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What is a biological individual? How are biological individuals individuated? How can we tell how many individuals there are in a given assemblage of biological entities? The individuation and differentiation of biological individuals are central to the scientific understanding of living beings. I propose a novel criterion of biological individuality according to which biological individuals are autonomous agents. First, I articulate an ecological–dynamical account of natural agency according to which, agency is the gross dynamical capacity of a goal-directed system to bias its repertoire to respond to its conditions as affordances. Then, I argue that agents or agential dynamical systems can be agentially dependent on, or agentially autonomous from, other agents and that this agential dependence/autonomy can be symmetrical or asymmetrical, strong or weak. Biological individuals, I propose, are all and only those agential dynamical systems that are strongly agentially autonomous. So, to determine how many individuals there are in a given multiagent aggregate, such as multicellular organism, a colony, symbiosis, or a swarm, we first have to identify how many agential dynamical systems there are, and then what their relations of agential dependence/autonomy are. I argue that this criterion is adequate to the extent that it vindicates the paradigmatic cases, and explains why the paradigmatic cases are paradigmatic, and why the problematic cases are problematic. Finally, I argue for the importance of distinguishing between agential and causal dependence and show the relevance of agential autonomy for understanding the explanatory structure of evolutionary developmental biology.  相似文献   

The paper examines the ramifications of naturalism with regard to the question of individuality in economics and biology. Economic theory has to deal with whether households, firms, and states are individuals or are mere entities such as clubs, networks, and coalitions. Biological theory has to deal with the same question with regard to cells, organisms, family packs, and colonies. To wit, the question of individuality in both disciplines involves three separate problems: the metaphysical, phenomenist, and ontological. The metaphysical problem is concerned with purposeful action: Is the firm or organism exclusively the product of efficient causality (optimization) or is it motivated by final causality (purposefulness)? The phenomenist problem is interested in the substantiality of essences: Is the firm's or organism's scheme of institutions/traits deep or is it extraneous to identity? The ontological problem is related to the issue of reductionism: Is the behavior of lower-level organization governed by a pre-constituted entities or is it context-sensitive? The paper finds that theoretical differences run along the naturalist/anti-naturalist divide rather than along disciplinary specialization. Also, the paper finds that it is not inconsistent for the same theorist to be naturalist with regard to one problem and anti-naturalist with respect to the other two problems.  相似文献   

Organisms have increased in complexity through a series of major evolutionary transitions, in which formerly autonomous entities become parts of a novel higher-level entity. One intriguing feature of the higher-level entity after some major transitions is a division of reproductive labor among its lower-level units in which reproduction is the sole responsibility of a subset of units. Although it can have clear benefits once established, it is unknown how such reproductive division of labor originates. We consider a recent evolution experiment on the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a unique platform to address the issue of reproductive differentiation during an evolutionary transition in individuality. In the experiment, independent yeast lineages evolved a multicellular “snowflake-like” cluster formed in response to gravity selection. Shortly after the evolution of clusters, the yeast evolved higher rates of cell death. While cell death enables clusters to split apart and form new groups, it also reduces their performance in the face of gravity selection. To understand the selective value of increased cell death, we create a mathematical model of the cellular arrangement within snowflake yeast clusters. The model reveals that the mechanism of cell death and the geometry of the snowflake interact in complex, evolutionarily important ways. We find that the organization of snowflake yeast imposes powerful limitations on the available space for new cell growth. By dying more frequently, cells in clusters avoid encountering space limitations, and, paradoxically, reach higher numbers. In addition, selection for particular group sizes can explain the increased rate of apoptosis both in terms of total cell number and total numbers of collectives. Thus, by considering the geometry of a primitive multicellular organism we can gain insight into the initial emergence of reproductive division of labor during an evolutionary transition in individuality.  相似文献   

This article studies the transition in evolution from single cells to multicellular organisms as a case study in the origin of individuality. The issues considered are applicable to all major transitions in the units of selection that involve the emergence of cooperation and the regulation of conflict. Explicit genetic models of mutation and selection both within and between organisms are studied. Cooperation among cells increases when the fitness covariance at the level of the organism overcomes within-organism change toward defection. Selection and mutation during development generate significant levels of within-organism variation and lead to variation in organism fitness at equilibrium. This variation selects for gem-line modifiers and other mediators of within-organism conflict, increasing the heritability of fitness at the organism level. The evolution of these modifiers is the first new function at the emerging organism level and a necessary component of the evolution of individuality.  相似文献   

