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Capsule: Changes in sward height, driven by changes in management, were associated with a large decline in a population of farmland breeding waders.

Aims: To examine the relationship between changes in habitat and numbers of breeding wader on an area of Scottish farmland over the last 25 years.

Methods: Nesting waders in a core survey area of 7.5?km2 were monitored annually from 1990 to 2015. An additional 10.3?km2 were monitored less frequently. Habitat characteristics of each field were recorded and breeding success by Lapwing determined in a sample of fields.

Results: All species showed large declines over the study period, Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus by 95%, Lapwing Vanellus vanellus by 88%, Curlew Numenius arquata by 67% and Redshank Tringa totanus by 87% from peaks of 125, 365, 57 and 53 pairs, respectively. Changes in spring sward height, considered to be due to changes in crop type, were associated with changes in the numbers of breeding waders over time. Productivity by a sample of Lapwings was unchanged through the study period.

Conclusion: Short swards, especially bare till, in spring appear to have been important in contributing to the maintenance of an assemblage of breeding waders in mixed arable-pasture farmland. The decline appeared greater than could be accounted for by losses of preferred habitats alone.  相似文献   

Capsule Skylarks breeding in Ireland prefer extensive grassland habitats and almost completely avoid tillage habitats.

Aims To describe the distribution and habitat use of breeding Skylarks in Ireland, particularly in lowland agricultural habitats, and to use this information to inform conservation measures for this species.

Methods Countryside Bird Survey (CBS) and Farmland Bird Project (FBP) data were examined to determine large-scale (national) distribution and habitat selection, in addition to smaller-scale (farm- and field-level) habitat use. The CBS is a national breeding bird monitoring scheme involving 397 1-km squares. The FBP collected detailed bird and habitat data from 122 farms.

Results CBS and FBP data both showed significant regional differences in breeding Skylark densities, with the highest relative abundances in the northwest and west. Dry grassland/grass moor habitats supported the highest densities of breeding Skylarks in the CBS, which were significantly higher than in improved grassland or tillage. At the farm-level, Skylark numbers were positively related to wetland habitats but negatively associated with trees in field boundaries, dense ground vegetation and overall density of farm boundaries. At the field-scale, larger fields and unimproved grasslands were preferred.

Conclusion Agri-environment measures tailored to region-specific requirements and to the relatively local habitat preferences of target species are required if population declines of species of conservation concern, including Skylarks, are to be reversed.  相似文献   

Bruinzeel, L., Tulp, I., Jukema, J. & Stepanova, O. 2000. Incubation in mi-parental arctic breeding waders. Ostrich 71 (1 & 2): 345.

Little Stints Calidris minuta are amongst the smallest breeding waders. This, in combination with the fact that they have a peculiar breeding system, in which each adult takes care of her/his own nest and young, puts high demands during incubation. Due to uni-parental feeding system, feeding time is limited. The accumulation of he1 stores prior to breeding may be crucial to get through the 21-day incubation period. Incubation rhythms, body mass dynamics and energy expenditure of Little Stints was studied at Medusa Bay, Western Taimyr in the summer of 1996. Repeated body mass measurements during incubation were taken by catching the birds on the nest. Concurrently, we measured nest attentiveness, using Tiny Talk dataloggers and temperature sensitive probes, which were placed in the nests. Arthropod availability was measured to estimate food availability. In comparison, body mass dynamics were also studied in Curlew Sandpiper, another uni-parental breeder, but three times bigger. The first (preliminary) results of this study were presented.  相似文献   

Lemming population cycles in the Arctic have an important impact on the Arctic food web, indirectly also affecting breeding success in Arctic‐nesting birds through shared predators. Over the last two decades lemming cycles have changed in amplitude and even disappeared in parts of the Arctic. To examine the large scale effect of these recent changes we re‐analysed published data from the East Atlantic Flyway (EAF), where a relationship between lemming cycles and wader breeding success was earlier found, and new data on breeding success of waders in the East Asian–Australasian Flyway (EAAF). We found that 1) any long‐term periodicities in wader breeding success existed only until the year 2000 in the EAAF and until the 1980s in the EAF; 2) studying these patterns at a smaller spatial scale, where the Siberian–Alaskan breeding grounds were divided into five geographical units largely based on landscape features, breeding success of waders from the EAAF was not correlated to an index of predation pressure, but positively correlated to Arctic summer temperatures in some species. We argue that fading out of lemming cycles in some parts of the Arctic is responsible for faltering periodicity in wader breeding success along both flyways. These changed conditions have not yet resulted in any marked changing trends in breeding success across years, and declining numbers of waders along the EAAF are therefore more likely a result of changing conditions at stop‐over and wintering sites.  相似文献   

