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A national survey of breeding Barn Owls was undertaken between 1995 and 1997 using intensive fieldwork methods within a stratified sample of 1100 2 × 2-km survey squares selected at random from those available. Each year, fieldwork was divided into two sessions: one to locate potential nest-sites (winter session) and one to determine occupancy of these sites (summer session). Fieldworkers spent an average of 30 hours on fieldwork within each survey square. The survey produced national population estimates of 2830 (95% confidence intervals: 1952–3761) breeding pairs for 1995, 3967 (95% CI: 2785–5252) for 1996 and 3951 (95% CI: 2769–5214) for 1997. Analysis taking account of the poor coverage in certain regions of high Barn Owl density in 1995 suggests that a population estimate of 3480 would be more accurate for that year. Regional and temporal variations in estimates were examined and interpreted in relation to Barn Owl productivity and ecology. Validation of fieldwork efficiency was carried out within a random selection of the available survey tetrads, demonstrating that fieldworkers achieved a high degree of survey reliability. This paper provides a baseline population estimate and standardized, repeatable methods, allowing future population changes to be monitored effectively.  相似文献   

Joël Broyer 《Bird Study》2013,60(2):141-150
Capsule Mowing postponement in 25% of a meadow system may lead to improved but instable population dynamics in meadow birds.

Aim To monitor the long‐term effects of mowing postponement on the abundance and territory density of meadow passerines in 25% of a 3000‐ha hay‐meadow area in the Saône Valley (eastern France).

Methods From 1993 to 2009, passerine abundance was measured annually in 78 plots using point counts and territory density was assessed in two study areas by Territory Mapping.

Results The programme of mowing postponement led to substantially increased passerine abundance and territory density, with the highest increase detected in Whinchats Saxicola rubetra. No positive trend was observed in Corn Buntings Emberiza calandra. Immediately after the increase in abundance, bird distribution within the study area was not influenced by the timing of mowing. The hatching success, assessed by the systematic observation of food carrying, was negatively influenced by early mowing (<40% recorded when >60% of the meadow area was already harvested on 1 July) or, in late mown areas, by high meadow passerine territory density (<40% when territory density was >10 per 10 ha). Hatching rate was usually higher in Whinchats than in Corn Buntings.

Conclusion By improving meadow passerine breeding outputs and density, mowing postponement led to instable population dynamics with dominance of certain species and density‐dependent breeding success.  相似文献   



Cardiovascular disease is prevalent and frequently unrecognized in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). NT-proBNP is an established risk factor in patients with heart failure. NT-proBNP may also be released from the right ventricle. Thus serum NT-proBNP may be elevated during acute exacerbations of COPD (AECOPD). The prognostic value of NT-proBNP in patients hospitalized with AECOPD is sparsely studied. Our objective was to test the hypothesis that NT-proBNP independently predicts long term mortality following AECOPD.


A prospective cohort study of 99 patients with 217 admissions with AECOPD. Clinical, electrocardiographic, radiological and biochemical data were collected at index and repeat admissions and analyzed in an extended survival analysis with time-dependent covariables.


Median follow-up time was 1.9 years, and 57 patients died during follow-up. NT-proBNP tertile limits were 264.4 and 909 pg/mL, and NT-proBNP in tertiles 1 through 3 was associated with mortality rates of 8.6, 35 and 62 per 100 patient-years, respectively (age-adjusted log-rank p<0.0001). After adjustment for age, gender, peripheral edema, cephalization and cTnT in a multivariable survival model, the corresponding hazard ratios for dying were 2.4 (0.95-6.0) and 3.2 (1.3-8.1) (with 95% confidence intervals in parentheses, p-value for trend 0.013).


NT-proBNP is a strong and independent determinant of mortality after AECOPD.  相似文献   

Frederic Jiguet 《Bird Study》2013,60(2):253-258
Capsule A first‐time observer effect in the new French breeding bird survey (BBS) was found to result from new observers learning how to use the point count method on randomly selected sites.

Aims To estimate the first‐year effect in a newly started BBS, to look for correlates and test for a temporal trend in learning.

