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Capsule Expert‐based classification of bird species as habitat specialists and as generalists agrees with objective measures of species’ habitat requirements based on large‐scale monitoring data.

Aims To compare habitat specialization of 137 common bird species breeding in the Czech Republic using three different measures and to test their relationships to species’ abundance and habitat associations.

Methods Data on bird abundance and surveyed habitats were collected through a standardized monitoring scheme of common breeding species in the Czech Republic. From these data we calculated a quantitative species specialization index (SSI). Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was applied to calculate species’ habitat niche breadth and the level of association of each species to the main habitats. A panel of 11 local bird experts classified each species as habitat generalist or habitat specialist.

Results Species classified as habitat specialists by expert opinion showed higher habitat specialization according to the SSI, as well as according to CCA‐based habitat niche breadth. These species were also more closely associated with one of the main habitat types. These relationships were significant even after controlling for abundance.

Conclusions As expert opinion accords with the level of species’ habitat specialization expressed using two quantitative objective measures, we suggest that these characteristics reflect real interspecific variation in the breadth of habitat requirements in birds. Interspecific differences in habitat specialization are not caused solely by the variability in abundance among species.  相似文献   

Recent studies show differences in population trends between groups of species occupying different habitats. In Czech birds, as well as in many other European countries, populations of forest species have increased, whereas populations of farmland species have declined. The aim of our study was to test whether population trends of particular species were related to finer bird-habitat associations within farmland and forest birds. We assessed bird-habitat associations using canonical correspondence analysis based on data from a 400 km long transect across the Czech Republic. We calculated population trends of 62 bird species using log-linear models based on data from a large-scale annual monitoring scheme, which covers the time series from 1982 to 2005. Within forest birds, species with a closer association with lowland broad-leaved forest have had more positive population trends, whereas species with a closer association with montane and coniferous forest revealed more negative population trends. We attribute these opposite trends to the gradual replacement of coniferous forests by deciduous ones, which took place in the Czech Republic during recent decades. Our analyses revealed a hump-shaped relationship within farmland birds, species most closely associated with farmland habitat revealing the most negative trends, whereas species with intermediate association to farmland habitat showed the most positive population trends. Such a pattern can be explained by the abandonment of previously cultivated areas followed by the spread of unmanaged meadows and scrubland. Changes in quantity or quality of preferred habitats may thus represent major drivers of observed bird population changes.  相似文献   

Hamatocaulis vernicosus, a rare moss species, was monitored in 33 fens in the Czech Republic for five to six years. Population size, vitality and trends of population development were recorded. Water chemistry, water level fluctuation, vegetation type and cover, as well as mowing regime were assessed and the effect of these potential predictors on the species populations was examined. Populations of H. vernicosus were affected mainly by the density of vascular plants, the species thrived best in habitats with sparse herb and abundant ??brown moss?? cover. Other important factors included water table fluctuation and water concentration of iron. Populations were more vital and prospered better in sites with a stable water table and more iron-rich conditions. Dependence of population parameters on other measured characteristics of water chemistry was not detected.  相似文献   

Capsule?Bird species richness and (for most species) abundance were positively related to the extent of shrub cover at the interface between conifer plantations and moorland, but it appears that responses to shrub development vary between different bird guilds.

Aims?To assess the bird assemblages in both winter and breeding seasons at the interface between managed conifer plantations and open moorland, where that interface had been restructured to include a mosaic of shrubs and open ground.

Methods?Timed point counts were used to sample the birds at restructured plantation – moorland interface areas and also in neighbouring plantations (post- and pre-thicket age classes) and neighbouring moorland. Associations between species richness and abundances with measures of shrub cover and composition were assessed using GLMMs.

