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We present the first quantitative data on the genetic breeding system of a lark (Alaudidae), the Skylark Alauda arvensis . Using a set of eight microsatellite loci isolated in a variety of passerine species, we genotyped 171 offspring from 52 broods of Skylark and detected 35 extra-pair offspring (20%), in 14 different broods (27%). All offspring matched their putative mother, so there was no evidence of intraspecific brood parasitism. Previous non-genetic studies had suggested that the species was predominantly socially monogamous, with only rare occurrences of social polygyny and polyandry, although some behaviours, such as mate guarding, did suggest the possibility of extra-pair copulations. The relatively high level of extra-pair paternity in this species is likely to affect the variation in male reproductive success because extra-pair paternity was non-randomly distributed amongst males, with those with shorter wings more likely to be cuckolded.  相似文献   

Capsule: Sky Lark plots and additional tramlines increase Sky Lark Alauda arvensis territory densities in winter crops.

Aims: To analyse the effects on Sky Lark territory density of Sky Lark plots and additional tramlines in winter cereals and oilseed rape.

Methods: We mapped Sky Lark territories on fields with Sky Lark plots or additional tramlines as well as on adjacent control sites, from 2010 to 2013 in Saxony, Germany, where agricultural land use is intensive, dominated by winter-sown crops and takes place in large fields.

Results: In test sites with Sky Lark plots, 5.6 and 3.1 territories per 10?ha were found in the early (April/May) and late periods (June/July) respectively, compared to 3.3 and 1.4 territories per 10?ha in control sites. Sky Lark territory densities in fields with additional tramlines were 1.6 times higher in the early period (4.2 versus 2.6 territories per 10?ha) and 2.2 times higher in the late period (3.6 versus 1.6 territories per 10?ha).

Conclusion: Sky Lark plots and additional tramlines improve large fields for the Sky Lark and have the potential to increase the Sky Lark population.  相似文献   

Numerical classification of 2653 geographically stratified relevés of weed vegetation from the Czech and Slovak Republics was performed with cluster analysis. Diagnostic species were determined for each of the seven main clusters using statistical measures of fidelity. The classification reflected clear distinctions between lowland (mostly calcicole) and highland (mostly calcifuge) sites, spring and summer phenological stages, and cereals and root crops. The results of the cluster analysis were compared with traditional phytosociological units. Two clusters corresponded to calcifuge weed vegetation of theScleranthion annui alliance; one cluster represented the vegetation of root crops on moist soils of theOxalidion europaeae alliance; one cluster contained thermophilous weed vegetation of theCaucalidion lappulae alliance; two clusters included weed vegetation of root crops and of stubble fields, which can be assigned to theCaucalidion, Panico-Setarion,Veronico-Euphorbion andEragrostion alliances; one cluster included vernal weed vegetation in little disturbed habitats of theCaucalidion lappulae andScleranthion annui alliances. Our analysis did not support the concept of theSherardion andVeronico-Taraxacion alliances, which were included in earlier overviews of the vegetation units of the Czech Republic and Slovakia.  相似文献   

1. A study of skylark Alauda arvensis L. breeding ecology in relation to crop type was carried out from April to August 1992 on arable land in southern England. Set-aside land was included in this comparative study.
2. Territory density averaged 0·15 ha−1. It was 2–3 times higher in fields of set-aside and grass, especially permanent pasture, than in winter and spring-sown cereals.
3. Territory size was nearly twice as large in fields of winter cereals (4·5 ha) than in other crop types (2·5 ha). Where set-aside was present on one farm, territory size in set-aside (1·7 ha) was a third lower than in cereals and grass.
4. Nesting began in set-aside and permanent pasture in April and peaked in late May. Nesting was not detected in spring barley until late May and in silage grass until early June. The density of successful nests in set-aside fields was more than double that in any of the arable crop types.
5. Average clutch size at hatching was 3·91 eggs in fields of set-aside, over 15% higher than in silage grass (3·40) and in spring barley (3·27).
6. Fledging success did not differ according to crop type, but productivity, expressed as the number of fledglings produced per hectare, was 0·50 in set-aside, 0·13 in silage grass, and 0·21 in spring barley. Nests with chicks were not found in fields of winter cereals. The causes of chick death were thought to be predation in set-aside fields, farming practices in silage grass fields, and suspected starvation in spring cereals.
7. The potentially high nesting success of skylarks in set-aside implies that sympathetic set-aside management could play an important part in reversing its decline across the European Union.  相似文献   

