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A circular plasmid, pMyBK1, was detected in Mycoplasma yeatsii strain GIH(T). Analysis of the sequence of the 3432-bp replicon identified two predicted open reading frames (ORFs), one with sequence similarity to multiple plasmid mobilization proteins and one that matches only to hypothetical ORFs encoded by integrated chromosomal elements in the sequenced genomes of two Mycoplasma species. Shuttle vectors were constructed in Escherichia coli which could be introduced into M. yeatsii at high efficiency (10(4)-10(5) per μg DNA) by electroporation. Independent deletion analysis of the two ORFs disclosed that whereas mob was dispensable, orf2 was necessary for plasmid replication or maintenance. The absence of plasmid-encoded database matches for ORF2 indicates that pMyBK1 represents a novel plasmid family. One shuttle vector was used to demonstrate heterologous expression of the Mycoplasma fermentans malp gene and was stable during multiple passages. The host-plasmid system described has potential application for genetic manipulation in a genus for which few replicative vectors are available.  相似文献   

Mapping of the plasmid-encoded RNA of the intracellular parasite, Chlamydia trachomatis revealed that the upstream control elements are different from those of other Gram-negative bacteria. A tetranucleotide, AYAA was found near the -10 position, in 5 out of 8 upstream sequences described so far. The plasmid also has a developmentally regulated promoter. The chlamydial upstream elements do not function as promoters in E. coli and vice versa. An E. coli promoter-like sequence has been found to occur fortuitously upstream from the plasmid-encoded dnaB gene. Such sequences may be evolutionary relics.  相似文献   

A stable shuttle vector which replicates in Escherichia coli and Clostridium perfringens was constructed by ligating a 3.6-kilobase (kb) fragment of plasmid pBR322 with C. perfringens plasmid pHB101 (3.1 kb). The marker for this shuttle plasmid originated from the 1.3-kb chloramphenicol resistance gene of plasmid pHR106. The resulting shuttle vector, designated pAK201, is 8 kb in size and codes for resistance to 20 micrograms of chloramphenicol per ml in both E. coli and C. perfringens. Following shuttle vector construction in E. coli, plasmid pAK201 was transformed into E. coli HB101 and C. perfringens ATCC 3624A, using intact cell electroporation. The transformation frequencies were 10(6) and 10(4) transformants per microgram of DNA in E. coli and C. perfringens, respectively. Restriction enzyme analysis of the chimera isolated from transformants of both microorganisms suggested that the plasmids were identical. Reciprocal transformation experiments in E. coli and C. perfringens indicated no difference in transformation frequency. Plasmid pAK201 was stable in C. perfringens following repeated transfer in the absence of chloramphenicol pressure. The restriction map of plasmid pAK201 shows six unique cut sites which should be useful for future genetic analysis and C. perfringens gene library construction.  相似文献   

A plasmid transformation system for Rhodococcus sp. strain H13-A was developed by using an Escherichia coli-Rhodococcus shuttle plasmid constructed in this study. Rhodococcus sp. strain H13-A contains three cryptic indigenous plasmids, designated pMVS100, pMVS200, and pMVS300, of 75, 19.5, and 13.4 kilobases (kb), respectively. A 3.8-kb restriction fragment of pMVS300 was cloned into pIJ30, a 6.3-kb pBR322 derivative, containing the E. coli origin of replication (ori) and ampicillin resistance determinant (bla), as well as a Streptomyces gene for thiostrepton resistance, tsr. The resulting 10.1-kb recombinant plasmid, designated pMVS301, was isolated from E. coli DH1(pMVS301) and transformed into Rhodococcus sp. strain AS-50, a derivative of strain H13-A, by polyethylene glycol-assisted transformation of Rhodococcus protoplasts and selection for thiostrepton-resistant transformants. Thiostrepton-resistant transformants were also ampicillin resistant and were shown to contain pMVS301, which was subsequently isolated and transformed back into E. coli. The cloned 3.8-kb fragment of Rhodococcus DNA in pMVS301 contains a Rhodococcus origin of replication, since the hybrid plasmid was capable of replication in both genera. The plasmid was identical in E. coli and Rhodococcus transformants as determined by restriction analysis and was maintained as a stable, independent replicon in both organisms. Optimization of the transformation procedure resulted in transformation frequencies in the range of 10(5) transformants per micrograms of pMVS301 DNA in Rhodococcus sp. strain H13-A and derivative strains. The plasmid host range extends to strains of Rhodococcus erythropolis, R. globulerus, and R. equi, whereas stable transformants were not obtained with R. rhodochrous or with several coryneform bacteria tested as recipients. A restriction map demonstrated 14 unique restriction sites in pMVS301, some of which are potentially useful for molecular cloning in Rhodococcus spp. and other actinomycetes. This is the first report of plasmid transformation and of heterologous gene expression in a Rhodococcus sp.  相似文献   

