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Predictive models of habitat suitability for the Common Crane Grus grus in a wintering area of southern Portugal were derived using logistic multiple regression and Geographic Information Systems. The study area was characterized by landscape variables and surveyed uniformly for the presence of cranes. The most important variables were distance to roosts, to open Holm Oak woods and to villages, and the occurrence of unpaved roads, shrubby vegetation, slope and orchards. Two models were built, the second having one variable fewer than the first. The selection of the best model was based on statistical and biological criteria. Crane distribution was negatively related to: distance to open Holm Oak Quercus rotundifolia woods and roosts. Additionally, unsuitable vegetation and orchard areas are avoided. In these areas movement is difficult, food availability is reduced and the risk of predation increased. We also found that villages and roads were avoided; disturbance is a significant factor for this species. Some management guidelines are proposed for the area: (1) maintenance of open Holm Oak woodlands, (2) incentives to avoid the abandonment of traditional agriculture and pastoral use of the area, which would lead to an increase of shrubby vegetation areas, (3) preservation of suitable roosting places and (4) management of new patches of forest and orchards.  相似文献   

In habitats with more predators, a species is expected to breed in safer sites and be less successful than in predator-impoverished habitats. We tested this hypothesis by studying nest-habitat selection and nest predation in two populations of Trumpeter finch (Bucanetes githagineus). One breeds in a predator-rich habitat (Tabernas, Iberian Peninsula), and the other is found on an island with fewer predators (La Oliva, Canary Islands). In both localities, we studied the features of nests in two different substrates, on the ground and in cliffs, including visibility and position in the cliff. We measured the habitat characteristics in a series of plots around the ground nests and compared them to random points. We also studied the influence of nest features and habitat selection on predation of both nest types. Trumpeter finches built more nests in cliffs in Tabernas, probably because there are more cliffs available there. In this locality, the patches selected for ground nesting had below-average vegetation cover, lower vegetation height, and were on steeper slopes. In La Oliva, they selected above-average vegetation height and steeper slopes. Cliff nests were less predated than ground nests in La Oliva, but not in Tabernas. The only variable that affected survival rates in Tabernas was the height of vegetation around ground nests, with nests in lower vegetation having higher survival rates. These results suggest that locality-related differences in habitat selection by vegetation height could be related to the different predator assemblages present in any given area, though we cannot rule out confounding influences of other differences between the two sites.  相似文献   

Capsule The number of territories of birds nesting in abandoned crop fields was most strongly positively affected by field size and the presence of a railway embankment.

Aims To assess the influence of different habitat features on the number of birds nesting in abandoned crop fields.

Methods A breeding bird survey was conducted in spring 2002 using the mapping method on 67 abandoned fields located in southwest Poland. The associations between eight habitat features of the abandoned fields and the numbers of particular species and groups of birds, as well as the whole bird community, were tested with a glm.

Results The models for eight individual species revealed the following ranking, in terms of number of species affected by each predictor: area of fields (5), railway embankments and adjacent crop fields (4), roads and power lines (2), and number of trees (1). The number of the most numerous group of birds (species nesting on the ground, 79% of all breeding pairs) was affected by four predictors: field area, railway embankments, power lines and roads. The number of all birds was affected by six predictors: field area, railway embankments, power lines, roads, ditches and trees.

Conclusion Limited effects of trees, hedgerows and ditches on the number of territories suggest that abandoned fields without woody vegetation are attractive breeding habitats for many farmland birds. One of the effective ways of protecting farmland bird species in central Europe may be the preservation of abandoned fields in their present form, especially those <5 ha in area.  相似文献   

Capsule Differences in Cork Oak Quercus suber and Holm Oak Quercus rotundifolia dominance had little influence on bird communities though bark-gleaners showed a foraging preference for Cork Oak.

Aims Examine the use of Cork and Holm Oak trees by insectivorous birds in Mediterranean oak woodlands.

