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Capsule Arthropods are the most important diet component of Great Bustards Otis tarda in the first months of life.

Aims To determine the diet composition of young Great Bustards in Spain.

Methods The diet was estimated by stomach content analysis (n?=?49).

Results Stomach contents' dry weight consisted of 33% arthropods, 30% green plant material and 23% seeds. Gastroliths were only found in summer and autumn. The diet composition changed significantly between seasons. In summer, diet consisted mainly of arthropods (50%), with green plant material being the main component in winter (56%). Volume of stomach contents and mean size of ingested arthropods were higher in males than in females. Diet composition did not differ between sexes. In summer, ground-dwelling and plant-visiting arthropods such as Mantidae, Tenebrionidae and caterpillars were the most abundant. In winter, weeds, legumes and cultivated seeds were more frequent than arthropods. Cereal plants were the least consumed in all seasons, although Barley and Wheat seeds played an important role during winter and autumn.

Conclusion The results highlight the importance of arthropods and weeds as a fundamental component of the diet of young Great Bustards. Because previous studies show that arthropods and weeds are usually more abundant in extensive farming, we recommend the implementation of agri-environmental measures in Great Bustard breeding areas.  相似文献   

大鸨(Otis tarda)两个亚种的遗传多样性与系统分化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘铸  田秀华  白素英 《生态学报》2007,27(6):2435-2442
大鸨(Otistarda)为中国Ⅰ级重点保护动物,分为两个亚种,即指名亚种(Otis tarda tarda)和东方亚种(Otis tarda dybowskii)。研究从代表母系遗传特征的mtDNA控制区和代表双亲遗传特征的核微卫星两方面对两个亚种的遗传多样性与系统分化进行了分析。指名亚种mtDNA控制区3段序列(CtrIaL/CtrIIoH、L438/H772和LCR2a/HCR8)的单倍型数、Л、δ和К都明显高于东方亚种,更显著高于松辽平原西北部繁殖区。东方亚种3个微卫星(Otmic08、Otmic16和Otmic26)的等位基因数、Ho和He明显低于指名亚种。因此东方亚种的遗传多样性都明显低于指名亚种,甚至低于Madrid种群。两个亚种存在于不同的系统分支,证实了两个亚种的系统关系,欧洲指名亚种存在更多的系统分支。  相似文献   

大鸨东方亚种遗传多样性的微卫星分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田秀华  刘铸  白素英 《动物学报》2006,52(3):569-574
为了探索东方亚种数量正在减少的原因和制定科学、有效的保护措施,利用微卫星DNA对大鸨东方亚种(Otistardadybowskii)的遗传多样性进行了研究。应用3个大鸨指名亚种的微卫星位点和13个波斑鸨的微卫星位点扩增了47个个体的基因组DNA,筛选出8个具有多态性的微卫星。其中有3个微卫星的多态性较低,其余5个微卫星的多态性较高。各位点的观察杂合度为0.0435-1.0000,平均杂合度(h)为0.6595;各位点多态信息含量(PIC)为0.0416-0.8520,平均为0.5497;有效等位基因数(E)为1.04-7.46,平均为3.61。4个位点符合HardyWeinberg平衡,4个位点偏离了HardyWeinberg平衡。多方面比较发现,大鸨东方亚种遗传多样性很低,且低于指名亚种,这可能由于其种群较小、历史遗传瓶颈作用、生境破碎化、分布地域紧缩等原因造成的。  相似文献   

