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Capsule: Barn swallows Hirundo rustica using artificial nest cups had greater reproductive success than those building and using natural nests.

Aims: To quantify reproductive success of Barn Swallows breeding in artificial man-made nests and compare with those using natural nests.

Methods: In 2012–16, the breeding attempts of 231 pairs of Barn Swallows were monitored in artificial and natural nests in an urban habitat in Denmark.

Results: Pairs breeding in old natural nests and artificial nests bred earlier, laid more eggs, and produced more nestlings and fledglings than pairs breeding in new natural nests. Inter-clutch intervals were shorter in Barn Swallow pairs using artificial nests and old natural nests. Nest cup volume and nest volume of newly built nests were significantly larger and more variable than artificial nests excluding an effect of nest size as an explanation for the larger clutches laid in artificial nests. Increased energy and time costs of nest construction may have reduced reproductive success for pairs building natural nests.

Conclusion: Artificial nests were readily accepted by Barn Swallows, they had a similar low predation rate as natural nests, and they proved to be a possible conservation option for this declining passerine breeding in urban habitats as evidenced by their 75% higher reproductive success in artificial nests.  相似文献   

A national survey of breeding Barn Owls was undertaken between 1995 and 1997 using intensive fieldwork methods within a stratified sample of 1100 2 × 2-km survey squares selected at random from those available. Each year, fieldwork was divided into two sessions: one to locate potential nest-sites (winter session) and one to determine occupancy of these sites (summer session). Fieldworkers spent an average of 30 hours on fieldwork within each survey square. The survey produced national population estimates of 2830 (95% confidence intervals: 1952–3761) breeding pairs for 1995, 3967 (95% CI: 2785–5252) for 1996 and 3951 (95% CI: 2769–5214) for 1997. Analysis taking account of the poor coverage in certain regions of high Barn Owl density in 1995 suggests that a population estimate of 3480 would be more accurate for that year. Regional and temporal variations in estimates were examined and interpreted in relation to Barn Owl productivity and ecology. Validation of fieldwork efficiency was carried out within a random selection of the available survey tetrads, demonstrating that fieldworkers achieved a high degree of survey reliability. This paper provides a baseline population estimate and standardized, repeatable methods, allowing future population changes to be monitored effectively.  相似文献   

Movement s an d habitat use of 7 male and 7 female roe deerCapreolus capreolus (Linnaeus, 1758) were studied by radioteleme try from March 1999 to February 2001. Annual and bimonthly home ranges of males were small (ca 10 ha, 95% kernel), with large overlap among individuals throughout the year. Exclusive core areas (ca 0.4 ha, 25% kernel) were concentrated in the forest, a limited and sought-after resource in the study area. The difference in overlap between male exclusive core areas and female home ranges in the pre-rut and rut periods suggested that females made excursions to search for territorial males during the rut Our results support the mating strategy hypothesis of territorial behaviour Different space use patterns occurred between the sexes, with females apparently playing an active role in mate choice by visiting males at clumps of core areas in the forest.  相似文献   

We studied the activity and movements of a male and a female wolf during breeding in the Bieszczady Mountains, Poland. The female was less active and mobile and on average closer to the den than the male. The male was less active and mobile when the pack size was seven compared to a year when the pack consisted only of the breeding pair. We conclude that the roles played by breeding males and females rearing pups influence their activity, and that breeding males in larger packs move less during the nursing period because of help by other pack members.  相似文献   

Based on information obtained from publications, online material and experienced birdwatchers we describe changes in the breeding avifauna of Israel between 2003 and 2016. We provide details on nine species that were found breeding in Israel during this period for the first time (Common Shelduck, Great Cormorant, Black-winged Kite, Caspian Tern, White-cheeked Tern, Common Wood Pigeon, Black Bush Robin, Basra Reed Warbler, Chiffchaff); two species that were found breeding in Israel after they were not documented breeding for more than 50 years (Great Crested Grebe, Pallid Scops Owl), one species that significantly extended its breeding range in Israel (Striated Heron), and two exotic species that have recently established populations in Israel (Monk Parakeet, Vinous-breasted Starling). This brings the number of bird species breeding in Israel in 2016 to 220. We also report here that out of six new breeding species reported in 2003, three species established breeding populations in Israel, while the other species did not continue to breed in Israel regularly.  相似文献   


