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In 2007, Texas passed Senate Bill (SB) 3 mandating formation of science and stakeholder committees to make recommendations on the environmental flows (e-flows) needed to maintain the ecological integrity of river basins through a collaborative process designed to achieve consensus. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), the state agency that issues water rights permits, was to promulgate these recommendations and develop e-flow rules. For the first two basins to complete the SB3 process, the Sabine and Neches Basins and Sabine Lake Bay and the Trinity and San Jacinto Basins and Galveston Bay, final e-flow rules did not mimic a natural flow regime, rather, only subsistence flows, one level of base flows, and low flow pulses at a limited number of sites were adopted. In this article, I describe why the SB3 process was derailed for these basins. Science and stakeholder committees were skewed with more members representing short-term economic than ecological and recreational interests in freshwater. Many individuals on the science and stakeholder committees worked for river authorities, semiautonomous state agencies that receive the majority of their funding from surface water sales, and consulting firms that regularly contract with the river authorities. Water rights holders were from the outset distrustful of the SB3 process. There was a high degree of uncertainty associated with e-flow science, and adaptive management was used as justification for making low e-flow recommendations. In the end, TCEQ set environmental flow rules at levels lower than those recommended for protection of environmental benefits by the science teams.  相似文献   

The issue of growing water scarcity has been increasingly perceived as a global systemic risk. To solve it, an integrated approach considering different perspectives of water scarcity is at a premise. In this study, we developed an approach to calculate the blue water scarcity (BWS) and integrated the production, consumption, and water transfer perspectives into a single framework. The results are as follows: The average BWS in the Hetao irrigation district was 0.491 during the 2001–2010 year period, which was much larger than the threshold of 0.30, indicating a high water stress level. From the production perspective, the agricultural sector was the largest contributor to regional water scarcity and the average BWS was as high as 0.479. From the consumption perspective, BWS related to virtual water export was much larger than that related to water consumption for making products to be consumed locally and the values were 0.422 and 0.069, respectively. Under the influence of physical and virtual water transfer, BWS changed from 0.242 (medium to high water stress level) to 0.491 (high water stress level). Strategies for reducing agricultural water consumption, such as increasing crop water productivity, improving irrigation efficiency, and promoting more reasonable irrigation water price, could be adopted in the Hetao irrigation district to alleviate regional BWS. Compared with physical and virtual water import, the virtual water export played a more important role in influencing the regional water scarcity, and the increase in crop water productivity, decrease in crop export volume, or adjustment of trade pattern from water-intensive crops to water-extensive ones could be feasible measures to decrease virtual water export for lower water stress, while the trade-offs in the product-consuming regions should be considered.  相似文献   

The water footprint (WF) has been developed within the water resources research community as a volumetric measure of freshwater appropriation. The concept is used to assess water use along supply chains, sustainability of water use within river basins, efficiency of water use, equitability of water allocation and dependency on water in the supply chain. With the purpose of integrating the WF in life cycle assessment of products, LCA scholars have proposed to weight the original volumetric WF by the water scarcity in the catchment where the WF is located, thus obtaining a water-scarcity weighted WF that reflects the potential local environmental impact of water consumption. This paper provides an elaborate critique on this proposal. The main points are: (1) counting litres of water use differently based on the level of local water scarcity obscures the actual debate about water scarcity, which is about allocating water resources to competing uses and depletion at a global scale; (2) the neglect of green water consumption ignores the fact that green water is scarce as well; (3) since water scarcity in a catchment increases with growing overall water consumption in the catchment, multiplication of the consumptive water use of a specific process or activity with water scarcity implies that the resultant weighted WF of a process or activity will be affected by the WFs of other processes or activities, which cannot be the purpose of an environmental performance indicator; (4) the LCA treatment of the WF is inconsistent with how other environmental footprints are defined; and (5) the Water Stress Index, the most cited water scarcity metric in the LCA community, lacks meaningful physical interpretation. It is proposed to incorporate the topic of freshwater scarcity in LCA as a “natural resource depletion” category, considering depletion from a global perspective. Since global freshwater demand is growing while global freshwater availability is limited, it is key to measure the comparative claim of different products on the globe's limited accessible and usable freshwater flows.  相似文献   

