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Enrique Murgui 《Bird Study》2017,64(4):455-463
Capsule: Bird surveys carried out during a railway journey capture a significant proportion of the species and individuals recorded through line transects (LT).

Aims: To explore the suitability of railways as a bird census tool in a scenario where bird data massively recorded by passengers of the railway network could be collected through appropriate web portals and cell phone technologies.

Methods: Railway and walked transects were conducted along the 40?km rail line connecting the towns of Valencia and Buñol, Spain. From June 2012 to May 2016, I carried out a weekly survey of birds from the railway line looking through the train window. Additionally, to assess the efficacy of train surveys, a railway section 11?km long was surveyed monthly on foot from December 2014 to November 2015.

Results: Train surveys were unsuitable to detect many woodland birds but were relatively efficient in detecting raptors, open-field and aquatic bird species. About 75% of non-woodland species were detected from the train, and there was a positive correlation between counts obtained through train and LT; mean detection rate per species was between 50% and 80% depending on the season. Overall, larger and numerically more important species were better quantified. Further, detection rates of several medium-large species were greater than one, indicating a superior efficiency of train over LT. Only for nine species were data sufficient to calculate population trends, which in several cases were similar to those obtained through monitoring programmes operating at coarser spatial scales.

Conclusions: The relatively high performance of the method and the fact that broad geographical areas could be easily surveyed (even on a daily basis) by many people in a relatively short time make railway-based bird surveys a candidate to be used in citizen science programmes.  相似文献   

New monitoring programs are often designed with some form of temporal replication to deal with imperfect detection by means of occupancy models. However, classical bird census data from earlier times often lack temporal replication, precluding detection‐corrected inferences about occupancy. Historical data have a key role in many ecological studies intended to document range shifts, and so need to be made comparable with present‐day data by accounting for detection probability. We analyze a classical bird census conducted in the region of Murcia (SE Spain) in 1991 and 1992 and propose a solution to estimating detection probability for such historical data when used in a community occupancy model: the spatial replication of subplots nested within larger plots allows estimation of detection probability. In our study, the basic sample units were 1‐km transects, which were considered spatial replicates in two aggregation schemes. We fit two Bayesian multispecies occupancy models, one for each aggregation scheme, and evaluated the linear and quadratic effect of forest cover and temperature, and a linear effect of precipitation on species occupancy probabilities. Using spatial rather than temporal replicates allowed us to obtain individual species occupancy probabilities and species richness accounting for imperfect detection. Species‐specific occupancy and community size decreased with increasing annual mean temperature. Both aggregation schemes yielded estimates of occupancy and detectability that were highly correlated for each species, so in the design of future surveys ecological reasons and cost‐effective sampling designs should be considered to select the most suitable aggregation scheme. In conclusion, the use of spatial replication may often allow historical survey data to be applied formally hierarchical occupancy models and be compared with modern‐day data of the species community to analyze global change process.  相似文献   

Linkage maps are lacking for many highly influential model organisms in evolutionary research, including all passerine birds. Consequently, their full potential as research models is severely hampered. Here, we provide a partial linkage map and give novel estimates of sex-specific recombination rates in a passerine bird, the great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus). Linkage analysis of genotypic data at 51 autosomal microsatellites and seven markers on the Z-chromosome (one of the sex chromosomes) from an extended pedigree resulted in 12 linkage groups with 2-8 loci. A striking feature of the map was the pronounced sex-dimorphism: males had a substantially lower recombination rate than females, which resulted in a suppressed autosomal map in males (sum of linkage groups: 110.2 cM) compared to females (237.2 cM; female/male map ratio: 2.15). The sex-specific recombination rates will facilitate the building of a denser linkage map and cast light on hypotheses about sex-specific recombination rates.  相似文献   

A H Thomas  M Y Wong 《Biologicals》1991,19(3):233-236
An international standard for teicoplanin has been established on the basis of a collaborative study. There were five participating laboratories in five countries. The activity of the contents of each ampoule of the international standard for teicoplanin is defined as 51,550 IU of teicoplanin.  相似文献   

As part of a European research project, the performance of a PCR assay to detect food-borne thermotolerant campylobacters (Campylobacter jejuni, C. coli, and C. lari) was evaluated through an international collaborative trial involving 12 participating laboratories. DNA from 10 target and 8 nontarget strains was tested, and the results were reported as the presence of a positive signal after gel electrophoresis. The overall inclusivity (sensitivity) was 93.7%, and the exclusivity (specificity) was 100%. The results indicate that the assay can become an international standard and can be confidently applied in microbiological laboratories.  相似文献   

