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Improving predictions of ecological responses to climate change requires understanding how local abundance relates to temperature gradients, yet many factors influence local abundance in wild populations. We evaluated the shape of thermal‐abundance distributions using 98 422 abundance estimates of 702 reef fish species worldwide. We found that curved ceilings in local abundance related to sea temperatures for most species, where local abundance declined from realised thermal ‘optima’ towards warmer and cooler environments. Although generally supporting the abundant‐centre hypothesis, many species also displayed asymmetrical thermal‐abundance distributions. For many tropical species, abundances did not decline at warm distribution edges due to an unavailability of warmer environments at the equator. Habitat transitions from coral to macroalgal dominance in subtropical zones also influenced abundance distribution shapes. By quantifying the factors constraining species’ abundance, we provide an important empirical basis for improving predictions of community re‐structuring in a warmer world.  相似文献   

Bacteriohopanepolyols (BHPs) are bacterial membrane lipids that may be used as biological or environmental biomarkers. Previous studies have described the diversity, distribution, and abundance of BHPs in a variety of modern environments. However, the regulation of BHP production in polar settings is not well understood. Benthic microbial mats from ice‐covered lakes of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica provide an opportunity to investigate the sources, physiological roles, and preservation of BHPs in high‐latitude environments. Lake Vanda is one of the most stable lakes on Earth, with microbial communities occupying specific niches along environmental gradients. We describe the influence of mat morphology and local environmental conditions on the diversity and distribution of BHPs and their biological sources in benthic microbial mats from Lake Vanda. The abundance and diversity of C‐2 methylated hopanoids (2‐MeBHP) are of particular interest, given that their stable degradation products, 2‐methylhopanes, are among the oldest and most prevalent taxonomically informative biomarkers preserved in sedimentary rocks. Furthermore, the interpretation of sedimentary 2‐methylhopanes is of great interest to the geobiology community. We identify cyanobacteria as the sole source of 2‐MeBHP in benthic microbial mats from Lake Vanda and assess the hypothesis that 2‐MeBHP are regulated in response to a particular environmental variable, namely solar irradiance.  相似文献   

We present a model predicting how the species richness and diversity within benthic functional groups should vary across the full environmental stress gradient across which a regional biota from marine rocky shores can occur. Built upon previous models, our model makes predictions for sessile species (macroalgae and filter feeders), herbivores, and carnivores. We tested some of its predictions by surveying vertical (intertidal elevation) and horizontal (wave exposure and ice scour) stress gradients in northern Nova Scotia, Canada. Because of harsh winter conditions, these coasts only depict approximately intermediate‐to‐high yearly levels of stress that the cold‐temperate, rocky intertidal biota from the northwestern Atlantic can experience. The observed trends matched predictions for sessile species in 75% of the studied gradients, and showed a moderate agreement for herbivores and carnivores only when they were combined as mobile consumers. Agreement meant that both richness and diversity increased from the most stressful to the most benign habitats that can be found in northern Nova Scotia. Also as predicted, sessile species generally showed a faster rate of increase in richness than mobile consumers. Our model also predicted a higher overall richness for sessile species than for mobile consumers, which was true by a factor of 3. Therefore, our model may constitute a useful tool to understanding community composition as a function of abiotic stress, which may in turn facilitate studies on community functioning. Model predictions for lower stress ranges could be tested on more southern shores where the same regional biota occurs.  相似文献   

Environmental stress affects species richness and diversity in communities, but the precise form of the relationship is unclear. We tested an environmental stress model (ESM) that predicts a unimodal pattern for total richness and diversity in local communities across the full stress gradient where a regional biota can occur. In 2008, we measured richness and diversity (considering all macrobenthic species) across the entire intertidal range on three rocky shores on Helgoland Island, Germany. Intertidal elevation is known to be positively related to abiotic stress. Since Helgoland is between the northern and southern biogeographic boundaries for the cold-temperate NE Atlantic intertidal biota, it exhibits low stress levels for this biota at low elevations and high stress at high elevations because of long (>6 h) emersion times. Thus, we predicted a unimodal trend for richness and diversity across elevation. On all three shores, richness increased from high to middle elevations, but remained similar between middle and low elevations. Diversity followed the same trend on one shore and different trends (although also non-unimodal) on the other two. Evenness explained the trend differences between richness and diversity. Overall, our study yielded little support for the ESM. Reasons for richness and diversity not decreasing at low elevations may be related to influences of mostly subtidal species, Helgoland’s intertidal range, or sampling resolution. Our study also suggests that the ESM must be developed further to differentiate between richness and diversity. We offer recommendations to improve future ESM research using intertidal systems.  相似文献   