Many international river basins are likely to experience increasing water scarcity over the coming decades. This water scarcity is not rooted only in the limitation of resources, i.e. the shortage in the availability of freshwater relative to water demand, but also on social factors (e.g. flawed water planning and management approaches, institutional incapability to provide water services, unsustainable economic policies). Therefore, the assessment of water scarcity risks is not limited to the assessment of physical water supply and demand, but it requires also consideration of several socio-economic factors. In this study, we provide a comprehensive dynamic assessment of water scarcity risks for the Lower Brahmaputra river basin, a region where the hydrological impact of climate change is expected to be particularly strong and population pressure is high. The basin area of Brahmaputra River lies among four different countries: China, India, Bangladesh and Bhutan. For water scarcity assessment, we propose a novel integration of different approaches: (i) the assessment of water scarcity risk, considering complex social-ecological system; (ii) the analysis of dynamic behaviour of the system; (iii) exploration of participatory approach in which limited number of stakeholders identify the most relevant issues with reference to water scarcity risks and provide their preferences for the aggregation of risk assessment indicators. Results show that water scarcity risk is expected to slightly increase and to fluctuate remarkably as a function of the hazard signal. Social indicators show trends that can at least partially compensate the increasing trend of the drought index. The results of this study are intended to be used for contributing to planned adaptation of water resources systems, in Lower Brahmaputra River Basin.  相似文献   

1. Water abstraction strongly affects streams in arid and semiarid ecosystems, particularly where there is a Mediterranean climate. Excessive abstraction reduces the availability of water for human uses downstream and impairs the capacity of streams to support native biota. 2. We investigated the flow regime and related variables in six river basins of the Iberian Peninsula and show that they have been strongly altered, with declining flows (autoregressive models) and groundwater levels during the 20th century. These streams had lower flows and more frequent droughts than predicted by the official hydrological model used in this region. Three of these rivers were sometimes dry, whereas there were predicted by the model to be permanently flowing. Meanwhile, there has been no decrease in annual precipitation. 3. We also investigated the fish assemblage of a stream in one of these river basins (Tordera) for 6 years and show that sites more affected by water abstraction display significant differences in four fish metrics (catch per unit effort, number of benthic species, number of intolerant species and proportional abundance of intolerant individuals) commonly used to assess the biotic condition of streams. 4. We discuss the utility of these metrics in assessing impacts of water abstraction and point out the need for detailed characterisation of the natural flow regime (and hence drought events) prior to the application of biotic indices in streams severely affected by water abstraction. In particular, in cases of artificially dry streams, it is more appropriate for regulatory agencies to assign index scores that reflect biotic degradation than to assign ‘missing’ scores, as is presently customary in assessments of Iberian streams.  相似文献   

基于生态需水保障的农业生态补偿标准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
庞爱萍  孙涛 《生态学报》2012,32(8):2550-2560
面向流域农业需水和生态需水间的矛盾问题和协调发展的要求,提出了基于生态需水保障的农业生态补偿标准计算方法。其中考虑农业用水定额计算基于生态需水保障的农业用水短缺,引入水分生产函数模型建立保障生态需水量产生的农业用水短缺与产量损失间的关系,根据不同季节作物产量响应系数的变化,定量确定具有时间和等级差异性的农业生态补偿标准。以保障黄河口生态需水引起的山东引黄灌区农业损失补偿标准分析为实例,计算了冬小麦和夏玉米种植户不同等级的生态补偿标准。结论认为,农业生态补偿标准需根据不同的来水过程及生态需水等级确定,面积稳定和保障功能显著的粮食作物应作为补偿标准计算的依据。  相似文献   

