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The development and release of the unique vegetative propagules of the freshwater encrusting alga Hildenbrandia angolensis Welwitsch ex West et West, gemmae, were studied using several different microscopic and histochemical techniques. In addition, the seasonality of gemma production was monitored bimonthly over a 12‐month period in two spring‐fed streams in Texas, USA. Gemmae differentiate within the thallus and are subsequently released from the surface of the crust. Release of the gemmae most likely occurs by digestion of surrounding cells, as suggested by the presence of starch granules and lipid globules in the region between the released gemma and the thallus. The initial separation of the gemmae from the thallus occurs from the sides of the gemma or the bottom, or possibly simultaneously. Contrary to previous studies, we have observed that gemma production occurs endogenously within the thallus of freshwater Hildenbrandia, rather than on the surface of the crust in raised structures. Histochemical tests and electron microscopic examination indicate that the cells of the gemmae contain a large amount of floridean starch. The starch granules frequently form rings surrounding the nuclei of both gemma and thallus cells; a feature infrequently reported for florideophyte red algae. Our seasonality investigations indicate that large fluctuations in gemma production occur over 1 year, but at least some gemma production continues year‐round in the streams examined.  相似文献   

Morphometric analysis and phylogenetic analysis of sequences of the rbcL chloroplast gene (which codes for the large subunit of the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase enzyme) and the nuclear 18S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene were carried out on 26 specimens of marine and freshwater Hildenbrandia from North America. Nineteen marine specimens were collected from Alaska to Costa Rica on the Pacific coast and from Newfoundland to Connecticut on the Atlantic coast. Seven freshwater samples were collected from Texas, Costa Rica, St Lucia and Puerto Rico. Three groups of samples were distinguished by morphometric analysis: one containing all freshwater samples (H. angolensis Welwitsch ex West et West), one consisting of a marine sample with parallel tetrasporangial divisions (H. occidentalis Setchell ex Gardner) and one group with non-parallel tetrasporangial divisions (H. rubra (Sommerfelt) Meneghini. These groupings were partially incongruent with those obtained by analyses of the molecular data. Parsimony and distance analyses of the rbcL gene resulted in trees in which Atlantic and Pacific clades were largely resolved. However, an Alaskan sample was included in the Atlantic group, which may indicate a trans-Arctic invasion event. The freshwater samples were paraphyletic for the rbcL gene, among the marine collections, which supports the concept of multiple invasions establishing the freshwater populations in North America. The 18S rRNA gene sequence data indicate that the freshwater samples are monophyletic with the exception of the unresolved position of the H. occidentalis sample. The freshwater samples form a monophyletic clade when multiple outgroups are used. The rbcL data appear to be mutationally saturated above approximately 17% divergence, which makes interpretation of phylogenetic signal among distant groups difficult. This may be a result of the asexual reproduction of the alga.  相似文献   

Larvae ofTubiluchus corallicola van der Land 1968 were investigated by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The scalids are sensory organs, each has a bipolar receptor cell with a single apical cilium similar to the scalid in the adult. Muscle cells of the larva are more differentiated than previously reported for other Priapulida; the larval arrangement of circular and longitudinal musculature differs from that of the adult, and a diaphragm is reported for the first time in Priapulida. The diaphragm may function in hydrostatic control of eversion and inversion of the introvert and mouth cone. The functional morphology of these two structures is discussed and contrasted with the Kinorhyncha.  相似文献   

Kieneke, A. and Hochberg, R. 2012. Ultrastructural observations of the protonephridia of Polymerurus nodicaudus (Gastrotricha: Paucitubulatina). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 93 : 115–124. We studied different regions of the protonephridia of the limnic gastrotrich Polymerurus nodicaudus by means of light and electron microscopy to determine how freshwater species might differ from their marine relatives. Microscopic and ultrastructural characters are in accordance with another limnic species of Paucitubulatina, Chaetonotus maximus, whose protonephridial system has been previously reconstructed. Shared protonephridial characters of both species include the presence of highly elongate terminal organ cilia, microvilli, and the canal cell lumen as well as the presence of a conspicuous anterior loop of the protonephridial lumen. These features are not present in representatives of earlier, marine, paucitubulatan lineages (i.e., Xenotrichulidae) and so are assessed as evolutionary novelties that were likely important for the successful colonization of the freshwater environment.  相似文献   

