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基于8~56 a长白落叶松人工林样地生物量调查数据,建立了长白落叶松林各器官生物量模型,探讨了不同林龄长白落叶松人工林干材、树皮、树枝、树叶、树根的生物量分布与变化规律及单木与林分乔木层的固碳能力。结果表明:随着林龄的增大,长白落叶松人工林林木及各器官生物量均呈现不同程度的增加趋势,单株木生物量由8 a时的0.174 kg增加至56 a时的328.196 kg,林分乔木层生物量由8 a时的0.519 t·hm-2增加至56 a时的251.39 t·hm-2,其中树干所占比例最大,且增幅最大。长白落叶松人工林单木平均碳储量为74.822 kg,56 a林分乔木层碳密度为130.455 t·hm-2,平均碳密度达63.113 t·hm-2,各器官碳储量变化规律明显。长白落叶松人工林幼龄林、中龄林、近熟林、成熟林林分乔木层的年平均固碳量分别为0.087、1.193、1.703、2.124 t·hm-2,固碳量年平均增长率排序为中龄林幼龄林成熟林近熟林。研究认为,长白落叶松人工林单株木及林分各器官生物量随林龄增加具有明显的变化规律,成熟林分固碳水平最高,中龄林分后期固碳潜力最大。  相似文献   

湘中丘陵区不同演替阶段森林土壤活性有机碳库特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
孙伟军  方晰  项文化  张仕吉  李胜蓝 《生态学报》2013,33(24):7765-7773
为了解天然次生林保护对土壤活性有机碳库的影响,采用空间替代时间研究方法,对湘中丘陵区不同演替阶段4种林分类型(杉木人工林、马尾松+石栎针阔混交林、南酸枣落叶阔叶林、青冈+石栎常绿阔叶林)土壤活性有机碳及其与土壤养分相关性进行研究。结果表明:1)各土层总有机碳(TOC)、微生物生物量碳(MBC)、水溶性有机碳(DOC)、易氧化有机碳(EOC)含量均表现为:青冈+石栎常绿阔叶林 > 南酸枣落叶阔叶林 > 马尾松+石栎针阔混交林 > 杉木人工林,在0-30cm土层,马尾松+石栎针阔混交林、南酸枣落叶阔叶林、青冈+石栎常绿阔叶林TOC含量比杉木人工林分别高出13.40%、19.40%和29.91%,MBC含量分别高出15.62%、32.89%和53.33%,DOC含量分别高出8.52%、8.75%和13.76%,EOC含量分别高出32.79%、38.48%和78.30%;2)天然次生林各土层MBC占TOC的比率以南酸枣落叶阔叶林最高,青冈+石栎常绿阔叶林为其次,马尾松+石栎混交林最低,均高于同一土层杉木人工林(除马尾松+石栎混交林15-30cm土层外),天然次生林各土层DOC占TOC的比率随着演替进展而下降,均低于同一土层杉木人工林(除马尾松+石栎混交林0-15cm土层外),天然次生林各土层EOC占TOC的比率随着演替进展而增加,且均高于同一土层杉木人工林;3)土壤MBC、DOC、EOC含量与TOC含量的相关性均达到极显著水平,且天然次生林土壤MBC、DOC、EOC含量与TOC含量的相关系数随着演替进展而增高,均高于杉木人工林;4)4种林分土壤TOC、MBC、DOC、EOC含量与土壤全N、碱解N、全P、有效P、全K、速效K含量之间的相关性均达到显著或极显著水平。  相似文献   

赤杨对辽东落叶松人工林土壤氨基糖积累的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
微生物残留物是土壤稳定性碳库的重要组成部分,然而其对固氮树种的响应还不清楚。以辽东山区日本落叶松(Larix kaempferi)人工纯林和落叶松-赤杨混交林为研究对象,以氨基糖作为微生物残留物的生物标识物,研究了赤杨对落叶松人工林根际和非根际土壤氨基糖积累的影响。结果表明,混交林中落叶松根际和非根际各氨基糖单体含量均显著高于纯林,说明赤杨引入有利于土壤微生物残留物的积累。其中,混交林落叶松根际及非根际土壤氨基糖葡萄糖含量分别比纯林高出99.5%(P0.01)和154%(P0.01);胞壁酸含量分别比纯林高出66.1%(P0.01)和132.3%(P0.01)。赤杨引入对氨基葡萄糖/胞壁酸比值的影响不显著,但显著增加氨基糖对土壤有机碳的贡献。冗余度分析表明全氮是驱动土壤中氨基糖发生变化的主要因子。表明赤杨引入显著提高微生物固持的土壤碳库和有机碳稳定性,这对落叶松人工林合理经营具有重要意义。  相似文献   

