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1. Lake Titicaca is a large, high altitude (3810 m a.s.l.) tropical lake (16°S, 68°W) that lies on the border of Bolivia and Perú, receiving high fluxes of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) throughout the year. Our studies were conducted during September of 1997 with the main objective of studying the impact of solar UVR upon phytoplankton photosynthesis.
2. Water samples were taken daily and incubated in situ (down to 14 m depth) under three radiation treatments to study the relative responses to PAR (Photosynthetic Available Radiation, 400–700 nm), UV-A (320–400 nm), and UV-B (280–320 nm) radiation.
3. Photosynthetic inhibition by UVR in surface waters was about 80%, with UV-A accounting for 60% and UV-B for 20%; the inhibition by high levels of PAR was less than 20%. The inhibition due to UVR decreased with depth so that there were no significant differences between treatments at 8.5 m depth.
4. The amount of inhibition per unit energy received by phytoplankton indicates that even though there was a significant inhibition of photosynthesis due to UVR, species in Lake Titicaca seem to be better adapted than species in high latitude environments.
5. The cellular concentration of UV-absorbing compounds, a possible mechanism of photoadaptation, was low in phytoplanktonic species. However, they were abundant in zooplankton, suggesting a high rate of bioaccumulation through the diet.  相似文献   

Emiliania huxleyi (Lohm.) Hay et Miller is an important component of the phytoplankton in open ocean waters. The sensitivity of this cosmopolitan alga to natural levels of UVB radiation has never been tested. Since DNA is believed to be a major target of natural UVB radiation (UVBR: 280–315 nm) in living cells, experiments with E. huxleyi were performed using growth rate reduction and DNA damage as indicators of UVBR stress. Specific growth rate, cell volume, pigment content, and CPD (cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer) formation (a measure for DNA damage) were followed during and after prolonged exposure of a series of cultures to a range of UVBR levels. E. huxleyi was found to be very sensitive to UVBR: at a daily weighted UVBR dose of only 400 J·m−2 ·d−1 (BEDDNA300nm), growth was halted. At this UVBR level, both cell volume and contents of the major photosynthetic and photoprotective pigments had increased. The UVBR vulnerability of E. huxleyi cannot be explained by a high potential for cyclobutane thymine dimer formation (the most abundant CPD type) due to a high T content of nuclear DNA: the CG content of this E. huxleyi strain is high (68%) compared with other species. The high UVBR sensitivity may be related to the stage of the cell cycle during UVBR exposure, in combination with low repair capacity. It is concluded that E. huxleyi may experience UVBR stress through the formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers, with subsequent low repair capacity and thereby arrest of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

