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First-summer set-aside fields held more breeding species and higher wader densities than in the previous summer. They held more breeding species and higher densities of waders, Partridges (Perdix perdix) and Skylarks (Alauda arvensis) than fields in crop. Mowing nullified many breeding attempts. Corn Buntings bred in some first-summer set-aside fields but numbers were lower in other cases. Later years of set-aside held lower densities and fewer species. Densities of waders and Partridges in first-summer set-aside exceeded those in the first year of resumed cropping.  相似文献   

Hen and Montagu's Harriers breed in the same cultivated areas of eastern France. We present data from an extensive study conducted in three adjacent areas where 757 nests of the two harriers were monitored between 1993 and 2000, with the aim of comparing the breeding ecology of these two species and to evaluate their possible future trends. Breeding habitat for harriers consisted nearly exclusively of winter cereals, causing great conservation concern in this intensively farmed region. The Hen Harrier was almost absent from two of the study areas. This species showed significantly larger clutch size and higher breeding success than the Montagu's Harrier, and an earlier breeding phenology. It was thus less adversely affected by harvesting activities than Montagu's Harrier. Both species showed a reduced breeding success with increasing laying date. There was a large diet overlap between the two species, possibly leading to competitive interactions. Overall, the Montagu's Harrier should be considered as the more vulnerable of the two species, necessitating conservation measures, such as protection of nests from early harvesting activities. Nevertheless, to maintain both species in agricultural habitats, farming practices that preserve sufficient food should also be promoted.  相似文献   

We evaluated the direct and interactive effects of food and age on reproduction in the Montagu's Harrier Circus pygargus , to test whether variation in food supply was likely to affect age-specific breeding probability or success. Younger females were more frequently non-breeders than older females. When breeding, older females laid earlier, produced larger clutches, failed less often and had higher number of fledglings than younger females. Probability of breeding was higher, laying was earlier, and clutch size and number of fledglings per pair increased with increasing food abundance. A significant interaction between food and age was observed in both breeding probability and breeding performance: older females were more likely to breed than younger females when food abundance was low, and younger females performed less well in good food conditions than older females. Overall, differences between age groups were most marked in extreme food conditions, regardless of the quality of the conditions.  相似文献   

Capsule Reproductive output in a natural habitat was higher than in birds breeding in cereal crops, highlighting the importance of natural habitats for the species.

Aims To evaluate breeding in a natural habitat in inland Castellon province, Spain, and compare breeding parameters with other European populations.

Methods Breeding population size in inland Castellon was recorded between 1981 and 2003. A logistic growth model was used to describe population increase. We also calculated clutch size, brood size, productivity, percentage of successful nests and fledging success for the period 1989–2003.

Results Population size increased from three pairs in 1981 to 98 pairs in 2003. During 1989–2003, productivity (2.74 ± 1.49 fledglings/pair) and percentage of successful nests (84.%) were higher than observed in other European populations.

Conclusions Our results show the importance of our study area for the conservation of this species in the Iberian Peninsula, as it might act as a source of colonists for other areas. Food and protection against predators might explain the high breeding output, which may in turn explain the rapid population growth in the area. The study also suggests that natural habitats might be important for the species elsewhere.  相似文献   

Farmland birds are in steep decline and agri‐environment schemes (AES) to counteract these biodiversity losses are expensive and inefficient. Here we test a novel AES, ‘Birdfields’, designed using detailed ecological knowledge of the target species, Montagu's Harrier Circus pygargus. Current AES, such as field margins, that aim to improve foraging conditions (i.e. vole densities) for harriers are inefficient, as prey are difficult to capture in tall set‐aside habitat. ‘Birdfields’ combines strips of set‐aside to boost vole numbers and strips of alfalfa, as voles are accessible after alfalfa has been harvested. We found that vole numbers were generally highest in set‐aside. Montagu's Harriers fitted with GPS‐loggers used ‘Birdfields’ intensively after mowing, preferring mown to unmown strips. Thus, prey availability appeared more important than prey abundance. Thus, ‘Birdfields’, as a targeted AES for Montagu's Harriers, is more effective than previous AES due to increased prey accessibility. An additional advantage of ‘Birdfields’ is that it is considerably cheaper, due to the harvest of alfalfa. We advocate that AES should always include monitoring and research activities, aiming at a more adaptive conservation approach.  相似文献   