孙文义  郭胜利 《生态学报》2010,30(10):2611-2620
研究深层土壤有机碳、氮(Soilorganic C,SOC,Totalsoil N,TSN)量对摸清陆地生态系统深层碳氮固定潜力,寻找碳汇丢失之谜和应对全球气候变暖具有重要意义。以黄土区子午岭林场3种典型人工林(油松、刺槐、小叶杨)和3种天然次生林(辽东栎、白桦、鼠李)为对象,在设立的18个样方内,分层测定了0-100cm土层SOC、TSN和DOC(Dissolved organic C,DOC)量变化,监测了样方内地表长年凋落物积累量及其碳氮组成。1m土层内SOC、TSN和DOC含量天然次生林显著高于人工林。与人工林相比,天然次生林表层(0-20cm)SOC、TSN储量分别高42%、22%,但20-100cm土层SOC、TSN储量相对量最大。人工林下,20-100cm土层SOC储量为33.6thm-2,占1m土层的55%;TSN储量为3.9thm-2,占1m土层的57%;天然次生林下,20-100cm土层SOC、TSN储量分别为55.3thm-2、6.0thm-2,占1m土层储量分别为59%和63%。其中,40-60cm天然次生林比人工林碳氮储量分别高了82%、65%;其次为20-40cm,天然次生林比人工林碳氮储量分别高了73%、65%。不同植被恢复条件下,SOC与DOC、TSN、Olsen-P都表现出较强的相关性。研究表明,植被恢复有利于土壤碳氮的积累,不仅表层土壤,深层土壤也具有较强的碳氮固定能力;天然次生林土壤碳氮固定能力和长年地表凋落物量都高于人工林。  相似文献   

大兴安岭火烧迹地不同恢复方式碳储量差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辛颖  邹梦玲  赵雨森 《生态学杂志》2015,26(11):3443-3450
为了探讨不同恢复方式对大兴安岭重度火烧迹地碳储量的影响,以人工恢复(兴安落叶松、樟子松)和天然恢复的林分为研究对象,采用干烧法对乔木层、灌木层、草本层和枯枝落叶层含碳率进行测定.采用全收获法和平均标准木法获得林分各组分生物量估算森林植被的碳储量,分析不同恢复方式下林分各组分碳储量的分配特征.结果表明: 人工恢复和天然恢复的林分灌木层平均含碳率高于乔木层和草本层.兴安落叶松人工林灌木层平均含碳率为45.8%、枯枝落叶层为45.3%、乔木层为44.4%、草本层为33.6%.樟子松人工林灌木层和乔木层平均含碳率高于50%.天然次生林乔木层、灌木层和枯枝落叶层平均含碳率在42%左右.森林植被层中,生物量贡献率从大到小依次为乔木层、灌木层和草本层.兴安落叶松人工林森林植被层和枯枝落叶层生物量总和为123.90 t·hm-2,远高于樟子松人工林和天然次生林.火烧后人工恢复23年的兴安落叶松人工林森林植被碳储量为50.97 t·hm-2,其中,乔木层碳储量为49.87 t·hm-2,占森林植被层总碳储量的97.8%,草本层所占比重仅为0.02%.人工恢复的林分植被层总碳储量高于天然恢复的林分,火烧迹地在这一时段内采用人工恢复的方式较天然恢复碳汇能力更强.  相似文献   

