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Capsule Declining farmland species were more abundant in these crops which can be matched to the birds' requirements.

Aims To assess the use of seed-bearing crop by a range of bird species in winter.

Methods The study was carried out over three winters at a site in County Durham (England). Eleven bird species were represented, five of which are nationally targeted for conservation action.

Results Bird abundance was significantly higher where wild bird cover crops were present. Kale Brassica napus and Quinoa Chenopodium quinoa were the most used crop species, although cereals and linseed were also used.

Conclusion Simple crop mixtures can be designed to meet the needs of farmland bird communities. Our results suggest that seed production may be limited within government agri-environment schemes by restrictions on fertilizer use. The agronomy of seed-bearing crops for birds requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Conservation concern about granivorous birds has led to the implication of changing agricultural practices as causes of widespread population decline. We investigate relationships between breeding performance and the agricultural environment for ten granivorous farmland bird species (Stock Dove Columba oenas, Skylark Alauda arvensis, Tree Sparrow Passer montanus, Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs, Greenfinch Carduelis chloris, Linnet C. cannabina, Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula, Reed Bunting Emberiza schoeniclus, Yellowhammer E. citrinella and Corn Bunting Miliaria calandra). We analyse long-term, extensive data from the British Trust for Ornithology's Nest Record Scheme on breeding performance per breeding attempt with respect to farmland type (arable, grazing or mixed) and time (pre- and post-1975–76). The influence of habitat is investigated at two different scales: within the nesting territory and at the landscape level. Relationships between farmland type and (temporal changes in) breeding performance tended to be species-specific, but a few patterns were each common to some species. Improvements in breeding performance occurred across all three farmland types for four declining species. Grazing farmland seems to have deteriorated as breeding habitat for Linnet and arable/mixed farmland for Reed Bunting. Mixed farming at the territory scale supported better breeding performance for four species, three of which (Bullfinch, Yellowhammer and Corn Bunting) have declined concurrently with mixed farming. Pastoral landscapes supported better breeding performance for up to seven species, six of which have undergone large declines. Arable landscapes supported better breeding only for the stable or increasing Chaffinch and Greenfinch. Different relationships between farming regime and breeding performance were found at the two scales considered.  相似文献   

Capsule Common Sandpiper populations at the edge of their range do not recruit so well.

Aims To compare the survival rates, breeding success and recruitment of a population near the edge of its range (Peak District) with one more centrally placed (Borders).

Methods Populations were censused weekly; adults and chicks were ringed, and apparent survival of adults determined by resighting colour-ringed birds. Breeding success was assessed from ringing chicks and the guarding behaviour of their parents over 3–4 weeks post-hatching.

Results Survival rates of adults and their breeding success were similar in the two sites. Recruits were rarely ringed chicks returning to near their natal site; they were usually newly recruited adults. In both, natal dispersal took returning chicks away from their natal site, by 3–6 km, but far more potential recruits returned to the Borders (51% compared with 4%). The population in the Borders was more variable, but recovered better from declines.

Conclusions There is no obvious difference in survival or reproductive rates that would explain the different recent fates of the two study populations. Differential survival over winter in West Africa (the presumed wintering grounds) is unlikely to explain the recent decline of the Peak District population, because conditions there should have affected the Borders population too. The Peak District population is exposed at the edge of the species' range, and it seems to be poorer breeding success across its general range that has caused the poorer recruitment there, and hence the decline.  相似文献   

Between 1988 and 2007, set‐aside, a European Commission production control measure, took an average of 10% of arable farmland in the EU out of production each year. In 2007, the set‐aside rate was set to 0% and the scheme was later abandoned altogether. By assessing associations of farmland birds with set‐aside and quantifying the extent of set‐aside loss, this study aims to assess the implications of set‐aside loss for farmland bird conservation. During the lifespan of set‐aside, a large number of studies assessed the biodiversity value of set‐aside and other agricultural crops and habitats. Where possible we considered measurable benefits of set‐aside. However, some studies did not specify the type of set‐aside and in some cases set‐aside fields were grouped with cereal stubble fields. In these cases, we took the pragmatic approach of assessing the value of generic stubble fields as a conservative minimum estimate of the value of set‐aside fields. A re‐analysis of data from 30 intensive studies demonstrates that farmland bird densities tended to be higher on set‐aside than on either cereal or oilseed rape crops. Without mitigation, these are the two crops likely to replace most set‐aside fields. We estimate that 26–52% of the farmland populations of key granivorous passerines were present on stubble fields, giving an indication of the proportion of birds likely to be present on set‐aside fields within this broader category. An extensive survey of lowland farmland during winters 1999/2000, 2000/2001 and 2002/2003, repeated in February 2008, showed a doubling of the number of 1‐km squares with no stubble and a halving of the number of squares with more than 10 ha of stubble. After set‐aside abandonment, 72% of squares had no stubble in the important late winter period, confirming that many of the former stubble fields were retained as set‐aside. A simple correlative model suggests that this could cause a small increase in the rate of decline of Skylark Alauda arvensis and Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella populations, assuming causal links between stubble area and demography. However, even if this assumption cannot be supported, these results clearly indicate that a significant proportion of some farmland bird populations will need to find alternative breeding and foraging habitats.  相似文献   

