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Climate change has advanced the breeding dates of many bird species, but for few species we know whether this advancement is sufficient to track the advancement of the underlying levels of the food chain. For the long-distance migratory pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca the advancement in breeding time has been insufficient to maintain the synchrony with their main food sources. The timing of arrival in the breeding areas from their African wintering grounds is likely to constrain the advancement of breeding date. We hypothesise that this is because in Africa they cannot predict the advancement of spring in their breeding habitat. However, long-distance migrants may advance their arrival time by migrating faster when circumstances en route are favourable. In this study we show that both arrival and breeding date depend on temperatures at their main North African staging grounds, as well as on temperature at the breeding grounds. Male arrival and average laying date were not correlated, but the positive effect of temperature in North Africa on breeding dates suggests that breeding date is indeed constrained by arrival of females. Long-distance migrants thus are able to adjust arrival and hence breeding by faster spring migration, but the degree of adjustment is probably limited as timing schedules in spring are tight. Furthermore, as climate change is affecting temperatures differently along the migratory flyway and the breeding areas, it is unlikely that arrival dates are advanced at the same rate as the timing of breeding should advance, given the advancement of the underlying levels of the food chain.  相似文献   

Long‐distance migrants may respond to climate change in breeding, wintering or staging area by changing their phenology. The geographical variation in such responses (e.g. coastal vs. continental Europe) and the relative importance of climate at different spatial scales remain unclear. Here we analysed variation in first arrival dates (FADs) and laying dates of the Collared Flycatcher Ficedula albicollis in a central European population, from 1973 to 2002. The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index correlated weakly with local temperature during the laying period. Decreasing spring temperatures until 1980 were associated with a trend towards later laying. The rate of warming (0.2 °C per year) and laying advancement (0.4 days per year) since 1980 are amongst the highest values reported elsewhere. This long‐term trend in laying date was largely explained by the change in climatic factors. The negative effect of local spring temperature on laying was relatively stronger than that of NAO. The number of clutches initiated on a particular day was marginally affected by the temperature 3 days prior to laying and the response of females to daily variation in temperature did not change over years. Correspondence between the average population‐level and the individual‐level responses of laying date to climate variation suggests that the advancement of laying was due to phenotypic plasticity. Despite warmer springs and advanced laying, FADs did not change over years and were not correlated with local spring temperature. Marginal evidence suggests later departure from wintering grounds and faster migration across staging areas in warmer conditions. Advancement of arrival was probably constrained by low local temperatures in early spring just before arrival that have not changed over years. The interval between first arrival and laying has declined since 1980 (0.5 days per year), but the increasing temperature during that period may have kept the food supply approximately unchanged.  相似文献   

Winter habitat use can influence the breeding success of migratory songbirds in temperate regions due to its impact on bird condition and breeding phenology. How such carry-over effects vary with latitude is unknown. To address this question, we examined how winter habitat use, inferred from δ13C and δ15N signatures in winter-grown feathers, influenced the breeding phenology and productivity of Yellow Warblers (Setophaga petechia) at the extreme north of their range in the Canadian arctic (68°N) and compared this population with midlatitude Yellow Warbler (51°N) and American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla; 44°N) populations reported in previous studies. In the arctic, we examined male arrival dates, female clutch initiation dates and the relationship between these timing variables and the number and quality of offspring produced within the season. In contrast to warblers breeding at midlatitudes, we find no support for an impact of winter habitat use on breeding phenology or productivity. Male arrival dates and female clutch initiation dates in both young and older individuals were not correlated with isotopic signatures acquired on the wintering grounds. Males with enriched δ15N signatures paired more rapidly after arrival, indicating a possible relationship between winter habitat use and condition. This relationship did not enhance annual productivity for these individuals, however, as the negative relationship between breeding phenology and reproductive success in our arctic population was significantly weaker than among Yellow Warblers breeding further south. This reduction or absence of timing effects on productivity in the north effectively removes one pathway through which carry-over effects can act.  相似文献   

