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Preparation of monoclonal antibody against crocin and its characterization   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Three crocin-carrier protein conjugates were synthesized and their hapten numbers were determined by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry. Three monoclonal antibodies against crocin were produced by hybridomas fused with the splenocytes immunized with crocin hemisuccinate-bovine serum albumin conjugate and HAT-sensitive mouse myeloma cell line, P3-X63-Ag8-653. They were identified as IgG2a and IgG2b possessing light chain, respectively. Their wide reactivities against crocetin glycosides were discussed.  相似文献   

In order to prepare an antibody directed at the common amino acid sequence of mammalian, avian, and fish luteinizing hormone-releasing hormones (LHRHs), C-terminal free LHRH was conjugated with bovine thyroglobulin, and was used as the antigen. A monoclonal antibody (LRH13) was obtained as an ascitic fluid by fusing the spleen cells of a BALB/c donor mouse immunized with the antigen to X63.Ag8.653 mouse myeloma cells followed by limiting dilution cloning and transplanting a positive clone to BALB/c mice. This monoclonal antibody seems to belong to IgG2b as it was eluted from protein A-Sepharose CL-4B with citrate buffer pH 3.5. competitive binding experiment using fragment peptides of LHRH indicated the binding site of LRH13 was a region around serine and tyrosine, and modification of mammalian LHRH by radioiodination caused a marked decrease in the binding activity. LRH13 has an affinity constant of 0.134 X 10(9) M-1 to native mammalian LHRH, and binds C-terminal free LHRH with a similar affinity (1.6X), however, it binds with higher affinities to N- and C-terminal free LHRH (12.9X), N-terminal free LHRH (10.4X), salmon LHRH (8.3X) and chicken LHRH-I (6.0X). Chicken LHRH-II, where tyrosine is replaced for histidine, has a lower affinity (0.3X) than that of mammalian LHRH. From its high affinity to N-, C-terminal free LHRH, LRH13 is also expected to bind possible precursor peptides of LHRH. Immunohistochemical staining of the brain sections obtained from rats, mice, chickens, Japanese quail, and rainbow trout successfully visualized cell bodies and fibers distributed from the olfactory bulb to the median eminence, indicating high LHRH specificity and wide crossreactivity in animal classes of this monoclonal antibody. With this antibody, LHRH-like immunoreactive substance in the pineal gland was also stained with fixation at neutral pH.  相似文献   

以R-藻红蛋白(R-PE)标记小鼠抗人CD4单克隆抗体,形成单色或和用其他荧光染料标记的CD系列单抗组成双色、多色的荧光试剂,应用于流式细胞仪检测分析。用异双功能交联试剂SPDP和SMCC分别活化R-PE和CD4单抗,用DTT使经SPDP活化后的R-PE巯基化,再与用SMCC活化的CD4单抗交联。使用NEM终止交联反应,经Sephacryl S-300柱在AKTA FPLC快速液相色谱系统(简称AKTA)监测下分离纯化。结果用R-PE标记的抗CD4单抗,检测正常人外周血淋巴细胞表面CD4抗原的表达,经流式细胞仪(简称FACS)分析表明,R-PE标记的CD4抗体特异性保持完好,荧光强度较高,还可与用FITC标记的其它CD系列单抗配伍成双标或多标试剂。使用SPDP,SMCC异双功能交联试剂和DTT还原剂,成功地偶联了R-藻红蛋白和CD4单克隆抗体,可应用于流式细胞仪检测分析。  相似文献   

RB1-inducible coiled-coil 1 (RB1CC1) plays a significant role in the enhancement of the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor (RB1) pathway and is involved in breast cancer development. However, RB1CC1's role in clinical progression of breast cancer has not yet been evaluated, so, as a first step, it is necessary to establish its usefulness as a tool to evaluate breast cancer patients. In this report, we have analyzed the correlation between abnormalities in the RB1CC1 pathway and long-term prognosis, because disease-specific death in later periods (>5 years) of the disease is a serious problem in breast cancer. Breast cancer tissues from a large cohort in Japan were evaluated by conventional immunohistochemical methods for the presence of the molecules involved in the RB1CC1 pathway, including RB1CC1, RB1, p53, and other well-known prognostic markers for breast cancer, such as estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2. The correlation between the immunohistochemical results and clinical outcomes of 323 breast cancer patients was analyzed using a Kaplan-Meier log-rank test and a multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression analysis. Absence of nuclear RB1CC1 expression was associated with the worst prognosis (Log-rank test, Chi-Square value = 17.462, p<0.0001). Dysfunction of either one of RB1CC1, RB1, or p53 was associated with the highest risk for cancer-specific death, especially related to survival lasting more than 5 years (multivariate Cox proportional hazard ratio = 3.951, 95% Confidence Interval =1.566-9.967, p = 0.0036). Our present data demonstrate that the combined evaluation of RB1CC1, RB1 and p53 by conventional immunohistochemical analysis provides an accurate prediction of the long-term prognoses of breast cancer patients, which can be carried out as a routine clinical examination.  相似文献   

