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1. Cortisone acetate activates the acid alpha-glucosidase in rat liver slices and in isolated liver lysosomes. 2. The reaction is steroid specific and moreover does not occur with lysosomal acid phosphatase or beta-galactosidase. 3. After pretreatment of the lysosomes with cortisone, substrate (maltose) binding to the soluble lysosomal acid alpha-glucosidase is not affected, but the steroid does increase the V(max.) value. Membrane-bound enzyme is not activated by cortisone. 4. 4-[(14)C]Cortisone is preferentially bound to the lysosomal membrane and the possible involvement of this structure in the activation phenomenon is discussed.  相似文献   

Xizangia bartschioides (Hand.-Mazz.) D. Y. Hong——玄参科一新组合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虽然玄参科的马松蒿Xizangia serrata D.Y.Hong与齿叶翅茎草Petrygiella artschioides Hand.-Mazz.系同物异名,但齿叶翅茎草与翅茎草属其余4种植物在习性、叶、花萼等外部形态上有显著差异,在种皮方面的差异尤为突出。马松蒿属Xizangia 作为属的地位是合适的。因此,本文作了一个新组合,即XI-zangia bartschioides(Hand.-Mazz.)D.Y.Hong,而把Ptertrygiella bartschioides Hand.-Mazz.和Xizangia serrata D.Y. Hong均作异名处理。  相似文献   

I. Moore 《BioControl》1962,7(1):53-57
Résumé La mouche des olives a été élevée aseptiquement sur un milieu artificiel où son développement était sensiblement de même durée que dans le fruit. Les élevages ont été faits collectivement à partir de groupes d'œufs et individuellement à partir de larves néonates. Deux générations successives ont été obtenues sur ce milieu.

Publication of the National and University Institute of Agriculture, Rehovot, Isra?l, 1962 series, No 454-E.  相似文献   

The species described asLipomyces anomalus Babjeva & Gorin shows significant genetic and phenotypic divergence from the type speciesLipomyces starkeyi Lodder & Kreger-van Rij in terms of rRNA base sequence substitution and ascosporal and septal ultrastructure. The species is consequently reclassified in the new, unispecific genusBabjevia, asBabjevia anomala.  相似文献   

(1) The systematic positions of Clematis potaninii Maxim., C . heynei Rau, C. trichotoma Nakai, C. apiculata Hook. f. & Thoms, C. theobromina Dunn, C. sigensis Engler,C. hedysarifolia DC., and C. dissecta Baker, and the specific status of C. trifida Hook, C.pimpinellifolia Hook., C. oligophylla Hook., and Clematopsis lineariloba Hutch. are discussed; (2) New classifications for Clematis parviloba Gardn. & Champ., C. puberula Hook. f. & Thoms., and sect. Naraveliopsis Hand.-Mazz. are provided; (3) Clematis subsect. Potaninianae M. Johnson, C. heynei M. Johnson, C. petelotii Gagnep. and some other names are reduced to synonymy; (4) Two subsections, 4 series, 4 species, and 4 varieties are described as new; (5)Four new ranks and 4 new combinations are made.  相似文献   

(1) Clematis taiwaniana Hayata, C. grata Wall. var. ryukiuensis Tamura, C . sikkimensis (Hook. f. & Thoms. ) Drumm. ex Burkill, C. connata DC. var. bipinnata M. Y. Fang, C. kilungensis W. T. Wang & M. Y. Fang etc. are reduced to synonymy. (2) New classifications for sect. Tubulosae Decne., C. siamensis Drumm. & Craib and C. connata DC. are proposed. (3) 3 series, 3 species and 4 varieties are described as new. (4) 6 new combinations and 3 newranks are made.  相似文献   

( 1 ) Some taxonomical problems of the genus Clematis mainly about misidentifications are discussed, and some treatments including the reinstatement of Clematis montana var. brevifoliola Kuntze, C. apiifolia var. biternata Makino, C. subumbellata Kurz, C. goudotiana Planch. & Triana, C. insidiosa Baill., C. kockiana Schneid. and C. longicauda A. Rich., and the reduction of subsect. Africanae M. Johnson, C. umbellifera Gagnep., C. pubescens Benth., C. rhodocarpa Rose, C. edentata Baker, C. stoltzi Engler, C. tibetana ssp. vernayi var. dentata Grey-Wilson, C. clarkeana var. stenophylla Hand.-Mazz., C. subfalcata Pei ex M.Y. Fang, C. angustifoliola W. T. Wang, C. dasyandra var. polyantha Finet & Gagnep. etc are given. (2) The new diagnoses for the two subsections of the sect. Meclatis are provided; C. sericea H.B. K. ex DC. and C. grossa Benth. are treated as two varieties of one species; and a new classification of the infraspecific taxa of C. hirsuta Perr & Guill. is made. (3) one subsection, one series, eight species and one variety are described as new. (4) The new occurrences of C. montana var. brevifoliola Kuntze in southern Xizang, China, Nepal, Bhutan and northern Myanmar, C. burmanica Lace in southwestern Yunnan, C. armandii Franch. in Assam, India and northern Myanmar,and C. yui W. T. Wang in northern Myanmar are reported.  相似文献   

