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Capsule The conservation of Red-backed Shrikes on farmland habitats depends on extensive farming conditions.

Aims To evaluate breeding density and habitat preferences of the declining Red-backed Shrike and relate its occurrence to an environmental gradient ranging from land abandonment to intensive farming.

Methods The study was carried out in the Apennines (northern Italy), at nine 21-ha study plots. We identified factors affecting breeding density and habitat preferences at two spatial scales (landscape and territory) and analysed the variation in territory density according to the relative farming intensity in a low-intensity agricultural landscape.

Results The presence of shrubs and cultivated/grazed land positively influenced the number of Red-backed Shrike territories per plot, while the species' settlement within plots was related to higher values of shrub cover and the presence of hedges. Shrike occurrence was associated with land-use categories intermediate between land abandonment and intensive agriculture.

Conclusions This study provides a first detailed assessment of Red-backed Shrike habitat requirements in southern Europe. Favoured habitats were pasture/cultivation mosaics flanked by or interspersed with shrubs/hedges (15–20% of the surface of the 1-ha medium-sized territory). Thus, the conservation of Red-backed Shrikes in low-intensity southern European farmland appears to reflect a trade-off between agricultural intensification and long-term land abandonment.  相似文献   

Capsule: The Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio and the Barred Warbler Sylvia nisoria had similar habitat preferences and their territories often overlapped. However, we found that Red-backed Shrikes were more flexible in habitat choice whilst Barred Warblers had more specific requirements.

Aim: We aimed to analyse and compare distribution and habitat preferences of Red-backed Shrikes and Barred Warblers breeding sympatrically in semi-natural landscape in a wetland/farmland mosaic.

Methods: We examined habitat availability and use by the two species within their breeding territories to identify differences in habitat selection.

Results: Territories of both species were similar in habitat composition and used levees, bushes, fallow areas and single trees. However, the spatial characteristics of the territories differed between species. Red-backed Shrikes used a wider range of sizes and shapes of habitat patches, whilst Barred Warblers preferred a more complex landscape structure and a higher diversity of habitat types. We also found that areas of 71% of Barred Warbler and 34% of Red-backed Shrike territories overlapped.

Conclusion: Whilst both species showed similar habitat choices, they appeared to differ significantly in terms of landscape structure: Red-backed Shrikes were more flexible and less selective than Barred Warblers in their habitat choice.  相似文献   

Capsule Dummy birds placed on artificial nests increase nest survival, and their use should be considered in future studies of nest predation.  相似文献   

Populations of granivorous farmland birds have dramatically declined during recent decades in many European countries. Winter conditions and consequently, survival rates of farmland bird species during this critical period, are considered as one of the main causes of this negative trend. However, the importance of different habitat structures and connected food sources for successful overwintering in bird species has gained little attention so far in the Czech Republic. In this study we aimed to examine the role of habitat composition and food availability on winter distribution and abundance of three declining sedentary and granivorous bird species. During the winters 2009–2014, 149 villages in the Czech Republic were monitored for distribution and density of three farmland seed-eaters. House Sparrow was the most dominant species (88.6% of villages occupied; 4.32 ± 4.67 ind./100 m of transect), followed by Tree Sparrow (67.1% villages occupied; 1.83 ± 3.53 ind./100 m of transect) and Collared Dove (65.8% villages occupied; 0.72 ± 1.51 ind./100 m of transect). Occurrence of House and Tree Sparrow was significantly affected by the number of instances of poultry keeping. In both species, occupied villages showed a higher number of instances of poultry keeping. We did not find any such significant relationship for Collared Dove. Density of House Sparrow was significantly higher in villages with dairy farms, but we failed to find this relationship for Tree Sparrow and Collared Dove. Habitat preferences were similar for all three studied species. They positively responded to the proportion of shrubs/trees, the keeping of poultry, dairy farms and they avoided houses, arable land and grasslands. We conclude that poultry keepings and dairy farms can be important for studied species during the winter since they offer high food availability and good protection against predators. This suggestion is supported by the fact that long-term population decline has coincided with a long-term reduction in the keeping of poultry and dairy farms in the Czech Republic during the last 50 years.  相似文献   

Minimizing disturbance to animals when studying them should be a major consideration in ecological research design, especially when species are known to be sensitive to disturbances. A basic method in the study of bird reproductive ecology involves nest visits, but these can adversely affect birds’ breeding success. Appropriate fieldwork procedures are therefore highly important, especially in the case of timid and sensitive species. This study aimed to assess the impact of the method of searching for nests of Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio on the probability of these birds abandoning their broods. Our study revealed that observer experience and nest searching intensity did influence the likelihood of brood desertion by this species. Less field experience and a greater nest searching intensity caused the shrikes to abandon their nests more often. We recommend paying scrupulous attention to the behaviour of the birds when searching for nests and when looking for nests after incubation has started.  相似文献   

Capsule We report large declines among summer populations between 1968–80 and 2000.