To study the effect of different radiation conditions on sporogenesis of Laminaria digitata (Huds.) J. V. Lamour., excised disks were induced to form sporangia under PAR (P), PAR + ultraviolet‐A (UVA) (PA), and PAR + UVA + ultraviolet‐B (UVB) (PAB) conditions in the laboratory. Vitality of meiospores, released from sori induced under different radiation conditions in the laboratory and from sori of wild sporophytes acclimated to in situ solar radiation in the presence and absence of ultraviolet radiation (UVR), was measured in terms of their germination capacity. Sorus induction in disks of laboratory‐grown sporophytes was not hampered under light supplemented with UVR, and sorus area was not significantly different among P, PA, and PAB. Vitality and germination rate of meiospores released from sori induced under different radiation treatments was comparable. Likewise, screening of UVR of the natural solar radiation did not promote higher germination rates of meiospores released from wild sporophytes. Germination rates were, however, higher in meiospores released from laboratory‐induced sori compared to sori of wild sporophytes. Higher DNA damage (formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers, CPDs) was observed in laboratory‐grown nonsorus compared to sorus tissue, while CPDs were nondetectable in both sorus and nonsorus tissue of wild sporophytes. To explain the apparent protection of developing meiospores and the unexpected UV resistance of soral tissue, concurrent anatomical investigations of sporogenic tissue were performed. We observed the previously unreported existence of two types of sterile paraphysis cells. One type of paraphysis cells, the most frequent type, contained several red‐fluorescing plastids. The other type, less frequently occurring, was completely filled with substances emitting blue fluorescence under violet excitation, presumably brown algal phenolic compounds (phlorotannins). Cells of this type were irregularly scattered within the sorus and did not contain red‐fluorescing plastids. Meiospore‐containing sporangia were positioned embedded between both types of paraphysis cells. In vegetative tissue, blue autofluorescence was observed only in injured parts of the blade. Results of our study suggest that the sorus structure with phlorotannins localized in the specialized paraphysis cells may be able to screen harmful UVR and protect UV‐sensitive meiospores inside the sporangia.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet radiation has provided an evolutionary challenge to life on Earth. Recent increases in surficial ultraviolet B fluxes have focused attention on the role of UV radiation in protistan ecology, cancer, and DNA damage. Exploiting this new wealth of data, I examine the possibility that ultraviolet radiation may have played a significant role in the evolution of the first eukaryotes, that is, protists. Protists probably arose well before the formation of a significant ozone shield, and thus were probably subjected to substantial ultraviolet A, ultraviolet B, and ultraviolet C fluxes early in their evolution. Evolution consists of the generation of heritable variations and the subsequent selection of these variants. Ultraviolet radiation has played a role both as a mutagen and as a selective agent. In its role as a mutagen, it may have been crucial in the origin of sex and as a driver of molecular evolution. As a selective agent, its influence has been broad. Discussed in this paper are the influence of ultraviolet radiation on biogeography, photosynthesis, and desiccation resistance.  相似文献   

The effect of reduced, natural ambient, and enhanced UV-B radiation (UVBR) on photosynthesis and DNA damage in the Antarctic terrestrial alga Prasiola crispa ssp. antarctica (Kützing) Knebel was investigated in two field experiments. Samples of P. crispa were collected underneath snow cover and exposed outside to reduced and natural UVBR in the austral spring. In a second experiment at the end of the austral summer, samples were exposed to ambient and enhanced UVBR. PSII efficiency, net photosynthetic rate (NP), dark respiration rate (DR), UV-absorbing pigments, and cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimer (CPD) formation were measured during the experiments. In October 1998, a spring midday maximum of 2.0 W·m 2 of UVBR did not significantly affect effective quantum yield (ΔF/Fm′), and a reduction in the ratio of variable to maximal fluorescence (Fv/Fm) in the late afternoon was transient. Exposure to natural ambient UVBR in October increased CPD values significantly. Midday maxima of UVBR during the experiments in October and January were comparable, but Setlow-DNA-weighted UVBR was more than 50% lower in January than in October. In January, 0.5 W·m 2 additional UVBR during 10 h did not have a negative effect on ΔF/Fm′. The reduction in Fv/Fm was not significant. NP and DR were not affected by supplementation of UVBR. Although photosynthetic activity remained largely unaffected by UVBR treatment, DNA damage was shown to be a sensitive parameter to monitor UVBR effects. Supplementation of additional UVBR did significantly enhance the amounts of CPD in exposed samples and repair took place overnight. It is concluded that PSII and whole-chain photosynthesis of P. crispa is well adapted to ambient and enhanced levels of UVBR but that CPD formation is more sensitive to UVBR than to photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Malignant transformation of melanocytes leads to melanoma, the most fatal form of skin cancer. Ultraviolet radiation (UVR)‐induced DNA photoproducts play an important role in melanomagenesis. Cutaneous melanin content represents a major photoprotective mechanism against UVR‐induced DNA damage, and generally correlates inversely with the risk of skin cancer, including melanoma. Melanoma risk is also determined by susceptibility genes, one of which is the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene. Certain MC1R alleles are strongly associated with melanoma. We hereby present experimental evidence for the role of two melanoma risk factors, constitutive pigmentation, as assessed by total melanin, eumelanin and pheomelanin contents, and MC1R genotype and function, in determining the induction and repair of DNA photoproducts in cultured human melanocytes after irradiation with increasing doses of UVR. We found that total melanin and eumelanin contents (MC and EC) correlated inversely with the extent of UVR‐induced growth arrest, apoptosis and induction of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPD), but not with hydrogen peroxide release in melanocytes expressing functional MC1R. In comparison, melanocytes with loss‐of‐function MC1R, regardless of their MC or EC, sustained more UVR‐induced apoptosis and CPD, and exhibited reduced CPD repair. Therefore, MC, mainly EC, and MC1R function are independent determinants of UVR‐induced DNA damage in melanocytes.  相似文献   

