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Capsule Birds selected younger woodland patches with fewer conifers and higher soil moisture content; within these patches, they selected areas with higher vegetation cover at 2–4 m, and less bracken.

Aims For an apparently stable population, to investigate habitat differences between occupied and unoccupied woodland patches and habitat selection within occupied woodlands.

Methods We surveyed woodland patches for breeding Willow Tits in April 2006 in an area with an apparently stable population. Habitat was measured at points spread throughout each woodland patch and at points where Willow Tits were located. We compared habitat between occupied and unoccupied sites. In addition, within occupied sites, we examined habitat differences between Willow Tit locations and the points spread throughout the wood.

Results We surveyed 65 woodland patches, of which 29 were occupied. Willow Tits were more likely to be found in deciduous woodland that was younger and had higher levels of soil moisture. Probability of occupancy fell from 60% for woods aged 20–25 years to only around 15–30% for woods aged over 80 years. Within occupied woods, Willow Tits were more likely to be found in areas with more vegetation cover at the 2–4 m level and in areas with less bracken.

Conclusions Habitat management for Willow Tits should involve provision of young woodland patches with moist soils. Changes to the age structure and/or the soil moisture content of woods may be implicated in the dramatic decline of Willow Tits in Britain.  相似文献   

Blue tits Parus caeruleus breeding in deciduous or in evergreen woodlands on the mainland of Europe start to lay 3–4 weeks earlier than Blue Tits on the island of Corsica breeding in evergreen woodlands. A similar difference in average laying date between the two Blue Tit populations has been found in a relatively small sample of captive birds held in outdoor aviaries on the mainland. To provide data on the habitat contrast in Corsica for comparison with that on the mainland, a new study area was started in one of the few deciduous woodlands on Corsica. In addition, new data on laying dates of captive Blue Tits were gathered to increase the sample size of independent pairs in aviaries. This study shows that the habitat effect (deciduous ν evergreen woodland) on the average laying date of Blue Tits is relatively small in comparison with the geography effect (European mainland ν Corsica). The laying date differences between mainland and insular Blue Tits persisted whatever the type of habitat (deciduous, evergreen or outdoor aviaries on the mainland). The data support the hypothesis that the observed differences in the onset of laying between the mainland and insular Blue Tits were mainly influenced by genetic effects and relatively little by non-genetic maternal effects of by genotype—environment interactions.  相似文献   

Novel or emergent ecosystems arising from human action present both threats and opportunities for biodiversity. It has been suggested that exotic species can “facilitate” or “inhibit” native biodiversity through habitat modification. In Britain, there is a discussion over the contribution to biodiversity of plantations of exotic conifer species as these are commonly thought to have little relevancy as a habitat for native biodiversity. To address this we compared the species richness of a range of different taxonomic groups (lichens, bryophytes, fungi, vascular plants, invertebrates and songbirds) in exotic and native forest stands of differing structural stages in northern and southern Britain. In terms of overall native species-richness there was no significant difference between the exotic and the native stands. In the north, six species groups showed higher values in the exotic Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) stands with the remaining six showing higher values in the native Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) stands. Most notably, lichen species richness was much lower in the exotic stands compared to the native stands, whereas bryophyte and fungal species richness was proportionately higher in the exotic stands. In the south, five species groups (all invertebrate taxa) showed higher species richness in exotic Norway spruce (Picea abies) stands compared to native oak (Quercus robur) stands. Five species groups had higher species-richness in the oak stands, in particular lichens and fungi. It is concluded that emergent ecosystems of exotic conifer species are not irrelevant to biodiversity. Where already well-established they can provide habitat for native species particularly if native woodland is scarce and biodiversity restoration is an immediate priority.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms that determine the development of a bilaterally symmetrical trait is crucial to the interpretation of patterns of fluctuating asymmetry (FA). Experimental and theoretical studies have indicated that feedback mechanisms both within and between developing traits, may participate in the developmental control of asymmetry. This study provides evidence that naturally occurring patterns of FA are affected by interactions between different traits. We found positive between‐trait correlations in signed FA values for tibia lengths on different legs, but not between wing and tibia FA in two moth species. Further research should investigate if trait functionality is related to this presumed correlated development. An extension of the Rashevsky–Turing model of morphogenesis further showed that correlations between the signed FA values can be generated by feedback mechanisms that regulate growth patterns between traits. We argue that such feedback mechanisms can be expected to be widespread and show that between‐trait correlations in the unsigned FA then become confounded with correlations in the signed FA. In addition, correlated development appeared to invalidate the use of the hypothetical repeatability to translate correlations between the unsigned FA values into correlations in the presumed underlying developmental instability. In conclusion, the presence of an organism‐wide asymmetry, which are most frequently found in morphologically integrated traits, may be even less common than previously thought. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Fragmentation and loss of natural habitats are recognized as major threats to contemporary flora and fauna. Detecting past or current reductions in population size is therefore a major aim in conservation genetics. Statistical methods developed to this purpose have tended to ignore the effects of spatial population structure. However in many species, individual dispersal is restricted in space and fine-scale spatial structure such as isolation by distance (IBD) is commonly observed in continuous populations. Using a simulation-based approach, we investigated how comparative and single-point methods, traditionally used in a Wright-Fisher (WF) population context for detecting population size reduction, behave for IBD populations. We found that a complex 'quartet' of factors was acting that includes restricted dispersal, population size (i.e. habitat size), demographic history, and sampling scale. After habitat reduction, IBD populations were characterized by a stronger inertia in the loss of genetic diversity than WF populations. This inertia increases with the strength of IBD, and decreases when the sampling scale increases. Depending on the method used to detect a population size reduction, a local sampling can be more informative than a sample scaled to habitat size or vice versa. However, IBD structure led in numerous cases to incorrect inferences on population demographic history. The reanalysis of a real microsatellite data set of skink populations from fragmented and intact rainforest habitats confirmed most of our simulation results.  相似文献   