Methods Point-counts were used to compare species abundance among Cork Oak-dominated, Holm Oak-dominated and mixed woodlands. Focal foraging observations were used to evaluate the use of Cork and Holm Oaks in the three habitats and to relate tree characteristics with the foraging time of foliage- and bark-gleaners.

Results Bird densities in the three habitats were not different for most foliage- and bark-gleaners. Tree preference index values and foraging time per tree showed no significant differences between tree species and foraging guilds, however bark-gleaners had positive index values for Cork Oak in the three habitats. The foraging time of foliage- and bark-gleaners on both tree species showed a positive relationship with characteristics associated with arthropod abundance.

Conclusion Cork and Holm Oak trees are equally preferred by foliage-gleaners but bark-gleaners moderately preferred Cork Oak. Characteristics regarding morphology, phenology and physiological condition of trees can be used to predict habitat quality for insectivorous forest birds in Mediterranean oak woodlands.  相似文献   

Capsule Spatial environmental modelling well predicted nesting distribution of the White stork in Southeast Europe and can be used in conservation planning with respect to climate change.

Aims To create spatial models for predicting White Stork presence and densities in the Southeast Europe to identify areas of suitable habitat for White Storks.

Methods We quantified the habitat used by nesting White storks in Southeast Europe. Using spatial modelling, we defined a set of free and available online environmental variables that predict the breeding localities of the species. We employed pseudo-absences and the kriging of the residuals in order to create predictive models of nest presence and density.

Results The presence–absence model was found to be precise in predicting the presence of nests. Both density and presence of breeding pairs were best explained negatively by elevation, slope, minimum temperature during May, and distance to the nearest human settlement and positively by topographic wetness index, total area of human settlement and spring precipitation.

Conclusion Our robust and easily repeatable models offer a conservation tool to reveal suitable but unoccupied localities for breeding White Storks pairs which may inform our understanding of how climate change might affect the species' distribution in the future. For example, protecting White Storks on the Dalmatian coast may become even more significant in the future, because the Dalmatian coast is predicted as the only suitable breeding area in Croatia later this century.  相似文献   

Capsule Juvenile and immature Cinereous Vultures from the Caucasus move large distances across undeveloped open-dry habitats in response to snowfall or high summer temperatures.

Aim To study local and long-range movements of Cinereous Vulture (Aegypius monachus), and investigate the influence of environmental variables on spatial and temporal distributions of the species on a large scale.

Methods We use 4-year-long location data from 6 juvenile Cinereous Vultures fitted with satellite-received transmitters to track their movements and obtain habitat suitability models.

Results A few months after fledging, Cinereous Vultures may migrate from the Caucasus as far south as the Arabian Peninsula. Their movements are concentrated in undeveloped open-dry habitats. High temperatures push the vultures to higher latitudes and altitudes, while reverse seasonal movements are triggered by the extent of snow cover.

Conclusions Our study shows the importance of the Arabian Peninsula and Iran as wintering areas for Cinereous Vultures. Long-distance movements by immature cinereous vultures are determined by climate seasonality, and in light of climate-warming scenarios for the next 100 years, there might be a shift in timing of the onset of the species seasonal movements and a change in the duration and geography of its wintering and summering.  相似文献   

Capsule Use of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data identified suitable Willow Warbler habitat based on mean vegetation height. This habitat model provided maps of distribution and occupation of suitable habitat.

Aims To identify habitat associations in woods with different vegetation structure and management systems during a period of low Willow Warbler populations.

Methods Locations of all Willow Warblers were mapped during the breeding season in three woods of contrasting management; recent low intervention, actively coppiced woodland and high forest with clear‐fells. Height profile models of each wood were derived from airborne LiDAR. The mean vegetation height at locations with Willow Warblers and a sample from the rest of the wood were used to produce models of optimum habitat and breadth of habitat occupied in each wood. The habitat model was then used to produce maps of suitable habitat.

