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Anthropogenic habitat change and assisted colonization are promoting range expansions of some widespread species with potential consequences for endemic fauna. The recent colonization of Cyprus by breeding Sardinian Warblers Sylvia melanocephala has raised concerns that it might be displacing the closely related and endemic Cyprus Warbler Sylvia melanothorax. Habitat associations of both species were examined using models of abundance within the 95% density kernel of the Sardinian Warbler’s range and also outside this range for Cyprus Warbler. Within the Sardinian Warbler’s range, the two species were associated with subtly different scrub habitats. Outside the Sardinian Warbler’s range, the Cyprus Warbler differed again in its habitat association, but this probably resulted from marked differences in habitat extent and availability in different parts of the island rather than from competitive displacement, as none of the habitat or land‐use elements differentially associated with Cyprus Warblers was positively associated with Sardinian Warbler occurrence. This suggests that the Sardinian Warbler has exploited a different niche, rather than displacing the endemic species, and has perhaps benefitted from changing land‐use patterns, particularly recent fallows and abandoned agriculture, in contrast to the stronger association of Cyprus Warblers with semi‐natural scrub.  相似文献   

S. Herrando  L. Brotons 《Bird Study》2013,60(2):180-187
The effects of post-fire changes in vegetation and habitat quality on the developmental stability of individual birds have not been assessed to date. Here we compare fluctuating asymmetry in tail feathers of Sardinian Warblers Sylvia melanocephala inhabiting two shrubby zones, the first burned in both 1982 and 1994 and the second only in 1982. Juveniles with unmoulted rectrices showed significantly higher levels of tail feather asymmetry in the zone burned in 1994. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that recently burned shrublands offer lower quality habitats for this species. Because feather asymmetry was positively and significantly related to the abundance of low shrubs up to 50 cm tall, we suggest that juvenile assessment of habitat quality is primarily based on the structure of the shrub layer.  相似文献   

Explanations for the coexistence of migratory and sedentary (resident) birds are much debated: some authors have suggested that migrants make use of surplus resources not exploited by residents, whereas others have recorded ecological shifts in residents during periods when migrants are present. These shifts have been ascribed to the presence of migrants but could equally reflect seasonal variation in the distribution of resources required by sedentary species. Here we assess how the abundance of migrants affects the territorial behaviour and habitat use of resident Sardinian Warblers Sylvia melanocephala at a stop‐over site on the Rock of Gibraltar. There was a significant positive relationship between the abundance of migrants and the distances moved, time spent calling and the species and functional diversity of plants used by Sardinian Warblers on a daily basis, suggesting that migrants have a significant impact on residents.  相似文献   

Observations of home range sizes, home range locations, and behavioural interactions were used to determine the spatial distribution of a population of striped plateau lizards (Sceloporus virgatus). A comparison of home ranges and nearest-neighbour distances indicates that females have clearly defined territories. In contrast, the home ranges of males overlap extensively. Although males have similar nearest-neighbour distances to those of females, their home range sizes are larger. Much of the overlap among males appears to be associated with the courtship of females, suggesting that males have exchanged defence of exclusive territories for an increased home range area and a larger number of potential mates. Aggressive interactions among males were considerably more conspicuous than those among females, and the clear territorial pattern of females as opposed to males was unexpected on the basis of the frequency of behavioural interactions alone.  相似文献   

Capsule Structural heterogeneity was the most important factor influencing the distribution of Barred Warbler Sylvia nisoria, Common Whitethroat S. communis and Lesser Whitethroat S. curruca in linear habitats in farmland of Western Poland.

Aims To investigate the occurrence of three species of Sylvia warblers in relation to the spatial structure of linear habitats in the agricultural landscape of Western Poland where, in contrast to Western Europe, field boundaries are not managed in terms of their size or spatial structure.

Methods In 2008, the distribution of breeding territories of Sylvia warblers in linear habitats was estimated in farmland of Western Poland. Redundancy detrended analysis was used to assess the relationship between bird abundance and seven linear habitat variables in ninety-four 150?m sections.

