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We evaluated the direct and interactive effects of food and age on reproduction in the Montagu's Harrier Circus pygargus , to test whether variation in food supply was likely to affect age-specific breeding probability or success. Younger females were more frequently non-breeders than older females. When breeding, older females laid earlier, produced larger clutches, failed less often and had higher number of fledglings than younger females. Probability of breeding was higher, laying was earlier, and clutch size and number of fledglings per pair increased with increasing food abundance. A significant interaction between food and age was observed in both breeding probability and breeding performance: older females were more likely to breed than younger females when food abundance was low, and younger females performed less well in good food conditions than older females. Overall, differences between age groups were most marked in extreme food conditions, regardless of the quality of the conditions.  相似文献   

Capsule Reproductive output in a natural habitat was higher than in birds breeding in cereal crops, highlighting the importance of natural habitats for the species.

Aims To evaluate breeding in a natural habitat in inland Castellon province, Spain, and compare breeding parameters with other European populations.

Methods Breeding population size in inland Castellon was recorded between 1981 and 2003. A logistic growth model was used to describe population increase. We also calculated clutch size, brood size, productivity, percentage of successful nests and fledging success for the period 1989–2003.

Results Population size increased from three pairs in 1981 to 98 pairs in 2003. During 1989–2003, productivity (2.74 ± 1.49 fledglings/pair) and percentage of successful nests (84.%) were higher than observed in other European populations.

Conclusions Our results show the importance of our study area for the conservation of this species in the Iberian Peninsula, as it might act as a source of colonists for other areas. Food and protection against predators might explain the high breeding output, which may in turn explain the rapid population growth in the area. The study also suggests that natural habitats might be important for the species elsewhere.  相似文献   

Farmland birds are in steep decline and agri‐environment schemes (AES) to counteract these biodiversity losses are expensive and inefficient. Here we test a novel AES, ‘Birdfields’, designed using detailed ecological knowledge of the target species, Montagu's Harrier Circus pygargus. Current AES, such as field margins, that aim to improve foraging conditions (i.e. vole densities) for harriers are inefficient, as prey are difficult to capture in tall set‐aside habitat. ‘Birdfields’ combines strips of set‐aside to boost vole numbers and strips of alfalfa, as voles are accessible after alfalfa has been harvested. We found that vole numbers were generally highest in set‐aside. Montagu's Harriers fitted with GPS‐loggers used ‘Birdfields’ intensively after mowing, preferring mown to unmown strips. Thus, prey availability appeared more important than prey abundance. Thus, ‘Birdfields’, as a targeted AES for Montagu's Harriers, is more effective than previous AES due to increased prey accessibility. An additional advantage of ‘Birdfields’ is that it is considerably cheaper, due to the harvest of alfalfa. We advocate that AES should always include monitoring and research activities, aiming at a more adaptive conservation approach.  相似文献   

BEATRIZ E. ARROYO 《Ibis》1997,139(4):664-672
The diet of Montagu's Harrier Circus pygargus was studied for 4 years near Madrid, Spain, with the use of pellets and prey remains collected during the breeding season. The diet of the study birds included a wide variety of prey categories, the most important one by weight being lagomorphs (mainly Hares Lepus granatensis ). The diet varied seasonally, with Hares predominating early in the breeding season, while birds increased in importance later. The shift was partly a result of variation in availability (with fledgling birds being more abundant late in the season), but statistical analysis suggested that lagomorphs and then birds were actively chosen in the prelaying and nestling periods, respectively. Montagu's Harrier seemed to be an opportunistic species, hunting a wider range of prey types in more southern latitudes, but specialized in each region in the prey species that was most profitable. This was the only study on Montagu's Harriers to date which found lagomorphs to be the most important part of the diet throughout the season.  相似文献   

J. T. GARCIA  & B. E. ARROYO 《Ibis》2005,147(1):144-154
Hen Harriers Circus cyaneus and Montagu's Harriers Circus pygargus are medium-sized raptors that differ in size (Hen Harrier being slightly bigger than Montagu's Harrier) and breeding system (Montagu's Harriers are semi-colonial and Hen Harriers defend nesting–hunting territories). In contrast, the diets of the two species when in sympatry are very similar. We evaluated food-niche differentiation among these coexisting raptor species and how between-species differences in body size and social system influence interspecific relationships. We present data from a study conducted in 1997 and 1998 in northeastern Madrid province (central Spain). Diet of the two species largely overlapped (55–95%) during the breeding season, but Hen Harriers preyed more often on larger species. This segregation was observed both in the average size of the primary prey (lagomorphs) and in the alternative prey (birds for Hen Harriers vs. insects for Montagu's Harriers), and was particularly apparent late in the season. Accordingly, feeding frequency of Montagu's Harriers, but not of Hen Harriers, increased later in the season. Size differences between species in prey brought to the nest were apparent for both males and females. Foraging behaviour also differed, as Hen Harriers spent more time hunting close to the nest than did Montagu's Harriers. This implies that segregation in foraging areas may also exist. Observed niche partitioning may relax the potential for competition between these species.  相似文献   

