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Activation Heat in Frog Sartorius Muscle   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
Upon excitation of a muscle with two stimuli and variation of the interval between them up to the end of the period of full mechanical fusion, an increment of the isometric heat over that found in a single twitch is obtained. This is a good approximation to the activation heat, directly at 0°C, or after certain corrections which become important at higher temperature. The activation heat so found is independent of the muscle length and nearly independent of temperature. It is increased by nitrate and caffeine.  相似文献   

Contractile activation was studied in frog single muscle fibers treated with tetrodotoxin to block action potentials. The membrane potential in a short segment of the fiber was controlled with a two-electrode voltage clamp, and the contractile response of superficial myofibrils in this segment was observed microscopically. The strength-duration relation for contractile activation was similar to that reported by Adrian, Chandler, and Hodgkin (1969); at 3.9°C, the contraction threshold was –44 mV for long depolarizing pulses (100-ms) and increased to +64 mV for 2-ms depolarizations. Hyperpolarizing postpulses shifted the threshold for 2-ms pulses to more positive values, and a similar, but smaller, effect was produced by hyperpolarizing prepulses. The decay of excitability following subthreshold pulses showed two apparently distinct components; at 3.9°C, excitability fell to 50% of its initial value within 4 ms, while the subsequent decline of excitability proceeded with a half-time of about 20 ms.  相似文献   

Longitudinal Impedance of Skinned Frog Muscle Fibers   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Longitudinal impedance of skinned muscle fibers was measured with extracellular electrodes and an oil gap method in which a central longitudinal section of fiber is insulated by oil while the ends of the fiber are bathed in conducting pools of relaxing solution. Intact single fibers were isolated from frog semitendinosus muscle and the sarcolemma removed either by mechanical or chemical methods. Stray capacitance across the oil gap was measured after each experiment and its admittance subtracted from the admittance of the fiber and oil gap. Effects of impedance at the ends of the fiber were eliminated by measuring the impedance with two lengths of fiber in the oil gap and subtracting the impedance at the shorter length from that at the longer length. Longitudinal impedance so determined for mechanically and chemically skinned fibers exhibited zero phase shift from 1 to 10,000 Hz, i.e., the longitudinal impedance of skinned fibers is purely resistive. If we assume that our skinned fibers are a model of the sarcoplasm of muscle, we conclude that the equivalent circuit of the sarcoplasm is a resistor.  相似文献   

The transverse electrical impedance of single frog skeletal muscle fibers was measured at 31 frequencies that ranged from 1 to 100,000 Hz. Each fiber was bathed entirely in Ringer's solution, but it was positioned so that a central length of 5 mm was in a hollow plastic disk and was electrically isolated from the ends of the fiber. The diameter of the segment of the fiber in the disk was measured and then the segment was pressed from opposite sides by two insulating wedges. Electrical current was passed transversely through the segment between two platinum-platinum black electrodes that were located in the pools of Ringer's solution within the disk. The results were corrected for stray parallel capacitance, series resistance of the Ringer's solution between the fiber and the electrodes, parallel shunt resistance around the fiber, and the phase shift of the measuring apparatus. A nonlinear least-squares routine was used to fit a lumped equivalent circuit to the data from six fibers. The equivalent circuit that was chosen for the fibers contained three parallel branches; each branch was composed of a resistor and a capacitor in series. The model also included a seventh adjustable parameter that was designed to account for the degree of compression of the fibers by the insulating wedges. The branches of the equivalent circuit were assumed to represent the electrical properties of: (a) the myoplasm in series with the membrane capacitance that was exposed directly to the pools of Ringer's solution; (b) the capacitance and series resistance of the transverse tubules that were exposed directly to the pools of Ringer's solution; (c) the membrane capacitance in series with the shunt resistance between the fibers and the insulating wedges. The results gave no indication that current entered the sarcoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Isolated single frog muscle fibers were locally activated by applying negative current pulses to a pipette whose tip was in contact with the fiber surface. In contrast to the graded inward spread of contraction initiated by a moderate depolarization, the contraction in response to a strong negative current was observed to spread transversely around the whole perimeter but not through the center of the fiber. This response was elicited only with pipettes of more than 6 µ diameter. The response was still present if the sodium of the Ringer solution was replaced by choline, or the chloride was replaced by nitrate or propionate. The duration of the response appeared to be independent of the duration of stimulating current in fresh fibers, while the contraction lasted as long as the current went on in deteriorated fibers. The contraction was first initiated at the area of fiber surface covered by the pipette, and spread around the perimeter of the fiber with a velocity of 0.8–6 cm/sec. Possible mechanisms of the response are discussed in connection with the properties of the transverse tubular system, the possibility of some self-propagating process along the walls of the tubules being suggested.  相似文献   

