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四川梅花鹿Cervus nippon sichuanicus为国家Ⅰ级重点保护动物,四川铁布梅花鹿自然保护区分布有我国现存最大的梅花鹿野生种群。2011年6—9月,采用样方法对保护区梅花鹿夏季栖息地选择进行了调查,共布设109个样方(利用样方61个,对照样方48个),测量并比较了海拔、坡度等20个生境因子。结果显示,梅花鹿偏好利用的植被类型为灌丛、草甸、针叶林,同时选择隐蔽度较高的生境;此外,距水源距离、灌木高度、灌木盖度、灌木密度、草本高度和草本盖度6个连续变量在利用样方和对照样方之间差异有统计学意义(F<0.05或U<0.05)。回归模型分析结果表明,梅花鹿夏季偏好选择草本盖度大、靠近水源和林缘的生境,回避远离水源和林缘的生境。  相似文献   

2006 年9 ~11 月在四川省若尔盖县铁布自然保护区,对四川梅花鹿发情期的声行为进行了初步观测,结果表明:在发情期,四川梅花鹿的发声行为可分为雌、雄鹿的报警叫声,雄鹿的吼叫声和求偶叫声。雌鹿的报警叫声持续时间257 ~ 539 ms,频率范围1409. 5 ~ 4474. 6 Hz,主频率3534. 8 ±89.12 Hz;雄鹿的报警叫声持续时间136 ~187 ms,频率范围271.8 ~3910.5 Hz,主频率3244.3 ±79.32 Hz;两者在持续时间、最低频率、最高频率上差异极显著(P < 0.01),在间隔时间上差异不显著(P = 0.624)。吼叫是雄鹿的主要发情行为之一。雄鹿每次吼叫1 声,持续时间1580 ~4972 ms,频率范围234.6 ~6171.4 Hz,主频率2264.6 ± 166.44 Hz。雄鹿吼叫声的主频率存在显著的个体差异(P <0.01)。在整个吼叫过程中,一只雄鹿的吼叫常会引起周围其它雄鹿的吼叫反应。雄鹿每日吼叫的次数与其在繁殖群中的等级序列有关,不同序列等级雄鹿的吼叫频次存在显著差异(P<0.01)。雄鹿的吼叫声在白天和夜晚均能听到,但主要发生在06:00 ~ 08:00、17:00 ~ 19:00 和01:00 ~ 03:00 三个时间段。四川梅花鹿雄鹿的求偶叫声有4 种,其生物学意义与发情炫耀、追逐、激惹和爬跨等行为有关。  相似文献   

四川梅花鹿生命表和种群增长率的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
郭延蜀  郑慧珍 《兽类学报》2005,25(2):150-155
1987年、1989—1991年四川梅花鹿产仔期,在四川省若尔盖县铁布自然保护区用耳缺法连续标记了111只(♂♂56,♀♀55)3~10日龄的四川梅花鹿幼仔,根据野外对这批标记仔鹿生长、繁殖、死亡的观察数据编绘出四川梅花鹿的生命表、存活曲线、死亡曲线、种群自然增长率和繁殖价。这批标记仔鹿中,雄鹿和雌鹿的最大寿命分别为14岁和15岁;初生仔鹿的雌雄性比为1:1,5~6岁时雌雄性比为3:1;雌鹿最早的产仔年龄为3~4岁,最晚产仔年龄为11~12岁;雄鹿最早在4~5岁时拥有雌鹿,10—11岁以后就都失去了曾占有的雌鹿群。雄鹿2 3岁时期望寿命最大为5.111,雌鹿1~2岁时期望寿命最大为6.148。雌鹿的存活曲线接近于Odum有关存活曲线的A型,雄鹿的存活曲线属B型。净生殖率、种群自然增长率和平均世代时间分别为1.228、0.031和7.015。雌鹿3—4岁时的繁殖价最高。  相似文献   

铁布自然保护区梅花鹿食物蕴藏量与负载量的测定   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
郭延蜀 《兽类学报》2002,22(4):256-263
198 7年 2月至 2 0 0 1年 8月 ,对铁布自然保护区 (E1 0 2°5 8′~ 1 0 3°1 1′,N34°0 2′~ 34°1 2′)四川梅花鹿食物蕴藏量与负载量的野外调查结果表明 :四川梅花鹿的食物基地可划分为亚高山灌丛草甸、亚高山森林灌丛草甸、高山灌丛草甸、河谷灌丛草甸 4种类型 ,它们的食物生产力分别为 49 2 0g/m2 、 48 0 9g/m2 、 5 7 66g/m2 和 39 1 3g/m2 (干重 ) ,食物基地的总有效利用面积约为 37 79km2 ,食物理论蕴藏量为 1 989 44t,四川梅花鹿的平均日食量干重约为 3 61kg ,由此测算出保护区对鹿较适宜的理论负载量约为 45 0~ 75 0只 ,最大理论负载量为 1 5 0 0只左右。冬末春初 ( 2~ 4月 )食物的蕴藏量是限制该保护区鹿种群数量的关键因子。影响食物蕴藏量与负载量的因子有干旱、放牧和人类生产活动的干扰  相似文献   

