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城市温室气体排放清单编制研究进展 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
温室气体排放清单是目前最常用的城市碳排放核算方法,有助于在大尺度上了解城市不同行业或部门的温室气体排放情况.然而,中国城市温室气体清单研究刚刚起步,研究成果还不多,尚缺乏系统、规范的城市温室气体研究方法和指标体系.概述了城市温室气体排放清单的主要参考编制方法,介绍了国内外城市温室气体清单的编制情况,对目前城市温室气体清单编制的特点进行了分析,总结了城市温室气体清单与国家温室气体清单在关键排放源、编制模式、方法体系等方面的差异;在此基础上结合我国城市实际,对适合中国城市的温室气体清单编制方法进行了探索,并针对清单编制过程中存在的具体问题提出了建议;最后对未来城市温室气体清单的发展趋势进行了展望,以期为中国温室气体清单编制及研究提供借鉴. 相似文献
湿地是重要的土地利用类型之一,在陆地生态系统碳循环中起重要作用。在缔约国向《联合国气候变化框架公约》提交的温室气体国家清单报告中,湿地作为“农业、林业及其他土地利用(AFOLU)”的一部分,因其不确定性较高而备受关注。自2006年以来,IPCC先后发布了《2006 IPCC国家温室气体清单指南》、《2013 IPCC 2006国家温室气体清单指南的增补:湿地》和《IPCC 2006年国家温室气体清单指南2019精细化》,为缔约国提供了清单编制的参考方法学。然而,IPCC指南中对湿地的定义和分类与中国现行的土地利用类型和并不统一,其提供的缺省参数对中国的研究亦未充分整合。因此,亟需在IPCC框架下开发适合中国的湿地温室气体清单方法学及参数库,以降低清单编制的不确定性。综述了IPCC湿地清单编制的方法学与中国湿地清单的研究进展,主要包括(1)比较了IPCC三部指南中的湿地清单的方法学,梳理了后两部对《2006 IPCC国家温室气体清单指南》在湿地类型、评估方法和缺省参数的更新内容;(2)比较了中国湿地清单编制与其他湿地温室气体研究结果的差异并探讨原因;(3)梳理了IPCC三部清单指南中湿地... 相似文献
全球温室气体排放概况 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
全球温室气体排放概况曹志平(中国农业大学资源与环境学院生态系,北京100094)IntroductionofGlobalEmissionsofGreenhouseGas.CaoZhiping(ColegeofResourcesandEnvironm... 相似文献
西安市温室气体排放的动态分析及等级评估 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
为了解西安市温室气体排放的动态规律和排放水平,基于全球标杆的温室气体排放等级评价方法,并采用国际公认的《2006年IPCC国家温室气体清单指南》和基于IPCC的《省级温室气体编制指南》推荐的方法对西安市的温室气体排放进行了动态分析和排放等级评估。结果表明,从1995年到2011年,西安市温室气体排放呈快速上升趋势,16年间温室气体排放量从1207.16×104t上升为3934.17×104t,年均增高7.66%。增幅最高的是水泥温室气体(年均增高11.75%)、废弃物(8.77%)和能源(7.63%),农业年均降低1.74%,林业固碳年圴增加3.56%。从温室气体构成看,能源占80.13%—90.55%,水泥占1.75%—7.49%,农业占1.86%—8.01%,林业固碳占-2.58%—-5.22%,废物处理占7.52%—16.38%。可见能源消费的增加是导致西安市温室气体排放增长的主要原因,林业碳汇能力有待提高。万元GDP温室气体排放不断降低,说明西安市碳减排方面的科技进步在不断提高。人均、单位面积温室气体排放量和排放指数增速很快,年均增幅分别达5.84%、7.66%和6.84%。西安市温室气体排放等级持续增高,16年间从较低等级(Ⅰc)上升为中下等级(Ⅱa),目前距应对气候变暖目标(Ⅰb)已高出两个亚级,温室气体排放增高的趋势不容忽视。 相似文献
基于LULUCF温室气体清单编制的浙江省杉木林生物量换算因子 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
以杉木林为研究对象,在12个县市选取浙江省2009年CFI体系的95个杉木林样地,根据样地平均木,在样地外围相似地段确定解析木共计95株,联立树高曲线方程和生物量模型,同时使用已公开发表的20个杉木生物量模型进行估算,由单株累加获得CFI系统样地的生物量,计算样地生物量与蓄积之比即BEF,建立BEF与林分蓄积之间的关系.根据2009年浙江省CFI体系数据,推算全省杉木林BEF为0.7453t/m3,杉木林总生物量为3721.54万t,不确定性为5.739%;使用IPCC(1996)的碳密度缺省值(0.50)计,生长1 m3杉木吸收CO2 1.3663 t. 相似文献
中国主要农作物种植农药施用温室气体排放估算 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
过去30年来我国农作物的播种面积并未产生太大变化,但病虫害的发生和防治次数却不断增加。根据6种中国主要农作物的病虫害发生情况,收集了相应的农药用量及其制造的温室气体排放量数据,估算了中国主要农作物在种植过程中,因对病虫害使用杀虫剂和杀菌剂而产生的温室气体排放量现状。结果表明,我国主要农作物小麦、水稻、玉米、马铃薯、油菜和棉花的每公顷病虫害防治时使用农药所产生的温室气体排放量分别是9.19(1.86—23.24)、20.54(2.03—50.95)、10.38(3.45—19.32)、5.91(2.15—18.34)、10.84(8.10—13.62)、19.51(5.11—49.01)kg CE hm~(-2)a~(-1),即水稻和棉花最高;但论单产农药温室气体排放量,则油菜和棉花远高于其余4种粮食作物。每年小麦、水稻、玉米、马铃薯、油菜和棉花的病虫害防治使用农药所产生的总温室气体排放量分别是220.8(44.7—558.4)、606.7(60.0—1505.1)、336.4(112.0—606.3)、30.9(11.2—96.0)、79.5(59.4—99.8)、96.4(25.2—242.2)Gg CE,总计1.37(0.31—3.13)Tg CE。将以上6种作物的病虫害防治情况外推到全国农作物,则我国一年因为农作物病虫害防治而产生的温室气体排放量为2.13(0.48—4.85)Tg CE。另外由于缺乏草害面次数据而没有包括除草剂本分,所以以上数字仍是低估。病虫害防治由于作物本身、防治对象、防治方法以及药剂用量的固有差异,导致农作物病虫害防治的温室气体排放量计算结果存在着较大的不确定性,目前基于自下而上农户调查的估算方法无法克服这些问题,更精确的估算需要自上而下的企业级调查数据。 相似文献
土地利用变化对土壤温室气体排放通量影响研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
土壤是大气中主要温室气体(如CO2、CH4和N2O)重要的源或汇,土地利用方式的改变将会导致土壤相关微环境及其生理生化过程发生改变,从而显著影响土壤中温室气体的产生与排放。在全球变化和土地利用大幅度改变的背景下,国际上已逐步开展了关于土地利用变化对土壤温室气体通量的研究。本文在简要介绍土地利用变化与土壤温室气体通量研究的基础上,重点论述了农田、草地和森林互换、湿地向农田转变、不同土地利用类型(森林、草地、湿地和农田)内部变化对3种土壤温室气体排放的影响,并从3种土壤温室气体产生的关键过程简单阐述其主要影响机理。根据目前研究中存在的不足,提出了今后需要加强的领域,以期更好地揭示土地利用变化对土壤温室气体通量的影响及作用机理,为今后深入开展相关研究提供参考。 相似文献
