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1. Winter temperatures differ markedly on the Canadian prairies compared with Denmark. Between 1 January 1998 and 31 December 2002, average weekly and monthly temperatures did not drop below 0 °C in the vicinity of Silkeborg, Denmark. Over this same time, weekly average temperatures near Calgary, Alberta, Canada, often dropped below −10 °C for 3–5 weeks and the average monthly temperature was below 0 °C for 2–4 months. Accordingly, winter ice conditions in shallow lakes in Canada and Denmark differed considerably. 2. To assess the implications of winter climate for lake biotic structure and function we compared a number of variables that describe the chemistry and biology of shallow Canadian and Danish lakes that had been chosen to have similar morphometries. 3. The Danish lakes had a fourfold higher ratio of chlorophyll‐a: total phosphorus (TP). Zooplankton : phytoplankton carbon was related to TP and fish abundance in Danish lakes but not in Canadian lakes. There was no significant difference in the ratio log total zooplankton biomass : log TP and the Canadian lakes had a significantly higher proportion of cladocerans that were Daphnia. These differences correspond well with the fact that the Danish lakes have more abundant and diverse fish communities than the Canadian lakes. 4. Our results suggest that severe Canadian winters lead to anoxia under ice and more depauperate fish communities, and stronger zooplankton control on phytoplankton in shallow prairie lakes compared with shallow Danish lakes. If climate change leads to warmer winters and a shorter duration of ice cover, we predict that shallow Canadian prairie lakes will experience increased survivorship of planktivores and stronger control of zooplankton. This, in turn, might decrease zooplankton control on phytoplankton, leading to ‘greener’ lakes on the Canadian prairies.  相似文献   

The effect of water temperature on growth responses of three common seagrass fish species that co‐occur as juveniles in the estuaries in Sydney (34° S) but have differing latitudinal ranges was measured: Pelates sexlineatus (subtropical to warm temperate: 27–35° S), Centropogon australis (primarily subtropical to warm temperate: 24–37° S) and Acanthaluteres spilomelanurus (warm to cool temperate: below 32° S). Replicate individuals of each species were acclimated over a 7 day period in one of three temperature treatments (control: 22° C, low: 18° C and high: 26° C) and their somatic growth was assessed within treatments over 10 days. Growth of all three species was affected by water temperature, with the highest growth of both northern species (P. sexlineatus and C. australis) at 22 and 26° C, whereas growth of the southern ranging species (A. spilomelanurus) was reduced at temperatures higher than 18° C, suggesting that predicted increase in estuarine water temperatures through climate change may change relative performance of seagrass fish assemblages.  相似文献   

The loss of submerged macrophytes during eutrophication of shallow lakes is a commonly observed phenomenon. The proximate reason for this decline is a reduction of available light due to increasing phytoplankton and/or epiphyton biomass. Here we argue that the ultimate cause for the transition from a macrophyte-dominated state to a phytoplankton-dominated state is a change in fish community structure. A catastrophic disturbance event (e.g. winterkill) acting selectively on piscivores, cascades down food chains, eventually reducing macrophyte growth through shading by epiphyton, an effect that is reinforced by increasing phytoplankton biomass. The transition back from the phytoplankton to the macrophyte state depends on an increase in piscivore standing stock and a reduction of planktivores. A conceptual model of these mechanisms is presented and supported by literature data and preliminary observations from a field experiment.  相似文献   

Community concordance describes similarity in distributions and abundances of organisms from different taxonomic groups across a region of interest, with highly concordant communities assumed to respond similarly to major environmental gradients, including anthropogenic stressors. While few studies have explicitly tested for concordance among stream-dwelling organisms, it frequently is assumed that both macroinvertebrates and fish respond in concert to environmental factors, an assumption that has implications for their management. We investigated concordance among fish and macroinvertebrates from tributaries of two catchments in southeastern Michigan having varied landscape characteristics. Classifications of fish and macroinvertebrate assemblages resulted in groups distinguished by differences in taxonomic characteristics, functional traits, and stressor tolerance of their respective dominant taxa. Biological groups were associated with principal landscape gradients of the study region, which ranged from forests and wetlands on coarse surficial geology to agricultural lands on finer, more impervious surficial geology. Measures of stream habitat indicated more stable stream flows and greater heterogeneity of conditions at site groups with catchments comprising forests and wetlands on the coarsest geology, but did not distinguish well among remaining site groups, suggesting that habitat degradation may not be the driving mechanism leading to differences in groups. Despite broadly similar interpretations of relationships of site groups with landscape characteristics for both fish and macroinvertebrates, examination of site representation within groups indicated weak community concordance. Our results suggest that explicit responses of fish and macroinvertebrates to landscape factors vary, due to potential differences in their susceptibility to controls or to differences in the scale at which landscape factors influence these organisms. Handling editor: Robert Bailey  相似文献   