We analysed bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) occurrences collected through long-term monitoring (from 1993 to 2010) in the Western Alps (1) to test whether ecological niches shift due to individual development and (2) to verify whether these patterns could reflect their spatial distribution. Thus, we compared the distribution patterns of three age classes (‘young’, ‘sub-adults’ and ‘adults’) through the K-select analysis. We then computed ten species distribution models (SDMs) and their average prediction to test for differences in age class distribution. The K-select analysis showed highly significant differences in the ecological niche among all the age classes and we also found highly significant differences in all the SDMs among the three age classes considered. Our results quantitatively showed that target species exhibits age specific shifts in the ecological niche and changes in the spatial distribution of individuals. Our methods are potentially widely applicable for testing differences among age classes of other species and thus, defining the best conservation actions (such as re-introduction) by taking into account different requirements in different stages of the individuals’ life.  相似文献   

To evaluate and assess the ontogenetic background for paedomorphosis in phocoenids, samples of 144 harbour porpoises, 81 white‐beaked dolphins, and 130 Commerson's dolphins were compared in terms of the development of epiphyseal fusion, cranial suture fusion, and ontogeny of cranial shape. Harbour porpoises and Commerson's dolphins terminated growth and development of all investigated traits sooner than white‐beaked dolphins, leading to lesser degrees of fusion of skeletal elements and less postnatal allometric development. The latter occurred even though shape in the two paedomorphic species developed at twice the rate relative to the size of white‐beaked dolphins. These observations imply that progenetic evolution has occurred convergently in phocoenid and Cephalorhynchus ancestors. The truncated ontogenies allow sexual maturity to be attained earlier and provide a greater reproductive potential. Both species inhabit similar temperate productive habitats and, hence, ecological factors are proposed to have supplied the selection pressures leading to progenesis. Constant prey availability must be a prerequisite for the observed phenomena because frequent food‐intake is necessitated by the limited capacity for energy storage and high heat‐loss entailed by the resulting small body sizes. Progenesis has rarely been proposed in mammal species. This may reflect rarity or that mammalian expressions of progenesis are less obvious. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 278–295.  相似文献   

