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We conducted an experiment to test three alternative hypotheses for the function of frequency of scent marking in male prairie voles, MICROTUS OCHROGASTER: (1) sexual attraction (to advertise male quality for mating); (2) reproductive competition; and (3) self-advertisement or individual identity. In laboratory experiments, males deposited scent on all areas of a bare substrate, and more in an area next to a stimulus animal than other areas, regardless of the stimulus animal's sex. Females did not choose mates based on their frequency of scent marking and scent marking did not antagonize or stimulate aggression between males. The frequency of scent marking by males supports the individual identity hypothesis, and is less consistent with the sexual attraction or reproductive competition hypotheses. Mate choice is likely based on a complex suite of characters, but at least in prairie voles, the frequency of scent marking by males does not appear to be one of them.  相似文献   

Speciation is typically accompanied by the formation of isolation barriers between lineages. Commonly, reproductive barriers are separated into pre‐ and post‐zygotic mechanisms that can evolve with different speed. In this study, we measured the strength of different reproductive barriers in two closely related, sympatric orchids of the Ophrys insectifera group, namely Ophrys insectifera and Ophrys aymoninii to infer possible mechanisms of speciation. We quantified pre‐ and post‐pollination barriers through observation of pollen flow, by performing artificial inter‐ and intraspecific crosses and analyzing scent bouquets. Additionally, we investigated differences in mycorrhizal fungi as a potential extrinsic factor of post‐zygotic isolation. Our results show that floral isolation mediated by the attraction of different pollinators acts apparently as the sole reproductive barrier between the two orchid species, with later‐acting intrinsic barriers seemingly absent. Also, the two orchids share most of their fungal mycorrhizal partners in sympatry, suggesting little or no importance of mycorrhizal symbiosis in reproductive isolation. Key traits underlying floral isolation were two alkenes and wax ester, present predominantly in the floral scent of O. aymoninii. These compounds, when applied to flowers of O. insectifera, triggered attraction and a copulation attempt of the bee pollinator of O. aymoninii and thus led to the (partial) breakdown of floral isolation. Based on our results, we suggest that adaptation to different pollinators, mediated by floral scent, underlies species isolation in this plant group. Pollinator switches may be promoted by low pollination success of individuals in dense patches of plants, an assumption that we also confirmed in our study.  相似文献   

This paper describes, analyzes, and critiques the construction of separate “male” and “female” genomes in current human genome research. Comparative genomic work on human sex differences conceives of the sexes as like different species, with different genomes. I argue that this construct is empirically unsound, distortive to research, and ethically questionable. I propose a conceptual model of biological sex that clarifies the distinction between species and sexes as genetic classes. The dynamic interdependence of the sexes makes them “dyadic kinds” that are not like species, which are “individual kinds.” The concept of sex as a “dyadic kind” may be fruitful as a remedy to the tendency to conceive of the sexes as distinct, binary classes in biological research on sex more generally.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of nestmateship and body size on mate selection through a choice based assay in the primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata. A recent study has shown that male and female R. marginata mate with their nestmates and non-nestmates with equal probability if no choice is available. That study could also not detect any influence of body size on mating probability in the absence of choice. To confirm that the same results can be obtained even when the wasps have a choice, we offered a choice of two virgin partners either to a virgin test male or to a virgin test female and measured the probability that the test individual would mate with any particular partner based on nestmateship or body size. We show here that even when a choice is available, neither male nor female test wasps base their mate choice on the nestmateship or body size of the partner. We therefore suggest that the natural mating habit of these wasps is sufficiently promiscuous and not constrained by such factors as nestmateship and body size.  相似文献   

Summary The monogamous and protandrous anemonefish,Amphiprion clarkii, utilizes only large host sea anemones as breeding sites. Under conditions of breeding site shortage, an important strategy for unmated fish may be to prepare themselves to enter quickly a breeding site from which a breeding male or female has recently disappeared. There are two types of subadults. Some juveniles become subadult males, which can change either to male or female afterwards, but others become subadult females, which can change only to female. Subadult females seem to acquire female posts more easily than subadult males. We develop an ESS model which evaluates the future reproductive success of subadult females and subadult males and test whether coexistence of subadult males and females can be interpreted as adaptive alternative tactics, using field data from two populations. The model predicts that if mortality does not differ between adult males and females the frequency for juveniles to become subadult females should be equal to the proportion of breeding post acquisition by subadult females among that by all subadults. The model also predicts that if mortality does not differ between subadult males and females, nor in adults, the frequency of subadult females among all subadults should be equal to the proportion of post acquisition. The model, with data from two study sites, suggests that alternative life-history pathways found inA. clarkii have evolved through adaptive tactics of breeding post acquisition.  相似文献   

