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J. WATSON  A. F. LEITCH  R. A. BROAD 《Ibis》1992,134(1):27-31
The diets of Sea Eagles Haliaeetus albicilla and Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos living sympatrically in western Scotland were studied using pellets and prey remains collected at roosts and nest sites throughout the year. Both species showed changes in diet between winter and summer, and there were differences between species in both seasons. As a rule, Sea Eagles took proportionately more seabirds, waterfowl (ducks and waders) and fish, whilst Golden Eagles took proportionately more rabbits and hares. Sea Eagles had a broader diet than Golden Eagles but a measure of dietary overlap based on taxonomic composition indicated an overlap of more than 90% between the two species.  相似文献   

Brood production rate of Grey Partridges Perdix perdix was studied in three areas in Poland in the years 1986–90, by comparing the number of pairs and the number of family coveys after the breeding period. In the study areas, linear permanent nesting cover was mapped and measured. In these areas the brood production rate declined with increasing spring pair density. A positive effect of the occurrence of nesting cover on brood production rate was found. An increase in the population density mostly occurred through occupying parts of the study area avoided earlier, thus presumably less suitable for Partridges. Pairs occupying these less suitable areas, characterized by less abundant nesting cover, had a lower brood production rate, whereas in the preferred areas this rate did not decline with increasing mean population density.  相似文献   

Capsule: Global Positioning System (GPS)-tagged adult Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos breeding in forests in northern Sweden selected clear-cuts, coniferous forests with lichens and steep slopes during the breeding season but avoided wetlands and mixed forest.

Aims: To investigate the habitat selection patterns of tree-nesting Golden Eagles, and identify how potential conflicts with wind farm development could be minimized.

Methods: The study is based on GPS tracking data from 22 adult eagles. We estimated home range sizes using a biased random bridge approach and habitat selection patterns using resource selection functions following a use-availability design.

Results: Core home range size among adults was variable during the breeding season (5–30?km2). Individual movement extents were variable, but sexes did not significantly differ in their scale of movement. At the landscape scale, individuals selected for clear-cuts and coniferous forest with ground lichens, whereas wetland, water bodies and mixed forest were avoided. Steeper and south facing slopes were selected for, whereas, north facing slopes were avoided.

Conclusions: Potential conflicts between eagles and wind energy establishment can be reduced if wind farms are placed away from steep slopes, minimizing areas that are clear-cut during construction, and locating turbines within dense, young and other less favoured forest habitats.  相似文献   

Sami reindeer herders in northern Fennoscandia have historically cut trees with high quantities of arboreal lichens to feed their animals during harsh winters. In this study we analysed temporal and spatial patterns of lichen-tree cuttings of Scots pine in a remote forest landscape in northern Sweden. We wanted to test the hypothesis that repeated cutting of such trees may have had long-lasting effects on the forest ecosystem that are still discernable today. Our analyses included an inventory of remaining lichen-tree stumps, and a field survey of forest variables to relate structural variation within the forest to these cuttings. We used dendrochronological methods to date stumps and reconstruct forest structure. Our results show that more than 7,000 trees were cut for this purpose over a period of almost 300 years within an area covering 6 km2. Lichen-tree cutting was most intense during the late 18th century when ca. 600–1,000 trees were cut during each decade. We did not detect any significant relationship between past lichen-tree cutting and present small-scale forest heterogeneity, and suggest that this might be due to the small size of the cut trees and the long time elapsed since most of the cuttings. We conclude that vestiges such as stumps from lichen-tree cutting are highly valuable for our understanding of past land use. Furthermore, since they are located in an unlogged and very old forest, this highlights the need to acknowledge the interconnectedness between ecological and cultural values of such forests and the need to identify and protect them.  相似文献   

We conducted an eradication program from 2002 to 2006 against caprine arthritis-encephalitis (CAE) virus (CAEV) in an important farm that maintained goat breeds and had a high prevalence of CAEV infection. The program did not involve the slaughter and replacement of entire flocks, but rather the prevention of both vertical and horizontal transmission. The program consisted of (1) removal of kids immediately after birth, (2) segregation of each generation, and (3) culling of positive goats in periodical tests. All goats born before 2002 were regarded as infected and grouped into herd A. Kids born during the program were divided into several herds on the basis of CAEV infection risk, raised with calf milk replacer, and periodically tested by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and the agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID) test. A total of 205 kids were produced from 137 parents in herd A, 92 of which were distinctly infected. Only 11 of the 205 kids were infected with CAEV and were culled. The remaining 194 kids and all other kids born from other herds were negative by PCR and AGID testing throughout the program. The milk yield of primiparous does was significantly increased after the eradication program. These findings indicate that the combine use of isolated and milk-deprived rearing and periodical detection testing are effective in establishing a CAEV-free flock from an infected flock.  相似文献   