彭娓  董利虎  李凤日 《生态学杂志》2016,27(12):3749-3758
基于大兴安岭东部地区主要林型的生物量调查数据,建立了3个主要树种的一元可加性生物量模型,探讨了不同林型森林群落和乔木层、灌木层、草本层、凋落物层的碳储量及其分配规律.结果表明: 杜鹃-兴安落叶松林乔、灌、草、凋落物层碳储量分别为71.00、0.34、0.05和11.97 t·hm-2,杜香-兴安落叶松林各层碳储量分别为47.82、0.88、0和5.04 t·hm-2,杜鹃-兴安落叶松-白桦混交林分别为56.56、0.44、0.04、8.72 t·hm-2,杜香-兴安落叶松-白桦混交林分别为46.21、0.66、0.07、6.16 t·hm-2,杜鹃-白桦林分别为40.90、1.37、0.04、3.67 t·hm-2,杜香-白桦林分别为36.28、1.12、0.18、4.35 t·hm-2.林下植被为杜鹃的林分群落碳储量大于林下植被为杜香的林分;林下植被相似的情况下,森林群落碳储量大小顺序为:兴安落叶松林>兴安落叶松-白桦混交林>白桦林;不同林型群落碳储量不同,大小顺序为:杜鹃-兴安落叶松林(83.36 t·hm-2)>杜鹃-兴安落叶松-白桦混交林(65.76 t·hm-2)>杜香-兴安落叶松林(53.74 t·hm-2)>杜香-兴安落叶松-白桦混交林(53.10 t·hm-2)>杜鹃-白桦林(45.98 t·hm-2)>杜香-白桦林(41.93 t·hm-2),且不同林型森林群落碳储量垂直分配规律为:乔木层(85.2%~89.0%)>凋落物层(8.0%~14.4%)>灌木层(0.4%~2.7%)>草本层(0~0.4%).  相似文献   

测定了不同植被恢复类型[包括撂荒地、沙棘灌木林、华北落叶松人工林和混交林(主要由华北落叶松、白桦和山杨组成)]土壤有机碳、总氮、硝态氮、铵态氮及与氮代谢有关的土壤微生物数量(细菌、放线菌、真菌、固氮菌、硝化细菌和反硝化细菌)的季节动态。结果表明,不同植被类型土壤无机氮和微生物数量存在显著的季节波动,土壤有机碳、总氮、硝态氮、铵态氮和不同种类的微生物数量随土壤深度的加深而显著降低。沙棘灌木林、华北落叶松人工林和混交林3种植被类型的土壤有机碳氮、无机氮以及微生物数量均较撂荒地高,其中自然恢复的混交林提高幅度最大,土壤碳、氮和微生物数量分别提高了0.21%~2.05%和0.09%~19.25%,真菌最大提高幅度可达19.25%,无机氮含量增幅较小,为0.01%~0.49%。土壤有机碳、总氮、无机氮与微生物数量间呈显著线性正相关。总之,不同植被恢复后土壤肥力均会显著提高,但以次生混交林对土壤肥力提高效果最明显。  相似文献   

辽东山区落叶松人工林地上生物量和养分元素分配格局   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
闫涛  朱教君  杨凯  于立忠   《生态学杂志》2014,25(10):2772-2778
落叶松是我国北方最主要的人工用材林树种,由于人工林树种单一、结构简单等原因,导致土壤养分循环出现失衡.研究落叶松生物量和养分元素分配规律,可以为落叶松人工林的合理经营和养分循环研究提供科学参考.本文以辽东山区19年生二代落叶松人工林(胸径12.8 cm,树高15.3 m,密度2308株·hm-2)为对象,研究其地上各器官(干、枝、皮、叶)生物量、碳和养分元素含量(N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Fe、Mn、Cu、Zn)的积累规律和分配格局.结果表明:单株落叶松生物量为70.26 kg,林分水平落叶松生物量为162.16 t·hm-2,各器官生物量差异显著,排序为:树干>树枝>树皮>树叶;单株落叶松养分积累量为749.94 g,林分水平落叶松养分积累量为1730.86 kg·hm-2,其中,大量元素和微量元素的养分积累量均为树干显著高于树枝、树皮和树叶.全叶期每砍伐一棵落叶松(19年生),平均从系统中带出749.94 g养分元素;如果将树皮、树枝、树叶留在林地仅仅带走树干,带出的养分元素可减少40.7%.