When censusing breeding waders in large upland areas, the time of day has a major influence on the numbers of birds detected.  相似文献   

Mating system and timing of breeding in Holarctic waders   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In passerine birds polygamous species lay eggs later than monogamous species. Yom-Tov has hypothesized that this is because polygamous males do not provision their mates with food, thereby delaying egg-laying. An indirect prediction of this hypothesis is that there should be no difference in laving dates between monogamous and polygamous birds in which mate provisioning does not occur. This prediction was tested by examining egg-laying dates in sympatric wader species that have contrasting mating systems but in which food provisioning of mates does not occur. Polygamous waders laid eggs later than monogamous waders, however, both in a comparison involving only calidridine sandpipers and in a comparison involving sandpipers and plovers. Accounting for phylogeny did not affect the direction of the results, which therefore cast doubt on the validity of the 'mate provisioning' hypothesis and indicated that features common to both passerines and waders were more likely to explain the differences in egg-laying dates between mating systems. Mating system and parental care system were strongly related, with all polygamous species being uniparental and monogamous species being biparental. It is suggested that seasonally early food supplies are of relatively low abundance, constraining species to biparental care and monogamy. By contrast, seasonally late food supplies are more abundant, making uniparental care more successful, thereby creating greater opportunities for mate desertion and polygamy.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that Golden Plovers Pluvialis apricaria guarding chicks utilize heavily disturbed habitat at a lower rate than surrounding areas, but that such rates of avoidance are reduced when the movement of people is restricted to a surfaced footpath. However, there remained some unanswered questions, which are addressed in this paper. First, we examine to what extent habitat avoidance is dependent upon visitor numbers, and find no evidence that Golden Plovers avoided disturbed areas at a site where visitor pressure was half that previously studied. Secondly, we examine whether these relationships between habitat occupancy and disturbance apply to other upland waders and find that Dunlin Calidris alpina habitat utilization in disturbed areas showed a non-significant increase of approximately 50% following the provision of a surfaced footpath, in a manner similar to that observed for Golden Plover. Thirdly, we examine whether the large numbers of visitors (120 per weekend day) using the surfaced footpath impact on Golden Plover breeding success, despite the lack of habitat avoidance. There was no evidence that nest location, clutch survival or chick growth rates were reduced close to the footpath. Together, these results suggest that high levels of disturbance can impact upon habitat usage by upland waders, but only in limited circumstances where visitor pressure is very high (greater than at least 30 visitors per weekend day). However, access to such areas can be permitted for large numbers of visitors without impacting upon wader reproductive performance through the provision of a well-surfaced route.  相似文献   

Many ground-nesting bird species including waders are of conservation concern across Europe. Population declines of Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata (hereafter Curlew), a globally Near-threatened wader, exemplify this and are driven by low breeding success due to predation, and loss and degradation of breeding habitat. We tested whether the combined delivery of vegetation management and lethal control of Red Foxes Vulpes vulpes and Carrion Crows Corvus corone and Hooded Crows C. cornix improved Curlew nesting success and breeding abundance across UK study sites over five years. On trial sites, vegetation management improved habitat condition and Curlew distributions shifted towards managed areas. However, changes in predator abundances, Curlew nesting success and Curlew breeding abundance did not differ between trial and reference sites. Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus numbers increased on trial sites and decreased on reference sites, whilst Common Snipe Gallinago gallinago numbers showed no treatment response. Some of these outcomes were associated with additional environmental variables added to Treatment:Year terms in three-way interactions (changes in fox abundance associated with abundance of non-native gamebirds; changes in Crow abundance associated with gamebirds and woodland area; changes in Curlew nesting success associated with crow abundance), highlighting that outcomes depend on site-specific contexts, and consistent responses to interventions cannot be assumed. The difficulty in increasing Curlew nesting success likely relates to underlying mesopredator densities in the UK, which are known to be high in a European context. Our results suggest that a model of delivery like this study, including management of predators using lethal control, at comparable intensities, is highly unlikely to be effective for Curlew or Snipe within agri-environment schemes, but could be for Northern Lapwing. To make progress on wader recovery it is imperative to understand the underlying drivers of high mesopredator densities and address these through landscape-scale intervention and policy changes.  相似文献   

Capsule A long-term decline on this habitat is shown to be associated with the intensification of agricultural management, particularly the occurrence of field drainage.

Aims To assess long-term trends in the number of breeding Lapwing and determine the relationship between these trends and changes in agricultural management on an upland study area.

Methods Breeding Lapwing were counted along two road transects in nine years between 1980 and 2002, and on one extensive plot in 1980, 1990 and 2000. Counts along the road transects were made from a vehicle and the fields used for nesting were recorded. Changes in field management along the transects were monitored annually between 1980 and 1990, and habitat composition assessed in 1980, 1985, 1990 and 2000.