Exposure of cells to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is one of the best studied and most used model system for the examination of the biological effects of DNA damage, its repair and tolerance. The major product after UVR treatment is cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (TT, TC, CC). Pyrimidine dimers are repaired by a direct reversal called photoreactivation or by excision of damage in a process of nucleotide excision repair. Several methods have been developed for the detection and quantification of pyrimidine dimers in DNA. The technique of Small and Greimann, in which DNA is incubated with the pyrimidine dimer-specific endonuclease, was used for the analysis of mutant strains with impaired excision repair system of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Another method is based on the binding of specific monoclonal antibodies to pyrimidine dimers. The aim of our work was to compare these two techniques with the use of mutant strains of C. reinhardtii — uvsX1 and uvsX2 which are assumed to be deficient in DNA damage recognition. One of their traits was sensitivity to UVR which could be caused by breakdown of the excision repair pathway. The results suggest that the immuno-approach is suitable for the detection of DNA damage induced by UVR. Presented at the International Symposium Biology and Taxonomy of Green Algae V, Smolenice, June 26–29, 2007, Slovakia.  相似文献   

The effect of ultraviolet radiation on diel changes and depth profiles of phytoplankton photosynthesis was studied in four temperate freshwater lakes. Photosynthetic oxygen production was determined by incubating lake water in light and dark bottles under various weather conditions. Half the light bottles were wrapped with sheets of vinyl chloride film to exclude light with wavelengths shorter than 400 nm. The inhibition of photosynthesis due to UV-A (320–400 nm) was observed during most of the daytime and was very strong around noon on both sunny and cloudy days. On sunny days, when the surface waters of the highly eutrophic Lake Suwa and Senzoku Pond were dominated by denseMicrocystis populations, cumulative daily production at the surface, estimated from the incubation of bottles from which UV-A was excluded by the vinyl film, were about double the rates obtained from glass bottles in which UV-A was present. The UV-A inhibition was detected from the surface toca 20 cm depth in hypereutrophic lakes and at depths greater than 50 cm in mesotrophic lakes. Analysis of the photosynthesis-irradiance (P-I) relationship obtained in the present study shows β, a parameter that describes photo-inhibition, is higher in the presence of UV-A than in its absence. This indicates that UV-A is the major cause of photo-inhibition of phytoplankton photosynthesis.  相似文献   