The preference for foraging in groups and the effect of physiognomic factors of a habitat on its use by foraging Whinchats (Saxicola rubetra) was studied during spring migration stopover in a mosaic cultural landscape at the SE Adriatic coast. Every record of spatially distinct Whinchats, either a solitary individual or a group, was referred to as a Whinchat unit. The units were classified as intensively foraging, less intensively foraging or non-foraging and divided into four size classes. The effect of physiognomic habitat factors on use of habitat by foraging Whinchat units was modelled. All possible additive models using logit link function were constructed from five independent physiognomic variables: (1) natural perches (NP), (2) artificial perches (AP), (3) high herbal vegetation (HHV), (4) open bushes (OB) and (5) heterogeneity of vegetation types (HVT). Variables HHV and OB were included simultaneously in the models. Models that were substantially supported by the data were selected according to second order Akaike’s information criterion AICc. Two such models contained variable(s) (1) NP and (2) NP + AP. The relative importance weights of physiognomic variables NP, AP, HVT, HHV and OB were 1, 0.38, 0.24, 0.13 and 0.13, respectively. Perches were thus the most important physiognomic habitat factor affecting habitat use by Whinchats in a mosaic cultural landscape. The great majority of Whinchats foraged in groups and the proportion of intensively foraging Whinchat units increased with unit size, leading to the conclusion that Whinchats preferred social to solitary foraging on the spring stopover at the SE Adriatic coast.  相似文献   

Afro‐Palaearctic migrants are declining to a greater degree than other European species, suggesting that processes occurring in Africa or on migration may be driving these trends. Constraints on food availability on the wintering grounds may contribute to these declines but little is known about when and where these resource constraints may occur. Sufficient resources are particularly important prior to spring migration, when migrants must cross the Sahara Desert. We examined mass gain and departure phenology in a long‐distance Palaearctic passerine migrant to determine the degree to which pre‐migratory fattening occurs in their long‐term non‐breeding territories in the Guinea Savannah region of Africa. We monitored 75 Whinchats Saxicola rubetra for departure from their non‐breeding territories in one spring, and analysed mass data of 377 Whinchats collected over three non‐breeding seasons plus 141 migrating Whinchats caught in April over 8 years, all within the same few square kilometres of human‐modified Guinea Savannah in central Nigeria. Whinchats left their winter territories throughout April, with males departing on average 8 days earlier than females. However, there was no evidence that time of departure from territory was linked to age, body size or mass at capture. Whinchats departed their territories with a predicted mass of 16.8 ± 0.3 g, considerably less than the c. 24 g required for the average Whinchat to cross the Sahara directly. Comparing departure dates with arrival dates in southern Europe showed a discrepancy of at least 2 weeks, suggesting that many Whinchats spend considerable time on pre‐migratory fuelling outside their winter territory prior to crossing the Sahara. Overwintering birds gained mass slowly during February and March (0.03 g/day), and non‐territorial or migrating birds at a much higher rate in April (at least 0.23 g/day), with up to 20% of migrating Whinchats in April potentially having sufficient fuel loads to cross the Sahara directly from central Nigeria. Our results suggest that most Whinchats leave their winter territories to fatten up locally or, possibly, by staging further north, closer to the southern limit of the Sahara. Resource constraints are therefore likely to be particularly focused in West Africa during mid‐April and possibly at staging areas before the crossing of the Sahara Desert.  相似文献   

Although the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) routinely lives for more than 12 yr in ex situ collections, females older than 8 yr reproduce infrequently. We tested the hypothesis that reproduction is compromised in older female cheetahs due to a combination of disrupted gonadal, oocyte, and uterine function/integrity. Specifically, we assessed 1) ovarian response to gonadotropins; 2) oocyte meiotic, fertilization, and developmental competence; and 3) uterine morphology in three age classes of cheetahs (young, 2-5 yr, n = 17; prime, 6-8 yr, n = 8; older, 9-15 yr, n = 9). Ovarian activity was stimulated with a combination of equine chorionic gonadotropin and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and fecal samples were collected for 45 days before gonadotropin treatment and for 30 days after oocyte recovery by laparoscopy. Twenty-six to thirty hours post-hCG, uterine morphology was examined by ultrasound, ovarian follicular size determined by laparoscopy, and aspirated oocytes assessed for nuclear status or inseminated in vitro. Although no influence of age on fecal hormone concentrations or gross uterine morphology was found (P > 0.05), older females produced fewer (P < 0.05) total antral follicles and oocytes compared to younger counterparts. Regardless of donor age, oocytes had equivalent (P > 0.05) nuclear status and ability to reach metaphase II and fertilize in vitro. A histological assessment of voucher specimens revealed an age-related influence on uterine tissue integrity, with more than 87% and more than 56% of older females experiencing endometrial hyperplasia and severe pathologies, respectively. Our collective findings reveal that lower reproductive success in older cheetahs appears to be minimally influenced by ovarian and gamete aging and subsequent dysfunction. Rather, ovaries from older females are responsive to gonadotropins, produce normative estradiol/progestogen concentrations, and develop follicles containing oocytes with the capacity to mature and be fertilized. A more likely cause of reduced fertility may be the high prevalence of uterine endometrial hyperplasia and related pathologies. The discovery that a significant proportion of oocytes from older females have developmental capacity in vitro suggests that in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer may be useful for "rescuing" the genome of older, nonreproductive cheetahs.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that risk taking should be influenced by external (e.g., season) and internal (e.g., breeding condition, sex, and body mass) conditions. We investigated whether these factors are associated with a potentially risky behavior: exploration of a novel environment. We conducted repeated open‐field tests of exploration in a common forest rodent, the yellow‐necked mouse Apodemus flavicollis. Contrary to expectations, the exploration did not vary with the season (spring vs. fall) or the reproductive status of the tested animals. Also unexpectedly, there was an inverted U‐shaped relationship between body mass and exploration: animals with intermediate body mass tended to have the highest exploration tendencies. Males were more exploratory than females. Finally, even after adjusting for the effects of body mass and sex, individuals exhibited consistent, repeatable differences in exploration tendencies (“behavioral types” or “personalities”). The discrepancies between certain broad generalizations and our results suggest that risk taking depends on details of species‐specific biology.  相似文献   