Results?A total of 60 bird species were recorded including 29 on lists of conservation concern, most of which were associated with shrub interface habitats. Species richness and, for most species, abundance were positively related to the extent of shrub cover. Positive relationships between shrub cover in interface areas and the abundance of some species in neighbouring plantations and open moorland suggested a resource subsidy to birds in neighbouring habitats. In contrast, some birds tended to be less abundant in plantations next to areas with more shrub cover. These species were more abundant in the shrub itself, suggesting redistribution by species with a preference for early successional shrub habitats.

Conclusions?The long-term management of shrub, especially with regard to successional development, is a challenging aspect of forest and landscape management that deserves further study.  相似文献   

Capsule Norway Spruce plantations with Scots Pine as a secondary tree species had higher bird densities than pure Norway Spruce. Shrub cover was the most important structural variable, influencing bird density, species richness and Simpson’s diversity.

Aims To investigate whether incorporating a native tree component into non‐native coniferous plantations had any effect on bird communities or vegetation structure.

Methods Birds were surveyed in plantations of Norway Spruce mixed with Oak and Scots Pine, each paired with a plantation of pure Norway Spruce. distance was used to generate bird densities. Bird density, species richness and Simpson’s diversity were compared between each mix type and pure Norway Spruce. glms were used to investigate relationships between structural components of plantations and bird data.

Results Bird communities of mixed plantations differed only slightly in their composition from pure Norway Spruce. Bird density was significantly higher in Scots Pine mixes than in Oak mixes or pure Norway Spruce. Neither species richness nor Simpson’s diversity differed significantly between the plantation types. Some vegetation components differed between the plantations and shrub cover was positively associated with bird density, species richness and Simpson’s diversity. The presence of rides also increased bird density.

Conclusions There is a positive effect on bird communities of including a native tree species in non‐native coniferous plantations, but the magnitude of the effect is small. The influence of shrub cover on birds suggests that forest management may play an important role in determining the utility of plantations for birds. We recommend the establishment of mixed tree species plantations where possible, although, in the case of Oak mixes, the Norway Spruce appeared to suppress growth of the Oak and thus may be restricting its effect on birds. Changes in management, such as planting Oaks in clumps or heavier thinning of the coniferous component, could address this problem.  相似文献   

The relationship between agricultural intensification and a decline in farmland bird populations is well documented in Europe, but the results are mostly based on data from the western part of the continent. In the former socialist eastern and central European countries, political changes around 1990 resulted in a steep decline in the intensity of agriculture. Therefore, one would expect populations of farmland birds to have recovered under these conditions of lower agricultural intensity. We explored population trends of 19 farmland bird species in the Czech Republic between 1982 and 2003 using data from a large‐scale monitoring scheme, and, additionally, we looked for relationships between such population changes and a number of variables describing the temporal development of Czech agriculture. Most farmland species declined during the focal period, and this decline was steepest in farmland specialists (Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus, Skylark Alauda arvensis, Linnet Carduelis cannabina and Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella). Although the intensity of agriculture was lower after than before 1990, the overall decline continued in most farmland bird species, albeit at a slower rate. The correlations between agricultural intensity and farmland bird decline showed opposite patterns to that found in other European studies, because bird populations were highest in years with the most intensive agriculture. We speculate that this pattern could have resulted from the impact of different driving forces causing farmland bird decline in different periods. The high intensity of agriculture could have caused the decline of the originally abundant populations before 1990. After 1990, the decreasing area of arable land could be the most important factor resulting in the continued decline of farmland bird populations. Our results demonstrate that the drivers of farmland bird population changes could differ across Europe, and thus investigations into the effect of farmland management in different parts of the continent are urgently required.  相似文献   

Capsule Reproductive output in a natural habitat was higher than in birds breeding in cereal crops, highlighting the importance of natural habitats for the species.

Aims To evaluate breeding in a natural habitat in inland Castellon province, Spain, and compare breeding parameters with other European populations.

Methods Breeding population size in inland Castellon was recorded between 1981 and 2003. A logistic growth model was used to describe population increase. We also calculated clutch size, brood size, productivity, percentage of successful nests and fledging success for the period 1989–2003.