The response of the bipolar moss Sanionia uncinata (Hedw.) Loeske to ambient and enhanced UV‐B radiation was investigated at an Antarctic (Léonie Island, 67°35′ S, 68°20′ W) and an Arctic (Ny‐Alesund, 78°55′ N, 11°56′ E) site, which differed in ambient UV‐B radiation (UV‐BR: 280–320 nm) levels. The UV‐BR effects on DNA damage and photosynthesis were investigated in two types of outdoor experiments. First of all, sections of turf of S. uncinata were collected in an Arctic and Antarctic field site and exposed outdoors to ambient and enhanced UV‐BR for 2 d using UV‐B Mini‐lamps. During these experiments, chlorophyll a fluorescence, chlorophyll concentration and cyclobutyl pyrimidine dimer (CPD) formation were measured. Secondly, at the Antarctic site, a long‐term filter experiment was conducted to study the effect of ambient UV‐BR on growth and biomass production. Additionally, sections of moss turf collected at both the Antarctic and the Arctic site were exposed to UV‐BR in a growth chamber to study induction and repair of CPDs under controlled conditions. At the Antarctic site, a summer midday maximum of 2·1 W m?2 of UV‐BR did not significantly affect effective quantum yield (ΔF/Fm′) and the ratio of variable to maximal fluorescence (Fv/Fm). The same was found for samples of S. uncinata exposed at the Arctic site, where summer midday maxima of UV‐BR were about 50% lower than at the Antarctic site. Exposure to natural UV‐BR in summer did not increase CPD values significantly at both sites. Although the photosynthetic activity remained largely unaffected by UV‐B enhancement, DNA damage clearly increased as a result of UV‐B enhancement at both sites. However, DNA damage induced during the day by UV‐B enhancement was repaired overnight at both sites. Results from the long‐term filter experiment at the Antarctic site indicated that branching of S. uncinata was reduced by reduction of ambient summer levels of UV‐BR, whereas biomass production was not affected. Exposure of specimens collected from both sites to UV‐BR in a growth chamber indicated that Antarctic and Arctic S. uncinata did not differ in UV‐BR‐induced DNA damage. It was concluded that S. uncinata from both the Antarctic and the Arctic site is well adapted to ambient levels of UV‐BR.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were used in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect the induction and removal of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) and (6-4) photoproducts in DNA isolated from ultraviolet B (UV-B)-exposed primary wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Chinese Spring) leaf tissue. The accumulation of lesions in the primary leaves of 6-d-old wheat seedlings was followed during the exposure of the leaf to an approximate dose of 3.6×10?1 W m?2 UV-B (Caldwell weighting). Significant increases in the levels of both CPDs and (6-4) photoproducts were detected in wheat leaves exposed to UV-B in the absence of other light However, only an increase in (6-4) photoproduct levels could be measured in wheat leaves exposed to the same UV-B source in the presence of supplemental white light. The removal of CPD antibody binding sites in the DNA after irradiation was rapid under conditions of high light intensity in contrast to the removal of (6-4) photoproduct antibody binding sites, which was significantly slower. The removal of CPDs appeared to be light dependent, this rate of removal decreasing with decreasing light fluences. The removal of (6-4) photoproducts also appeared light dependent, but to a lesser extent than the removal of CPDs, under the conditions studied here. Gene expression in the primary wheat leaf was measured and showed an up-regulation of chalcone synthase expression and a reduction in expression of chlorophyll a/b-binding protein (cab) in response to supplementary UV-B. No effect was seen on the expression of the other photosynthetic genes studied (the genes coding for the enzymes sedoheptu-lose 1,7-bisphosphatase and fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase). Measurement of the levels of DNA lesions in this same tissue showed that the observed changes in gene expression accompanied the appearance of UV-B induced lesions in the form of (6-4) photoproducts in the wheat leaf genome.  相似文献   

Late Quaternary palaeohydrology of Lake Huinaymarca (Bolivia)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In lake Titicaca, the distribution of the modern ostracod fauna appears to be controlled by a combination of two factors: a) the equilibrium between carbonates and organic matter, b) the ionic composition of the lake water and its tributaries. Therefore, the Limnocythere-Pampacythere group generally predominates on an alkaline-carbonate lake floor. In parts of the lake receiving an NaCl input from tributaries, Cyprideis and Cyprinotus occur. These are generally absent elsewhere. The Candonopsis group is found in the deepest part of the lake.Analysis of ostracod assemblages recovered from a number of cores permitted the reconstruction of the hydrological evolution of lake Huinaymarca for the last 10000 years. This included: low water levels, variations of oxygenation related to the position of the thermocline, and interconnections between different basins of the lake.  相似文献   

