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ANNE DELESTRADE 《Ibis》1994,136(1):91-96
The Alpine Chough Pyrrhocorax graculus is a social corvid which now uses food provided by tourist activities in mountain regions (e.g. at ski stations, refuse dumps, picnic areas). Foraging flock size, flock distribution and flock structure of Alpine Choughs were studied in the northern French Alps between 1988 and 1992. Flock size varied during the year, being larger in winter than in summer. Alpine Choughs were not evenly distributed in space, and their numbers depended principally on site-specific factors, such as seasonal human presence. A significant positive correlation existed between Alpine Chough foraging flock size and the local human population. Immature birds gathered in winter in the largest flocks and principally frequented sites with the greatest food availability (e.g. refuse dump). In summer, immatures dispersed, joined small breeding groups and were more homogeneously distributed.  相似文献   

ANTONIO ROLANDO  PAOLA LAIOLO 《Ibis》1997,139(2):388-395
The diets of the Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax and the Alpine Chough Pyrrhocorax graculus coexisting in the western Italian Alps have been compared by faecal analyses. A total of 1581 fresh droppings (405 of the Chough and 1176 of the Alpine Chough) were collected in the pastures of the Rhêmes Valley, Aosta, Italy, from June to November 1992 and analysed in the laboratory, and a mean volume percentage for each item was calculated. Both species were omnivorous, including animal, vegetable and mineral dietary fractions. There was no overlap in the vegetable part of the diet since the Chough fed virtually exclusively on Yellow Gagea Gagea fistulosa bulbs (dug out from the soil), which were not taken at all by the Alpine Chough. Conversely, the Alpine Chough fed on berries and hips from September to November, but these were virtually ignored by the Chough. Even though animal items were collected by both species, their preferences were different. In June, Alpine Choughs largely collected cranefly (Tipula) larvae whilst Choughs mainly fed on Lepidoptera larvae. From July onward, Alpine Choughs mainly consumed grasshoppers while Choughs also collected Tipula pupae, Lepidoptera and fly (Bibionidae) larvae and beetles (Scarabaeidae and Staphylinidae). Interspecific morphological and behavioural differences may be partly responsible for the segregation observed. Chemical composition and caloric contents of the food items suggest that the balance between costs of collecting and benefits of consuming may also contribute to diet differentiation. Both species took a broad spectrum of food, and there was no clear indication that the different population densities of the two Choughs in the Alps were directly correlated with diet, even though some data suggest that during autumn the Alpine Chough might have a diet better adapted to the high mountain environment than the Chough.  相似文献   

The Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) population in the British Isles increased rapidly from the 1800s to 1950 due to climatic amelioration, predator reduction and agricultural changes. It became the major vertebrate pest of agriculture, causing an estimated £50 million in damage and lost production each year. Myxomatosis reached Britain in 1954-55 causing 99-9% mortality in some Rabbit populations and, carried by the mosquito and flea vectors, the disease spread rapidly. The consequent decline in the Rabbit population caused dramatic changes in agriculture and the native fauna and flora. It promoted woodland regeneration and increased grassland and cereal production; herb and grass height increased, flowering was noticeable and plant successions ensued. Some small legumes and annual plants became extinct locally and much floristically rich vegetation became dominated by a few grass species or shrubs. The increased grass growth probably promoted an increase in the number of many invertebrate species as well as in the vole (Microrus agrestis). Some species of insect became reduced in number and the Large Blue Butterfly (Maculinea arion) has become extinct (1979) since the decline of the ant (Myrmica spp.) fauna necessary to rear the butterfly larvae. Breeding sites for the Sand Lizard (Lacerta ugilis), Stone Curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus) and Wheatear (Oenanrhe oenanthe) have been reduced by habitat change. Immediately after myxomatosis many predator populations suffered from a lack of Rabbit prey with consequent poor breeding success, but those able to switch to voles, and other predators which are no longer taken in Rabbit trapping, have increased in numbers, e.g. Fox (Vulpes vulpes), Polecat (Mustela putorius), Short-eared Owl (Asio Barnmeus) and Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus). Others such as the Stoat (Mustela ermineu) and the Buzzard (Buteo buteo) declined immediately after myxomatosis through lack of prey and have recovered in nubers only slowly; the Peregrine falcon population has declined partly as a result of lack of open habitat. The breeding success of many predators was also reduced. Parasites of the Rabbit also declined; the flea (Spilopsyllus cuniculi), roundworms and tapeworms, as well as coccidiosis carried by Rabbits and particularly affecting young hares (Lepus europaeus) were all considered to be affected. Species such as the Pheasant Phasianus spp., the hare and the Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus) increased their use of woodland habitat and/or benefited from the increased food available. Rats (Rartus nomegicus) appeared to decline following increased predation and loss of habitat. In Australia similar vegetational changes occurred in many areas after the introduction of myxomatosis and predators such as the Fox and Wedge-tailed Eagle (Aquila audax) were reduced by control measures following increased predation on sheep. Many bird and marsupial species were reduced in number after the loss of Rabbit prey or on becoming an alternative prey item. In Britain the loss of the fur industry has been outweighed economically by the increased agricultural production and reduced control and maintenance costs following myxomatosis. Since myxomatosis appeared Rabbit numbers have increased only slowly, probably because of increased predator pressure on low density populations and the periodic recurrence of the disease. Rabbit behaviour may have changed so that burrows are not used as much as in the past, Rabbit trapping has ceased and many habitats have been lost. Rabbit numbers could still reach moderate densities but a reversal of many of the ecological effects of my xomatosis is unlikely.  相似文献   

As changes in land use have been identified as the main factor explaining the decline in Red-billed Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrochorax populations across western Europe, a study was carried out in Ouessant (western France) in order to assess the relationship between territory quality and reproductive success. As such an approach could be hindered by the fact that the birds' reproductive performance could be influenced by their breeding experience, we analysed both inter- and intranest-site variation in fledging success. Territory quality was quantified, combining habitat selection, territory size, the amount of feeding area and distance between nest and feeding area. Feeding habitats selected positively by Red-billed Choughs were characterized by a mean sward height of less than 5 cm. Foraging area was on average 21 557 m2. Feeding areas (i.e. feeding habitat within foraging area) close to the nest were used preferentially. Fledging success appeared to be influenced neither by the total area of feeding sites in a Chough territory, nor by the mean feeding flight distance. However, fledging success adjusted to nest-site and year appeared to be influenced by feeding area close to the nest: one additional fledgling was expected for each additional 10 000 m2 of feeding habitat within 300 m of the nest. These first results allowed us to consider recommending landscape management measures to ensure a favourable conservation status of local Chough populations.  相似文献   

A Rabbit survey of Scotland was carried out in 1991 following the methods used for previous surveys in 1969, 1970, 1973 and 1974. The survey was split into direct field and postal questionnaire sections, and the results from the two were compared. Rabbit infestations were categorized as slight and serious. Slight infestation proved to be an inconsistent indicator of Rabbits, but the percentage of serious infestations was highly correlated across sampling areas, and was also related to the average loss estimated by farmers. The pattern of recovery of Rabbit populations after myxomatosis varied between different parts of the country. In the East, Northeast and eastern Highlands the percentage of serious infestations was 26.5% in 1991, as compared to previous survey estimates of 55.9% before 1954 and 1.5% in 1969/70. In the Central, West, South and South-west serious Rabbit problems disappeared after 1954 and are now only at the level of 5 %. It is estimated that Rabbits caused £11,790,000 worth of damage to agriculture in Scotland during 1990/91.  相似文献   