G Lalonde  P D O'Hanley 《Gene》1989,85(1):243-246
An original genetic system for Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae has been developed. A shuttle cloning vector, pYG53, was constructed from the wild-type plasmid pYG10. It permits, in conjunction with electroporation, the introduction of cloned genes into this species. A conjugal transfer system between Escherichia coli and A. pleuropneumoniae involving pYG54, a mobilizable derivative of pYG53, is also described. Conjugation efficiencies of 8.3 x 10(-3) exconjugants per donor can be obtained.  相似文献   

Wang W  Attia AS  Liu L  Rosche T  Wagner NJ  Hansen EJ 《Plasmid》2006,55(1):50-57
Efforts to perform genetic analysis in Moraxella catarrhalis have been hampered by the lack of a cloning vector. M. catarrhalis strain E22 was previously shown to contain plasmid pLQ510 which lacked a selectable antibiotic resistance marker. Several methods were used to eliminate unnecessary DNA from pLQ510. Then, a 1.2 kb spectinomycin resistance cartridge, a multiple cloning site, and the origin of replication from pACYC184 were cloned into this plasmid backbone to obtain the 7.2 kb plasmid pWW102B. This new plasmid could replicate in M. catarrhalis as well as in both Escherichia coli and Haemophilus influenzae. This shuttle vector was used to clone and express two different M. catarrhalis genes, respectively, encoding an adhesin and a protein involved in serum resistance. When these two plasmids were introduced into appropriate M. catarrhalis mutants, they complemented the phenotypic deficiency of each mutant. This is the first report of functional complementation in trans in this pathogen.  相似文献   

Mutagenesis of a shuttle vector plasmid in mammalian cells.   总被引:35,自引:16,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
Recently we and others have reported a high frequency of mutagenesis of shuttle vector plasmids after passage in mammalian cells (Razzaque et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 80:3010-3014, 1983; Calos et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 80:3015-3019, 1983). The mutation frequency was determined by monitoring the integrity of a bacterial marker gene on the plasmid by standard microbiological procedures. Mutant plasmids contained deletions, insertions of cell DNA, and point mutations. The observed mutation frequency of 1% is much higher than that of cellular markers and could be due to the induction of a mutagenic environment by infection with a replicating plasmid. Alternatively, the hypermutagenesis may be due to some critical transient or persistent difference between the DNA in the plasmid and the cellular chromosome. We performed a number of experiments designed to distinguish between these alternatives, with particular reference to deletion mutagenesis. We conclude that mutagenesis was specific to the plasmid and propose that the majority of the deletion and insertion mutants were generated very early in the infection, before replication of the vector. However, some deletion mutagenesis also occurred after plasmid replication had begun.  相似文献   

A stable shuttle vector which replicates in Escherichia coli and Clostridium perfringens was constructed by ligating a 3.6-kilobase (kb) fragment of plasmid pBR322 with C. perfringens plasmid pHB101 (3.1 kb). The marker for this shuttle plasmid originated from the 1.3-kb chloramphenicol resistance gene of plasmid pHR106. The resulting shuttle vector, designated pAK201, is 8 kb in size and codes for resistance to 20 micrograms of chloramphenicol per ml in both E. coli and C. perfringens. Following shuttle vector construction in E. coli, plasmid pAK201 was transformed into E. coli HB101 and C. perfringens ATCC 3624A, using intact cell electroporation. The transformation frequencies were 10(6) and 10(4) transformants per microgram of DNA in E. coli and C. perfringens, respectively. Restriction enzyme analysis of the chimera isolated from transformants of both microorganisms suggested that the plasmids were identical. Reciprocal transformation experiments in E. coli and C. perfringens indicated no difference in transformation frequency. Plasmid pAK201 was stable in C. perfringens following repeated transfer in the absence of chloramphenicol pressure. The restriction map of plasmid pAK201 shows six unique cut sites which should be useful for future genetic analysis and C. perfringens gene library construction.  相似文献   