Great Bustards Otis tarda have expanded their habitat range from historical occupancy of natural steppes to arable farmland, where the species initially benefited from favourable feeding conditions. More recently, the species has suffered severe declines due partly to agricultural intensification. Nest losses and juvenile mortality are amongst the factors most seriously affecting survival probabilities of many populations of this endangered species, suggesting that management of nesting habitats would bring conservation benefits. We studied nest-site selection in a Great Bustard population of central Spain by radiotracking 42 females for periods of between 1 and 4 years. Females selected nest-sites in fallows or cereal fields, in areas of low patch-type diversity, far from human infrastructure, and with good horizontal visibility. These results suggest that females look for shelter, but also need to have good visibility while incubating, and they support the hypothesis that nest selection is a trade-off between concealment and visibility. We interpret both preferences as adaptations to reduce predation pressure, one of the main causes of nest failure in this species. Nests were placed on slopes significantly orientated to the southeast, which suggests that females also seek sites protected from the cold north-westerly winds that are prevalent in the study area. To reduce nest destruction, harvesting should be delayed as long as possible and habitat conservation measures should not be restricted to lek sites but also include nesting areas, which are frequently located far from leks.  相似文献   

笼养大鸨越冬行为的时间分配   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
20 0 0~ 2 0 0 2年冬季 ,在哈尔滨动物园 ,采用瞬时扫描法对 2 2只笼养大鸨 (Otistarda)进行全日制观察 ,研究结果表明 :笼养大鸨可以在北方安全越冬。笼养大鸨越冬期行为活动日节律、行为分配 :休息行为 (趴卧、静站 )所占比例最大 ,达到 78. 40 % ,而取食行为 (6. 1 5 % )、游走 (7. 3 5 % )、理羽 (4 . 3 5 % )、啄草雪(2 . 65 % )、打蓬 (1 .1 0 % )所占比例相对较少 ,且各行为时间分配差异显著 (P <0 . 0 5 )。大鸨在冬季不同时期内除取食、打蓬、啄草雪外 ,各行为时间分配差异显著 (P <0 .0 5 )。温度、天气的变化对笼养大鸨越冬行为时间分配也具有显著影响 (P <0 . 0 5 )。  相似文献   

A Great Bustard Otis tarda survey carried out in spring 2015 in Morocco confirmed the decline of this highly endangered population. Bustards were only seen at two of the seven leks occupied ten years ago. The total number of birds counted was 40-44, which represents a 40% decline over the last decade. The sex-ratio was still strongly female-biased (1 male: 3 females), but less than in previous surveys, which suggests that trophy hunting has not been the major mortality cause in recent times. The productivity was 0.29-0.33 juveniles per female, the highest ever recorded in this population, suggesting that breeding success doesn’t represent the main problem for the survival of this population. Based on the recent development of the power line network at some areas, the main threat today is probably collision with power lines. Reducing this mortality cause should be considered a high conservation priority.  相似文献   

With the aim to study population genetics of the endangered great bustard, Otis tarda, dinucleotide microsatellite loci were isolated using an adapted hybrid‐capture enrichment protocol. This work reports the characterization of a set of six polymorphic microsatellite markers within the great bustard (n = 52). Results from cross‐species amplifications in several other members of the family Otididae demonstrate that five primer pairs also successfully amplified homologous loci outside the species Otis tarda.  相似文献   

A detailed knowledge of the habitat requirements of steppe birds living in farmland habitats is necessary to identify agricultural practices compatible with their conservation. The globally threatened Great Bustard Otis tarda is a partial migrant in central Iberia, but factors affecting its winter habitat use have not been identified. We assessed habitat differences between breeding and wintering areas and winter habitat selection of radiotagged migrant female Great Bustards in central Spain. Of 68 tagged females, 35% moved to wintering areas located 64.3 ± 24.0 km south of their breeding areas, and 80% wintered in a single area of c. 236 km2. A census of the population in this area identified it as one of the most important wintering areas of this species in the world, holding c. 1500 individuals. There were significant differences between breeding and wintering habitats of individually marked migrant females. Compared with breeding areas, wintering areas of migrant females were located further from roads and urban nuclei, had lower human population densities and area of urban developments, and a higher diversity of land‐use types, with less cover of cereals and more vineyards and olive groves. Within this area, radiotracked migrant females preferred sites with more vineyards and a lower land‐use diversity. Our results highlight the importance of traditional Mediterranean dry farmland mosaics, and suggest that different conservation strategies are needed for migrant and resident populations in winter to secure the conservation of suitable wintering habitat for Great Bustards in the Iberian Peninsula.  相似文献   