Pregnant women have a two- to threefold increased prevalence of restless legs syndrome (RLS) compared to the general population, and the majority of RLS patients also experience periodic limb movements in sleep (PLMS). PLMS have been associated with sleep disturbance as well as autonomic heart rate and blood pressure responses; however, the prevalence, cause and significance of PLMS during pregnancy remain unknown. This study evaluated the presence of PLMS in late pregnancy and its relationship to hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Ninety-one women in the third trimester of pregnancy underwent overnight polysomnography. An RLS questionnaire and the Multivariate Apnea Risk Index were administered and venous blood was sampled within 2 weeks of the sleep study. After exclusions due to obstructive sleep apnoea and signal loss, PLMS data were available for 73 women, 36 hypertensive women and 37 BMI- and gestation-matched controls. PLMS were found to be very common during pregnancy; 45% of women had a PLMS index > 5 and 25% had a PLMS index > 15. The number of PLMS per hour did not differ by hypertensive status. Sleep quality was mostly unaffected by PLMS, as was change in blood pressure overnight. While RLS was reported by 18.3% of the sample, this did not reliably predict the presence of PLMS. Despite iron deficiency being common in this population, it was not associated with PLMS. This novel study investigating the frequency and impact of PLMS during pregnancy revealed that PLMS are very common in the third trimester; however, this disorder appears to be benign in terms of objective sleep quality and relationship with pregnancy-related hypertension.


Physical exertion during growth can affect ultimate size and density of skeletal structures. Such changes from different exercise regimes may explain morphological differences between groups, such as those exhibited by lesser snow geese (Chen caerulescens caerulescens; hereafter snow geese) foraging in southwest Louisiana. In rice‐prairie habitats (hereafter rice‐prairies), snow geese bite off or graze aboveground vegetation, whereas they dig or grub for subterranean plant parts in adjacent coastal marshes. Grubbing involves considerably more muscular exertion than does grazing. Thus, we hypothesized that rates of bone formation and growth would be lower for juveniles wintering in rice‐prairies than those in coastal marshes, resulting in smaller bill and skull features at adulthood. First, we tested this exertion hypothesis by measuring bills, skulls, and associated musculature from arrival to departure (November–February) in both habitats in southwest Louisiana, using both banded birds and collected specimens. Second, we used the morphological data to test an alternative hypothesis, which states that smaller bill dimensions in rice‐prairies evolved because of hybridization with Ross's geese (C. rossii). Under the exertion hypothesis, we predicted that bill and skull bones of juveniles would grow at different rates between habitats. However, we found that bill and skull bones of juveniles grew similarly between habitats, thus failing to support the exertion hypothesis. Morphometrics were more likely to differ by sex or change with sampling date than to differ by habitat. We predicted that significant, consistent skewness toward smaller birds could indicate hybridization with Ross's geese, but no skewness was observed in our morphological data, which fails to support the hybridization hypothesis. Further research is needed to clarify whether snow geese wintering in Louisiana represent a single polymorphic population that segregates into individually preferred habitats, which we believe at present to be more likely as an explanation than two ecologically and spatially distinct morphotypes.  相似文献   

The European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) has recently been found to eat eggs of the endangered roseate tern (Sterna dougallii) in the Azores. Azorean starlings are considered an endemic subspecies (S. vulgaris granti), so we investigated how much genetic divergence has accumulated between the Azores and other European populations in order to assess whether lethal control measures might be possible, as previous experiments have found that taste aversion is not likely to be successful. For this purpose, we sequenced a region of the protein-coding mitochondrial gene ND2 for samples from six different populations. Of the 1,026 base pairs sequenced, 19 (1.7%) were variable and formed 15 different haplotypes. The Azores had high and significant genetic differentiation from all the other populations studied. Haplotype diversity was high in the mainland populations studied, ranging from 0.767 to 0.900, but there was no variation among the Azores samples, which were collected from a geographically broad region. Given the lack of genetic variability in the Azores birds and their abundance throughout the archipelago, lethal control on a local basis and as part of an integrated control plan can be seen as a reasonable measure to protect tern colonies.  相似文献   