Pseudopedinella pyriforme Carter displays a second non-emergent flagellum and vestigial anterior tentacles. The trailing rhizopodium is without supporting microtubules, and seemingly arises from a posterior vesicle apparently associated with the Golgi apparatus. Stalked pyrenoids, so far unreported for any other member of the Chrysophyceae, are demonstrated. The structure of P. pyriforme is compared with members of the Chrysophyceae and Craspedamonadales and its taxonomic position is discussed.  相似文献   

Two hundred twenty-two nanometres ultraviolet (UV) light produced by a krypton–chlorine excimer lamp is harmful to bacterial cells but not skin. However, the effects of 222-nm UV light exposure to the eye are not fully known. We evaluated acute corneal damage induced by 222- and 254-nm UV light in albino rats. Under deep anaesthesia, 6-week-old Sprague–Dawley albino rats were exposed to UV light. The exposure levels of corneal radiation were 30, 150, and 600?mJ/cm2. Epithelial defects were detected by staining with fluorescein. Superficial punctate keratitis developed in corneas exposed to more than 150?mJ/cm2 of UV light, and erosion was observed in corneas exposed to 600?mJ/cm2 of UV light. Haematoxylin and eosin staining also showed corneal epithelial defects in eyes exposed to 254-nm UV light. However, no damage developed in corneas exposed to 222-nm UV light. Cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer-positive cells were observed only in normal corneas and those exposed to 254-nm UV light. Although some epithelial cells were stained weakly in normal corneas, squamous epithelial cells were stained moderately, and the epithelial layer that was detached from the cornea exposed to 600?mJ/cm2 of light was stained intensely in corneas exposed to 254-nm UV light. In the current study, no corneal damage was induced by 222-nm UV light, which suggested that 222-nm UV light may not harm rat eyes within the energy range and may be useful for sterilising or preventing infection in the future.  相似文献   