Methods Trends of 105 species were estimated using data from 2001–2007 obtained by 1100 observers conducting point counts over 1535 randomly selected squares. I estimated the average increase in detected numbers between the first and all subsequent years of survey at a site.

Results Observers counted 4.3% more birds in subsequent years than during the initial year of survey. This first‐year effect decreased from 2001 to 2007 (by an average of 2% per year). It was not related to most variables known to influence species detection probability. Only species with songs of lower sound frequencies (ranging from 0.5 to 8 kHz here) displayed a greater increase in locally detected numbers.

Conclusion The detected first‐year effect was the result of method learning by new observers who had not previously conducted point counts or visited randomly selected sites. The learning effect was larger for species with songs of lower sound frequency which are harder to hear during the dawn chorus.  相似文献   

Assessing how genes flow across populations is a key component of conservation genetics. Gene flow in a natural population depends on ecological traits and the local environment, whereas for a livestock population, gene flow is driven by human activities. Spatial organization, relationships between farmers and their husbandry practices will define the farmer's network and so determine farmer connectivity. It is thus assumed that farmer connectivity will affect the genetic structure of their livestock. To test this hypothesis, goats reared by four different ethnic groups in a Vietnamese province were genotyped using 16 microsatellites. A Bayesian approach and spatial multivariate analysis (spatial principal component analysis, sPCA) were used to identify subpopulations and spatial organization. Ethnic group frequencies, husbandry practices and altitude were used to create cost maps that were implemented in a least-cost path approach. Genetic diversity in the Vietnamese goat population was low (0.508) compared to other local Asian breeds. Using a Bayesian approach, three clusters were identified. sPCA confirmed these three clusters and also that the genetic structure showed a significant spatial pattern. The least-cost path analysis showed that genetic differentiation was significantly correlated (0.131–0.207) to ethnic frequencies and husbandry practices. In brief, the spatial pattern observed in the goat population was the result of complex gene flow governed by the spatial distribution of ethnic groups, ethnicity and husbandry practices. In this study, we clearly linked the livestock genetic pattern to farmer connectivity and showed the importance of taking into account spatial information in genetic studies.  相似文献   

The benthic isopod Saduria entomon was exposed to different oxygen saturations (92, 6, and < 1%, T = 8°C). The behaviour of S. entomon under hypoxia and anoxia differs from that observed under normoxia. During the first few hours under low oxygen conditions animals became more active. After that time they lay motionless on the sediment surface. A few of them were partially buried. When oxygenation decreased, the percentage of individuals that emerged from the sediment rapidly increased. It was four and seven times higher under hypoxia and anoxia, respectively. S. entomon is able to survive long periods (41 days) under severe hypoxia, whereas the LT50 under anoxia varied between 12 and 18 days according to animal size. The glycogen content, which is the essential substrate for anaerobic metabolism of this species, decreased after 41 days under anoxia down to 48% of the normoxic level.  相似文献   

Liao  Dan  Zhang  Chaochun  Lambers  Hans  Zhang  Fusuo 《Plant and Soil》2021,463(1-2):589-600
Plant and Soil - Understanding how soil phosphorus (P) fractions change is critical to achieve more efficient soil P use in a highly P-sorbing calcareous soil. The fields were managed without or...  相似文献   

