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Responses to temperature and daylength were determined in laboratory culture for isolates of the red alga Phyllophora pseudoceranoides (Gmelin) Newroth et A.R.A. Taylor from Nova Scotia, Iceland, Roscoff (France), and Helgoland (Germany). All isolates grew from 3° to 25° C and survived from -2° or 0° C to 27° C but not 30° C. Reproductive requirements differed between life history phases and isolates. Isolates from Helgoland and Roscoff formed sporangial sori at 3°-20° C, tetraspores at 3°-12° C, and procarps at 10°-20° C, irrespective of daylength. Spermatangia developed at 10°-23° C but only in long days. As the other European isolates, the isolate from Iceland formed tetrasporangia at 3°-12° C, but it had an additional requirement for short days. The Nova Scotian isolate formed sori at 10°-20° C and sporulated at 10°-18° C. When grown plants were transferred from noninductive to inductive conditions, sori were formed after 4 months and tetraspores developed and were shed (1-)3 months later. Procarps formed 1(-3) months after transfer. The phenology of P. pseudoceranoides was studied at Helgoland and Roscoff, where similar seasonal patterns were observed. Plants were perennial, forming new blades from October to June, which degenerated between August and February. In June, reproductive structures (sori, spermatangia, and procarps) started to appear on the new blades. From October to April, mature cystocarps were found. Mature tetrasporangia were observed only in February. The life history of P. pseudoceranoides is regulated by temperature and daylength. Differential effects on the different life history phases all serve to confine the production of spores (both carpospores and tetraspores) to the winter season. Differences in response between isolates from different geographic regions bring about the same effect: spores are shed only in winter. The nature of the geographic boundaries of P. pseudoceranoides is discussed.  相似文献   

The vegetative morphology and life history of Halopteris filicina (Grateloup) Kutzing, collected from Korea, were examined in laboratory culture. Field plants attaining 3–5 cm in height were epilithic, tufted, yellowish-brown, and produced numerous erect axes with alternately distichous branches from compact basal discs. They were cultured under a 12:12 h LD photoperiod at 10°-C, 15°C and 20°C to observe the influence of temperature on reproduction. At 10°C plants grew only vegetatively, whereas at 15°C and 20°C they produced unilocular sporangia. Unispores released from sporangia developed into monoecious, anisogamous gametophytes that formed plurilocular female and male gametangia on the same lateral branches. The zygotes, by fusion of female macrogametes and male microgametes, developed into sporophytes bearing unilocular sporangia, whereas the unfused female gametes germinated parthenogenetically. This species was confirmed to have an isomorphic life history, basically similar to the other species of Sphacelariales.  相似文献   

Life-history studies in culture were carried out on Colpomenia sinuosa (Mertens ex Roth) Derbès et Solier and Hydroclathrus clathratus (C. Agardh) Howe (Scytosiphonales, Phaeophyceae) from Japan. These species showed a heteromorphic life-history pattern with an alternation between erect thalli bearing plurilocular zoidangia and prostrate thalli bearing ectocarpoid plurilocular and unilocular zoidangia. Plurizoids released from erect and prostrate thalli developed into prostrate thalli. Unizoids, however, developed into erect thalli. Prostrate thalli produced plurilocular zoidangia in long-day conditions and unilocular zoidangia in short-day conditions at 10-20°C. Prostrate thalli of C. sinuosa formed ascocysts. Germlings of both species did not grow at 5°C.  相似文献   

The morphology, reproduction and seasonal variation of a large foliose species of Cryptonemia collected in the drift in 1971–73 at Cork Harbour, Republic of Ireland, is described and compared with the known species of the genus. Although obviously closely related to a group of foliose Pacific species: C. borealis Kylin, C. obovata J. Ag. and C. angustata (Setch. et Gardn.) Dawson, the Irish Cryptonemia is not completely identifiable with any one of these and is therefore described as C. hibernica sp. nov., pending a revision of the genus.  相似文献   