Aim To assess changes in the status of breeding populations of birds in pastoral uplands.

Methods Volunteer observers revisited 13 areas of marginal upland in Britain where Common Birds Census data were collected during 1968–80. This allowed the status of 35 bird species to be examined over about 20 years and to make a comparison between grassland-based and woodland-based species.

Results For 12 species the decline in abundance was significant, particularly among passerines, such as Skylark Alauda arvensis, Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe, Whinchat Saxicola rubetra, Yellow Wagtail Motacilla flava and Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella, each of which declined by over 80%. Redshank Tringa totanus, Yellow Wagtail, Dipper Cinclus cinclus, Whinchat, Wheatear, Ring Ouzel Turdus torquatus and Yellowhammer were found on less than half the number of plots on which they were originally recorded. Most declining species were associated with grassland for nesting and foraging, compared to those species that increased (Wood Pigeon Columba palumbus, Pied Wagtail Motacilla alba, Carrion Crow Corvus corone, Jackdaw C. monedula and Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis) that were less specialized in their habitat requirements. Woodland or woodland edge species showed no significant change in status, suggesting that population declines among grassland species were not due to lower observer effort between recording periods.

Conclusion Long-term changes to grassland ecosystems in marginal upland areas of Britain may have influenced the status of bird populations.  相似文献   

Projections of climate-change scenarios indicate that many Maculinea arion populations will disappear from Europe over the next 50 years. Extinctions will be particularly concentrated around the southern limits of the species?? range, such as the Italian peninsula, except mountain populations, mainly in the Alps. M. arion is a social parasite of Myrmica ants and its survival depends on the presence and abundance of two resources, i.e. (1) a specific larval foodplant and (2) a suitable Myrmica host ant. We collected data on Thymus plants distribution, Myrmica ants abundance, turf height around Myrmica nests, distance between nests and the closest thyme plant (Thymus pulegioides), and vegetation structure at 14 patches of a M. arion fragmented population occurring in the Western Italian Alps (Val Ferret: Aosta). We found that patches with the highest abundance of M. arion had significantly higher foodplant abundance. Among 407 nests belonging to nine Myrmica species, we found M. arion larvae in one Myrmica lonae and in two Myrmica sulcinodis nests. The distribution of M. sulcinodis nests showed the best spatial overlap with Thymus plants. M. sulcinodis was also significantly more abundant on pastures showing high M. arion density, and therefore offered higher adoption probabilities to develop butterfly larvae. On M. arion habitat patches, the mean turf height around Myrmica nests varied from 10.5 to 22.3 cm and best matched the habitat requirements of T. pulegioides. Thus, we suggest that extensive grazing is needed to maintain the two most important resources for M. arion. Moreover, patches where M. arion was abundant included more numerous plant species characteristic of these mountain pastures, as well as higher plant diversity (Shannon index). As a consequence, M. arion represents an umbrella species and a good indicator for the conservation status of mountain grasslands.  相似文献   

Habitat use by birds may be related to single or interacting effects of habitat characteristics, food resources and predators, but little is known about factors affecting habitat use by wetland species in boreal ecosystems. We surveyed brood‐rearing females and ducklings of four common boreal duck species to assess the effects of habitat structure and food resources on the use of wetlands by brood‐rearing ducks. Although wetland use by duck broods was related to habitat structure and food abundance, their relative importance varied among duck species. For the Common Goldeneye Bucephala clangula, a diving duck, aquatic invertebrates and large emerging insects were the most important factors associated with wetland use. Common Teal Anas crecca broods were observed more often on wetlands with greater Dipteran emergence, whereas in Mallard Anas platyrhynchos both habitat structure and large emerging insects were important. The occurrence of Eurasian Wigeon Anas penelope broods was related to emerging Diptera and habitat structure but the associations were not strong. The varying habitat and food requirements of common duck species could influence the success of wetland management programmes, and consideration of these factors may be particularly important for initiatives aimed at harvested species or species of conservation concern.  相似文献   

