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The role of uptake hydrogenase in providing reducing power to nitrogenase was investigated in Rhizobium leguminosarum bacteroids from nodules of Pisum sativum L. (cv. Homesteader). H2 increased the rate of C2H2 reduction in the absence of added substrates. Malate also increased nitrogenase (C2H2) activity while decreasing the effect of H2. At exogenous malate concentrations above 0.05 mM no effect of H2 was seen. Malate appeared to be more important as a source of reductant than of ATP. When iodoacetate was used to minimize the contribution of endogenous substrates to nitrogenase activity in an isolate in which H2 uptake was not coupled to ATP formation, H2 increased the rate of C2H2 reduction by 77%. In the presence of iodoacetate, an ATP-generating system did not enhance C2H2 reduction, but when H2 was also included, the rate of C2H2 reduction was increased by 280% over that with the ATP-generating system alone. The data suggest that, under conditions of substrate starvation, the uptake hydrogenase in R. leguminosarum could provide reductant as well as ATP in an isolate in which the H2 uptake is coupled to ATP formation, to the nitrogenase complex.  相似文献   

The role of uptake hydrogenase was studied in Rhizobium leguminosarum bacteroids from the nodules of Pisum sativum L. cv. Homesteader. Uptake hydrogenase activity, measured by the 3H2 uptake method, was dependent on O-consumption and was similar to H2 uptake measured by gas chromatography. Km for O2 of 0.0007 atm (0.0709 kPa) and a Km for H2 of 0.0074 atm (0.7498, kPa) were determined. H2 increased the rate of endogenous respiration by isolates with uptake hydrogenase (Hup+) but had no effect on an isolate lacking uptake hydrogenase (Hup-). A survey of 14 Hup+ isolates indicated a wide range of H2 uptake activities. Four of the isolates tested had activities similar to or higher than those found in two Hup+ Rhizobium japonicum strains. H2 uptake was strongly coupled to ATP formation in only 5 of the 14 isolates. H2 increased the optimal O2 level of C2H2 reduction by 0.01 atm and permitted enhanced C2H2 reduction at O2 levels above the optimum in both a coupled and an uncoupled isolate. At suboptimal O2 concentrations a small enhancement of C2H2 reduction by H2 was seen in two out of three isolates in which H2 oxidation was coupled to ATP formation. Thus, the main function of uptake hydrogenase in R. leguminosarum appears to be in the protection of nitrogenase from O2 damage.  相似文献   

The nitrate reductase (NR, EC activity in root nodules formed by hydrogenase positive (Hup+) and hydrogenase negative (Hup) Rhizobium leguminosarum strains was examined in symbioses with the pea cultivar Alaska ( Pisum sativum L.), Rates of activity were determined by the in vivo assay in nodules from plants that were only N2-dependent or grown in the presence of 2 m M KNO3. The rates varied widely among strains, regardless of the Hup phenotype of the R. leguminosarum strain used for inoculation, but the overall results indicated that nodules formed by Hup strains accumulated more nitrite in the incubation medium than did those with Hup phenotypes. Total plant dry weight and reduced nitrogen content of pea plants grown in the presence of 2 m M KNO3 and inoculated with single Hup+ and Hup R. leguminosarum strains were statistically different among some strains. These observations suggest that the possible advantages derived from the presence of the Hup system on whole plant growth may be counteracted by the higher rates of NR activity in the Hup strains in the R. leguminosarum -pea symbiosis.  相似文献   

Essentially chlorophyll-free preparations of mitochondria from different tissues of the same plant can be obtained by a combined three step preparation procedure involving differential centrifugation, partition in aqueous polymeric two-phase system and centrifugation in a Percoll gradient. The polypeptide patterns of mitochondria from photosynthetic (leaves) and non-photosynthetic (petioles and roots) tissue from spinach were compared by use of SDS-electrophoresis.
About 35 polypeptides were found in leaf mitochondria with molecular weights from 14 to 103 kdalton. The polypeptide patterns of the membrane fractions and matrix fractions showed great differences. The membrane fractions contained significantly more polypeptide bands than the matrix fractions. The polypeptide patterns of mitochondria from photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic tissues showed some striking differences. The 15.9, 41.7, 50.7 and 101 kdalton polypeptides were clearly detected in leaf mitochondria but these polypeptides were not found or found in only small amounts in petiole and root mitochondria. The differences were mainly associated with the matrix fractions. Staining with 3,3',5,5'-tetramethylbenzidine and hydrogen peroxide for heme containing polypeptides showed that the polypeptides which differ do not contain heme.  相似文献   