大鸨(Otis tarda)是我国I级重点保护野生鸟类,对大鸨重要栖息地种群数量的变化趋势进行研究,将为大鸨及其栖息地的保护提供科学依据。2017年至2020年,对内蒙古图牧吉国家级自然保护区内及周边的大鸨种群数量动态进行了全面调查,共选择33个监测地点,对大鸨的数量、性别和分布地点进行了调查。结果表明,大鸨种群数量从2017年193只增加至2020年253只;大鸨1月的越冬种群数量从2017年67只减少至2019年55只,2020年重新恢复至67只。各月大鸨种群数量呈现较大的变化,数量高峰期分别是5月和10月。12月至次年2月,越冬种群数量50 ~ 70只。雌性大鸨从3月开始监测到,数量高峰值出现在4月和5月,达到50 ~ 70只,不同的年份略有差别;6月之后数量开始下降,至9月开始略有回升,在10月以后,野外基本观察不到雌性个体。在野外易于观察的4月,2017至2020年4年中雌雄比的平均值是1︰2。2017年和2018年,大鸨在马鞍山区域分布较多,数量也较为稳定。然而进入2019年,分布地点减少,这可能与当地人类活动的干扰有关;2020年保护区功能区进行了调整,将2014年调整出保护区范围的马鞍山区域重新划入保护区中,湿地和草地面积均有所增加,大鸨分布地点数量逐渐恢复。针对目前保护区存在的问题,建议采取退耕还草、加强保护空缺管理及禁牧等保护措施对大鸨及其栖息地进行保护。  相似文献   

Between 1991 and 1997 we studied the offspring independenceand juvenile dispersal in a wild population of great bustards(Otis tarda). Young males were independent and began their juveniledispersal at an earlier age (6–11 months) than young females(8–15 months). The juvenile dispersal period was longerand the distances reached farther in males than in females.Natal dispersal distances were also longer in males, all ofwhich dispersed from their natal areas and established as adultsat 5–65 km from their natal nests. In contrast, most femaleswere strongly philopatric, settling at 0.5–5 km from theirnatal nests. These marked sex differences in offspring independenceand dispersal may have evolved originally to maintain geneticdiversity and are probably reinforced through male competitionfor mates. Young males that had fed at higher rates and receivedmore feedings from their mothers during the early maternal dependenceperiod became indepthdent and tended to disperse earlier. Theyalso integrated earlier into adult male flocks and settled earlierat their definitive leks, which were closer to their natal sites,in areas of higher adult male density. None of these correlationswas found among young females. These results suggest that enhancedfood intake and maternal care of male offspring are vitallyimportant in increasing their competitive ability during theimmature period and probably also in their fitness as breedingadults. These results are in accordance with the selective valueof large size in males and suggest how this species might havereached such a marked sexual dimorphism in size.  相似文献   

The reproductive success of Great Bustards Otis tarda in north-western Spain was studied between 1987 and 1998, both at the population ( c . 700 adult females breeding in our study area) and the individual level (sample of 32 marked females). Overall productivity was low, with a population mean of only 0.14 chicks reared per adult female, and an average breeding success of 0.15 chicks per year in the sample of marked females, but interannual variability was high (0.04–0.29). Population productivity was positively correlated with winter (October–March) precipitation prior to each breeding season, and negatively correlated with the number of days of rain during the hatching period. High annual productivity resulted from a high proportion of females rearing two chicks. Reproductive success was higher in females older than 6 years than in younger birds. The proportion of females in the marked sample that failed in breeding after having bred successfully the previous season was significantly higher than the proportion of those that did not. Finally, females with a higher than average breeding success tended to breed successfully in years of both low and high population productivity, whereas those with lower than average breeding success did so only in years of high productivity.  相似文献   