控制温室气体排放是我国积极应对全球气候变化的重要任务, 区域温室气体排放控制是实现国家减排目标的基本保障。通过建立安徽省温室气体排放量的指标体系, 计算安徽省2001-2010 年十年间各领域产生的温室气体, 并利用回归分析预测安徽省2015 年和2020 年温室气体排放量; 应用聚类分析方法将全省各地市温室气体排放类型进行划分, 利用地理信息系统(Arc GIS)软件分析碳排放空间格局。结果显示: 2001 年以来, 安徽省的温室气体排放量呈现逐年上升趋势, 至2010 年达到3.96 ×108 t。单位GDP 碳排放量自2007 年开始呈现下降趋势, 表明碳减排的经济效益已有所提高。在各排放源类别中, 原煤消耗产生碳排放量最多, 且增势明显。区域格局分析表明, 马鞍山市为省内工业发达城市, 温室气体排放源主要为能源及工业领域, 排放量也较多, 温室气体排放地域差异显著。根据安徽省经济发展特点及温室气体排放特征有针对性提出的减排对策对于健全全省碳减排体系具有积极意义。 相似文献
中国氮磷钾肥制造温室气体排放系数的估算 总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17
通过收集、整合国内相关数据,推算了符合中国目前情况的各种氮肥、磷肥和钾肥的制造过程中的温室气体排放系数(从原料到工厂大门)。结果显示,我国平均水平的氮肥制造碳排放系数为:合成氨(液氨)1.672 t CE/t N,尿素2.041 t CE/t N,碳铵1.928 t CE/t N,硝酸铵4.202 t CE/t N,氯化铵2.220 t CE/t N,氮肥综合系数为2.116 t CE/t N。我国一般水平的磷肥制造碳排放系数为:重钙0.467 t CE/t P2O5,磷酸二铵1.109 t CE/t P2O5,磷酸一铵0.740 t CE/t P2O5,普钙0.195 t CE/t P2O5,钙镁磷肥2.105 t CE/t P2O5,磷肥综合系数为0.636 t CE/t P2O5。我国先进水平的钾肥制造碳排放系数为:氯化钾0.168 t CE/t K2O,硫酸钾0.409 t CE/t K2O(其中罗钾法硫酸钾0.443 t CE/t K2O、曼海姆法硫酸钾0.375 t CE/t K2O),钾肥综合系数为0.180 t CE/t K2O。我国大部分氮磷钾肥的温室气体排放系数普遍为欧美平均水平的2倍左右,因此利用国外系数来估算我国的农业温室气体排放量将严重低估化肥施用的影响。 相似文献
冻融作用对土壤温室气体产生与排放的影响 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
土壤冻融交替是中、高纬度和高海拔地区常见的自然现象,土壤在冻融期间会经历一系列物理、化学和生物变化过程。有研究表明,冻融区土壤是温室气体的重要排放源,冻融期土壤温室气体的排放量在全年总排放量中占有重要的份额,尤其是N2O。随着全球气候变暖,部分地区的土壤环境将经受更广泛和频繁的冻融交替作用,这会导致土壤温室气体排放量增加,从而又进一步促进了气候变暖。本文重点概述了冻融作用对土壤温室气体产生与排放的影响及其主要影响机制,并简要提出了目前土壤冻融研究中的一些不足以及今后值得关注和深入研究的科学问题。 相似文献
Hyeong‐Woo Kim Satoshi Ohnishi Minoru Fujii Tsuyoshi Fujita Hung‐Suck Park 《Journal of Industrial Ecology》2018,22(2):275-287
Industrial symbiosis (IS) exchanges have been recognized to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emission, though methods for quantification of GHG emissions in IS exchanges are varied, and no standardized methods are available. This article proposes a practical approach to quantify total and allocated GHG emissions from IS exchanges by integrating the GHG protocol and life cycle assessment. The proposed method expands the system boundaries to include all IS companies, and the functional flow is set to be the sum of the main products. The total impact of a company is allocated to the main product. Three by‐product impact allocation methods of cutoff, avoidance, and 50/50 are proposed, and the total and distributed impacts of the IS systems in an industrial park are theoretically derived. The proposed method was tested to quantify GHG reduction in a real IS exchange developed between Korea Zinc (a zinc smelter) and Hankook Paper (a paper mill company) in the Ulsan Eco‐Industrial Park initiative. The total reduction of GHG emissions in this IS exchange, 60,522 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year, was the same in the GHG protocol, whereas GHG distribution between two companies depended on the allocation method. Given that the reduction of GHG emissions from IS exchanges is the product of the collaboration of giving companies and receiving companies, the 50/50 allocation method is best from an equivalent‐responsibility and benefit‐sharing perspective. However, this study suggests a more practical implementation approach based on a flexible and negotiable method of allocating the total GHG reduction between stakeholders. 相似文献
Andreas Froemelt Manuela Mauchle Bernhard Steubing Stefanie Hellweg 《Journal of Industrial Ecology》2018,22(1):92-105