The black-faced spoonbill (BFS) is a globally endangered species. The annual international BFS census (IBFSC) thus serves as an important initiative to manage and protect the population of this bird. This work attempts to investigate the feasibility of supporting the annual IBFSC with a low-cost unmanned aerial vehicle system (UAVS). A total of six missions were completed to investigate various locations and areas from November 2012 to April 2013, when BFS transited at Taijiang National Park. The flight plan for each mission was made through the automatic mission planning system. All photographs taken in one mission were stitched to a seamless and color-balanced mosaic that can be geo-referenced and displayed on a Web-based platform, such as Google Earth. A close-up photograph of a few BFSs was acquired at a low altitude of 50 m to validate the proposed approach of image processing, including unsupervised classification, hit or miss transform and binary large object analysis. The results show that the selection of one statistical attribute (maximum value in red channel) and two geometrical attributes (size and circularity) is appropriate for identifying BFS without ambiguity. The success of this work encourages us to conduct a large-scale deployment of UAVS in the coming IBFSC.  相似文献   

We developed sampling methods to characterize the participation of bird species in foraging flocks led by the Eastern Tufted Titmouse (Baeolophus bicolor) in North-central Florida during winter, because standard field methods, developed primarily for permanent resident Neotropical flocks, were intractable in our system. During January–February 2004 and November 2004–March 2005, we observed 55 mixed-species flocks, recorded 40 potential flocking species [mean of 12.4 species (SD = 3.8; range 3–20), 26.3 individuals (SD = 12.2; range 8–60), and 3.1 titmice (SD = 1.4; range 1–7), per flock]. Twenty-six species were observed frequently enough (>10% of observations) to be included in analyses. We paired 60-min flock observations with 10-min point counts conducted in locations used by flocks, but after flocks had moved more than 100 m away. This method yielded a measure of flocking propensity: the ratio of the number of individuals observed in the flock versus during the point count for each species. We used regression tree (RT) analysis to classify species into groupings according to their levels of flock participation, and to investigate relationships between flocking propensity and various environmental and social factors that we measured. Our analysis identified three clear species groups; “Nuclear/Regular Associate” (12 spp.; high/moderate), “Occasional Associate” (four spp.; moderate/low), and “Non-joiner/Accidental” (ten spp.; low/no flocking propensity). Groupings were similar to schemes produced via more time-intensive field methods. In order to contextualize grouping categories, we conducted a review of flocking group definitions and relevant autecological information (e.g., interspecific sociality) about our study species. We found this method to be useful for geographically extensive sampling of species’ participation in mixed-species flocks, despite high inter-flock variability in species composition and limited labor.  相似文献   

Studies comparing different bird censusing methods are useful for assessing relative biases, synthesizing data across studies, and designing bird population monitoring programmes. A field study was carried out in mid-elevation tropical rainforest in the Western Ghats to compare bird density estimates from line transect, point count and territory spot-mapping methods. Interspecific comparisons were made using data for 13 common resident bird species, including two endemics. Variable-width line transect density estimates were highly correlated with, but slightly (17%) higher than, those produced by territory spot-mapping. Although densities from variable-width point counts and spot-mapping were highly positively correlated, the estimates were 95% higher on average in the former. Higher density estimates relative to spot-mapping were produced mainly for the most abundant species, probably due to their mobility and the inclusion of additional individuals that enter the count area during the count period. Fixed-width strip transects and point counts produced density estimates that were highly correlated with, but significantly lower than, variable-width estimates. Wherever possible, territory spot-mapping and line transects are recommended for density estimates; the former may yield additional information on spatial distribution of birds. Fixed-width transects or point counts, being easier to apply, may be used for large-scale monitoring programmes. Interspecific variation in flocking systems and the poor visibility in dense rainforest vegetation indicate the need for care in collection of data on flock size and its variation, which is necessary for estimating the density of individuals. The variation across methods suggests the need for further research using multiple methods across years and marked individuals to verify territoriality and accuracy.  相似文献   

Scat (faeces) decay rate estimates are used to calculate animal species abundance and density. For African great apes, this has been measured only for Gorilla; chimpanzee scats are assumed to decay at a faster rate due to lower fibre content. We provide the first systematic measure of scat decay rate duration for Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii, in Kanyawara, Kibale National Park, Uganda. We used two methods: (1) multiple visits to obtain prospective decay rates (PDR) (N = 96 scats) and (2) a novel approach of time‐lapse photography (TLP) (N = 17 scats). Most of the visited scats (67%) decayed in ≤24 hr, and median decay rate duration from photographic documentation was 18 hr. Using regression analyses, we tested 11 covariables to determine predictors for decay rate duration. Greater volume of scat and reduced levels of diurnal dung beetle activity were positively associated with longer decay rate duration. Given a high prevalence of dung beetle activity (88% of scats), particularly within 3 hr post‐defaecation, we suggest the use of the alternative term, disappearance rate of scats. With a rapid disappearance rate, scat count surveys of unhabituated chimpanzees are challenging; further work is then needed for Pan spp. to determine spatial and temporal differences at intra‐ and inter‐species level.  相似文献   