Results Population size increased from three pairs in 1981 to 98 pairs in 2003. During 1989–2003, productivity (2.74 ± 1.49 fledglings/pair) and percentage of successful nests (84.%) were higher than observed in other European populations.

Conclusions Our results show the importance of our study area for the conservation of this species in the Iberian Peninsula, as it might act as a source of colonists for other areas. Food and protection against predators might explain the high breeding output, which may in turn explain the rapid population growth in the area. The study also suggests that natural habitats might be important for the species elsewhere.  相似文献   

The effects of suburb age and distance from remnant native vegetation on the species richness and density of bird populations in Canberra were studied from June 1982 to May 1983. Mean total number of bird species increased with age of the suburbs < 12 years old. The density of birds also increased with suburb age. The number of open forest and woodland species increased with the age of the suburbs but the number of grassland and exotic species remained largely unchanged. These increases in bird species richness and density represented a response to changes in habitat conditions over time and were not a direct response to the suburb age per se. Such habitat changes reflected the growth of trees and, to a lesser extent, the increased cover of shrubs. The numbers of open forest, woodland and grassland species decreased with distance of suburban sites from native vegetation areas. The number of exotic species, however, remained unaffected. The density of individual birds of grassland and exotic species increased with distance of sites from remnant native vegetation.  相似文献   

The European landscape is under pervasive attack of massive land use changes, such as agricultural intensification, urbanization and land abandonment. These changes resulted in population decline of birds living in open habitats. Despite a good understanding on the effects of these driving forces on bird populations, effective conservation actions are difficult to conduct as these forces are closely connected with socioeconomic development of particular countries and thus almost impossible to reverse. It is hence necessary to conserve refuge sites with a limited influence of these negative factors. We surveyed birds in 42 abandoned military training sites (AMTS) in a central European country, the Czech Republic, and we have found these sites are valuable, and to date overlooked, refuges for bird conservation. Birds of high conservation concern and open habitats birds (such as Miliaria calandra, Saxicola torquata or Lullula arborea) were more abundant in AMTS than predicted by their total population size in the Czech Republic. The most important characteristics predicting attractiveness of AMTS for birds of conservation concern were low altitude, low proportion of forest/dense scrubland, high proportion of sparse scrubland/bare ground and large area. Former military activity was beneficial for declining open habitat birds by maintaining moderate disturbance levels, which are rarely found elsewhere in current landscapes. Owing to reduction of armed forces across Europe AMTS provide continental-wide network of high-quality sites for bird conservation. Nevertheless, AMTS are subject to pressure from building activities or loss of openness due to overgrowth of forest or scrub plant communities.  相似文献   


The literature on forest birds in New Zealand is examined to see if the consequences of forest modification can be predicted. Forty‐four samples of birds, from North, South, and Stewart Islands, are classified according to four habitats of origin: virgin forest, modified forest, exotic forest, and suburban bush and gardens. An index of bird species diversity (BSD) is calculated for comparison, and where possible densities are tabulated.

Limited samples from modified forests in Westland suggest that the number of species is relatively smaller but the bird density is higher after modification. There do not seem to be any published quantitative data about birds in Westland exotic forests.

Data from the whole of New Zealand show that bird density increases as forest habitats change from virgin, to modified, to exotic, to suburban bush and gardens. BSD and equitability do not differ among these habitats. The number of species of native birds and their diversity decline as the habitat is more extensively altered, but their total density tends to remain constant. More productive forest habitats have the same BSD as other habitats. Diversity seems to be limited by the small variety of bird species available, and the more productive habitats could probably support more species. All habitats had a much higher diversity of birds before colonisation by the European.  相似文献   

Capsule Populations of birds on farmland are larger and more stable in Hungary than in the UK and may provide baseline targets when planning population restoration programmes in more intensively farmed regions of Europe.

Aims To review the available evidence on farmland bird populations and their changes over the past century in Hungary, and to compare this with similar data for the UK.