According to Gestalt thinking, biological systems cannot be viewed as the sum of their elements, but as processes of the whole. To understand organisms we must start from the whole, observing how the various parts are related. In genetics, we must observe the genome over and above the sum of its genes. Either loss or addition of one gene in a genome can change the function of the organism. Genomes are organized in networks of genes, which need to be well integrated. In the case of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), for example, soybeans, rats, Anopheles mosquitoes, and pigs, the insertion of an exogenous gene into a receptive organism generally causes disturbance in the networks, resulting in the breakdown of gene interactions. In these cases, genetic modification increased the genetic load of the GMO and consequently decreased its adaptability (fitness). Therefore, it is hard to claim that the production of such organisms with an increased genetic load does not have ethical implications.  相似文献   

Exceptionally preserved specimens of Ernietta in a shallow‐marine gutter cast from southern Namibia reveal that all previously figured specimens of this iconic Ediacaran megafossil are incomplete, representing only the base of a larger and more complex organism. The complete organism is interpreted as comprising a buried, sand‐filled anchor exhibiting the classical Ernietta morphology that passes distally into a trunk that is crowned by two facing fans that extended into the overlying water column. All parts of Ernietta, from the base of its buried anchor to the tip of its fans, appear to have been composed of a palisade of tubular elements that have been variably preserved. Similarity of tubule morphology despite the inherent difference in function between these constructions supports the view that these tubes were integral to all anatomical parts and functions of Ernietta. This style of architecture, construction and function is unique to the Erniettomorpha, supporting the view that it represents an extinct Ediacaran clade in the early evolution of multi‐cellular life.  相似文献   

Given immunity’s general role in the organism’s economy—both in terms of its internal environment as well as mediating its external relations—immune theory has expanded its traditional formulation of preserving individual autonomy to one that includes accounting for nutritional processes and symbiotic relationships that require immune tolerance. When such a full ecological alignment is adopted, the immune system becomes the mediator of both defensive and assimilative environmental intercourse, where a balance of immune rejection and tolerance governs the complex interactions of the organism’s ecological relationships. Accordingly, immunology, which historically had affiliated with the biology of individuals, now becomes a science concerned with the biology of communities. With this translocation, the ontological basis of the organism is undergoing a profound change. Indeed, the recent recognition of the ubiquity of symbiosis has challenged the traditional notions of biological individuality and requires a shift in the metaphysics undergirding biology, in which a philosophy of the organism must be characterized by ecological dialectics “all-the-way-down.”  相似文献   

Molecular analyses of symbiotic relationships are challenging our biological definitions of individuality and supplanting them with a new notion of normal part–whole relationships. This new notion is that of a ‘holobiont’, a consortium of organisms that becomes a functionally integrated ‘whole’. This holobiont includes the zoological organism (the ‘animal’) as well as its persistent microbial symbionts. This new individuality is seen on anatomical and physiological levels, where a diversity of symbionts form a new ‘organ system’ within the zoological organism and become integrated into its metabolism and development. Moreover, as in normal development, there are reciprocal interactions between the ‘host’ organism and its symbionts that alter gene expression in both sets of cells. The immune system, instead of being seen as functioning solely to keep microbes out of the body, is also found to develop, in part, in dialogue with symbionts. Moreover, the immune system is actively involved in the colonization of the zoological organism, functioning as a mechanism for integrating microbes into the animal-cell community. Symbionts have also been found to constitute a second mode of genetic inheritance, providing selectable genetic variation for natural selection. We develop, grow and evolve as multi-genomic consortia/teams/ecosystems.  相似文献   

The evolution of multicellular organisms is the premier example of the integration of lower levels into a single, higher-level individual. Explaining the evolutionary transition from single cells to multicellular organisms is a major challenge for evolutionary theory. We provide an explicit two locus genetic framework for understanding this transition in terms of the increase of cooperation among cells and the regulation of conflict within the emerging organism. Heritability of fitness and individuality at the new level emerge as a result of the evolution of organismal functions that restrict the opportunity for conflict within and ensure cooperation among cells. Conflict leads, through the evolution of adaptations that reduce it, to greater individuality and harmony for the organism.  相似文献   

