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JUAN JOSÉ SANZ 《Ibis》1999,141(1):100-108
Geographical trends in breeding parameters were studied in the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca in the western Palaearctic. Predictions arising from the hypothesis that daylength and/or energy requirements of the brood explain latitudinal clutch size variation were tested. The nestling period decreased with latitude, but nestling mass on day 13 after hatching did not show a trend with latitude. The length of the daily activity period (working day) at the time of peak brood demand showed a quadratic relationship with latitude and did not increase linearly with daylight hours. The present study supports the hypothesis that latitudinal clutch size variation is influenced by the duration of the working day and the energy requirements of the brood. The balance between the energy requirements of the brood and the parents, in relation to the duration of working day and ambient temperature, are proposed to explain the latitudinal variation in clutch size in the Pied Flycatcher.  相似文献   

The colour of blue‐green bird eggs has been hypothesized to signal female quality to attending males, who may adjust their level of investment in the brood accordingly. The hypothesis has gained support in studies of Spanish pied flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca. We performed a cross‐fostering experiment in a Norwegian population of pied flycatchers to provide an independent test of the sexually selected egg colour hypothesis in this species. Egg colour was not significantly correlated with estimates of female quality (clutch size, average egg volume, first egg laying date and feeding rate). There was a significant decrease in chroma and increase in brightness and egg volume during the laying sequence, with some marked differences between six‐egg and seven‐egg clutches that might reflect differences in female quality. However, we found no significant influence of egg colour (foster or original clutch) on male feeding rate or offspring viability (hatching success, average mass and fledging success) and no significant difference in feeding rate for males with six‐egg and seven‐egg foster or original clutches. We conclude that Norwegian male pied flycatchers do not use egg colour as a cue to female quality, thus questioning the generality of previous support for the sexually selected egg colour hypothesis from this species.  相似文献   

In some songbird species, large song repertoires are advantageous in female attraction, whereas song sharing with neighbours may give an advantage in male–male competition. Open‐ended learners, with the ability to memorize new song elements throughout their lives, may learn from territorial neighbours and thus benefit from increasing both repertoire size and song sharing. A distinction needs to be made between true adult song learning, i.e. memorization of novel song elements, and vocal plasticity resulting in changes in the use of previously memorized elements, such as the use of hidden repertoires or increased production of previously rare syllable types. We assessed the ability of adult pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca males to learn previously unheard song elements and to change their song production in response to playback of unfamiliar, conspecific song, emulating a singing neighbour. After a 1‐week playback treatment, three out of 20 subjects had learned foreign song elements, providing evidence from the wild that pied flycatchers are true open‐ended learners. However, the syllable sharing with the playback stimulus repertoires had not changed, and the males’ repertoires had decreased rather than increased. Hence, we did not find support for increased syllable sharing with neighbours or increased repertoire size as functions of adult song learning in pied flycatchers. Because pied flycatcher song seems to serve mainly for mate attraction, copying of attractive syllable types is a possible alternative function of adult song learning in this species.  相似文献   

Understanding how environmental factors affect ecological parameters is important to understanding and predicting impacts of environmental change. Given evidence and anticipated impacts of climate variability, this is especially true with respect to sea ice and its role in animal life history in northern regions. We examined relationships between the extent of consolidated spring ice cover (pack and landfast), nest initiation and clutch size in common eiders (Somateria mollissima) in northern Labrador, a sub-Arctic region on the east coast of Canada. Our initial prediction was that eiders would delay nesting and have smaller clutches in years with more extensive spring ice cover. Between 1998 and 2003, we surveyed coastal islands for breeding eiders and collected information on nest age and clutch size. For those years, we estimated ice cover based on Radarsat-1 images supplied by the Canadian Ice Service during the spring period (approximately June 7–12). We found that spring ice cover was a significant positive predictor of nest initiation date, and the regression equation indicated that if the average extent of ice cover around nesting islands increased by 18 ha, average nesting date was delayed by approximately 1 day. Nest initiation date was a significant negative predictor of clutch size, and the regression equation indicated that a 20 day delay in nesting reduced average clutch size by approximately 1 egg. However, ice cover itself was not a significant predictor of clutch size. Our findings suggest that eiders breed when ice is present, but ice extent may negatively influence aspects of their breeding ecology.  相似文献   