Methods Published papers and grey literature were searched to determine long-term bird population trends for birds on farmland in Hungary, and for research evidence on the relationship between farmland management and bird diversity in Hungary.

Results Population density of common farmland birds is higher and trends are more positive in Hungary compared to the UK. These findings correlate with the recent change to generally less intensive agriculture in Hungary. However, while the birdlife associated with farmland in Hungary can be considered to have high diversity and density, it is still lower than it was in the first half of the 20th century and earlier. The few studies available showed that low-intensity traditional management promotes a rich biodiversity in both grasslands and arable systems in Hungary. Agri-environment schemes were introduced when Hungary joined the EU in 2004; however, their influence on biodiversity has not been systematically monitored.

Conclusions Insights emerging from farmland bird research in those European countries which still practice extensive agricultural techniques could be used to set general baseline targets for restoring biodiversity in regions where farmlands are now intensively managed. At the European scale urgent tasks are to: (1) investigate the relationships between management and bird diversity and density on a much wider geographical scale, (2) evaluate the geographical generality of the existing evidence base (which is mainly based on studies conducted in more intensively farmed regions), and (3) enhance the policy impact of conservation research.  相似文献   



Despite the complexity of population dynamics, most studies concerning current changes in bird populations reduce the trajectory of population change to a linear trend. This may hide more complex patterns reflecting responses of bird populations to changing anthropogenic pressures. Here, we address this complexity by means of multivariate analysis and attribute different components of bird population dynamics to different potential drivers.


Czech Republic.


We used data on population trajectories (1982–2019) of 111 common breeding bird species, decomposed them into independent components by means of the principal component analysis (PCA), and related these components to multiple potential drivers comprising climate, land use change and species' life histories.


The first two ordination axes explained substantial proportion of variability of population dynamics (42.0 and 12.5% of variation in PC1 and PC2 respectively). The first axis captured linear population trend. Species with increasing populations were characterized mostly by long lifespan and warmer climatic niches. The effect of habitat was less pronounced but still significant, with negative trends being typical for farmland birds, while positive trends characterized birds of deciduous forests. The second axis captured the contrast between hump-shaped and U-shaped population trajectories and was even more strongly associated with species traits. Species migrating longer distances and species with narrower temperature niches revealed hump-shaped population trends, so that their populations mostly increased before 2000 and then declined. These patterns are supported by the trends of total abundances of respective ecological groups.

Main Conclusion

Although habitat transformation apparently drives population trajectories in some species groups, climate change and associated species traits represent crucial drivers of complex population dynamics of central European birds. Decomposing population dynamics into separate components brings unique insights into non-trivial patterns of population change and their drivers, and may potentially indicate changes in the regime of anthropogenic effects on biodiversity.  相似文献   

Å. Berg 《Bird Study》2013,60(2):153-165
CapsuleThe amount of forest (at local and landscape scales) and occurrence of residual habitats at the local scale are shown to be the major factors influencing bird community composition in farmland–forest landscapes in central Sweden.

Aims To investigate the importance of local habitat and landscape structure for breeding birds in farmland–forest landscapes in central Sweden.

Methods Breeding birds were censused at 292 points. A detailed habitat mapping was made within 300 m of the points. Within a 300–600 m radius only two major habitats (forests and arable fields) were identified.

Results Cluster analyses of bird communities identified three site types that also differed in habitat composition: (i) partially forested sites in forested landscapes; (ii) heterogeneous sites with residual habitats in mosaic landscapes; and (iii) field-dominated farmland sites in open landscapes. A total of 19 of 25 farmland bird species (restricted to farmland or using both farmland and forest) had the highest abundance in farmland sites with mosaics of forest and farmland, while only six farmland species had the highest abundance in field-dominated sites. The bird community changed from being dominated by farmland species to being dominated by forest species (common in forest landscapes without farmland) at small proportions (10–20%) of forest at the local scale. A major difference in habitat composition between heterogeneous and field-dominated sites was the occurrence of different residual habitats (e.g. shrubby areas and seminatural grasslands). These habitats seemed to influence bird community composition more than land-use, despite covering <10% of the area. Seminatural grasslands were important for bird community composition and species-richness, but grazing seemed to be less important. Among different land-use types, cereal crops were the least preferred fields. Set-asides with tall vegetation and short rotation coppices were positively associated with species-richness of farmland birds.