The male effect is currently only used during seasonal or lactational anoestrus because the response is thought to be blocked in cyclic females by periods of elevated progesterone. In this study, we tested whether cyclic, female goats would respond to male exposure with an increase in pulsatile LH secretion. During May (breeding season; Southern Hemisphere) the cycles of 16 Australian Cashmere goats were synchronised using intravaginal progesterone pessaries. Pessary insertion was staggered to produce groups in their early luteal (EL; n=8) and late luteal phases (LL; n=8). The LL group was retrospectively subdivided into mid-luteal (ML; n=4) and late luteal (LL; n=4) groups due to differences in oestrous cycle length that emerged during the study. Male exposure stimulated an increase in LH pulse frequency in the EL and LL groups (P<0.01) but not in the ML group (P>0.1). This increase was accompanied by an increase in basal and mean concentrations of LH in the LL group (P<0.05) but not in EL (P<0.1) or ML (P>0.1) group. There was no effect of male exposure on LH pulse amplitude (P>0.1). Progesterone concentrations differed among all groups on the day of male exposure (P<0.05) and declined significantly over the 12-h sampling period in the LL group (P<0.05). Prolactin concentrations declined in the EL group but did not change significantly in the ML or LL group. In conclusion, male exposure induced an increase in pulsatile LH in goats in the early and late luteal phases of the oestrous cycle. The high concentrations of progesterone in females in the mid-luteal phase appeared to block the male effect.  相似文献   

Many types of predators depredate bird nests and thus potentiallyinfluence the spatial distribution of their prey. We used asimulation model of a double-brooded songbird's nesting seasonto test three predictions about the selective advantage ofdispersing different distances after nest predation by predatorswith varying home range sizes. Our results supported the predictions that (1) dispersing birds had higher success than nondispersingbirds after predation of the first nest, (2) dispersing beyondthe home range of the nest predator increased the success ofthe second nest, and (3) birds whose first nests were depredatedearly in the nesting cycle did better by dispersing fartherthan birds whose nests were depredated later in the nestingcycle. Our results provide evidence that predation and predatorcharacteristics may cause variation in adult dispersal distancesduring the breeding season. However, we did not find an advantagefor long-distance dispersal when predators with small- or medium-sizedhome ranges were responsible for the predation event. The criticaldecisions of dispersal and dispersal distance made by adultbirds are complex, but our model demonstrates that predationevents can create a selective advantage to disperse.  相似文献   

Winter is energetically challenging for small herbivores because of greater energy requirements for thermogenesis at a time when little energy is available. We formulated a model predicting optimal wintering body size, accounting for the scaling of both energy expenditure and assimilation to body size, and the trade-off between survival benefits of a large size and avoiding survival costs of foraging. The model predicts that if the energy cost of maintaining a given body mass differs between environments, animals should be smaller in the more demanding environments, and there should be a negative correlation between body mass and daily energy expenditure (DEE) across environments. In contrast, if animals adjust their energy intake according to variation in survival costs of foraging, there should be a positive correlation between body mass and DEE. Decreasing temperature always increases equilibrium DEE, but optimal body mass may either increase or decrease in colder climates depending on the exact effects of temperature on mass-specific survival and energy demands. Measuring DEE with doubly labeled water on wintering Microtus agrestis at four field sites, we found that DEE was highest at the sites where voles were smallest despite a positive correlation between DEE and body mass within sites. This suggests that variation in wintering body mass between sites was due to variation in food quality/availability and not adjustments in foraging activity to varying risks of predation.  相似文献   

