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Recent speciation research has generally focused on how lineages that originate in allopatry evolve intrinsic reproductive isolation, or how ecological divergence promotes nonallopatric speciation. However, the ecological basis of allopatric isolation, which underlies the most common geographic mode of speciation, remains poorly understood and largely unstudied. Here, we explore the ecological and evolutionary factors that promote speciation in Desmognathus and Plethodon salamanders from temperate eastern North America. Based on published molecular phylogenetic estimates and the degree of geographic range overlap among extant species, we find strong evidence for a role for geographic isolation in speciation. We then examine the relationship between climatic variation and speciation in 16 sister-taxon pairs using geographic information system maps of climatic variables, new methods for modeling species' potential geographic distributions, and data on geographic patterns of genetic variation. In contrast to recent studies in tropical montane regions, we found no evidence for parapatric speciation along climatic gradients. Instead, many montane sister taxa in the Appalachian Highlands inhabit similar climatic niches and seemingly are allopatric because they are unable to tolerate the climatic conditions in the intervening lowlands. This temporal and spatial-ecological pattern suggests that niche conservatism, rather than niche divergence, plays the primary role in promoting allopatric speciation and montane endemism in this species-rich group of vertebrates. Our results demonstrate that even the relatively subtle climatic differences between montane and lowland habitats in eastern North America may play a key role in the origin of new species.  相似文献   

Geographically structured genetic variants provide an effective means to assess sources of natural selection and mechanisms of adaptation to local environments. Correlated selection pressures along environmental gradients favor subdivision of genomes through chromosomal rearrangement. This study examines populations of Drosophila americana to evaluate selection pressures affecting chromosomal forms distinguished by a centromeric fusion. Analyses of chromosomal polymorphism throughout the Mississippi River Valley in the central United States reveal the presence of a distinct latitudinal cline for the chromosomal rearrangement. The cline has a width of 623 km centered at 35.97 degrees N and displays a characteristic sigmoid shape consistent with a balance between selection and dispersal. Extreme low temperature during January, an indicator of winter severity, was identified as the environmental variable that most accurately predicts arrangement frequency. An intriguing relationship identified between the chromosomal cline and operational sex ratio indicates that these alternative arrangements of the X chromosome may influence sex-specific survival. A hypothesis for the cline is presented wherein variation associated with the alternative chromosome forms influences distinct overwintering strategies. The resulting subdivision within the genome embodies a transitory stage of a speciation process in which locally adapted gene complexes provide a foundation for species formation.  相似文献   

Theoretical studies of speciation have been dominated by numerical simulations aiming to demonstrate that speciation in a certain scenario may occur. What is needed now is a shift in focus to identifying more general rules and patterns in the dynamics of speciation. The crucial step in achieving this goal is the development of simple and general dynamical models that can be studied not only numerically but analytically as well. I review some of the existing analytical results on speciation. I first show why the classical theories of speciation by peak shifts across adaptive valleys driven by random genetic drift run into trouble (and into what kind of trouble). Then I describe the Bateson-Dobzhansky-Muller (BDM) model of speciation that does not require overcoming selection. I describe exactly how the probability of speciation, the average waiting time to speciation, and the average duration of speciation depend on the mutation and migration rates, population size, and selection for local adaptation. The BDM model postulates a rather specific genetic architecture of reproductive isolation. I then show exactly why the genetic architecture required by the BDM model should be common in general. Next I consider the multilocus generalizations of the BDM model again concentrating on the qualitative characteristics of speciation such as the average waiting time to speciation and the average duration of speciation. Finally, I consider two models of sympatric speciation in which the conditions for sympatric speciation were found analytically. A number of important conclusions have emerged from analytical studies. Unless the population size is small and the adaptive valley is shallow, the waiting time to a stochastic transition between the adaptive peaks is extremely long. However, if transition does happen, it is very quick. Speciation can occur by mutation and random drift alone with no contribution from selection as different populations accumulate incompatible genes. The importance of mutations and drift in speciation is augmented by the general structure of adaptive landscapes. Speciation can be understood as the divergence along nearly neutral networks and holey adaptive landscapes (driven by mutation, drift, and selection for adaptation to a local biotic and/or abiotic environment) accompanied by the accumulation of reproductive isolation as a by-product. The waiting time to speciation driven by mutation and drift is typically very long. Selection for local adaptation (either acting directly on the loci underlying reproductive isolation via their pleiotropic effects or acting indirectly via establishing a genetic barrier to gene flow) can significantly decrease the waiting time to speciation. In the parapatric case the average actual duration of speciation is much shorter than the average waiting time to speciation. Speciation is expected to be triggered by changes in the environment. Once genetic changes underlying speciation start, they go to completion very rapidly. Sympatric speciation is possible if disruptive selection and/or assortativeness in mating are strong enough. Sympatric speciation is promoted if costs of being choosy are small (or absent) and if linkage between the loci experiencing disruptive selection and those controlling assortative mating is strong.  相似文献   