A survey of breeding Hen Harriers in the UK and the Isle of Man carried out in 1998 consisted of two parts: a complete census of 10-km squares at the core of the species'known range, and a random sample of 10-km squares across the rest of its known recent range. From this, the UK and Isle of Man breeding population was estimated at 570 territorial pairs: 436 in Scotland, 19 in England, 28 in Wales, 38 in Northern Ireland and 49 on the Isle of Man. Although there was no overall change in the size of the UK and Isle of Man population between 1988–94 and 1998, numbers declined in Orkney and increased in Northern Ireland. In Scotland, numbers increased on grouse moors and decreased in young plantation between 1988–89 and 1998, so that 55% of the population is now found on grouse moor. A similar situation exists in England, but in Northern Ireland 45% of the population was found breeding in open areas within mature conifer plantations in 1998.  相似文献   

Sex-biased nestling mortality in the Montagu's harrier Circus pygargus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I evaluate causes and patterns of nestling mortality in a sexually dimorphic species, the Montagu's harrier Circus pygargus , and their relationship with sex and condition. Starvation was apparently the main reason for nestling death. Condition of birds that died was lower than those that survived. Both probability of nestling death and the proportion of nestlings that died within a brood increased with the number of hatched nestlings in a brood, and with increasing hatching date. For the nestlings that died after being sexed, when controlling for brood effects, probability of death was significantly related to nestling sex, with smaller males having a higher probability of dying. The probability of nestling death if hatched late in the season was relatively greater for males than for females. There was also a significant interaction between sex and hatching date on nestling condition: the decline in condition if hatched late in the season was steeper for males than for females. Males did not have a higher probability of death when having more sisters: neither the probability of brood reduction nor the proportion of nestlings that died were significantly related to within-brood sex ratio. Results suggest that mortality may partly result from sibling competition: females, being the larger sex, might be better able to compete for food within a brood than their male siblings. Additionally, smaller males may be less able to recover from periods of declining body weight.  相似文献   

Capsule Three similarly sized passerine species with various breeding strategies behaved differently in the presence of models of mammalian and avian predators.

Aims We tested whether solitary breeders behave in the presence of a predator in order to avoid disclosing their nest site in: hole-nesting Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca, shrub-nesting Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla and ground-nesting Meadow Pipit Anthus pratensis.

Methods The behaviour of parents in response to two types of predator model (visually oriented Corvid birds and olfactory oriented Mustelid mammals) placed sequentially at 40, 5 and 1 m distance from the nest was recorded from a shelter.

Results The hypothesis was supported in open-nesting species (Meadow Pipit and Blackcap), as parents did not approach the nest in the presence of a predator. In the hole-nesting Pied Flycatcher the parents disclosed the nest site in most cases (by entering the nest). The intensity of alarm calling increased with decreasing distance of a predator from the nest in all species except Meadow Pipit in the presence of Raven Corvus corax models. The intensity of attacking changed only in Meadow Pipit with decreasing distance of Stoat Mustela erminea from the nest.

Conclusion The results showed that anti-predator behaviour was species-specific, depending on type of predator, habitat and nest inaccessibility.  相似文献   

Capsule Wetland occupation by breeding Marsh Harriers is influenced by wetland and vegetation area, distance to other wetlands where conspecifics are present and also by the characteristics and conditions of the vegetation such as predominant species and its height at the start of the breeding period.

Aims To determine factors influencing the probability of wetland occupation by Marsh Harrier in relation to wetland dimensions, vegetation and hydric conditions, and to determine the effect of the predominant helophyte species in the wetlands and its physical characteristics.

Methods Three hundred and thirty-two wetlands were monitored during a breeding season in NW Spain, a Mediterranean area that hosts 10% of the total number of breeding pairs of Marsh Harriers in Spain. The probability of wetland occupation for breeding in terms of wetland size and proximity, vegetation characteristics, human disturbance and also hydrological variables, was analysed using logistic regression.