Global warming may intensify eutrophication of shallow lakes by affecting nutrient loading, evaporation rates, and water level and thus produce major changes in food webs. We investigated to what degree food webs in tropical humid lakes differed from those in more eutrophic semi-arid lakes of the same latitude. Our results indicate that the catchment area-to-lake area ratio, nutrients, chlorophyll a, suspended solids, abundances of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and omnivorous fish as well as total fish catch per unit effort were all higher in the semi-arid lakes, whereas inlet water-to-evaporation ratio (proxy for water balance), water transparency, percentage macrophytes cover, and the piscivores:omnivores ratio were higher in the humid lakes. Our results suggest that reduced inlet water-to-evaporation ratio will increase lake eutrophication, which, in turn, as in temperate regions, will alter trophic structure of the freshwater community.


Jia  Yintao  Jiang  Yihang  Liu  Yuhan  Sui  Xiaoyun  Feng  Xiu  Zhu  Ren  Li  Kemao  Chen  Yifeng 《Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries》2022,32(2):623-644
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries - Global biodiversity loss has increased interest in identifying the patterns and mechanisms that shape community assembly. Growing empirical evidence...  相似文献   

Climate change is expected to negatively impact many freshwater environments due to reductions in stream‐flow and increases in temperature. These conditions, however, can already be found today in areas experiencing significant drought; current observations of species' responses to droughts can be used to make predictions about their future responses to climate change. Using otolith analysis, we recreated golden perch (Macquaria ambigua) growth chronologies from two temperate lake populations in southeastern Australia over a 15‐year period pre‐ and during a supraseasonal drought. We related interannual growth variation to landscape‐scale changes in temperature and hydrological regimes: fish growth declined as water levels in the lakes dropped during the drought, but this effect was offset by increased growth in warmer years. We hypothesize that golden perch are responding to fluctuations in food availability and intraspecific competition related to water level and to an optimization of physiological growth conditions related to increases in growing season length. Based on our analyses, we made predictions of future growth under a number of climate change scenarios that incorporate forecast deviations in stream‐flows and air temperature. Despite climatic models predicting significant declines in future water availability, fish growth may increase due to a disproportionate lengthening of the growing season. As the two lakes are at the limit of the southerly range of golden perch, our results are consistent with previous findings of climate‐change driven latitudinal range shifts in a poleward direction. We discuss assumptions concerning the constancy of ecological interactions into the future that warrant further study. Our research provides a novel application of biochronological analysis that could be used elsewhere to further our knowledge of species responses to changing environments.  相似文献   

We determined the biomass and community structure of macroinvertebrates (>500 µm) associated with macrophytes, sediments, and unvegetated open water in three oligosaline (0.8 to 8.0 mS cm–1) and three mesosaline (8.0 to 30.0 mS cm–1) lakes in the Wyoming High Plains, USA. Total biomass of epiphytic and benthic invertebrates did not change with salinity, but biomass of macroinvertebrate zooplankton in open water was significantly higher in mesosaline lakes. Community composition of invertebrates differed between the two salinity categories: large grazer/detritivores (gastropods and amphipods) were dominant in oligosaline lakes, whereas small planktivores and their insect predators were more prevalent in mesosaline lakes. Both direct physiological effects of salinity, as well as a shift in the form of primary production from macrophytes to phytoplankton, probably explain these changes in community composition. Salinity effects on invertebrate communities appear to be less important to top avian consumers than are costs of osmoregulation.  相似文献   