Carnivores are umbrella species with a key role in ecosystems. In the Mediterranean, they face with several conservation problems, mainly habitat loss or transformation. In this region, scrubland habitats are considered of minor conservation relevance as compared to mature forest formations. Conservation of scrublands in Mediterranean ecosystems is also difficult because to control fires, they are removed over large areas. For carnivores, scrublands may be essential to guarantee shelter and food. Here, we analyzed the importance of scrublands and other habitat variables in determining the richness of medium-sized carnivores in a typical Mediterranean area of central Spain (Monfragüe Natural Park). The Park was divided into plots of 2 × 2 km (n = 30). In each plot, a 2 km-length survey route was walked searching for carnivore scats. We recorded the number of species of carnivores and we related this value to several habitat variables. Habitat variables were summarized by means of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Habitat models were developed by, using multiple regression models, including PCA factors and the habitat type as predictors. The only variable included in the final model was the first PCA factor. Carnivore richness was positively associated with large tree, shrub, and rock cover areas, which is the typical habitat structure of scrublands. This habitat offers the best available area for shelter and may be considered as a key element for carnivore conservation in the Mediterranean region. To reconciliate carnivore conservation and forestry management, we proposed small-scale clearances as a management alternative to typical large scrubland removals.  相似文献   

Abstract. Plant traits which may give an indication of a plant's strategy for nutrient acquisition and regeneration are known for numerous grassland species. This study aimed to establish whether there is any relationship between two plant traits: specific leaf area (SLA) and number of reproductive tillers, and sward structural characteristics which influence herbage intake by grazers (bulk density and digestibility, leaf:stem ratio). Comparison is made for nutrient‐rich (Dactylis glomerata) and nutrient‐poor (Festuca rubra) grass species. We hypothesized that these traits are responsive to environmental gradients and also act on the processes of the ecosystem. Both grasses were compared with two P‐fertilizer rates in two localities (200 and 1300 m a.s.l.) which differed in their temperature:radiation ratios. For the vegetative phase SLA was well correlated with sward characteristics: D. glomerata, which has the higher SLA, has the lower bulk density and higher digestibility. The values of SLA and vegetation bulk density varied according to growing conditions (P‐rate and temperature:radiation ratio), but the ranking of the species remained the same because the phenotypic plasticity that exists for plant traits was also observed for sward structure and composition. That suggested the possibility of grouping natural grassland species for their relevant characteristics for grazers according to SLA values. Over the reproductive phase, the proportion of stems was well correlated to the percentage of reproductive tillers. However, the percentage of reproductive tillers was a very plastic trait for both species, depending on the growing conditions, and resulting in a density‐dependent effect, particularly for F. rubra. The species studied were too plastic and too similar in their regenerative strategy so that there is no unique relationship between percentage of reproductive tillers and stem proportion, regardless of the species and the growing conditions. The number of reproductive tillers is not a suitable plant trait which could be used to rank species for leaf and stem proportions in the sward.  相似文献   

Phytosociological attributes of plant species and associated environmental factors were measured in order to identify the environmental gradients of major plant communities in the Naran Valley, Himalayas. The valley occupies a distinctive geographical setting on the edge of the Western Himalaya near the Hindukush range and supports a high biodiversity; pastoralism is the main land use. There have been no previous quantitative ecological studies in this region. This study was undertaken to (i) analyze and describe vegetation using classification and ordination techniques, (ii) identify environmental gradients responsible for plant community distributions and (iii) assess the anthropogenic pressures on the vegetation and identify priorities for conservation. Phytosociological characteristics of species were measured alongside environmental variables. A total of 198 species from 68 families were quantified at 144 stations along 24 transects across an elevation range of 2450–4100 m. Correspondence Analysis techniques i.e., Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) and Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) were used to determine vegetation–environment relationships. Results show vegetation changes with altitude from moist-cool temperate communities characterized by woody species, to more dry-cold subalpine and alpine herbaceous communities. Plant species diversity is optimal at middle altitudes (2800–3400 m); at lower altitudes (2400–2800 m) it is reduced by anthropogenic impacts and at higher altitudes (3400–4100 m) by shallow soils and high summer grazing pressure. A large number of plant species of conservation concern were identified in the study and an assessment made of the main threats to their survival.  相似文献   