Suction is produced during prey capture by most teleost fishes. Here, we ask two questions about the functional basis of suction feeding. First, is there variation in the kinematic pattern produced by different species while suction feeding? Second, do species termed 'suction specialists' demonstrate similar modifications to their feeding behavior? We used 10 kinematic variables in a principal component analysis to identify axes of variation among 14 suction feeding teleost species (representing nine families and five orders within the Euteleostei) that demonstrate different feeding habits and habitats. MANOVA and Tukey post hoc tests were used to assess differences among species. Most species clustered together on the principal component axes, suggesting a generalized mechanism that facilitates unidirectional flow. Typically, only one species stood out as 'extreme' on each functional axis, and a species that stood out on one axis did not stand out on others. Only one species, the flatfish Pleuronichthys verticalis, an obligate benthic feeder, demonstrated modifications consistent with enhanced suction production. This species displayed a suite of changes that should enhance suction production, including large hyoid depression, large cranial rotation, and small gape. We suggest that suction performance may be greatest in such obligate benthic feeders because cranial morphology is highly modified and prey are captured from the substrate.  相似文献   

The white‐fronted chat (Epthianura albifrons) is a small, insectivorous passerine that is threatened with extinction in the north‐eastern part of its range, partially due to loss and degradation of its saltmarsh habitat. Food availability is a potential limiting factor for the disjunct populations that survive in saltmarsh refugia, surrounded by urbanized land, because the anthropogenic matrix reduces the capacity of birds to commute to alternative grassland habitat to exploit temporary insect outbreaks. This limitation is likely to be exacerbated during the winter months when local arthropod abundance in saltmarsh is reduced. This study measured temporal and spatial variation in the abundance of saltmarsh arthropods to determine whether patch switching by foraging flocks can be explained by variation in food availability. Arthropods in the size range known to be important in the diet of white‐fronted chats were vacuum‐sampled from six patches within a continuous area of Sarcocornia‐dominated saltmarsh over a four‐month period. The location of foraging birds was recorded during the same period. Despite superficial similarity in vegetation composition and structure, there was significant variation in arthropod biomass among sites through time, such that the patches with the highest food abundance changed from month to month. There was little evidence, however, to suggest that white‐fronted chats foraged in saltmarsh patches with the highest overall food abundance. During the course of the study, birds were discovered flying 2 km from the saltmarsh to a development site where they foraged in weedy grassland. Arthropod samples collected from this site contained an extremely high abundance of Hemiptera and Neuroptera larvae, supporting previous research indicating that white‐fronted chats forage on irruptions of particular arthropod taxa. These findings indicate that food abundance is unlikely to be the main determinant of foraging site selection within saltmarsh, but highlights the potential importance of alternative foraging habitat types for this species.  相似文献   

Pluralism is popular among philosophers of biology. This essay argues that negative judgments about universal biology, while understandable, are very premature. Familiar life on Earth represents a single example of life and, most importantly, there are empirical as well as theoretical reasons for suspecting that it may be unrepresentative. Scientifically compelling generalizations about the unity of life (or lack thereof) must await the discovery of forms of life descended from an alternative origin, the most promising candidate being the discovery of extraterrestrial life. Nonetheless, in the absence of additional examples of life, we are best off exploring the microbial world for promising explanatory concepts, principles, and mechanisms rather than prematurely giving up on universal biology. Unicellular microbes (especially prokaryotes) are by far the oldest, metabolically most diverse, and environmentally tolerant form of life on our planet. Yet somewhat ironically, much of our theorizing about life still implicitly privileges complex multicellular eukaryotes, which are now understood to be highly specialized, fragile latecomers to Earth. The problem with pursuing a pluralist approach to understanding life is that it is likely to blind us to the significance of just those entities and causal processes most likely to shed light on the underlying nature of life.  相似文献   

