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Libraries of modified genes are often screened during the process of genetically engineering enzymes with specifically tailored activities. It is important, therefore, to create expression systems which allow for the rapid screening of many clones. We developed an Escherichia coli expression system which will secrete enzymes into the growth medium. We describe the first reported expression of barley -amylase in E. coli. The enzyme is secreted onto solid media containing starch to produce easily visualized halos. In addition, the enzyme is secreted into liquid media in an intact, active form.  相似文献   

The -amylases of Streptomyces sp. IMD 2679 produced yields of 79% (w/w) maltose from starch by reactions other than simple hydrolysis. The enzymes also had a low affinity (Km 8.0–8.2 mm) for maltotriose and each possessed a temperature maximum in the range 60–65°C.  相似文献   

The trisaccharide Gal13Gal14GlcNAc1O-(CH2)8COOCH3 was enzymatically synthesized, within situ UDP-Gal regeneration. By combination in one pot of only four enzymes, namely, sucrose synthase, UDP-Glc 4-epimerase, UDP-Gal:GlcNAc 4-galactosyltransferase and UDP-Gal:Gal14GlcNAc 3-galactosyltransferase, Gal13Gal14GlcNAc1O-(CH2)8COOCH3 was formed in a 2.2 µmol ml–1 yield starting from the acceptor GlcNAc1O-(CH2)8COOCH3. This is an efficient and convenient method for the synthesis of the Gal13Gal14GlcNAc epitope which plays an important role in various biological and immunological processes.  相似文献   

-Methylspermine and ,-dimethylspermine were synthesized in high overall yields starting from N-(benzyloxycarbonyl)-3-aminobutanol in order to study polyamine biochemistry in vitro and in vivo.__________Translated from Bioorganicheskaya Khimiya, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2005, pp. 200–205.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Grigorenko, Vepsalainen, Jarvinen, Keinanen, Alhonen, Janne, Khomutov.  相似文献   

The prothymosin a kinase (ProTK) is an apparently novel enzyme that is responsible for the phosphorylation of prothymosin (ProT), involved in the proliferation of mammalian cells. The present study investigated the properties of this enzyme. ProTK is more effectively activated by Mn2+ than by other divalent cations, and its activity is unaffected by RNA. Its principal substrate in proliferating cells appears to be ProTa. Both in vivo and in vitro, it is unable to phosphorylate the peptides thymosin 1 and thymosin 11, derived from the amino terminus of ProT, despite the fact that the sites of phosphorylation of ProT are contained within this part of its sequence. In trials in vivo, inhibition of gene expression abolished both phosphorylation of ProT and ProTK activity. ProTK is located in the cytosolic fractions throughout the cell cycle. Its activity, which is dependent on cell proliferation, increases markedly during S phase and begins to decline as the cell enters G2. Studies of the effects of activators and inhibitors of protein kinases involved in signal transduction pathways suggest that ProTK is activated by phosphorylation in a mitogen-initiated pathway that is dependent on PKC; however, PKC does not itself phosphorylate ProTK, which is therefore presumably phosphorylated by another kinase.  相似文献   

A new cDNA (Osfruct2) encoding an acid –d-fructofuranosidase from rice has been cloned, sequenced and expressed in Pichia pastoris. The full-length cDNA is 2453 base pairs long and encodes a pre-pro-protein of 682 amino acids. The cDNA fragment coding for mature enzyme was sub-cloned into vector pPICZA for extracellular expression in the methylotrophic yeast. The recombinant product was purified by Ni2+-nitrilotriacetic acid agarose column and biochemically characterized. The enzyme could hydrolyze sucrose and raffinose. Molecular mass is 66 kDa. The activity optimum was at pH 4.8 and 40 °C.  相似文献   