Interactions between parasitic cuckoos and their songbird hosts form a classical reciprocal “arms race,” and are an excellent model for understanding the process of coevolution. Changes in host egg coloration via the evolution of interclutch variation in egg color or intraclutch consistency in egg color are hypothesized counter adaptations that facilitate egg recognition and thus limit brood parasitism. Whether these antiparasitism strategies are maintained when the selective pressure of parasitism is relaxed remains debated. However, introduced species provide unique opportunities for testing the direction and extent of natural selection on phenotypic trait maintenance and variation. Here, we investigated egg rejection behavior and egg color polymorphism in the red‐billed leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea), a common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) host, in a population introduced to Hawaii 100 years ago (breeding without cuckoos) and a native population in China (breeding with cuckoos). We found that egg rejection ability was equally strong in both the native and the introduced populations, but levels of interclutch variation and intraclutch consistency in egg color in the native population were higher than in the introduced population. This suggests that egg rejection behavior in hosts can be maintained in the absence of brood parasitism and that egg appearance is maintained by natural selection as a counter adaptation to brood parasitism. This study provides rare evidence that host antiparasitism strategies can change under parasite‐relaxed conditions and reduced selection pressure.  相似文献   

Environmental conditions experienced during early life may have long‐lasting effects on later‐life phenotypes and fitness. Individuals experiencing poor early‐life conditions may suffer subsequent fitness constraints. Alternatively, individuals may use a strategic “Predictive Adaptive Response” (PAR), whereby they respond—in terms of physiology or life‐history strategy—to the conditions experienced in early life to maximize later‐life fitness. Particularly, the Future Lifespan Expectation (FLE) PAR hypothesis predicts that when poor early‐life conditions negatively impact an individual''s physiological state, it will accelerate its reproductive schedule to maximize fitness during its shorter predicted life span. We aimed to measure the impact of early‐life conditions and resulting fitness across individual lifetimes to test predictions of the FLE hypothesis in a wild, long‐lived model species. Using a long‐term individual‐based dataset, we investigated how early‐life conditions are linked with subsequent fitness in an isolated population of the Seychelles warbler Acrocephalus sechellensis. How individuals experience early‐life environmental conditions may vary greatly, so we also tested whether telomere length—shorter telomers are a biomarker of an individual''s exposure to stress—can provide an effective measure of the individual‐specific impact of early‐life conditions. Specifically, under the FLE hypothesis, we would expect shorter telomeres to be associated with accelerated reproduction. Contrary to expectations, shorter juvenile telomere length was not associated with poor early‐life conditions, but instead with better conditions, probably as a result of faster juvenile growth. Furthermore, neither juvenile telomere length, nor other measures of early‐life conditions, were associated with age of first reproduction or the number of offspring produced during early life in either sex. We found no support for the FLE hypothesis. However, for males, poor early‐life body condition was associated with lower first‐year survival and reduced longevity, indicating that poor early‐life conditions pose subsequent fitness constraints. Our results also showed that using juvenile telomere length as a measure of early‐life conditions requires caution, as it is likely to not only reflect environmental stress but also other processes such as growth.  相似文献   