A hybrid hybridoma (tetradoma) that produces bispecific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs)2, which recognize two different epitopes on the A chain of beta 1-bungarotoxin (beta 1-bgt) at peptide sequences 46-51 and 100-106, has been obtained by fusing two hybridoma cell lines. The bispecific mAb were observed to inhibit 98% of the enzymatic activity of beta 1-bgt and neutralize its lethal toxicity completely. The avidity between the bispecific mAb and beta 1-bgt was noted to be 4.5 x 10(10) (liter/nmol), which is about 45-150 folds higher than the avidity of its two parental mAbs. All the soluble complexes, obtained from bispecific mAb and beta 1-bgt with different molar ratios, emerged in the void volume of size exclusion chromatography column, indicating multiple complexes of beta 1-bgt and bispecific mAb were formed. Based on these results, it indicated that the binding of bispecific mAb with its two epitopes on beta 1-bgt, which facilitates the immuno-complex formation and enhances the avidity, also highly neutralizes the biological activity of beta 1-bgt.  相似文献   

15-Lipoxygenase-2 (15-LOX2) is a human-specific lipid-peroxidizing enzyme most prominently expressed in epithelial cells of normal human prostate but downregulated or completely lost in > 70% of prostate cancer (PCa) cases. Transgenic expression of 15-LOX2 in the mouse prostate surprisingly causes hyperplasia. Here we first provide evidence that 15-LOX2-induced prostatic hyperplasia does not progress to PCa even in p53+/− or p53−/− background. More important, by generating 15-LOX2; Hi-Myc double transgenic (dTg) mice, we show that 15-LOX2 expression inhibits Myc-induced PCa development, such that in the 3-month- and 6-month-old dTg mice, there is a significant reduction in prostate intraneoplasia (PIN) and PCa prevalent in age-matched Hi-Myc prostates. The dTg prostates show increased cell senescence and expression of several senescence-associated molecules, including p27, phosphorylated Rb, and Rb1cc1. We further show that in HPCa, 15-LOX2 and c-Myc manifest reciprocal protein expression patterns. Moreover, RB1CC1 accumulates in senescing normal human prostate (NHP) cells, and in both NHP and RWPE-1 cells, the 15-LOX2 metabolic products 15(S)-HPETE and 15(S)-HETE induce RB1CC1. We finally show that unlike 15-LOX2, RB1CC1 is not lost but rather frequently overexpressed in PCa samples. RB1CC1 knockdown in PC3 cells enhances clonal growth in vitro and tumor growth in vivo. Together, our present studies provide evidence for tumor-suppressive functions for both 15-LOX2 and RB1CC1.  相似文献   

目的制备抗牙龈卟啉单胞菌(Porphyromonas gingivalis,Pg)血凝素2(hemagglutinin-2,HA-2)的单克隆抗体(monoclonal antibody,mAb)。方法用重组HA-2(recombinant HA-2,rHA-2)免疫BALB/C小鼠,取其脾细胞与小鼠骨髓瘤细胞SP2/0融合,间接ELISA方法筛选杂交瘤细胞.用ELISA方法测效价。结果获得1株能够高效识别rHA-2的mAb,命名为4F11。此单克隆抗体的免疫球蛋白亚类为IgG1,效价达1?106。结论成功制备了重组牙龈卟啉单胞菌血凝素2的单克隆抗体mAb.将进一步用于牙龈卟啉单胞菌的诊断,并为牙周疾病的治疗研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