MARTIN TJERNBERG 《Ibis》1985,127(2):250-255
A regular nest spacing of Golden Eagle pairs was found in every carefully searched area within the species range in Sweden. The spacing regularity of nests used by pairs in forests (mostly tree-nesting) was similar to that in mountain areas (cliff-nesting), indicating that regular nest spacing is affected more by spacing behaviour than by shortage of nest sites. Distances to nearest neighbours were shorter in the mountain region (mean distance 102 km) than in the forests (170) of northern Sweden. Densities of the most important prey species for Golden Eagle were apparently higher in the mountains than in the forests. Differences in topography and habitat diversity between the two regions may also have contributed to the difference in breeding density.  相似文献   

Animals continuously interact with their environment through behavioral decisions, rendering the appropriate choice of movement speed and directionality an important phenotypic trait. Anthropogenic activities may alter animal behavior, including movement. A detailed understanding of movement decisions is therefore of great relevance for science and conservation alike. The study of movement decisions in relation to environmental and seasonal cues requires continuous observation of movement behavior, recently made possible by high‐resolution telemetry. We studied movement traits of 13 capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus), a mainly ground‐moving forest bird species of conservation interest, over two summer seasons in a Swedish windfarm using high‐resolution GPS tracking data (5‐min sampling interval). We filtered and removed unreliable movement steps using accelerometer data and step characteristics. We explored variation in movement speed and directionality in relation to environmental and seasonal covariates using generalized additive mixed models (GAMMs). We found evidence for clear daily and seasonal variation in speed and directionality of movement that reflected behavioral adjustments to biological and environmental seasonality. Capercaillie moved slower when more turbines were visible and faster close to turbine access roads. Movement speed and directionality were highest on open bogs, lowest on recent clear‐cuts (<5 y.o.), and intermediate in all types of forest. Our results provide novel insights into the seasonal and environmental correlates of capercaillie movement patterns and supplement previous behavioral observations on lekking behavior and wind turbine avoidance with a more mechanistic understanding.  相似文献   

Sufficient, clean and secure energy is the main driver for a worldwide growing welfare and economic development of a society. Environmental concerns on the expansion of offshore renewable energy and its impact on marine organisms need to be scientifically assessed for risks and consequences. In order to observe the effects of an operating wind farm on fish, we studied the rather stationary and benthic-living fish species viviparous eelpout (Zoarces viviparous) as model indicator organisms. We compared local populations of viviparous eelpout in the Lillgrund Offshore Wind Farm (OWF) with natural sites in the Öresund strait in Sweden. Eelpout studies on population dynamics, biometrics, reproductive success and fry development were conducted in 2011 and 2012. Condition index, histosomatic index, gonadosomatic index were measured additionally. Our findings showed that Lillgrund OWF neither had an impact on the condition index (CI), nor on brood development of female viviparous eelpout. Furthermore, populations size estimates in Lillgrund indicated that eelpout neither specifically aggregated in nor avoided the offshore wind farm, and no clear reef effect attracting eelpout to the foundations and scour protections of the OWF was observed. Our conclusion is that the operating wind farm did not have any potentially negative effects, since we did not observe any negative effects neither on the individual health of eelpout nor of the reproductive performance. We suggest that eelpout which may also be used as an indicator species for the environmental status of Lillgrund, as well as for other offshore wind farms and marine renewable energy installations, both in the Baltic and coastal waters in northern Europe.  相似文献   

Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests of northern Sweden are often considered to be N limited. This limitation may have been exacerbated by the elimination of wildfire as a natural disturbance factor in these boreal forests. Phenolic inhibition of N mineralization and nitrification (due to litter and exudates of ericaceous shrubs) has been proposed as a mechanism for N limitation of these forests, but this hypothesis remains largely untested. N mineralization rates, nitrification rates, and sorption of free phenolic compounds were assessed along a fire-induced chronosequence in northern Sweden. A total of 34 forest stands varying in age since the last fire were identified and characterized. Overstorey and understorey vegetative composition and depth of humus were analysed in replicated plots at all 34 sites. Eight of the forest stands aged 3-352 years since the last fire were selected for intensive investigation in which ten replicate ionic resin capsules (used to assess net N mineralization and nitrification) and non-ionic carbonaceous resin capsules (used to assess free phenolic compounds) were installed at the interface of humus and mineral soil. A highly significant correlation was observed between site age and net sorption of inorganic N to resin capsules. Net accumulation of NH4+ and NO3- on resin capsules followed a linear decrease (R2=0.61, P<0.01) with time perhaps as a result of increased N immobilization with successional C loading. NO3- sorption to resin capsules followed a logarithmic decrease (R2=0.80, P<0.01) that may be related to a logarithmic increase in dwarf shrub cover and decreased soil charcoal sorption potential along this chronosequence. A replicated field study was conducted at one of the late successional field sites to assess the influence of charcoal and an added labile N source on N turnover. Three rates of charcoal (0, 100, and 1,000 g M-2) and two rates of glycine (0 and 50 g N as glycine M-2) were applied in a factorial design to microplots in a randomized complete block pattern. Net ammonification (as assessed by NH4+ sorption to resins) was readily increased by the addition of a labile N source, but this increase in NH4+ did not stimulate nitrification. Nitrification was stimulated slightly by the addition of charcoal resulting in similar levels of resin-sorbed NO3- as those found in early successional sites. Resin-sorbed polyphenol concentrations were decreased with charcoal amendments, but were actually increased with N amendments (likely due to decomposition of polyphenols). Net N mineralization appears to be limited by rapid NH4+ immobilization whereas nitrification is limited by the lack of an appropriate environment or by the presence of inhibitory compounds in late successional forests of northern Sweden.  相似文献   