Creating conservation policies for declining migrant species in response to global change presents a considerable challenge. Migrant species are affected by factors at breeding grounds, overwintering areas and during migration. Accordingly, reserve-based management during the breeding season is not always a suitable conservation strategy. Recent Pied Flycatcher population decline typifies the pattern for many migrants. The UK population has declined by 43% in the past decade, but explanations, and possible solutions, remain elusive. We use 15 years of data (1990–2004) from a declining British population to establish possible reasons for decline, considering: (1) breeding performance (including the influences of competition and predation); (2) weather patterns caused by the winter phase (December–March) of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), which modify conditions experienced at wintering grounds and on migration; and (3) possible impacts of climate change on spring temperatures. We conclude that decreasing breeding performance is contributing to decline, but that non-breeding factors are more important. Winter NAO index is a strong predictor of breeding population, probably because it influences food abundance in Africa and at migratory stopover points. Importantly, however, year itself enhances the predictive model, indicating that influences on population remain unaccounted for by current research. Management strategies based on increasing breeding productivity cannot fully address population decline because non-breeding factors appear important. However, as breeding performance is declining, breeding-based strategies remain useful conservation tools. To this end, our research indicates that optimal placement of nestboxes as regards orientation and habitat management to increase larval food supplies could increase productivity significantly.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 1974–1983 waren in einem mit 600 künstlichen Nisthöhlen ausgestatteten Lärchen-Versuchsforst (52.27 N, 7.15 E) bei Lingen/Emsland beim Trauerschnäpper 20,7% der nachweislich mit einem polygamen verpaart. Neben 51 Bigynie-Fällen konnte auch 4mal Trigynie nachgewiesen werden. mit Polygamie-Nachweis waren im Mittel älter als die übrigen (2,71 bzw. 2,18 Jahre). Polygame hatten im Durchschnitt längere Flügel und ein größeres Gewicht als ohne Polygamie-Nachweis, was als Folge der unterschiedlichen Altersstruktur zu deuten ist. Brutkästen der Bigamisten waren im Mittel 258 m voneinander entfernt (Maximum 750 m). Bei Bruten ohne Nachweis eines fütternden lag die Anzahl ausgeflogener Junge (im Mittel 2,9) gesichert unter dem Bruterfolg von zwei anderen Gruppen (fütterndes bei einer Brut festgestellt 4,7; fütterndes bei 2–3 Bruten festgestellt 4,5). Zwischen den Schlüpfterminen von Bigamisten-Bruten lagen 1–16 Tage. Das Durchschnittsalter der in den jeweils früheren Bruten betrug 2,67, in den jeweils späteren Bruten 1,67 Jahre.
Polygyny in the Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) at the western border of its Central European range
Summary 1974–1983 in a study area of larch forest (52.27 N, 7.15 E), with 600 nestboxes, near Lingen/Emsland in western Lower Saxony, polygyny among Pied Flycatchers was identified as participation of in feeding at 2 or 3 nestboxes (bigyny or trigyny). 20.7% of were shown to be paired with a polygamous . Beside 51 cases of bigyny 4 cases of trigyny were identified. The incidence of polygyny was also considered in relation to the border situation of the study area. Proven polygamous were on average older than other (2.71 as compared to 2.18 years). On average polygamous had longer wings and greater bodyweight than without polygamous record, which is to be interpreted as a result of differing age structure. On average the mean distance between nestboxes of bigamists was 258 m (max. 750 m). In cases of broods without recorded feeding (generally this would occur in cases of secondary broods of polygamous in which the assisted only rarely or not at all) the number of reared young (on average 2.9) was significantly lower than the breeding success realised by 2 other groups ( recorded as assisting in rearing one brood only 4.7; recorded as assisting in rearing 2–3 broods 4.5). A period of 1–16 days (on average 7) elapsed between the hatching dates of broods of bigamists. The average age of in the earlier broods was 2.67 yrs, in the later broods 1.67 yrs.

Gefördert mit Hilfe von Forschungsmitteln des Landes Niedersachsen.  相似文献   

Petr Heneberg 《Bird Study》2013,60(1):107-110
Capsule Nest attentiveness during the night is significantly lower in males but varies with the activities of the breeding cycle. Male nest attentiveness shows minima during the burrowing and egg‐laying phases, and also during the brooding of chicks in second or re‐nest broods.  相似文献   