Historically, allometric equations relate organismal traits, such as metabolic rate, individual growth rate, and lifespan, to body mass. Similarly, Boltzmann or Q(10) factors are used to relate many organismal traits to body temperature. Allometric equations and Boltzmann factors are being applied increasingly to higher levels of biological organization in an attempt to describe aggregate properties of populations and ecosystems. They have been used previously for studies that analyse scaling relationships between populations and across latitudinal gradients. For these kinds of applications, it is crucial to be aware of the "fallacy of the averages", and it is often problematic or incorrect to simply substitute the average body mass or temperature for an entire population or ecosystem into allometric equations. We derive improved approximations to allometric equations and Boltzmann factors in terms of the central moments of body size and temperature, and we provide tests for the accuracy of these approximations. This framework is necessary for interpreting the predictions of scaling theories for large-scale systems and grants insight into which characteristics of a given distribution are important. These approximations and tests are applied to data for body size for several taxonomic groups, including groups with multiple species, and to data for temperature at locations of varying latitude, corresponding to ectothermic body temperatures. Based on these results, the accuracy and utility of these approximations as applied to biological systems are assessed. We conclude that approximations to allometric equations at the species level are extremely accurate. However, for systems with a large range in body size, evaluating the skewness and kurtosis is often necessary, so it may be advantageous to calculate the exact form for the averaged scaling relationships instead. Moreover, the improved approximation for the Boltzmann factor, which uses the average and standard deviation of temperature, is quite accurate and represents a significant improvement over previous approximations.  相似文献   

This study aims to understand how inherent ecological network structures of nestedness and modularity vary over large geographic scales with implications for community stability. Bipartite networks from previous research from 68 locations globally were analyzed. Using a meta‐analysis approach, we examine relationships between the structure of 22 trophic and 46 mutualistic bipartite networks in response to extensive gradients of temperature and precipitation. Network structures varied significantly across temperature gradients. Trophic networks showed decreasing modularity with increasing variation in temperature within years. Nestedness of mutualistic networks decreased with increasing temperature variability between years. Mean annual precipitation and variability of precipitation were not found to have significant influence on the structure of either trophic or mutualistic networks. By examining changes in ecological networks across large‐scale abiotic gradients, this study identifies temperature variability as a potential environmental mediator of community stability. Understanding these relationships contributes to our ability to predict responses of biodiversity to climate change at the community level.  相似文献   

BB Hanberry  DC Dey  HS He 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e41337
Fire suppression allows tree species that are intolerant of fire stress to increase their distribution, potentially resulting in disruption of historical species-environmental relationships. To measure changes between historical General Land Office surveys (1815 to 1850) and current USDA Forest Inventory and Assessment surveys (2004 to 2008), we compared composition, distribution, and site factors of 21 tree species or species groups in the Missouri Ozarks. We used 24 environmental variables and random forests as a classification method to model distributions. Eastern redcedar, elms, maples, and other fire-sensitive species have increased in dominance in oak forests, with concurrent reductions by oak species; specific changes varied by ecological subsection. Ordinations displayed loss of separation between formerly distinctive oak and fire-sensitive tree species groups. Distribution maps showed decreased presence of disturbance-dependent oak and pine species and increased presence of fire-sensitive species that generally expanded from subsections protected from fire along rivers to upland areas, except for eastern redcedar, which expanded into these subsections. Large scale differences in spatial gradients between past and present communities paralleled reduced influence of local topographic gradients in the varied relief of the Missouri Ozarks, as fire-sensitive species have moved to higher, drier, and sunnier sites away from riverine corridors. Due to changes in land use, landscapes in the Missouri Ozarks, eastern United States, and world-wide are changing from open oak and pine-dominated ecosystems to novel oak-mixed species forests, although at fine scales, forests are becoming more diverse in tree species today. Fire suppression weakened the influence by environmental gradients over species dominance, allowing succession from disturbance-dependent oaks to an alternative state of fire-sensitive species. Current and future research and conservation that rely on historical relationships and ecological principles based on disturbance across the landscape will need to incorporate modern interactions among species for resources into management plans and projections.  相似文献   