Southeast Jilin includes Tonghua, Hunjiang, Liuhe, Jiaohe, etc, with the Sankeyushu section in the Sanyuanpu Basin taken as the type locality and the sequence described as follows: K_2 Sankeyushu Formation: neutral volcanic rock  相似文献   

Obligate freshwater taxa are frequently distributed among catchments isolated by marine and terrestrial barriers. Such distributions can arise through vicariant changes in drainage geometry, or dispersal via intermittent freshwater connections. We employed two adjacent rivers in southern New Zealand to test for interdrainage dispersal while controlling for historical drainage geometry, and analyzed four ecologically distinct freshwater-limited fish taxa to assess any relationship with habitat preference. Individuals from the Mararoa and Oreti catchments (n >100 per species) were sequenced for a minimum of 1297 bp of mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome b and control region). Phylogeographic relationships were consistent with ecological expectations of interdrainage dispersal capability, with the two obligate riverine taxa each exhibiting reciprocal monophyly between catchments, whereas the two facultative swamp dwellers revealed paraphyletic relationships, one of which shared a haplotype between catchments. Statistical phylogeography, accommodating taxon-specific mutation rates and the known age of the last major riverine connection between these catchments, rejected complete isolation of populations for one of the swamp dwellers. Therefore, dispersal across a young (145-240 kyr) drainage divide is inferred for one species, and can be predicted to some extent by species ecology. Moreover, our study highlights the importance of historical drainage geometry when assessing the causes of contemporary genetic structuring in freshwater taxa.  相似文献   

Hybridization has long been considered a process that prevents divergence between species. In contrast to this historical view, an increasing number of empirical studies claim to show evidence for hybrid speciation without a ploidy change. However, the importance of hybridization as a route to speciation is poorly understood, and many claims have been made with insufficient evidence that hybridization played a role in the speciation process. We propose criteria to determine the strength of evidence for homoploid hybrid speciation. Based on an evaluation of the literature using this framework, we conclude that although hybridization appears to be common, evidence for an important role of hybridization in homoploid speciation is more circumscribed.  相似文献   

Geological and climatic processes potentially alter speciation rates by generating and modifying barriers to dispersal. In Southeast Asia, two processes have substantially altered the distribution of land. Volcanic uplift produced many new islands during the Miocene–Pliocene and repeated sea level fluctuations during the Pleistocene resulted in intermittent land connections among islands. Each process represents a potential driver of diversification. We use a phylogenetic analysis of a group of Southeast Asian shrews ( Crocidura ) to examine geographic and temporal processes of diversification. In general, diversification has taken place in allopatry following the colonization of new areas. Sulawesi provides an exception, where we cannot reject within-island speciation for a clade of eight sympatric and syntopic species. We find only weak support for temporally declining diversification rates, implying that neither volcanic uplift nor sea level fluctuations had a strong effect on diversification rates. We suggest that dynamic archipelagos continually offer new opportunities for allopatric diversification, thereby sustaining high speciation rates over long periods of time, or Southeast Asian shrews represent an immature radiation on a density-dependent trajectory that has yet to fill geographic and ecological space.  相似文献   

Analyses of molecular phylogenies of three unrelated tropical marine gastropod genera, Turbo, Echinolittorina , and Conus , reveal an increase in the rate of cladogenesis of some Indo-West Pacific (IWP) clades beginning in the Late Oligocene or Early Miocene between 23.7 and 21.0 million years ago. In all three genera, clades with an increased rate of diversification reach a maximum of diversity, in terms of species richness, in the central IWP. Congruence in both the geographical location and the narrow interval of timing suggests a common cause. The collision of the Australia and New Guinea plate with the southeast extremity of the Eurasian plate approximately 25 Mya resulted in geological changes to the central IWP, including an increase in shallow-water areas and length of coastline, and the creation of a mosaic of distinct habitats. This was followed by a period of rapid diversification of zooxanthellate corals between 20 and 25 Mya. The findings reported here provide the first molecular evidence from multiple groups that part of the present-day diversity of shallow-water gastropods in the IWP arose from a rapid pulse of speciation when new habitats became available in the Late Oligocene to Early Miocene. After the new habitats were filled, the rate of speciation likely decreased and this combined with high levels of extinction (in some groups), resulted in a slow down in the rate of diversification in the genera examined.  相似文献   

CLADISTICS: WHAT'S IN A WORD?   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Abstract— Cladistics has changed considerably with the availability of new methods and sources of data, and the increasing realization that cladograms are relevant to all manner of historical questions. Criticisms of, and justifications for, consensus hypotheses in phylogenetic inference are reviewed. The conclusion is overwhelmingly against taxonomic congruence which deliberately seeks consensus propositions. The total evidence approach is not so burdened. A preference for suboptimal cladograms is also critized, as is the protocol for mapping characters of special interest onto a phylogenetic hypothesis derived from other evidence. The bootstrap and jackknife resampling techniques are questioned because their underlying assumptions are violated and they are sensitive to character frequencies. These findings suggest that cladistics is being redefined in ways that contradict the practices and principles responsible for its pre-eminence in phylogenetic inference.  相似文献   