A shuttle vector pGE1 (11.9 kb) which can replicate both in Gluconobacter oxydans and Escherichia coli was constructed from the cryptic Gluconobacter plasmid pGO3293S (9.9 kb, relaxed type) and E. coli plasmid pSUP301 (5 kb, Kmr, Apr, relaxed type). The plasmid pGO3293S is one of the endogenous plasmids of G. oxydans IFO 3293 which converts l-sorbose to 2-keto-l-gulonic acid (2KGA), an intermediate of vitamin C synthesis. The other plasmid, pSUP301, is a conjugative plasmid which contains pACYC177 and the mob region from plasmid RP4. The plasmid pGE1 could be transferred into G. oxydans IFO 3293 with a high frequency (10−1 transconjugants/recipient) by a conjugal transfer system, and maintained very stably without antibiotic selection. pGE1 can be introduced and maintained in other acetic acid bacteria including Gluconobacter and Acetobacter. The presence of pGE1 did not inhibit the growth or 2KGA productivity of 2KGA-producing strains derived from G. oxydans IFO 3293. The usefulness of pGE1 as a vector was confirmed by subcloning the membrane-bound l-sorbosone dehydrogenase gene of A. liquefaciens IFO 12258 in G. oxydans IFO 3293 derivatives; in this subcloning, pGE1 could be further shortened to the 9.8 kb plasmid, pGE2.  相似文献   

We constructed a 7.9-kilobase-pair recombinant shuttle plasmid, designated pHR106, by combining desired segments of three plasmids: an Escherichia coli plasmid (pSL100) which provides a multiple cloning site, a Clostridium perfringens plasmid (pJU122) which provides a clostridial origin of replication, and an E. coli plasmid (pJIR62) which provides an E. coli origin of replication, an ampicillin resistance gene, and a chloramphenicol resistance gene of clostridial origin. The shuttle plasmid transformed E. coli HB101 with a frequency of 1 transformant per 10(4) viable cells and C. perfringens L-phase strain L-13 with a frequency of approximately 1 transformant per 10(6) viable cells. Because of the set of unique cloning sites and the chloramphenicol resistance marker, this shuttle plasmid should be particularly useful for studies of gene regulation and for enzyme production with C. perfringens.  相似文献   

A versatile plasmid shuttle vector system was constructed, which is useful for genetic complementation of Helicobacter pylori strains or mutants with cloned genes of homologous or heterologous origin. The individual plasmid vectors consist of the minimal essential genetic elements, including an origin of replication for Escherichia coli, a H. pylori-specific replicon originally identified on a small cryptic H. pylori plasmid, an oriT sequence and a multiple cloning site. Shuttle plasmid pHel2 carries a chloramphenicol resistance cassette (cat GC) and pHel3 contains a kanamycin resistance gene (aphA-3) as the selectable marker; both are functional in E. coli and H. pylori. The shuttle plasmids were introduced into the H. pylori strain P1 by natural transformation. A efficiency of 7.0?×?10?7 and 4.7?×?10?7 transformants per viable recipient was achieved with pHel2 and pHel3, respectively, and both vectors showed stable, autonomous replication in H. pylori. An approximately 100-fold higher H. pylori transformation rate was obtained when the shuttle vectors for transformation were isolated from the homologous H. pylori strain, rather than E. coli, indicating that DNA restriction and modification mechanisms play a crucial role in plasmid transformation. Interestingly, both shuttle vectors could also be mobilized efficiently from E. coli into different H.?pylori recipients, with pHel2 showing an efficiency of 2.0?×?10?5 transconjugants per viable H. pylori P1 recipient. Thus, DNA restriction seems to be strongly reduced or absent during conjugal transfer. The functional complementation of a recA-deficient H. pylori mutant by the cloned H. pylorirecA + gene, and the expression of the heterologous green fluorescent protein (GFP) in H.?pylori demonstrate the general usefulness of?this system, which will significantly facilitate the molecular analysis of H. pylori virulence factors in the future.  相似文献   

Sexually transmitted Chlamydia trachomatis infections are a serious public-health problem. With more than 90 million new cases occurring annually, C. trachomatis is the most common cause of bacterial sexually transmitted disease worldwide. Recent progress in elucidating the immunobiology of Chlamydia muridarum infection of mice has helped to guide the interpretation of immunological findings in studies of human C. trachomatis infection and has led to the development of a common model of immunity. In this review, we describe our current understanding of the immune response to infection with Chlamydia spp. and how this information is improving the prospects for development of a vaccine against infection with C. trachomatis.  相似文献   