The working hypothesis was that treatment of heifers with 17β-oestradiol (E2) during specific periods of prepuberty would reduce the response of the hypothalamic–pituitary axis to E2 negative feedback and induce an earlier onset of puberty. The effects of chronic treatment with exogenous E2 administered at specific maturational phases on the age and weight at puberty were studied in 96 prepubertal Brahman (3/4–7/8 Bos indicus) heifers (187.0±3.3 days of age, mean±SEM), weighing 149.9±2.5 kg. Heifers were randomly assigned to one of six groups (n=16 per group). Groups 2–6 received E2 implants (Compudose 200®) for 90-day periods starting at 10, 13, 16, 19 and 22 months of age, while animals in group 1 remained untreated. Implants were placed subcutaneously at the base of the ear. Blood was collected for progesterone (P4) determination by radioimmunoassay (RIA) and the animals were weighed at monthly intervals from 6 to 15 months then weekly from 15 to 28 months of age. Puberty was defined by concentrations of P4>1 ng/ml in plasma and identification of a corpus luteum (CL) by transrectal ultrasonography (Aloka 210DX:7.5 MHZ probe). Treatment with exogenous E2 at any of the ages/treatment intervals evaluated in this study did not reduce age or weight at puberty (P>0.7). The mean age and weight at puberty of control heifers was 735.3±19.7 days (range: 597–861) and 299.2±10.2 kg (range: 233–382), respectively, which is greater than the age and weight at puberty of 481 days and 246 kg, that was previously reported for B. indicus heifers [Post, T.B., Reich, M.M., 1980. Puberty in tropical breeds of heifers as monitored by plasma progesterone. Proceedings of the Australian Society of Animal Production 13, 61–62.]. The large variation in age and weight at puberty that was observed in the present study among heifers might indicate an individual animal effect to E2 treatment among some of the treated animals. The lengthy interval from birth to puberty observed in this study, as compared to other studies, reflects the effects of other factors such as genotype, environmental or nutritional influences on puberty.  相似文献   

Brown adipocytes and myocytes develop from a common adipomyocyte precursor. PPARα is a nuclear receptor important for lipid and glucose metabolism. It has been suggested that in brown adipose tissue, PPARα represses the expression of muscle-associated genes, in this way potentially acting to determine cell fate in brown adipocytes. To further understand the possible role of PPARα in these processes, we measured expression of muscle-associated genes in brown adipose tissue and brown adipocytes from PPARα-ablated mice, including structural genes (Mylpf, Tpm2, Myl3 and MyHC), regulatory genes (myogenin, Myf5 and MyoD) and a myomir (miR-206). However, in our hands, the expression of these genes was not influenced by the presence or absence of PPARα, nor by the PPARα activator Wy-14,643. Similarly, the expression of genes common for mature brown adipocyte and myocytes (Tbx15, Meox2) were not affected. However, the brown adipocyte-specific regulatory genes Zic1, Lhx8 and Prdm16 were affected by PPARα. Thus, it would not seem that PPARα represses muscle-associated genes, but PPARα may still play a role in the regulation of the bifurcation of the adipomyocyte precursor into a brown adipocyte or myocyte phenotype.  相似文献   

Wetlands maintain biodiversity and provide numerous ecosystem services, so the pressure to perform successful restoration consequently is high. However, restoration projects rarely include an in-depth assessment of wetland potential for recovery, and restoration techniques may not be tailored to site-specific concerns. This study examined the seed bank of disturbed wetlands slotted for hydrologic, but not vegetation, restoration to determine if a seed bank comparable to that of nearby undisturbed wetlands persisted despite long-term anthropogenic disturbance. We compared the aboveground vegetation and seed bank compositions under drained, drawdown, and flooded conditions between undisturbed and historically ditched (“disturbed”) wetlands. Disturbed and undisturbed wetlands shared fewer than 30 % of total aboveground species. While undisturbed wetlands were dominated by graminoids, disturbed wetlands had greater cover of forbs. The seed banks of disturbed wetlands had high species diversity, but their composition was dissimilar to that of nearby undisturbed wetlands. In total, the seed banks of both disturbance histories germinated 56 species; drained conditions had the fewest germinants while flooded conditions had the most. Germinant richness was significantly affected by disturbance, moisture, and their interaction; evenness was significantly affected by moisture, and Shannon diversity by disturbance. Because the seed bank of disturbed wetlands included many fast-growing wetland plants, passive vegetation restoration and active hydrologic restoration may result in wetlands overgrown with weedy species and with fewer conservative wetland plants. An understanding of the capacity for seed banks to re-vegetate wetlands post-restoration and approximate undisturbed wetlands is crucial to the overall success of restoration projects.  相似文献   



Exercise training is recommended for non-cystic fibrosis (CF) bronchiectasis, but the long-term effects are unclear. This randomised controlled trial aimed to determine the effects of exercise training and review of airway clearance therapy (ACT) on exercise capacity, health related quality of life (HRQOL) and the incidence of acute exacerbations in people with non-CF bronchiectasis.


