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M. Adret-Hausberger   《Ibis》1984,126(3):372-378
Observations of sedentary male Starlings at two sites in Brittany from December 1979 to December 1980 showed that the amount of whistled song varies during the year, principally from March to July during the reproductive season. Whistles are not numerous in summer but increase from September. These results suggest a link between whistled songs and testosterone titers. The different whistle types present different evolutions of their relative frequencies. Some are abundant during the nest building phase, others during the feeding phase. The curves were similar at the two sites for a given theme, showing that each theme constitutes an entity and that the different themes are influenced differently by environmental factors. The significance to the learning process in young birds is discussed.  相似文献   

Although wingform is known to differ among individuals of the same species it is not known how intraspecific variation in wingtip shape is associated with flight performance. In this study, we have examined both among- and within-individual variation in wingtip shape in relation to changes in flight performance in the European Starling Sturnus vulgaris . We found that level flapping-flight speed and the ability to negotiate an aerial obstacle course were unrelated to wingtip shape. However, take-off parameters did vary with wingtip shape; birds with more rounded wingtips tended to take off from the ground at a steeper angle of ascent than those with relatively more pointed wingtips. The same relationships between wingtip morphology and flight were present in both the inter- and intra-individual experimental analyses. The evolutionary importance of this variation in take-off ability is discussed in terms of predator avoidance and enhancement of individual survival.  相似文献   

Variations in egg-size (weight, or an index of volume derived from the length and breadth of eggs) were analysed for four years' data from a colony of Starlings in southern England. Variation was much greater among clutches than within clutches. There were no consistent trends for egg-size to increase or decrease through the laying sequence, but the first- and last-laid eggs tended to be smaller than the clutch mean. Loss of single nestlings (perhaps by starvation) was more frequent if the smallest, or last-laid egg was particularly small. Effects of egg-size on the growth of surviving chicks were slight-most variation in development was attributable to factors such as clutch or brood size, and nestlings' relative weights fluctuated so that they continually changed ranks during the nestling period. In Starlings, egg-size was inversely correlated with clutch size, but three open-nesting species (Bullfinch, Song Thrush and Blackbird) showed the opposite pattern. These results are discussed in relation to their implications for understanding the adaptive aspects of egg-size variation.  相似文献   

It is theoretically and empirically well established that body mass variation in small birds reflects a trade-off between starvation risk and predation risk. This occurs because carrying increased fat reserves reduces starvation risk but also results in a higher predation risk due to reduced escape flight performance and/or the increased foraging exposure needed to maintain a higher body mass. In principle, therefore, the theory of mass-dependent predation risk could be used to understand how a bird perceives and responds to the risks in its environment, because its mass will reflect the predictability of foraging opportunities and predation risk. Mass in birds may then provide a relatively straightforward way of assessing the foraging environment of birds and so the potential conservation problems a species faces. This study tests, for the first time for any species, how body mass changes in response to changing starvation risk, changing predation risk and changing population status. Common Starling Sturnus vulgaris mass varies as predicted by starvation–predation risk trade-off theory: mass is lower when foraging conditions are more favourable and when predation risk is increased. The populations that are declining the most strongly have higher mass, which is most likely indicative of a poor foraging environment, leading to lower relative survival. The results suggest that increased mass in Starlings, and possibly in other species, may provide an indication of the poor quality of the foraging environment and/or rapidly declining populations.  相似文献   

Egg mass shows large intraspecific variation in birds and is repeatable within individuals. The mechanisms underlying this variation are unknown. We hypothesized that measures of egg quality (the mass of yolk protein, yolk lipid, and albumen protein) would be positively correlated with the plasma pools of the yolk precursor vitellogenin, and the masses of the oviduct, metabolic machinery (liver, heart, lungs, kidneys, gizzard, small intestine and pancreas), and endogenous stores of protein and lipid. We tested these predictions in European Starlings Sturnus vulgaris collected at the peak of egg production effort. In contrast to our predictions, both yolk protein and yolk lipid were negatively correlated with plasma vitellogenin levels. Albumen protein was positively related to oviduct mass, but other aspects of body composition failed to explain variation in egg quality. Hence, while we observed correlations between egg composition and peripheral systems (circulating precursor pools and the oviduct), we found no evidence that egg quality is determined by more general processes, i.e., the supply and processing of nutrients.  相似文献   