The world's freshwater biotas are declining in diversity, range and abundance, more than in other realms, with human appropriation of water. Despite considerable data on the distribution of dams and their hydrological effects on river systems, there are few expansive and long analyses of impacts on freshwater biota. We investigated trends in waterbird communities over 32 years, (1983–2014), at three spatial scales in two similarly sized large river basins, with contrasting levels of water resource development, representing almost a third (29%) of Australia: the Murray–Darling Basin and the Lake Eyre Basin. The Murray–Darling Basin is Australia's most developed river basin (240 dams storing 29,893 GL) while the Lake Eyre Basin is one of the less developed basins (1 dam storing 14 GL). We compared the long‐term responses of waterbird communities in the two river basins at river basin, catchment and major wetland scales. Waterbird abundances were strongly related to river flows and rainfall. For the developed Murray–Darling Basin, we identified significant long‐term declines in total abundances, functional response groups (e.g., piscivores) and individual species of waterbird (n = 50), associated with reductions in cumulative annual flow. These trends indicated ecosystem level changes. Contrastingly, we found no evidence of waterbird declines in the undeveloped Lake Eyre Basin. We also modelled the effects of the Australian Government buying up water rights and returning these to the riverine environment, at a substantial cost (>3.1 AUD billion) which were projected to partly (18% improvement) restore waterbird abundances, but projected climate change effects could reduce these benefits considerably to only a 1% or 4% improvement, with respective annual recovery of environmental flows of 2,800 GL or 3,200 GL. Our unique large temporal and spatial scale analyses demonstrated severe long‐term ecological impact of water resource development on prominent freshwater animals, with implications for global management of water resources.  相似文献   

This paper quantifies and analyses the water footprint of Tunisia at national and sub-national level, assessing green, blue and grey water footprints for the period 1996–2005. It also assesses economic water and land productivities related to crop production for irrigated and rain-fed agriculture, and water scarcity. The water footprint of crop production gave the largest contribution (87%) to the total national water footprint. At national level, tomatoes and potatoes were the main crops with relatively high economic water productivity, while olives and barley were the main crops with relatively low productivity. In terms of economic land productivity, oranges had the highest productivity and barley the lowest. South Tunisia had the lowest economic water and land productivities. Economic land productivity was found to explain more of the current production patterns than economic water productivity, which may imply opportunities for water saving. The total blue water footprint of crop production represented 31% of the total renewable blue water resources, which means that Tunisia as a whole experienced significant water scarcity. The blue water footprint on groundwater represented 62% of the total renewable groundwater resources, which means that the country faced severe water scarcity related to groundwater.  相似文献   

中国水生态足迹广度、深度评价及空间格局   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙才志  张智雄 《生态学报》2017,37(21):7048-7060
运用生态足迹方法对水资源进行流量资本和存量资本区分,测算分析了中国31个省市1997—2014年的水生态足迹广度与深度。结果显示:(1)中国的水生态足迹广度受年际水资源量丰枯影响,总体呈波动趋势;各省市的水生态足迹广度存在着明显差异,南方地区水生态足迹广度普遍大于北方地区;(2)研究期内,中国的水生态足迹深度只有1998年为1,其余年份的水资源流量资本已不能满足人类生产生活的需求,需要消耗水资源存量资本;各省市之间水生态足迹深度相差较大,整体上北方高南方低,其中14个省份18年的平均水生态足迹深度为1,平均水生态足迹深度最高的地区是宁夏的308.12;(3)运用空间自相关方法对31个省市的水生态足迹广度和深度进行分析得出,中国省际水生态足迹广度与深度均存在明显的空间集聚现象。水生态足迹广度H-H集聚地区主要集中在中国南方地区,水生态足迹深度H-H集聚地区主要集中在中国北方地区。通过对全国水生态足迹广度与深度的测度分析为水生态足迹分析提供新的研究方法,同时也为区域水资源可持续利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The method used to calculate ecological compensation remains an important but difficult issue in current studies of ecological compensation. In this study, we used the ecological compensation method to examine the natural, social, and economic interactions between ecological and economic systems at the administrative level and between upstream and downstream areas in a river basin, with the aim of capacity control in the total amount of pollutants discharged. We used the information entropy method to build the total pollutant allocation model, in which we included a range of indexes that reflected regional heterogeneity in factors such as population, economic structure, production level, pollution control, and the water environment. The relationship between the capital invested and the quantity of pollutants discharged was used to calculate the unit value of the pollutants, from which we constructed a quantitative model of ecological compensation standard for river basin water environment based on total pollutants control. We used the Xiao Honghe River Basin, China, as a case study, and calculated the ecological compensation values of the water environment from 2008 to 2012 with chemical oxygen demand (COD) as the main pollution evaluation index. From the upper to lower reaches, the compensation value gradually decreased while it gradually increased in terms of time scale. This study provides a valid approach that can be applied to develop a long-term effective mechanism for protecting river basin ecology and improving the system of ecological compensation in river basins.  相似文献   