Growth of a near‐isogenic line (NIL) for the purple leaf gene Pl of rice with a genetic background of Taichung 65 (T‐65) rice was significantly retarded by supplementary ultraviolet‐B radiation (UV‐B), despite the fact that the amounts of UV‐absorbing compounds and anthocyanins in NIL were significantly higher than those in T‐65. In order to understand the role of flavonoids in UV‐B induced damage protection in T‐65 and the NIL, both the (1) relationships between changes in the steady state of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (CPD) levels and changes in accumulation of anthocyanins and UV‐absorbing compounds in leaves with leaf age, and (2) the susceptibility to CPD induction by UV‐B radiation and the ability to photorepair CPD were examined. Although supplementary UV‐B elevated the steady state of CPD levels in leaves in both strains, the level in the leaf of the NIL was higher than that in T‐65 at any time. The susceptibility to CPD induction by short‐term (challenge) UV‐B exposure was lower in the NIL than in T‐65. On the other hand, the CPD photorepair was also lower in the leaves of the NIL than in those of T‐65. The decrease in CPD‐photorepair in the NIL was due to a lowering of the leaf‐penetrating blue/UV‐A radiation, which is effective for photoreactivation by photolyase, by anthocyanins. Thus, accumulation of anthocyanins and UV‐absorbing compounds did not effectively function as screening against damage caused by elevated UV‐B radiation in the NIL, and the retardation of growth in the NIL resulted from its lower ability to photorepair CPD by higher amounts of anthocyanins.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of UV B radiation on14C-uptake rates and carbon assimilation into the major end-products of photosynthesis of the green algaScenedesmus in the presence and absence of the triazine herbicide simetryn. Experiments were conducted using both a herbicide-susceptible and herbicide-tolerant strains ofScenedesmus. Three different UV-B dose rates were used as well as a light control. The lowest dose rate was almost the same level as in subsurface of ponds and lakes, while the other two were slightly lower and higher than natural sunlight on the surface of ponds and lakes, respectively. Total uptake rates of14C were not reduced by the UV B irradiation alone even at the highest dose rate. However, in the presence of the herbicide, uptake rates were clearly reduced by the highest dose rate of UV-B concomitant with increasing herbicide concentrations in the herbicide-susceptible strain. On the other hand, the proportion of lipid fraction was slightly reduced by all the UV-B treatments in the herbicide-susceptible strain even in the absence of the herbicide. In the herbicide-tolerant strain, uptake rates were not affected by UV-B radiation or by the herbicide. These facts indicated that UV-B effects could be smaller than predicted. It may be important to examine combined effects of UV-B and other anthropogenic and/or natural stresses for assessing actual UV-B effects in the field.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of different life stages of the eulittoral green alga Urospora penicilliformis (Roth) Aresch. to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) was examined in the laboratory. Gametophytic filaments and propagules (zoospores and gametes) released from filaments were separately exposed to different fluence of radiation treatments consisting of PAR (P = 400–700 nm), PAR + ultraviolet A (UVA) (PA, UVA = 320–400 nm), and PAR + UVA + ultraviolet B (UVB) (PAB, UVB = 280–320 nm). Photophysiological indices (ETRmax, Ek, and α) derived from rapid light curves were measured in controls, while photosynthetic efficiency and amount of DNA lesions in terms of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) were measured after exposure to radiation treatments and after recovery in low PAR; pigments of propagules were quantified after exposure treatment only. The photosynthetic conversion efficiency (α) and photosynthetic capacity (rETRmax) were higher in gametophytes compared with the propagules. The propagules were slightly more sensitive to UVB‐induced DNA damage; however, both life stages of the eulittoral inhabiting turf alga were not severely affected by the negative impacts of UVR. Exposure to a maximum of 8 h UVR caused mild effects on the photochemical efficiency of PSII and induced minimal DNA lesions in both the gametophytes and propagules. Pigment concentrations were not significantly different between PAR‐exposed and PAR + UVR–exposed propagules. Our data showed that U. penicilliformis from the Antarctic is rather insensitive to the applied UVR. This amphi‐equatorial species possesses different protective mechanisms that can cope with high UVR in cold‐temperate waters of both hemispheres and in polar regions under conditions of increasing UVR as a consequence of further reduction of stratospheric ozone.  相似文献   

Human DNA polymerase δ (Pol δ) is involved in various DNA damage responses in addition to its central role in DNA replication. The Pol δ4 holoenzyme consists of four subunits, p125, p50, p68 and p12. It has been established that the p12 subunit is rapidly degraded in response to DNA damage by UV leading to the in vivo conversion of Pol δ4 to Pol δ3, a trimeric form lacking the p12 subunit. We provide the first analysis of the time-dependent recruitment of the individual Pol δ subunits to sites of DNA damage produced by UV irradiation through 5 μm polycarbonate filters by immunofluorescence microscopy and laser scanning cytometry (LSC). Quantitative analysis demonstrates that the recruitments of the three large subunits was near complete by 2 h and did not change significantly up to 4 h after UV exposure. However, the recruitment of p12 was incomplete even at 4 h, with about 70% of the Pol δ lacking the p12 subunit. ChIP analysis of Pol δ after global UV irradiation further demonstrates that only p125, p50 and p68 were present. Thus, Pol δ3 is the predominant form of Pol δ at sites of UV damage as a result of p12 degradation. Using LSC, we have further confirmed that Pol δ was recruited to CPD damage sites in all phases of the cell cycle. Collectively, our results show that Pol δ at the DNA damage site is the Pol δ trimer lacking p12 regardless of the cell cycle phase.  相似文献   