A new promoter probe plasmid, pMOL618, has been specifically designed to be selective for strong promoter sequences. The plasmid contains two origins of replication which allow it to replicate both in Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli, as well as an indicator gene which also functions in both backgrounds. The plasmid is therefore useful in the screening of promoter sequences in both organisms. The stringency of the promoter selection is demonstrated using a known strong promoter.  相似文献   

A highly efficient protoplast transformation system for Streptococcus faecalis has been developed by systematically optimizing different parameters. Up to 10(6) transformants per micrograms of DNA were consistently obtained within 3 days, and cell wall regeneration of protoplasts was virtually 100%. A systematic search for useful vectors showed that the broad-host-range plasmid pIP501 could transform S. faecalis at a high frequency (6.3 X 10(4) transformants per microgram). By combining a high-copy-number derivative of pIP501, designated pGB354, with the Escherichia coli vector pACYC184, we constructed a new E. coli-S. faecalis shuttle vector (pAM401) having nine unique restriction sites. In a shotgun cloning experiment, we ligated a tetracycline resistance determinant from Streptococcus sanguis chromosomal DNA into pAM401 by direct transformation of S. faecalis, establishing the utility of the protoplast transformation system and of the new shuttle vector.  相似文献   

A versatile plasmid shuttle vector system was constructed, which is useful for genetic complementation of Helicobacter pylori strains or mutants with cloned genes of homologous or heterologous origin. The individual plasmid vectors consist of the minimal essential genetic elements, including an origin of replication for Escherichia coli, a H. pylori-specific replicon originally identified on a small cryptic H. pylori plasmid, an oriT sequence and a multiple cloning site. Shuttle plasmid pHel2 carries a chloramphenicol resistance cassette (cat GC) and pHel3 contains a kanamycin resistance gene (aphA-3) as the selectable marker; both are functional in E. coli and H. pylori. The shuttle plasmids were introduced into the H. pylori strain P1 by natural transformation. A efficiency of 7.0 × 10−7 and 4.7 × 10−7 transformants per viable recipient was achieved with pHel2 and pHel3, respectively, and both vectors showed stable, autonomous replication in H. pylori. An approximately 100-fold higher H. pylori transformation rate was obtained when the shuttle vectors for transformation were isolated from the homologous H. pylori strain, rather than E. coli, indicating that DNA restriction and modification mechanisms play a crucial role in plasmid transformation. Interestingly, both shuttle vectors could also be mobilized efficiently from E. coli into different H.␣pylori recipients, with pHel2 showing an efficiency of 2.0 × 10−5 transconjugants per viable H. pylori P1 recipient. Thus, DNA restriction seems to be strongly reduced or absent during conjugal transfer. The functional complementation of a recA-deficient H. pylori mutant by the cloned H. pylorirecA + gene, and the expression of the heterologous green fluorescent protein (GFP) in H.␣pylori demonstrate the general usefulness of␣this system, which will significantly facilitate the molecular analysis of H. pylori virulence factors in the future. Received: 22 April 1997 / Accepted: 4 November 1997  相似文献   

The hypothetical origin of replication for the 7.5-kb plasmid common to Chlamydia trachomatis is believed to be in a region of the plasmid that contains four 22-bp tandem repeats preceded by an A-T-rich region. To test this hypothesis, replication of plasmid DNA in metabolically active reticulate bodies of the Lymphogranuloma venereum biovar of C. trachomatis was examined by electron microscopy. The results presented show that the origin of replication appears to be near the tandem repeats of pCHL2. In addition, replication of the 7.5-kb plasmid is unidirectional, and the copy number during replication is 7-10. The evidence presented suggests that C. trachomatis has a homologue to the Escherichia coli dnaA gene and that this homologue might be involved in replication of the C. trachomatis 7.5-kb plasmid.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of a 7.5 kb DNA plasmid isolated from Chlamydia trachomatis shows 8 open reading frames (ORFs) regularly spaced along most of the sequence. One of these ORFs encodes a 451-amino-acid polypeptide highly homologous to the DnaB protein of Escherichia coli. A region between ORFs 6 and 7 contains a cluster of alternating ATs and a 22 bp sequence tandemly repeated 4 times, suggesting a replication control region. Several ORFs correspond to plasmid-specific polypeptides that have been described. Codons ending with A or T are more frequent, as might be expected from the high A/T content (64%) of the plasmid, and codon usage is similar to that of the C. trachomatis chromosomal gene, omp1L2.  相似文献   

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