Impedance of Frog Skeletal Muscle Fibers in Various Solutions   总被引:8,自引:11,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
The linear circuit parameters of 140 muscle fibers in nine solutions are determined from phase measurements fitted with three circuit models: the disk model, in which the resistance to radial current flow is in the lumen of the tubules; the lumped model, in which the resistance is at the mouth of the tubules; and the hybrid model, in which it is in both places. The lumped model fails to fit the data. The disk and hybrid model fit the data, but the optimal circuit values of the hybrid model seem more reasonable. The circuit values depend on sarcomere length. The conductivity of the lumen of the tubules is less than, and varies in a nonlinear manner with, the conductivity of the bathing solution, suggesting that the tubules are partially occluded by some material like basement membrane which restricts the mobility of ions and has fixed charge. The x2.5 hypertonic sucrose solution used in many voltage clamp experiments produces a large increase in the radial resistance, suggesting that control of the potential across the tubular membranes would be difficult to achieve. Glycerol-treated fibers have 90% of their tubular system insulated from the extracellular solution and 10% connected to the extracellular solution through a high resistance. We discuss the implications of our results for calculations of the nonlinear properties of muscle fibers, including the action potential and the radial spread of contraction.  相似文献   

The effect of hypertonic solutions on the tension of isolated twitch muscle fibers of the frog has been investigated. Increased tonicity up to about 1.7 times normal (1.7 T) caused a very small, graded, maintained tension increase. Above about 1.7 T a large, transient contracture response was superimposed on the small tension. The contracture response was graded with tonicity and reached a maximum at 2.5 T of 108 ± 25 mN·mm2 a third of the maximum tetanic tension in isotonic solution. Contracture tension developed with a delay which decreased with increased tonicity. The contracture threshold was lower and the delay shorter in small fibers than in large. Contractures were obtained equally well in depolarized as in polarized fibers. They were completely suppressed by 0.1–0.5 mM tetracaine. The possible mechanism responsible for the tension-inducing effect of hypertonic solutions is discussed in terms of the close similarity between the properties of these contractures and those caused by caffeine, and it is suggested that the effect is due to a release of calcium from internal stores.  相似文献   

Measurement of the Impedance of Frog Skeletal Muscle Fibers   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Impedance measurements are necessary to determine the passive electrical properties of cells including the equivalent circuits of the several pathways for current flow. Such measurements are usually made with microelectrodes of high impedance (some 15 MΩ) over a wide frequency range (1-10,000 Hz) and so are subject to many errors. An input amplifier has been developed which has negligible phase shift in this frequency range because it uses negative feedback to keep tiny the voltage on top of the microelectrode. An important source of artifact is the extracellular potential produced by capacitive current flow through the wall of the microelectrodes and the effective resistance of the bathing solution. This artifact is reduced some 10 times by shielding the current microelectrode with a conductive paint. The residual artifact is analyzed, measured, and subtracted from our results. The interelectrode coupling capacitance is reduced below 2 × 10-17 F and can be neglected. Phase and amplitude measurements are made with phase-sensitive detectors insensitive to noise. The entire apparatus is calibrated at different signal to noise ratios and the nature of the extracellular potential is investigated. The phase shift in the last 5-20 μm of the microelectrode tip is shown to be small and quite independent of frequency under several conditions. Experimental measurements of the phase characteristic of muscle fibers in normal Ringer are presented. The improvements in apparatus and the physiological significance of impedance measurements are discussed. It is suggested that the interpretation of impedance measurements is sensitive to small errors and so it is necessary to present objective evidence of the reliability of one's apparatus and measurements.  相似文献   

