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小相岭山系大熊猫廊道规划   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
廊道能有效地增加栖息地斑块间的大熊猫种群交流,降低种群灭绝的风险。小相岭山系是现存大熊猫种群数量最少的山系之一。通过MAXENT(Maximum Entropy)分析,发现小相岭山系存在7个相对隔离的栖息地斑块,栖息地破碎化严重。为了增加小相岭山系大熊猫种群交流,利用最小代价路径原理和电流理论,从保护管理角度出发,在该区域划定了9条连接大熊猫栖息地斑块的廊道。其中紫马-麻麻地廊道连接该区域面积最大、大熊猫痕迹点最多的两个栖息地斑块,生态意义重大,建议优先建设该廊道。此外,研究划定的多个廊道彼此邻近,甚至存在一定程度的重叠。将这些极其邻近或者重叠的廊道合并,并提出"廊道群"的概念。廊道群是两个或两个以上极其相邻的廊道构成的网状结构,廊道群作为景观上的网状结构,能同时连接多个栖息地斑块,更有效地增加多个栖息地斑块间的种群交流。由于农田的挤压,部分廊道难以达到大熊猫廊道的最低宽度需求(2230 m),制约了其生态效应的发挥,建议在以后的保护工作中探索农田区域的栖息地恢复方式。  相似文献   

基于MaxEnt模型的二郎山廊道大熊猫栖息地适宜性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于地理分布点和环境变量数据,利用MaxEnt模型(Maximum Entropy Modeling)对二郎山廊道大熊猫Ailuropoda melanoleuca栖息地适宜度进行综合评价:坡度、坡向和干扰距离的综合贡献值分别为53.00%、21.90%和18.00%,累积贡献率达92.90%,是影响该区域大熊猫分布的主要生态因子。使用自然断点法将大熊猫栖息地分为不适宜、潜在、适宜和最适宜栖息地4种类型:不适宜栖息地面积为168.45 km~2,占研究区域面积的39.02%;潜在栖息地面积为212.71 km~2,占研究区域面积的49.28%;适宜栖息地和最适宜栖息地面积分别为49.79 km~2和0.68 km~2,两者仅占研究区域面积的11.70%。建议在该廊道开展大熊猫栖息地人工修复项目,以增加该地大熊猫的适宜栖息地面积;同时尽可能减少人类活动对大熊猫栖息地的干扰,以便廊道在促进各种群之间的基因交流中更好地发挥作用。  相似文献   

龚明昊  欧阳志云  宋延龄 《生态学报》2014,34(19):5627-5634
根据道路选线工程成本思路提出了道路选线的"栖息地成本"的概念,以此量化道路对所穿越野生动物栖息地造成的影响。以椅子垭口大熊猫栖息地内的道路选线为例,基于保护生物学的栖息地评价结果计算出栖息地成本值;用地形因素代表道路工程成本,将栖息地成本与工程成本以不同权重组合代表环境因素在道路选线中的重要性、生成道路选线的综合成本,通过Arcgis的distance模块计算出9条穿越椅子垭口综合成本最小的路径,提出了道路优化的方案,供道路建设选线参考。通过野生动物栖息地对基于环境因素的道路选线方法进行了探索,使道路建设的环境保护需求在选线阶段就得到充分的考虑,对提高我国道路选线水平、道路建设和野生动物保护成效具有现实意义。  相似文献   

研究大熊猫种群空间利用的消长动态及其干扰因素对识别大熊猫潜在生境、保护大熊猫种群可持续增长具有重要的现实意义。本文收集了第三次和第四次秦岭大熊猫种群及栖息地调查数据,借助地理信息系统空间分析工具,对比分析了大熊猫种群的空间利用变化格局,并探究了道路干扰对大熊猫种群空间利用格局的影响。结果显示:(1)2000-2012年间,佛坪、长青核心密集区大熊猫种群空间利用密度西北方向增加,东南方向减少,即黄柏塬保护区呈增加趋势,而佛坪、观音山和周至保护区交界处呈减少趋势。其中,局部高密度区面积减少,但整体空间利用面积增大,并呈向外围扩散趋势。种群空间利用密度最大增长达3.05痕迹点/ km2,最大减小密度达2.71痕迹点/km2。(2)距国道、省道和县道2000 m以内种群空间利用密度增幅上升,距乡村道路2000 m外种群空间利用密度变化减小,且距高速公路3500 m大熊猫种群空间利用密度由减转增。深入探讨大熊猫种群空间利用格局可为建设优良栖息地和潜在栖息地提供参考,其结论将有助于优化道路选址和保护区规划,缓解人为活动和野生动物之间的冲突。  相似文献   