1. Fish play a key role in the functioning of temperate shallow lakes by affecting nutrient exchange among habitats as well as lake trophic structure and dynamics. These processes are, in turn, strongly influenced by the abundance of submerged macrophytes, because piscivorous fish are often abundant at high macrophyte density. Whether this applies to warmer climates as well is virtually unknown. 2. To compare fish community structure and dynamics in plant beds between subtropical and temperate shallow lakes we conducted experiments with artificial submerged and free‐floating plant beds in a set of 10 shallow lakes in Uruguay (30°–35°S) and Denmark (55°–57°N), paired along a gradient of limnological characteristics. 3. The differences between regions were more pronounced than differences attributable to trophic state. The subtropical littoral fish communities were characterised by higher species richness, higher densities, higher biomass, higher trophic diversity (with predominance of omnivores and lack of true piscivores) and smaller body size than in the comparable temperate lakes. On average, fish densities were 93 ind. m−2 (±10 SE) in the subtropical and 10 ind. m−2 (±2 SE) in the temperate lakes. We found a twofold higher total fish biomass per unit of total phosphorus in the subtropical than in the temperate lakes, and as fish size is smaller in the former, the implication is that more energy reaches the littoral zone fish community of the warmer lakes. 4. Plant architecture affected the spatial distribution of fish within each climate zone. Thus, in the temperate zone fish exhibited higher densities among the artificial free‐floating plants while subtropical fish were denser in the artificial submerged plant beds. These patterns appeared in most lakes, regardless of water turbidity or trophic state. 5. The subtropical littoral fish communities resembled the fish communities typically occurring in temperate eutrophic and hypertrophic lakes. Our results add to the growing evidence that climate warming may lead to more complex and omnivory‐dominated food webs and higher density and dominance of smaller‐sized fish. This type of community structure may lead to a weakening of the trophic cascading effects commonly observed in temperate shallow lakes and a higher risk of eutrophication.  相似文献   

Global average surface temperatures are expected to rise by about 1.4–5.8°C from the present until the year 2100. This temperature increase will affect all ecosystems on earth. For shallow lakes—which can be either in a clear water or a turbid state—this climate change will expectedly negatively affect water transparency though the prediction is far from conclusive and experimental investigations elucidating the potential climatic effects on shallow lakes are still rare. The aim of this study was to further shape and sharpens hypotheses on the impact of climate change on shallow lakes by applying an existing and well-calibrated ecosystem model, PCLake. We focused on asymptotic model behaviour for a range of temperature and loading scenarios in a factorial design. We conclude that climate change will likely lead to decreased critical nutrient loadings. Combined with an expected increase in the external nutrient loading, this will increase the probability of a shift from a clear to a turbid state. As the model predicts a higher summer chlorophyll-a concentration, a stronger dominance of cyanobacteria during summer and a reduced zooplankton abundance due to climate change, the turbid state itself is likely to become even more severe.  相似文献   

Floating-leaved rhizophytes and pleustophytes are the first barrier to Sun’s rays and significantly affect the light regime of the water column. To evaluate these effects on light attenuation, the reflectance and transmittance spectra variability were examined according to the leaf traits within three plant groups: (1) seed plants with green abaxial surfaces; (2) seed plants with red abaxial surfaces; and (3) ferns with trichomes. Specific leaf area (SLA), chlorophyll a and b, and UV-B and UV-A-absorbing substances differed between these three groups. The ‘spectral signatures’ of floating-leaved seed plants are similar to those of terrestrial seed plants, with a peak in the green region and a pronounced ‘red edge’. Ferns transmitted more light along the whole spectrum compared to other species. Most reflectance and transmittance spectra variability of the first group was explained by SLA. In the second group, 36% of the reflectance spectra variability was explained by tissue density and carotenoids, and 48% of the transmittance spectra variability by carotenoids, anthocyanins and SLA. In ferns, the reflectance spectra variability was mainly explained by chlorophylls, and partly by trichome length and mesophyll thickness, with the transmittance spectra variability significantly affected by chlorophyll b.  相似文献   