Morphology of field material and life history in culture were studied in Scytosiphon canaliculatus (Setchell et Gardner) comb. nov. from northern Japan. Erect gametophytes of S. canaliculatus are cylindrical, tubular, up to 7 mm wide and 40 cm long, and without regular constrictions. S. canaliculatus has pronounced anisogamy and ascocysts accompanied with plurilocular gametangia. The life history of S. canaliculatus showed an alternation between erect gametophytes and crustose prostrate sporophytes bearing unilocular sporangia. Since field sporophytes of S. canaliculatus were found to be identical with Hapterophycus canaliculatus Setchell et Gardner (Ralfsiaceae, Phaeophyceae), it is proposed to transfer H. canaliculatus to the genus Scytosiphon. In the field, gametophytes with plurilocular gametangia appeared in spring and disappeared in summer. Sporophytes with unilocular sporangia were collected in late autumn and winter. Unilocular sporangia were produced at 15°C in short-day culture conditions and unispores developed into erect gametophytes at 5–15°C. It is suggested that the seasonal Occurrence of gametophytes in the field is due to the seasonal formation of unilocular sporangia, which is regulated by temperature and photoperiod.  相似文献   

In unialgal culture, isolates of vegetative plants of Bostrychia pinnata often developed tetrasporangial stichidia and released viable tetraspores. Most tetra‐sporelings developed normal branching before reproduction, however, some sporelings developed procarps, and later, spermatangia on juvenille unbranched stages (< 1 mm). Most normally branched gametophytes (> 2 mm) were initially female before becoming bisexual when older and larger (> 5 mm). Unisexual male gametophytes were not seen in culture. Carposporophytes developed slowly (40–70 days) and were sometimes abortive or produced reduced numbers of carpo‐sporangia (10–15 in cultures compared with 40–50 in field material). Carpospores germinated more slowly than tetraspores and the tetrasporophytes required up to 6 months to reach reproductive maturity. The Polysi‐phonia‐type life‐history was completed in 9–12 months in the laboratory. Peripherohaptera were absent in cultured plants. The isolates from Florida, Guatemala and Peru did not reproduce sexually, but regularly underwent lower branch abscission as a means of vegetative reproduction. After several years in culture, most individual isolates became self‐incompatible. In the female, 1 or 2 procarps formed on each axial segment and most were 4‐celled with a few having 3 cells. A single branched sterile group of 3–7 cells was also present. After fertilization, the diploid nucleus in the carpogonium divided twice, isolating the capping element and trichogyne and establishing the connecting element adjacent to the auxiliary cell. In mature normal cystocarps the sterile group persisted and secreted mucilage into the central cavity. The mature pericarp was four layers thick (one layer of axial filaments and three cortical cell layers). Pseudocystocarps were common, produced no carpo‐sporangia, contained elongate sterile cells, and were enclosed with a partially developed pericarp. Carpogonia in which 4 nuclei were usually seen may indicate developmental failure resulting in pseudocystocarps.  相似文献   

Abundances of the erect, blade phase of Endarachne binghamiae J. Ag. (Scytosiphonales, Phaeophyta) varied seasonally at a southern California rocky intertidal site. Blade cover and density were much greater in the fall through early spring; blades were mostly absent from quadrats during the summer. Blade abundances were negatively correlated with both seasonal variations in seawater temperature and photoperiod. Laboratory culture studies failed to provide evidence for sexual reproduction. The life history appears to be of the “direct” type with plurangia-produced zooids germinating into crustose disks. Most disks developed erect blade clusters under spring/fall (17° C) and winter (13° C) temperatures over the range of natural photoperiods employed (14:10, 12:12, 10:14 h LD). In contrast, cultures held under the summer temperature (21° C) produced almost entirely crustose growths regardless of photoperiod. Similar results were obtained for cultures grown at 100 and 200 μE · m?2· s?1. E. binghamiae blades were fertile throughout the year and produced viable zooids indicating that reproductive seasonality did not influence the seasonal pattern of blade abundance. Culture and field studies suggest that the initiation of new erect blade clusters from crustose disks is confined to the cooler months of the year (winter and spring). The summer reduction or absence of E. binghamiae blades appears to be due to increased mortality rates and temperature constraints on the development of new erect bladed thalli. Hypothetical causes of mortality are desiccation stress, sand burial, increased grazing activity and a genetically-based short life span.  相似文献   