We compared the breeding phenology and clutch size of Choughs Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax in three Spanish areas that differed in feeding habitat, breeding environmental conditions and the distribution and availability of different nesting sites (cliffs or artefacts). The variation in the timing of laying seemed to be related to differences in climatic conditions determined by the altitude. The variation in clutch size was associated with the different use that Choughs made of the feeding areas because of the contrasting availability and distribution of their nesting sites. Within southeastern Madrid, clutch size of the Chough decreased and its variance increased at high nest densities on cliff sites, suggesting that density dependence in fecundity arises from habitat heterogeneity rather than by interference. At high densities, individuals, territories, nest sites or a combination of these may differ in quality, thus promoting differences and increasing the variance in the initial investment of reproductive effort. The syncronization of the onset of laying at increased breeding densities suggests that social influences arising from communal foraging or avoidance of predation by early warning and predator swamping may be acting also. We suggest that nest-site availability and distribution have a major influence on the social organization of Choughs through their breeding and foraging strategies.  相似文献   

  • 1 A survey was made of the local butterfly, the Lulworth Skipper (Thymelicus acteon Rott.) in Britain. Adult numbers were estimated on most sites and the habitat was analysed. Changes in numbers were also recorded in five populations over 6 years, and some aspects of behaviour were studied.
  • 2 T.acteon forms closed populations. It was found in great abundance throughout its historical range, and appears both to have increased in numbers and to have spread locally. It has not extended its range.
  • 3 The wrong larval foodplant is quoted by some modern textbooks. T.acteon requires mature Brachypodium pinnatum Beauv. plants for breeding. Within its range, the butterfly was almost ubiquitous in areas with tall Brachypodium.
  • 4 The present abundance and probable increase of T.acteon is attributed to the spread of B.pinnaturn in unimproved calcareous grassland. This has occurred through a decline in grazing, both by domestic stock and, since myxomatosis, by rabbits.

E. STILL  P. MONAGHAN  E. BIGNAL† 《Ibis》1987,129(2):398-403
The social structure of a communal roost of Choughs Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax was studied between July and September 1985. Different age classes within the roost were spatially segregated. Third-year birds were significantly more likely to attack another Chough and roosted in the densest part of the roosting flock. First-year birds roosted significantly lower down the roost cliff and on the periphery of the flock.  相似文献   

We compare the breeding biology of a small population of Red-billed Chough Pyrrhocorax pynhocorax with that of the Alpine Chough P. graculus coexisting in the western Italian Alps. The analysis focused on nest site choice, timing of breeding, reproductive success and parental effort (assessed by means of behavioural indices such as food provisioning rates and time budgets inside and close to the nest). The Alpine Chough nested in a greater variety of sites: natural cliffs, windows of a dam, pot-holes and abandoned buildings; the Red-billed Chough used only natural cliffs. Laying dates also differed significantly, with the Red-billed Chough breeding one month earlier than its congener. Differences in the feeding ecology of those species might be responsible for the observed temporal partitioning, thus facilitating coexistence. Breeding success and reproductive behaviour were similar, and the species differed in only one out of eight breeding parameters. It is suggested that similar strong constraints on breeding behaviour have resulted in the similarities in behaviour seen in these species.  相似文献   

Sheoaks and saltwater ti-trees regenerate poorly within the Coorong National Park unless they are protected from grazing mammals. The age structure of these tree populations suggests that both species regenerated vigorously in the 1950s when myxomatosis kept rabbit numbers low. Experiments demonstrated that unprotected seedlings are quickly found and eaten by rabbits, particularly if alternative foods are scarce. Sufficient numbers of ti-trees are presently recruited to ensure the persistence of that species, but a programme of rabbit control would be necessary to enable natural regeneration to perpetuate the sheoak population in the Coorong National Park.  相似文献   