Use of food and habitat of the two sympatric, territorial mugiloidid fishes Parapercis polyophthalma (Cuvier) and P. clathrata Ogilby, which have similar body size and morphology, were examined in the fringing coral reef area at Iriomote Island, one of the Ryukyu Islands of Japan. Both species preyed mainly on decapod crustaceans, and the dietary overlap value was intermediate (0.528). Differences in resource utilization between the two species were conspicuous in habitat rather than in food. ≈60% of the P. polyophthalma population was found on sandy flats of the reef flat zone, while > 90 % of the P. clathrata population occurred at channel areas. In addition to this macrohabitat segregation, both species showed a substantial microhabitat separation at channels where they coexisted with nearly the same densities: P. polyophthalma was numerically dominant on a sandy rubble substratum, whereas P. clathrata was abundant on a rubble substratum. A reciprocal removal experiment demonstrated that this microhabitat separation was an outcome of current competitive interactions between them. P. polyophthalma is an aggressively dominant species and so can predominantly occupy its optimal microhabitat i.e., sandy rubble substratum, at channels, while the subordinate P. clathrata is constrained to shift its microhabitat to a rubble substratum unsuitable for the dominant. Although a density-manipulation experiment for the macrohabitat segregation was not carried out in this study, circumstantial evidence suggested that the segregation is probably attributable to differences in habitat adaptation between the species which need not be the consequence of competition. These results indicate that the structure of the two-species guild may be determined by both competitive and noncompetitive mechanisms.  相似文献   


This paper investigates a late nineteenth‐century fertility transition in a predominantly Mormon population of the western United States. A unique set of longitudinal data composed of 31,500 computerized family genealogies is drawn upon to examine a number of problems identified in reappraisals of fertility transition research (Caldwell, 1981; Freedman, 1979). Four subcohorts, differentiated by religious commitment and exposure to urban influences, are examined over the course of the transition. The study presents traditional analyses of subcohort CEB levels, period MTFR's, and m values (Coale and Trussell, 1974) and focuses on a macrosimulation of the fertility transition within the population (Bongaarts, 1976). Despite wide subcohort variation in cross‐sectional levels of fertility over time, simulation results suggest a similar absolute longitudinal decline in fertility levels, parity at which contraception was initiated, and maximum birth parities for all four subcohorts. The implications of these results for future analyses and the desirability of individual level data are discussed.  相似文献   

The common nomenclature of ethnicity, race and colour has been found wanting in theorizing and dealing with the Muslim presence in Britain. This study of 24 prominent British Muslims – including political, policy and academic/intellectual ‘elite’ – explores the making and representation of Muslim identity in Britain. We explore this through three considerations: Muslimness as a ‘master status’; leadership and representation in relation to British Muslims; and the public performance of Muslimness during ‘key moments’.  相似文献   

High Andean wetlands are naturally fragmented ecosystems that are impacted by anthropogenic activities. Although they constitute important reservoirs of biodiversity and ecosystem service providers, many aspects of their ecology are still unknown. In this study, we investigated the population genetic structure of two dominant and highly interactive plant species of high altitude wetlands, Patosia clandestina (Juncaceae) and Carex gayana (Cyperaceae), in 21 high Andean wetlands of Chile’s Norte Chico. Using rbcL gene sequences and AFLP markers, we found that both species displayed low levels of within-wetland genetic diversity, high inter-population genetic differentiation, and spatially-dependent genetic variation arising from isolation-by-distance. The distance at which populations become genetically independent was of the same order of magnitude in both species (125–175 km). Despite these similarities, idiosyncratic spatial patterns were detected. C. gayana in the three most northeastern wetlands demonstrated marked differences relative to the rest of the populations, with the latter group following a latitudinal stepping-stone pattern. In P. clandestina, a genetic barrier was found to divide the northern and southern populations into two balanced groups, and spatial genetic variation was consistent with a hierarchical island model. The data indicate that each of the two species likely responded to different geological and ecological events, resulting in the definition of unique evolutionarily significant units in both. These results suggest that the implementation of global conservation programs at regional scales would likely result in the loss of important components of biodiversity in these ecosystems, and underscore the need for caution in designing effective conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Species coexistence involving trophic interactions has been investigated under two theoretical frameworks—partitioning shared resources and accessing exclusive resources. The influence of body size on coexistence is well studied under the exclusive resources framework, but has received less attention under the shared-resources framework. We investigate body-size-dependent allometric extensions of a classical MacArthur-type model where two consumers compete for two shared resources. The equilibrium coexistence criteria are compared against the general predictions of the alternative framework over exclusive resources. From the asymmetry in body size allometry of resource encounter versus demand our model shows, counterintuitively, and contrary to the exclusive resource framework, that a smaller consumer should be competitively superior across a wide range of supplies of the two resource types. Experimental studies are reviewed to resolve this difference among the two frameworks that arise from their respective assumptions over resource distribution. Another prediction is that the smaller consumer may have relatively stronger control over equilibrium resource abundance, and the loss of smaller consumers from a community may induce relatively stronger trophic cascades. Finally, from satiating consumers’ functional response, our model predicts that greater difference among resource sizes can allow a broader range of consumer body sizes to coexist, and this is consistent with the predictions of the alternative framework over exclusive resources. Overall, this analysis provides an objective comparison of the two alternative approaches to understand species coexistence that have heretofore developed in relative isolation. It advances classical consumer–resource theory to show how body size can be an important factor in resource competition and coexistence.  相似文献   