1.  Yellowhammers began to decline on British lowland farmland in the late 1980s and losses are presently 10% per year. This study examined variation in the habitat selection and breeding success of yellowhammers, allowing an evaluation of whether Britain's yellowhammer decline might have been caused by recent changes in agriculture.
2.  Yellowhammer territories were associated with hedgerows, vegetated ditches and wide uncultivated grassy margins around fields. Pasture and silage leys were avoided. Nests were built among herbaceous vegetation in ditches or in the shrubby vegetation of hedgerows.
3.  Breeding started slightly earlier on organic farms than on intensively managed farms, but no measure of breeding success differed between farm types. Predation was the cause of most (64%) nest failures. A maximum of three breeding attempts (two successful) was observed per pair, with a mean clutch size of 3·3, a Mayfield nest success rate of 0·46, and 2·6 nestlings fledged per successful brood. These data, together with published estimates of adult yellowhammer survival and of post-fledging survival among other passerines, suggest that breeding productivity is too low to maintain a stable population.
4.  The removal of hedgerows or abandonment of hedge management, filling or clearing of ditches, intensification of grassland management and cropping or grazing right up to the field edge, are all likely to have adversely affected yellowhammers on lowland farmland in southern England. Policy reforms that redirect subsidy support to environmentally beneficial management of field margin habitats and retention of winter-feeding sites such as stubbles should assist in restoring populations of breeding yellowhammers on lowland farmland.
5.  Our data expand further the array of farmland bird species for which interactions between agricultural change and population change are increasingly understood.  相似文献   

Capsule Population decline since 1995 is associated with the harvesting of cereals as arable silage.

Aim To survey Corn Bunting populations on the Western Isles and test whether population changes since 1995 are associated with change in cereal harvesting methods.

Methods Twelve areas of machair on the Uists and Benbecula were re-surveyed in 2002, after previous surveys in 1983 and 1995. These and other areas of suitable habitat on these islands, plus Berneray, Baleshare, Vallay, Barra and Vatersay, were surveyed in 2003–05 to provide a breeding population estimate for the Western Isles. Cereal strips in the 12 core survey areas were mapped in 2002 and the timing and method of harvesting of each was recorded. Cattle-feeding stands in 24 crofting townships were visited in March 2003 to record the type of fodder available, measure grain abundance and ripeness in fodder samples, and record foraging Corn Buntings. Experimental trials tested whether Corn Buntings selected fodder with riper grain.

Results The Western Isles Corn Bunting population was estimated at 117 occupied territories in 2005, a decline of 17% since 2002/03, and of at least 62% since 1995. Population decline was greater in areas with higher proportions of the cereal area harvested as arable silage. Arable silage contained fewer and less-ripe grains than traditionally harvested cereal, and was less likely to attract feeding Corn Buntings. Corn Buntings preferred to feed on silage containing riper grain.

Conclusions The remaining Corn Bunting population of the Western Isles is declining rapidly, probably because of reduction in winter grain supply caused by change from traditional reaper-binder harvesting and stacking of fully ripe cereals to harvesting the crop as unripe or partially ripe arable silage. Management change to restore a supply of ripe grain over winter is likely to be essential if this population decline is to be halted and reversed.  相似文献   