The fish community in the littoral areas of eight regulated lakes and five reference lakes in Finland was sampled by electrofishing. No significant effect of winter drawdown on species richness was recorded across lakes. Total fish density for stony bottoms of the regulated and reference lakes averaged 19.3 and 32.7 individuals per 100 m2, respectively, but this difference was not statistically significant. The combined proportion of littoral fish species, including minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus), bullhead (Cottus gobio), alpine bullhead (Cottus poecilopus), nine-spined stickleback (Pungitius pungitius), and stone loach (Barbatula barbatula), supplemented with zoobenthos feeders ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernuus) and young burbot (Lota lota), was much lower in the regulated lakes than in the reference lakes. Besides winter drawdown, other variables, such as nutrient level and lake size, affected the fish community. Guest editors: K. M. Wantzen, K.-O. Rothhaupt, M. M?rtl, M. Cantonati, L. G.-Tóth & P. Fischer Ecological Effects of Water-Level Fluctuations in Lakes  相似文献   

UV damage in shallow lakes: the implications of water mixing   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The plankton of shallow lakes is expected to experience increasingexposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) within the next decades.In addition to stratospheric ozone depletion, decreases in dissolvedorganic carbon (DOC), caused by climate warming or acidification,will result in greater UVR penetration in many lakes. Circulationpatterns induced by moderate winds force the plankton of shallowlakes to be cycled through the whole water column. This translatesinto higher doses and fluctuating dosage rates. Here, we reportthe results of a series of ‘in situ’ UV exposureexperiments in which two zooplankton crustaceans (one capableof photorecovery and the other not) were incubated either atfixed depths or under simulated mixing. Our main goal was toassess the extent to which the results from static incubationscould be extrapolated to vertically moving zooplankton. Staticincubations accurately predicted the survival of moving individualsfor the species without photorecovery, but failed to do so forthe species capable of photorecovery. The fluctuations in dosagerate for high doses tended to increase the survival of the specieswith photorecovery. We contend that neglecting the effects ofvertical mixing may result in a biased perception of UVR effectsin shallow lakes.  相似文献   

Shallow eutrophic lakes commonly exist in two alternative stable states: a clear-water state and a turbid water state. A number of mechanisms, including both abiotic and biotic processes, buffer the respective states against changes, whereas other mechanisms likely drive transitions between states. Our earlier research shows that a large proportion of zooplanktivorous fish populations in shallow lakes undertake seasonal migrations where they leave the lake during winter and migrate back to the lake in spring. Based on our past research, we propose a number of scenarios of how feedback processes between the individual and ecosystem levels may affect stability of alternative stable states in shallow lakes when mediated by fish migration. Migration effects on shallow lakes result from processes at different scales, from the individual to the ecosystem. Our earlier research has shown that ecosystem properties, including piscivore abundance and zooplankton productivity, affect the individual state of zooplanktivorous fish, such as growth rate or condition. Individual state, in turn, affects the relative proportion and timing of migrating zooplanktivorous fish. This change, in turn, may stabilize states or cause runaway processes that eventually lead to state shifts. Consequently, such knowledge of processes coupled to seasonal migration of planktivorous fish should increase our understanding of shallow lake dynamics.  相似文献   

Trophic-niche differentiation is often cited as a main factor in structuring zooplankton assemblages, although field evidence for this is rarely presented. The study was based on a survey of 29 Pyrenean lakes with altitudes ranging between 1,875 and 2,990 m carried out during July and August 2000. Because of the oligotrophic nature of these lakes, we aimed to confirm that food partitioning is a major factor in shaping zooplankton assemblages. We analysed the amino acid composition of six cladocera and seven copepod species. A discriminant analysis showed that each species could be distinguished according to its amino acid composition. A negative relationship between amino acid differentiation and co-occurrence among the cladocera and cyclopoid copepod was observed. In contrast, calanoids did not show any relationship and were characterised by a high amino acid differentiation between species. As the differences in the amino acid composition among zooplankton species indicate distinct food sources, the relationship found indicates that trophic-niche differentiation plays a key role in determining the assemblage of these zooplankton communities. Therefore exploitative competition, either at present or in the past by driving co-evolutionary histories, has been a significant factor in structuring the cladocera and cyclopoid communities in these oligotrophic lakes.  相似文献   