A survey of breeding Hen Harriers in the UK and the Isle of Man carried out in 1998 consisted of two parts: a complete census of 10-km squares at the core of the species'known range, and a random sample of 10-km squares across the rest of its known recent range. From this, the UK and Isle of Man breeding population was estimated at 570 territorial pairs: 436 in Scotland, 19 in England, 28 in Wales, 38 in Northern Ireland and 49 on the Isle of Man. Although there was no overall change in the size of the UK and Isle of Man population between 1988–94 and 1998, numbers declined in Orkney and increased in Northern Ireland. In Scotland, numbers increased on grouse moors and decreased in young plantation between 1988–89 and 1998, so that 55% of the population is now found on grouse moor. A similar situation exists in England, but in Northern Ireland 45% of the population was found breeding in open areas within mature conifer plantations in 1998.  相似文献   

Loss and degradation of habitat threatens many bird populations. Recent rural land-use changes in the Netherlands have led to a shift in habitat use by breeding Montagu's Harriers Circus pygargus . Since the 1990s, unprecedented numbers of this species have bred in farmland compared with numbers in natural habitat. Destruction of nests by agricultural operations, however, compromises breeding success. Between 1992 and 2005, the number of breeding pairs in the northeastern Netherlands was positively, though weakly, correlated with previous-year estimated abundance of voles, mostly Microtus arvalis . In good vole years, the onset of laying was earlier and mean clutch size was larger. Vole abundance was relatively higher in set-aside land and in high and dense vegetation. We suggest that agri-environmental schemes aimed at increasing the availability of voles in agricultural breeding areas may be an effective management tool for the conservation of Montagu's Harriers in the northeastern Netherlands.  相似文献   

BEATRIZ E. ARROYO 《Ibis》1997,139(4):664-672
The diet of Montagu's Harrier Circus pygargus was studied for 4 years near Madrid, Spain, with the use of pellets and prey remains collected during the breeding season. The diet of the study birds included a wide variety of prey categories, the most important one by weight being lagomorphs (mainly Hares Lepus granatensis ). The diet varied seasonally, with Hares predominating early in the breeding season, while birds increased in importance later. The shift was partly a result of variation in availability (with fledgling birds being more abundant late in the season), but statistical analysis suggested that lagomorphs and then birds were actively chosen in the prelaying and nestling periods, respectively. Montagu's Harrier seemed to be an opportunistic species, hunting a wider range of prey types in more southern latitudes, but specialized in each region in the prey species that was most profitable. This was the only study on Montagu's Harriers to date which found lagomorphs to be the most important part of the diet throughout the season.  相似文献   

Mate guarding and frequent copulations are two alternative paternity assurance strategies found in birds. In species with intensecourtship feeding, like raptors, the "frequent copulation"strategy is expected because male food provisioning conflictswith mate guarding. We evaluated experimentally the paternityassurance behavior of a semicolonial raptor, the Montagu'sharrier Circus pygargus, using decoy presentations to simulateterritorial intrusions. Breeding pairs were exposed to maleand female decoys at different periods during the female's reproductive cycle. Agonistic responses to decoys were intra-sexual,and the timing and intensity of male attacks toward male decoyssupported responses related to the risk of extrapair copulation(EPC): Male aggression peaked during the presumed fertile periodand almost disappeared after clutch completion. During thefertile period, copulation rate was significantly higher, andcopulations lasted longer, during male decoy presentations than during controls. Males also spent more time close to the femaleduring male decoy presentations compared to controls, bothduring the early prelaying and fertile periods, but not duringincubation. In the fertile period, males also increased presencetime close to the female in the hour following the removal of the male decoy. Conversely, female decoy presentations hadno significant effect on copulatory behavior or male presencetime. These results showed that the risk of EPC can be experimentallymanipulated by the means of decoy presentations, simulatingmale territorial intrusions, and that male Montagu's harriersincrease their short-term copulation frequency and female surveillancewhen they perceive themselves at an increased EPC risk.  相似文献   

Mike Madders 《Bird Study》2013,60(1):55-60
Capsule In west Scotland, the birds foraged in accordance with the distribution of prey and vegetation associated with early-growth conifer forests.

Aims To investigate foraging Hen Harrier activity in relation to vegetation cover and structure and the abundance of potential prey.

Methods Forty 1 × 1-km sample observation areas were monitored at four sites in west Scotland.