子午岭次生林区植被中有机碳的储量   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据野外调查和观测,对子午岭次生林区的灌木和森林植被地上部各部分生物量中有机碳的储量进行了比较和分析。在灌木群落中,狼牙刺、虎榛子和沙棘群落中的茎杆与枝条中有机碳的储量分别占地上部生物量中有机碳储量的70.59%~75.33%、95%和83.84%;茎杆和枝条及叶片生物量中有机碳储量的顺序为沙棘>狼牙刺>虎榛子;灌木群落中草本层生物中有机碳储量的顺序为狼牙刺>沙棘>虎榛子;地被层有机物质中有机碳储量的顺序为沙棘>虎榛子>狼牙刺。狼牙刺群落、虎榛子群落和沙棘群落中有机碳的储量分别为15.06~16.25t/hm2、8.84t/hm2和25.67t/hm2。在森林植被中,山杨-辽东栎混交林、山杨林、白桦林、辽东栎林等落叶阔叶林的茎与枝条中有机碳的储量,占地上生物量中总储碳量的88.66%~97.75%、侧柏林和人工油松林针叶林的茎和枝条中有机碳的储量,约占地上生物量中总储碳量的83%,除过人工油松林外,乔木林中灌木层中有机碳储量的顺序为白桦>山杨-辽东栎>山杨>侧柏>辽东栎,乔木林中草本层生物量中有机碳的储量为0.5~0.6t/hm2,人工油松林的草本层生物量中有机碳的储量为1.26t/hm2,天然乔木林下地被物中有机碳的储量,约占群落地上部总有机碳储量的7%~13%。山杨-辽东栎、白桦、山杨、辽东栎、侧柏及人工油松林中有机碳的储  相似文献   

Liu ZL  Wang QC  Sun XX 《应用生态学报》2011,22(8):1999-2004
利用35年生白桦、落叶松纯林土壤分别栽植白桦、落叶松1年生苗木,通过对苗木生长、生物量、叶片养分及土壤养分变化的研究,对两种土壤的肥力进行评价,探讨白桦、落叶松混交林种间互作机制.结果表明:白桦纯林土壤全氮、碱解氮含量显著高于落叶松纯林土壤(P<0.05),落叶松纯林土壤全磷、全钾、速效磷含量显著高于白桦纯林土壤(P<0.05).盆栽第1年,白桦纯林土壤上的白桦苗木苗高、地径和生物量分别比在落叶松纯林土壤上增加69%、52%和65%(P<0.05),落叶松苗木分别增加12%、8%和37%(P>0.05).以白桦纯林土壤为基质时,白桦、落叶松苗木叶片氮浓度高于落叶松纯林土壤,而磷浓度低于落叶松纯林土壤.白桦凋落量大且分解速度快,落叶松对土壤磷具有活化作用,导致白桦纯林土壤氮素有效性较高,落叶松纯林土壤有效磷含量较高.推测两树种混交时,土壤氮、磷的互补作用可能对林分产量产生有益的作用.  相似文献   

该研究于2020年5月、7月和9月在天山北坡中段试验区的禁牧区(5a)和放牧区分别进行调查采样,测定分析不同月份禁牧区和放牧区伊犁绢蒿种群数量特征(高度、盖度、密度和生物量)及构件(茎、叶、根)生物量,以揭示植物种群特征和构件生物量对禁牧的响应规律,为退化草地的修复治理以及合理利用提供依据。结果表明:(1)与放牧区相比,5月、7月、9月禁牧区的伊犁绢蒿种群的高度、盖度和生物量均显著增加(P<0.05),其中高度增幅为69.90%~95.53%,盖度增幅为186.53%~297.82%,生物量增幅为86.24%~631.83%。(2)随着月份的推移,禁牧区与放牧区伊犁绢蒿单株生物量、茎生物量和叶生物量均呈先降后增的变化趋势,而根生物量呈增加的趋势;禁牧改变了植株构件比例,与放牧区相比,禁牧区茎、叶的生物量所占单株生物量的比例在7月、9月均显著增加,而根生物量所占比例显著降低。研究认为,禁牧有利于地上植被的恢复,使其构件结构改变,是恢复退化荒漠草地植物的有效措施。  相似文献   