陈秋彤  刘骏杰  覃子浏  明霜  姬翔  杜钦 《生态学报》2021,41(24):9920-9931
廊道构建是减少栖息地破碎化负面影响的重要策略之一。目前,已经有许多模型用于动物廊道的选址,而"选址模型是否能准确预测动物迁移的实际发生位置"一直是保护生物学最为关注的问题。最小成本路径模型(LCP)和条件最小成本廊道模型(CMTC)是两种较为常用的廊道选址模型。以白头叶猴(Trachypithecus leucocephalus)为目标物种,分别运用LCP和CMTC模拟生成白头叶猴迁移廊道,将模拟结果与野外观测廊道进行对比,检验两种方法的准确性。结果表明:与野外观测实际廊道相比,LCP模型模拟结果的完全准确率为46.7%,部分准确率为20%,完全不准确率为33.3%;CMTC模型模拟结果的完全准确率为26.7%,其余73.3%为部分准确,无完全不准确的结果;总体上看,CMTC廊道的准确率较LCP高,因而CMTC模型模拟白头叶猴实际迁移廊道位置的准确性优于LCP模型。输入"源"要素类型、阻力面栅格尺度设定、栖息地土地利用类型变化以及动物迁移行为复杂性4个因素是影响该模拟结果准确性的主要原因。  相似文献   

鉴于野生大熊猫种群的濒危现状,已经不允许对其生境进行破坏性或干扰其行为活动较多的调查活动。例如,野生大熊猫个体数量稀少、其栖息地地形复杂或植被茂密,野外直接观察和调查野生大熊猫极为困难。自动感应照相系统是一种非损伤性野生动物调查工具,在很大程度上弥补了传统调查方法的不足,为野生动物的调查和研究提供了新的有效途径。本研究利用自行研究和开发的自动感应照相系统,获得了野生大熊猫及与其同域分布的其它物种的重要生态信息,显示了自动感应照相系统在物种鉴定、区系调查、个体识别、种群监测、性别确定和行为生态学研究等多方面的应用价值[动物学报51(3):495—500,2005]。  相似文献   

野生动物在长期的栖息地选择过程中,能判断其生境质量,而趋向于选择既能降低能量消耗,又能获得营养价值和能量净收益较高的有利生境。以往的研究多是从统计学方法或宏观尺度对大熊猫生境进行评价,很少考虑到野生动物自身生物学特性及生境选择过程中的空间利用特征。本研究结合家域模型与景观格局分析技术定量分析大熊猫实际空间利用格局的动态变化特征及其破碎化程度,进而反映不同时期大熊猫生境选择模式及栖息地生境适宜性的动态变化。结果表明:卧龙自然保护区大熊猫在对栖息地的实际利用过程中向更适宜的区域集中,使得高适宜等级区域面积有所增大;而边缘生境区域更容易受到自然灾害和人为因素的干扰,破碎化加剧,需要在保护工作中引起足够的重视。从大熊猫行为模式特征出发,在不同时空尺度上,评估大熊猫对生境选择的空间格局变化特征,丰富了野生动物栖息地适宜性评价的时空尺度选择,为更准确地制定保护区管理政策提供了有效的工具。  相似文献   

大熊猫是我国特有的珍稀濒危兽类, 是世界野生动物保护的代表物种。四川大熊猫栖息地位于地质活跃区, 地震及其次生灾对大熊猫栖息地植被的损毁和分割严重影响了野生大熊猫种群复壮进程。因此, 大熊猫栖息地地震后受损植被恢复是学术界关注的热点。自2008汶川特大地震之后, 学者们从栖息地植被覆盖、植被景观特征、植被群落组成结构和植被群落恢复构建等几个方面展开了大量研究。文章对这些研究进行了综述, 指出了现阶段研究存在的问题, 并对未来研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