Results During the first 20 years of study the number of breeding Lapwing declined substantially on all three count areas and by 77% overall, with further declines on both transects in 2002. The area of unimproved grassland and arable on these transects also declined substantially due to conversion to improved grass. Fields that comprised either unimproved grassland or arable were most likely to hold nesting Lapwing, while the chance of a field losing its nesting Lapwing was positively associated with the occurrence of drainage. Drainage and conversion to improved grass were closely linked.

Conclusions Agricultural intensification is a probable cause of decline in the number of breeding Lapwing in upland areas. Such declines may have been widespread in upland areas following increased agricultural intensification in recent decades.  相似文献   

The relationship between sexual size dimorphism, body-weight and different reproductive traits (e.g. clutch size, egg weight and incubation period) in relation to mating system and forms of parental care was studied in waders. Two hypotheses were examined. (1) Sexual size dimorphism is correlated with the intensity of sexual selection. (2) The degree of sexual size dimorphism is the result of an interrelationship between the reproductive strategy of the female and her body size. In the polygynous species the male was significantly larger than the female. This is consistent with the sexual selection hypothesis. However, among waders, a positive correlation exists between egg weight, clutch mass and body-weight. Selection for small eggs or a short incubation period may therefore have an influence on female body-weight. If the lack of paternal care reduces the female's possibility for producing large eggs or incubating a large clutch mass, we would expect a selection pressure for small female size among polygynous species. Thus, large sexual size dimorphism among polygynous waders may be a result of selection for small female size to lack of paternal care, or selection for large male size due to intramale competition or a female preference for large-sized males. In multiple-clutch species (viz. species in which the female regularly lays more than one clutch during the season) egg weight was low both for a given female and male body-weight. The low egg weight of multiple-clutch species is assumed to be a result of the constraints placed on the female from producing several clutches during a single breeding season.  相似文献   

Waders breeding on lowland wet grassland have undergone dramatic declines across Europe in recent decades. Few species now achieve the levels of breeding success required for population stability and recovery, with predation from large mammals acting as a key compounding factor limiting nest survival and productivity. Predator management through lethal control is often controversial, yet alternative non-lethal methods are little tested in the context of grassland breeding waders. Excluding predators through the use of electric fences has led to improvements in nest and chick survival in other habitats. To test the applicability of this method to lowland wet grassland we constructed predator-exclusion fences on sites across the UK and, with Lapwing Vanellus vanellus as a study species, used historical and contemporary data to test whether excluding large mammalian predators leads to an increase in wader nest survival and productivity, and whether effects differ between fence designs. Lapwing nest survival was significantly higher in the presence of any type of predator-exclusion fence, with significantly fewer nests predated each day. Overall productivity also improved, with significantly higher numbers of chicks fledged per pair in years when fences were operational. Different designs and methods of powering fences resulted in different levels of success, with combination design fences and those powered by mains electricity performing best. Excluding large mammalian predators from areas of lowland wet grassland with predator-exclusion fencing successfully improves Lapwing nest survival and productivity, allowing breeding success to exceed the levels required for population recovery. Other wader species breeding in the same habitat are also likely to benefit from the increased protection from predation provided by fences. Predator-exclusion fencing is therefore an effective management tool for protecting restricted and declining populations of breeding waders on lowland wet grassland.  相似文献   

Winter mortality, resulting from reduced food supply during a period of agricultural intensification, is thought to have driven population declines for some farmland bird species. Planting of game crops has increased over this period in order to provide food and cover for gamebirds. We investigate the potential of this managed habitat for farmland songbird conservation, using intensive single-site studies, and an extensive national survey. Game crops were used more than other farmland habitats by a wide range of bird species. Kale and quinoa were used by many species, whereas maize was used by very few. Cereals such as triticale and millet were used by many species, including several not associated with brassicas such as kale. Crop species differed in the rate of seed shedding, and therefore in the amount of seed food that they provided through the winter. Crop location influenced use by some bird species, with crops close to hedges or other cover generally being favoured. Use of nitrogen fertilizer influenced seed yield, and therefore crop value as a source of food for birds. Our results suggest that, if managed and sited correctly, a combination of two or three crop species can provide a valuable winter food resource for many nationally declining farmland bird species, but further attention needs to be given to their agronomy. This form of management is now incorporated as an option within agri-environment schemes in England, Scotland and Wales. It enables farmers to apply existing skills to conservation and is compatible with their cultural values.  相似文献   