Conclusion In general, the composition of the landscape was important for bird community composition, although amount and distribution of forests, occurrence of residual habitats and land-use of fields at the local scale had the strongest influence on bird community composition. The possible implications of these patterns for managing farmland–forest landscapes are discussed.  相似文献   

Capsule Habitats in lowland South Iceland sustain bird populations of international importance, with highest densities in wet habitats.

Aims In areas important for biodiversity there is an urgent need to assess large-scale variation in the biodiversity value of habitats to inform management. We carried out a large-scale survey to assess the conservation value of sub-arctic, Icelandic bird habitats.

Methods Bird counts were carried out on 200 transects in the five most common vegetated habitat types in South Iceland. Based on these counts, breeding bird density and diversity were compared between habitats and total population sizes of common species in these habitats were calculated.

Results Overall, eight species (seven waders and Meadow Pipit) composed over 95% of all birds counted. The combined density of those species exceeded 275 birds/km2 in all habitats. The two wettest habitat types had the highest density of birds.

Conclusion Wet habitats in lowland South Iceland held particularly high densities of breeding birds, notably waders, which constitute populations of international importance. Wet habitat types are generally of higher value for more species, than dryer ones.  相似文献   

Capsule: Diet composition of Boreal Owls Aegolius funereus was not affected by habitat cover, but it changed along the elevational gradient.

Aims: To assess the effect of elevation and habitat cover on nest box occupancy and diet composition of a central European population of Boreal Owls.

Methods: A Boreal Owl population was studied in the ?umava Mountains, Czech Republic, at elevations from 500 to 1300?m above sea level (asl), during 1984–2005.

Results: Boreal Owls occupied more frequently nest boxes above 600?m asl, but they did not clearly prefer any elevational band. Habitat cover did not affect the number of nesting attempts. There was also no relationship between habitat cover and diet composition. However, diet composition significantly changed along the elevational gradient. In particular, the proportion of alternative prey of Boreal Owls, i.e. birds and shrews Sorex sp., rose with increasing elevation. The proportion of voles Myodes and mice Apodemus in the diet decreased with increasing elevation. Among bird prey, the proportion of finches Fringillidae positively correlated with elevation.

Conclusions: Central European Boreal Owls did not show a clear preference for any habitat cover or elevational band, but the quality of the owls’ diet significantly decreased with increasing elevation.  相似文献   

Jan Pinowski 《Bird Study》2013,60(1):27-33
Capsule Low and variable encounter rates of birds in fragmented arctic‐alpine habitats add difficulty to monitoring their breeding populations.

Aims To quantify seasonal variation in the encounter rates (apparent abundance) of breeding birds in arctic‐alpine habitats in Scotland.

Methods Birds were sampled from 15 repeated linear transects between April and August in 2005 and 2006. glmms (and for scarcer species glms) were used to investigate how the apparent abundance of different species varied between months and years.

Results Three arctic‐alpine specialists (Rock Ptarmigan, Eurasian Dotterel and Snow Bunting) were recorded. The 24 other species recorded included more widely distributed upland species, generalists that also used arctic‐alpine habitats and also some transient species from lower altitude. Overall encounter rates were low (only exceeding 1 bird km?1 in any month for one species; Meadow Pipits) with marked variation between months. The pattern of seasonal variation in encounter rates varied markedly between species.