(1) The evolutionary trends of sepals and stamens of the genus Clematis are discussed; (2) New classifications for sect. Cheiropsis DC. and sect. Aspidanthera Spach are proposed; (3) One subsection, 13 series, 5 species and 4 varieties are described as new; (4) Six new ranks and2 new combinations are made.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(3):453-464

The generic name Sciaromium (Mitt.) Mitt. that was originally used as a sectional epithet in Leskea is synonymous with Echinodium Jul E. madeirense Jur. [= E. spinosum (Mitt.) Jur.] is selected as the lectotype of the genus Echinodium. A historical review of taxonomic and nomenclatural problems in Sciaromium is provided and taxa that had previously been excluded from this genus are briefly discussed. Sciaromium flavidulum Dusén is a Eurhynchium and the combination E. flavidulum (Dusén) Ochyra is made. Sciaromium sect. Aloma Dusén is synonymous with Eurhynchium since E. flavidulum serves as the type species of this section. The taxonomic position of S. gracile Dusén is discussed and this species is considered synonymous with Amblystegium chilense Lor., which is transferred to Pseudoleskea and the appropriate new combination P. chilensis (Lor.) Ochyra made. Type specimens of S. bellii Broth., S. elimbatum Broth. & Watts and S. forsythii Broth. in Broth. & Watts are briefly described and illustrated; these species are reduced to synonymy with the polymorphic Cratoneuropsis relaxa (Hook. f. & Wils.) Fleisch. in Broth.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the pliopithecid Anapithecus hernyaki was hunted by the ape Dryopithecus brancoi based on analyses of the age and sex distribution of 25 individuals from the late Miocene site of Rudabánya, Hungary (ca. 10 Ma). In this study, the minimum number of individuals (MNI) and age distribution of the assemblage are recalculated and considered in relation to their sedimentary context. We suggest that Dryopithecus juveniles may be underrepresented in the assemblage as a consequence of taphonomic loss of deciduous teeth. Furthermore, we find that while Dryopithecus and Anapithecus were contemporaneous, there was little spatial overlap between them, as each taxon is primarily associated with a separate lithofacies. We conclude that when the revised estimates of MNI and age distribution of these primates are reconsidered in conjunction with their context of burial, the case for the Dryopithecus hunting hypothesis cannot be sustained.  相似文献   

It was found that ethionine partially inhibits the transport of the inducer (TMG) of β-galactosidase into the cells ofEscherichia coli ML-30. The synthesis of β-galactosidase-specific messenger RNA is not inhibited. Ethionine appears to be incorporated into proteins synthesized by the strains used. The incorporation of ethionine into the molecule of β-galactosidase results in the synthesis of an enzymically inactive, immunologically cross-reacting protein.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(4):256-264

A morphological and molecular analysis of a Physcomitrella, collected from a reservoir margin in the north of England, revealed this to be P. readeri, a species new to Europe. The present study clarifies previous confusion over the taxonomy of P. readeri showing it to be clearly distinct in both sporophytic and gametophytic characters from P. patens and uniform across its world range from England to USA, Japan and Australasia. While phylograms of the ITS1 region from both the Physcomitrella species, Physcomitrium pyriforme (Hedw.) Bruch & Schimp., Enthosthodon attenuatus (Dicks.) Bryhn and Funaria hygrometrica Hedw., place the first two in separate clades, in ITS2 phylograms they occur as sister taxa. This, together with previous genealogical studies on the speciation history of the PhyscomitrellaPhyscomitrium species complex, and morphology, suggests that generic rank is appropriate for P. readeri. We therefore reinstate the original name Ephemerella readeri Müll. Hal. Recent records at several reservoirs in England indicate that E. readeri may be native to UK, though remarkable congruence in ITS1 with Australian plants also suggests recent arrival as an alternative possibility.  相似文献   

The tiny echinoid Echinocyamus pusillus (O. F. Müller) is equipped with specialized external structures that suit it for a wide variety of environments. Special features include the ability to burrow in sediments of fine sand to shell gravel and to climb vertically.Specimens dredged off the west coast of Scotland were observed in aquaria and with the SEM. E. pusillus is characterized by three kinds of spines, and by two of pedicellariae. In contrast to sand dollars, the spines play a passive rôle in the feeding and burrowing operation, probably retaining a defensive nature as in the regular urchins. It is the podia that are chiefly involved in climbing, burrowing, righting, and probably feeding. Surface ciliary currents transport particles, but not to the mouth; they may have a respiratory or cleansing function. Experimental animals did not burrow in either very fine or very coarse sand, probably because a certain relationship exists between particle weight and podia size.E. pusillus shares behavioural and structural characteristics with regular and irregular urchins. It is not a true sand dollar, but may illustrate an evolutionary stage towards such a form.  相似文献   

Cell and Tissue Research - The infracerebral complex consists of: (a) two types of ependymoid infracerebral cells located on the ventral surface of the brain, adjacent to a coelomic sinus and blood...  相似文献   

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