为评估陕西黄河湿地大鸨越冬期营养状况,于2012年1~2月收集大鸨新鲜粪便并对粪便中的蛋白质、灰分和氨基酸含量等做了测定.结果显示,粪便中粗蛋白、粗灰分含量分别为40.25%、19.81%.谷氨酸含量最高,为0.55%,组氨酸含量最低,为0.10%.粪便中豆苗、豆瓣、麦苗、麦粒、玉米、杂物的干物质比重分别为0.47%、4.05%、84.80%、6.75%、2.86%、1.07%.结果表明,麦苗是粪便干物质的主要成分,但相对大鸨越冬食性而言,麦苗粗蛋白含量偏低.粪便中谷氨酸、甘氨酸、天门冬氨酸和丙氨酸含量较大,这对优化大鸨对食物的选择方面起一定作用.  相似文献   

Stepwise discriminant function analysis for sex assessment was applied to 130 North American Black femora. The measurements included femoral length and three midshaft dimensions likely to be preserved in archaeologically derived and forensic remains. The method correctly assigned sex for 76.4% of the sample (range 70.8–81.5%). This compares favorably with results achieved with other skeletal parts; it also compares favorably with results using the femur in sexing other racial groups. Among our other conclusions are: (1) a “general size factor” is one of major significance in correct classification and in misclassification of sex, and most misclassified individuals are anomalous for this factor; (2) the inconsistency in the relation between circumference and femoral length, which characterizes the remaining misclassified individuals, suggests that anomalous functional demands of body weight/musculature are at fault, and affect circumference more than length; and (3) discriminant function analysis of the same variables in Whites produced similar results, suggesting that sex overrides race in sex assessment; this was confirmed by cross-validating the predictive accuracy of Black discriminant function coefficients on White data, and vice versa.  相似文献   

High‐resolution melting (HRM) analysis is a very attractive and flexible advanced post‐PCR method with high sensitivity/specificity for simple, fast and cost‐effective genotyping based on the detection of specific melting profiles of PCR products. Next generation real‐time PCR systems, along with improved saturating DNA‐binding dyes, enable the direct acquisition of HRM data after quantitative PCR. Melting behaviour is particularly influenced by the length, nucleotide sequence and GC content of the amplicons. This method is expanding rapidly in several research areas such as human genetics, reproductive biology, microbiology and ecology/conservation of wild populations. Here we have developed a successful HRM protocol for avian sex identification based on the amplification of sex‐specific CHD1 fragments. The melting curve patterns allowed efficient sexual differentiation of 111 samples analysed (plucked feathers, muscle tissues, blood and oral cavity epithelial cells) of 14 bird species. In addition, we sequenced the amplified regions of the CHD1 gene and demonstrated the usefulness of this strategy for the genotype discrimination of various amplicons (CHD1Z and CHD1W), which have small size differences, ranging from 2 bp to 44 bp. The established methodology clearly revealed the advantages (e.g. closed‐tube system, high sensitivity and rapidity) of a simple HRM assay for accurate sex differentiation of the species under study. The requirements, strengths and limitations of the method are addressed to provide a simple guide for its application in the field of molecular sexing of birds. The high sensitivity and resolution relative to previous real‐time PCR methods makes HRM analysis an excellent approach for improving advanced molecular methods for bird sexing.  相似文献   

Capsule Discriminant functions based on morphometric variables provide a reliable method for sex identification of free‐living and hacked young Ospreys.

Aims To describe an easy, accurate and low‐cost method for sex determination of fully grown nestling and fledgling Ospreys Pandion haliaetus based on morphometric measurements.

Methods Four different measurements were taken in 114 birds (40–73 days old) and a DNA analysis, using PCR amplification, was carried out for sex identification. A forward stepwise discriminant analysis was performed to build the best explanatory discriminant models, which were subsequently validated using statistics and external samples.