Results One hundred and sixty-five pairs were located in 131 wetlands. Variables affecting occupation include vegetation composition and characteristics, wetland dimensions and distance to other occupied wetlands. Wetlands with the highest probability of being occupied were larger, with greater areas of marsh vegetation, taller vegetation, rush and reed communities as the predominant species and which were closer to another wetland occupied by Marsh Harriers.

Conclusions The dimensions and predominant species of helophyte vegetation, and size and location determine the occupation of wetlands as breeding grounds by Marsh Harrier. Changes in the natural supply of water and nutrients due to the implementation of intensive irrigation farming are likely modifying flora in wetlands and affecting the distribution and population size of Marsh Harriers in this region of Spain.  相似文献   

Mate guarding and frequent copulations are two alternative paternity assurance strategies found in birds. In species with intensecourtship feeding, like raptors, the "frequent copulation"strategy is expected because male food provisioning conflictswith mate guarding. We evaluated experimentally the paternityassurance behavior of a semicolonial raptor, the Montagu'sharrier Circus pygargus, using decoy presentations to simulateterritorial intrusions. Breeding pairs were exposed to maleand female decoys at different periods during the female's reproductive cycle. Agonistic responses to decoys were intra-sexual,and the timing and intensity of male attacks toward male decoyssupported responses related to the risk of extrapair copulation(EPC): Male aggression peaked during the presumed fertile periodand almost disappeared after clutch completion. During thefertile period, copulation rate was significantly higher, andcopulations lasted longer, during male decoy presentations than during controls. Males also spent more time close to the femaleduring male decoy presentations compared to controls, bothduring the early prelaying and fertile periods, but not duringincubation. In the fertile period, males also increased presencetime close to the female in the hour following the removal of the male decoy. Conversely, female decoy presentations hadno significant effect on copulatory behavior or male presencetime. These results showed that the risk of EPC can be experimentallymanipulated by the means of decoy presentations, simulatingmale territorial intrusions, and that male Montagu's harriersincrease their short-term copulation frequency and female surveillancewhen they perceive themselves at an increased EPC risk.  相似文献   

Natal dispersal is an important component of bird ecology, plays a key role in many ecological and evolutionary processes, and has important conservation implications. Nevertheless, detailed knowledge on natal dispersal is still lacking in many bird species, especially raptors. We review and compile existing information from five tagging programmes of juvenile Montagu's harriers (Circus pygargus) in different Spanish regions, with PVC rings or wing tags, to provide an assessment of philopatry and natal dispersal of the species in Spain. Only 7% of all tagged harriers were observed as breeders in subsequent years. The percentage of philopatric (i.e. breeding within 10?km of the natal site) males and females was lower that 5%. Overall, there were no sexual differences in percentage of philopatric birds or dispersal distances, but we found study area differences. The low philopatry observed suggests a high capacity for natal dispersal in this species, for both sexes, and therefore high genetic mixing between populations. Differences in philopatry between study areas may be influenced by the different observation effort or detectability, or else reflect different philopatric strategies among populations. Finally, we found no significant differences in philopatry rate or dispersal distances related to tagging method, suggesting that tagging technique has a smaller effect than monitoring effort or observation ease on observation probability. Developing tagging programmes at a small scale and without procuring very large-scale and intensive subsequent monitoring is not worthwhile for evaluating philopatry and natal dispersal in this species.  相似文献   

通过对波兰东南部的13巢乌灰鹞(Circus pygargus) ,37只雏鸟观察,对同窝雏鸟间的竞争进行了研究。无论是在食物的数量或者生物量上,早孵出的雏鸟占有空中喂养与巢内喂养的食物源的绝对优势。空中学习捕食的食物量占喂养食物量的比例随着雏鸟年龄的增长而增加。雏鸟在空中喂养中的攻击行为通过对空中食物传递进行研究。在370次的食物传递中,由于雏间竞争而引起的落地食物的比例57次(7·8 %)。由于雏间竞争而不能获得亲鸟喂养的幼鸟有时捕食周围的雀形目小鸟。亲鸟很少喂养较小的雏鸟。窝雏数越大,雏鸟间对食物的争斗持续时间越长。空中食物传递中捕食的成功率与雏鸟的空间分布相关。这种建立在雏鸟早期的等级制一直持续到雏鸟的出羽后期,从而保证早出雏具备开始迁徙的良好身体条件[动物学报51 (5) : 790 -796 ,2005]。  相似文献   