Many authors have presented estimates of volumetric water footprints in the context of describing and comparing the water requirements of crop production and industrial activities. In recent years, water footprints have been proposed as indicators for use in assessing the sustainability, efficiency, and equity of water allocations in a global context. That perspective is notably ambitious, given that volumetric water footprints contain information pertaining to just one resource, with no consideration of scarcity values, opportunity costs, or the impacts of water use on the environment, livelihoods, or human health. The suggestion that water scarcity must be assessed from a global perspective also is misplaced. Water scarcity and water quality degradation arise in local and regional settings. The impacts and potential remedies must be evaluated at those levels, by scientists and public officials charged with determining the policies and investments needed to ensure wise use of water resources. Efforts to extend access to clean, safe, and affordable water to the millions of households lacking such access also must be designed and implemented locally. Public officials will not gain useful insight by comparing volumetric water footprints in a global context. Water scarcity and water quality degradation cannot be resolved by reorganizing production activities across river basins and continents.  相似文献   

Water scarcity has become widespread all over the world. Current methods for water scarcity assessment are mainly based on water quantity and seldom consider water quality. Here, we develop a simple approach for assessing water scarcity considering both water quantity and quality. In this approach, a new water scarcity index is used to describe the severity of water scarcity in the form of a water scarcity meter, which may help to communicate water scarcity to a wider audience. To illustrate the approach, we analyzed the historical trend of water scarcity for Beijing city in China during 1995–2009. The results show that Beijing made a huge progress in mitigating water scarcity, and that from 1999 to 2009 the blue and grey water scarcity index decreased by 59% and 62%, respectively. These achievements were made through great efforts of water-saving measures and wastewater treatment. Despite this progress, we demonstrate that Beijing is still characterized by serious water scarcity due to both water quantity and quality. The water scarcity index remained at a high value of 3.5 with a blue and grey water scarcity index of 1.2 and 2.3 in 2009 (exceeding the thresholds of 0.4 and 1, respectively). As a result of unsustainable water use and pollution, groundwater levels continue to decline, and water quality shows a continuously deteriorating trend. To curb this trend, future water policies should further decrease water withdrawal from local sources (in particular groundwater) within Beijing, and should limit the grey water footprint below the total amount of water resources.  相似文献   

张雯  刘倩倩  王慧  陈彬 《生态学报》2023,43(12):4943-4953
高强度农业开发引起的农业水土资源生态问题日益增多,探究粮食及蔬菜(粮蔬)生产中水土资源空间配置及短缺压力对农业资源的可持续利用具有重要意义。从水足迹视角出发,分析了山东省3种主要粮食作物(冬小麦、玉米及大豆)和两种不同种植模式蔬菜(设施蔬菜和露地蔬菜)的生产水足迹空间特征;同时将资源数量及资源质量的概念纳入研究框架,分析了农业水土资源数量及质量匹配格局差异,并进一步探究了农业水土资源短缺压力及其影响因素。研究结果表明:(1)2019年,山东省粮食和蔬菜的生产总水足迹为811亿m3,其中粮食生产总水足迹占比78.50%,蔬菜生产总水足迹占比21.50%;粮蔬生产水足迹受地势影响明显,鲁西北及鲁西南平原地区的粮蔬生产水足迹占比较大。(2)考虑资源数量的水土资源匹配系数均值为0.622×104 m3/hm2,考虑资源质量的匹配系数均值为0.416×104 m3/hm2;水土资源数量及质量匹配系数在空间上呈现出一致性,表明山东省农业生产水土资源空间配置水平高的地区同时面临着较大的农业面源污染压力。(3)整体上,土地资源短缺压力略高于水资源短缺压力;基于生产视角的水土资源短缺压力受生产环境因素制约显著,受经济发展因素的影响具有差异性,社会因素对水土资源短缺压力无显著影响。研究可为农业资源可持续管理提供数据基础,为全面理解粮蔬生产所产生的水土资源短缺提供案例参考。  相似文献   