The dietary adjustment of nestlings of granivorous birds to a seed diet and the different morphological characteristics of ingested food have rarely been examined in natural conditions. It has been suggested that the provision of cereal grains to nestlings of some seed‐eating bird species in modern agroecosytems is the result of poor food conditions after agricultural intensification. We analysed the abundance of invertebrate prey in the main foraging habitat of parent birds, daily changes (from hatching to fledging) in the efficiency of cereal seed digestion, and the dietary characteristics, diet composition and prey type delivered to nestlings of the Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella. Analysis of faecal sacs from nests located in breeding habitat with an abundant invertebrate fauna revealed no relationship between the proportion of cereal seeds in the diet of nestlings and the food supply in the main foraging sites of the parents. Neonate nestlings (1 day old) exclusively received weakly chitinized invertebrate prey (arachnids and flies), but from the second day of life the nestlings were fed a variety of highly chitinized invertebrate prey, the percentage biomass of which did not change for the remainder of the nesting period. Cereal grains started to be delivered to 3‐day‐old nestlings and were already efficiently digested, and the percentage biomass of this food type increased progressively with nestling age. We suggest that the provisioning of cereal grains to nestlings is not forced by external factors, such as modern agricultural intensification; rather, it is an intentional behaviour of parent birds aimed at achieving physiological adjustment to seed food in the early stages of ontogeny.  相似文献   

食物质量差异对树麻雀能量预算和消化道形态特征的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨志宏  邵淑丽 《生态学报》2011,31(14):3937-3946
为比较小型鸟类对不同食物的能量预算策略,本文对3组树麻雀(Passer monanus)进行2周的食物质量差异性驯化(Acclimation)。结果表明,相同和较低的生存压力下,树麻雀体重、体温、体脂含量和水分含量表现出显著的组间差异。高能食物组摄入能和可消化能增加极显著,消化率和同化率增加不显著,体内能量储备增加;低能食物组摄入能、可消化能、消化率和同化率降低极显著,体内能量储备消耗极显著。小肠和总消化道长度以及肝脏重量出现极显著的表型可塑性响应。体内能量储备增减的预算,能量摄入和能量转化器官的功能能力与自身能耗之间的预算,以及摄食低能食物时的节能预算都是树麻雀能量预算策略的重要组成部分。总之,树麻雀对不同含能食物采用不同的能量预算策略,器官水平的表型可塑性(phenotypic plasticity)响应是个体能值出现显著变化的基础,也是个体能量预算策略成功的关键。对不同食物采用不同的能量预算策略是树麻雀重要的生存对策。  相似文献   

The food habits of the endangered giant water bug, Lethocerus deyrolli, were studied in the rice fields of Nose, in the north of Osaka Prefecture, Japan. Field observations revealed that frogs were the most important prey item. Frogs represented 86.4% and 78.6% in the diet of L. deyrolli in spring and summer, respectively. Among seven species of three families (Hylidae, Rhacophoridae, and Ranidae) exploited by L. deyrolli, the most important food item was adult Hyla japonica in spring and juvenile Rana nigromaculta in summer. Fish and aquatic arthropods were not considered important foods for L. deyrolli. The frog‐dependent food habits indicate that the recovery and conservation of frogs should be prioritized to protect L. deyrolli from extinction.  相似文献   

Dietary information was reviewed for 22 bird species typically found in farmland areas across Europe using 100 references from the UK and other European countries for which quantitative data were presented. The number of studies and degree of taxonomic resolution available varied considerably between the species and, for some, dietary information was only available prior to agricultural intensification and may be unrepresentative of current feeding habits. Consequently, some caution is required in interpreting the results because of the different methods of data collection between the studies and the biases in analytical techniques for prey detectability. Food availability was rarely quantified in the study areas, and diet may have reflected availability or preference. Plant families and invertebrate orders were ranked in their importance separately for adult diet in the breeding and nonbreeding seasons and for chicks. The most important plant families overall were Poaceae, Polygonaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Cruciferae, Compositae, Chenopodiaceae and Labiatae, although the last two were unimportant for chicks. A number of key species were also identified. Similarities in dietary preferences were observed among Fringillidae (finches) and members of the Columbidae (doves and pigeons). Fringillidae and Carduelis cannabina (linnet) were associated with plants that occur in seminatural habitats, while Emberiza citrinella (yellowhammer), Phasianidae (partridges) and Columbidae were shown to be more closely associated with plants of agricultural environments. The most important invertebrate orders overall were Coleoptera adults, Hemiptera adults, Arachnida, Lepidoptera larvae/pupae, Diptera adults, Lepidoptera adults, Diptera larvae/pupae and Hymenoptera adults. During the nonbreeding season, a smaller number of invertebrate taxa were important. For adults in the breeding season and for chicks, there were 10 families of invertebrate that were important for four or more bird species (Aphididae, Carabidae, Chrysomelidae, Curculionidae, Elateridae, Formicidae, Scarabeidae, Staphylinidae, Tenthredinidae and Tipulidae). In the nonbreeding season, Curculionidae and Lumbricidae were important in the diet of three species. A few species exhibited a narrow diet range, selecting invertebrates from only one or two families. Similarities in dietary composition were observed among closely related bird species, while that of chicks and adults sometimes differed.  相似文献   