Results Our best discriminant function retained forearm and tarsus as the best predictor variables and classified 95.1% of the sample correctly, supported also by external cross‐validations with both hacked and free‐living birds. Moreover, a discriminant function with only forearm as predictor showed a similar high correct classification power (93.4%).

Conclusions These discriminant functions can be used as a reliable and immediate method for sex determination of young Ospreys since they showed high discriminant accuracy, close to that of molecular procedures, and were supported by external cross‐validations, both for free‐living and hacked birds. Thus, these morphometric measurements should be considered as standard tools for future scientific studies and management of Osprey populations  相似文献   

Historical and archaelogical evidence suggests that the Iron Age biblical city of Lachish had a multinational population of diverse geographical origins. A multivariate analysis of crania, using canonical discriminant functions and metric variables, tends to confirm this. The approach employed stresses that population discriminant analysis studies should be both biologically and statistically legitimate. An ecological interpretation of the data suggests a research design for analyzing the affinities of cranial series. Similarities probably should be assessed in an analytical space containing the widest possible range of variation.  相似文献   

Heparan sulfate (HS), a glycosaminoglycan present on the surface of cells, has been postulated to have important roles in driving both normal and pathological physiologies. The chemical structure and sulfation pattern (domain structure) of HS is believed to determine its biological function, to vary across tissue types, and to be modified in the context of disease. Characterization of HS requires isolation and purification of cell surface HS as a complex mixture. This process may introduce additional chemical modification of the native residues. In this study, we describe an approach towards thorough characterization of bovine kidney heparan sulfate (BKHS) that utilizes a variety of orthogonal analytical techniques (e.g. NMR, IP-RPHPLC, LC-MS). These techniques are applied to characterize this mixture at various levels including composition, fragment level, and overall chain properties. The combination of these techniques in many instances provides orthogonal views into the fine structure of HS, and in other instances provides overlapping / confirmatory information from different perspectives. Specifically, this approach enables quantitative determination of natural and modified saccharide residues in the HS chains, and identifies unusual structures. Analysis of partially digested HS chains allows for a better understanding of the domain structures within this mixture, and yields specific insights into the non-reducing end and reducing end structures of the chains. This approach outlines a useful framework that can be applied to elucidate HS structure and thereby provides means to advance understanding of its biological role and potential involvement in disease progression. In addition, the techniques described here can be applied to characterization of heparin from different sources.  相似文献   

Accurately describing trunk muscle coactivation is fundamental to quantifying the spine reaction forces that occur during lifting tasks and has been the focus of a great deal of research in the spine biomechanics literature. One limitation of previous approaches has been a lack of consideration given to the variability in these coactivation strategies. The research presented in this paper is an empirical approach to quantifying and modeling trunk muscle coactivation using simulation input modeling techniques. Electromyographic (EMG) data were collected from 28 human subjects as they performed controlled trunk extension exertions. These exertions included isokinetic (10 and 45°/s) and constant acceleration (50°/s/s) trunk extensions in symmetric and asymmetric (30°) postures at two levels of trunk extension moment (30 and 80 Nm). The EMG data were collected from the right and left pairs of the erector spinae, latissimus dorsi, rectus abdominis, external obliques and internal obliques. Each subject performed nine repetitions of each combination of independent variables. The data collected during these trials were used to develop marginal distributions of trunk muscle activity as well as a 10×10 correlation matrix that described how the muscles cooperated to produce these extension torques. These elements were then combined to generate multivariate distributions describing the coactivation of the trunk musculature. An analysis of these distributions revealed that increases in extension moment, extension velocity and sagittal flexion angle created increases in both the mean and the variance of the distributions of the muscular response, while increases in the rate of trunk extension acceleration decreased both the mean and variance of the distributions of activity across all muscles considered. Increases in trunk asymmetry created a decrease in mean of the ipsi–lateral erector spinae and an increase in the mean of all other muscles considered, but there was little change in the variance of these distributions as a function of asymmetry.  相似文献   

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