The present article aims to determine the current carbon footprint (CF) of Zernez, a Swiss mountain village, and to identify reduction potentials of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. For this purpose, material and energy flows were assessed mainly based on detailed household surveys, interviews, and energy bills, but also by means of other information sources, for example, national statistics, traffic censuses, and literature values. To set up the GHG balance, special attention was paid to the consistent definition of system boundaries by adopting two fundamentally different perspectives: purely geographical accounting (PGA) and the consumption‐based footprint (CBF) method. Each of these two perspectives total approximately 10 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents per capita per year. The PGA revealed that 70% of the direct emissions in Zernez are caused by agricultural activities, whereas no consumption area dominated the consumption‐induced CF. For the identification of targeted measures, both perspectives were considered in a complementary manner. The building stock and its underlying energy supply system showed a GHG reduction potential of 80%. The building sector was thus detected as a reasonable first step for the municipality to adopt GHG mitigation strategies. In the case of Zernez, building‐stock‐related measures are predicted to decrease the current CF by 13% (CBF) and 17% (PGA), respectively. 相似文献
Explaining the Variation in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Between Households: Socioeconomic,Motivational, and Physical Factors 下载免费PDF全文
Jonas Nässén David Andersson Jörgen Larsson John Holmberg 《Journal of Industrial Ecology》2015,19(3):480-489
Consumption‐accounted greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (GHGEs) vary considerably between households. Research originating from different traditions, including consumption research, urban planning, and environmental psychology, have studied different types of explanatory variables and provided different insights into this matter. This study integrates explanatory variables from different fields of research in the same empirical material, including socioeconomic variables (income, household size, sex, and age), motivational variables (proenvironmental attitudes and social norms), and physical variables (dwelling types and geographical distances). A survey was distributed to 2,500 Swedish households with a response rate of 40%. GHGEs were estimated for transport, residential energy, food, and other consumption, using data from both the survey and registers, such as odometer readings of cars and electricity consumption from utility providers. The results point toward the importance of explanatory variables that have to do with circumstances rather than motivations for proenvironmental behaviors. Net income was found to be the most important variable to explain GHGEs, followed by the physical variables, dwelling type, and the geographical distance index. The results also indicate that social norms around GHG‐intensive activities, for example, transport, may have a larger impact on a subject's emission level than proenvironmental attitudes. 相似文献