Parental food provisioning and offspring begging influence each other reciprocally. This makes both traits agents and targets of selection, which may ultimately lead to co‐adaptation. The latter may reflect co‐adapted parent and offspring genotypes or could be due to maternal effects. Maternal effects are in turn likely to facilitate in particular mother‐offspring co‐adaptation, further emphasized by the possibility that mothers are sometimes found to be more responsive to offspring need. However, parents may not only differ in their sensitivity, but often play different roles in postnatal care. This potentially impinges on the access to information about offspring need. We here manipulated the information on offspring need as perceived by parents by playing back begging calls at a constant frequency in the nest‐box of blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus). We measured the parental response in provisioning to our treatment, paying particular attention to sex differences in parental roles and whether such differences alter the perception of the intensity of our manipulation. This enabled us to investigate whether an information asymmetry about offspring need exists between parents and how such an asymmetry relates to co‐adaptation between parental provisioning and offspring begging. Our results show that parents indeed differed in the frequency how often they perceived the playback due to the fact that females spent more time with their offspring in the nest box. Correcting for the effective exposure of an adult to the playback, the parental response in provisioning covaried more strongly (positive) with offspring begging intensity, independent of the parental sex, indicating coadaptation on the phenotypic level. Females were not more sensitive to experimentally increased offspring need than males, but they were exposed to more broadcasted begging calls. Therefore, sex differences in access to information about offspring need, due to different parental roles, have the potential to impinge on family conflicts and their resolution.  相似文献   

Capsule Daylength, rather than latitude, was found to be an important determinant of variation in clutch size.

Aims To describe the nature of spatial and temporal variation in clutch size, and explore the ecological correlates of these patterns.

Methods We tested the prediction that seasonal declines in clutch size will be greater at higher latitudes. The environmental variables focused on were the influence of daylength, plant productivity, seasonality (i.e. Ashmole's hypothesis) and physiological mechanisms that relate clutch size to ambient temperature. We used data from 1980 to 2003 on spatial variation in clutch size across Britain for single‐brooded species, in which clutch size can be taken as a measure of annual reproductive investment. We included all seven species, from five families, with sufficient data in the British Trust for Ornithology's Nest Record Scheme.

Results There are strong seasonal declines in clutch size but little evidence for latitudinal gradients in clutch size or in latitudinal gradients in the rate of seasonal clutch size decline. Of the environmental variables investigated, daylength had the most marked effect on clutch size; this was positive in diurnal species and negative in the one nocturnal species.

Conclusions Although this study was confined to a relatively small latitudinal range of 8°, we found marked latitudinal gradients in a number of factors thought to drive spatial patterns in clutch size. Moreover, such variation is of sufficient magnitude to generate spatial patterns in other ecological variables in Britain. There is thus no simple explanation for the lack of a latitudinal gradient in clutch size. The results concerning daylength indicate that the time available for foraging is an important determinant of variation in clutch size.  相似文献   


Three dimensions of isolated spousal separation largely determine its fertility impact: (1) length, (2) “completeness” (degree to which it is eliminating fecundability during fecundable months), and (3) its timing as defined by the reproductive state of the wife at its start. While it is obvious that by starting when the wife is in the fecundable state its net delaying of next conception is maximized, it is much less clear with which reproductive state its start should coincide in order to minimize its fertility impact. By means of a simple model, it is shown that for minimum impact a separation should start later in a pregnancy the longer is post‐partum anovulation, the higher is the level of intrauterine mortality, and the shorter is the period of separation. Conditions of natural fertility are assumed.  相似文献   

Capsule Dunnocks Prunella modularis showed a preference for nesting in hedgerows adjacent to sown rather than grass margins on four farms in southwest England.  相似文献   

This study investigated how infant pigtailed macaque monkeys performed on two separate learning assessments, two-object discrimination/reversal and Hamilton search learning. Although the learning tasks have been tested on several species, including non-human primates, there have been no normative results reported for young macaque monkeys. The present study provides normative results for these learning tasks in very young captive pigtailed macaques and investigates the degree to which performances on these assessments are related. In addition, an error analysis was conducted to understand the choice patterns of the animals on each task. It was found that males took longer to reach criterion than females on the two-object reversal task. Performance and latency on the discrimination task predicted performance and latency on the reversal task. Performance on Hamilton Search Set-Breaking negatively predicted performance on the later Hamilton Search Forced Set-Breaking task. Finally, latency on reversal significantly predicted the latency on the Hamilton search task. These data provide strong evidence of a relationship between performance on discrimination and reversal. This study shows that, otherwise, each task assesses a different cognitive function.  相似文献   


5‐Aminolevulinate synthetase activity was measured in livers of adult male rats by means of an improved assay. The enzyme exhibited a diurnal rhythm with a maximum during dark‐time. Inductions by allylisopropylacetamide during diurnal increase and decrease of enzyme activity resulted in the same amount of additionally formed enzyme.  相似文献   