Spectroscopic study of interactions between esterified whey proteins and nucleic acids, at neutral pH, showed positive differential spectra over a range of wavelength between 210 and 340 nm. In contrast, native forms of whey proteins added to DNA did not produce any differential spectra. The positive difference in UV absorption was observed after addition of amounts of proteins as low as 138 molar ratio (MR) of protein/DNA, indicating high sensitivity of the applied method to detect interactions between basic proteins and DNA. UV-absorption differences increased with MR of added whey protein up to saturation. The saturation points were reached at relatively lower MR in the case of methylated forms of the esterified protein as compared to its ethylated form. Saturation of nucleic acid (2996 bp long) was achieved using 850 and 1100 MR of methylated -lactoglobulin and of methylated -lactalbumin, respectively. Saturation with ethylated forms of the proteins was reached at MR of 3160 and 2750. Lysozyme, a native basic protein, showed a behavior similar to what was observed in the case of methylated forms of the dairy proteins studied. However, in the case of lysozyme, saturation was achieved at relatively lower MR (700). Methylated -casein failed to give positive spectra at pH 7 in the presence of DNA. It interacted with DNA only when the pH of the medium was lowered to 6.5, below its pI. Generally, amounts of proteins needed to saturate nucleic acid were much higher than those needed to neutralize it only electrostatically, demonstrating the presence on DNA of protein-binding sites other than the negative charges on the sugar-phosphate DNA backbones. Addition of 0.1% SDS to the medium suppressed totally all spectral differences between 210–340 nm. The presence of 5 M urea in the medium reduced only the spectral differences between 210–340 nm, pointing to the role played by hydrophobic interactions. Peptic hydrolysates of esterified and native proteins or their cationic fractions (pH > 7) produced negative differential spectra when mixed with DNA. The negative differences in UV absorption spectra were the most important in the case of peptic hydrolysates of methylated derivatives of whey proteins.  相似文献   

Analysis of starch-degrading enzymes in a crude extract of detached cotyledons of Pisum sativum L. by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) demonstrated the presence of one band of -amylase (EC activity. The activity of only this amylase was promoted in cotyledons incubated with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). The auxin-induced -amylase from pea cotyledons was purified to homogeneity, as judged by the criterion of a single band after PAGE. The relative molecular mass (Mr), estimated by gel filtration, was approx. 42 000 and the enzyme contained no carbohydrate moiety. Sodium dodecylsulfate-PAGE yielded a single band that corresponded to an Mr of 41 000. The isoelectric point was 5.85 and the aminoacid composition was similar to that of -amylase from other plants. When [3H]leucine was fed to detached dry cotyledons prior to incubation, the radioactivity in -amylase from cotyledons incubated in the presence of 2,4-D was found to be approx. 10-fold higher than that from cotyledons incubated in distilled water. When -amylase from cotyledons incubated with 2H2O that contained 2,4-D and the tritiated amylase were centrifuged together in a CsCl density gradient, the peak of enzymatic activity of deuterated -amylase was shifted to a denser fraction than the peak of radioactivity of the tritiated enzyme. These results show that auxin-induced -amylase in pea cotyledons is synthesized de novo.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - Mr relative molecular mass - PAGE polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - PAS periodic acid-Schiff - pI isoelectric point - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate We are very grateful to Mr. Kazuo Itoh and Mrs. Matsumi Doe for carrying out the analysis of amino-acid composition.  相似文献   

Neurotoxin II from the venom of cobra Naja oxiana is a short Type -neurotoxin, which competitively inhibits nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. The toxin gene was expressed as a construct fused with the thioredoxin gene and the linker encoding the enteropeptidase recognition site and a Met residue between the genes. The fusion protein was mainly cleaved by cyanogen bromide, since enteropeptidase was less effective. The yield of neurotoxin II was 6 mg/l of the bacterial culture. The resulting recombinant protein was identified with native neurotoxin II by its N-terminal analysis, mass spectrometry, and NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

1,3-Fucosyltransferase solubilized from human liver has been purified 40 000-fold to apparent homogeneity by a multistage process involving cation exchange chromatography on CM-Sephadex, hydrophobic interaction chromatography on Phenyl Sepharose, affinity chromatography on GDP-hexanolamine Sepharose and HPLC gel exclusion chromatography. The final step gave a major protein peak that co-chromatographed with 1,3-fucosyltransferase activity and had a specific activity of 5–6 µmol min–1 mg–1 and anM r 44 000 deduced from SDS-PAGE and HPLC analysis. The purified enzyme readily utilized Gal1-4GlcNAc, NeuAc2-3Gal1-4GlcNAc and Fuc1-2Gal1-4GlcNAc, with a preference for sialylated and fucosylated Type 2 acceptors. Fuc1-2Gal1-4Glc and the Type 1 compound Gal1-3GlcNAc were very poor acceptors and no incorporation was observed with NeuAc2-6Gal1-4GlcNAc. A polyclonal antibody raised against the liver preparation reacted with the homologous enzyme and also with the blood group Lewis gene-associated 1,3/1,4-fucosyltransferase purified from the human A431 epidermoid carcinoma cell line. No cross reactivity was found with 1,3-fucosyltransferase(s) isolated from myeloid cells. Examination by Northern blot analysis of mRNA from normal liver and from the HepG2 cell line, together with a comparison of the specificity pattern of the purified enzyme with that reported for the enzyme expressed in mammalian cells transfected with theFuc-TVI cDNA, suggests a provisional identification ofFuc-TVI as the major 1,3-fucosyltransferase gene expressed in human liver.Died June, 1991  相似文献   