Protoplasts were isolated from female gametophytes of Chondrus crispus (Stackh.) using commercial cellulase and various carrageenases prepared from marine bacteria. Depending on the nature of the donor tissue (apices or whole thallus, wild or cultivated strains), yields ranged from 1.0–8.5×108 protoplasts per gram of fresh tissue. Preincubating the tissue with a potassium chelator, Kryptofix 222, enhanced protoplast yields by 30–50 %. Based on staining with fluorescein diacetate most protoplasts were viable. A few protoplasts regenerated a cell wall and divided.  相似文献   

DNA isolation protocol for red seaweed (rhodophyta)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We report a DNA isolation protocol for red seaweed. The method is a modification of the Dellaporta et al. (1983) protocol for land plants. Our simplified version can be used to process large sample numbers and to minimise polysaccharide co-isolation. The protocol was applied to 12 red seaweed species as well as one green alga and one land plant. The protocol yields about 5 μg of high molecular weight DNA from 10 mg of dried material, with no RNA. No sign of degradation was observed after agarose gel electrophoresis for both freshly extracted DNA and DNA stored for 18 months at 4°C. DNA isolated by our protocol was suitable for genomic library construction (tested for one species), endonuclease restriction, and PCR amplification for all species.  相似文献   

Massarina armatispora (Ascomycota, Dothideales, Lophiostomataceae) is described for the first time at the ultrastructural level. Two new structures were observed for this species. Firstly, the ascospores were shown to possess polar chambers formed from the episporium and which contained a fibrillar material and secondly, a lateral fibrillar appendage-like structure. The similarities between marine ascomycetesMassarina armatispora, Massarina thalassiae andParaliomyces lentiferus are discussed.  相似文献   

The developmental process of eu- and paraspermatozoa in the cottid fish, Hemilepidotus gilberti, was observed by electron microscopy. Euspermatozoa of H. gilberti consist of a thin disk-like sperm head (about 3 microm in length), a short middle piece, and a long flagellum, but lack an acrosome. On the other hand, during spermiogenesis, aberrant spermatids, rich in cytoplasm and possessing binuclei, develop into cysts containing spermatids. The developing aberrant spermatids connect with normal spermatids and euspermatozoa by intercellular bridges. The early phase of chromatin condensation in aberrant spermatids is almost identical to that in normal spermatids, but the nuclei in the later phase develop into a mass of highly electron-dense globules. Since the aberrant spermatids complete karyokinesis but not cytokinesis at telophase of the second meiotic division, they are considered to develop into hyperpyrenic cells due to incomplete cytokinesis of the second meiotic division. These spermatids are oval in shape (5-7 microm in diameter) and lack a flagellum. The aberrant spermatids of H. gilberti are shed along with euspermatozoa and amount to about 50% of semen in volume. Judging from their form and developmental process, aberrant spermatids produced in H. gilberti are considered hyperpyrenic paraspermatozoa.  相似文献   

The original collection of Aspidophora gaudichaudii Montagne was located in the Herbarium of the Laboratoire de Cryptogamie, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (PC), and examined. An earlier report that the peltate, shield-like structures scattered over the lower surface of the blade surface were merely multicellular peglike rhizoidal attachments and not cystocarps was confirmed. The even earlier described Aglaophyllum peltatum Montagne has been found to be the same as Aspidophora gaudichaudii. Morphological evidence points to the identity of both Aspidophora gaudichaudii and Aglaophyllum peltatum with Cryptopleura corallinarum (Nott) Gardner. Because the name Aglaophyllum peltatum has priority, the binomial Cryptopleura peltata (Montagne) M. J. Wynne comb. nov. is proposed.  相似文献   

Isao Hori 《Hydrobiologia》1986,132(1):217-222
The earliest detectable change during regeneration of the gastrodermis in Dugesia japonica was an aggregation of regenerative cells underneath the gastrodermis remaining at the wound margin. The gastrodermal cells in experimental regenerates retained some of their original characters and presented no indication of cell dedifferentiation. The regenerative cells came into contact with the basal surface of gastrodermal cells, forming stratified cell layers. Differentiation of these cells into gastrodermal cells was initiated by the development of synthetic organelles within their cytoplasm. These differentiating cells gave rise to two different types of gastrodermal cells, namely phagocytic cells and sphere cells. In later stages, there was an apparent movement of differentiated gastrodermal cells towards the parenchyma.  相似文献   