The size and dynamics of seed banks were studied in grazed and ungrazed Mediterranean pastures at different altitudes and topography positions. The soil samples were collected in autumn and spring and the seed banks composition was determined by greenhouse germination over a 9-month period. The percentage of bare ground and the presence of new seedlings were recorded monthly from October to July in the field. A fall in seed density and species richness in the banks and a tendency for seeds to remain in the banks were linked to a rise in altitude. Germination in lower pastures mainly occurred in October in the numerous gaps left by the summer drought. At higher altitudes, the scarcity of gaps and the harsh climate led to an autumn–spring segregation of germination. On a local scale, the low slope positions and the ungrazed plots had a larger number of persistent seed bank species and a lower percentage of bare ground where seeds could germinate than their respective plots in the upper positions and grazed plots. A higher seed density in ungrazed than grazed plots was only detected in the three highest plots. No seed bank species richness trend was detected. In populations of the same species in different types of environments, the seasonal variation of seed numbers was environment-dependent for the majority of the species. In general, perennial grassland and its related low gaps availability appear to favour persistent seed banks.  相似文献   

Bacterioplankton respiration (BR) may represent the largest single sink of organic carbon in the biosphere and constitutes an important driver of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from freshwaters. Complete understanding of BR is precluded by the fact that most studies need to assume a respiratory quotient (RQ; mole of CO2 produced per mole of O2 consumed) to calculate rates of BR. Many studies have, without clear support, assumed a fixed RQ around 1. Here we present 72 direct measurements of bacterioplankton RQ that we carried out in epilimnetic samples of 52 freshwater sites in Québec (Canada), using O2 and CO2 optic sensors. The RQs tended to converge around 1.2, but showed large variability (s.d.=0.45) and significant correlations with major gradients of ecosystem-level, substrate-level and bacterial community-level characteristics. Experiments with natural bacterioplankton using different single substrates suggested that RQ is intimately linked to the elemental composition of the respired compounds. RQs were on average low in net autotrophic systems, where bacteria likely were utilizing mainly reduced substrates, whereas we found evidence that the dominance of highly oxidized substrates, for example, organic acids formed by photo-chemical processes, led to high RQ in the more heterotrophic systems. Further, we suggest that BR contributes to a substantially larger share of freshwater CO2 emissions than presently believed based on the assumption that RQ is ∼1. Our study demonstrates that bacterioplankton RQ is not only a practical aspect of BR determination, but also a major ecosystem state variable that provides unique information about aquatic ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

1. The relationship between fish and benthic invertebrate communities in wadeable streams in southern Ontario, Canada, was examined using three independent and spatially distinct data sets. 2. Associations between fish and benthos were always significant when benthos were identified to family and often at the level of phylum. Identification to genus improved the strength of the fish–benthos association in one case. In contrast, identification to species did not improve the strength of the fish–benthos association. Associations between benthos and fish were weaker for one study utilizing a ‘rapid’ bio-assessment protocol involving field sorting and identification, and a second study which utilized winter benthic collections. 3. In two surveys, stream temperatures were important to the distributions of both fish and benthos, while in a third survey, fish and benthos were primarily influenced by stream size. In all three studies, fish and benthos were associated with similar suites of environmental variables, suggesting that the fish–benthos associations in these streams was driven by corresponding environmental tolerances. 4. Although there was significant variation in the strength of the fish–benthos association which could be attributed to differences in sampling methodologies, the findings from the present study confirm that stream fish and benthos are significantly associated. Therefore, surveys of benthos can be used to make inferences on the condition of fish community composition.  相似文献   

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