Participants were randomly allocated to 8 weeks of supervised exercise training and review of ACT, or control. Primary outcomes of exercise capacity and HRQOL (Chronic respiratory disease questionnaire) and secondary outcomes of cough-related QOL (Leicester cough questionnaire) and psychological symptoms (Hospital anxiety and depression scale) were measured at baseline, following completion of the intervention period and at 6 and 12 months follow up. Secondary outcomes of the exacerbation rate and time to first exacerbation were analysed over 12 months.


Eighty-five participants (mean FEV1 74% predicted; median Modified Medical Research Council Dyspnoea grade of 1 (IQR [1–3]) were included. Exercise training increased the incremental shuttle walk distance (mean difference to control 62 m, 95% CI 24 to 101 m) and the 6-minute walking distance (mean difference to control 41 m, 95% CI 19 to 63 m), but these improvements were not sustained at 6 or 12 months. Exercise training reduced dyspnoea (p = 0.009) and fatigue (p = 0.01) but did not impact on cough-related QOL or mood. Exercise training reduced the frequency of acute exacerbations (median 1[IQR 1–3]) compared to the control group (2[1–3]) over 12 months follow up (p = 0.012), with a longer time to first exacerbation with exercise training of 8 months (95% CI 7 to 9 months) compared to the control group (6 months [95% CI 5 to 7 months], p = 0.047).


Exercise training in bronchiectasis is associated with short term improvement in exercise capacity, dyspnoea and fatigue and fewer exacerbations over 12 months.

Trial registry

ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT00885521).  相似文献   

Perinatal asphyxia results in tissue and cellular changes during the reperfusion period and clinical signs like perinatal mortality and decreased vitality at birth in newborn piglets. This study aimed to develop and validate a model of birth asphyxia, mimicking the evolvement of birth asphyxia in natural farrowings by conducting umbilical cord clamping (UCC) in term piglets during caesarean sections under general anaesthesia. In total 23 piglets were subjected to 5-8min of UCC and 24 piglets served as controls. Acid-base balance values and heart rates measured before UCC remained fairly constant throughout the surgical procedure, indicating nearly identical starting conditions of piglets within and between litters. UCC resulted in a significant, mild, mixed respiratory-metabolic acidosis (pH 7.22, pCO(2) 9.8kPa, BE(ecf) 2mmol/L, lactate 6.5mmol/L; controls: pH 7.31, pCO(2) 8.5kPa, BE(ecf) 5mmol/L, lactate 4mmol/L) at 10min after birth (defined as simultaneous cutting of the umbilical cord and removal of a plastic bag that had been placed over the head to avoid air intake). Heart rates were significantly decreased during UCC (range: 83-107beats/min versus 128-134beats/min in controls). Rectal temperatures and changes in body weight until 72h of life were not affected by UCC. Interestingly, four control and seven clamped piglets did not survive as no independent respiration could be attained. Birth weights and duration of UCC of these piglets did not differ significantly from those in surviving control and clamped piglets. In conclusion the mixed respiratory-metabolic acidosis arising in the surviving clamped piglets is not as severe as can be expected in highly asphyxiated, vaginally delivered newborn piglets. Repeatability of the model is compromised by considerable variation in the individual response to UCC.  相似文献   

Chromosome aberration analysis in astronauts has been used to provide direct, biologically motivated estimates of equivalent doses and risk associated to cosmic radiation exposure during space flight. However, the past studies concentrated on measurements of dicentrics and translocations, while chromosome intrachanges (inversions) have never been measured in astronauts’ samples. Recent data reported in the literature suggest that densely ionizing radiation can induce a large fraction of intrachanges, thus leading to the suspicion that interchanges grossly underestimate the cosmic radiation-induced cytogenetic damage in astronauts. We have analyzed peripheral blood lymphocytes from 11 astronauts involved in short- or long-term space flights in low-Earth orbit using high-resolution multicolor banding to assess the frequency of intrachromosomal exchanges in both pre- and post-flight samples. We did not detect any inversions in chromosome 5 from a total of 2800 cells in astronauts’ blood. In addition, no complex type exchanges were found in a total of 3590 astronauts’ lymphocytes analyzed by multifluor fluorescence in situ hybridisation. We conclude that, within the statistical power of this study, the analysis of interchanges for biological dosimetry in astronauts does not significantly underestimate the space radiation-induced cytogenetic damage, and complex-type exchanges or intrachanges have limited practical use for biodosimetry at very low doses.  相似文献   