滕扬  张沼  张书理  杨永昕  贺伟  王娜  张正一  鲍伟东 《生态学报》2022,42(14):5990-6000
构建生态廊道在缓解生境破碎化对生物多样性的影响、维持濒危物种的遗传多样性、维护自然生态系统结构完整与功能稳定方面具有重要作用。以内蒙古大兴安岭南段分布的马鹿(Cervus elaphus)种群为研究对象,利用MaxEnt模型对其生境适宜性进行分析,并利用最小累积阻力模型构建潜在生态扩散廊道,探讨大兴安岭南段区域隔离马鹿种群的栖息地连通方案。结果显示,马鹿栖息地呈破碎化状态,种群有明显的隔离分布趋势,现有适宜栖息地具有海拔较低(800—1200 m)、坡度较缓(<15°)、靠近水源、植被类型多为靠近山林的灌丛或草地等特点。所构建12条生态廊道具有经过河流浅水节段、远离村落等特点,便于落实栖息地生态恢复管理措施。研究从区域尺度综合分析了大兴安岭南段马鹿栖息地现状及连通性,有助于优化适宜栖息地格局,促进马鹿扩散和栖息地连通,为该物种隔离种群及其栖息地保护规划提供现实指导和基础资料。  相似文献   

小相岭山系大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)栖息地是所有大熊猫栖息地中破碎化问题最为严重的区域之一,而拖乌山廊道则是连接小相岭山系最大两个大熊猫局域种群的关键区域。为调查廊道及其周边人为干扰现状,2015~2016年,在廊道及其周边以阵列方式设置了102台红外相机,对人为干扰的时间和空间分布格局进行了调查。研究结果表明,廊道范围内人为干扰问题较为严重,其中放牧干扰占据绝对多数,共计记录到508次,占总干扰次数的89.7%。从干扰的季节分布看,人类直接干扰在7月和11月较多。放牧干扰中,黄牛(Bos primigenius taurus)在10月最多,牦牛(B.mutus)则在11月前后较多;放羊的干扰在4~7月份较弱,其余月份水平均较高;而放马干扰则集中在7~10月。从空间分布上看,干扰主要集中在廊道的西北部,其次是东北部。研究还发现,黄牛和羊(Caprinae)的干扰主要来自廊道所在县(石棉县),而牦牛和马(Equus caballus caballu)则主要来自邻县(冕宁县)。这提示我们,需要针对不同的干扰采取不同的措施,同时也说明廊道保护工作不能仅仅局限在廊道所在县,还需要与邻县联合开展工作。本研究表明,利用红外相机阵列监测人为干扰对保护地的保护管理工作有重要价值。  相似文献   



The practical value of the single‐species approach to conserve biodiversity could be minimal or negligible when sympatric species are limited by factors that are not relevant to the proposed umbrella species. In this study, we quantitatively evaluated as follows: (1) habitat suitability and potential movement corridors of a single umbrella species, giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca); (2) habitat suitability of sympatric mammals; and (3) the potential effectiveness of the single‐species corridor planning to preserve suitable habitat and its connectivity of other focal species.


Qinling Mountains, central part of China (15,000 km2).


We collected species distribution, environmental and anthropogenic data and conducted species occupancy modelling for giant panda and six other sympatric species (i.e., takin Budorcas taxicolor, tufted deer Elaphodus cephalophus, Chinese goral Naemorhedus griseus, Reeve's muntjac Muntiacus reevesi, leopard cat Prionailurus bengalensis and yellow‐throated marten Martes flavigula). We then conducted circuit models to identify potential corridors for each species and evaluated the effectiveness of giant panda corridors to restore the habitat connectivity for these sympatric mammals.


Occupancy modelling revealed that each species had a unique set of environmental variables associated with its distribution in the Qinling Mountains. We found that giant panda and all other focal species had some degree of fragmentation to their suitable habitat that required restoring habitat connectivity. Among the eight potential giant panda corridors, conservation efforts to reduce anthropogenic impacts would significantly improve the effectiveness of six corridors, while the other two corridors would require altering the vegetation. Five proposed giant panda corridors had remarkable overlap with corridors proposed for other species. We suggest two giant panda corridors as a priority due to their potential to maximize the benefits to both giant panda and a broader suite of mammals.