The tegument of the paramphistome, Gastrodiscoides hominis, is basically similar to that of other digeneans. It is folded into concentrically arranged furrows and ridges bearing numerous tightly packed tubercules, and extends into the oral cavity. An area of specialized tegument is present on the ventral surface, anterior to the disc region. Mitochondria are absent from the tegumental syncytium and underlying tegumental cells, suggesting that the tegument may serve principally as a protective layer rather than in active uptake phenomena. However, extensions of the lymph and parenchyma systems are closely associated with the base of the tegumental syncytium and may provide ATP for active processes. Ciliated and non-ciliated sensory papillae are present, particularly around the oral opening. Numerous lymph channels are present in the sub-tegument and may be involved in osmoregulation.  相似文献   

The Schlauchdrüsen or paracnids of Coelogynopora axi Sopott, 1972 consist of two components: a muscle cell and a secretory cell.The secretory cell is provided with a tube, which bears a border of microvilli. In the normal position the tube is situated in the interior of the secretory cell, and the microvilli stand at the inner side of the tube. After expulsion of the tube the microvilli are situated at its free surface.The evagination takes place in response to chemical stimuli and is effected by the contraction of the myofibrils of the muscle cell.The paracnids are supposed to be mechanisms of defense.However, conformities with nematocysts and spirocysts of the cnidarians do not exist.The paracnids in other species of the Coelogynoporidae, for example in Invenusta paracnida (Karling, 1966) and Carenscoilia bidentata Sopott, 1972 differ from those of C. axi in many details.Abbreviations bl- basement lamina - ep- epidermis - hd- hemidesmosomes - mc- muscle cell - mt- microtubules - mv- microvilli - nsc- nucleus of the secretory cell - sb- bowl containing secretion granules - sc- secretory cell - sd- septate desmosome-like structures - sg- secretion granules - t- tube - tf- tonofilaments  相似文献   

The gallbladder of Richardson's ground squirrel shares many structural similarities with numerous other species, including the mouse, rabbit and man. Dark cells exhibit a condensed cytoplasm but contain all the typical organelles of light cells, although their total complement appears reduced. Edematous cells extruded from the epithelial lining were replaced through mitosis or had their space occupied by adjacent cells. Specializations of the basal plasma membrane and underlying basal lamina form peg-and-socket interdigitations, and desmosomes were observed on the lateral cell boundaries down to the level of the basal lamina. The latter remain intact during active water resorption while the former disappear. Adrenergic nerve fibers were observed intramuscularly and beneath the basal lamina. Random interepithelial migration of leucocytes was also observed. Some of these observations help to elucidate controversial issues whereas others have been previously unreported and may be species-dependent.  相似文献   

Summary The first stages of the oogenesis of Triops cancriformis have been studied. At the outset the oocyte is smaller than the nurse cells. Meiosis begins with typical synaptonemal complexes. The significance of these complexes and of some other peculiar structures of germ cells, i.e., pore complexes and annuli within the nucleus, and annulate lamellae within the cytoplasm are discussed. The morphofunctional uniformity of some cytoplasmic structures (annulate lamellae, concentrically arranged ER, and yolk globules) in the oocyte as well as its nurse cells is also discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Each ovarian follicle of Triops cancriformis is four-celled; these cells (one oocyte and three nurse cells) are interconnected by cytoplasmic bridges. In the course of differentiation, the nurse cells are early recognizable; they increase in size more than the oocyte and their nuclei contain many nucleoli. For the first time in Arthropoda, yolk globules are reported to be present in nurse cell cytoplasm; these globules arise from the smooth endoplasmic reticulum. The functional significance of the intercellular bridges and the trophic role of the nurse cells are discussed.The authors are grateful to Dr. Bruno Sabelli for his support and to Mr. Francesco Monte for his technical assistance  相似文献   