Conclusions Low encounter rates and marked variation in apparent abundance will render more difficult efforts to monitor birds in marginal and fragmented areas of arctic‐alpine habitats. Particularly relevant is the potential for changes in the timing of breeding and seasonal movements to influence encounter rates and be falsely interpreted as changes in actual abundance. Monitoring in arctic‐alpine habitats should include both specialist and non‐specialist birds of that habitat, as the latter may be more numerous and, therefore, provide supplementary evidence of temporal or seasonal change.  相似文献   

Although it is clear that the farmlands neighbouring fragmented forests are utilized by some forest birds, it is not clear how birds in general respond to farmland habitat mosaic. An effort was made to determine how bird density and foraging assemblages were influenced by farm structural characteristics and distance from forest edge. Thirty farms up to a distance of 12 km around Kakamega forest in western Kenya were studied. Farm structure entailed size, hedge volume, habitat heterogeneity, woody plant density, plant diversity and crop cover. Birds were surveyed using line transects and DISTANCE analyses and classified into six feeding guilds and three habitat associations. Size of farms increased away from the forest, as woody plant density, plant diversity, indigenous trees and subsistence crop cover declined. The most important farm structure variable was hedge volume, which enhanced bird species richness, richness of shrub‐land bird species and insectivorous bird density (R = 0.58, P < 0.01). Bird density increased with tree density while indigenous trees were suitable for insectivores and nectarivores. There were very few forest bird encounters. Agricultural practices incorporating maintenance of hedges and sound selection of agroforestry trees can enhance conservation of birds on farmland, though, not significantly for forest species.  相似文献   

Capsule Fine‐grained landscape heterogeneity may be a major factor in the recent expansion of Woodlark populations.

Aim To determine the factors which may have led to the increase in Woodlark populations in the Mediterranean region.

Methods Woodlark habitat selection was determined using territory mapping in an area that had undergone widespread land abandonment during the past 50 years. Remote sensing data were used to study landscape changes within the study area between 1978 and 2003.

Results Most Woodlark territories included a combination of farmland and shrubland patches. These fulfilled the birds’ requirements for territorial display and for foraging. Land abandonment has increased the availability of open shrubland, the dominant land‐cover type selected by Woodlarks.

Conclusions Increased fine‐grained landscape heterogeneity following farm abandonment has created opportunities for habitat use by Woodlarks and may be a major factor in the Woodlark population expansion observed between 1978 and 2003.  相似文献   

Capsule Flowers of an invasive plant species are more visited by native birds than flowers of ornithophilous endemic plants.

Aims To describe the bird guild and its behaviour visiting the century plant Agave americana in an insular environment and to determine which factors are affecting visitation rates.

Methods We noted number and species of birds visiting inflorescences on Tenerife, Canary Islands. We used multimodel inference of generalized linear models to analyse the factors affecting the number of visits and the visitor species richness.

Results Eighty-one per cent of inflorescences were visited by eight native bird species. All species fed on nectar and only the Atlantic Canary fed also on pollen. Foraging behaviour varied among species. Visitation rate increased with density and diversity of birds and flower characteristics and decreased through the day. The number of species visiting the inflorescences increased with diversity and density of birds in the surroundings and decreased through the day.

Conclusion The native bird community uses the invasive century plant as a feeding resource at a higher rate than it uses endemic ornithophilous plants. This could have negative effects for the pollination of endemic plants, but positive effects for birds.  相似文献   

Capsule Declining farmland species were more abundant in these crops which can be matched to the birds' requirements.

Aims To assess the use of seed-bearing crop by a range of bird species in winter.

Methods The study was carried out over three winters at a site in County Durham (England). Eleven bird species were represented, five of which are nationally targeted for conservation action.

Results Bird abundance was significantly higher where wild bird cover crops were present. Kale Brassica napus and Quinoa Chenopodium quinoa were the most used crop species, although cereals and linseed were also used.

Conclusion Simple crop mixtures can be designed to meet the needs of farmland bird communities. Our results suggest that seed production may be limited within government agri-environment schemes by restrictions on fertilizer use. The agronomy of seed-bearing crops for birds requires further investigation.  相似文献   

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