We present the results of a collaborative study for the characterization of a preparation of diphtheria toxoid adsorbed, and its calibration in terms of the 3rd International Standard (IS) for Diphtheria Toxoid Adsorbed. Calibration was performed using established World Health Organization (WHO) and European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) protection models. Two candidate toxoid preparations were included in the study, one of which was adopted as a replacement Ph. Eur. Biological Reference Preparation (BRP, batch 4) in February 2009. The second candidate preparation was found to have a unitage of 213 IU/ampoule based on the calibration by in vivo bioassay in 19 laboratories in 16 countries, and was established as the 4th IS for Diphtheria Toxoid Adsorbed by the WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization (ECBS) in October 2009.The study also assessed performance of the replacement standard in mouse and guinea pig serological assays which are used as alternative procedures for diphtheria potency testing. Participants tested both candidate preparations and potency was expressed in relative terms only. Results suggest that the replacement standard is suitable for use as the reference vaccine in serological assays and that the Vero cell assay may be suitable for calibration of future replacement standards.  相似文献   

This study aimed to develop an internationally acceptable definition of child overweight and obesity, specifying the measurement, reference population, and age and sex specific cut off points. Data on body mass index (weight/height) were obtained from 6 large nationally representative cross sectional surveys on growth from Brazil, Great Britain, Hong Kong, the Netherlands, Singapore, and the US. The study included 97,876 males and 94,851 females from birth to 25 years of age. For each of the surveys, centile curves were drawn that at age 18 years passed through the widely used cut-off points of 25 and 30 kg/sq. m for adult weight and obesity. The resulting curves were averaged to provide age- and sex-specific cut-off points from 2 to 18 years. The proposed cut off points, which are less arbitrary and more internationally based than current alternatives, should help to provide internationally comparable prevalence rates of overweight and obesity in children.  相似文献   

A least-squares procedure has been developed to aid in deriving restriction-fragment maps once the order of cutsites has been determined. A computer program which carries out this method can be used to map either linear or circular molecules.  相似文献   

A direct theoretical approach is described for using viscometric data to determine standard units of carboxymethylcellulase as recommended by the Commission on Enzymes. Application of the theory showed that under suitably defined conditions calculated units were directly proportional to the quantity of enzyme used for assay. When the theory was applied to a kinetic analysis of enzyme action, a linear relationship was obtained from a Lineweaver-Burk plot and allowed the Michaelis-Menten constant to be readily calculated. The theory can also be modified so that relative though arbitrary enzyme units can be obtained from one simple calculation. The method should be applicable to other depolymerases that cleave their substrate randomly.  相似文献   

Acclimation of rock pigeon (Columba livia) to high ambient temperature (Ta) 50 degrees C from the time of hatching resulted in a well-developed cutaneous evaporative cooling mechanism (CECM), which became the dominant mechanism for heat dissipation. After the age of 15 days and in adults, acclimated pigeons exposed to 48-60 degrees C Ta could regulate normal body temperature (Tb) without employing either panting or gular fluttering. Respiration rate varied between 36 +/- 12 (SD) and 35 +/- 14 breaths/min at moderate and at extreme high Ta's, respectively. During thermal stress (42, 45, and 47 degrees C) imposed in a metabolic chamber, nonpanting pigeons' heat balance was achieved by adjusting low-level heat production (46.2 +/- 6.8 W/m2) and by use of an efficient CECM that dissipated 145% of the metabolic heat. Tb was regulated between 40.7 +/- 0.5 and 41.8 +/- 0.4 degrees C over a wide range of Ta's (20-56 degrees C). The respiratory evaporative cooling mechanism (RECM) was effective since hatching. The CECM developed approximately 24 h later during the ontogeny of the altricial nestling pigeon. This trait, which exists in many bird species and may be a recent development, possibly evolved as an adaptation to hot environments. In the present study we have brought evidence for a multitrait physiological adaptation that takes preeminence in adjusting the processes involved in maintaining heat balance. This integrative complex creates a powerful, efficient tool for contending with the most extreme thermal conditions.  相似文献   

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