Results The habitat models did not differ between woods, with highest probability of Willow Warbler occurrence in mean vegetation heights of 3.7–5.3 m. Habitat of heights 6–11 m appeared less suitable, being only partly occupied. Habitat maps showed that habitat of suitable height was only occupied when it occurred as large patches; smaller patches (mostly <0.5 ha) and edges along rides and fields were not used.

Conclusion The use of LiDAR derived measures of vegetation height identified areas of suitable habitat for Willow Warblers. Willow Warblers occupied areas of low mean vegetation height either as early successional or open canopy woodland in all woods. Height‐based habitat maps can identify areas of suitable habitat within larger expanses of heterogeneous woodland and are a potentially useful tool in assessing changes in extent of what are often temporary patches of habitat.  相似文献   

Capsule Birds selected younger woodland patches with fewer conifers and higher soil moisture content; within these patches, they selected areas with higher vegetation cover at 2–4 m, and less bracken.

Aims For an apparently stable population, to investigate habitat differences between occupied and unoccupied woodland patches and habitat selection within occupied woodlands.

Methods We surveyed woodland patches for breeding Willow Tits in April 2006 in an area with an apparently stable population. Habitat was measured at points spread throughout each woodland patch and at points where Willow Tits were located. We compared habitat between occupied and unoccupied sites. In addition, within occupied sites, we examined habitat differences between Willow Tit locations and the points spread throughout the wood.

Results We surveyed 65 woodland patches, of which 29 were occupied. Willow Tits were more likely to be found in deciduous woodland that was younger and had higher levels of soil moisture. Probability of occupancy fell from 60% for woods aged 20–25 years to only around 15–30% for woods aged over 80 years. Within occupied woods, Willow Tits were more likely to be found in areas with more vegetation cover at the 2–4 m level and in areas with less bracken.

Conclusions Habitat management for Willow Tits should involve provision of young woodland patches with moist soils. Changes to the age structure and/or the soil moisture content of woods may be implicated in the dramatic decline of Willow Tits in Britain.  相似文献   

Capsule: Habitat structure and composition explained spatial variation in breeding distribution and nesting success in a declining upland Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata population in North Wales.

Aims: To identify environmental correlates of Curlew breeding distribution, nesting success and change in distribution.

Methods: Thirty random 1?km squares stratified by historical population trend were surveyed for Curlew density and nesting success, and habitat- and predation-related variables in a landscape containing agriculturally improved farmland, and moorland that was partly protected and subject to grazing reductions for nature conservation. Analyses tested for associations between Curlew measures and environmental variables.

Results: Curlew breeding density declined by 29% between 1994 and 2008, and was highest in squares comprising a mixture of moorland and agriculturally improved farmland, and in squares with lower vegetation density and higher cover of Nardus stricta (characteristic of rough grazing). Nesting success was positively associated with cover of Trichophorum germanicum (characteristic of mire). Vegetation density was lower than average in squares with the highest Curlew densities, while in the protected area vegetation density was higher than average.

Conclusion: Habitat and vegetation variables influenced Curlew distribution and nesting success in North Wales, largely in line with previous results but with no evidence for predator-related influences. Habitat condition for Curlew in the protected area could probably be increased through targeted increases in grazing alongside the protection of priority habitats.  相似文献   

道路对林地景观连接度的影响——以巩义市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁国付  许立民  丁圣彦 《生态学报》2014,34(16):4775-4784
基于景观连接度原理,借用景观连接度指数,在地理信息系统支持下,探讨了巩义市山区林地景观在不同距离阈值下连接度的变化,定量分析了道路对林地景观连接度的影响。结果显示,随着景观距离阈值的增大,无论是否有道路,林地景观整体可能连通性指数值都表现为逐渐增大;对林地景观连接度起"非常高"和"高"作用的林地斑块数量都比较少,但占林地总面积比例较大,面积大的林地斑块在提高景观连接度中起的作用较大;道路的分割使得林地斑块重要值降低,就单一斑块而言,随着景观距离阈值的增大,分割成的小斑块的重要值降低程度在逐渐减小。  相似文献   

《Bird Study》2012,59(3):293-305

Capsule: Smaller woodlands not only support fewer species but also show different avian community composition due to loss of woodland interior and an increase in edge habitat.