J. J. Soler  M. Soler 《Bird Study》2013,60(3):216-222
A sample of 140 Red-billed Chough pellets (35 from each season) was collected from communal roosting sites in south-east Spain. In almost every pellet there were three distinct dietary fractions: animal, vegetable and mineral. The animal faction constituted nearly 50% of the pellet volume in each of the four seasons. Wild grains and cultivated cereals were the most important vegetable elements, while 60% of animal prey (n= 3484) were beetles (mainly Tenebrionidae). There was marked seasonal variation in the composition of both the vegetable and animal fractions, the latter associated mainly with variation in the occurrence of Orthoptera, Lepidoptera larvae and Formicidae. Mixed flocks of Choughs and Jackdaws were common in the study area though agonistic interspecific interactions were never observed. The diets of the two species differ in that Choughs eat more beetles and wild seeds, whilst Jackdaws prefer ants and cereals. These observations support the hypothesis that competition from Jackdaws is not responsible for the reduction in the Chough's range.  相似文献   

Summary The size and number of rosettes of Cirsium vulgare were censused in a 4 ha sheep grazing trial on lowland calcareous grassland in paddocks receiving controlled winter, spring and summer grazing treatments. Spring grazing significantly increased thistle rosette numbers, and there were always fewer rosettes in size classes 250mm–300 mm under the heavier grazing treatments. The emergence of seeds of Cirsium vulgare sown by hand into each of the grazing treatments was monitored and showed a positive effect of spring grazing. When the percent emergence of sown seeds was used as a covariate in the analysis of rosette numbers in the experimental paddocks, it was found to account for 77% of the variance in thistle numbers. It was concluded that the main effect of grazing on thistle rosette numbers is an indirect one exercised through the effects of grazing on germination conditions. Seeds of Cirsium vulgare were sown into artificial gaps at another grassland site, to determine the effect of gap-size upon seedling emergence. Germination was poor, but significantly more seedlings emerged in gaps 10–20 cm diameter, than in 5 cm gaps or in control plots without a gap. A computer simulation model was used to explore the relationship between gap density and thistle population dynamics. A threshold density of gaps was found to exist, below which thistle populations went extinct, and above which the thistle population grew geometrically. The degree of aggregation of dispersed seeds did not alter the threshold gap-density for plant extinction, but did affect the rate of increase of the thistle population when the threshold gap-density was exceeded. It is concluded that strategies for controlling Cirsium vulgare populations by grazing manangement will be most effective if aimed at reducing suitable sites for establishment in spring. The success of such attempts will depend upon the soil fertility of the site, and sudden outbreaks of Cirsium vulgare infestation can be expected if a sward gradually deteriorates through over-grazing.  相似文献   

Capsule At coarse spatial resolution breeding Choughs showed strongest selection for grazed habitats, while at a finer resolution they selected areas with shorter swards and more friable soils.

Aims To explain habitat preferences of foraging Choughs during breeding using the physical characteristics of the habitats at three spatial resolutions: between broad habitat and management types, between compartments within types, and within individual compartments.

Methods The use of 15 different habitat and management types by 14 pairs of Choughs at four coastal breeding sites was measured and selection coefficients obtained. Vegetation and soil characteristics were used to explain variation in these coefficients at a coarse spatial resolution. Similar data in ‘selected’ and ‘avoided’ parts of individual compartments were used to explain preferences at a finer resolution.

Results Grazed habitats were most heavily used, although paths and stone-faced earth banks were most strongly selected. Sward height explained most variation in selection coefficients at a coarse spatial resolution, with the shortest swards used most. Within compartments, ‘selected’ foraging sites had shorter swards and soil that was easier to probe. Comparisons between years suggested large-scale preferences were the same, but changes in physical characteristics did not explain changes in the use of individual compartments.