In this study the effects of potassium iodide on the growth and metabolite accumulation of Nitzschia closterium (Ehr.) W. Smith and Phaedactylum tricornutum Bolin were investigated to assess its possible application to the mass culture of the two diatoms in open environment, extensive systems. The results indicated that supplementation of potassium iodide at a concentration of 1000 mg L−1 resulted in a reduction of the induction phase in cultures of N. closterium and P. tricornutum and led to an increase in the accumulation of biomass and extracellular polymeric substances. Conversely, the addition of potassium iodide, at all concentrations tested, showed no obvious effect on the fatty acid profiles of the two diatoms, particularly in the content of eicosapentaenoic and decosahexaenoic acid. Potassium iodide was also found to inhibit the growth of Dunaliella salina, Cryptomonas sp. and Chlorella sp. at minimum inhibitory concentrations of 356.8, 475.9 and 696.2 mg L−1, respectively. It also inhibited bacteria, including species isolated from the two diatom cultures, at a minimum concentration of 400 mg L−1. These results suggest that potassium iodide is an effective agent for inhibiting the proliferation of certain flagellate and non-flagellate algae, and bacteria, thus forming a favorable environment for diatoms to proliferate and consequently improving accumulation of biomass and EPS. These properties of potassium iodide provide a possible solution for preventing contamination from flagellate and non-flagellate algae in mass culture of the two diatoms without causing significant changes in their fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

The cardinalfishes (Apogonidae) are a diverse clade of small, mostly reef-dwelling fishes, for which a variety of morphological data have not yielded a consistent phylogeny. We use DNA sequence to hypothesize phylogenetic relationships within Apogonidae and among apogonids and other acanthomorph families, to examine patterns of evolution including the distribution of a visceral bioluminescence system. In conformance with previous studies, Apogonidae is placed in a clade with Pempheridae, Kurtidae, Leiognathidae, and Gobioidei. The apogonid genus Pseudamia is recovered outside the remainder of the family, not as sister to the superficially similar genus Gymnapogon. Species sampled from the Caribbean and Western Atlantic (Phaeoptyx, Astrapogon, and some Apogon species) form a clade, as do the larger-bodied Glossamia and Cheilodipterus. Incidence of visceral bioluminescence is found scattered throughout the phylogeny, independently for each group in which it is present. Examination of the fine structure of the visceral bioluminescence system through histology shows that light organs exhibit a range of morphologies, with some composed of complex masses of tubules (Siphamia, Pempheris, Parapriacanthus) and others lacking tubules but containing chambers formed by folds of the visceral epithelium (Acropoma, Archamia, Jaydia, and Rhabdamia). Light organs in Siphamia, Acropoma, Pempheris and Parapriacanthus are distinct from but connected to the gut; those in Archamia, Jaydia, and Rhabdamia are simply portions of the intestinal tract, and are little differentiated from the surrounding tissues. The presence or absence of symbiotic luminescent bacteria does not correlate with light organ structure; the tubular light organs of Siphamia and chambered tubes of Acropoma house bacteria, those in Pempheridae and the other Apogonidae do not.  相似文献   

Common reed (Phragmites australis) and reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea) are two most commonly used plant species in constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment in the Czech Republic. Growth characteristics of both plants (biomass, stem count, and length) have been measured in 13 horizontal sub-surface flow constructed wetlands since 1992. The results revealed that while Phalaris usually reaches its maximum biomass as early as during the second growing season, Phragmites usually reaches its maximum only after three to four growing seasons. The maximum biomass of both species varies widely among systems and the highest measured values (5070 g m−2 for Phragmites and 1900 g m−2 for Phalaris) are similar to those found in eutrophic natural stands. The shoot count of Phragmites decreases after the second growing season while length and weight of individual shoots increases over time due to self-thinning process. Number of Phalaris shoots is the highest during the second season and then the shoot count remains about the same. Also the shoot length remains steady over years of constructed wetland operation.  相似文献   