Aims: To use observed community composition changes, rather than traditional total species richness-area relationships, to make area-specific management recommendations for optimizing woodland habitat for avian communities in fragmented landscapes.

Methods: 17 woodlands were selected in Oxfordshire, UK, with areas between 0.2 and 120 ha. Three dawn area searches were conducted in each woodland between 1st April and 28th May 2016 to record encounter rates for each species. The impact of internal habitat variation on woodland comparability was assessed using habitat surveys.

Results: Woodlands with area less than 3.6 ha showed a significant positive relationship between total avian species richness and woodland area. Woodlands with area over 3.6 ha were all consistent with a mean (± se) total richness of 25.4?±?0.6 species, however the number of woodland specialists continued to increase with woodland area. Woodland generalists dominated the total encounter rate across the area range, however the fractional contribution of woodland specialists showed a significant positive correlation with woodland area, while the fractional contribution of non-woodland species significantly decreased. Non-woodland species numbers peaked in mid-sized woodlands with enhanced habitat heterogeneity.

Conclusions: Community composition analysis enabled more targeted recommendations than total species richness analysis, specifically: large woodlands (over 25?ha) in southern UK should focus conservation efforts on providing the specific internal habitats required by woodland specialists; medium-sized woodlands (between approximately 4 and 25?ha) should focus on promoting internal habitat variety, which can benefit both woodland species and non-woodland species of conservation concern in the surrounding landscape; small woodlands (under 4?ha) should focus on providing nesting opportunities for non-woodland species and on improving connectivity to maximize habitat for woodland generalists and facilitate movement of woodland specialists.  相似文献   

Capsule: Tawny Owls Strix aluco occupying nest boxes preferred habitats which were positively associated with the probability of nesting success.

Aims: We aimed to determine whether or not: (1) Tawny Owls showed habitat preferences when occupying nest boxes; (2) nesting performance was related to the habitats around occupied nest boxes and (3) habitat availability had changed around available and occupied nest boxes between 1995–2004 and 2005–14.

Methods: Tawny Owls were studied using nest boxes erected in a commercial forest. During nest boxes checks (724 cases), data on occupancy and nesting performance (88 cases) were recorded, and habitat within a 0.4?km radius around nest boxes was analysed.

Results: Tawny Owls had preferences for clearings within forests, mature forests and grasslands but avoided young forests. We found a positive relationship between nesting success and abundance of clearings within the forest, and a negative relationship between nesting success and abundance of young forests. A change in habitat preferences over the two decades was evident, but habitat availabilities remained similar.

Conclusions: Findings indicate adaptive habitat selection in Tawny Owls because preferred habitats were associated with higher fitness and this type of habitat became more frequently selected over time.  相似文献   

Salix hukaoana is an endangered riparian pioneer tree that is distributed within a restricted area of Japan. Microsatellite genetic variations and genetic structures were investigated in 80 subpopulations patchily distributed within five river basins with varying degrees of habitat fragmentation. The correlation between geographic distance and genetic distance based on the Bayesian assignment test was significant across relatively intact riparian habitats, with steeper slopes of regression for more densely grouped subpopulations, suggesting restricted gene flow. However, the correlation became less apparent with increasing spacing of the habitat patches. These contradictory results are attributed to the increased chance of long-distance dispersal of sexual propagules among more isolated habitat patches. The observed accumulation of genetic diversity with increasing distance downstream along a few, but not all, of the rivers and the results of assignment tests suggested a downstream directionality of gene flow. The results of this study illustrate the patterns of genetic diversity and contemporary dispersal of S. hukaoana, and provide important insights into understanding the gene dispersal of riparian trees and into the conservation of genetic resources for this species.  相似文献   

Júlio M. Neto 《Bird Study》2013,60(2):171-176
Capsule Savi's Warblers preferred sites dominated by high and dense Juncus and Rubus with thick litter, and avoided pure reeds; predation was higher in sites with less litter.