Cystocarpic and spermatangial plants of rarely reported red alga Bonnemaisonia geniculata Gardner, epiphytic on Odonthalia Aoccosa (Esp.) Falk, were collected from june to September 1975 at shell Beach, california. Carpospores inoculated into unialgal culture divided, upon germination, in to two daughter cells, both of which formed erect and rhizoidal axes, Erect axes were uniseriale and alternately branched with a distictive zigzag pattern of axial cells. No tetrasporangia developed in culture. The presumptive tetrasporangia developed in culture to a described genus. Plants morphologically similar to those cultured from carpospores were found at the collection site; they bore tetrasporangia from February to june. Cullured letrasporews gave rise to male and female plants similar to those of field-collected B. geniculate in ca. a I:I ratio. Fertile female plants in the presence of male plants formed cystocarps. Carpospores gave rise to the alternately branched tetrasporophyte phase. Bonnemaisonia geniculate has a heteromorphic life history involving a previously undescribed tetrasporophyte.  相似文献   

Temperature and daylength responses were determined in culture for isolates of the red alga Cystoclonium purpureum (Hudson) Batters from Nova Scotia (NS, Canada), Helgoland (HE, Germany), and Roscoff (RO, France). Most isolates survived temperatures of –1.5°/–2° to 23°C, whereas 25°C was lethal. Only the RO-gametophytes died at 23°C. Optimal growth conditions were 10°–20°C in both long and short days for the NS isolates and 8°–15°C and 8°–18°C at daylengths of >12 h for the RO and HE isolates, respectively. Tetrasporophytes and gametophytes of the NS isolate reproduced at 10°–20°C in long and short days within 5 months. At lower temperatures reproduction was limited or slow. The European isolates formed tetrasporangia at 10°–20°C (HE) or 5°–l8°C(RO), spermatangia at 5°–15°C (HE) or 5°–20°C (RO), and carpospores at 5°–15°C(HE) or 10°–15°C (RO). Short days either blocked or delayed reproduction of the European isolates. The phenology of C. purpureum was studied at Helgoland and Roscoff, where similar seasonal patterns were observed. In early spring, growth was rapid and plants started to form reproductive structures. In summer, tetra-and carpospores were shed followed by degeneration of the upright axes while branched holdfasts persisted. New upright axes and juvenile plants were formed in autumn, but these remained small during the winter months. Published data indicate that the seasonal pattern at Nova Scotia is similar, although the onset of growth and reproduction is delayed until the end of spring. These observations correspond well with the results of the experiments. The life history of C. purpureum is regulated by temperature and daylength. In the eastern Atlantic, the limiting effect of short days confines growth and reproduction to spring and summer. In the western Atlantic, low winter temperatures alone bring about the same seasonal pattern. After plants have reproduced, uprights degenerate in spite of continuing favorable conditions.  相似文献   

Virus-free individuals of the plant-hopper Javesella pellucida (Fabr.) infected plants with European wheat striate mosaic virus (EWSMV) after being injected at 5° C. with extracts of either plants or hoppers, but extracts of hoppers provided a better inoculum. Hoppers were unable to infect plants until at least 8 days at 20–25° C. after they were injected, and nymphs fed on infected plants similarly required 8 days before they gave infective extracts. Few hoppers survived more than a week after injection with untreated extracts of hoppers or with material sedimented from them by centrifuging the extracts at 8000g, but 60–70% survived injection with purer virus preparations. Injection of the virus seemed harmless, because as many hoppers survived CO2 anaesthesis + injection, whether or not they later infected plants, as survived anaesthesis without injection. Attempts to determine the properties of the virus in vitro gave inconsistent results, but virus from hoppers was still infective after 10 min. at 30° C, 36 hr. at 5° C, precipitation at pH 4.0, storage for several months at -15° C, or at a dilution equivalent to 0.0014 g. hopper/ml. The best extraction medium contained 0.2 M-Na2HPO4+ ascorbic acid + 0.01 M-DIECA at pH 7.0–7.3. In sucrose density-gradients, EWSMV sedimented more slowly than tobacco mosaic virus. No specific particle with which infectivity could be correlated was seen by electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Two isolates of Nemalion helminthoides from the west coast of Ireland showed a heteromorphic life history in which tetraspores formed under short-day conditions on uniaxial, prostrate tetrasporophytes gave rise to uniaxial, prostrate growths similar in morphology to the tetrasporophytes. The induction of multiaxial, erect axes on tetraspore-derived plants was a long-day photoperiodic response. At 11°C, 16:8 h LD, nitrate concentration in the enriched seawater medium had little effect on the numbers of erect exes formed. Induction of erect axes occurred only in daylengths ≥ 12 h, mainly between 7–13° C, and the critical daylength, which generally lies between 14 and 16 h, changed with temperature. Night-breaks (NB) of 1 h light in the middle of 16 h night were ineffective in the promotion of erect axis formation, and day-breaks (DB) of 1 h darkness in the middle of a 16 h day did not inhibit axis formation. Neither continuous light nor NB of 1–1.5 h given at various times during the dark period of an 8:16 h LD cycle promoted the formation of erect axes. At 9° C, equivalent photon exposures (0.69 and 0.34 mol·m?2) at two different instantaneous photon flux densities resulted in erect axis formation only in the 14 h, 16 h and DB regimes. Photoregimes of 16 h light in combination with dark cycles of various lengths resulted in the maximal promotion of the formation of erect axes in diurnal (22–24 h) and bi-diurnal (44–48 h) cycles, a diminishing response in non-diurnal cycles greater than 24 and 48 h, and a minimal response at 32 h. These data show that the formation of erect axes is a long-day photoperiodic response and provide further evidence for a connection between endogenous circadian rhythms and long-day photoperiodic responses.  相似文献   