Improvements in Life Cycle Energy Efficiency and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Corn-Ethanol 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Adam J. Liska Haishun S. Yang Virgil R. Bremer Terry J. Klopfenstein Daniel T. Walters Galen E. Erickson Kenneth G. Cassman 《Journal of Industrial Ecology》2009,13(1):58-74
Corn-ethanol production is expanding rapidly with the adoption of improved technologies to increase energy efficiency and profitability in crop production, ethanol conversion, and coproduct use. Life cycle assessment can evaluate the impact of these changes on environmental performance metrics. To this end, we analyzed the life cycles of corn-ethanol systems accounting for the majority of U.S. capacity to estimate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and energy efficiencies on the basis of updated values for crop management and yields, biorefinery operation, and coproduct utilization. Direct-effect GHG emissions were estimated to be equivalent to a 48% to 59% reduction compared to gasoline, a twofold to threefold greater reduction than reported in previous studies. Ethanol-to-petroleum output/input ratios ranged from 10:1 to 13:1 but could be increased to 19:1 if farmers adopted high-yield progressive crop and soil management practices. An advanced closed-loop biorefinery with anaerobic digestion reduced GHG emissions by 67% and increased the net energy ratio to 2.2, from 1.5 to 1.8 for the most common systems. Such improved technologies have the potential to move corn-ethanol closer to the hypothetical performance of cellulosic biofuels. Likewise, the larger GHG reductions estimated in this study allow a greater buffer for inclusion of indirect-effect land-use change emissions while still meeting regulatory GHG reduction targets. These results suggest that corn-ethanol systems have substantially greater potential to mitigate GHG emissions and reduce dependence on imported petroleum for transportation fuels than reported previously. 相似文献
Charlie C. Spork Abel Chavez Xavier Gabarrell Durany Martin K. Patel Gara Villalba Méndez 《Journal of Industrial Ecology》2015,19(3):380-390
For many companies, the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with their purchased and consumed electricity form one of the largest contributions to the GHG emissions that result from their activities. Currently, hourly variations in electricity grid emissions are not considered by standard GHG accounting protocols, which apply a national grid emission factor (EF), potentially resulting in erred estimates for the GHG emissions. In this study, a method is developed that calculates GHG emissions based on real‐time data, and it is shown that the use of hourly electricity grid EFs can significantly improve the accuracy of the GHG emissions that are attributed to the purchased and consumed electricity of a company. A model analysis for the electricity delivered to the Spanish grid in 2012 reveals that, for companies operating during the day, GHG emissions calculated by the real‐time method are estimated to be up to 5% higher (and in some special cases up to 9% higher) than the emissions calculated by the conventional method in which a national grid EF is applied, whereas for companies operating during nightly hours, GHG emissions are estimated to be as low as 3% below the GHG emissions determined by the conventional method. A significant error can therefore occur in the organizational carbon footprint (CF) of a company and, consequently, also in the product CF. It is recommended that hourly EFs be developed for other countries and power grids. 相似文献
