlight the need for a multifactorial approach to understanding controls on stream ecology.  相似文献   

A relational database linking benthic diatom records, taxonomic nomenclature including synonyms, and corresponding environmental data has been built in MS Access. It allowed flexible and long-term use of a relatively important amount of data (∼3000 records) gathered in the framework of the EC-funded PAEQANN project, gathering precise and documented information both about benthic diatoms and quantitative or semi-quantitative environmental data. Such a database has been shown to be a useful tool for the definition of benthic diatom typology at a multi-regional scale, the prediction of the impact of environmental characteristics on the structure of diatom communities, and additionally for a new insight on the auto-ecology of some taxa. This database could serve as a template for further work on diatoms and, after some implementation, on other freshwater communities. It could also be the basis for wider typology of stream diatoms, extended to other regions.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to determine the effect of disturbance frequency on diatom communities established on artificial substrates within an open canopy site and a closed canopy site of a 3rd order stream. The open canopy site (OCS) had a total of 80 diatom taxa colonizing the substrates, while the closed canopy site (CCS) had only 55 taxa. Cluster analysis revealed that the two sites had distinct diatom communities, although the most common species were similar between sites. There was no effect of disturbance frequency on species diversity (H') at OCS, however species diversity significantly decreased as disturbance frequency increased at CCS. At OCS, Amphora perpusilla increased in abundance as disturbance frequency increased, while Navicula lanceolata abundance decreased as disturbance increased. At CCS, Cocconeis placentula v. euglypta remained dominant regardless of disturbance frequency. The results suggest that some diatom species may be shade adapted, which may explain the site-specific responses. In addition, diatom growth-forms may explain the within site taxon-specific responses to disturbance. For example, Achnanthes sp. and Cocconeis sp., small horizontal forms, were predominant on the high disturbance substrates. Vertical or large horizontal forms may be mechanically removed by frequent physical disturbance allowing such small horizontal forms to become abundant. Frequent disturbance, by maintaining the community in an early stage of development, directly influences the diatom assemblage on rocks in streams.  相似文献   

Diatoms are widely used in stream quality assessment due to their response to the local environment. Diatoms are also influenced by many large-scale processes and so the diatom communities of boreal streams incorporate a strong spatial component at a regional level. What is not properly known yet is whether the variation in diatom communities between regions is larger than the variation in measured environmental variables. We studied the roles of environment and space in accounting for variability in stream diatom communities across four regions in Finland. According to canonical correspondence analysis, geographical coordinates, nutrient concentrations (total N and P), and water conductivity were the most important factors affecting variation in diatom community composition. Of physical factors, depth and current velocity were also significant. According to Mantel tests, both environmental and geographical distances were related to dissimilarity in diatom community composition. Analysis of Similarities indicated that the regional differences in diatom community composition were larger than the regional differences in environmental variables. We also found many indicator species confined to certain regions. Our results suggest that the four study regions differ in their diatom species composition more than in their environmental features and that diatoms are structured not only by the local environment but also by large-scale processes, possibly related to history, climate and dispersal. These results imply that, while diatom species composition reflects well the environmental differences between regions, future bioassessments would benefit from regional stratification. Otherwise, relationships with environmental variables may be masked by trans-regional differences in species pools caused by the large-scale processes.  相似文献   

In the light of findings in recent years about the extent and nature of the hyporheal zone, the rate of uptake of organic matter by stream beds, and the fact that groundwater contains dissolved organic matter, it is suggested that stream ecologists should learn much more than they now know about groundwater. It seems probable that it is an important source of organic matter to the stream ecosystem which has escaped consideration to date.  相似文献   

There is a long history of controversy in ecology over the role of competition in determining patterns of distribution and abundance, and over the significance of the mathematical modeling of competitive interactions. This paper examines the controversy. Three kinds of considerations have been involved at one time or another during the history of this debate. There has been dispute about the kinds of regularities ecologists can expect to find, about the significance of evolutionary considerations for ecological inquiry, and about the empirical credentials of theoretical studies of competition. Each of these elements is examined with an eye toward gaining philosophical clarification of the issues involved. In the process, certain shortcomings of contemporary philosophical theories are revealed. In particular, I argue that plausibility arguments based on background considerations are an important part of the model building tradition, but that current accounts of the structure and evaluation of scientific theories do little to illuminate this side of theoretical ecology.  相似文献   

The algal assemblages of a small limestone stream were studied for a year at monthly intervals. Algal standing crop was permanently high (mean concentration of 158 mg Chl-a · m–2), but it reached the maximum values in spring and summer. Diatoms were dominant in the algal assemblages throughout this time, and more than one hundred species were recorded during the survey. Most of them are characteristic of hard waters, but others, mainly occurring in summer, have been observed elsewhere in moderately halophile waters.A striking succession was observed in the diatom assemblage in the stream in each season. This succession, with a maximum in summer, was mainly related with the lessening in flow and the increase in water mineralization. Moreover, the diversity of the samples increased sharply from April 1982 to July 1983. In fact, a progressive increase in salinity tolerant species could be observed from winter and spring to summer. Nitzschia sociabilis, Navicula gregaria, Navicula lanceolata and Gomphonema olivaceum were the most abundant species in winter, whereas Achnanthes minutissima reached its maximum in spring and Navicula schroeterii, Nitzschia thermaloides and Cyclotella meneghiniana were some of the most abundant in summer.  相似文献   