The imperial bromeliad Alcantarea imperialis grows naturally on rocky outcrops (‘inselbergs’) in regions where daily temperatures vary from 5 to 40°C. As carbohydrate metabolism is altered in response to cold, it could lead to reprogramming of the metabolic machinery including the increase in levels of metabolites that function as osmolytes, compatible solutes, or energy sources in order to maintain plant homeostasis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different temperatures on plant growth and non-structural carbohydrates in plants of A. imperialis adapted to low temperature. Seedlings of A. imperialis were grown in vitro under a 12-h photoperiod with four different day/night temperature cycles: 5/5°C, 15/15°C, 15/30°C (dark/light) and 30/30°C. Plants were also cultivated at 26°C in ex vitro conditions for comparison. The results showed an inverse relationship between temperature and germination time and no differences in the percentage of germination. Plants maintained for 9 months at 15°C presented a reduced number of leaves and roots, and a dry mass four times lower than plants grown at 30°C. Sugar content was higher in plants grown at 15°C than at 30°C. However, the highest amount of total sugar was found in plants growing under warm day/cold night conditions. Myo-inositol, glucose, fructose and sucrose were found predominantly under high temperatures, while under low temperatures, sucrose was apparently replaced by trehalose, raffinose and stachyose. Starch content was highest in plants grown under high temperatures. The lowest starch content was detected under low temperatures, suggesting its conversion into soluble carbohydrates to protect the plants against cold. These results indicated that low temperature retarded growth of A. imperialis and increased sugar levels, mainly trehalose, thus suggesting that these sugar compounds could be involved in cold tolerance.  相似文献   

The effect of root-zone temperature on Phytophthora cryptogea root rot was studied in tomato cv. Counter grown under winter and summer conditions in rockwool culture. A nutrient temperature of 25°C resulted in increased root initiation and growth, higher in winter-grown than in summer-grown plants. Rhizosphere zoospore populations were greatly reduced at 25°C and above. Growth of P. cryptogea in vitro was optimal between 20°C and 25°C and completely suppressed at 30°C. Encystment was enhanced by increased temperatures above 20°C. Zoospore release in vitro occurred in cultures maintained at constant temperatures in the absence of the normal chilling stimulus. Optimal release was at 10°C; no zoospores were released at 30°C. Inoculated, winter-grown tomato plants maintained at 15°C developed acute aerial symptoms and died after 21 days. Comparable plants grown at a root-zone temperature of 25°C remained symptomless for the 3-months duration of the experiment. Summer-grown infected plants at the higher root temperature wilted but did not die. Enhanced temperature was ineffective as a curative treatment in summer-grown plants with established infection. Aerial symptoms of Phytophthora infection are seen as a function of the net amount of available healthy root. With high root zone temperatures this is determined by new root production and decreased inoculum and infection.  相似文献   