Results Sylvia warblers differed in habitat requirements, however heterogeneity affected their distribution to the greatest extent. In addition, Barred Warbler preferred high shrub volume and wider sections, whereas Common Whitethroat was attracted by brambles and nettles and Lesser Whitethroat favoured shrubs. All species avoided a high proportion of low vegetation.

Conclusion Structural heterogeneity resulted in highly preferred linear habitats for Sylvia warblers. Thus, maintaining or increasing structural heterogeneity of linear habitats may be a very effective tool for the conservation of farmland bird populations.  相似文献   

Capsule?After a population crash following a long period of winter freezing and snow blanketing the ground, Dartford Warblers underwent a population recovery, positive in heathlands but non-existent in nearby early-growth forest.

Aims?To estimate the impact of a severe winter episode on the population size of Dartford Warblers in two habitats, heathland and early-growth forest.

Methods?We analysed data collected on 124 point counts in three successive years, 1 year before and 2 years after the cold spell. We first estimated trends in detected numbers in the two habitats. Second, we used distance sampling and capture–recapture approaches to estimate global population sizes corrected for detection probability, verifying that the observed trends were not biased by detection probability.

Results?Warbler populations crashed after the severe winter in 2008–9, while numbers increased in spring 2010 only on heathlands, not in early-growth forests. Variation in detection probability alone could not explain this difference.

Conclusion After the severe winter episode, Dartford Warblers showed a short-term population recovery only in heathland.  相似文献   

Unmated male songbirds usually change their vocal behaviour when females enter their territories. Either the males court the females by changing the rate or pattern with which their normal long-ranging full songs are emitted, or they shift to special displays and long- or short-ranging vocalisations. In this study we quantified how female presence and behaviour affect the singing behaviour of male whitethroats. In the presence of a female the male frequently performed song flights, maybe to locate the female before it was courted, with sequences of diving-song displays. The courtship was interrupted by periods of perch songs. Female dscharp calls and short movements made the males initiate or resume courtship, whereas short horizontal jumps made the males intensify their courtship. Overall, the males changed their dual-function song activity in females' presence by emitting fewer perch songs and more flight songs. The quiet diving songs were only emitted during direct courtship of a female. The song types emitted immediately before, during, and after courtship are all highly variable, thus allowing for a quick assessment of the male's song repertoire. The courtship was also interrupted by periods of male woid calling, a call that is known to have a deterring effect on rival males. Bouts of woid calls were usually followed by song flights, again probably to locate the female that might have moved out of sight, or maybe to locate potential rival intruders. The latter was supported by an increased intrusion rate during female presence. Communicated by P. McGregor  相似文献   

T he Spectacled Warbler is the characteristic small bird of the Salicornia areas of the Camargue, where the following notes on early breeding behaviour were made in April 1937 and 1938. Its status in this region was for some time in doubt (1), but the confusion between it and the Dartford Warbler ( Sylvia undata Bodd.) has now been without possible question cleared up by the late Rev. F. C. R. Jourdain (2), and the observations of recent visitors have thoroughly confirmed this opinion(3), (4).  相似文献   