The present study describes the seasonal changes of the fish species composition in three areas of the main channel of the Caeté River estuary, Brazil. The fish faunas of each habitat differed in density, biomass and species composition. Mean fish density and biomass for the Caeté River estuary channel was 0·25 individuals m−2 and 0·9 g m−2 respectively. Analysis of catch data showed that the number of species, total density and total biomass differed significantly between areas and seasons. For the most important species, the mean density of Cathorops spixii, Aspredinichthys filamentosus, Aspredo sp. 2, Pimelodus blochii, Pseudauchnipterus nodosus and Macrodon ancylodon , differed significantly between seasons while the mean density of Stellifer rastrifer , Stellifer microps, Aspredo aspredo , Aspredo sp. 1 and Cynoscion acoupa did not. The mean biomass of these species, with exception of S. microps and Aspredo sp. 1, also differed significantly between seasons. In the Caeté estuary seasonal salinity fluctuations appeared to be the main factor that structured the fish assemblage in the entire estuarine system. At least 85% of the species captured by the artisanal and subsistence fisheries in the Bragantine region required estuarine conditions to complete their life cycle.  相似文献   

1. Positive effects of fish on algal biomass have variously been attributed to cascading top‐down effects and to nutrient enrichment by fish excretion. 2. Here, we used a combination of field and laboratory approaches to test an additional hypothesis, namely that the physical resuspension of settled algal cells by fish enhances algal biomass and alters community composition. 3. A multi‐lake survey showed that phytoplankton biomass and the fraction of motile algae increased with the concentration of inorganic suspended solids. This correlation could not be explained by wind‐induced resuspension because of the small size of the lakes. 4. In an enclosure experiment, chlorophyll‐a concentration, phytoplankton abundance and inorganic suspended solids increased significantly in the presence of Cyprinus carpio (common carp), but only if the fish had access to the sediment. No such effects were seen when a net prevented carp reaching the sediment. 5. The effects of enhanced nutrients and reduced zooplankton grazing as a result of fish feeding could not (fully) explain these observations, suggesting that the resuspension by carp of settled algae from a surface film on the sediment was the major factor in the outcome of the experiment. 6. An increase in diatoms and green algae (organisms with a relatively large sedimentation velocity) only in enclosures where carp could reach the sediment supported this view. 7. Several lines of evidence indicate that fish‐induced resuspension of algal cells from the sediment is an important mechanism that affects phytoplankton biomass and community composition in shallow lakes.  相似文献   

Wetlands in general and mires in particular belong to the most important terrestrial carbon stocks globally. Mires (i.e. bogs, transition bogs and fens) are assumed to be especially vulnerable to climate change because they depend on specific, namely cool and humid, climatic conditions. In this paper, we use distribution data of the nine mire types to be found in Austria and habitat distribution models for four IPCC scenarios to evaluate climate change induced risks for mire ecosystems within the 21st century. We found that climatic factors substantially contribute to explain the current distribution of all nine Austrian mire ecosystem types. Summer temperature proved to be the most important predictor for the majority of mire ecosystems. Precipitation—mostly spring and summer precipitation sums—was influential for some mire ecosystem types which depend partly or entirely on ground water supply (e.g. fens). We found severe climate change induced risks for all mire ecosystems, with rain-fed bog ecosystems being most threatened. Differences between scenarios are moderate for the mid-21st century, but become more pronounced towards the end of the 21st century, with near total loss of climate space projected for some ecosystem types (bogs, quagmires) under severe climate change. Our results imply that even under minimum expected, i.e. inevitable climate change, climatic risks for mires in Austria will be considerable. Nevertheless, the pronounced differences in projected habitat loss between moderate and severe climate change scenarios indicate that limiting future warming will likely contribute to enhance long-term survival of mire ecosystems, and to reduce future greenhouse gas emissions from decomposing peat. Effectively stopping and reversing the deterioration of mire ecosystems caused by conventional threats can be regarded as a contribution to climate change mitigation. Because hydrologically intact mires are more resilient to climatic changes, this would also maintain the nature conservation value of mires, and help to reduce the severe climatic risks to which most Austrian mire ecosystems may be exposed in the 2nd half of the 21st century according to IPCC scenarios.  相似文献   

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