Understanding demography is critical for understanding the causes underlying population declines, and for initiating and monitoring policies to reverse them. A method of fitting demographic models directly to avian count data recorded at a sample of census sites is described. The model is applied to national and regional counts of Common Starling Sturnus vulgaris in Britain for the period 1965–2000. Starlings have declined markedly during this time and are now on the list of birds of highest conservation concern. Although there have been small changes in various aspects of breeding success over this time, the analysis shows that these are unlikely to have made much impact on the long-term status of the species. By incorporating estimates of survival, based upon recoveries of ringed birds, the model suggests that the pronounced national decline in Starling numbers since a period of stability in the 1970s is most likely to be due to changes in the survival of first-year birds. This narrows the candidate range of environmental factors which might influence the decline and implicates changes in resource availability.  相似文献   

Howard A.  Ross 《Journal of Zoology》1983,201(3):351-362
Several hundred starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) were introduced to New Zealand from Great Britain during1860–1880. Allozymic variation at 24 loci was analysed in winter populations sampled at six localities in each country. New Zealand samples had fewer alleles per locus but the same mean heterozygosity (3% per locus) and proportion of polymorphic loci as did British samples. Winter populations in Britain contain European migrants and were genetically homogeneous. Paradoxically, genetic distances among derived New Zealand populations, and between New Zealand and Great Britain were much greater, similar in magnitude to those observed among allopatric populations in other avian species. The geographical pattern of genetic variation in New Zealand suggests that reproductive isolation of populations and random drift have contributed to the development of population differentiation.  相似文献   



Humans can easily restore a speech signal that is temporally masked by an interfering sound (e.g., a cough masking parts of a word in a conversation), and listeners have the illusion that the speech continues through the interfering sound. This perceptual restoration for human speech is affected by prior experience. Here we provide evidence for perceptual restoration in complex vocalizations of a songbird that are acquired by vocal learning in a similar way as humans learn their language.

Methodology/Principal Findings

European starlings were trained in a same/different paradigm to report salient differences between successive sounds. The birds'' response latency for discriminating between a stimulus pair is an indicator for the salience of the difference, and these latencies can be used to evaluate perceptual distances using multi-dimensional scaling. For familiar motifs the birds showed a large perceptual distance if discriminating between song motifs that were muted for brief time periods and complete motifs. If the muted periods were filled with noise, the perceptual distance was reduced. For unfamiliar motifs no such difference was observed.


The results suggest that starlings are able to perceptually restore partly masked sounds and, similarly to humans, rely on prior experience. They may be a suitable model to study the mechanism underlying experience-dependent perceptual restoration.  相似文献   

Capsule?Tipulidae larvae are a key resource for adult Starlings provisioning their young on lowland farmland.

Aims?(i) To describe Starling nestling diet on lowland farmland. (ii) To examine the effects of brood size variation and nestling age on Starling parental food provisioning.

Methods?Over 4 years, we observed parental food provisioning at 42 nests across 4 sites on lowland farmland in Oxfordshire, UK using nestbox video recorders.

Results?Tipulidae larvae were the most frequent prey item recorded in provisioning loads (52%), the next most frequent were winged insects (11%), then Coleoptera larvae (6%), Lepidoptera larvae (5%) and Lumbricidae (5%), with 21% of prey unidentified. Estimates of prey lengths, dry mass and total energy content also confirmed that Tipulidae larvae were the key prey source. Generalized linear mixed-effects models showed that larger broods received fewer Tipulidae larvae per nestling per day and that the proportion of Tipulidae larvae in the diet did not vary with brood size or nestling age.

Conclusion?Our results support the idea that Tipulidae larvae are the primary dietary item for nestling Starlings on lowland farmland.  相似文献   

House Sparrow Passer domesticus populations have declined throughout Europe over the last two to three decades; this is of particular concern in urban areas. We analysed data from extensive census schemes organized by the British Trust for Ornithology to determine the current population size of the House Sparrow in Britain, and to assess long-term patterns of change, both in the wider countryside and in urban environments. The national breeding population of House Sparrows was estimated at approximately 13 million individuals (95% confidence interval, 11.9–14.8 million), or about six million pairs. Most of these occur in southeast England and densities are greatest in suburban and rural garden habitats. Overall, populations in rural areas have declined by 47% since the mid 1970s, whereas those in urban and suburban areas have declined by about 60%. Changes in farming practices are likely to account for at least some of the decline in the wider countryside, probably related to changes in food resources, with a loss of grain in fields and more secure storage of harvested grain, though these changes are unquantified. In urban areas, there was an earlier period of decline in the first half of the 20th century due to the loss of horse-drawn transport and generally cleaner streets. The overall national decline since the 1970s masks much heterogeneity in trend among regional populations, and evidence suggests that population processes in the House Sparrow may be relatively fine-grained.  相似文献   