Capsule During winter songbirds were far more abundant in game cover crops than conventional agricultural habitats.

Aims To quantify game crop use during winter by farmland songbirds when compared with conventional farmland at a regional scale.

Methods Songbirds were counted on 20 farms in eastern Scotland. The number of songbirds using game crops was compared with a sample of nearby conventional crops – with particular emphasis on set-aside and cereal stubbles.

Results Game crops supported up to 100 times as many birds per hectare, of significantly more species, than the other two habitat categories. Many of these species were those currently causing concern because of their declining populations.

Conclusion Game crops could provide opportunities for increasing food resources to songbirds whose populations may be limited by food availability and possibly arrest population declines. At present, the only measures likely to facilitate this are the government's various agri-environment schemes.  相似文献   

Capsule Woodland birds were significantly less likely to occur in gardens in years of high beechmast crop.

Aim To test the hypothesis that woodland species that feed on beechmast will have significantly lower occurrence rates at garden feeders in mast years.

Methods Weekly winter occurrence rates at garden feeders between 1970/71 and 1999/2000 for 40 species were analysed in relation to annual beechmast abundance, classified into low, medium and high years. A repeated-measures logistic regression model was used to assess whether beechmast abundance explained further significant variation additional to underlying seasonal and annual trends.

Results Seven species that commonly feed on beechmast showed significantly lower occurrence in gardens in years of highest beechmast abundance: Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major, Woodpigeon Columba palumbus, Great Tit Parus major, Coal Tit Periparus ater, Nuthatch Sitta europaea, Jay Garrulus glandarius and Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs. Blackbird Turdus merula and Siskin Carduelis spinus, which showed similar significant patterns, are likely to take beechmast as elements of their diet. Pied Wagtail Motacilla alba was the only insectivorous species to show significant effects, but occurrence was lowest in years of intermediate beechmast abundance. For the latter species, this may have been due to confounding effects of temperature, but there were no such confounding effects of either temperature, or the number of bird feeders provided in gardens, for the other nine species.

Conclusion Use of artificial food sources by birds in gardens is influenced by resources in the surrounding countryside, suggesting that food provided in gardens may play a significant part in the population dynamics of these species, that population monitoring without consideration of the garden habitat may be deficient, and that volunteer-based garden bird recording may provide data that can be used as an indicator of changes in the wider countryside.  相似文献   

How can rapidly growing food demands be met with least adverse impact on nature? Two very different sorts of suggestions predominate in the literature: wildlife‐friendly farming, whereby on‐farm practices are made as benign to wildlife as possible (at the potential cost of decreasing yields); and land‐sparing, in which farm yields are increased and pressure to convert land for agriculture thereby reduced (at the potential cost of decreasing wildlife populations on farmland). This paper is about one important aspect of the land‐sparing idea – the sensitivity of future requirements for cropland to plausible variation in yield increases, relative to other variables. Focusing on the 23 most energetically important food crops, we use data from the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the United Nations Population Division (UNPD) to project plausible values for 2050 for population size, diet, yield, and trade, and then look at their effect on the area needed to meet demand for the 23 crops, for the developing and developed worlds in turn. Our calculations suggest that across developing countries, the area under those crops will need to increase very considerably by 2050 (by 23% under intermediate projections), and that plausible variation in average yield has as much bearing on the extent of that expansion as does variation in population size or per capita consumption; future cropland area varies far less under foreseeable variation in the net import of food from the rest of the world. By contrast, cropland area in developed countries is likely to decrease slightly by 2050 (by 4% under intermediate projections for those 23 crops), and will be less sensitive to variation in population growth, diet, yield, or trade. Other contentious aspects of the land‐sparing idea require further scrutiny, but these results confirm its potential significance and suggest that conservationists should be as concerned about future agricultural yields as they are about population growth and rising per capita consumption.  相似文献   

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