Reproductive performance in birds depends on several factors, one of the most important being the time of breeding. Birds try to fit offspring birth and growth to peak vegetative production in order to assure fledgling survival. In arid environments, where weather conditions are often extreme, birds must face unpredictable abiotic conditions. This study uses a border population of the trumpeter finch (Bucanetes githagineus) as a model to test whether climate variables (rainfall and temperature) influence breeding parameters by comparing 2 years with very different weather. The study was carried out in the Tabernas desert (southeastern Spain) in 2004 and 2005. A comparison of laying dates in the 2 years shows a 40-day delay in the date of the first clutch in the coldest year (mean minimum temperature 3°C lower in 2005 than in 2004). However, once the breeding season started, the number of clutches, clutch size, duration of the incubation period, nestling phase, fledgling rates and productivity were similar. One likely explanation for this delay is that low temperatures did not allow the germination of Diplotaxis sp., a plant forming the bulk of the trumpeter finch diet during spring. Its absence could prevent onset of breeding, although other temperature-related factors could also be involved. Although rainfall has frequently been reported as a limiting factor for arid bird species, our 2-year study shows that temperature can also influence the breeding biology of arid bird species, by affecting its timing.  相似文献   

We tested for correlations between the geographic, demographic, and temporal distribution of an aquatic insect host and the prevalence of its gut parasites in southwestern Ohio. Trypanosomatids were present in Aquarius remigis collected from all 4 streams surveyed in the watershed. Prevalence declined dramatically from May to July and remained low through the fall. This pattern was consistent over all sites of our study, with no effect of stream, stream site (upstream vs. downstream), or host sex on prevalence. Stage, however, was strongly correlated with prevalence; adults were more likely to be infected than were nymphs. We argue that behavioral differences between the 2 age classes may account for the decline in prevalence; opportunities for transmission are highest in the spring, when mating activities increase adult host contact rates, and decline in the summer, when contact rates decrease.  相似文献   

We examined the susceptibility of murine Fas-deficient mutants to malaria infection in order to investigate the role of Fas in an experimental murine model of cerebral malaria (CM). We infected mice of B6 and CBA wild-type and mutant backgrounds with Plasmodium berghei ANKA. The incidence of CM in the mutant mice (B6-lpr, CBA-lprcg) was decreased by about 50% compared with wild-type control strains at 2 weeks after infection. We did not observe significant differences of parasitemia during a murine malaria infection with nonlethal Plasmodium yoelii 17XNL between wild-type and lymphoproliferative (lpr) mutant mice of C3H and MRL genetic backgrounds, although B6-lpr mice exhibited significantly higher parasitemia than did B6 mice 12 to 18 days after infection. These results suggest Fas has a possible role in CM but may not play a major role in the proliferation or exclusion of a murine malaria parasite in a nonlethal infection.  相似文献   

This study tested for links among behaviour, state and life‐history variables as predicted by the pace‐of‐life hypothesis in adult pike Esox lucius. First, a standardized open‐field behavioural assay was developed to assess individual behaviour of wild‐captured adult E. lucius. Behaviour within the standardized assay predicted swimming behaviour in the lake, providing an ecological validation of the assay. There was no relationship between standardized behaviour and any of the life‐history and state variables, including metabolism, body condition, juvenile growth rate and adult growth rate in contrast to predictions from the pace‐of‐life hypothesis. This study demonstrates that it is possible to assess ecologically relevant behavioural variation in a large‐bodied top predator using a standard open‐field assay, but it is noteworthy that this standardized behaviour is not systematically related to standard metabolism or growth.  相似文献   

The galanin receptors GalR1, GalR2 and GalR3 are widely expressed throughout the mouse brain and are enriched in catecholaminergic nuclei. Here, we show that GalR1 protein levels are regulated by neuronal activity and changes in cAMP levels. GalR1, but not GalR2 or GalR3, is specifically up-regulated in the LC-like Cath.a cell line in a cAMP-dependent manner. GalR1 protein and mRNA levels are also up-regulated in the LC of galanin knockout mice, whereas GalR2 and GalR3 are not. Lack of galanin-maintained cAMP tone in the galanin knockout mouse appears to result in a loss of negative feedback resulting in increased levels of CREB phosphorylation and increased GalR1 expression. These findings suggest that changes in levels of GalR1 may play an important role in modulating signaling events and neuroplasticity underlying physiological functions of the LC.  相似文献   