1. Many farmland bird species have undergone significant declines. It is important to predict the effect of agricultural change on these birds and their response to conservation measures. This requirement could be met by mechanistic models that predict population size from the optimal foraging behaviour and fates of individuals within populations. A key component of these models is the functional response, the relationship between food and competitor density and feeding rate. 2. This paper describes a method for measuring functional responses of farmland birds, and applies this method to a declining farmland bird, the corn bunting Miliaria calandra L. We derive five alternative models to predict the functional responses of farmland birds and parameterize these for corn bunting. We also assess the minimum sample sizes required to predict accurately the functional response. 3. We show that the functional response of corn bunting can be predicted accurately from a few behavioural parameters (searching rate, handling time, vigilance time) that are straightforward to measure in the field. These parameters can be measured more quickly than the alternative of measuring the functional response directly. 4. While corn bunting violated some of the assumptions of Holling's disk equation (model 1 in our study), it still provided the most accurate fit to the observed feeding rates while remaining the most statistically simple model tested. Our other models may be more applicable to other species, or corn bunting feeding in other locations. 5. Although further tests are required, our study shows how functional responses can be predicted, simplifying the development of mechanistic models of farmland bird populations.  相似文献   

A detailed knowledge of the habitat requirements of steppe birds living in farmland habitats is necessary to identify agricultural practices compatible with their conservation. The globally threatened Great Bustard Otis tarda is a partial migrant in central Iberia, but factors affecting its winter habitat use have not been identified. We assessed habitat differences between breeding and wintering areas and winter habitat selection of radiotagged migrant female Great Bustards in central Spain. Of 68 tagged females, 35% moved to wintering areas located 64.3 ± 24.0 km south of their breeding areas, and 80% wintered in a single area of c. 236 km2. A census of the population in this area identified it as one of the most important wintering areas of this species in the world, holding c. 1500 individuals. There were significant differences between breeding and wintering habitats of individually marked migrant females. Compared with breeding areas, wintering areas of migrant females were located further from roads and urban nuclei, had lower human population densities and area of urban developments, and a higher diversity of land‐use types, with less cover of cereals and more vineyards and olive groves. Within this area, radiotracked migrant females preferred sites with more vineyards and a lower land‐use diversity. Our results highlight the importance of traditional Mediterranean dry farmland mosaics, and suggest that different conservation strategies are needed for migrant and resident populations in winter to secure the conservation of suitable wintering habitat for Great Bustards in the Iberian Peninsula.  相似文献   

In Mediterranean dry grasslands, grazing by domestic animals is an important agricultural activity on dry grasslands. Several bird species occur in these grazed habitats and are now experiencing a near continuous decline. We investigated the impact of livestock grazing on the threatened little bustard (Tetrax tetrax L.). The study was conducted at the NATURA 2000 Site/Important Bird Area of Cabrela, Portugal. Our main goals were to investigate responses of little bustard territorial males and breeding females to different livestock management practices, namely pasture types, stocking rates and sward structure. Bird distribution was surveyed using car and foot surveys. Data on grazing was supplied by land managers every 10 days from February to June through field interviews. Generalised additive models and model averaging were used to compute predictive models. Results indicate that higher probabilities of occurrence were found in long-term pastures and under light-moderate grazing conditions (stocking rates around 0.4 LU/ha). Conversely, lower probabilities of occurrence were found in ungrazed or heavy grazed fields. Males occurred mostly in large fields, but this variable seemed to be less important for females. On the other hand, green plant cover and the vegetation height were good predictors for the occurrence of females but not for males. Females used mostly pastures with vegetation height around 20–25 cm. Our results suggest that grazing management plans that aim to conserve little bustard populations should consider (1) the maintenance of the larger long-term pastures and (2) the use of light-moderate stocking rates (0.2–0.6 LU/ha).  相似文献   

Capsule Relatively large populations, feeding predominantly upon voles, were present at higher elevations.

Aims To determine the density, productivity and diet composition of Long-eared Owls breeding at higher elevations.

Methods Population census and breeding biology were investigated, and dietary analysis performed for 32 Long-eared Owl territories that were occupied over a six-year period (2000–05), in a 155 km2 study area located in the Noce Valley of the central-eastern Italian Alps.

Results Territories were mainly situated at the edge of large pine forests, near large patches of grassland and/or open-structured apple orchards, at elevations ranging between 540 and 1210 m. Density varied between 10 and 15 pairs/100 km2. Mean intraspecific nest spacing averaged 1727 m and territories were either solitary or clumped in loose aggregations of one to five pairs. Mean laying date was 27 March and the mean number of fledged young was 0.95 and 2.13 per territorial and successful pair, respectively. Adults and nestlings were preyed upon by Eagle Owls Bubo bubo and Common Buzzards Buteo buteo, both of them abundant in the study area. Diet was dominated by Common Voles Microtus arvalis, complemented by Apodemus mice and thrushes. Annual variations in owl density, productivity and diet breadth varied in parallel with the occurrence of Common Voles in the diet, suggesting that the owls responded numerically to the availability of their main prey. This confirms earlier analyses on other European populations, but without the marked three- to four-year cycles observed in such areas.