Ecological speciation can be driven by divergent natural and/or sexual selection. The relative contribution of these processes to species divergence, however, is unknown. Here, we investigate how sexual selection in the form of male and female mate preferences contributes to divergence of body size. This trait is known be under divergent natural selection and also contributes to sexual isolation in species pairs of threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus). We show that neither female nor male size preferences contribute to body size divergence in this species pair, suggesting that size-based sexual isolation arises primarily through natural selection.  相似文献   

This study compared changes in sexual behavior of male gerbils with changes in scent-marking frequency following castration and exposure to various doses of testosterone. Castration eliminated sexual activity in male gerbils. Injections of testosterone propionate (75 μg twice weekly) prevented this decrease. Larger (600 μg) injections of testosterone propionate or implantation of Silastic capsules of testosterone reinstated mating behavior. Sexual behavior showed a different pattern of changes than scent marking. Sexual behavior was maintained more effectively than scent marking by hormone injections, but scent marking was reinstated more readily than sexual behavior by the tonic hormone levels produced by Silastic implants.  相似文献   

Summary The polychaeteOphryotrocha puerilis is a male-to-female sex-changer, whereasO. labronica has separate sexes throughout life. In other respects the two species are remarkably similar: they occur in the same habitat, they look the same, they eat the same things, and in someO. labronica populations sex-changers can actually be found. The size-advantage hypothesis predicts that inO. puerilis males should not benefit reproductively from a size increase as much as males inO. labronica: henceO. puerilis but notO. labronica males should change to the female sex at a certain size. I experimentally compared reproductive success at different body sizes between the two species. In isolated male-female pairs reproductive rate increased significantly with female body size but not with male body size, and this pattern was the same in both species. Hence male fecundityper se cannot account for the difference in reproductive type between the two species. In other experiments I investigated if larger males gained access to more females because they were superior competitors for mates or were preferred by females, compared to small males. InO. puerilis the combined effect of these two factors conferred no size advantage to the males, whereas inO. labronica larger males acquired more females than did smaller males. Hence interactions among males and females, in accordance with the size-advantage hypothesis, can explain why sex change is maintained inO. puerilis, and why separate sexes are maintained inO. labronica.  相似文献   

Summary The response by male and female plants to herbivory was studied by experimental defoliation of the dioecious perennial herb Silene dioica in a green-house. Male and female plants were defoliated prior to and during the early flowering phase at two intensities (50% and 100% of leaf-area removed) in two consecutive years. Defoliation resulted in a decrease in the number of flowers initiated in both sexes, while a larger delay of peak flowering and a higher mortality was observed in males compared to females. In female plants, severe defoliation resulted in a reduction in seed number per capsule and in seed size compared to control. Females showed a negative correlation between the production of flowers in the first and second season in all treatments, while flowering in males the first season was not correlated with flowering in the second season. Females also showed a lower frequency of flowering than males during the two seasons studied. However, during the flowering period, males allocated significantly more biomass to flowers than did females. This outcome supports the idea that females may have a higher total reproductive expenditure than males, but males have a higher reproductive effort during flowering. Male rosette leaves were significantly preferred by the generalist herbivore Arianta arbustorum in experiments. This preference was most pronounced in trials with leaves from fertilized plants compared to nonfertilized plants. A greater storage of resources in aboveground leaves during winter by males compared to females may explain the higher preference for male leaves and the higher male mortality following early defoliation. Furthermore, males are smaller than females and may have a lower ability than females to replace lost resources needed for reproduction when defoliated early in the season.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analysis in two sympatric species of pufferfish from Paraná Coast, Brazil, Sphoeroides spengleri (Tetraodontidae) and Chilomycterus spinosus (Diodontidae) revealed the presence of 2n = 46 and 2n = 50 chromosomes, respectively. In S. spengleri, the double FISH technique with 5S and 18S rDNA probes showed no syntenical organization, with both multigene families occupying a terminal position on the chromosomes. In S. spengleri the poor pattern of heterochromatin distribution is discussed about its relation with the compactness of their genome. On the other hand C. spinosus presented conspicuous blocks occupying the short arms of several chromosomes, possibly consequence of an accumulative process. Heterochromatic supernumerary chromosomes were detected in both species, however in S. spengleri they were presented as microchromosomes varying of 0–3 and being more frequent in females than in males, possibly as result of a preferential segregation. Conversely in C. spinosus an extra chromosome was restricted to the males, which to behave as univalent during meiosis. In view of these peculiarities we hypothesized a possible relationship between B chromosome and sex determination, although others aspects on accumulation, maintenance, and frequency of these extra elements were also considered, focusing on the parasitic model. In spite of the karyotypic diversity and others genetic peculiarities in Tetraodontiformes, this corresponds the third report of the occurrence of chromosomes B in the group.  相似文献   