The North African population of Bonelli’s Eagle Aquila fasciata (Vieillot, 1822) is limited to the south by the northern fringe of the Sahara Desert. This study provides the first data on the spatial distribution and density of breeding Bonelli’s Eagles in south-west Morocco, at the southern limit of their breeding distribution in the Western Palearctic. We used broad-scale sampling to investigate spatial patterns in occupancy of territorial pairs of Bonelli’s Eagles in an area of ~29 715 km2 in the western Anti-Atlas Mountains, southern Morocco, during 2016–2018. We found 28 nesting territories containing 40 used nests, heterogeneously distributed in areas of high topographic variation, from 60 to 1 890 m asl. The average nearest-neighbour nest distance was 14.12 ± 9.90 km and varied from 2.65 km in the north-west to 37.80 km in the pre-Saharan lands in the south-west portion of the study area. This work shows the importance of the western Anti-Atlas Mountains as one of the most significant strongholds of the species in Morocco. However, there is a need for systematic analyses of the different factors affecting the distribution of the species to implement conservation actions of this peripheral population.  相似文献   

Abstract. A high-altitude boreal Picea abies forest, with tree ages of up to 410 yr, was studied with respect to age structure, spatial regeneration patterns, and substrate. The results suggest that recruitment is primarily dependent on germination substrate but also negatively correlated with the density of the tree layer. 60 % of all spruces < 1.3 m high grew on substrates connected with tree-fall; ca. 40 % were found on decomposing logs and stumps, covering only ca. 6 % of the forest floor. Individual logs remain important as a regeneration substrate for ca. 150 yr. Continuous presence of decomposing coarse wood is a condition for the maintenance of the population structure under the prevailing climatic conditions. Peaks in the age distribution (the 1870's and the 1940's - 1950's) are probably climatically induced. The results challenge the previous assumptions that this kind of forest undergoes cyclic development. Long-term structural stability with climatically induced minor variations may be an alternative model.  相似文献   

The mathematical model describing the dependence of typhoid fever morbidity on water supply and the migration of the population has been constructed. The checking of the model has shown the 95% coincidence of the predicted and actual morbidity. The model has been used for the prognostication of morbidity rate in typhoid fever in new economic development regions, thus making it possible to plan in advance the measures necessary for the prevention of negative consequences connected with the realization of economic development projects.  相似文献   

In the prolonged absence of major disturbances, ecosystems may enter a stage of retrogression, which is characterized by decreased ecosystem process rates both above and belowground, and often reduced availability of phosphorus (P). Disturbance through wildfire can increase soil P losses through leaching or erosion, but in the long-term absence of fire, soil P could potentially become increasingly bound in more stable forms that are less available to microbes. We studied forms of P and microbial respiration kinetics in the humus layer of a group of islands that vary considerably in wildfire frequency (40–5,300 years since last fire), and which are known to enter retrogression in the prolonged absence of fire. We found a decrease in labile P with decreasing fire frequency but no change in total P. Soil microorganisms responded more strongly to N than to P addition, and microbial biomass N:P ratios remained unchanged across the gradient. However, the concentration of labile P was the best predictor of microbial respiration responses across the islands, and this provides some evidence that declining access to P could contribute to the decline in soil microbial activity during retrogression. Our results show that even though N is arguably the main limiting nutrient during retrogression in this chronosequence, long term absence of fire also causes a decline in P availability which negatively affects microbial activity. This in turn could potentially impair microbially driven processes such as decomposition and mineralization and further contribute to the reduced availability of soil nutrients during retrogression.  相似文献   