2009年4~9月在四川省若尔盖县铁布自然保护区,对四川梅花鹿Cervusnippon sichuanicus产仔换茸期的声行为进行了较系统的研究。四川梅花鹿产仔换茸期的声行为可以分为报警声、惊叫声、吼叫声、母子召唤声等20种鸣声。通过声谱分析获得了各种鸣声的语谱图及其频谱特征,并通过野外观察初步确定了这些声行为的生物学意义。在遇到危险或潜在危险时,成年雄鹿往往第一个发出报警鸣声,而雌鹿的报警声大约是雄鹿的两倍多。成年个体的主动防御鸣声频次要多于亚成体,而幼体未见有该类鸣声。对梅花鹿不同亚种和不同季节的几种声行为进行了比较。  相似文献   

四川平武县零星驯养繁殖梅花鹿的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴勇  杜明勇 《四川动物》2003,22(3):177-178
针对平武县对多年存在的未取得合法手续而零星驯养繁殖国家一级重点保护野生动物梅花鹿 (平武圈养梅花鹿主要为东北亚种后代 )的情况 ,2 0 0 3年县野生动植物保护办公室再次对全县养殖情况进行调查和技术指导。并结合开展野生动物保护法规宣传 ,给每个养殖户发放《野生动物保护法》和《关于驯养繁殖梅花鹿办证的通知》 ,要求统一管理 ,规范饲养 ,依法经营。调查发现零星养殖梅花鹿户数和驯养鹿只数2 0 0 1年为 1 0户 3 6只 ,现在分别为 1 4户、49只 ,涉及 3个乡镇的 4个村 8个组 ,71 %的养殖户集中在龙安镇杨家河村 ,圈养只数占 66% ,较 2 0…  相似文献   

四川铁布自然保护区的鸟类   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
郭延蜀 《四川动物》2001,20(4):185-189
1986年7月至2000年9月对铁布自然保护区乌类调查结果显示,该保护区有乌类141种,分属14目30科94属,其中国家一级重点保护鸟类4种,二级重点保护鸟类20种。从区系上看,古北界成份有83种,占全区鸟类总数的58.86%;东洋界成份40种,占28.37%;广布种18种,占12.77%。  相似文献   

四川梅花鹿的行为谱及PAE编码系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2007年3-11月每月定期5 d,每天06:00-18:00在四川省铁布自然保护区的冻列乡、崇尔乡、热尔乡观察记录四川梅花鹿行为发生过程、内容、结果及其周围生境.建立了四川梅花鹿的行为谱、警戒行为谱及其PAE编码系统,填补了有蹄类警戒行为PAE编码的空白.分辨并记录了四川梅花鹿的11种姿势、83种动作及136种行为,描述了各种行为的相对发生频次与性别、年龄、季节的关系.与其他有蹄类相比,梅花鹿的行为与鹿科其他动物有相似之处.  相似文献   

四川梅花鹿的社群行为研究   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
郭延蜀  胡锦矗 《兽类学报》1991,11(3):165-170

对一只成年雌性四川梅花鹿内脏系统作了初步的观察和研究,其气管长440 mm;食道呈漏斗状,具伸缩性,粗细不等;胃属于反刍胃,包括瘤胃、网胃、瓣胃、皱胃,容积分别占全部胃室的80%、6%、6.5%、7.5%;肠道全长是体长的12.79倍,小肠较发达,全长11 661.36 mm,占肠道总长的58.8%,具有较发达的盲肠;卵巢较小,子宫属于双角子宫.  相似文献   