Root distribution of a Mediterranean shrubland in Portugal   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The distribution of roots of an Erica (Erica scoparia and Erica lusitanica) dominated Mediterranean maquis was studied using three different approaches: root counts on trench walls (down to 120 cm), estimation of the maximum rooting depth using an allometric relationship and estimation of fine root biomass and fine root length using soil cores (down to 100 cm). Roots were classified according to diameter (fine, 1.0 mm; small, 1.1–5.0 mm; medium, 5.1–10.0 mm; coarse, >10.0 mm) and species (Erica sp., Pteridium aquilinum, Rubus ulmifolius and Ulex jussiaei). The depth corresponding to 50% of all roots (D 50) was determined by fitting a new model to the cumulative root distribution. Fine roots represented 96% of root counts. Root counts of Erica represented 59%, Ulex 34%, Rubus 6% and Pteridium 1%. Overall root counts showed a D 50 of 26 cm. D 50 was higher for Ulex (40 cm) and Erica (22 cm), than for Pteridium (9 cm) and Rubus (3 cm). D 50 for fine roots was 27 cm, for small roots 11 cm, for medium roots 6 cm and for coarse roots 4 cm. The estimated average maximum rooting depth of the 28 deepest Erica roots was 222 cm. The deepest Erica root was estimated to reach 329 cm. A total of 82% of roots growing deeper than 125 cm were not reaching more than 175 cm. The overall fine root length density ranged from 4.6 cm/cm3 at 10 cm to 0.8 cm/cm3 at 80 cm. The overall fine root biomass ranged from 7.7 mg/cm3 at 10 cm to 0.6 mg/cm3 at 40 cm. D 50 for root biomass was 12 cm and D 50 for root length was 14 cm. Fine root biomass was estimated as 1.6 kg/m2 and the respective root length as 18.7 km/m2.  相似文献   

The Garden Warbler is a classic subject for the study of Palaearctic–African bird migration strategies. Most studies have considered the situation close to the breeding areas, while the African and especially the sub‐Saharan part of the species’ migration have received comparatively little attention. Here we use autumn and spring ringing data from Nigeria and The Gambia to study the movements and energetics of the species in West Africa during the non‐breeding season. The first Garden Warblers arrive south of the desert around the beginning of September, roughly at the same time as the median date for their passage through the Baltic Sea region and c. 3 weeks before their median passage date through southern Italy. In the Nigerian Sahel savannahs, where, owing to the rainy season and its associated increase in food availability, many more Garden Warblers stop over in autumn than in the dry spring, the median date of passage is 1 October. The body mass on arrival south of the desert is normally only a few grams more than the lean body mass (LBM; 15 g) – with a mean of 16.6 g (sd = ±1.8 g) in The Gambia and 17.4 g (sd = ±1.8 g) in the Nigerian Sahel. After resting and refuelling in the Sahel, Sudan and Guinea‐type savannahs the Garden Warblers depart during November–December for wintering areas further south. Before leaving, they again increase their body mass, with an average fuel load of c. 20%, and often more than 50% relative to LBM. Some of the birds passing through Nigeria probably spend midwinter around the Congo Basin. During spring they return northwards to the Guinea savannah zone in April and fuel‐up there for the trans‐Sahara passage. At this time they normally increase their body reserves to around 50% of the LBM, but c. 10% of the birds gain 100%, thus doubling their mass. The passage there peaks around 20 April and continues well into May. That the main take‐off northwards is directly from the Guinea savannahs is indicated by the very low numbers trapped in the Sahel during spring.  相似文献   

The seasonal timing of moult in migratory birds is an adaptation to cope with time constraints in the annual cycle. Kiat and Izhaki analysed moult patterns in Palaearctic passerines and rejected the proposition that seasonally divided moult is an endogenously controlled strategy. Instead, they advocated the view that it occurs due to a flexible and opportunistic timing of moult. In contrast, we argue that Kiat and Izhaki’s analysis is flawed and that they overlooked several important facts about moult in the Barred Warbler Sylvia nisoria and other species showing seasonally divided moult. These include the facts that juveniles replace a few secondaries already in their first winter, and that the moult sequences of primaries and secondaries are decoupled compared with the typical passerine complete moult sequence. We argue that seasonally divided moult is an adaptive strategy that is largely under endogenous control.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have examined the causes and impacts of human disturbance on birds, but little is known about how these impacts vary among habitats. This is of applied importance both for predicting bird responses to changes in disturbance and in planning how to reduce disturbance impacts. The Dartford Warbler Sylvia undata , a key heathland breeding species, occupies territories in a range of heathland types. Three territory habitat groups were identified: heather-dominated territories, heather territories with significant areas of European Gorse Ulex europaeus and territories containing Western Gorse U. gallii . Productivity was significantly affected by the timing of breeding in all habitats, but disturbance only appeared to have a significant impact on the productivity of birds in heather territories. Disturbance events in heather territories delayed breeding pairs for up to 6 weeks. This significantly decreased both the number of successful broods raised and the average number of chicks fledged per pair. Nests situated close to territory boundaries in heather territories, with high numbers of disturbance events, were more likely to fail outright. It was determined that an average of between 13 and 16 people passing through a heather territory each hour would delay breeding pairs sufficiently to prevent multiple broods.  相似文献   