Assessment of water footprint sustainability indicators and economic water productivities is regarded as a cornerstone of the world’s sustainability goal and the reduction of the fresh water scarcity risk. These assessments are gaining much prominence because about four billion people face severe water scarcity, globally. Attaining sustainable and economically efficient water use goals requires a thorough assessment of all the existing sectors that use water. This paper examined the water footprint and economic water productivities of dairy products in South Africa for the periods 1996–2005 and 2006–2013 using the water footprint network assessment methodology. We found the total water footprints of all the selected dairy products in South Africa to be higher than the global averages are. During the period of 1996–2005, South African dairy producers utilized more green water in their dairy production. The production of butter and cheese products, whether grated or not grated, powdered or not powdered, blue-veined and cheese of all kinds had the highest total water footprints among all the dairy products in South Africa. Dairy production under a sole grazing system has high water footprints and low economic water productivities, relative to mixed production systems, for the period 2006–2013. With blue water becoming scarcer in South Africa, it is time for dairy livestock producers to shift their production to a system that is highly productive and has low water footprints. The water footprints of most of the dairy products for period 2006–2013 have reduced by varying amounts, relative to 1996–2005, which shows that water users along the dairy industry chains are managing water cautiously. Our findings have revealed dairy products that have high economic water productivities, and suggest that profit maximising and environmentally sustainable dairy producers and water users should integrate both blue water sustainability and economic water productivity indicators in their production decisions.  相似文献   

Water scarcity is a widespread problem in many parts of the world. Most previous methods of water scarcity assessment only considered water quantity, and ignored water quality. In addition, the environmental flow requirement (EFR) was commonly not explicitly considered in the assessment. In this study, we developed an approach to assess water scarcity by considering both water quantity and quality, while at the same time explicitly considering EFR. We applied this quantity–quality-EFR (QQE) approach for the Huangqihai River Basin in Inner Mongolia, China. We found that to keep the river ecosystem health at a “good” level (i.e., suitable for swimming, fishing, and aquaculture), 26% of the total blue water resources should be allocated to meet the EFR. When such a “good” level is maintained, the quantity- and quality-based water scarcity indicators were 1.3 and 14.2, respectively; both were above the threshold of 1.0. The QQE water scarcity indicator thus can be expressed as 1.3(26%)|14.2, indicating that the basin was suffering from scarcity problems related to both water quantity and water quality for a given rate of EFR. The current water consumption has resulted in degradation of the basin's river ecosystems, and the EFR cannot be met in 3 months of a year. To reverse this situation, future policies should aim to reduce water use and pollution discharge, meet the EFR for maintaining healthy river ecosystems, and substantially improve pollution treatment.  相似文献   

The disjunction of ecological and socioeconomic sciences is one of the main obstructions in current human–natural integrated systems research. Therefore, gridded GIS technology is introduced in an attempt to achieve the spatial flow analysis of water pollution in eco-natural systems. With this unified GIS platform, an input–output table and one-dimensional water quality model are chosen to manifest the spatial economic flows and spatial natural flows of water pollution separately. Finally, the comprehensive effect of the spatial circulation of water pollution in eco-natural systems is assessed. A case study of the framework is carried out in the Changzhou District of Taihu Lake, China, and the main results show the following: (1) COD (chemical oxygen demand) direct emissions represent the characteristics of high intensity and clustering in industrial regions; control unit 8 is the largest secondary emissions unit, representing up to 41.79% of the total, whereas the emissions of the primary industry tend to be low intensity and widespread. (2) The gray virtual water flow from the primary industry to other heavy industries (except the chemical industry) is the main flow type; the transfer amount adds up to 2512 t, and the inter-units with the largest occupation of water environment capacity (WEC) upstream to downstream are 8–9, nearly up to 1548 t. (3) Under the interaction of positive and negative functions of economic flows and natural flows, the final effect of pollution transfer may be offset, environmental degradation or environmental improvement. This study could provide a basis for ecological compensation, environmental exteriority and optimization of industrial structure layouts.  相似文献   