Conclusion The conservation status of the species in these Alpine habitats seemed currently satisfactory. However, the unregulated use of rodenticides in apple orchards and the loss of open habitats associated with land abandonment may represent long-term threats for the species in these habitats.  相似文献   

Hunting is one of the human activities that directly affect wildlife and has received increasing attention given its socioeconomic dimensions. Most studies have been conducted on coastal and wetland areas and showed that hunting activity can greatly affect bird behaviour and distribution. Hunting-free reserves for game species are zones where birds find an area of reduced disturbance. We evaluated the effect of hunting activities on the behaviour and use of hunting-free areas of lapwings Vanellus vanellus , golden plovers Pluvialis apricaria and little bustards Tetrax tetrax in agricultural areas. We compared the habitat use and behaviour of birds on days before, during and after hunting took place. All three studied species showed strong behavioural responses to hunting activities. Hunting activity increased flight probability and time spent vigilant (higher on hunting days than just before and after a hunting day), to the detriment of resting. We also found distributional (use of hunting-free reserve) responses to hunting activities, with hunting-free reserves being used more frequently during hunting days. Thus, reserves can mitigate the disturbance caused by hunting activities, benefiting threatened species in agricultural areas. Increasing the size or number of hunting-free areas might be an important management and conservation tool to reduce the impacts of hunting activities.  相似文献   

The original function of the tail in birds is likely to be related to flight performance or bipedal locomotion. In this study, we examined the role of the long graduated tail of male Bearded Tits Panurus biarmicus , focusing on the function of the tail as a balancing organ when moving in reeds, the habitat in which this species spends its whole life. We performed an aviary experiment using males with shortened, elongated or control (unmanipulated) tails and recorded their use of different reed heights and preferences for different sitting postures. Tail manipulation did not change the use of different reed heights between treatments. The head-up posture was the preferred sitting technique and was independent of tail length. We found that males with elongated tails showed less variation in the use of different sitting postures along the reed. In addition, the use of the 'straddle' sitting technique varied in relation to tail length, tending to be less frequent when tails were experimentally shortened. These results suggest that tail length influences how Bearded Tits move and may exploit their habitat. The role of the tail as a balancing organ when using small twigs or branches may have been underestimated.  相似文献   

Aim Species communities often exhibit nestedness, the species found in species‐poor sites representing subsets of richer ones. In the Netherlands, where intensification of land use has led to severe fragmentation of nature, we examined the degree of nestedness in the distribution of Orthoptera species. An assessment was made of how environmental conditions and species life‐history traits are related to this pattern, and how variation in sampling intensity across sites may influence the observed degree of nestedness. Location The analysis includes a total of 178 semi‐natural sites in the Pleistocene sand region of the Netherlands. Methods A matrix recording the presence or absence of all Orthoptera species in each site was compiled using atlas data. Additionally, separate matrices were constructed for the species of suborders Ensifera and Caelifera. The degree of nestedness was measured using the binmatnest calculator. binmatnest uses an algorithm to sort the matrices to maximal nestedness. We used Spearman’s rank correlations to evaluate whether sites were sorted by area, isolation or habitat heterogeneity, and whether species were sorted by their dispersal ability, rate of development or degree of habitat specificity. Results We found the Orthoptera assemblages to be significantly nested. The rank correlation between site order and sampling intensity was high. The degree of nestedness was lower, but remained significant when under‐ and over‐sampled sites were excluded from the analysis. Site order was strongly correlated with both size of sample site and number of habitat types per site. Rank correlations showed that species were probably ordered by variation in habitat specificity, rather than by variation in dispersal capacity or rate of development of the species. Main conclusions Variation in sampling intensity among sites had a strong impact on the observed degree of nestedness. Nestedness in habitats may underlie the observed nestedness within the Orthoptera assemblages. Habitat heterogeneity is closely related to site area, which suggests that several large sites should be preserved, rather than many small sites. Furthermore, the results corroborate a focus of nature conservation policy on sites where rare species occur, as long as the full spectrum of habitat conditions and underlying ecological processes is secured.  相似文献   

Perilli  Selene  Pastorino  Paolo  Bertoli  Marco  Salvi  Gianguido  Franz  Filippo  Prearo  Marino  Pizzul  Elisabetta 《Hydrobiologia》2020,847(13):2977-2977
Hydrobiologia - Due to an unfortunate turn of events, some given names and family names were transposed in the original publication. The proper representation of the authors’ names and their...  相似文献   

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