Isofemale lines of D. simulans were examined to determine the age of sexual maturity of males with conspecific females, and for the frequency of hybridization with D. melanogaster females. Males started to mature sexually on the first day after eclosion but their ability to mate slowly increased during the following day. The estimates of both the age sexual maturation started and the switch from immature to mature males were strongly dependent on the female genotypes used in the tests. No clear differences in speed of maturation were apparent between male lines. In contrast, differences in frequency of hybridization with D. melanogaster females did occur. From the above results it is concluded that the differential hybridization success of male D. simulans lines is not related to the speed at which males mature sexually.
Résumé Des lignées isofemelles de D. simulans ont été examinées pour déterminer l'âge de la maturité sexuelle des mâles avec des femelles conspécifiques et pour établir la fréquence de l'hybridation avec des femelles de D. melanogaster. Les mâles ont commencé à être sexuellement mûrs le premier jour après l'émergence, mais leur aptitude à la copulation a augmenté lentement pendant le jour suivant. Les estimations, tant de l'âge du début de la maturation sexuelle que de l'âge du passage de mâle immature à mâle sexuellement mûr dépendaient étroitement des génotypes des femelles utilisées dans les expériences. Il n'y avait pas de différences nettes entre les lignées de mâles. Par contre, des différences dans les fréquences d'hybridation avec les femelles de D. melanogaster ont été observées. De ces résultats, on peut conclure que les différences dans la réussite des hybridations des lignées de mâles de D. simulans n'étaient pas dues à la vitesse de maturation sexuelle des mâles.



There is reported to be a decline in immune function and an alteration in the frequency of circulating lymphocytes with advancing age. There are also differences in ageing and lifespan between males and females. We performed this study to see if there were differences between males and females in the frequency of the different lymphocyte subsets with age.  相似文献   

Individuals that arrive earlier on the breeding grounds may obtain many advantages but they also have to spend time waiting for a mate. I studied the waiting times of male red-breasted flycatchers Ficedula parva, a small, migratory, sexually dichromatic passerine bird species under natural conditions (Bia?owie?a National Park, Poland) in relation to year, arrival time, age of male and morphological parameters. The length of waiting time was dependent on males’ arrival time. The males which arrived later waited a shorter time for females than earlier arrivals. In some years older males spent more time waiting for mates than younger males, but in other years they waited for shorter times. A significant interaction between age of male and year was also observed. Despite the significantly earlier arrival of older males, the waiting time was not related to male age. The waiting time was also not related to body biometric parameters of the male. Despite waiting longer, early male red-breasted flycatchers have an advantage over later arrivals given this greater chance of mating.  相似文献   

Journal of Ethology - Female mate choice plays an important role in sexual isolation. The present study examined sexual isolation using D. simulans and D. mauritiana in conditions...  相似文献   

The interaction between Ficus spp. (Moraceae) and their pollinating wasps (Chalcidoidae: Agaonidae) is a highly co-evolved mutualism. Approximately half of all fig species are monoecious and produce a mixture of wasps and seeds within the same fig. In functionally dioecious fig trees male and female functions are separate. Figs on male trees produce wasps and pollen, whereas figs borne on female plants produce only seeds. Dioecious fig phenology provides an excellent opportunity to investigate the effect of sexual specialization on the obligate fig?Cfig wasp interaction and the non-pollinators associated with the system. Here we describe laboratory studies of phenological variation between two sexes in terms of vegetative growth and fig production in a dioecious fig tree Ficus montana. We also describe reproductive output in terms of wasp production in males and seeds in females. Intrasexual asynchrony was observed for the plants, with synchrony between the sexes with year-round production of figs. Male plants grew more rapidly, but leaf phenology was very similar. Crop sizes and development times were the same for males and females. Seasonal effects were strong for leaf phenology and fig initiation, but had a very limited effect on fig composition. The results show that the phenological differences described for other dioecious figs do not apply to all species.  相似文献   

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