Main conclusions

Corridor planning in this region of China will likely continue using the single‐species policy, but our results highlight that not all potential giant panda corridors have equal effectiveness for other wildlife species. When offered multiple alternative actions, conservation planners can prioritize corridor development based on a multispecies perspective without loss of connectivity for the priority species. This approach has strong implications to the conservation of wildlife communities in China, and elsewhere, where conservation plans developed for a single‐species garner most available funding and institutional support.

The establishment of corridors can offset the negative effects of habitat fragmentation by connecting isolated habitat patches. However, the practical value of corridor planning is minimal if corridor identification is not based on reliable quantitative information about species-environment relationships. An example of this need for quantitative information is planning for giant panda conservation. Although the species has been the focus of intense conservation efforts for decades, most corridor projects remain hypothetical due to the lack of reliable quantitative researches at an appropriate spatial scale. In this paper, we evaluated a framework for giant panda forest corridor planning. We linked our field survey data with satellite imagery, and conducted species occupancy modelling to examine the habitat use of giant panda within the potential corridor area. We then conducted least-cost and circuit models to identify potential paths of dispersal across the landscape, and compared the predicted cost under current conditions and alternative conservation management options considered during corridor planning. We found that due to giant panda''s association with areas of low elevation and flat terrain, human infrastructures in the same area have resulted in corridor fragmentation. We then identified areas with high potential to function as movement corridors, and our analysis of alternative conservation scenarios showed that both forest/bamboo restoration and automobile tunnel construction would significantly improve the effectiveness of corridor, while residence relocation would not significantly improve corridor effectiveness in comparison with the current condition. The framework has general value in any conservation activities that anticipate improving habitat connectivity in human modified landscapes. Specifically, our study suggested that, in this landscape, automobile tunnels are the best means to remove current barriers to giant panda movements caused by anthropogenic interferences.  相似文献   

动物通道是缓解高速公路对其周边野生动物生境隔离的有效措施,通道的位置是影响其使用效率的关键因素,然而现有研究对通道的选址却甚少涉及。以武深高速为例,推荐一种基于物种运动路径识别的通道选址方法,选取影响动物生境选择的环境因子构建评价体系,借助GIS手段对公路周边野生动物生境适宜性进行分析,在此基础上借鉴水文分析原理快速准确地刻画出物种在生境中的潜在活动路径,从而确定了5处高速公路上建设动物通道的理想位置。结果表明,该方法能定量地反映出生境的质量格局对于物种运动的影响,准确定位出物种运动受到阻碍的关键区域,在景观层次上,提出的通道位置能有效地缓解栖息地破碎化造成的生态压力;研究不但能弥补目前研究的不足,同时亦为道路网设计、城市生态规划等相关领域研究提供科学参考。  相似文献   

Habitat loss and fragmentation are widely acknowledged as the main driver of the decline of giant panda populations. The Chinese government has made great efforts to protect this charming species and has made remarkable achievements, such as population growth and habitat expansion. However, habitat fragmentation has not been reversed. Protecting giant pandas in a large spatial extent needs to identify core habitat patches and corridors connecting them. This study used an equal‐sampling multiscale random forest habitat model to predict a habitat suitability map for the giant panda. Then, we applied the resistant kernel method and factorial least‐cost path analysis to identify core habitats connected by panda dispersal and corridors among panda occurrences, respectively. Finally, we evaluated the effectiveness of current protected areas in representing core habitats and corridors. Our results showed high scale dependence of giant panda habitat selection. Giant pandas strongly respond to bamboo percentage and elevation at a relatively fine scale (1 km), whereas they respond to anthropogenic factors at a coarse scale (≥2 km). Dispersal ability has significant effects on core habitats extent and population fragmentation evaluation. Under medium and high dispersal ability scenarios (12,000 and 20,000 cost units), most giant panda habitats in the Qionglai mountain are predicted to be well connected by dispersal. The proportion of core habitats covered by protected areas varied between 38% and 43% under different dispersal ability scenarios, highlighting significant gaps in the protected area network. Similarly, only 43% of corridors that connect giant panda occurrences were protected. Our results can provide crucial information for conservation managers to develop wise strategies to safeguard the long‐term viability of the giant panda population.  相似文献   