Joe Marriott H. Scott Matthews Chris T. Hendrickson 《Journal of Industrial Ecology》2010,14(6):919-928
The mix of electricity consumed in any stage in the life cycle of a product, process, or industrial sector has a significant effect on the associated inventory of emissions and environmental impacts because of large differences in the power generation method used. Fossil‐fuel‐fired or nuclear‐centralized steam generators; large‐scale and small‐scale hydroelectric power; and renewable options, such as geothermal, wind, and solar power, each have a unique set of issues that can change the results of a life cycle assessment. This article shows greenhouse gas emissions estimates for electricity purchase for different scenarios using U.S. average electricity mix, state mixes, state mixes including imports, and a sector‐specific mix to show how different these results can be. We find that greenhouse gases for certain sectors and scenarios can change by more than 100%. Knowing this, practitioners should exercise caution or at least account for the uncertainty associated with mix choice. 相似文献
生态工业园区生态系统理论及调控机制 总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16
随着工业生态学理论的发展 ,尤其是循环经济理念的广泛推广 ,生态工业园区建设在全球范围蓬勃开展起来。然而 ,由于对生态工业园区生态系统结构、功能及其优化调控机制认识的不足 ,导致目前生态工业园区建设走入了单纯构建闭环链以实现废物循环利用的误区。本研究旨在剖析生态工业园区生态系统的特点 ,建立其生态系统概念模型 ,并阐释其优化调控机理。为此 ,作者首先深入分析了生态工业园区生态系统的特点 ,阐释了技术流和知识流在该类生态系统功能中的重要性 ,在此基础上提出了基于社会子系统、环境子系统、经济子系统和资源子系统的四维一体生态工业园区复合生态系统结构框架 ,并给出了系统功能协调度、调节费用及其系统效益之间的理论变化曲线。其次 ,作者又从生态系统功能流的角度分析了其物质流、能量流、信息流、价值流、技术流和知识流 ,并给出了各功能流的表征指标和衡算方法。另外 ,从系统优化调控的角度提出了基于绿色招商和绿色供应链管理的生态工业园区生态系统控制管理体系。最后 ,以苏州工业园区为例 ,对其生态系统做了优化研究 相似文献
Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Air‐Source Heat Pump and Innovative Ground‐Source Air Heat Pump in a Cold Climate 下载免费PDF全文
Maija K. Mattinen Ari Nissinen Sampsa Hyysalo Jouni K. Juntunen 《Journal of Industrial Ecology》2015,19(1):61-70
This article compares climate impacts of two heat‐pump systems for domestic heating, that is, energy consumption for space heating of a residential building. Using a life cycle approach, the study compared the energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of direct electric heating, a conventional air‐source heat pump, and a novel ground‐source air heat pump innovated by a citizen user, to assess whether such user innovation holds benefit. The energy use of the heat pumps was modeled at six temperature intervals based on duration curves of outdoor temperature. Additionally, two heat pump end‐of‐life scenarios were analyzed. Probabilistic uncertainty analysis was applied using a Monte Carlo simulation. The results indicated that, in ideal conditions, that is, assuming perfect air mixing, the conventional air‐source heat pump's emissions were over 40% lower and the ground‐air heat pump's emissions over 70% lower than in the case of direct electric heating. Although proper handling of the refrigerant is important, total leakage from the retirement of the heat‐pump appliance would increase GHG emissions by just 10%. According to the sensitivity analysis, the most influential input parameters are the emission factor related to electricity and the amount of electricity used for heating. 相似文献