Results Foraging time in the sample squares was dependent on the proximity of harrier nests. Harriers preferred areas with relatively high densities of Field Voles Microtus agrestis and Meadow Pipits Anthus pratensis, associated with tall ground vegetation and shrub layers. They also preferred areas planted with trees but preference declined with increasing tree foliage 2–5 m tall and bare ground.

Conclusion Conifer forests can provide favourable conditions for foraging harriers during the early growth stages. Further work is required to determine the value of other types of woodland.  相似文献   

白头鹞(Circus aeruginosus)和白腹鹞(C. spilonotus)的分类地位在过去曾存有争议,而分类上的变化有可能误导相关的记录。本文就白头鹞和白腹鹞的分类沿革进行了简要梳理,指出白腹鹞幼鸟及日本型与白头鹞的形态较为相近,并对白头鹞在国内的已知记录作了详细考证。结果发现,国内关于这两种鹞的历史记录确实因分类变化、辨识错误或文献解读而存在混淆。经仔细核查文献,辅以检视标本,认为白头鹞于新疆、北京、云南、贵州、青海、内蒙古和四川的记录存在有说服力的确实证据,其余地区的已知记录则应谨慎对待。  相似文献   

Capsule Wetland occupation by breeding Marsh Harriers is influenced by wetland and vegetation area, distance to other wetlands where conspecifics are present and also by the characteristics and conditions of the vegetation such as predominant species and its height at the start of the breeding period.

Aims To determine factors influencing the probability of wetland occupation by Marsh Harrier in relation to wetland dimensions, vegetation and hydric conditions, and to determine the effect of the predominant helophyte species in the wetlands and its physical characteristics.

Methods Three hundred and thirty-two wetlands were monitored during a breeding season in NW Spain, a Mediterranean area that hosts 10% of the total number of breeding pairs of Marsh Harriers in Spain. The probability of wetland occupation for breeding in terms of wetland size and proximity, vegetation characteristics, human disturbance and also hydrological variables, was analysed using logistic regression.

Results One hundred and sixty-five pairs were located in 131 wetlands. Variables affecting occupation include vegetation composition and characteristics, wetland dimensions and distance to other occupied wetlands. Wetlands with the highest probability of being occupied were larger, with greater areas of marsh vegetation, taller vegetation, rush and reed communities as the predominant species and which were closer to another wetland occupied by Marsh Harriers.

Conclusions The dimensions and predominant species of helophyte vegetation, and size and location determine the occupation of wetlands as breeding grounds by Marsh Harrier. Changes in the natural supply of water and nutrients due to the implementation of intensive irrigation farming are likely modifying flora in wetlands and affecting the distribution and population size of Marsh Harriers in this region of Spain.  相似文献   

《Bird Study》2012,59(3):366-377

Capsule: Our findings regarding Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus territory site selection and breeding success in Ireland offer an opportunity for the development of initiatives and conservation actions aimed at enhancing the suitability of upland areas for breeding Hen Harriers and ensuring the long-term persistence of the species.

Aims: To investigate landscape-scale associations between habitat composition and Hen Harrier territory site selection, and to explore the influence of habitat and climate on breeding success.

Methods: We used multi-model inference from generalized linear models and Euclidean distance analyses to explore the influence of habitat, topographic, anthropogenic and climatic factors on Hen Harrier territory selection and breeding success in Ireland, based on data from national breeding surveys in 2010 and 2015.

Results: Hen Harrier territories were associated with heath/shrub, bog and pre-thicket coniferous forests. Comparisons between territories and randomly generated pseudo-absences (upland and lowland) showed that breeding pairs preferentially select for these habitats. Breeding success was negatively influenced by rainfall early in the breeding season and by climatic instability, and was positively influenced by the presence of heath/shrub and bog.

Conclusions: The results suggest that Hen Harrier breeding success is compromised by the synergistic effects of climate, landscape composition and management. Effective conservation of Hen Harriers in Ireland will therefore rely on landscape-scale initiatives.  相似文献   