beta-O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) is an abundant posttranslational modification of resident nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins in eukaryotes. Increasing evidence suggests that O-GlcNAc plays a regulatory role in numerous cellular processes. Here we report on the production and characterization of a highly specific mouse monoclonal antibody, MAb CTD110.6, that specifically reacts with O-GlcNAc. The antibody recognizes O-GlcNAc in beta-O-glycosidic linkage to both serine and threonine. We could detect no cross-reactivity with alpha-linked Ser/Thr-O-GlcNAc, alpha-linked Ser-O-linked N-acetylgalactosamine (O-GalNAc), or N-linked oligosaccharides on ovalbumin and immunoglobulin G. The monosaccharide GlcNAc, but not GalNAc, abolishes immunoreactivity, further demonstrating specificity toward O-GlcNAc. Furthermore, galactose capping of O-GlcNAc sites also inhibits CTD110.6 immunoreactivity. Enrichment of GlcNAc-containing glycoproteins using the lectin wheat germ agglutinin dramatically enriches for CTD110.6-reactive proteins. The antibody reacts with a large number of proteins from cytoplasmic and nuclear extracts and readily detects in vivo changes in O-GlcNAc modification. These studies demonstrate that CTD110.6 is highly specific toward O-GlcNAc, with no cross-reactivity toward similar carbohydrate antigens or toward peptide determinants.  相似文献   

We have previously prepared an anti-mouse sperm monoclonal antibody (A-1) which inhibited sperm penetration into the egg zona pellucida. By indirect immunofluorescence (IIF), the A-1 antibody was shown to recognize an antigen localized in the acrosomal area of sperm. This antibody bound negligibly to fresh sperm, while binding to methanol-fixed sperm was almost complete. After methanol fixation, no sperm that penetrated into the zona were immunoreactive for this antibody. In the present study we examined the localization and fate of A-1 antigen during the acrosome reaction by IIF and flow cytometry (FCM). Cauda epididymal sperm were treated with either calcium ionophore A23187 or zona solution, immunostained indirectly, and subjected to FCM. Treatment with A23187 reduced the percentage of immunoreactive sperm to 59% from the 80% obtained in the untreated sperm. The treatment also reduced the average fluorescence intensity per fluorescence-positive spermatocyte to 65 channels, while this intensity was 89 channels in the untreated sperm. A similar result was obtained from treatment with zona solution. The proportion of sperm that was immunoreactive with A-1 antibody was reduced to 55% by incubation in zona-containing media from the 80% obtained in zona-free media. On the other hand, neither A23187 nor the zona solution affected the immunoreactivity or the fluorescence intensity of caput epididymal sperm, while the A-1 antigen was present in both the immature sperm from the caput epididymis of adult mice and in the mature sperm from the cauda epididymis of the same mice. These findings suggest that the intramembrane antigen recognized by the A-1 monoclonal antibody is released from sperm as a result of the acrosome reaction. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to determine the intracellular distribution of the multiforms of the adenylate kinase (AK) isoenzymes in mammalian tissues, to shed some light on their physiological roles, especially in energy metabolism. The adenylate kinase zymograms obtained from isoelectric focusing yielded two typical isoform patterns: (1) with a pI greater than or equal to 9 and 8.6, specific for bovine skeletal muscle, heart, aorta and brain, and (2) with a pI = 7.9 and 7.1, specific for liver and kidney. Pattern (1) was attributed to the cytosolic isoenzyme (AK1) as demonstrated by immunostaining with anti-AK1. Pattern (2) was attributed to the mitochondrial isoenzyme (AK2). These results were largely confirmed by chromatofocusing experiments. The AK1 isoenzyme was partially purified from the cytosol fraction of bovine aortic smooth muscle and had an apparent Mr of 23.5 kilodaltons. Its kinetic features are discussed from a comparative standpoint. Finally, the human serum AK1 isoform was also detected by Western blotting with a monoclonal antibody directed against crystalline porcine muscle AK1. These results are to form the basis of further studies on the 'aberrant' adenylate kinase isoenzyme from the serum of Duchenne muscular dystrophics.  相似文献   

A murine IgA monoclonal antibody (MoAb) was produced against the widely used glucose/mannose-specific two-chain mitogen from Lens culinaris (lentil) belonging to the Vicieae tribe of the Leguminosae family. The MoAb designated, 98, F-10, was found to be specific for lentil lectin when tested in dot blotting against 22 different native lectins. The antigenic specificity was also tested against subunits of 13 completely sequenced legume lectins separated by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and electrotransferred to nitrocellulose filters. The MoAb showed a strong reaction only against the lentil heavy subunit. Comparison of the amino-acid sequences revealed 13 amino-acid residues which might be involved in the epitope reactive with this antibody. The MoAb did not react with synthetic peptides from the heavy subunit of lentil.  相似文献   