Aim To describe nest-site selection and identify which habitat and nest features influence predation risk.

Methods Comparisons were made between habitat characteristics measured at nest-sites and random points, and between predated and successful nests.

Results Total vegetation cover, litter thickness, habitat type, undergrowth height and undergrowth cover, which were higher or denser at nest-sites, were the most important variables influencing the distribution of Savi's Warbler nests. Nests were most often predated in sites with low litter thickness.

Conclusion Savi's Warblers are dependent on the presence of dense low vegetation and litter for nesting, which should be maintained close to or within reed-beds for their benefit.  相似文献   


Capsule: Nest site selection of Black-bellied Sandgrouse Pterocles orientalis in an Algerian arid environment is dictated by a combination of topography, human presence, landscape and space.

Aims: To disentangle the drivers affecting Black-bellied Sandgrouse nest habitat use in an Algerian arid environment.

Methods: We used data on a series of topographic, anthropogenic, landscape and space variables, to identify the predictors of the occurrence probability of Black-bellied Sandgrouse nests. These variables were measured at nests (n?=?33) and random points (n?=?33) within landscape plots of 250?m radius.

Results: The probability of a site being selected for nesting by Black-bellied Sandgrouse was negatively related to distance to the nearest cereal crops, but positively associated with the cover of natural water, cover of rocks, and distance to the nearest road. This probability was also high at elevations between 251 and 289?m.

Conclusion: From a practical perspective, it would be interesting to reproduce the same investigation in other Mediterranean arid environments to find out if this species follows a similar pattern of nesting habitat use. This would provide guidance for future conservation actions and inform appropriate habitat management for this species.  相似文献   

Compared to conventional approaches, the integration of population size analysis with habitat suitability assessment on a large scale can provide more evidence to explain the mechanisms of habitat isolation and fragmentation, and thus make regional conservation plans. In this paper, we analyzed the habitat suitability for giant pandas in the Minshan Mountains, China, using the ecological-niche factor analysis (ENFA) method, and then evaluated the current conservation status of this endangered species. The results showed that (1) giant pandas were distributed in a narrow altitudinal range in which vegetation cover was dominated by coniferous forest, mixed coniferous and deciduous broadleaf forest, and deciduous broadleaf forest with scattered bamboo understory, and (2) roads and human settlements had strong negative effects on the panda habitat selection. According to habitat analysis, the total habitat area of giant panda in the Minshan Mountains was 953,173 ha, which was fragmented into 12 habitat units by major roads, rivers, and human settlements. The habitat of the mid-Minshan was less fragmentized, but was seriously fragmented in the north. The panda population size estimation showed that 676 individuals inhabited the study area, and 94.53% of them were in the mid-Minshan, but small panda populations less than 30 individuals inhabited the isolated and fragmented habitat patches in the north. The nature reserves in the Minshan Mountains have formed three conservation groups, which covered 41.26% of panda habitat and protected 70.71% of panda population of the study area, but there still exists two conservation gaps, and the connectivity among these reserves is still weak. Due to habitat isolation and extensive human disturbances, giant pandas in the north (i.e., Diebu, Zhouqu, and Wudou) are facing threats of local extinction. In order to protect pandas and their habitats in this area, some effective conservation approaches, such as establishing new reserves in gap areas, creating corridors among patches, and seasonally controlling traffic flux in key roads, should be implemented in the future to link these isolated habitats together.  相似文献   

Capsule: Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus avoid nesting close to small woodland patches but nest predation rates do not vary with distance to woodland patches, either because risky areas are avoided or perceived nest predation risk does not reflect actual risk.