王健  曹巍  黄麟 《生态学报》2024,44(3):955-965
通过生态补偿协调流域内经济发展与生态保护的关系、缓解上下游利益相关者之间的矛盾是保障流域经济社会可持续发展的关键措施,而流域生态补偿核定的关键在于两点:一是如何模拟并量化水供需服务流动的流向、流量、流速及路径以明确供需双方及其空间关系;二是如何实现栅格尺度-地理单元-行政单元的尺度推演以实现不同行政单元之间生态系统服务的盈余、占用、外溢核算。整合卫星遥感、经济社会统计、水文气象观测等多源异构数据,集成水量平衡、水供需服务流动、生态价值核算等方法,构建了基于水供需流动及其外溢价值核算的流域横向生态补偿标准核定框架,利用D8流向法解决了水供需服务流动的流向、流量、流速及路径模拟与量化,实现了"栅格尺度-地形单元-行政单元"空间尺度推演的外溢价值核算,形成了流域内横向水生态补偿资金收取与分配方案。以太湖流域为例,在全面分析水资源外溢、占用及其价值的基础上,解析了县域尺度的水供需时空关系、流动路径及属性特征,辅以水质指标进而明确界定了责任方与补偿对象,形成了补偿资金收取与分配方案。结果表明,太湖流域水供需双方界线清晰、服务流近似于自然汇流过程,供给方以流域西部、西南部、中部县域为主,特别是西部至中部的县域,应受偿资金较多,平均各县应受偿资金比例超过2%/a,应受偿资金最多的嘉善区,比例超过19.66%/a;需求方聚集于流域中部、东部,特别是黄浦江自然汇流沿岸县域,应收取补偿资金较多,平均各县应收取资金比例超过5%/a,应收取最多的浦东新区,比例超过15.48%/a;净补偿资金基本呈现西高东低的分布特征,流域的大部分城市核心区的县域净补偿资金为负值。研究的核定框架、量化核算方法、资金统筹方案可应用到其他流域的横向生态补偿机制构建,实现流域内部与流域之间生态保护和经济发展的整体协调。  相似文献   

Nerodia harteri is a threatened small-bodied water snake that occupies one of the most restricted ranges of any snake within the continental United States. It is found closely associated with rivers and tributaries in the Colorado and Brazos river basins, which flow through north-central Texas. Nerodia harteri has been at the center of debate owing to conflicts between conservation efforts and the construction of dams that change or destroy its preferred habitat. Additionally, its taxonomic status has also been under contention with some authors recognizing two subspecies, the Brazos water snake (N. h. harteri) and the Concho water snake (N. h. paucimaculata), whereas other authors consider each separate species. Despite its relatively recent discovery during the 1940s, N. harteri has been the subject of several ecological studies, yet no population genetic assessment of either subspecies has been performed to date. We first evaluated the phylogenetic placement of both subspecies among other North American Nerodia using partial sequence data from the mitochondrial gene cytochrome-b. We then tested for population subdivision among four rivers encompassing the range of N. harteri and tested for the presence of admixture between river basins using mitochondrial sequence data (920?bp of cyt-b) and five cross-species amplified microsatellite loci. We found low mitochondrial haplotype diversity represented by two unique haplotypes in each river basin, which were separated by no more than four nucleotide changes. Nuclear loci showed low genetic diversity and population structuring within and among river basins. We did not find conclusive evidence of admixture between basins, and we support the presence of two separate evolutionarily significant units and two separate management units corresponding to each major river basin. Given increasing natural and anthropogenic threats, we recommend continued ecological and genetic monitoring of both subspecies.  相似文献   

Australian floodplain wetlands are sites of high biodiversity that depend on flows from rivers. Dams, diversions and river management have reduced flooding to these wetlands, altering their ecology, and causing the death or poor health of aquatic biota. Four floodplain wetlands (Barmah‐Millewa Forest and Moira Marshes, Chowilla floodplain, Macquarie Marshes, Gwydir wetlands) illustrate these effects with successional changes in aquatic vegetation, reduced vegetation health, declining numbers of water‐birds and nesting, and declining native fish and invertebrate populations. These effects are likely to be widespread as Australia has at least 446 large dams (>10 m crest height) storing 8.8 × 107 ML (106 L) of water, much of which is diverted upstream of floodplain wetlands. More than 50% of floodplain wetlands on developed rivers may no longer flood. Of all of the river basins in Australia, the Murray‐Darling Basin is most affected with dams which can store 103% of annual runoff and 87% of divertible water extracted (1983–84 data). Some floodplain wetlands are now permanent storages. This has changed their biota from one tolerant of a variable flooding regime, to one that withstands permanent flooding. Plans exist to build dams to divert water from many rivers, mainly for irrigation. These plans seldom adequately model subsequent ecological and hydrological impacts to floodplain wetlands. To avoid further loss of wetlands, an improved understanding of the interaction between river flows and floodplain ecology, and investigations into ecological impacts of management practices, is essential.  相似文献   

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