Habitat suitability assessment is an essential and dynamic research method for determining and evaluating the environmental pressures faced by wildlife. From March to November 2011, we investigated the quality of habitat available to Sichuan sika deer (Cervus nippon sichuanicus) in Tiebu Nature Reserve, Ruoergai County, Sichuan Province, China. A habitat evaluation model established by the fuzzy assignment quadrature method was used to assess habitat suitability for Sichuan sika deer within the reserve by using the GIS spatial analysis function. The results showed that the area of actual available habitat was 220.8 km2 during the wet season and 213.2 km2 during the dry season, accounting for 80.8% and 78.02% of the total nature reserve area, respectively. The area of suitable habitat for Sichuan sika deer was much lower, 128.01 km2 during the wet season and 109.17 km2 during the dry season, accounting for 46.84% and 39.95% of the total nature reserve area respectively. The difference between available and suitable habitat is likely due to potentially good habitat having been lost as a result of human disturbance. Lost habitat makes up 4.55% of the total area while grass is green and 5.52% while grass is dry. Human disturbance levels in the form of roads and residential areas were constant throughout the year, but grazing by domestic animals had a higher impact during the dry season. Habitat suitability during this time, already reduced by the withering of the grass, was thus further reduced by the grazing of livestock.  相似文献   

吕慎金  杨燕  魏万红 《生态学报》2011,31(17):4881-4888
采用目标动物取样法(Focal Animal Sampling)和全事件记录方法(All-occurrence Recording),观察统计了江苏省扬州市平山堂养殖场及扬州市动物园共48只梅花鹿昼间日常行为节律。以脑源性神经生长因子(Brain-derived Neurotrophic Factor, BDNF)为目的基因,采用PCR-SSCP方法,研究梅花鹿行为性状与基因多态性之间的关联。结果表明,在P-4引物,AA与BB基因型在卧息行为上存在显著差异(P<0.05),在运动行为上存在极显著差异(P=0.001)。在P-5引物,CC/DD/CD基因型在观望行为上两两差异显著,并且CC和DD基因型在卧息与修饰行为均存在显著差异(P<0.05)。研究表明,BDNF基因多态性和动物日常行为性状存在一定相关。  相似文献   

江西桃红岭国家级自然保护区梅花鹿生境适宜性评价   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
华南梅花鹿(Cervus nippon)被IUCN列入濒危物种,也是我国国家Ⅰ级重点保护动物。目前种群仅分布于江西、浙江、安徽等狭窄的区域内,形成多个孤立种群,生境破碎和丧失被认为是限制梅花鹿种群增长的主要原因。于2011年3月至2013年3月采用样线法和样方法对桃红岭国家级自然保护区梅花鹿栖息地进行了野外调查,利用空间模拟方法,结合地理信息系统(GIS)技术的空间分析功能,以植被类型、坡度、坡向、海拔和人类干扰活动作为评价因子进行了生境适宜性评价。结果表明,桃红岭地区以森林为主,各类林地面积约9 488.15 hm~2,占75.90%,植被类型分为落叶阔叶林、针叶林、常绿阔叶林、针阔混交林、竹林、灌丛、草丛和芭茅丛,面积分别为1664.57、1638.63、3438.21、1247.15、87.85、1143.88、60.92 hm~2和206.94 hm~2。在不考虑人类活动影响时,梅花鹿的适宜生境和次适宜生境面积分别是2233.99 hm~2和2980.24 hm~2,分别占保护区总面积的18.61%和24.83%;而考虑人类活动影响时,梅花鹿的适宜生境和次适宜生境面积分别是1224.04 hm~2和2164.70 hm~2,分别占保护区总面积的10.20%和18.04%。由于梅花鹿的生境受到居民点、主要道路、农田耕作、森林采伐等人类活动的强烈影响,导致大量适宜和次适宜生境丧失、隔离,景观破碎度指数由0.4345增加到0.5898。以潜在可利用生境面积计算,保护区梅花鹿环境容纳量为(568±160)只,而以实际可利用生境面积计算,则只能容纳(368±105)只。适宜生境的丧失和破碎可能是限制桃红岭梅花鹿国家级自然保护区梅花鹿种群恢复的重要因素,在此基础上,通过实际调查提出了管理措施。  相似文献   

四川梅花鹿春季昼夜活动节律与时间分配   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
刘昊  石红艳  胡锦矗 《兽类学报》2004,24(4):282-285
1997年4月,在四川铁布自然保护区用直接观察法对220头次四川梅花鹿群的昼夜活动节律和时间分配进行了观察。结果表明,鹿群春季昼夜活动的规律性较强。白昼,鹿群活动呈现明显的双峰型,2个高峰时段为08:30和19:30前后,活动频率分别为71.9%和94.13%,其他时间多处于休息状态;鹿群夜间活动强于昼间,活动频率均在6l%以上,仅在半夜01:30前后有一个相对不活跃期。同时发现,春季活动高峰期约90%的活动时间被四川梅花鹿用于采食和移动。这可能与光照、食物及人类活动的影响有关。  相似文献   