There is currently a great debate about whether the holobiont, i.e. a multicellular host and its residential microorganisms, constitutes a biological individual. We propose that resident microorganisms have a general and important role in the individuality of the host organism, not the holobiont. Drawing upon the Equilibrium Model of Immunity (Eberl in Nat Rev Immunol 16:524–532, 2016), we argue that microorganisms are scaffolds of immune capacities and processes that determine the constituency and persistence of the host organism. A scaffolding perspective accommodates the contingency and heterogeneity of resident microorganisms while accounting for their necessity and unifying contributions to host individuality. In our symbiotic view of life, holobionts may not be organisms or units of selection, but macroorganisms cannot persist nor function as individuals without their scaffolding microorganisms.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present a critique of the current view that reduces cancer to a cellular problem caused by specific gene mutations and to propose, instead, that such a problem might become more intelligible, if it is understood as a phenomenon which results from the breakdown of the morphological plan or Gestalt of the organism. Such an organism, in Aristotelian terms, is characterised for presenting a specific morpho or logos (form) and for having a telos (end) to fulfill. A malignant tumour represents an entity separated from both, the organic logos and the organic telos. According to the basic postulates of Semiophysics--a blend of Aristotelian physics and Catastrophe Theory developed by René Thom--an organism is a source (original) form individuated by a dominant pregnancy which corresponds to its morphogenetic field. Here it is suggested that cancer in aged individuals may result from the progressive exhaustion of the developmental constraints that regulate the process of ontogeny, that is expected to go from the fertilised non-differentiated zygote to the mature fully-developed organism, because there is no further point ahead in the developmental pathway past the reproductive age. Cancer in young individuals (before their reproductive maturity) may then be consequence of premature derangement of such fundamental developmental constraints. In all cases the result is the loss of morphological coherence within the organism. Thus representing a conflict between an organised morphology (the organism) and a part of such a morphology that drifts towards an amorphous state (the tumour).  相似文献   

The question ‘what is an individual’ does not often arise in studies within the field of behavioural ecology. Generally behavioural ecologists do not think about what makes an individual because they tend to use intuitive working concepts of individuality. Rarely do they explicitly mention how individuality affects their experimental design and interpretation of results. By contrast, the concept of individuality continues to intrigue philosophers of biology. It is interesting that while philosophers of biology debate definitions of individuality, biologists generally use the concept of individuality every day without much thought. Here we review the philosophical approaches to defining biological individuality, and illustrate how the biological individuality concepts used by biologists are affected by their study question and choice of organism. We clarify the behavioural perspective of biological individuality by introducing the concept of the behavioural individual. The notion of the behavioural individual is particularly interesting when explored in less‐conventional study organisms. By including less‐conventional organisms, it becomes clear why the concept of biological individuality is usually intuitive in behavioural ecology.  相似文献   

Most integral membrane proteins are cotranslationally inserted into the lipid bilayer. In prokaryotes, membrane insertion of the nascent chain takes place at the plasma membrane, whereas in eukaryotes insertion takes place into the endoplasmatic reticulum. In both kingdoms of life, however, the same membrane that acquaints the newly born membrane protein also synthesizes the bilayer lipids and thus ensures the balanced growth of the membrane as a whole. Recent evidence indicates that the lipid composition of the host membrane can determine the fate of the newborn membrane protein, as it can affect (1) the efficiency of translocation, (2) the topology of the resulting membrane protein, (3) its stability, (4) its assembly into oligomeric complexes, (5) its transport and sorting along the secretory pathway, and (6) its enzymatic activity. The lipid composition of the membrane thus can affect the biogenesis and function of integral membrane proteins at multiple steps along its biogenetic pathway. While understanding this interdependence between bilayer lipids and protein biogenesis is interesting in its own right, careful consideration of a potential host’s membrane lipid composition may also allow optimization of the yield and activity of membrane proteins that are expressed in a heterologous organism. Here, we review and discuss some examples that illustrate the interdependence between bilayer lipids and the biogenesis of integral membrane proteins.  相似文献   

It is now widely accepted that microorganisms play many important roles in the lives of plants and animals. Every macroorganism has been shaped in some way by microorganisms. The recognition of the ubiquity and importance of microorganisms has led some to argue for a revolution in how we understand biological individuality and the primary units of natural selection. The term “holobiont” was introduced as a name for the biological unit made up by a host and all of its associated microorganisms, and much of this new debate about biological individuality has focused on whether holobionts are integrated individuals or communities. In this paper, I show how parts of the holobiont can span both characterizations. I argue that most holobionts share more affinities with communities than they do with organisms, and that, except for maybe in rare cases, holobionts do not meet the criteria for being organisms, evolutionary individuals, or units of selection.  相似文献   