The photo‐induced formation of cis‐syn‐cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPD) is a highly mutagenic and cancerogenic DNA lesion. In bacteria photolyases can efficiently reverse the dimer formation employing a light‐driven reaction after looping out the CPD damaged bases into the enzyme active site. The exact mechanism how the repair enzyme identifies a damaged site within a large surplus of undamaged DNA is not fully understood. The CPD damage may alter the DNA structure and dynamics already in the absence of the repair enzyme which can facilitate the initial binding of a photolyase repair enzyme. To characterize the effect of a CPD damage, extensive comparative molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on duplex DNA with central regular or CPD damaged nucleotides were performed supplemented with simulations of the DNA‐photolyase complex. Although no spontaneous flipping out transitions of the damaged bases were observed, the simulations showed significant differences in the conformational states of regular and CPD damage DNA. The isolated damaged DNA adopted transient conformations which resembled the global shape of the repair enzyme bound conformation more closely compared to regular B‐DNA. In particular, these conformational changes were observed in most of helical and structural parameters where the protein bound DNA differs drastically from regular B‐DNA. It is likely that the transient overlap of isolated DNA with the enzyme bound DNA conformation plays a decisive role for the specific and rapid initial recognition by the repair enzyme prior to the looping out process of the damaged DNA. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 103: 215–222, 2015.  相似文献   

Plants use sunlight as energy for photosynthesis; however, plant DNA is exposed to the harmful effects of ultraviolet‐B (UV‐B) radiation (280–320 nm) in the process. UV‐B radiation damages nuclear, chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA by the formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs), which are the primary UV‐B‐induced DNA lesions, and are a principal cause of UV‐B‐induced growth inhibition in plants. Repair of CPDs is therefore essential for plant survival while exposed to UV‐B‐containing sunlight. Nuclear repair of the UV‐B‐induced CPDs involves the photoreversal of CPDs, photoreactivation, which is mediated by CPD photolyase that monomerizes the CPDs in DNA by using the energy of near‐UV and visible light (300–500 nm). To date, the CPD repair processes in plant chloroplasts and mitochondria remain poorly understood. Here, we report the photoreactivation of CPDs in chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA in rice. Biochemical and subcellular localization analyses using rice strains with different levels of CPD photolyase activity and transgenic rice strains showed that full‐length CPD photolyase is encoded by a single gene, not a splice variant, and is expressed and targeted not only to nuclei but also to chloroplasts and mitochondria. The results indicate that rice may have evolved a CPD photolyase that functions in chloroplasts, mitochondria and nuclei, and that contains DNA to protect cells from the harmful effects of UV‐B radiation.  相似文献   

With a reduced stratospheric ozone concentration, the generation of UV-tolerant plants may be of particular importance. Among different crop plants there is large variation in sensitivity to UV-B radiation. This study was undertaken to investigate the possibilities of using somaclonal variation and selection in vitro for improving UV-B tolerance in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.). Sugar beet callus was exposed to UV radiation (280–320 nm, 0.863–5.28 kJ m-2 day-1, unweighted) and resultant shoots were selected from surviving cells. After establishment of the plants, they were grown under either visible radiation (114 μmol m-2 s-1 PAR) or with the addition of UV radiation (6.3 kJ m-2 day-1 biologically effective UV-B). Screening of regenerants in vivo for tolerance to UV radiation was undertaken 10 months after termination of the UV selection pressure. Screening was done visually and by using a number of physiological parameters, including chlorophyll fluorescence induction, ultraweak luminescence, pigment analysis and total content of UV-screening pigments. A clear difference between the unselected and the UV-selected somaclones was observed when visually studying the UV damage and other leaf injury. The observations were supported by the ultraweak luminescence measurements. Unselected plants showed significantly greater damage when subjected to subsequent UV radiation as compared to the selected plants. The clones subjected to UV selection pressure displayed a significantly higher concentration of UV-screening pigments under subsequent UV radiation. The unselected plants under subsequent UV treatment showed a lower carotenoid concentration when compared to selected plants. However, no significant difference between treatments was found for chlorophyll a/b, or F/Fmax, a measure of photosynthetic quantum yield.  相似文献   

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