吕慎金  杨燕  魏万红 《生态学报》2013,33(1):132-139
采用目标动物取样法(Focal Animal Sampling)对江苏省扬州市平山堂养殖场及扬州市动物园48只梅花鹿(Cervus nippon)的昼间行为进行观察,以Kappa阿片受体(Kappa Opoioid Receptor 1,OPRKl)为目的基因,采用单核苷酸多态性(Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms,SNPs)方法,利用引物P-5和P-9获得OPRK1基因的不同基因型,并将二者进行最小二乘均值的多重比较,以确定OPRK1基因SNP与梅花鹿昼间行为的相关性.结果表明,引物P-5各基因型间与修饰行为两两差异显著(P<0.05),其它行为EE型和FF型差异显著(P<0.05),而另外5种行为性状在各个基因型中没有检测到显著差异;引物P-9各基因型间卧息行为GG型和GH型个体行为之间存在极显著差异(P<0.01),观望行为GG型、HH型和GH型3种基因型个体两两之间差异显著(P<0.05),修饰行为HH型和另外两者差异显著(P<0.05).研究表明,OPRK1基因多态性和梅花鹿昼间行为性状存在一定相关.  相似文献   

The rapid growth in sika deer (Cervus nippon) farming and interest in their conservation is an impetus for development of embryo transfer (ET) procedures. However, a paucity of research has prevented widespread application of ET in this species. The objective of the present study was to establish a multiple ovulation and ET procedure with both fresh and vitrified embryos in sika deer. Multiparous weaned hinds (N = 18) were used as embryo donors during the reproductive season of 2008 at a local breeding farm in China. Estrus was synchronized in donors and recipients (N = 38) by inserting a controlled internal drug release for 12 days (insertion = Day 0). Superovulation was induced with a total of 320 mg of NIH-FSH-P1 (Folltropin-V; Bioniche, Belleville, ON, Canada) given as 40 mg im every 12 h from the afternoon of Day 9 to the morning of Day 13. After estrus was detected, donors were artificially inseminated using a transcervical technique. The embryo recovery rate was 76.8% (63/82), including 1.6% (1/63), 77.8% (49/63), and 1.6% (1/63) blastocysts, morula, and eight-cell embryos, respectively. After transfer of fresh and vitrified embryos, pregnancy rates were 85.7% and 61.6% and birth rates were 64.3% and 53.9% (P > 0.05). In conclusion, we developed a satisfactory multiple ovulation and ET procedure in farmed sika deer using vitrified embryos.  相似文献   

Many ungulates are reported to use natural or artificial licks with seasonal patterns around the world. From December 2016 to August 2017, we used infrared camera to record the use of artificial licks in wild sika deer (Cervus nippon) in Zhejiang Qingliangfeng National Nature Reserve, China. We explored the daily rhythm, seasonal pattern and sex difference in lick utilization. In total, 12,043 videos and 22,901 pictures were collected. Our results showed that: (1) the lick visiting frequency was higher at night than that during daytime; (2) the difference in lick visiting frequency between females and males disappeared after taking into account of sex ratio; (3) the lick duration peaked in April during a year. These findings suggested that there were clear daily rhythm and seasonal pattern of lick use in sika deer. Seasonal change in lick use intensity was consistent with our prediction. These variations in lick use might be driven by both the physiological needs of the mineral elements in different life stages and the seasonal changes in climate and food. The reserve management authority should pay more attention to the supplement of licks in spring and summer to fulfill animal’s physiological needs.  相似文献   

This study combines finite element method and animal studies, aiming to investigate tissue remodelling processes around dental implants inserted into sika deer antler and to develop an alternative animal consuming model for studying bone remodelling around implants. Implants were inserted in the antlers and loaded immediately via a self-developed loading device. After 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks, implants and surrounding tissue were taken out. Specimens were scanned by μCT scanner and finite element models were generated. Immediate loading and osseointegration conditions were simulated at the implant-tissue interface. A vertical force of 10 N was applied on the implant. During the healing time, density and Young’s modulus of antler tissue around the implant increased significantly. For each time point, the values of displacement, stresses and strains in the osseointegration model were lower than those of the immediate loading model. As the healing time increased, the displacement of implants was reduced. The 3-week immediate loading model (9878 ± 1965 μstrain) illustrated the highest strains in the antler tissue. Antler tissue showed similar biomechanical properties as human bone in investigating the bone remodelling around implants, therefore the use of sika deer antler model is a promising alternative in implant biomechanical studies.  相似文献   

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