Scirtothrips perseae Nakahara was discovered attacking avocados in California, USA, in 1996. Host plant surveys in California indicated that S. perseae has a highly restricted host range with larvae being found only on avocados, while adults were collected from 11 different plant species. As part of a management program for this pest, a “classical” biological control program was initiated and foreign exploration was conducted to delineate the home range of S. perseae, to survey for associated natural enemies and inventory other species of phytophagous thrips on avocados grown in Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Trinidad, and Brazil. Foreign exploration efforts indicate that S. perseae occurs on avocados grown at high altitudes (>1500 m) from Uruapan in Mexico south to areas around Guatemala City in Guatemala. In Costa Rica, S. perseae is replaced by an undescribed congener as the dominant phytophagous thrips on avocados grown at high altitudes (>1300 m). No species of Scirtothrips were found on avocados in the Dominican Republic, Trinidad, or Brazil. In total, 2136 phytophagous thrips were collected and identified, representing over 47 identified species from at least 19 genera. The significance of these species records is discussed. Of collected material 4% were potential thrips biological control agents. Natural enemies were dominated by six genera of predatory thrips (Aeolothrips, Aleurodothrips, Franklinothrips, Leptothrips, Scolothrips, and Karnyothrips). One genus each of parasitoid (Ceranisus) and predatory mite (Balaustium) were found. Based on the results of our sampling techniques, prospects for the importation of thrips natural enemies for use in a “classical” biological control program in California against S. perseae are not promising.  相似文献   

为摸清提前钩梢对雷竹地上构件生物量积累与分配及其异速生长模式的影响,为雷竹林合理钩梢提供参考,调查了5月(提前钩梢)、6月(常规时间钩梢)钩梢和未钩梢雷竹林新竹当年(1年生立竹)和第2年(2年生立竹)秆、枝、叶生物量,分析了立竹地上构件生物量积累与分配特征及其异速生长。结果表明:钩梢使雷竹1年生立竹秆、枝、叶生物量显著下降,秆生物量分配比例显著升高,枝、叶生物量分配比例显著下降,枝、叶-总生物量异速生长指数显著增大,秆-总生物量异速生长指数显著减小,且常规时间钩梢立竹叶生物量及其分配比例和出叶强度均显著高于提前钩梢立竹。钩梢也导致雷竹2年生立竹秆、枝、叶生物量明显下降,但秆、枝、叶-总生物量异速生长指数均显著增大,常规时间钩梢立竹叶生物量仅略低于未钩梢立竹,且叶生物量分配比例及出叶强度均显著高于未钩梢和提前钩梢立竹。研究表明提前钩梢对雷竹叶生物量及其分配比例、出叶强度及异速生长均有明显的负面影响,不利于雷竹林光合能力的发挥,因此,雷竹林不宜提前钩梢。  相似文献   

Parsimony analyses of the internal transcribed spacer regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS 1 & ITS 2) for 38 taxa sampled from the Phebalium group (Rutaceae: Boronieae) and two outgroups confirm that, with the exception of Phebalium sensu stricto and Rhadinothamnus, six of the currently recognised genera within the group are monophyletic. The data indicate that Phebaliums. str. is paraphyletic with respect to Microcybe, and Rhadinothamnus is paraphyletic with respect to Chorilaena. Rhadinothamnus and Chorilaena together are the sister group to Nematolepis. Drummondita, included as an outgroup taxon, clustered within the ingroup as sister to Muiriantha and related to Asterolasia.The phylogeny suggests that the evolution of major clades within a number of these genera (e.g. Phebalium) relates to vicariance events between eastern and south-western Australia. Leionema is an eastern genus, with the most basal taxon being the morphologically distinct Leionema ellipticum from northern Queensland. Leionema also includes one species from New Zealand, but this species (as with some others) proved difficult to sequence and its phylogenetic position remains unknown. Taxonomic changes at the generic level are recommended.The authors wish to thank Paul G.Wilson, PERTH, for advice and discussion, and Paul Forster, BRI, for collecting and providing material of Leionema ellipticum. The project was supported by a Melbourne University Postgraduate Award (to BM), the Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS), Australian Systematic Botany Society and Wolf Den (Australia) Investments.  相似文献   