Genetic markers are often used to trace the geographical origin of migrating birds. Such an approach has been used to attribute individuals of a given species to a given population, but it could also be applied to cryptic species, which are not fully diagnosable on the basis of their morphological appearance alone, despite often being genetically distinct. We sampled migrants of the Sylvia cantillans complex, which include cryptic taxa not readily identified on the basis of their appearance, at spring stopover sites in the central Mediterranean. We identified these individuals taxonomically using mitochondrial DNA sequence data. Molecular analyses enabled us to establish that four different taxa/clades of the Sylvia cantillans complex (two S. c. cantillans clades, S. c. albistriata and S. subalpina) migrate through the central‐western Mediterranean from Africa.  相似文献   

Foraging behaviors of the Damascus, Mamber and Boer goat breeds were compared on shrublands of the South Carmel mountain ridge of Israel. Dietary choice was determined for a group of yearling animals of each breed (n = 11 or 12), housed and grazed separately to prevent social facilitation, during a total of 4 (Mamber) or 5 (Damascus and Boer) sessions of four days each in fall 2004 and spring 2005. The proportions in the diet (including concentrate feed) of three main dietary components – Pistacia lentiscus L. (20% tannins), Phillyrea latifolia L. (3% tannins) and herbaceous vegetation – were determined by application of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy to faecal samples (n = 147). On average, P. lentiscus constituted 14.9% of the DM ingested by Damascus goats, but only 5.6 and 5.0% of that ingested by Mamber and Boer goats, respectively. In the fall season, Damascus goats ingested diets richer in tannins than did Mamber or Boer goats (P < 0.001). In the spring, the contribution of herbaceous vegetation to DM intake was higher in Mamber goats (38.5%) than in the other breeds (27.7%). Boer goats selected the most nutritious diets in terms of crude protein (CP) content and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD). Despite their differences in foraging selectivity, the local Damascus and Mamber goats selected similar diets in terms of CP and IVDMD. Our data suggests that, of the three breeds examined, the Damascus should provide the best control of P. lentiscus encroachment and the least competition with cattle for green grass in the spring. These findings may help to develop ecologically sound ways of controlling the spread of the tannin-rich shrub P. lentiscus L., which threatens rangeland biodiversity and amenity values in the Mediterranean climatic region of Israel.  相似文献   

Abstract. Shrubland communities in Central Spain were studied through classifying growth forms of woody species and determining the shared use of the ground in progressively smaller spaces. 516 plants belonging to the six most abundant species and taken from different sites were included in biometric measurements. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to detect the trends of variation in the architecture of plants. The individuals were classified on the basis of the results of the PCA and different morphological types were detected, mainly ‘elliptical’, ‘spherical’or ‘variable’according to their shape. These morphological types were adopted by most plants depending on their location and community. The horizontal occupation of space seems to be determined by whether or not the species rooted close to each other are able to occupy different strata. The co-occurrence of two species in a reduced space is not facilitated when the two species have the same architecture. Then a spatial segregation tends to occur at a fine scale. The results can be interpreted as an optimization strategy of the shrubland ‘biomass/horizontal occupied area ratio’, which can be maximized in different environmental situations. It can also help to explain the ‘grain’ size of the pattern of horizontal spatial organization of the shrubland.  相似文献   

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