For the treatment of low back pain, the following three scenarios of posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) were usually used, i.e., PLIF procedure with autogenous iliac bone (PAIB model), PLIF with cages made of PEEK (PCP model) or titanium (Ti) (PCT model) materiel. But the benefits or adverse effects among the three surgical scenarios were still not fully understood.


Finite element analysis (FEA), as an efficient tool for the analysis of lumbar diseases, was used to establish a three-dimensional nonlinear L1-S1 FE model (intact model) with the ligaments of solid elements. Then it was modified to simulate the three scenarios of PLIF. 10?Nm moments with 400?N preload were applied to the upper L1 vertebral body under the loading conditions of extension, flexion, lateral bending and torsion, respectively.


Different mechanical parameters were calculated to evaluate the differences among the three surgical models. The lowest stresses on the bone grafts and the greatest stresses on endplate were found in the PCT model. The PCP model obtained considerable stresses on the bone grafts and less stresses on ligaments. But the changes of stresses on the adjacent discs and endplate were minimal in the PAIB model.


The PCT model was inferior to the other two models. Both the PCP and PAIB models had their own relative merits. The findings provide theoretical basis for the choice of a suitable surgical scenario for different patients.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization, especially when regularly followed by backcrossing (i.e., introgressive hybridization), conveys a substantial risk for many endangered organisms. This is particularly true for narrow endemics occurring within distributional ranges of widespread congeners. An excellent example is provided by the plant genus Knautia (Caprifoliaceae): Locally endemic Kcarinthiaca is reported from two isolated populations in southern Austria situated within an area predominantly occupied by widespread Karvensis. While Kcarinthiaca usually inhabits low‐competition communities on rocky outcrops, Karvensis occurs mainly in dry to mesic managed grasslands, yet both species can coexist in marginal environments and were suspected to hybridize. Flow cytometry revealed that diploid Kcarinthiaca only occurs at its locus classicus, whereas the second locality is inhabited by the morphologically similar but tetraploid Knorica. In the, therefore, single population of Kcarinthiaca, flow cytometry and AFLP fingerprinting showed signs of introgressive hybridization with diploid Karvensis. Hybridization patterns were also reflected in intermediate habitat preferences and morphology of the hybrids. Environmental barriers to gene flow seem to prevent genetic erosion of Kcarinthiaca individuals from the core ecological niches, restricting most introgressed individuals to peripheral habitats. Efficient conservation of K. carinthiaca will require strict protection of its habitat and ban on forest clear cuts in a buffer zone to prevent invasion of K. arvensis. We demonstrate the large potential of multidisciplinary approaches combining molecular, cytometric, and ecological tools for a reliable inventory and threat assessment of rare species.  相似文献   

SIRT6 is involved in inflammation, aging and metabolism potentially by modulating the functions of both NFκB and HIF1α. Since it is possible to make small molecule activators and inhibitors of Sirtuins we wished to establish biochemical and cellular assays both to assist in drug discovery efforts and to validate whether SIRT6 represents a valid drug target for these indications. We confirmed in cellular assays that SIRT6 can deacetylate acetylated-histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9Ac), however this deacetylase activity is unusually low in biochemical assays. In an effort to develop alternative assay formats we observed that SIRT6 overexpression had no influence on TNFα induced nuclear translocation of NFκB, nor did it have an effect on nuclear mobility of RelA/p65. In an effort to identify a gene expression profile that could be used to identify a SIRT6 readout we conducted genome-wide expression studies. We observed that overexpression of SIRT6 had little influence on NFκB-dependent genes, but overexpression of the catalytically inactive mutant affected gene expression in developmental pathways.  相似文献   

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