Conclusion These and previous results suggest consistency in habitat selection at a coarse spatial resolution. The use of grazing to maintain or increase the area of sward approaching 2 cm in height is recommended to ensure that where prey size and density are profitable, some are always accessible.  相似文献   

Abstract Recruitment in many shrub and tree species in arid Australia is limited by domestic and feral animal grazing. The outbreak of Rabbit Calicivirus Disease (RCD or RHD) in late 1995 at Kinchega National Park (NP) in arid western NSW, Australia, coincided with intensified warren ripping and other rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) control efforts. We monitored changes in rabbit numbers in response to these factors using spotlight counts and dung‐pellet counts. Rabbit populations declined initially, and were low for the remainder of the study. To assess the impact of rabbit control on vegetation, we examined whether recruitment of seedlings or vegetative suckers was occurring at Kinchega NP, following the arrival of RCD; how long such recruits were likely to survive under current grazing pressures; and whether the magnitude of current seedling and vegetative sucker recruitment and survival is greater than available data prior to RCD and extensive warren control. We followed the survival of individual seedlings and newly emerged suckers of six shrub or tree species, most of which are considered to be at risk of local decline. Three levels of caging were used to exclude all mammalian grazers; all mammalian grazers except rabbits; and no mammalian grazers. Pooled cohorts of seedlings and suckers were analysed using failure‐time analyses. During the course of the study, suckering was observed in four species (Acacia carneorum, Alectryon oleifolius, Casuarina pauper and Santalum acuminatum), with seedlings observed in the other two species (Dodonaea viscosa and Acacia ligulata). Survival of suckers of some species was slightly greater than pre‐RCD estimates, but in general, a pattern of little or nil recruitment is likely in suckers exposed to rabbits or to all grazing mammals. Seedling survival was particularly low regardless of the level of exclusion, largely due to desiccation. Reduction of grazing impacts may only allow recruitment into populations of species reliant on seedlings under more favourable climatic circumstances than experienced in this study, while the probability of successful recruitment into populations of suckering species in western NSW continues to be low even at very low rabbit densities.  相似文献   

Capsule Variation in prey availability appears to influence Chough fledging success and juvenile survival.

Aims To determine seasonal and annual variations in Chough prey and how these influence fledging success and juvenile survival.

Methods Chough faeces (n = 437, 3905 invertebrates) were collected year-round and analysed to determine diet composition. Seasonal and annual variation in prey abundance in Chough foraging habitat was assessed using pitfall trapping (n = 747, 27 124 invertebrates) between 1996 and 2003. Fledging success was estimated for a population of 12 breeding pairs; juvenile survival was estimated by year-round resighting (n < 2500) of individual birds that were colour-ringed as nestlings.

Results From April to June a high biomass of prey and a great variety of species were observed. Between July and October, both biomass and species diversity were reduced; prey consisted mainly of ants and a few beetle species. From November to March, biomass availability was intermediate, with the diet consisting mostly of Tipulidae larvae, plants and dung beetles. Chough juvenile monthly survival was low in August, November and December. Annual variation in fledging success was correlated with prey biomass availability in May.

Conclusion Seasonal variation in the availability of prey species and their biomass influences Chough demography.  相似文献   

Brandt's voles ( Microtus brandti ) are small native mammals that inhabit the grasslands of Inner Mongolia, China. The species is considered a pest, particularly during population outbreaks, which have increased in frequency since 1970 from 1 every 7 years to 1 every 3 to 5 years. Using historical records taken between 1948 and 1998, we found that there was significant correlation between years for which the monthly averages of the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) were consistently high, and years in which outbreaks occurred. Also there was a tendency for outbreaks not to occur in years with precipitation above or below average. For some years at some sites, annual or biannual estimates are available for the density of Brandt's vole populations. We found that the seasonal rate of increase over the non-breeding season from autumn to spring was negatively correlated with the density in autumn. The rate of increase over the breeding season from spring to autumn was independent of the density in spring but instead, reflects the species' preference for habitat with short, sparse grass; populations do not persist in highly degraded grasslands or in tall, dense grassland. The link between outbreaks and climatic indices, and the numerical response of Brandt's voles to particular habitat characteristics, suggest that current grazing intensity tends to maintain grass at low height in years with average precipitation. The substantial increase in livestock numbers over the last 50 years appears to have increased the number of years when the balance of grazing and plant growth favours high rates of increase in Brandt's vole populations, and hence, there has been an increase in the frequency of outbreaks.  相似文献   