The foliose red alga Gigartina papillata (C. Ag.) J. Ag. was studied in culture to determine its life history and possible relationship to the life history of Petrocelis middendorffii (Ruprecht) Kjellman. Carpospores cultured from individual female plants gave rise to either crustose Petrocelis-like plants that reproduced by tetraspores, or to another generation of foliose female (cystocarpic) plants that reproduced by carpospores. Apices cultured from blades of individual field-collected female plants produced either papillae with many procarps that developed cystocarps only when crossed with male plants, or papillae with few procarps that produced cystocarps in the absence of male plants. The results are interpreted to demonstrate that two types of life history occur in G. papillata: one, a sexual life history involving a crustose tetrasporophyte; the other, a possibly apomictic life history involving only cystocarpic plants. Hybridization experiments demonstrated, that G. papillata is interfertile with Gigartina-phase gametophytes cultured from tetraspores of P. middendorffii. Sexual plants of G. papillata are postulated to represent the naturally-occurring gametophyte of P. middendorffii in California. The possible relationships of the sexual and apomictic plants of G. papillata are discussed.  相似文献   

Two strains of a virus, designated cymbidium ringspot virus (CyRSV), were isolated from cymbidium orchids and from Trifolium repens respectively in Britain. Experimentally infected cymbidiums developed slight chlorotic ring-mottle; T. repens developed flecks and mottling in the leaves, and slight stunting. Of 101 plant species tested, the cymbidium strain infected sixty-one (thirteen systemically) in twenty-three of thirty-five families; the clover strain infected sixty-four species (eighteen systemically) in twenty-two families. Both strains were propagated in Nicotiana clevelandii and assayed in Chenopodium quinoa. CyRSV was readily transmitted by inoculation of sap, and by foliage contact between plants, but not by the aphids Myzus persicae or Acyrtho-siphon pisum, nor through seed of T. incarnatum, Phaseolus vulgaris or N. clevelandii. Highly infective virus was released into soil from roots of infected N. clevelandii, and acquired by bait seedlings planted in such soil. Similar transmission occurred when purified virus was applied to the surface of sterilized soil containing bait plants; there was no evidence for any living soil vector. The virus was eliminated from 96 % of small cuttings taken from infected N. clevelandii plants grown at 35–37 °C for 9 wk. CyRSV was still infective in sap of N. clevelandii after dilution to 10?5-io–6 (only 2 × 10_1 in cymbidium sap), or after 10min at 85–90 °C. It survived at least 10 months at c. 20 °C and more than 12 yr at 2 °C. Lyophilized sap was highly infective after over 13 yr at laboratory temperatures under high vacuum. Purified preparations made by clarification with n-butanol, followed by differential centrifugation and exclusion chromatography on controlled-pore glass beads, contained isometric particles c. 30 nm diam., with s°20W= 137 S, and had a buoyant density in caesium chloride of 1–36 g/ml. The A 260/A 280 ratio was 1–55, and A max(26o)/A min(242) was 1–17. The virus contained c. 15 % of single-stranded RNA of mol. wt 1–7 × 106; the nucleotide base ratios were: G27'8; A24/9; C2I-3; U26-I. There was one capsid polypeptide of mol. wt 43600. The virus was a good immunogen and a strongly reacting antigen in vitro; in Immunoelectrophoresis, each strain migrated as a single antigenic component towards the cathode. The cymbidium and clover strains were serologically closely related, although spurs were produced in immunodiffusion. No serological relationship was found to forty-three other isometric viruses, including eighteen tombusvirus isolates; CyRSV nevertheless shares many properties with tombusviruses, and we assign it provisionally to this group. The cryptogram is: R/r:1:7/15:S/S:S/O.  相似文献   

Eggs and larvae of Anisocentropus kirramus were collected from leaf packs in riffles and pools in a small upland rainforest stream in tropical Queensland. Adults were collected in floating emergence traps. Egg masses contained 80–100 eggs. None developed in water at 12–15°C but at 22–25°C larvae hatched in 3–10 days. There were five larval instars and complete development appeared to take several months. Instars II‐V were present in all nine months sampled; instar I was present in all but one month. Adults emerged in all ten months sampled, but there was clear seasonality with peak emergence in the summer. The sex ratio of adults was 1:1.  相似文献   

The life history of the brown alga Chnoospora implexa J. Agardh (Chnoosporaceae, Scytosiphonales) from Japan was studied in laboratory cultures. This species showed a heteromorphic and diphasic life history, alternating between erect gametophytes and discoid sporophytes. The gametophytes were dioecious and produced isogametes. The zygotes developed into sporophytes at 20°C under long‐day conditions, which formed plurilocular zoidangia. Zoids released from the plurilocular zoidangia developed again into sporophytes that always formed plurilocular zoidangia at 20°C and 25°C in long‐day conditions, and mainly unilocular zoidangia at 25°C in short‐day conditions. Zoids released from unilocular zoidangia developed into dioecious gametophytes. At 15°C zygotic erect thalli were formed and were revealed to be diploid by microspectrofluorometric measurements of nuclear DNA contents. The development and reproduction of unfused gametes were similar to those of zygotes. Some strains showed a direct‐type life history; gametophytic thalli were produced, but not via a sporophytic phase.  相似文献   