Behaviour and parental care of Skylark Alauda arvensis chicks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
JOHN GRYNDERUP POULSEN 《Ibis》1996,138(3):525-531
I studied parental care and fledgling dispersion of Skylarks Alauda arvensis during the last 4 days of the nestling period and the first 4 days after the nestlings left the nest but before they were able to fly. The study compared parental care in three different crop types: spring barley, grass and set-aside. Both parents made more provisioning trips and delivered more food to fledglings than to nestlings. Fledglings received fewer items per trip than did nestlings. Feeding distances did not differ between nestling and post-Hedging periods for any crop type. This suggests that fledging was associated with a change in parental foraging strategies. Parental care differed between broods from different crop types. During the last 4 days of the nestling period, the feeding frequencies were 3.4 trips per young per hour in spring barley fields, 5.8 in grass and 7.3 in set-aside. The mean distances to the feeding area were 233 m in spring barley fields, 155 m in grass and 120 m in set-aside. The load size of provisioning trips was significantly higher in set-aside than in spring barley and grass. During the first 4 days after fledging, the feeding frequencies were 2.2 successful trips per young per hour in spring barley fields, 4.1 in grass and 5.1 in set-aside. The feeding distances were 210 m in spring barley fields, 162 m in grass and 120 m in set-aside. Load size of provisioning trips was significantly higher in set-aside than in spring barley and grass. The mean dispersion of fledglings was significantly greater in fields of spring barley compared with grass fields and set-aside.  相似文献   

Clutches of ground‐nesting farmland birds are often destroyed by farming operations, resulting in insufficient reproductive success and subsequently declining populations. The aim of this study was to investigate whether volunteer nest protection can enhance nest success of ground‐nesting birds. The study compared nest success of protected and unprotected Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus nests over 2 years on arable farms in the Netherlands. Because of different crop management, nest success of ground‐breeding birds might differ between organic and conventional arable farms. The effectiveness of volunteer nest protection was therefore investigated on both farm types. Although nest protection significantly reduced nest loss due to farming operations, there were no significant differences in total clutch survival of protected and unprotected nests. However, sample sizes of unprotected nests, and protected nests on organic farms, were relatively small, which may have reduced statistical power. There were indications that protected nests were predated or deserted more often. We recommend exploring different ways to improve the effectiveness of volunteer nest protection through a further reduction of nest loss due to farming operations and predation.  相似文献   

Capsule Earlier broods tend to be more male biased than later broods  相似文献   

We present the results of a national survey of breeding Skylarks Alauda arvensis in Britain in 1997 carried out by the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO). Numbers of Skylarks and land-use types were recorded by volunteers in 608 1-km squares, selected using random stratification based on the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology's (ITE) Landscape Classification to avoid over- or under-sampling particular habitat types. The results suggest a maximum national population of around 1000 000 pairs. This agrees extremely well with the national population estimate of around 1046 000 pairs derived from the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) of the BTO/Joint Nature Conservation Committee/Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, and provides further evidence for the robustness of the BBS as a national monitoring scheme for common and widespread species. The figure is approximately half that of the most recent published estimate of 2000 000 in 1988–91. However, the scale of this discrepancy is likely to reflect a bias in Atlas field methodology and site selection since there has been a real decline of approximately 9% since 1990. Arable squares supported the highest densities of Skylarks; 4.6–6.0 pairs per km2, and 46–49% of the British breeding population was associated with arable areas. Marginal upland and upland areas supported lower densities but still accounted for approximately 34% of the estimated national breeding population. Differences in density at broad habitat scales were reflected in geographical differences across Britain, with southern and eastern arable regions supporting much higher densities than western and northern ones. At a finer scale, Skylarks occurred at highest densities on, and showed highest habitat preferences for, set-aside and various types of ungrazed grassland. Winter cereal, improved grassland and set-aside held the highest proportion of the Skylark population on farmland in England and Wales; grazed pasture, winter cereals and spring cereals held the highest proportion in Scotland.  相似文献   

The distribution of breeding Skylarks on lowland farmland was examined on a monthly basis on 13 farms in southern England in 1996. General linear models identified crop type and field area, shape and boundary characteristics as significant independent predictors of Skylark territory numbers in most or all months. Models predicted territory numbers best during the height of the breeding season and less well during territory establishment in March and abandonment in July. From March to May, crop height had no significant effect on Skylark territory distribution, but in June and July it had a highly significant quadratic effect, models suggesting an optimal vegetation height of around 0.55 m in these months. Set-aside held high territory densities, permanent pasture low densities. Spring cereals held higher territory densities than winter cereals. This could best be explained by differences between the two cereal types in crop structure. There was evidence of a positive correlation between crop height diversity and territory density at the farm scale. The results are discussed with reference to the species' recent severe population decline.  相似文献   