Taenia tapeworms of Finnish and Swedish wolves (Canis lupus) and Finnish brown bears (Ursus arctos), and muscle cysticerci of Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus), Alaskan Grant's caribou (Rangifer tarandus granti) and Alaskan moose (Alces americanus) were identified on the basis of the nucleotide sequence of a 396 bp region of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 gene. Two species were found from wolves: Taenia hydatigena and Taenia krabbei. The cysticerci of reindeer, caribou and one moose also represented T. krabbei. Most of the cysticercal specimens from Alaskan moose, however, belonged to an unknown T. krabbei-like species, which had been reported previously from Eurasian elks (Alces alces) from Finland. Strobilate stages from two bears belonged to this species as well. The present results suggest that this novel Taenia sp. has a Holarctic distribution and uses Alces spp. as intermediate and ursids as final hosts.  相似文献   

不同林龄麻栎林地下部分生物量与碳储量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王霞  胡海波  张世豪  卢洪霖 《生态学报》2019,39(22):8556-8564
探讨不同林龄麻栎林地下部分根系的生物量与碳储量,为麻栎林的经营管理及碳汇管理等提供科学依据。以江苏省句容市不同林龄(幼龄林、中龄林、近熟林、成熟林)的麻栎林为研究对象,采用全根挖掘法获取麻栎各级根系及灌草层根系,并测定其生物量、碳含量,构建麻栎根系生物量模型,估算麻栎林地下部分根系碳储量及麻栎林群落碳储量。通过11种数学回归模型的比较,构建麻栎各级根系生物量幂回归模型,计算得到幼龄林、中龄林、近熟林、成熟林麻栎根系生物量分别为14.81t/hm~2、41.15t/hm~2、50.36t/hm~2、53.75t/hm~2,各级根系生物量大小顺序是:根桩粗根大根细根;灌木与草本植物根系生物量分别为0.48—1.71t/hm~2、0.13—0.60t/hm~2;不同林龄麻栎林群落根系生物量为15.42—56.06t/hm~2,且随林龄的增大而增大。麻栎根系碳含量大小顺序为:根桩粗根大根细根,且碳含量差异显著;灌木与草本植物根系碳含量分别为41.84%—43.79%、34.03%—38.48%,随林龄变化均无明显变化规律。麻栎林乔木根系碳储量随林龄增大而增大,幼龄林、中龄林、近熟林、成熟林根系碳储量分别为6.01t/hm~2、17.41t/hm~2、21.79t/hm~2、21.99t/hm~2;灌木与草本植物根系碳储量均随林龄增大而增大;幼龄林、中龄林、近熟林、成熟林群落根系碳储量分别为6.26t/hm~2、17.74t/hm~2、22.37t/hm~2、22.94t/hm~2,且乔木层灌木层草本层。麻栎林地下部分根系生物量与碳储量随林龄的增大而增大,幼龄林到近熟林生长过程中生物量与碳储量增加快速,近熟林后生物量与碳素积累缓慢,且与成熟林接近。  相似文献   

Variability in the size distributions of populations is usually studied in monocultures or in mixed plantings of two species. Variability of size distributions of populations in more complex communities has been neglected. The effects of seeding density (35 or 350 seeds/species/m2) and presence of small vertebrates on the variability of size distributions were studied for a total of 1,920 individuals of 4 species in replicated synthetic communities of 18 species in northern Illinois. End-of season height and above-ground biomass were measured for prairie perennials Dalea purpurea (purple prairie clover), Echinacea purpurea (purple coneflower), Desmanthus illinoensis (Illinois bundleflower) and Heliopsis helianthoides (early sunflower). Variability in biomass distribution of the four target species was twice as great at low than at high densities when small vertebrates were excluded. Our results suggest that inter- and intraspecific competition may affect all individuals more under high-density conditions, thereby reducing the variability in their biomass distributions within this community. This result, a consequence of plant-plant interaction, is obscured when small birds or mammals are present, presumably because either or both add variance that overwhelms the pattern.  相似文献   

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