Summary The introduction of solid-phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) has greatly facilitated the preparation of peptides containing proteinaceous amino acids. Less common, sterically hindered ,-dialkylamino acids, such as -methylalanine (MeA, aminoisobutyric acid, Aib), have proven a synthetic challenge for incorporation by this approach, especially when present in contiguous sequences. Solution protocols, utilizing highly reactive intermediates such as oxazalones, are generally used during the preparation of peptaibol antibiotics such as alamethicin, emerimicin, etc. which contain such contiguous sequences. Two recently developed coupling strategies (O-(7-azabenzotriazol-1-yl)-1,1,3,3-tetramethyluronium hexafluorophosphate, HATU, and Fmoc-protected amino acid fluorides) allow peptides comprising contiguous sequences of ,-dialkylamino acids to be prepared using SPPS. The present study evaluates the relative merits of these two methods on a set of difficult peptides containing oligo-MeA sequences.  相似文献   

-6 L -Fucosyltransferase (1,6FucT; EC from human platelets, the enzyme that is released into serum during coagulation of blood, was purified 100,000-fold. The purification required three sequential chromatographic steps: chromatofocusing, affinity column chromatography on GnGn-Gp(asialo-aglacto-transferrin glycopeptide)-CH-Sepharose, and gel filtration of Sephadex G-200. The final preparation contained a protein that migrated as a single discrete band Mr of 58,000 in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) under non-reducing conditions, and as a single enzymatically active peak Mr of 58,000 in gel filtration. Although the purified enzyme utilized the biantennary GnGn-Gp as substrate, it was twice as active with the triantennary oligosaccharide when the Man 1,3 antenna was substituted with GlcNac1,4. On the other hand the tetraantennary oligosaccharide was not a preferred substrate. The Km values for the substrate asialo-agalactotransferrin-glycopeptide, and GDP L -fucose were 29 and 28 M, respectively. The optimum pH of the enzyme was 6.0. The activity of 1,6FucT was abolished in the presence of -mercaptoethanol. Divalent cations such as Mg2+ and Ca2+ activated, but Cu2+, Zn2+ and Ni2+ strongly inhibited the activity.  相似文献   

Two transgenic lines of mice were produced which contained the S Antilles- and 2-hemoglobin genes trandemly coupled to the micro locus control region (LCR). The LCRS Antilles2-hemoglobin transgenic mice expressed high levels of 2-hemoglobin while S Antilles-hemoglobin expression was virtually undetectable. Abundant 2-hemoglobin protein was observed in the blood of transgenic mice, while S Antilles-hemoglobin chains could not be detected. Transgenic red blood cells had substantially decreased sensitivity to osmotic lysis. Attempts to produce homozygotes containing the transgene were unsuccessful. The phenotype of these mice closely resembles that of -thalassemic mice. The LCRS Antilles2 transgenic mice demonstrate that if the LCR is coupled to the S Antilles- and 2-hemoglobin genes in tandem, only the distal 2-hemoglobin gene is selected for expression to significant levels in adult mice. These results support a reciprocally competitive model for LCR-hemoglobin developmental switching.  相似文献   