The prognosis and utility under climate change are presented for two old‐growth, temperate forests in Australia, from ecological and carbon accounting perspectives. The tall open‐forests (TOFs) of south‐western Australia (SWA) are within Australia’s global biodiversity hotspot. The forest management and timber usage from the carbon‐dense old‐growth TOFs of Tasmania (TAS) have a high carbon efflux, rendering it a carbon hotspot. Under climate change the warmer, dryer climate in both areas will decrease carbon stocks directly; and indirectly through changes towards dryer forest types and through positive feedback. Near 2100, climate change will decrease soil organic carbon (SOC) significantly, e.g. by ~30% for SWA and at least 2% for TAS. The emissions from the next 20 years of logging old‐growth TOF in TAS, and conversion to harvesting cycles, will conservatively reach 66(±33) Mt‐CO2‐equivalents in the long‐term – bolstering greenhouse gas emissions. Similar emissions will arise from rainforest SOC in TAS due to climate change. Careful management of old‐growth TOFs in these two hotspots, to help reduce carbon emissions and change in biodiversity, entails adopting approaches to forest, wood product and fire management which conserve old‐growth characteristics in forest stands. Plantation forestry on long‐cleared land and well‐targeted prescribed burning supplement effective carbon management.

Abbreviations: C, carbon; CBS, clearfell, burn and sow; CO2‐e, CO2 equivalents; CWD, coarse woody debris; DOC, dissolved organic carbon; GHG, greenhouse gas; Mt, megatonnes; SOC, soil organic carbon; SWA, south‐western Australia; SWAFR, Southwest Australian Floristic Region; TAS, Tasmania; TOF, tall open‐forest; t‐C ha?1 yr?1, tonnes of carbon per hectare per year  相似文献   

The genus Microstictia is characterized, its species are diagnosed and keyed; their distribution and collecting period summarized; and their taxonomic status discussed. Photographs of selected important characters are provided. Two new species are described, Microstictia pimensis from Arizona (in the rufescens species group) and M. eos from Florida (in the femorata species group). This is the first unambiguous record of Microstictia from the eastern USA. Based on this finding, M. femorata may actually have originated from Florida, which is frequently questioned. Microstictia minutula (described in Monedula), currently misinterpreted, is a valid name for M. texensis Gillaspy, new synonym. This new synonymy is largely based on female colour characters, whose significance is discussed. The species hitherto known as M. minutula is actually M. exigua (W. Fox), with M. divergens (J. Parker) as a new junior synonym.  相似文献   

The concept of refugee species provides a theoretical framework towards increasing the predictive power of the ‘declining population paradigm’ through identifying species which are expected to suffer from a declining population syndrome. Using a simple habitat model as a framework, refugee species are defined as those that can no longer access optimal habitat, but are confined to suboptimal habitats, with consequences of decreased fitness and density, and attendant conservation risks. Refugee species may be difficult to detect in the absence of information on prior habitat use and fitness and their observed ecology will be constrained by the habitat limits forced on them. Identification of refugee species, characterisation of pre‐refugee ecology and the restoration of such species to optimal habitat is critical to their successful conservation. The concept is showcased by addressing the conundrum of a large grazing bovid, the European bison Bison bonasus, being managed as a forest specialist, despite its evolutionary background, dental morphology, neonatal behaviour, diet and microhabitat selection being characteristic of a grazing species inhabiting open, grass‐rich habitats. It is hypothesized that a combination of increasing replacement of open steppe by forest cover after the last postglacial period and increasing human pressure forced bison into forests as a refuge habitat. This process was then reinforced through active management of bison in forests as managers committed themselves to the ‘bison as forest species’ paradigm. A research agenda to test this hypothesis using an experimental approach in the conservation management of European bison by introducing populations into diverse habitat types is suggested.  相似文献   