An extensive collection of blood samples from adult wild rabbits, from areas where Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease (RHD) had not been recorded, was obtained from sites across the U.K. and parts of Eire over the winter of 1994/95. Sera from 946 animals were examined for antibodies to RHD. Antibody was found in all populations, varying between 20 and 100% depending on locality, and overall 64% of rabbits were seropositive in midwinter, supporting the view that non-pathogenic RHD or RHD-like caliciviruses, which are not producing clinical disease, circulate within rabbit populations. The serological response to these agents appears to confer significant immunity on rabbits subsequently exposed to the virulent RHD virus, so the disease will not be as devastating as myxomatosis was in the early 1950s (99% mortality) but at least one-third of the c. 40 million rabbits in the U.K. are susceptible.  相似文献   

Capsule Differences in vocalizations among populations are mostly explained on morphological bases, but historical factors may have played a significant role in differentiation processes.

Aims To investigate the relationships among vocal and morphological variation in two corvids: Chough and Alpine Chough.

Methods We used data from 11 populations of Chough and seven populations of Alpine Chough spanning the Palearctic distribution of the two species. Three data sets (morphometry, spectrotemporal parameters of trill calls and acoustic repertoire) were analysed and their variation compared with uni- and multivariate techniques.

Results In both species, morphological differences among populations were correlated to spectro-temporal variation of trills; in particular, frequencies of calls were negatively correlated to wing length (an indicator of body size). By considering only co-existing populations of the two species, the magnitude of morphological and spectrotemporal divergence was similar.

Conclusions In both species, birds from populations with similar morphology uttered similar call types and trills with close spectrotemporal features. In particular, larger-sized populations, as expressed by wing length, emitted lower pitched calls. However, the fact that dissimilarities in repertoire and morphology were correlated cannot be explained only by appealing to functional explanations, as the observed intraspecific morphological variability does not seem to be high enough to promote consistent changes in the pool of calls. In this case, historical factors might have contributed to the present pattern of differentiation.  相似文献   

Livestock grazing can affect habitat structure and availability of arthropod prey for grassland birds, and ultimately determines habitat quality. The habitat quality may affect breeding strategies (e.g. sex ratio adjustment) in bird species, but studies investigating grazing intensity on offspring sex ratio are still rare. In this paper, we examined the effect of grazing intensity by livestock on the secondary sex ratio of an alpine‐steppe passerine, the isabelline wheatear Oenanthe isabellina, on the Tibet Plateau. Offspring sex ratio of isabelline wheatears significantly correlated with a quadratic term – (grazing intensity)2. The wheatears nesting in areas grazed at low intensity by mixed livestocks produced significantly more sons than those in ungrazed area (0.41 vs 0.58, Z = –2.836, p = 0.005), while brood sex ratios from other treatments (ungrazing vs intensive grazing and low‐intensity grazing vs intensive grazing) did not differ significantly. Variation in offspring sex ratio was not related to other factors such as maternal condition, paternal condition and other two‐way interactions. These results suggest that breeding birds of grasslands are sensitive to variation in habitat conditions, and provide additional evidence that grazing intensity affects avian reproduction in cryptic ways that are rarely studied. Our findings suggest that flexible management including timely rotational grazing is needed to optimize bird species reproduction and maintain ecosystem health.  相似文献   


Implantation of ovarian tissue into androgenic gland ablated male prawns, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) induced the development of ovigerous and ovipositing setae and brood chambers, suggesting that in females, these secondary sexual characteristics are induced by the ovary. This model system has potential for the study of morphological changes associated with breeding in the Decapoda.  相似文献   

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