Of all the former Soviet republics, Kazakhstan has what may well be the most untenable interethnic predicament ‐ an ethnic Russian population that is nearly as large as the ethnic Kazakh population. The Russians, moreover, constitute a majority of the population in the northern part of the country, which borders the Russian republic. Having the unenviable task of nation‐building in an increasingly fragmented multi‐ethnic environment, Nazarbaev has made his strategy clear: build a strong unitary Kazakh state by steadily increasing control over the Russian‐dominated provinces of the north. Kazakh action in the north, and Russian response, will determine whether there is a future for a multinational Kazakhstan.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry-based (MS) methods are effective tools for discovering protein biomarker candidates that can differentiate between physiological and pathophysiological states. Promising candidates are validated in studies comprising large patient cohorts. Here, targeted protein analytics are used to increase sample throughput. Methods involving antibodies, such as sandwich immunoassays or Western blots, are commonly applied at this stage. Highly-specific and sensitive mass spectrometry-based immunoassays that have been established in recent years offer a suitable alternative to sandwich immunoassays for quantifying proteins. Mass Spectrometric ImmunoAssays (MSIA) and Stable Isotope Standards and Capture by Anti-Peptide Antibodies (SISCAPA/iMALDI) are two prominent types of MS-based immunoassays in which the capture is done either at the protein or the peptide level. We present an overview of these emerging types of immunoassays and discuss their suitability for the discovery and validation of protein biomarkers. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Biomarkers: A Proteomic Challenge.  相似文献   

To investigate laying decision and clutch size determination in indeterminate layers, we analysed in-nest activity (nest presence, and copulation, prey deliveries, and entrance frequencies) and female body mass change, as well as their relation to clutch size variation in five Barn Owl pairs (Tyto alba) nesting in eastern France. Body mass of the female and behaviour [copulation frequency, entrance frequency, and prey delivery to the nest by the male (in number and mass)] were monitored using an automated weighing system and a video camera. There was a consistent change of behaviour and foraging activity among pairs ca. 18 days before laying indicating that the females may be tied to the nest at this time. Barn Owls being indeterminate layers have their clutch size determined at the oviposition of the first egg of the clutch. Window correlation analyses between the clutch size and the female body mass gain indicate that the clutch size might be determined no later than a few days before the laying of the first egg. Our results suggest that female Barn Owls may use the pre-laying period to determine the clutch size using cues such as the male food deliveries (a proxy for male quality).  相似文献   


The circadian rhythms of blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) were documented in 30 patients for a 24‐hour period before and during the 24 hours that included unilateral surgery for senile cataract or retinal detachment. The patients were premedicated with diazepam. Anaesthesia was induced at a fixed time (09.00) in all patients with thiopentone, and muscle relaxation was with pancuronium. Maintenance was with enflurane in 15 patients and with fentanyl and droperidol in the rest. Though the intraoperative changes in haemodynamic parameters were dissimilar with the two types of maintenance agents, but both types had a similar effect on the circadian rhythms of blood pressure and heart rate. Whereas preoperatively the BP and HR circadian rhythms were nearly in phase, with their peaks in the late morning to early afternoon, the postoperative rhythms underwent a dissociation to a phase shift in the BP 24‐h pattern. The phase effect may be hypothetically attributed to direct pharmacological actions or to masking effects.  相似文献   

We analyzed data from 373 fresh nest-sites (containing 2435 nests) of lowland gorillas (Gorilla g. gorilla)during a 4-year period in the Lopé Reserve, Gabon, to determine whether the observed variability in nest building was due to environmental influences. We recognized and defined seven types of nest in terms of the degree of construction and the raw materials used. Overall, nests built on the ground from herbaceous plants are the most common type (40%), followed by tree nests (35%). Frequencies of the different nest-types vary significantly between eight habitat-types. In habitat-types with high densities of understory herbs, ground nests predominated, but when herbs were rare, the majority of nests were in trees. A general preference for sleeping in herbaceous ground nests is indicated since trees are abundant in all habitat-types, except savanna. The frequency of nesting in trees shows a significant positive correlation with rainfall, but effects of climate are confounded by seasonal variation in use of different habitat-types. When elephants were attracted to the same localized food sources as gorillas, many tree nests were built even when herbs were available. We conclude that different nest-types reflect a variety of solutions to maximize comfort, depending on available raw materials and the probability of rainfall or disturbance by elephants or both factors. Nests are a powerful tool for population censuses and demographic studies of great apes, but problems exist in interpreting data on lowland gorilla nests. Results from this analysis show that only a third of nest-sites accurately reflects group size (of weaned individuals) and that 26% of all gorilla nest-sites could be mistaken for those of chimpanzees, as all nests, or all those visible from a transect, were in trees. Gorilla nests at Lopé were nonrandomly distributed with respect to habitat-types, and nest construction varied seasonally, thereby introducing sources of bias to transect nest counts. We discuss these problems and ones related to assessing the decay rate of nest-sites and make recommendations relevant to census work.  相似文献   

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