Ragweed in the Czech Republic   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
During the last years, a well documented expansion ofragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L., Ambrosia trifida L.) over the Mediterranean andtemperate Europe has been in progress. The currentdistribution of ragweed plants in the Czech Republicis summarized and the ragweed pollen concentration asmonitored by 12 pollen stations in the country isdiscussed. The present situation in the ragweed pollensensitization among children and adults with pollenallergy in Brno is described. So far no dangerousexpansion of ragweed plants in our country has beenobserved. Ragweed pollen concentration is occasionallysignificant in the Brno station only, other pollenstations are reporting insignificant amounts ofragweed pollen during August-September periods,although there has been a steady increase in ragweedpollen concentration in the Prague area over the lastfive years. Skin prick tests and/or specific IgEmeasurements with ragweed allergen were performed on94 children with pollen allergy in the Brno region in1995 and on 206, 210 and 229 adult allergic patientsin 1995, 1996 and 1997, respectively. Positive skinreaction or positive specific IgE to ragweed was foundin 22% children and in 25% (1995), 19% (1996) and 25% (1997) adults with pollen allergy. It isconcluded that ragweed does not seem to represent anyimminent major threat to the allergic population inthe Czech Republic until now, however, it remains apotentially very dangerous allergen.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the current situation in weed vegetation composition on arable land in selected areas of the Czech Republic, assessment of influence of selected variables: applied management systems (conventional, organic), crops (winter cereals, root crops) and altitude and ranking of the importance of these particular factors. A phytocoenological survey was conducted from 2006 to 2008 during a vegetation period using relevés that were 100 m2 in size, placed in the central part of fields. In total, 202 relevés of agricultural vegetation were recorded. The combined environmental variables explained 10.6% of the variability. Based on the pCCAs, the highest effect was found at altitude, which explains 5.1% of the species composition variability. The second and third most significant factors are crop and management system, which explain 3.3% and 1.8% of the variability, respectively. The lowlands were generally characterised by the thermophilous summer annual weed species. The higher altitudes were populated by species that are typical for colder areas and poor, humid, and acidic soil types, such as cambisoil.  相似文献   

Within heterogeneous arable habitats close to urbanized Vienna, Austria, Eurasian Skylarks Alauda arvensis occurred at slightly lower densities than in other mixed farmland areas and at a much lower density than would be found in natural habitats. Territory density was negatively correlated with the occurrence of roads, tracks and high-intensity agricultural cultivation, possibly due to the resulting increased disturbance by humans.  相似文献   

Declines in the number of breeding Skylarks Alauda aruensis and changes in their reproductive performance were analysed using data from two long-running surveys co-ordinated by the British Trust for Ornithology: the Common Birds Census and the Nest Record Scheme. In the UK, the number of breeding Skylarks declined by approximately 55% between 1975 and 1994. This decline was steepest in agricultural habitats and in regions associated with intensive agriculture. In contrast, Skylark reproductive performance per nest, in terms of clutch size, brood size and post-hatching survival rate of nests, showed a general improvement over time. This improvement was greatest in intensively farmed agricultural habitats. Therefore changes in reproductive performance per nesting attempt were probably not responsible for the decline in numbers. It is inferred that possible causes of the decline of the Skylark are: reductions in the number of breeding attempts per pair per season, reductions in the proportion of birds attempting to breed, and increased mortality outside the breeding season.  相似文献   

Factors affecting the diet, body condition and growth rates of Skylark chicks were assessed to examine their relationship to their agricultural environment during a critical period in the life cycle of this rapidly declining species. Rainfall explained the greatest amount of variation in body condition and growth rates and had a negative effect on both. Body condition indices were a good predictor of the likelihood of future partial brood loss to starvation. Low body condition in grass fields was related to a low diversity in the diet. Chicks fed insect larvae had higher body condition indices than those not fed larvae. Larger broods tended to have higher growth rates than smaller ones, whereas smaller broods tended to have higher body condition indices. Natural brood size reduction through the non-hatching of eggs resulted in higher body condition indices than were found in nests with the same number of chicks where all eggs hatched, this effect being independent of absolute brood size. There was no significant difference between crop types in the distance adult birds flew to forage for food for nestlings and foraging crop destination had no effect on chick development. Differences between crop types in chick diet could be related to the documented effects of pesticides on different prey species. We suggest that recent agricultural changes have affected diet and possibly body condition, but that these effects are unlikely to have been an important factor in recent population declines.  相似文献   

Capsule Counts least susceptible to observer effects were those within 25 m of a transect and the total number along a transect, with observer effects greater for distance sampling.  相似文献   

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