The relationship between the O2 input rate into a suspension of Rhizobium leguminosarum bacteroids, the cellular ATP and ADP pools, and the whole-cell nitrogenase activity during L-malate oxidation has been studied. It was observed that inhibition of nitrogenase by excess O2 coincided with an increase of the cellular ATP/ADP ratio. When under this condition the protonophore carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) was added, the cellular ATP/ADP ratio was lowered while nitrogenase regained activity. To explain these observations, the effects of nitrogenase activity and CCCP on the O2 consumption rate of R. leguminosarum bacteroids were determined. From 100 to 5 microM O2, a decline in the O2 consumption rate was observed to 50 to 70% of the maximal O2 consumption rate. A determination of the redox state of the cytochromes during an O2 consumption experiment indicated that at O2 concentrations above 5 microM, electron transport to the cytochromes was rate-limiting oxidation and not the reaction of reduced cytochromes with oxygen. The kinetic properties of the respiratory chain were determined from the deoxygenation of oxyglobins. In intact cells the maximal deoxygenation activity was stimulated by nitrogenase activity or CCCP. In isolated cytoplasmic membranes NADH oxidation was inhibited by respiratory control. The dehydrogenase activities of the respiratory chain were rate-limiting oxidation at O2 concentrations (if >300 nM. Below 300 nM the terminal oxidase system followed Michaelis-Menten kinetics (Km of 45 +/- 8 nM). We conclude that (i) respiration in R. leguminosarum bacteroids takes place via a respiratory chain terminating at a high-affinity oxidase system, (ii) the activity of the respiratory chain is inhibited by the proton motive force, and (iii) ATP hydrolysis by nitrogenase can partly relieve the inhibition of respiration by the proton motive force and thus stimulate respiration at nanomolar concentrations of O2.  相似文献   

Properties of the hydrogenase system in Rhizobium japonicum bacteroids   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The hydrogenase system which catalyzes the oxyhydrogen reaction in soybean nodules produced by strains of Rhizobium japonicum is located in the bacteroids. The hydrogenase complex in intact bacteroids has an apparent Km for H2 of 2.8 μM and an apparent Km for O2 of 1.3 μM. The addition of hydrogen to bacteroids increases oxygen uptake but decreases respiratory CO2 production, indicating a conservation of endogenous substrates. After correction for the effect of hydrogen on endogenous respiration a ratio of 1.9 ± 0.1 for H2 to O2 uptake was determined. Bacteroids from greenhouse or field-grown soybeans that evolved hydrogen showed no measurable oxyhydrogen reaction activity whereas consistent activity was demonstrated by bacteroids from soybean nodules that evolved little or no H2.  相似文献   

Initial observations showed a 100% increase in H2-uptake (Hup) activity of Rhizobium leguminosarum strain 3855 in pea root nodules (Pisum sativum L. cv Alaska) on plants growing in a baked clay substrate relative to those growing in vermiculite, and an investigation of nutrient factors responsible for the phenomenon was initiated. Significantly greater Hup activity was first measured in the clay-grown plants 24 days after germination, and higher activity was maintained relative to the vermiculite treatment until experiments were terminated at day 32. The increase in Hup activity was associated with a decrease in H2 evolution for plants with comparable rates of acetylene reduction. Analyses of the clay showed that it contained more Na+ (29 versus 9 milligrams per kilogram) and less K+ (6 versus 74 milligrams per kilogram) than the vermiculite. Analyses of plants, however, showed a large increase in Na+ concentration of clay-grown plants with a much smaller reduction in K+ concentration. In tests with the same organisms in a hydroponic system with controlled pH, 40 millimolar NaCl increased Hup activity more than 100% over plants grown in solutions lacking NaCl. Plants with increased Hup activity, however, did not have greater net carbon or total nitrogen assimilation. KCl treatments from 5 to 80 millimolar produced slight increased in Hup activity at 10 millimolar KCl, and tests with other salts in the hydroponic system indicated that only Na+ strongly promoted Hup activity. Treating vermiculite with 50 millimolar NaCl increased Na+ concentration in pea plant tissue and greatly promoted Hup activity of root nodules in a manner analogous to the original observation with the clay rooting medium. A wider generality of the phenomenon was suggested by demonstrating that exogenous Na+ increased Hup activity of other R. leguminosarum strains and promoted Hup activity of R. meliloti strain B300 in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.).  相似文献   

1. The nitrogen-fixing efficiency of freshly prepared suspensions of Rhizobium leguminosarum bacteroids from pea root nodules was considerably enhanced by addition of bovine serum albumin. Evidence was found that during preparation of bacteroids the cell membrane is exposed to the uncoupling effect of free fatty acids and to plant phospholipase D activity. Both effects could be counteracted by bovine serum albumin. 2. A technique was developed by which concentrations of free O2 and nitrogenase activity could be measured simultaneously under conditions of steady-state respiration. By means of this system it could be shown that in contrast to previous claims, high ATP/ADP ratios can be achieved in bacteroids even with a high concentration of O2 in the medium. 3. Nitrogen fixation was found to be controlled by the ATP/ADP ratio, the generation of reducing equivalents and the switch-off phenomenon. It was demonstrated that the generation of reducing equivalents for nitrogenase is regulated by the energized state and the integrity of the bacteroid cell membrane. The data indicate that the process of aerobic nitrogen fixation in R. leguminosarum bacteroids resembles that of Azotobacter vinelandii.  相似文献   

Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae UPM791 induces hydrogenase activity in pea (Pisum sativum L.) bacteroids but not in free-living cells. The symbiotic induction of hydrogenase structural genes (hupSL) is mediated by NifA, the general regulator of the nitrogen fixation process. So far, no culture conditions have been found to induce NifA-dependent promoters in vegetative cells of this bacterium. This hampers the study of the R. leguminosarum hydrogenase system. We have replaced the native NifA-dependent hupSL promoter with the FnrN-dependent fixN promoter, generating strain SPF25, which expresses the hup system in microaerobic free-living cells. SPF25 reaches levels of hydrogenase activity in microaerobiosis similar to those induced in UPM791 bacteroids. A sixfold increase in hydrogenase activity was detected in merodiploid strain SPF25(pALPF1). A time course induction of hydrogenase activity in microaerobic free-living cells of SPF25(pALPF1) shows that hydrogenase activity is detected after 3 h of microaerobic incubation. Maximal hydrogen uptake activity was observed after 10 h of microaerobiosis. Immunoblot analysis of microaerobically induced SPF25(pALPF1) cell fractions indicated that the HupL active form is located in the membrane, whereas the unprocessed protein remains in the soluble fraction. Symbiotic hydrogenase activity of strain SPF25 was not impaired by the promoter replacement. Moreover, bacteroids from pea plants grown in low-nickel concentrations induced higher levels of hydrogenase activity than the wild-type strain and were able to recycle all hydrogen evolved by nodules. This constitutes a new strategy to improve hydrogenase activity in symbiosis.  相似文献   

Bacteroids of R. leguminosarum MNF3841 isolated from pea nodules using Percoll gradients had activities of TCA cycle enzymes up to 6-fold higher than those measured in free-living cells grown on fumarate or sucrose. Activities of sugar catabolic enzymes on the other hand were 2–14-fold lower in isolated bacteroids than in sucrose-grown free-living cells. In continuous culture, cells of strain MNF3841 grown on sucrose under P i limitation had 2–3-fold higher activities of invertase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, the Entner-Doudoroff enzymes and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, than cells grown on fumarate. With one exception O2 limited cultures had similar activities of the carbon catabolic enzymes to P i-limited cultures grown in the same substrate. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in O2-limited cells grown of fumarate was 50% lower than in P i-limited cells. Co-utilization of fumarate and sucrose occurred with chemostat cultures supplied with both under a variety of conditions.Abbreviations E-D Entner-Doudoroff - EMP Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas - PEPCK phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy kinase - HEPES N-[2-hydroxyethyl]piperazine-N-[2-ethanesulphonic acid]  相似文献   

The products of the Rhizobium leguminosarum hyp gene cluster are necessary for synthesis of a functional uptake [NiFe] hydrogenase system in symbiosis with pea plants, and at least for HypB and HypF, a role in hydrogenase-specific nickel metabolism has been postulated (L. Rey, J. Murillo, Y. Hernando, E. Hidalgo, E. Cabrera, J. Imperial, and T. Ruiz-Argüeso, Mol. Microbiol. 8:471-481, 1993). The R. leguminosarum hypB gene product has been overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified by immobilized nickel chelate affinity chromatography in a single step. The purified recombinant HypB protein was able to bind 3.9 +/- 0.1 Ni2+ ions per HypB monomer in solution. Co2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+ ions competed with Ni2+ with increasing efficiency. Monospecific HypB antibodies were raised and used to show that HypB is synthesized in R. leguminosarum microaerobic vegetative cells and pea bacteroids but not in R. leguminosarum aerobic cells. HypB protein synthesized by R. leguminosarum microaerobic vegetative cells could also be isolated by immobilized nickel chelate affinity chromatography. A histidine-rich region at the amino terminus of the protein (23-HGHHHH DGHHDHDHDHDHHRGDHEHDDHHH-54) is proposed to play a role in nickel binding, both in solution and in chelated form.  相似文献   

Plasmids pIM13, pT127 and pBC16 delta 1, introduced by transformation into Clostridium acetobutylicum N1-4081, were shown to replicate in, and to confer antibiotic resistance upon this new host. Recombinant plasmids were constructed by inserting erythromycin-resistant plasmid pIM13 into the unique ClaI site of pBR322 or by ligating a tetracycline-resistant determinant of plasmid pT127 to HindIII-linearized pIM13. The hybrid plasmids replicated and expressed erythromycin resistance in C. acetobutylicum strain N1-4081 and in Escherichia coli or Bacillus subtilis, indicating that they might be useful as shuttle vectors for transferring genes between these strains. The efficiency and stability of different replicons in C. acetobutylicum were compared.  相似文献   

The protons produced by the catalytic activity of hydrogenase in H2 evolution from dithionite-reduced methyl viologen or through benzyl viologen reduction by H2 gas are automatically titrated by a pH-stat device. This approach allows the measurement of hydrogenase activity and ensures the constancy of pH during the reaction in absence of buffers. Kinetic assays and pH and temperature-dependence experiments with Desulfovibrio gigas hydrogenase performed by this method basically confirm the results obtained with customary manometric assay.  相似文献   

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