Body composition in vertebrates is known to show phenotypic plasticity, and changes in organ masses are usually rapid and reversible. One of the most rapid and reversible changes is the transformation of the female avian reproductive organs before breeding. This provides an excellent system to investigate the effects of plasticity in organ size on basal metabolic rate (BMR) through relationships between organ masses and BMR. We compared body composition of female European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) during various reproductive stages over 3 yr and investigated the pattern of changes in reproductive and nonreproductive organ mass during follicular development and ovulation. Furthermore, we analyzed the relationship between organ mass and resting metabolic rate (RMR) in nonbreeding, laying, and chick-rearing females. Our analysis revealed marked variation in organ masses between breeding stages but no consistent pattern among years except for kidney and pectoralis muscle. Furthermore, changes in nonreproductive organs did not parallel the cycle of growth and regression of the reproductive organs. The oviduct gained 62% of its 22-fold increase in mass in only 3 d, and oviduct regression was just as rapid and began even before the final egg of the clutch was laid, with 42% of the oviduct mass lost before laying of the final egg. In laying females, 18% of variation in mass-corrected RMR was explained by the mass of the oviduct (r2=0.18, n=80, P<0.0005), while pectoralis muscle mass in nonbreeding individuals and liver and gizzard mass in chick-rearing females were the only organs significantly related to RMR (r2=0.31-0.44). We suggest that the nonreproductive organs are affected more by changes in local ecological conditions than the reproductive state itself and that the activity and maintenance cost of the oviduct is high enough that selection has led to a very tight size-function relationship for this organ.  相似文献   

Visiting breeding patches can allow prospecting individuals to gather information on local patch quality to make optimal decisions about selecting a breeding habitat in the following year. This prospecting behaviour has been described in many bird species. However, the nature of the information gathered by prospectors often remains unknown. We collected data on prospecting behaviour in the collared flycatcher, Ficedula albicollis, a small hole-nesting passerine bird, to investigate whether prospectors could gather information on their conspecifics' reproductive success, that is, ‘public information’. If they could, they would be expected to inspect conspecific nests, prospect at the time when public information is reliable, and be attracted to, and spend time at, successful sites. Prospecting at conspecific nests was frequent. Prospectors were mainly males, and prospecting activity closely matched the peak of nesting activity. The probability of observing a prospector at a nest increased with parental activity, measured by feeding rate and vigilance behaviour, but did not depend on direct measures of success of the inspected nest (nestling number and condition), or on female characteristics. Because feeding rate and vigilance behaviour were predictors of breeding success at fledging, prospectors were attracted to the most successful nests when cueing on conspicuous parental activity. Therefore, prospectors could gather accurate information on local conspecific reproductive success that may be used for breeding patch choice in the following year. We discuss alternative explanations for our results, and the need to test experimentally whether prospectors gather public information. We also discuss the role of breeding constraints on, and the origin of sex differences in, prospecting.  相似文献   

Until now, the equilibrium-point hypothesis (λ model) of motor control has assumed nonintersecting force-length characteristics of the tonic stretch reflex for individual muscles. Limited data from animal experiments suggest, however, that such intersections may occur. We have assumed the possibility of intersection of the characteristics of the tonic stretch reflex and performed a computer simulation of movement trajectories and electromyographic patterns. The simulation has demonstrated, in particular, that a transient change in the slope of the characteristic of an agonist muscle may lead to temporary movement reversals, hesitations, oscillations, and multiple electromyographic bursts that are typical of movements of patients with dystonia. The movement patterns of three patients with idiopathic dystonia during attempts at fast single-joint movements (in the elbow, wrist, and ankle) were recorded and compared with the results of the computer simulation. This approach considers that motor disorders in dystonia result from faulty control patterns that may not correlate with any morphological or neurophysiological changes. It provides a basis for the high variability of dystonic movements. The uniqueness of abnormal motor patterns in dystonia, that precludes statistical analysis across patients, may result from subtle differences in the patterns of intersecting characteristics of the tonic stretch reflex. The applicability of our analysis to disordered multijoint movement patterns is discussed. Received: 26 July 1993/Accepted in revised form: 22 December 1993  相似文献   

Selfing has been considered the most common mode of reproduction in Echinococcus flatworms. However, population genetic studies on the asexual larval stage involving nuclear co-dominant markers have not always revealed significant heterozygote deficiencies--the expected outcome of a regularly and highly inbred population. In this study, we analysed the genetic structure of Echinococcus granulosus sensu lato populations from Southern Brazil during their adult (sexual) stage using 1 mitochondrial and 1 nuclear marker (cox 1 and mdh, respectively). We show that parasite genetic differentiation is largest among definitive hosts (domestic dogs) from different farms, suggesting that transmission is mostly maintained within a farm. Moreover, we show that heterozygote deficiencies are not significant, and we suggest that outbreeding is the most common mode of reproduction of the parasite in that region.  相似文献   

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