Blood pressure was measured in a birth cohort of 5362 subjects at the age of 36. The prevalence of hypertension in men (blood pressure greater than 140/90 mm Hg) was almost twice that in women, although women received treatment more often. Deaths of fathers of subjects from hypertensive and ischaemic heart disease were associated with significantly higher mean systolic and diastolic pressures in both sexes. Cigarette smoking was not strongly associated with blood pressure in men and not associated at all in women. Of the social factors, low social class of family of origin was associated with high blood pressure in both sexes; but the strongest association was with current body mass, and birth weight also contributed. Differences in blood pressures between the sexes may have been related to protective biological factors, such as endogenous sex hormones, in women and also to differences in types of employment, smoking habits, and body mass. Differences in blood pressures related to the social class of family of origin may reflect long term influences of class differences on diet, exercise, and educational achievement. The importance of measuring secular trends in obesity and blood pressures is emphasised.  相似文献   

Homer proteins, which regulate the signaling pathway of metabotropic glutamate receptors, may contribute to the glutamatergic modulation of dopamine neurons in the basal ganglia. This study examined whether the induction of Homer 1 genes is or not associated with the methamphetamine-induced dopaminergic neurotoxicity in the discrete brain regions of rats. Basal levels of Homer 1a and 1c mRNAs in the forebrain regions were higher than those in the substantia nigra, whereas Homer 1b mRNA levels were higher in the substantia nigra than those in the forebrain regions examined. A neurotoxic dose (40 mg/kg, i.p.) of methamphetamine increased the mRNA and protein levels of Homer 1a in the striatum and nucleus accumbens, but not in the medial prefrontal cortex or the substantia nigra. Both Homer 1b and 1c mRNAs were not affected in any brain regions examined. These results suggest that the induction of Homer 1a gene may be involved at least in part in the methamphetamine-induced dopaminergic neurotoxicity, possibly through the glutamate-dopaminergic interaction.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) regulates proliferation, morphogenesis, and functional differentiation in the mammary gland and plays complex roles in mammary tumorigenesis. Here we show that the signaling mediators Smad1-Smad5 are expressed at all stages of mammary gland development. To begin to investigate which Smads mediate which TGF-beta responses, we have analyzed mammary gland development in Smad3 null mice. Smad3 null virgin females showed delayed mammary gland development. However, this phenotype was secondary to ovarian insufficiency because Smad3 null mammary epithelium developed normally in hormonally supplemented Smad3 null mice or when transplanted into wild-type hosts. Absence of Smad3 had no effect on the ability of TGF-beta to inhibit the growth of mammary epithelial cells in culture, and no compensatory changes in expression or activation of Smad2 were seen in the Smad3 null epithelium. A small but significant decrease in apoptotic cells was seen in involuting glands from Smad3 null transplants. The results suggest that epithelial Smad3 is dispensable for TGF-beta effects on proliferation and differentiation in the mammary gland, but that it contributes in a nonredundant manner to the induction of apoptosis.  相似文献   



Modifiable lifestyle factors (e.g. dietary intake and physical activity) are important contributors to weight gain during college. The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether associations exist between body mass index, physical activity, screen time, dietary consumption (fat, protein, carbohydrates, and fiber), and gut microbial diversity during the first year of college. Racially/ethnically diverse college students (n?=?82; 61.0% non-white) at a large Southwestern university completed self-reported physical activity and 24-h recall dietary assessments, height and weight measurements, and provided one fecal sample for gut microbiome analysis. Fecal microbial community composition was assessed with Illumina MiSeq next-generation sequencing of PCR amplified 16S rRNA genes. Post-hoc analyses compared microbial diversity by groups of high and low physical activity and fiber intake using QIIME and LEfSe bioinformatics software.


No statistically significant differences were observed between body mass index and gut microbiome abundance and diversity. Median daily consumption of dietary fiber was 11.2 (7.6, 14.9) g/d, while the median self-reported moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) was 55.7 (27.9, 79.3) min/d and screen time 195.0 (195.0, 315.0) min/d. Microbial analysis by LEfSe identified Paraprevotellaceae, Lachnospiraceae, and Lachnospira as important phylotypes in college students reporting greater MVPA, while Enterobacteriaceae and Enterobacteriales were more enriched among students reporting less MVPA (p?<?0.05). Barnesiellaceae, Alphaproteobacteria, and Ruminococcus were more abundant taxa among those consuming less than the median fiber intake (p?<?0.05). Post-hoc analyses comparing weighted UniFrac distance metrics based on combined categories of high and low MVPA and fiber revealed that clustering distances between members of the high MVPA-low fiber group were significantly smaller when compared to distances between members of all other MVPA-fiber groups (p?<?0.0001).


Habitual fiber consumption and MVPA behaviors help explain the differential abundance of specific microbial taxa and overall gut microbial diversity differences in first-year college students.

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