The monoclonal antibody TS1 against cytokeratin 8 and its antiidiotype alphaTS1 have been used for immunotargeting and therapy of carcinomas in experimental tumor model systems. The interaction surfaces between mab TS1, the cytokeratin 8 epitope, and its anti-idiotypic antibody, alphaTS1, were studied in detail in order to make future veneering of the interactions possible. The V-genes of TS1 and alphaTS1 were cloned and sequenced and the CDRs and the framework residues were identified. Amino acids participating in the interactions were identified following chemical modifications of residues in non-protected and protected molecules of cytokeratin 8, alphaTS1 and TS1. From the sequences, the three-dimensional structures were generated using computer modelling of the antibody variable regions. Several charged amino acid, histidine and tyrosine residues were displayed in the antibody surfaces implicated in the interactions and chemical modification confirmed the importance of these amino acids. The cytokeratin 8 epitope has previously been identified by Johansson et al. and it displays negatively charged amino acid residues which could be identified in the chemical modification. It was also revealed that the TS1 binding to cytokeratin 8 and alphaTS1 respectively are partly overlapping; a histidine identified in TS1 is probably involved only in the interaction with alphaTS1. Furthermore, the chemical modification demonstrated that exchanging aspartic-glutamic acids to asparagine-glutamine residues in TS1 increased the binding of TS1 to cytokeratin 8, indicating that there is at least one acidic amino acid that is an obstacle in the TS1-CK8 binding. The detailed assembly of the interaction surfaces will facilitate the future use of site directed mutagenesis to improve the TS1-CK8 association rate and the clearing of TS1 with alphaTS1 in vivo.  相似文献   

An experimental kidney infarction model was developed in the mouse to study the uptake of a radiolabeled monoclonal antibody previously shown to bind to degenerating cells in malignant tumors. To determine if this approach is applicable to normal tissue and cell degeneration, kidney infarction was produced by clamping the mouse renal artery for 3 h using surgical procedures. Various groups of mice were injected with 131I-labeled TNT-1 F(ab')2 monoclonal antibody directed against nuclear histone antigens at varying intervals after surgery. Imaging, biodistribution, autoradiography, and histological studies were performed on each group of mice, including sham-operated controls, to quantitate the level of binding and localize the uptake of label in clamped and unclamped (contralateral) kidneys. As additional controls, clamped mice were administered radiolabeled irrelevant monoclonal antibody Lym-1 or mouse albumin. The results showed a marked selective uptake of radiolabeled TNT-1 F(ab')2 in the injured clamped kidney compared with the untreated kidney and other normal organs of the mouse. These studies define a model of normal organ necrosis that may be useful for study of the kinetics of antibody uptake in infarcted tissues.  相似文献   

弹尾虫单克隆抗体的制备及其在捕食研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用杂交瘤技术制备了针对弹尾虫的单克隆抗体2F10。该抗体的效价为1.024×108,只与灰橄榄长角跳虫、球角跳虫和钩圆跳虫等弹尾虫发生强烈反应而不与稻田常见的其它昆虫和蜘蛛发生交叉反应,具有高度特异性。建立了2F10、HRP-2F10和蜘蛛样品分别稀释4000倍(34.193ng/L)、1500倍(2.4624ng/L)和50倍(50ml/individual)的抗体夹心ELISA检测系统用于检测稻田常见蜘蛛对弹尾虫的捕食作用。其检测灵敏度为1/2头灰橄榄长角跳虫(4.49μg),拟环纹豹蛛捕食1头灰橄榄长角跳虫成虫后,在25℃下猎物的可测定时间为4.5h。应用该检测系统研究了不同稻区常见蜘蛛对2F10的阳性反应率。其中狡蛛、拟环纹豹蛛、纵条蝇狮和纵条蝇虎的阳性反应率显著高于食虫瘤胸蛛、八斑球腹蛛和锥腹肖蛸。  相似文献   

AIMS: to develop a monoclonal antibody (MAb) for the rapid detection of Aeromonas hydrophila in human faeces. METHODS AND RESULTS: A monoclonal antibody with strong specificity against Aer. hydrophila was obtained by the fusion of myeloma cells and splenocytes of a mouse immunized with vegetative cells of Aer. hydrophila ATCC 7966, followed by a two-step selection against other species of the genera. ELISA analyses revealed that MAb 5F3 strongly reacts with all the Aer. hydrophila strains evaluated, showing a just basal reactivity against other species of the genera, especially Aer. sobria and Aer. caviae. CONCLUSIONS: MAb 5F3 was characterized as an IgG that recognized a polypeptide of approximately 110 kDa. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This MAb could be used to detect Aer. hydrophila in human stool samples.  相似文献   

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