Aims: To explore the effects of woodland patches in wet grassland landscapes on nest distribution and success of Lapwings.

Methods: We quantified the effect of woodland patches on the distribution and outcome of Lapwing nests across four wet grassland sites by mapping nest distribution and monitoring nest outcomes.

Results: Lapwing nested significantly further from woods than expected by chance. Neither nest predation rates nor the probability of predation occurring at night (thus primarily mammalian predators) or day (primarily avian predators) varied in relation to distance from woodland patches.

Conclusions: High levels of nest and chick predation in wet grassland landscapes limit the capacity for breeding wader populations to be self-sustaining. Consequently, identifying manageable landscape features that influence predation rates is an important focus of conservation research. Lapwing avoid breeding close to woodland but, as nest predation rates do not vary with distance from woodland patches, their removal may increase the area of suitable nesting habitat but is unlikely to substantially influence productivity.  相似文献   

Capsule There is a relationship between owl numbers and the availability of the agri-forest patchwork.

Aims To model habitat preferences at three different scales of two predators largely neglected within the framework of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies.

Methods We studied habitat preferences of Long-eared Owls and Little Owls by comparing habitat composition around 28 and 78 occupied territories respectively with 55 non-occupied territories in Alicante (eastern Spain). Generalized linear models were used to examine patterns of habitat preference at three different spatial scales: nest-site, home range and landscape.

Results At the nest-site scale, Long-eared Owls preferred wooded areas with few paved roads while Little Owls preferred arid plantations. Furthermore, the probability of finding an occupied territory increased with the proximity of another occupied territory in the surroundings. The home range scale models mirror the feeding requirements of the owls. Thus, Long-eared Owls occupied areas with high percentages of forest, arid plantations, edges between these two land uses, short distances between nests, with presence of conspecifics and little human disturbance. Little Owls occupied arid plantations with high availability of linear structures and the proximity of villages. At the landscape scale, Long-eared Owls eluded extensive forests, and Little Owls preferred arid plantations.

Conclusions We suggest a hierarchical process of habitat selection for both owls regarding fitting trophic resources at the broadest scales and adequate sites for breeding and roosting at the smallest scale. EIA studies must consider that protecting small areas around single nests may not be an efficient conservation option compared with preserving clusters of territories for both species.  相似文献   

《Plant Ecology & Diversity》2013,6(5-6):509-520
Background: Burial mounds (kurgans) of Eurasian steppes are man-made habitat islands that have the potential to harbour rich plant diversity due to micro-habitats associated with their topography.

Aims: We assessed whether kurgan micro-habitats harboured different species pools and functional groups from those found on the surrounding steppes. In addition, we asked if these mounds were affected by different grazing intensities from those on the surrounding vegetation.

Methods: We surveyed kurgan micro-habitats (northern and southern slopes, surrounding ditch) and adjacent steppe plains in non-grazed, moderately grazed and heavily grazed sites in northern Kazakhstan. We analysed differences in species composition of four habitats under three grazing regimes using Generalised Linear Mixed Models, PCA ordination and indicator species analysis.

Results: Kurgan micro-habitats had diverse vegetation and supported the co-existence of plant species with different environmental needs. We identified 16 steppe specialists confined to kurgan micro-habitats. Steppe vegetation was well-adapted to extensive grazing, although heavy grazing supported ruderals and a decline in steppe specialists. There was a significant interaction between grazing intensity and habitat type: heavy grazing supported ruderals and suppressed steppe specialists especially on the slopes.

Conclusions: We highlighted that kurgans play an important role as maintaining high plant diversity locally in extensive steppe plains in Central-Asia by increasing environmental heterogeneity and supporting specialist species confined to these micro-habitats.  相似文献   

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