Summary Of all avian species the emperor penguin is the best adapted bird to attain the greatest diving depths and diving durations. Therefore the lung of this bird was investigated with electron-microscopic, i.e., freeze-fracture and thin-section methods. The parabronchi are surrounded by bundles of smooth muscle cells innervated by varicosities of autonomic nerves. The parabronchial epithelium is flat, bears a few microvilli and does not show any conspicuous ultrastructural specializations; only individual cells contain secretory granules. The atrial epithelial cells bear apical microvilli and are interconnected by adhering and tight junctions (5–10 sealing strands), the latter presumably forming an effective barrier against paracellular fluid movements. The cells contain lamellar inclusions of two types: (i) round membrane-bounded granules, the lamellar content of which is fixation-labile, and (ii) large polymorphic compact deposits of well-preserved lamellae. In both types of inclusions the individual lamellae can be of trilaminar appearance, whereas their fracture faces are smooth. Lamellar material also covers the epithelium of atria, infundibula and air capillaries. In thin areas the diameter of the morphological blood-air barrier measures 220–330 nm. Usually the endothelium of the blood capillaries is thicker (40–180 nm) than the air capillary epithelium (25–150 nm). Both epithelium and endothelium are interconnected by tight junctions, which seem to be more extensive and presumably tighter in the epithelium than in the endothelium. Frequently the common basal lamina is the thickest individual component of the blood-air barrier, measuring between 170–230 nm. Often collagen fibrils occur in this area of the barrier. In comparison with that of other birds the entire blood-air barrier of the emperor penguin is relatively thick, probably owing to an adaptation of the lung tissue which must resist high hydrostatic pressure during diving excursions.  相似文献   

The feeding appendages ofAlvinella pompejana obtained from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent environment are described. They are characterized by a ciliated groove, the cells of which have a very distinctive ultrastructure, by groups of bipolar receptor cells and by several kinds of gland cells. Among these, one cell type is in an upside down position suggesting a function completely different from other epidermal secretory cells. The gills differ considerably from the feeding appendages on the basis of their ultrastructure. Their epidermis is very irregular in height; basal infoldings give the blood access to a space coming very near to the external medium. The blood vascular system is open. On the other hand, the gills ofAmphicteis gunneri are not effective sites of gas exchange, since their columnar epithelium is underlain with muscle cells. The cells composing the feeding appendages and gills ofAlvinella pompejana are characterized by ultrastructurally very different mitochondria.  相似文献   

Summary Histochemical studies have been carried out on the composition of feltwork and tubule in the spermathecal gland cells of Dytiscus marginalis L.These extracellular structures represent the secretion-collecting apparatus of the cells of the spermathecal gland, through which the secretion passes externally into the lumen of the spermatheca.The presence of a particular protein, resilin, also called arthropod elastin, at the level of the tubule and the feltwork, and of neutral polysaccharides present only in the feltwork have been demonstrated.Special consideration is given to the silver-methenamine reaction, the results of which have been interpreted in terms of the amino-acid composition of resilin itself.The behavior of this reaction, as a function of the type of fixation solution employed, is also discussed.  相似文献   

The tapetal ultrastructure of high-pressure-frozen, freeze-substituted Ledebouria socialis Roth (Hyacinthaceae) is described from the tetrad stage up to microspore mitosis. Cytoplasmic degeneration of the tapeturn occurs after microspore mitosis. During the tetrad stage and the early free-microspore stage the tapetum cells appear to be meristematic; after callose dissolution they show an intense exocytosis of polysaccharides into the anther locule. Later, the tapetum cells are characterized by abundant endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Highly osmiophilic pollenkitt precursor substances accumulate within distinct, partly irregular shaped cytoplasmic domains (“osmiophilic bodies”), which are intimately associated with the ER. It remains to be verified whether or not these bodies are derived from the ER. Because of their preservation and staining patterns the contents of these bodies are tentatively interpreted as flavonoids, one of the main pollenkitt pigments in angiosperms. Apart from these pigment bodies, there exist four other kinds of lipophilic inclusion within the anther (cells). The general aspects of lipid preservation in freeze-substituted samples are discussed. Staining with hot alcoholic phosphotungstic acid yielded good contrast of the ER and other membranes, which are often difficult to visualize in freeze-substituted, resin-embedded samples.  相似文献   

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