The late after-potential that follows trains of impulses in frog muscle fibers is virtually absent when most of the intracellular potassium is replaced by rubidium and the muscle is immersed in rubidium-containing Ringer's fluid. Its amplitude is also reduced in freshly dissected, potassium-containing muscle fibers that are immersed directly in Rb-Ringer's fluid. These findings are discussed in terms of the model for muscle membrane of Adrian and Freygang (1962 a, b) and in relation to the report of Adrian (1964) that Rb-containing muscle fibers do not exhibit the variations in potassium permeability as a function of membrane potential that are found in fibers with normal intracellular potassium concentration immersed in Ringer's fluid.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings of the negative after-potential that follows a train of impulses in frog muscle are described. It is postulated that the cause of this after-potential is an accumulation of potassium, during the train, in an intermediary space that is located between the major portion of the sarcoplasm and the external fluid. The decline of the after-potential is then produced by the exchange of potassium from the intermediary space with sodium from the external fluid.  相似文献   

The effect of hypertonic solutions on the caffeine- and KCl-induced contractures of isolated fibers of frog skeletal muscle was tested. Hypertonic solutions, twice the normal osmotic strength, prepared by adding NaCl or sucrose, potentiate the caffeine-induced contractures. The fibers may develop tensions of 3.6 kg/cm2 of fiber transverse section. The same hypertonic medium reduced the peak tension of KCl-induced contractures. Thus the hypertonic condition does not affect the contractile mechanism itself. These findings give further support to the view that the differential effect of hypertonic solution is on the excitation-contraction coupling mechanism. Extracellular calcium is not essentially required for the first few of a series of caffeine-induced contractures either in hypertonic or in isotonic solutions.  相似文献   

Frog skeletal muscle fibers, mechanically skinned under water-saturated silicone oil, swell upon transfer to aqueous relaxing medium (60 mM KCl; 3 mM MgCl2; 3 mM ATP; 4 mM EGTA; 20 mM Tris maleate; pH = 7.0; ionic strength 0.15 M). Their cross-sectional areas, estimated with an elliptical approximation, increase 2.32-fold (±0.54 SD). Sarcomere spacing is unaffected by this swelling. Addition of 200 mM sucrose to relaxing medium had no effect on fiber dimensions, whereas decreasing pH to 5.0 caused fibers to shrink nearly to their original (oil) size. Decreasing MgCl2 to 0.3 mM caused fibers to swell 10%, and increasing MgCl2 to 9 mM led to an 8% shrinkage. Increasing ionic strength to 0.29 M with KCl caused a 26% increase in cross-sectional area; decreasing ionic strength to 0.09 M had no effect. Swelling pressure was estimated with long-chain polymers, which are probably excluded from the myofilament lattice. Shrinkage in dextran T10 (number average mol wt 6,200) was transient, indicating that this polymer may penetrate into the fibers. Shrinkage in dextran T40 (number average mol wt 28,000), polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) K30 (number average mol wt 40,000) and dextran T70 (number average mol wt 40,300) was not transient, indicating exclusion. Maximal calcium-activated tension is decreased by 21% in PVP solutions and by 31% in dextran T40 solutions. Fibers were shrunk to their original size with 8 × 10-2 g/cm3 PVP K30, a concentration which, from osmometric data, corresponds to an osmotic pressure (II/RT) of 10.5 mM. As discussed in the text, we consider this our best estimate of the swelling pressure. We find that increasing ionic strength to 0.39 M with KCl decreases swelling pressure slightly, whereas decreasing ionic strength to 0.09 M has no effect. We feel these data are consistent with the idea that swelling arises from the negatively charged nature of the myofilaments, from either mutual filamentary repulsion or a Donnan-osmotic mechanism.  相似文献   

The Pattern of Activation in the Sartorius Muscle of the Frog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The development of isometric twitch tension has been compared with the redevelopment of isometric tension in the fully active frog sartorius muscle following release. At 0°C the rate of rise of isometric twitch tension is the same as that for the muscle in the fully active state at the same tension but not until about 40 msec. after the stimulus and then only for a few milliseconds. The rates of rise of tension in the twitch and in the redevelopment of tension in the fully active muscle appear to be nearly the same at low tensions. Substitution of nitrate for chloride in the Ringer's solution bathing the muscle retards the development of tension during the early part of the contraction phase of the twitch and the effect reaches a maximum within 3 minutes after changing the solutions. These observations have been discussed in connection with some possible patterns of activation and the hypothesis has been advanced that the rate of activation of a sarcomere is determined mainly by the rate at which the transverse component of the link between excitation and contraction is propagated inwards from the periphery to the center of the fiber. This hypothesis has been discussed in relation to others concerning the nature of excitation-contraction coupling.  相似文献   

