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Herdmania litoralis is a heterotrophic, sand-dwelling dinoflagellate with morphological characters that do not provide clear evidence for its systematic position in any existing family of dinoflagellates. Protoperidinium minutum is a heterotrophic, planktonic species that has a typical tabulation for the genus Protoperidinium. In order to infer the phylogenetic positions of these two species more confidently, we characterized the thecal plate patterns and determined small-subunit and large-subunit ribosomal DNA sequences (SSU rDNA and LSU rDNA, respectively) from both species. Intraindividual and intraspecific diversity of SSU and LSU rDNA data were characterized in H. litoralis using a combination of single-cell PCR approaches and analyses of PCR clones derived from multi-cell DNA extractions. The results of the molecular phylogenetic analyses demonstrated a novel, well-supported clade comprising both sand-dwelling species (H. litoralis and Thecadinium dragescoi) and planktonic species (P. minutum). Because the establishment of this clade also demonstrated that P. minutum is not a member of Protoperidinium, we reinstated and emended the genus Archaeperidinium Jörgensen 1912 Jörgensen, E. 1912. Bericht über die von der schwedischen hydrographisch-biologischen Kommission in den schwedischen Gewässern in den Jahren 1909–10 eingesammelten Planktonproben. Svenska Hydrograph.-Biol. Komm. Skr., 4: 120.  [Google Scholar].  相似文献   

The effect of a range of inhibitors on the carotenoid biosynthetic pathway of the microalga Haematococcus pluvialis has been studied during normal growth and during the induction of astaxanthin synthesis. Diflufenican and norflurazon had similar effects and resulted in the almost complete inhibition of secondary carotenoid synthesis together with a build up of the acyclic carotenoid precursor, phytoene. In contrast, the inhibitor CPTA blocked cyclisation of lycopene and was seen to act differentially on the β- and ?-cyclases. Both diphenylamine and 1-aminobenzotriazole had the effect of blocking the synthesis of astaxanthin and the other secondary carotenoids by preventing the introduction of oxygen functions. As a direct result treated cells accumulated large levels of β-carotene instead. Selective use of inhibitors of carotenogenesis demonstrated that the accumulated lycopene and β-carotene could act as a precursor for astaxanthin synthesis.  相似文献   

Summaries of changes since 1965 in the phytoplankton fora of Lake Mälren, the third largest lake in Sweden, are presented. The phosphorus load was reduced by 90% in 1970–1973 and a fertilizer factory on the lake decreased its N-outlet by 80%. The phosphorus concentrations in the water decreased by up to 40% and the total nitrogen concentration by 50% between 1970 and 1983. But in one part of the lake the N-concentration increased by 50% due to drainage from surrounding land and atmospheric deposition. With changes in the ratios of N/P and Si/P as well as the turbidity of the water there have been drastic alterations in species composition and total phytoplankton biomasses.

There was a rise in the number of species over the period of study at all times of the year. Colonial species decreased while small and large flagellates of chrysophytes, cryptomonads and dinoflagellates increased. In the most polluted basins cyanobacterial blooms have halved their peak biomasses or have almost disappeared.

At times during the 19 years of the study the summer phytoplankton communities have been tested to fits of a log-normal distribution, assuming such a distribution to be valid in well-balanced ecosystems. The general trend indicates an increasing adjustment to a log-normal distribution. Phytoplankton changes in the lake are associated with effects known to cause reversed eutrophication, although climatically induced variations may also be identified.  相似文献   

A new heterotrophic armoured dinoflagellate is described from sand habitats in eastern Australia. Cabra matta gen. nov., sp. nov., lacks plastids and an eyespot. The thecal plate formula is Po 4′ 4” ‘x’ 3c ?s 5′′’ 1′′”. Its plate pattern differs from all currently described dinoflagellate genera, but is most similar to the genus Roscoffia. Cabra matta shows some similarity to species currently placed in the family Podolampaceae, however its evolutionary affinities and hence its position within the dinoflagellate systematic hierarchy remain unresolved.  相似文献   

Previous investigations with planktonic cyanobacteria have suggested that these organisms do not form new gas vesicles in the dark. This study, on Microcystis sp., confirmed that cells that had been preincubated at low photon irradiances (< 15 μmol m-2 s-1) formed negligible amounts of gas vesicles in the dark. Significant gas vesicle formation occurred, however, in cells preincubated continuously at higher irradiances, and particularly within the range 65 to 105 μmol m-2 s-1. The results suggest that gas vesicle formation in the dark is dependent on the prior accumulation of energy reserves. The amount of gas vesicles formed in continuous light was linearly related to irradiance over the range 0 to 20 μmol m-2 s-1, and reached a maximum at only 30 μmol m-2 s-1 that was over five times the amount formed at higher irradiances. This suggests that the rate of gas vesicle formation, regulated directly in response to irradiance, has a role in the light-mediated buoyancy regulation of this cyanobacterium.  相似文献   

H. U. Ling 《Hydrobiologia》1996,336(1-3):99-106
A list of the 24 species of snow algae identified from the region, a resume of what is currently known about the major species, and avenues for further research are provided. New species discovered include 2 Desmotetra spp., one Chlorosarcina sp., 2 Chloromonas spp. and a Palmellopsis sp. Several of these are from genera whose members have previously been found only in the soil flora. Not only was it necessary to elucidate the life cycle of these species, but it was also essential to examine them ultrastructurally to determine their taxonomic positions.  相似文献   

Young plants of Laminaria hyperborea collected from the field were grown for 2·5–4 weeks in blue, green, red and white (simulated underwater) light fields at 5, 20 and 100 μmol m-2s-1. The absolute concentrations of all pigments showed little variation with irradiance in green and white light, but decreased in high irradiances of red and blue light. The ratio of fucoxanthin to chlorophyll a also increased in the latter treatments, as did the chlorophyll c:a ratio in bright red light. There was little difference in the action spectrum for photosynthesis between the different light qualities at any one irradiance, but the action spectra for plants grown at 100 μmol m-2s-1 showed deeper troughs and higher peaks than those for plants grown at lower irradiances. Gross photosynthesis per unit of thallus area at 10 μmol m-2s-1 decreased in plants with low total pigment concentrations, but the photosynthesis per unit of pigment concentration increased. This suggestion of self-shading of pigment molecules within the algal thalli was supported by a flattening of the action spectrum in plants with higher chlorophyll a contents. The variations observed between the action spectra for different plants could thus be attributed to the decrease in pigment content at high irradiances, and not to the light quality in which the plants were grown.  相似文献   


Eight species of Recent Braohiopoda dredged from the fiords of south-western New Zealand in 1946 included first records for Fiordlarrd of Crania, Amphithyris, and Liothyrella. Amphithyris richardsonae n.sp. is described from a live-collected individual from 74 m, Long Sound, Preservation Inlet; it differs from A. buckmani Thomson and A. hallettensis Foster in shape, attachment, and details of ornament. Ventml valves fTom 101 m, Dagg Sound, characterised by coarse punctation and an ornament of hollow spines are treated as Platidiidae genus and species indeterminate.  相似文献   

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