Food supply is a major source of variation in breeding success for predators, and to what extent individuals are able to cope with temporal variability in food availability remains an outstanding question in life-history studies. We confronted the natural variation in clutch size and breeding success with results from a food supplementation experiment during egg formation, conducted over several contrasted years of natural food supply in an avian specialist predator, the Montagu's harrier Circus pygargus . This raptor mainly preys on common vole Microtus arvalis a cyclic microtine under temperate latitudes. Vole abundance together with timing of breeding accounted for most of the variance in clutch size and number of fledglings. Results from empirical and experimental data were overall in agreement. Fed pairs consistently increased clutch size compared with controls in all experimental years, whereas no effect of food supplementation on egg volume was detected. Supplemented pairs, however, did not fledge significantly more chicks than controls. The costs entailed by the increase in clutch size appear nevertheless to be limited compared with previous studies. Food supply seemed therefore to display sufficient predictability throughout a breeding season to afford individuals the opportunity to adjust their breeding effort to an optimal number of offspring, in agreement with Lack's anticipation hypothesis.  相似文献   



Patterns in the frequency and co-occurrence of anthropogenic pressures associated with suitable breeding habitat for Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus demonstrates the need for specific, focussed management and policy options aimed at mitigating impacts on this threatened population.  相似文献   

Environmental conditions often vary in space and time, and this may explain variation in the expression of phenotypic traits related to individual quality, such as ornamental coloration. Furthermore, the direction and strength of the relationship between coloured trait expression and individual quality might vary under contrasting conditions. These issues have been explored in adult birds but much less so in nestlings, which are more likely to experience different selective pressures and different physiological trade‐offs than adults. Here, we empirically investigated the effects of contrasting breeding and diet conditions on the expression of carotenoid‐based colour traits displayed by marsh harrier (Circus aeruginosus) nestlings. We studied the variation in coloration, body condition, and immune responsiveness of nestlings in four populations over a 5‐year period. We characterized spatiotemporal differences in rearing conditions experienced by C. aeruginosus nestlings in terms of breeding (laying date, clutch size, and number of nestlings hatched and fledged) and diet (percentage of mammal in diet and prey diversity) conditions. We found that breeding conditions influenced the co‐variation between coloration and immune responsiveness in female nestlings, and that diet conditions influenced the condition‐dependence of nestling coloration in later‐hatched nestlings. In addition, breeding conditions influenced nestling body condition and immune responsiveness, whereas diet conditions influenced nestling coloration and body condition. Our study highlights that nestling phenotype (levels of signalling, circulating carotenoids, and immunity) varies both spatially and temporally, and that some of this variation is related to differences in breeding and diet conditions. Moreover, under contrasting conditions, the direction of the relationships between nestling carotenoid‐based coloration and nestling quality may also vary. In order to fully understand the evolution and maintenance of colour traits in nestling birds, studies and experiments should ideally be replicated under contrasting rearing conditions. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

Capsule Three similarly sized passerine species with various breeding strategies behaved differently in the presence of models of mammalian and avian predators.

Aims We tested whether solitary breeders behave in the presence of a predator in order to avoid disclosing their nest site in: hole-nesting Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca, shrub-nesting Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla and ground-nesting Meadow Pipit Anthus pratensis.

Methods The behaviour of parents in response to two types of predator model (visually oriented Corvid birds and olfactory oriented Mustelid mammals) placed sequentially at 40, 5 and 1 m distance from the nest was recorded from a shelter.

Results The hypothesis was supported in open-nesting species (Meadow Pipit and Blackcap), as parents did not approach the nest in the presence of a predator. In the hole-nesting Pied Flycatcher the parents disclosed the nest site in most cases (by entering the nest). The intensity of alarm calling increased with decreasing distance of a predator from the nest in all species except Meadow Pipit in the presence of Raven Corvus corax models. The intensity of attacking changed only in Meadow Pipit with decreasing distance of Stoat Mustela erminea from the nest.

Conclusion The results showed that anti-predator behaviour was species-specific, depending on type of predator, habitat and nest inaccessibility.  相似文献   

In many parts of the global range, voles form an important part of the diet of Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus , and breeding numbers are correlated with the abundance of these small mammals. In Scotland, however, little information is available on harrier diet in the spring and our understanding of causes of variation in harrier breeding density is complicated by human interference. In this paper we explore the relationship between Field Vole Microtus agrestis abundance and harrier spring diet, density and productivity in southern Scotland. Over three years, voles occurred on average in 67% of pellets, and 79% in years of high and intermediate vole abundance. From 1992, the number of breeding harriers increased following protection from illegal persecution. After accounting for this trend, harrier numbers correlated strongly with vole abundance. Harrier clutch size was also correlated with vole abundance. Although fledging success tended to be greater in years of vole increase than in years of vole decline, fledging success was not significantly correlated with the relative abundance of voles, or with the abundance of Meadow Pipits or Red Grouse chicks.  相似文献   

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