The evolution of parental care opens the door for the evolution of brood parasitic strategies that allow individuals to gain the benefits of parental care without paying the costs. Here we provide the first documentation for alloparental care in coral reef fish and we discuss why these patterns may reflect conspecific and interspecific brood parasitism. Species‐specific barcodes revealed the existence of low levels (3.5% of all offspring) of mixed interspecific broods, mostly juvenile Amblyglyphidodon batunai and Pomacentrus smithi damselfish in Altrichthys broods. A separate analysis of conspecific parentage based on microsatellite markers revealed that mixed parentage broods are common in both species, and the genetic patterns are consistent with two different modes of conspecific brood parasitism, although further studies are required to determine the specific mechanisms responsible for these mixed parentage broods. While many broods had offspring from multiple parasites, in many cases a given brood contained only a single foreign offspring, perhaps a consequence of the movement of lone juveniles between nests. In other cases, broods contained large numbers of putative parasitic offspring from the same parents and we propose that these are more likely to be cases where parasitic adults laid a large number of eggs in the host nest than the result of movements of large numbers of offspring from a single brood after hatching. The evidence that these genetic patterns reflect adaptive brood parasitism, as well as possible costs and benefits of parasitism to hosts and parasites, are discussed.  相似文献   

We studied the winter foraging niches of tits and related species in deciduous forest fragments varying in size between 1 and 30 ha (plus one forest of 200 ha) in order to investigate the influence of forest fragmentation on foraging niches Very few correlations between niche structure (foraging niche, width and overlap) and forest size or isolation turned out to be significant This implies that either the species that disappear in small fragments are those that suffer most from competition (making the effect unmeasurable), or that competition is relatively unimportant for niche structure In any case we find no evidence that foraging niches are strongly affected by the changes (in habitat and/or community structure) associated with fragmentation  相似文献   

Microbial communities on two churches in Schleswig‐Holstein (northern Germany) were characterized using cultural methods as well as light and scanning electron microscopy. Dilution‐plate counts of fungi [106/g dry weight (gdw) stone] and heterotrophic bacteria (105/gdw) were as high as those reported for soils. Counts of algae (106/gdw) were somewhat higher than those for soils. Biomass expressed as phospholipid phosphate concentration (PLP; 115–137 nmol PLP/gdw) was nearly 10 times that of Antarctic sandstone, at least twice that in an architectural red sandstone, and approached that found in soils. Amounts of chlorophyll a were higher than those for the Antarctic sandstone (known to contain algae and cyanobacteria) and were at the lower end of the range reported for soils. The high biomass is supported by photosynthetic carbon input, and hypotheses are presented that describe the role of these epi‐ and endolithic communities in the weathering of their substrata.  相似文献   

Most models of ecological speciation concern phytophagous insects in which speciation is thought to be driven by host shifts and subsequent adaptations of populations. Despite the ever-increasing number of studies, the current evolutionary status of most models remains incompletely resolved, as estimates of gene flow between taxa remain extremely rare. We studied the population genetics of two taxa of the Ostrinia genus--one feeding mainly on maize and the other on mugwort and hop--occurring in sympatry throughout France. The actual level of divergence of these taxa was unknown because the genetic structure of populations had been investigated over a limited geographical area and the magnitude of gene flow between populations had not been estimated. We used 11 microsatellite markers to investigate the genetic structure of populations throughout France and the extent of gene flow between the two Ostrinia taxa at several sites at which they are sympatric. We observed clear genetic differentiation between most populations collected on the typical respective hosts of each taxon. However, populations displaying intermediate allelic frequencies were found on hop plants in southern France. Individual assignments revealed that this result could be accounted for by the presence of both taxa on the same host. Gene flow, estimated by determining the proportion of hybrids detected, was low: probably<1% per generation, regardless of site. This indicates that the two Ostrinia taxa have reached a high level of genetic divergence and should be considered sibling species rather than host races.  相似文献   

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