2010~2012年在东秦岭丹江上游商丹盆地(商洛-丹凤盆地)第三级阶地顶部黄土堆积地层中新发现9处旷野旧石器地点, 采集石制品211件, 部分石制品直接采自遗址黄土地层剖面上。加工石制品的原料来自于丹江河床的石英质砾石, 其次是石英岩和石英砂岩砾石, 砂岩、火山岩和硅质灰岩等砾石原料偶尔被使用。早期人类主要采取锤击法直接剥片, 砸击法剥片技术也被使用, 碰砧法剥片可能只是在偶尔的情况下才被采用。石核和石片以自然砾石台面者居多。石制品种类有石锤、石核、石片、工具和断块及碎片屑。工具中砍砸器数量最多, 其次是大型石片为毛坯加工而成的重型刮削器与小型刮削器, 石器中还有一定数量的石球、手斧和手镐, 商丹盆地的石制品可视为含阿舍利(Acheulian)器物组合类型的石器工业。根据遗址的黄土-古土壤地层序列, 初步判断商丹盆地丹江第三级阶地旧石器地点埋藏石制品的黄土-古土壤地层时代为中更新世中晚期, 在获得地层绝对测年结果之前, 石制品年代可暂置于旧石器时代早期偏晚阶段。  相似文献   

This paper examines David Hull’s and Peter Godfrey-Smith’s accounts of biological individuality using the case of biofilms. Biofilms fail standard criteria for individuality, such as having reproductive bottlenecks and forming parent-offspring lineages. Nevertheless, biofilms are good candidates for individuals. The nature of biofilms shows that Godfrey-Smith’s account of individuality, with its reliance on reproduction, is too restrictive. Hull’s interactor notion of individuality better captures biofilms, and we argue that it offers a better account of biological individuality. However, Hull’s notion of interactor needs more precision. We suggest some ways to make Hull’s notion of interactor and his account of individuality more precise. Generally, we maintain that biofilms are a good test case for theories of individuality, and a careful examination of biofilms furthers our understanding of biological individuality.  相似文献   

Zhang N  Wang F  Meng X  Luo S  Li Q  Dong H  Xu Z  Song R 《Molecular biology reports》2011,38(4):2241-2248
Dunaliella is a group of green algae with exceptional stress tolerance capability, and is considered as an important model organism for stress tolerance study. Here we cloned a TPS (trehalose-6-phosphate synthase) gene from Dunaliella viridis and designated it as DvTPS (D. viridis trehalose-6-phosphate synthase/phosphatase).The DvTPS cDNA contained an ORF of 2793?bp encoding 930?aa. DvTPS had both TPS and TPP domain and belonged to the Group II TPS/TPP fusion gene family. Southern blots showed it has a single copy in the genome. Genome sequence analysis revealed that it has 18 exons and 17 introns. DvTPS had a constitutive high expression level under various NaCl culture conditions, however, could be induced by salt shock. Promoter analysis indicated there were ten STREs (stress response element) in its promoter region, giving a possible explanation of its inducible expression pattern upon salt shock. Yeast functional complementation analysis showed that DvTPS had neither TPS nor TPP activity. However, DvTPS could improve the salt tolerance of yeast salt sensitive mutant G19. Our results indicated that despite DvTPS showed significant similarity with TPS/TPP, its real biological function is still remained to be revealed.  相似文献   

Lake Tanganiyka has lefty and righty cichlid fish that show there can be natural selection for a trait over its mirror image counterpart.This raises the question ‘Can there be biological selection of a whole organism over its mirror image counterpart?’ That is, could the fitness of a fish be altered by simply changing it into its own enantaniomorph? My answer is no. I present Flatlander thought experiment to demonstrate that mirror imagecounterparts are duplicates because they only differ in how they happen to be oriented in space. The counterparts have the same intrinsic properties and are in the same environment,so there can be no difference in fitness.  相似文献   

Most biologists implicitly define an individual organism as "one genome in one body." This definition is based on physiological and genetic criteria, but it is problematic for colonial organisms. We propose a definition based instead on the evolutionary criteria of alignment of fitness, export of fitness by germ-soma specialization, and adaptive functional organization. We consider how these concepts apply to various putative individual organisms. We conclude that complex multicellular organisms and colonies of eusocial insects satisfy these three criteria, but that, in most cases (with at least one notable exception), colonies of modular organisms and genetic chimeras do not. While species do not meet these criteria, they may meet the criteria for a broader concept--that of an evolutionary individual--and sexual reproduction may be a species-level exaptation for enhancing evolvability. We also review the costs and benefits of internal genetic heterogeneity within putative individuals, demonstrating that high relatedness is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition for individuality, and that, in some cases, genetic variability may have adaptive benefits at the level of the whole.  相似文献   

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