The percentages of the -chain variant Hb G-Philadelphia (Hb G) or 2 68 AsnLys2 were evaluated in 84 adult and 18 newborn heterozygotes. These included members of three families who were studied in more detail by nucleic acid hybridization techniques. The adult heterozygotes fell in two categories, one with a higher proportion of Hb G [46.5±1.0% (SD), N=21] and another with lower values (33.9±3.4%, N=63). Among the newborn heterozygotes, two babies fell in the category with the higher proportion of Hb G while 16 babies gave values between 25 and 34%. Studies of -chain gene organization on the parents of one neonate with a Hb G level of 27% at birth and 37% at 8 months excluded the presence of chromosomes with triplicated -chain genes which could lead to the 0G/ genotype. Rather, these studies on five Hb G heterozygotes from three families confirmed the linkage between Hb G and a specific type of -thalassemia-2 associated with the presence of a 16-kbp Bgl II fragment which most probably carries the G locus since it has been found in 19 Hb G heterozygotes studied to date. The presence of an -thal-2 heterozygosity and three -chain genes (0G/) was confirmed among Hb G heterozygotes with lower proportions of this variant. It is likely that the even lower values found in some newborn could arise through defective assembly of G- dimers. The presence of an -thal-2 homozygosity and two active -chain genes, one on each chromosome (0G/0), was confirmed among heterozygotes with the higher proportion of Hb G. One of each of these categories was present in each of the three families investigated. This type of variability in the number of active -chain genes due to a heterozygosity or a homozygosity for -thalassemia-2 explains the trimodality of Hb S percentages among heterozygotes and the atypical hematological or biosynthetic features among patients with -thalassemia and sickle-cell syndromes.This research was supported by USPHS Research Grants HLB-05168 and HLB-15158 and by designated research funds of the Veterans Administration. This is Contribution No. 0693 of the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta.  相似文献   

Electric dipoles placed side by side attract each other if antiparallel and repel each other if parallel. The hydrophobic -helical sections of proteins that span membranes are known to possess large electric dipole moments. The first part of the paper consists of a calculation of the interaction energies between such helices including screening effects. Interaction energies remain comparable with a typical thermal energy of KT up to separations of order 20 Å. In addition it is shown that, due solely to its dipole moment, an -helix which completely spans the membrane has an energy up to 5 KT lower than one which terminates within the membrane width. The second part of the paper describes the electrical interaction of the charge structure of a membrane channel and the protein helices that surround the pore. The gating charge transfer that is measured when a voltage sensitive ion channel switches, means that the dipole moment of the ion channel changes. This in turn results in a change in the radial forces that act between the pore and the -helices that surround it. A change in these radial forces which tend to open or to close the pore constitutes an electrically silent gating mechanism that must necessarily act subsequent to the gating charge transfer. The gating mechanism could consist of the radial translation of the neighbouring proteins or in their axial rotation under the influence of the torque that would act on a pair of approximately equidistant but oppositely directed -helices. An attempt to calculate the interaction energy of a typical pore and a single -helix spanning the membrane results in an energy of many times KT.  相似文献   

A sensitive nonradioactive method for detection of substances interacting with the neuronal 7-type nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) was proposed. The method uses biotinylated -cobratoxin (Bt-CTX) and is based on the ability of the N-terminal ligand-binding extracellular domain (LBED) of AChR to interact with -cobratoxin (CTX) as does the whole receptor. LBED produced by heterologous expression of a gene fragment of the 7 subunit of AChR from the rat brain in Escherichia coli cells was sorbed in wells of a 96-well plate and incubated with Bt-CTX. The specifically bound Bt-CTX was determined by staining with streptavidin–peroxidase complex. The ability of other compounds to interact with 7-AChR was checked according to the degree with which they inhibit the Bt-CTX binding to LBED. Nicotine, carbamylcholine, d-tubocurarin, anabaseine, conotoxin ImI, and neurotoxin II were used as model compounds. The sensitivity of this method was comparable with that of the radioligand method (up to 10 pmol).  相似文献   

A genomic library of Bacillus subtilis CD4 was constructed in Escherichia coli JM83. A clone designated as E. coli pBcelR was identified which formed blue colony in presence of 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl--d-glucopyranoside (X-Glu) and hydrolysed carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC). The clone E. coli (pBcelR) expressed both cellobiase and endoglucanase activities and contained an insert of 1.2 kb. E. coli pBcelR encoded a protein of 12.9 kDa which was endowed with bifunctional (endoglucanase and cellobiase) activities. In recombinant E. coli, the encoded protein and enzyme activity were localized in periplasm. Recombinant E. coli pBcelR utilized CMC, cellobiose and soluble cellulose as sole carbon source.  相似文献   

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