Summary This study examines the relative importance of habitat and season in determining size and composition of foraging flocks of European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). We hypothesized that if season was the principal determinant of flock size, variation across seasons (within habitat) would be greater than variation across habitats (within season). The calendar year was divided into 6 seasons corresponding to major stages in the annual cycle of starlings. After measuring the availibility of 15 foraging habitats occurring within the study area, we drove a 184 km route weekly (over a 17 month period) to census starling flock size, species composition, habitat use, and activity.Although flock size was influenced by both season and habitat, it varied relatively less within seasons (across habitats). Only five of nine seasons showed significant habitat effects, and two (of the five) were significant mainly because of large aggregations in habitats with unusually abundant food (e.g. feedlots, cornfields). In contrast, eight of nine habitats showed significant seasonal effects. The only exception (hay) was little used (<1% of all birds observed). For starlings the activities associated with seasonal events of the annual cycle were a major influence on patterns of social foraging. Habitat factors were less important because of constraints imposed by seasonal factors, but under some conditions (e.g. drought, clumped food supply) they became dominant.  相似文献   

Wing flapping is one of the most widespread propulsion methods found in nature; however, the current understanding of the aerodynamics in bird wakes is incomplete. The role of the unsteady motion in the flow and its contribution to the aerodynamics is still an open question. In the current study, the wake of a freely flying European starling has been investigated using long-duration high-speed Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) in the near wake. Kinematic analysis of the wings and body of the bird has been performed using additional high-speed cameras that recorded the bird movement simultaneously with the PIV measurements. The wake evolution of four complete wingbeats has been characterized through reconstruction of the time-resolved data, and the aerodynamics in the wake have been analyzed in terms of the streamwise forces acting on the bird. The profile drag from classical aerodynamics was found to be positive during most of the wingbeat cycle, yet kinematic images show that the bird does not decelerate. It is shown that unsteady aerodynamics are necessary to satisfy the drag/thrust balance by approximating the unsteady drag term. These findings may shed light on the flight efficiency of birds by providing a partial answer to how they minimize drag during flapping flight.  相似文献   

Intraspecific nest parasitism in two colonies of Spotless Starling Sturnus unicolor breeding in nestboxes was studied in central Spain from 1991 to 1994. Nests were monitored regularly and three criteria were used to detect nest parasitism: the appearance of more than one egg per day during the laying period of the host; the appearance of an egg after the start of incubation; eggs with unusual shape or pigmentation. The proportion of parasitized nests in first clutches (37%) was twice that of intermediate (19%) or second (20%) clutches in colony B, whereas parasitism occurred in first (35%) and intermediate (12%) but not in second clutches in colony A. Most clutches (52–70%) were parasitized during the host's laying period and received one parasitic egg. In 10% of the parasitized clutches in colony B, one of the host's eggs disappeared on the day the parasitic egg was added, suggesting that the parasitic female removed this egg. Although parasitism increased clutch size significantly, it led to a decrease in host breeding success, mainly through the removal of eggs and the loss of host nestlings and the survival of parasitic chicks. Observations suggested that parasitic females were young individuals without their own nests and/or those whose breeding attempt had been disrupted while laying in their own nest.  相似文献   

Following the growth of Islamic consciousness in Great Britain, expressed particularly in the protests over the publication of Salman Rushdie's novel, The Satanic Verses, but also expressed in the foundation of the Islamic Party of Britain, there has been interest in the size of the Islamic community living there. Estimates have varied between one and two millions. However, using a variety of sources, the present article argues that a figure of between 550,000 and 750,000 is more likely.  相似文献   

We study the role of unsteady lift in the context of flapping wing bird flight. Both aerodynamicists and biologists have attempted to address this subject, yet it seems that the contribution of unsteady lift still holds many open questions. The current study deals with the estimation of unsteady aerodynamic forces on a freely flying bird through analysis of wingbeat kinematics and near wake flow measurements using time resolved particle image velocimetry. The aerodynamic forces are obtained through two approaches, the unsteady thin airfoil theory and using the momentum equation for viscous flows. The unsteady lift is comprised of circulatory and non-circulatory components. Both approaches are presented over the duration of wingbeat cycles. Using long-time sampling data, several wingbeat cycles have been analyzed in order to cover both the downstroke and upstroke phases. It appears that the unsteady lift varies over the wingbeat cycle emphasizing its contribution to the total lift and its role in power estimations. It is suggested that the circulatory lift component cannot assumed to be negligible and should be considered when estimating lift or power of birds in flapping motion.  相似文献   

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