Analyses of mitochondrial cytochrome b diversity among avian blood parasites of the genera Haemoproteus and Plasmodium suggest that there might be as many lineages of parasites as there are species of birds. This is in sharp contrast to the approximately 175 parasite species described by traditional methods based on morphology using light microscopy. Until now it has not been clear to what extent parasite mitochondrial DNA lineage diversity reflects intra- or interspecific variation. We have sequenced part of a fast-evolving nuclear gene, dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthase (DHFR-TS), and demonstrate that most of the parasite mitochondrial DNA lineages are associated with unique gene copies at this locus. Although these parasite lineages sometimes coexist in the same host individual, they apparently do not recombine and could therefore be considered as functionally distinct evolutionary entities, with independent evolutionary potential. Studies examining parasite virulence and host immune systems must consider this remarkable diversity of avian malaria parasites.  相似文献   

Hybridization can be an evolutionary creative force by forming new polyploid species, creating novel genetic variation or acting as conduits of potentially advantageous traits between hybridizing forms. Evidence for the latter is often difficult to find because alleles under positive selection can spread rapidly across a hybrid zone and sweep to fixation. In Western Panama, an avian hybrid zone between two species of manakins in the genus Manacus exists where the unidirectional introgression of bright, yellow plumage into a white population provides evidence for the importance of hybrid zones as conduits of advantageous traits. Several lines of indirect evidence suggest that sexual selection favoring yellow plumage drives this asymmetrical spread, but more direct evidence is lacking. Along the edge of the hybrid zone, both yellow- and white-collared manakins are found in the same mating arenas or leks and compete for the same females ("mixed leks"), providing us with a unique opportunity to understand the dynamics of yellow plumage introgression. We studied these mixed leks to determine whether yellow males have a mating advantage over white males and, if so, whether the mating advantage is driven by male-male interactions, female choice, or both. We found that yellow males mated more than white males, suggesting that sexual selection favoring yellow males can, indeed, explain the spread of yellow plumage. However, we found that this advantage occurred only in mixed leks where the frequency of yellow males is greater than white males. This suggests that the advantage of yellow males may depend on the presence of other yellow males, which may slow the rate of introgression in leks where yellow frequency is low such as in areas where yellow males are beginning to colonize the white population. This, along with the geographic barrier posed by major rivers in the hybrid zone, may initially limit or slow the spread of yellow plumage. Finally, we found that yellow and white males were similar in aggression and body size, and held comparable positions within leks. Because these traits or factors are often important in or dictated by aggressive male-male interactions, these comparisons indicate that male-male interaction is not the primary mechanism for the spread of yellow plumage. However, white and yellow males received similar numbers of courtship visits from females but differed in the number of matings, suggesting that females actively rejected white in favor of yellow males. Our results indicate that sexual selection by female choice has driven the unidirectional introgression of yellow plumage into the white population, providing a mechanism for how hybrid zones act as conduits of novel and advantageous traits.  相似文献   

In this paper we set forth what we believe to be a relatively controversial argument, claiming that ‘bioethics’ needs to undergo a fundamental change in the way it is practised. This change, we argue, requires philosophical bioethicists to adopt reflexive practices when applying their analyses in public forums, acknowledging openly that bioethics is an embedded socio‐cultural practice, shaped by the ever‐changing intuitions of individual philosophers, which cannot be viewed as a detached intellectual endeavour. This said, we argue that in order to manage the personal, social and cultural embeddedness of bioethics, philosophical bioethicists should openly acknowledge how their practices are constructed and should, in their writing, explicitly deal with issues of bias and conflict of interest, just as empirical scientists are required to do.  相似文献   

The role of ecology in the origin of species has been the subject of long‐standing interest to evolutionary biologists. New sources of spatially explicit ecological data allow for large‐scale tests of whether speciation is associated with niche divergence or whether closely related species tend to be similar ecologically (niche conservatism). Because of the confounding effects of spatial autocorrelation of environmental variables, we generate null expectations for niche divergence for both an ecological‐niche modeling and a multivariate approach to address the question: do allopatrically distributed taxa occupy similar niches? In a classic system for the study of niche evolution—the Aphelocoma jays—we show that there is little evidence for niche divergence among Mexican Jay (A. ultramarina) lineages in the process of speciation, contrary to previous results. In contrast, Aphelocoma species that exist in partial sympatry in some regions show evidence for niche divergence. Our approach is widely applicable to the many cases of allopatric lineages in the beginning stages of speciation. These results do not support an ecological speciation model for Mexican Jay lineages because, in most cases, the allopatric environments they occupy are not significantly more divergent than expected under a null model.  相似文献   

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