Compared to conventional approaches, the integration of population size analysis with habitat suitability assessment on a large scale can provide more evidence to explain the mechanisms of habitat isolation and fragmentation, and thus make regional conservation plans. In this paper, we analyzed the habitat suitability for giant pandas in the Minshan Mountains, China, using the ecological-niche factor analysis (ENFA) method, and then evaluated the current conservation status of this endangered species. The results showed that (1) giant pandas were distributed in a narrow altitudinal range in which vegetation cover was dominated by coniferous forest, mixed coniferous and deciduous broadleaf forest, and deciduous broadleaf forest with scattered bamboo understory, and (2) roads and human settlements had strong negative effects on the panda habitat selection. According to habitat analysis, the total habitat area of giant panda in the Minshan Mountains was 953,173 ha, which was fragmented into 12 habitat units by major roads, rivers, and human settlements. The habitat of the mid-Minshan was less fragmentized, but was seriously fragmented in the north. The panda population size estimation showed that 676 individuals inhabited the study area, and 94.53% of them were in the mid-Minshan, but small panda populations less than 30 individuals inhabited the isolated and fragmented habitat patches in the north. The nature reserves in the Minshan Mountains have formed three conservation groups, which covered 41.26% of panda habitat and protected 70.71% of panda population of the study area, but there still exists two conservation gaps, and the connectivity among these reserves is still weak. Due to habitat isolation and extensive human disturbances, giant pandas in the north (i.e., Diebu, Zhouqu, and Wudou) are facing threats of local extinction. In order to protect pandas and their habitats in this area, some effective conservation approaches, such as establishing new reserves in gap areas, creating corridors among patches, and seasonally controlling traffic flux in key roads, should be implemented in the future to link these isolated habitats together.  相似文献   

东北虎(Panthera tigris altaica)是现存5个虎亚种中体型最大者,其作为全球生物多样性保护的旗舰物种,在维持健康生态系统功能中占据不可替代的重要地位。近几十年来,由于东北虎栖息地受到人类活动强烈干扰,致使栖息地破碎化,主要栖息地孤立分布,呈现岛状,天然生态廊道消失殆尽,东北虎的保护面临巨大挑战。因此,确定东北虎关键栖息地,构建与恢复东北虎栖息地之间的生态廊道十分必要。本研究运用专家模型结合东北虎栖息地选择规律和栖息地特征,综合分析植被类型、国家级与省级自然保护区分布、地形因子以及人为干扰因子共7个主要影响因子;通过层次分析法(AHP)获得各影响因子的相对权重值,运用加权线性方程获得了东北虎潜在适宜栖息地,并确定了东北虎核心分布区以及分布区间的综合代价值。通过廊道设计模型(Linkage mapper)得到东北虎核心栖息地间的潜在生态廊道。结果得到了21条东北虎潜在生态廊道,对打通国内零星分布区,特别是张广才岭-完达山-老爷岭之间的迁移通道、扩大东北虎生存空间具有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation has major negative impacts on wildlife populations, and the connectivity could reduce these negative impacts. This study was conducted to assess habitat suitability and structural connectivity of the Persian leopard along the Iran–Iraq border (i.e., the Zagros Mountains) and compare the situation of identified core habitats and connectivity with existing conservation areas (CAs). An ensemble modeling approach resulting from five models was used to predict habitat suitability. To identify core habitats and corridors along the Iran–Iraq border, factorial least‐cost path analyses were applied. The results revealed that topographic roughness, distance to CAs, annual precipitation, vegetation/cropland density, and distance to rivers were the most influential variables for predicting the occurrence of the Persian leopard in the study area. By an estimated dispersal distance of 82 km (suggested by previous studies), three core habitats were identified (two cores in Iran and one core in Iraq). The largest cores were located in the south and the center of the study area, which had the highest connectivity priorities. The connectivity from these cores was maintained to the core within the Iraqi side. Only about one‐fifth of detected core habitats and relative corridors were protected by CAs in the study area. Detected core habitats and connectivity areas in this study could be an appropriate road map to accomplish the CAs network along the Iran–Iraq border regarding Persian leopard conservation. Establishing transboundary CAs, particularly in the core habitat located in the center of the study area, is strongly recommended to conserve existing large carnivores, including the Persian leopard.  相似文献   

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