Hen and Montagu's Harriers breed in the same cultivated areas of eastern France. We present data from an extensive study conducted in three adjacent areas where 757 nests of the two harriers were monitored between 1993 and 2000, with the aim of comparing the breeding ecology of these two species and to evaluate their possible future trends. Breeding habitat for harriers consisted nearly exclusively of winter cereals, causing great conservation concern in this intensively farmed region. The Hen Harrier was almost absent from two of the study areas. This species showed significantly larger clutch size and higher breeding success than the Montagu's Harrier, and an earlier breeding phenology. It was thus less adversely affected by harvesting activities than Montagu's Harrier. Both species showed a reduced breeding success with increasing laying date. There was a large diet overlap between the two species, possibly leading to competitive interactions. Overall, the Montagu's Harrier should be considered as the more vulnerable of the two species, necessitating conservation measures, such as protection of nests from early harvesting activities. Nevertheless, to maintain both species in agricultural habitats, farming practices that preserve sufficient food should also be promoted.  相似文献   

Summary In Fennoscandia the Goldcrest regularly lays two clutches per breeding season. Near Trondheim in Central Norway (about 63° N) the mean size of 11 first clutches was 10.4 (9–12) eggs and of 10 second/repeat clutches 9.4 (8–11) eggs. Mean egg length was 13.49 mm, breadth 10.35 mm, mean weight of freshly-laid eggs 0.78 g, volume 737 mm3 and shape index 130.6. The correlation coefficient for egg length against weight was 0.47, and for egg breadth against weight 0.77. For the four clutches studied in more detail, all egg dimensions, except the shape index, increased with the laying sequence. On average, the last-laid egg was 20.1 % heavier than the first-laid egg, or 5.6 % heavier than the mean weight for the whole clutch. The 3–5 last-laid eggs in the clutch deviated by about the same magnitude from the clutch mean. Because of the pronounced asynchrony in hatching, the size-hierarchy within a Goldcrest brood may be considerable, at least 1:5. The survival chances of the smallest young in a brood apparently depend mainly on the prevailing food supply. The primary advantage of hatching from a relatively large-sized egg is probably that such a hatchling is strong enough to secure itself a favourable feeding position in the crowded nest, in which the young often form 2–3 horizontal layers. The parental selection of food is adjusted to the size of the young, even in a brood with a marked size-hierarchy. It is concluded that the Goldcrest has evolved a brood reduction strategy.
Gelegegröße, Variation der Eigröße und Brutstrategie beim Wintergoldhähnchen (Regulus regulus)
Zusammenfassung In Fennoskandien zeitigt das Wintergoldhähnchen regelmäßig zwei Gelege pro Brutsaison. In einem Kontrollgebiet bei Trondheim in Mittelnorwegen (ca. 63° N) betrug die mittlere Gelegegröße für 11 Erstgelege 10,4 (9–12) und für 10 Zweit- bzw. Ersatzgelege 9,4 (8–11) Eier. Die mittlere Eilänge betrug 13,5 mm, die Eibreite 10,35 mm, das mittlere Frischvollgewicht 0,78 g; das Volumen maß 737 mm3, der Eiformindex (=Länge/Breite × 100) 130,6. Die Korrelation zwischen Länge und Gewicht betrug 0,47, zwischen Breite und Gewicht 0,77. Bei vier genauer untersuchten Gelegen nahmen alle Eidimensionen mit Ausnahme des Eiformindex mit der Legefolge zu. Im Mittel war das letzte Ei 20,1 % schwerer als das erste oder 5,6 % schwerer als das mittlere Gewicht des gesamten Geleges; letzteres gilt auch für die 3 bis 5 zuletzt gelegten Eier. Als Folge des bemerkenswert asynchronen Schlupfes sind die Größenunterschiede innerhalb einer Goldhähnchenbrut beachtlich, nämlich mindestens 1:5. Die Überlebenschancen des kleinsten Jungen einer Brut hängen offensichtlich vor allem vom Nahrungsangebot ab. Der primäre Vorteil eines Jungen aus einem großen Ei liegt möglicherweise darin, daß dieser Nestling stark genug ist, um sich eine günstige Position im dichtbesetzten Nest bei den Fütterungen zu sichern. Die Jungen liegen oft in zwei bis drei Schichten übereinander. Die Nahrungswahl der Altvögel richtet sich nach der Jungengröße, sogar in einer Brut mit deutlichen Größenunterschieden. Das Wintergoldhähnchen hat wahrscheinlich die Strategie einer Brutreduzierung in Anpassung an knappes Nahrungsangebot entwickelt.

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