Foraging and diet of the northern bat Eptesicus nilssoni in Sweden   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Jens Rydell 《Ecography》1986,9(4):272-276
Northern bats foraged predominantly in small individual and transient feeding sites usually in open places near trees and over water. Lakes were preferred as foraging habitat as compared to woodlands and farmlands. The pattern of habitat selection did not change drastically during the period of reproduction. The diet was probably unselective, consisting mainly of small dipterans and moths and also caddis flies, lacewings and mayflies (lake area) and dung beetles (farmland). Northern bats consumed insects of 3–30 mm body length, thus taking prey items of a broader size range than other bat species studied.  相似文献   

In many farming landscapes, aquatic features, such as wetlands, creeks, and dams, provide water for stock and irrigation, while also acting as habitat for a range of plants and animals. Indeed, some species threatened by land‐use change may otherwise be considerably rarer—or even suffer extinction—in the absence of these habitats. Therefore, a critical issue for the maintenance of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes is the extent to which the management of aquatic systems can promote the integration of agricultural production and biodiversity conservation. We completed a cross‐sectional study in southern New South Wales (southeastern Australia) to quantify the efficacy of two concurrently implemented management practices—partial revegetation and control of livestock grazing—aimed at enhancing the vegetation structure, biodiversity value, and water quality of farm dams. We found that excluding livestock for even short periods resulted in increased vegetation cover. Relative to unenhanced dams (such as those that remained unfenced), those that had been enhanced for several years were characterized by reduced levels of turbidity, nutrients, and fecal contamination. Enhanced dams also supported increased richness and abundance of macroinvertebrates. In contrast, unenhanced control dams tended to have high abundance of a few macroinvertebrate taxa. Notably, differences remained between the macroinvertebrate assemblages of enhanced dams and nearby “natural” waterbodies that we monitored as reference sites. While the biodiversity value of semilotic, natural waterbodies in the region cannot be replicated by artificial lentic systems, we consider the extensive system of farm dams in the region to represent a novel ecosystem that may nonetheless support some native macroinvertebrates. Our results show that management interventions such as fencing and grazing control can improve water quality in farm dams, improve vegetation structure around farm dams, and support greater abundance and diversity of aquatic macroinvertebrates.  相似文献   

Abstract. In late successions of the boreal forest of northern Sweden the evergreen dwarf shrub Empetrum hermaphroditum forms an extensive cover and is believed to spread mainly vegetatively through layering. To analyse the process of population establishment and the relative importance of sexual vs asexual reproduction and the spatial clonal distribution of this species we selected one mainland and two island sites of different post‐fire successional ages (145, 375 and 1720 yr since last fire, respectively). Using 61 polymorphic RAPD markers, we found 96 genotypes in a total of 133 samples. All three populations showed high levels of genetic variation. AMOVA analysis revealed that 33% of the total variation resided among sites, 26% resided among plots within sites and 41% was due to variation within plots. The youngest population had only 14% clonal fraction. In contrast, the oldest population had > 30% clonal fraction and many genets had dimensions of 10–40 m and were intermingled. It appears that E. hermaphroditum establishes by seeds to a larger extent than previously thought and that the clonal spread by layering is rather slow.  相似文献   

Catherine Hill 《Ecography》1988,11(4):298-304
The population structure and spatial distribution of the "glacial relict" Pallasea quadrispinosa were studied in Lake Stora "Ofsjön". Samples were taken at three depths throughout an eleven month period. The amphipods had an annual-biennial life cycle. The reproductive period started in October, and hatchlings were released from November until July. Four cohorts were present in November. Some one-year-old females appeared to reproduce more than once. Ontogenetic niche segregation occurred from June to September, when juveniles were found in shallow water and adults were found in deep water where temperatures were below 10°C. The diet included phytoplankton, zooplankton and chironomid larvae. The amphipods were infested by several parasites, including larvae of Cystidicola sp., a swimbladder nematode that infects fish.  相似文献   

1. Two small humic lakes in northern Sweden with concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) between 15 and 20 mg L–1 were fertilized with inorganic phosphorus (P) and inorganic nitrogen (N), respectively. A third lake was unfertilized and served as a control. In addition to this lake fertilization experiment, data from different regional surveys were used to assess the role of different limiting factors.
2. The P fertilization had no effects on bacterioplankton or phytoplankton, while phytoplankton were significantly stimulated by N fertilization. Inorganic nutrient limitation of bacterioplankton was a function of DOC concentration in water of the investigated region and nutrient-limited bacteria were found only in lakes with DOC concentrations less than around 15 mg L–1
3. The fertilization experiments demonstrated that the DOC-rich experimental lakes contained a bioavailable pool of P that was not utilized to its full potential under natural conditions. The overall mobilization of energy (bacterioplankton plus phytoplankton) in the experimental lakes was restricted by lack of inorganic N.  相似文献   

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