Agri-environment scheme (AES) management has increased populations of cirl buntings (Emberiza cirlus) in South Devon, England, and might be expected to provide benefits for other declining biodiversity, due to less intensive farm management. Fields managed under AES for cirl buntings (low-input spring barley or permanent pasture without inputs) were contrasted with control fields under conventional management (spring barley without management restrictions and winter cereals, or grazed without management restrictions) to identify such benefits for vascular plants, butterflies, bumblebees, carabid beetles, foliar invertebrates and bats. Activity-density and species richness of carabid beetles were both higher in AES spring barley fields than in control spring barley and winter cereal fields. Forb cover and abundance of butterflies and bumblebees were higher in AES spring barley fields than in winter cereals, but did not differ between AES and control spring barley. No difference was observed in plant species richness between any of the arable field types. Plant species richness and butterfly abundance were higher in AES pasture fields than in controls. Abundance, activity-density and/or species richness of other taxa did not differ between AES and control pastures. Benefits observed in AES spring barley fields arise from management specific to AES agreements, and also, we suggest, from the maintenance of spring-sown barley in the landscape. Benefits in AES pasture fields are ascribed to the absence of fertiliser and pesticide inputs, and reductions in stocking arising from this; there is also likely to have been some pre-selection for older pastures to be entered into AES management agreements. Agri-environment measures for cirl buntings have benefits for a range of taxa beyond the target species, and therefore, largely through reduction of management intensity and maintenance of land-use diversity, improve the overall biodiversity of the farmed landscape where they are present.  相似文献   

Ground-nesting species are vulnerable to a wide range of predators and often experience very high levels of nest predation. Strategies to reduce nest vulnerability can include concealing nests in vegetation and/or nesting in locations in which nests and eggs are camouflaged and less easy for predators to locate. These strategies could have important implications for the distribution of ground-nesting species and the success rates of nests in areas with differing vegetation structure. However, the factors influencing the success of nest concealment and camouflage strategies in ground-nesting species are complex. Here we explore the effects of local vegetation structure and extent of nest concealment on nest predation rates in a range of ground-nesting, sympatric wader species with differing nest concealment strategies (open-nest species: Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus, Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria and Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus; concealed-nest species: Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa, Redshank Tringa totanus and Snipe Gallinago gallinago) in south Iceland, in landscapes that comprise substantial variability in vegetation structure at a range of scales. We monitored 469 nests of these six wader species in 2015 and 2016 and ~40% of these nests were predated. Nest predation rates were similar for open-nest and concealed-nest species and did not vary with vegetation structure in the surrounding landscape, but nest-concealing species were ~10% more likely to have nests predated when they were poorly concealed, and the frequency of poorly concealed nests was higher in colder conditions at the start of the breeding season. For concealed-nest species, the reduced capacity to hide nests in colder conditions is likely to reflect low rates of vegetation growth in such conditions. The ongoing trend for warmer springs at subarctic latitudes could result in more rapid vegetation growth, with consequent increases in the success rates of early nests of concealed-nest species. Temperature-related effects on nest concealment from predators could thus be an important mechanism through which climate change affecting vegetation could have population-level impacts on breeding birds at higher latitudes.  相似文献   

  • 1.Following targeted conservation actions most goose populations have increased. The growing goose populations caused an increase in human-wildlife conflicts and have the potential to affect nature values. As meadow birds, including meadow-breeding waders, were declining throughout Western Europe, the possible negative effect of rising numbers of foraging barnacle geese on their breeding success has been questioned.
  • 2.We used GPS-transmitter data to measure the density of foraging barnacle geese during daylight hours. Using dynamic Brownian Bridge Movement Models (dBBMM), we investigated the effect of barnacle goose density on the territory distribution of five wader species, and on nest success of the locally common Northern lapwing. We used model selection methods to identify the importance of barnacle goose density related to other environmental factors.
  • 3.Our results showed an insignificant positive association between barnacle goose density and nest territory density of the Northern lapwing and common redshank. Barnacle goose density had no influence on territory selection of godwit, oystercatcher and ringed plover. We did, however, find a negative correlation between barnacle geese density and the nest success of the Northern Lapwing.
  • 4.We infer that either barnacle goose foraging leads to improved territory conditions for some wader species, or that both barnacle geese and waders prefer the same type of habitat for foraging and nesting. Higher barnacle goose density was correlated with fewer Northern lapwing nests being successful.
  • 5.Synthesis and application: Experimental research is needed to disentangle the causal chain, but based on our observational findings, we suggest to increase water logging that may attract both barnacle geese and wader species. Further investigation on the effects of barnacle geese on wader species is necessary to identify the cause of the negative correlation between barnacle geese density and nest success of lapwings; nest protection experiments could give further insight.

It has been suggested by some authors that the UK agri-environment ‘wild bird seed’ option negatively impacts Tree Sparrow populations in the UK. Here we provide evidence for a change in nestling diet with increasing wild bird seed coverage and propose a possible mechanism for its negative impact on population trends.  相似文献   

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