Supraoptimal Temperature Effects upon Agrostis palustris   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Agrostis palustris turfs cut weekly at 1.3 cm were subjected to successive four-week periods with day-night temperature regimes of 20–10, 25–15, 30–20, 35–25 and 40–30°C. Plants grown at 40–30°C exhibited a growth character distinctly different from those grown at 20–10°C. They were more upright and bristle-like in growth habit. The percentage dry weight of leaf blade tissue increased 67% and weight per unit area increased 53% between 20–10 and 40–30°C. Reduced leaf blade width was noted first at 30–20°C while leaf blade length reduction first occurred at 35–25°C. Weekly yields were significantly reduced at the supraoptimal temperature regimes of 35–25 and 40–30°C. Chlorophyll content was lowest at 20–10 and 40–30°C, the lowest and highest temperature regimes studied. Shoot density appeared to decrease under the 35–25°C regime, but no dead plants were observed. The apparent decrease in shoot density was attributed to the upright growth habit. Density decreased at 40–30°C upon death of individual plants. A community of grass plants maintained as a turf was found to change in form quite rapidly in response to temperature.  相似文献   

Virus infection in garlic considerably reduces yield and quality in Argentina. The production of virus free “seed” was attempted by means of thermotherapy and meristem tip culture. A hot water treatment was employed to determine the lethal temperature/time combination for clonal type (c.t.) Blanco cloves. It was established that 50°C × 20 min, 50°C × 15 min and 55°C × 5 min were the limit thermal/time combinations which garlic could withstand. Those treatments were employed followed by meristem tip culture, however, none of the successfully developed plants after culture (only 13 %) were virus-free. Hot air treatments in a growth chamber at 36°C lasting for 30, 40 and 60 days, and at 25°–32° for 30 days in a greenhouse were tested on c.t. Blanco. Cloves kept at room temperature throughout the experiment were employed as controls. In the 25°–32°C treatment, 73% of meristems produced plants and, of these, 33 % were virus free. After 30 and 40 days at 36 °C, 62 % and 67 % of the meristems developed into plantlets, of which respectively 51 % and 50 % were virus-free. Very few meristems (10 %) developed into plants when cloves had been kept at 36°C for 60 days but the resulting plantlets were all virus free. Controls produced 78 % of plants, of which 14 % were virus free. Results of hot air treatments of 36 °C for 40 days performed on c.t. Colorado, Rosado, Paraguayo, Espaol and Hilario Ascasubi were similar to those obtained with c.t. Blanco. In Espaol and Hilario Ascasubi, no virus-free plants were detected among control specimens (no thermotherapy treatment). The only virus (from up to 3 that infected the plants) that persisted in some plants after themotherapy and meristem tip culture was garlic yellow streak.  相似文献   

Twenty branches of Kappaphycus alvarezii (Doty) Doty ex P. Silva produced in unialgal culture and weighing about 3 g each were transferred into the sea monthly from October 1995 to October 1996 at Ubatuba Bay, São Paulo State, Brazil (23°26.9′S, 45°0.3′W), an area with mean monthly seawater temperature from 20.3 to 28.5°C (extremes: 17.0–31.0°C). All plants were harvested after the second month and a new series of growth experiments was performed using cuttings weighing from 100 to 150 g. The cultivation experiments were carried out using a floating system. Daily growth rates were calculated based on monthly weight measurements of each individual. Small branches produced in vitro showed high survival rates when introduced into the sea during all seasons. Growth rates observed for the transplanted branches during the first and second months in the sea were higher (6.5–10.7% day‐1) than for subsequent cuttings produced in the sea (4.5–8.2% day‐1). The latter values are in the range reported for other regions. Seasonal variation of growth rates was clearly related to seawater temperature. These results show that the commercial cultivation of K. alvarezii is technically feasible at Ubatuba Bay using a floating raft culture method.  相似文献   

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