The biology and ecology of the fishes of a small tropical stream   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Many small species of fish are found in the stream/swamp systems that flow into Lake Victoria. One such system, in Uganda, was inhabited permanently by only one species, although others ran into the stream when it was flooded in the rainy seasons. Other fishes were confined to the lower reaches near the mouth, but never moved far upstream.
Studies on the biology of these fishes indicate that reproductive behaviour is generally confined to the rains in all species, the cyprinids using the system especially for breeding purposes at these times. Factors other than sexual state, such as feeding habits, vary little between fish from the river and those from the lake.
Experiments show that there is a change in the sexual state of the females of one species during the journey upriver, indicating the importance of this activity in the life cycle of the migratory fish.
The young of the cyprinids first appear in the up-river swamps. Here they grow, migrating to the river and moving downstream to enter the lake after periods of time that are characteristic for each species. This distinctiveness in timing was also found for the other fishes that inhabit the system, and it suggests that downstream migration is controlled by changes in the physiological state of the fish with age.  相似文献   

Body mass measures provide a tantalizing tool for explaining both variation in emergent community-level patterns and as a mechanistic basis for fundamental processes such as metabolism, consumption and competition. The unification of body mass, abundance and food web (ecological network) structure in community ecology is an effective way to explore future scenarios of environmental change. However, constraints over the availability of data against which to validate model predictions limit the application of size-based approaches. Here, I explore issues over the use of body size for predicting interaction strengths and hence the dynamics of natural ecosystems. The advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and limitations of such approaches are explored.  相似文献   

硅藻重金属污染生态学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
硅藻是水生生态系统健康的指示生物之一,对环境变化极为敏感,某些典型硅藻已应用于指示水体重金属污染.本文围绕地表水重金属污染,从毒性效应、生物吸附和累积、生态适应机制及生物指示与生态修复作用等方面,综述了硅藻重金属污染生态学研究进展,阐述重金属污染下硅藻的生长趋势和硅壳形态的变化,硅藻对重金属生物吸附和生物累积的差别,硅藻对重金属的表面络合和离子交换等生态适应机制,以及硅藻对水体重金属污染的指示作用和生态修复作用,为水生生态系统的重金属污染防治与预警技术提供科学依据.  相似文献   

1. Benthic algal communities are shaped by the availability of nutrients and light and by herbivore consumption. Many studies have examined how one of these factors affects algal communities, but studies simultaneously addressing all three are rare. 2. We investigated the effects of nutrients, light and a herbivore (the snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum) on benthic stream algae in a fully factorial experiment in 128 circular streamside channels. Four nutrient levels (none added to highly enriched), four snail grazing pressures (no snails to 777 individuals m?2) and two light levels (ambient and 65% reduced) were applied. Colonising algae were dominated by diatoms (Bacillariophyta), which were determined to species using acid‐cleaned samples and assigned to functional groups according to their physiognomic growth form. 3. Diatom community structure changed considerably in response to our manipulations. Light had the strongest influence (as indicated by manova effect size), whereas nutrients had an intermediate effect and grazing was fairly weak. Relative abundances of six common diatom taxa decreased under reduced light, whereas five others became more prevalent. Eight taxa benefitted from nutrient enrichment, while three became rarer. Grazing affected the relative density of only one common taxon, which increased at higher grazing pressure. 4. Diatom functional groups also responded strongly. ‘Low profile’ taxa dominated at low resource levels (nutrients and especially light), whereas ‘high profile’ and ‘motile’ taxa became markedly more prevalent at higher resource levels. 5. Two‐way interactions between experimental factors were quite common. For example, Planothidium lanceolatum and Rossithidium petersenii responded more strongly to nutrient enrichment at reduced than at ambient light, whereas Cocconeis placentula responded more strongly at ambient light. For diatom functional groups, the benefit of nutrient enrichment for ‘motile’ diatoms was greater at ambient than at reduced light. 6. Our results imply that multifactor experiments are required to determine the main forces driving the composition of benthic algal communities. Further, our findings highlight the considerable potential of using functional algal groups as indicators of changing environmental conditions to complement the traditional taxonomic approach.  相似文献   

张国钦  李妍  吝涛  李新虎  王兰  刘文惠 《生态学报》2020,40(22):8130-8140
景感生态学是基于中国传统人居环境营造理论与实践结合现代生态学基本原理形成的新兴学科,注重探讨生态系统服务与可持续发展的关系。可持续发展目标中健康与福祉是其重要内容,因此健康人居环境的营造也是景感生态学的重要应用领域之一。在健康人居环境的营造过程中,健康社区构建具有作为"细胞工程"的基础性作用。因此,从景感生态学的视角探讨健康社区的构建,有助于景感生态学进一步应用于可持续发展与人居环境营造的实践,为健康与福祉的顺利实现提供支撑。从健康社区的定义和主要理念出发,基于健康社区构建的需求本体和供给客体及其相互作用关系,结合生态环境科学的"时-空-量-序"的视角,探讨了生态环境研究应用于健康社区构建的作用及面临的系统性不足、人文性不足和耦合性不足等挑战;进而以景感生态学作为连接生态环境学科与建筑规划学科的纽带,探讨了景感生态学在应对上述挑战中的作用。从景感生态学视角来看,健康社区构建就是将人类健康这一愿景融入到社区健康需求本体与健康供给客体及其相互关系的调控与营造,从而实现社区及人群的健康和可持续发展。健康社区的构建强调社区人群主观健康需求与客观健康供给之间的互动与耦合,与景感生态学强调"景"与...  相似文献   

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