Resting tension and short-range elastic properties of isolated twitch muscle fibers of the frog have been studied while bathed by solutions of different tonicities. Resting tension in isotonic solution at 2.3-µm sarcomere spacing averaged 0.46 mN·mm-2 and was proportional to the fiber cross-section area. Hypertonic solutions, containing 0.1–0.5 mM tetracaine to block contracture tension, caused a small sustained tension increase, which was proportional to the fiber cross-section area and which reached 0.9 mN·mm-2 at two times normal tonicity (2T). Further increases in tonicity caused little increase in tension. Hypotonic solutions decreased tension. Thus, tension at 2.3 µm is a continuous, direct function of tonicity. The dependence of tension on tonicity lessened at greater sarcomere lengths. At 3.2 µm either a very small rise or, in some fibers, a fall in tension resulted from an increase in tonicity. Hypertonic solutions also decreased the tension of extended sarcolemma preparations. In constant-speed stretch experiments the elastic modulus, calculated from the initial part of the stretch response, rose steeply with tonicity over the whole range investigated (1–2.5T). The results show that tension and stiffness of the short-range elastic component do not increase in parallel in hypertonic solutions.  相似文献   

Radioautography has been used to localize 45Ca in isotopically labeled frog skeletal muscle fibers which had been quickly frozen during a maintained tetanus, a declining tetanus, or during the period immediately following a tetanus or a contracture. During a tetanus almost all of the myofibrillar 45Ca is localized in the region of the sarcomere occupied by the thin filaments. The amount varies with the tension being developed by the muscle. The movement of calcium within the reticulum from the tubular portion to the terminal cisternae during the posttetanic period has a half-time of about 9 sec at room temperature and a Q10 of about 1.7. Repolarization is not necessary for this movement. Evidence is given to support the notion that most calcium efflux from the cell occurs from the terminal cisternae into the transverse tubules.  相似文献   

The membrane potential of frog sartorius muscle fibers in a Cl- and Na-free Ringer's solution when sucrose replaces NaCl is about the same as that in normal Ringer's solution. The K+ efflux is also about the same in the two solutions but muscles lose K and PO4 in sucrose Ringer's solutions. The membrane potential in sucrose Ringer's solution is equal to that given by the Nernst equation for a K+ electrode, when corrections are made for the activity coefficients for K+ inside and outside the fiber. For a muscle in normal Ringer's solution, the measured membrane potential is within a few millivolts of EK. This finding is incompatible with a 1:1 coupled Na-K pump. It is consistent with either no coupling of Na efflux to K influx, or a coupling ratio of 3 or greater.  相似文献   

The membrane potential of isolated muscle fibers was controlled with a two-electrode voltage clamp, and the radial extent of contraction elicited by depolarizing pulses of increasing magnitude was observed microscopically. Depolarizations of the fiber surface only 1–2 mv greater than the contraction threshold produced shortening throughout the entire cross-section of the muscle fiber. The radial spread of contraction was less effective in fibers exposed to tetrodotoxin or to a bathing medium with a greatly reduced sodium concentration. The results provide evidence that depolarization of a muscle fiber produces an increase in sodium conductance in the T tubule membrane and that the resultant sodium current contributes to the spread of depolarization along the T system.  相似文献   

"Skinned" muscle fibers, single fibers from the frog semitendinosus muscle in which the sarcolemma had been removed, could be reversibly activated by electrical stimulation. Electrical responsiveness was abolished when the skinned fiber was prepared from a muscle exposed to a cardiac glycoside, and the development of responsiveness was delayed when the muscle was bathed in high potassium solution. The findings were taken as evidence that active sodium-potassium exchange across the internal membranes restored electrical excitability, after the sarcolemma had been removed, by establishing a potential gradient across the internal membranes. In general, the contractions were graded with the strength of the applied current. On occasion, however, "all-or-none" type responses were seen, raising the possibility that the internal membranes were capable of an electrically regenerative response. Activation could also be produced by an elevation of the intracellular chloride ion concentration or a decrease in the intracellular potassium, ion concentration, suggesting that depolarization of some element of the internal membrane system, that is, a decrease in the potential of the lumen of the internal membrane system relative to the potential of the myofibrillar space, was responsible for activation in these experiments. The distribution of both the electrically induced contractions and those produced by changes in the intracellular ion concentrations indicated that the responsive element of the internal membrane system was electrically continuous over many sarcomeres.  相似文献   

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